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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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ERRORS IN THE USE OF MODIFIER IN DESCRIPTIVE WRITING BY THE SENIOR GRADE 10 STUDENTS. The main aim of this research is to investigate the types of errors about modifier in descriptive writings. The modification errors in this study were divided into four categories: namely, omission, addition, malformation, and misorder.

Oleh karena itu, data diambil dari siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Sekampung Lampung Timur dengan menggunakan teknik purposive cluster sampling. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada empat jenis pengubah kesalahan yang terjadi dalam penulisan deskriptif. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki jenis kesalahan pembelajar mengenai pengubah dalam penulisan deskriptif.

Kesalahan pengubah dalam penelitian ini dikelompokkan menjadi empat kategori yaitu kesalahan penghilangan, penambahan, kesalahan pembentukan, dan kesalahan penyusunan. Selanjutnya, hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis kesalahan pengubah dalam penulisan deskriptif.


  • Background of Study
  • Focus of Study
  • Research Question
  • Objective and Benefit of The Research
  • Prior Research

In this study, the researcher will reveal the phenomenon of using modifier in descriptive writing. The first prior research was done by Oyedokun-Alli, Wasiu Ademola with the research title "An Error Analysis Of The Use Of English Modifiers Among Yoruba Bilingals".3 The objectives of the first prior is to conduct a broad-based investigation of the source supply. of errors in the use of modifiers among bilingual Yoruba. The agreement between this research and the first previous research on the investigated variables, namely modifier.

While the difference between this research and the first preliminary research is the subject of the research. The second preliminary research was conducted by Vijay Vardhan and Jayasheela titled “Role of Modifiers in Basic English Writing Skill”.4. 4 Vijay Vardhan, Jayasheela, "Role of Modifier in Basic English Writing Ability", International Journal of Scientific Research and Review 7 (2018).

The third previous research is Error Analysis On Students Descriptive Writing(A Descriptive Research at the 8th Grade of SMPN 26 Makassar) by Herawati.5 The purpose of the research is to find out the grammatical errors of ordinary students in descriptive writing. The research subjects in the third previous research were grade eight students in SMPN 26 Makassar.


  • The Nature of Writing
    • The Concept of Writing
  • The Concept of Descriptive Writing
    • The Definition of Descriptive Writing
    • The Structure of Descriptive Writing
    • The Purpose of Descriptive Writing
    • The Kind of Descriptive Writing
  • The Concept of Error Analysis
    • The Definition of Error Analysis
    • Source of Error
    • Classification or Kinds of Error
    • The Procedure of Error Analysis
  • The Concept of Modifier
    • The Definition of Modifier
    • The Type of Modifier
    • The Function of Modifier in Sentence

Concept of Descriptive Writing 1. Definition of Descriptive Writing 1. Definition of Descriptive Writing. So descriptive writing is text that describes a thing in the form of an object that can be seen or in the form of an abstract object. In the process of learning English, the mother tongue as the first language influences and causes learning errors.

Mistakes made in the process of building a new language system should be carefully analyzed. This error can be interpreted that there are no items that should come in a phrase or sentence.14 Grammatical morphemes such as nouns, verbs, prepositions or articles are left out in the sentence and can give different meanings.. this is an incorrect sentence. Errors of this type can be classified by the presence of items that should not be allowed in the sentence. 15.

The first step is error detection, the researcher has to compare the sentences produced by the student with the correct ones in the target languages. Then there will be an ambiguous or incorrect structure in the sentence "she is cute".


  • The Types and Characteristic of Research
  • Data Sources
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique

In this case, the researcher observed the behavior of the students, the activities and the environment around the participants, makes field notes to directly know the learning process in the classroom. The table below describes the modifier-related errors made by students in the students' descriptive writing score. YW: when I study English, the first time in high school AF: when I am in class, the first time in SMP.

In this case, most of the students write descriptively in class when learning English. The dominant factor that caused modifier error in descriptive writings by the student of grade 10 at SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung is carelessness in the English concept. Vijay Vardhan, Jayasheela, "The Role of Modifiers in the Basic Writing Skills in English", International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Vol.7, 2018.

Mencerminkan. posesif) 4.1 Menulis teks. interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan memberi dan meminta. informasi yang berkaitan dengan identitas, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Elemen Linguistik - Ekspresi pernyataan niat yang sesuai, dengan modals go, would like - Kata benda tunggal dan jamak dengan atau tanpa a, itu, ini, itu, saya, mereka, dll. Elemen linguistik - Kosakata dan istilah yang berkaitan dengan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata keterangan yang berhubungan dengan atribut.

Elemen linguistik - Ekspresi dan kosakata yang biasa digunakan dalam pengumuman - Kata benda tunggal dan jamak dengan benar, dengan atau tanpa a, the,.


The Description of Research Location

SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung didirikan pada tahun 2004 yang disahkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan Nasional yang dipimpin oleh Bpk. Bambang Sudibyo. Pd Guru Fisika 25 Mei Linawati, S.Pd Guru Fisika 26 Linda Listiani, S.Pd Guru Bahasa Inggris 29 Desi Tri Wulandari, S.Pd Guru Matematika 32 Hendri Winata, S.Pd Pegawai/Guru TIK 33 Dini Saraswati, S. Pendidikan Jasmani , Kesehatan dan Olahraga. Pd Guru Bahasa Indonesia 47 Novita Mujiati, S.Pd Guru Sejarah 48 Eka Septiana, S.Pd Guru Prakarya 49 Risa Safera, S. Sumber : Dokumentasi SMA N 1 Sekampung.

Wakil Kepala Sekolah Herawati, S.Pd. rohis), Pramuka (pramuka), pasukan pengibar bendera pusaka (paskibra), tari, sepak bola, bola voli.

General Description of Research Data

  • Description of Data Analysis

Based on the above data analysis, the researcher obtains the frequency of the type of modifier errors in students' descriptive writing. Factors that caused modifier errors in SMA Negeri 1 SEKAMPUNG 10th grade student's descriptive works. AU : in class but first time in high school TN : in class when I'm learning English.

ANA : when I study English in class BQ : when I study English in class SA : when I study English. IPS: When, I study English, first time at SMP AW: in class, when I study English. In this case, all the students use a dictionary because they have a low vocabulary in English.

In this case, most of the students said that their teacher was smart, kind and humble. TN : Not good my English score below KKM YW : I am sad because I get score below MMC AF : enough KKM but I want to get high score ANC : my score is bad sister. AU : I know little English, I only know some vocabulary, so I'm confused when writing and I'm not enthusiastic about learning TN : I know little vocabulary, so it's still hard to prepare me.

YW: I'm still confused miss because I don't understand in the application of English Grammar rule. IH: I'm still confused to write English because I don't understand the grammar rule. BQ: I still don't understand when the teacher explains the lesson SA: I'm still confused to fix the sentence, so I compare it.

Table of Recapitulation The Students‟ Kind of Errors
Table of Recapitulation The Students‟ Kind of Errors


Menanya dan bertanya tentang persamaan dan perbedaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan - Amati. Elemen linguistik - Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past, past continuous, present perfect, dan lain-lain sesuai kebutuhan - Kata keterangan menghubungkan tense: first, then, next, before, when, finally, finally, etc. Elemen linguistik - Kalimat simple past tense , bentuk lampau dan kosakata relevan lainnya: terkait dengan karakter, karakter, dan latar dalam legenda - Kata keterangan penghubung dan penunjuk waktu - Pidato, penekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.



The purpose of this chapter is to describe research conclusions of this research titled "Errors on The Use of Modifier in Descriptive Writings by The Students of Grade 10 at The Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Sekampung East Lampung". From data analysis, researcher analyzed, there are four kinds of errors about modifier in descriptive writing of the students in grade 10 at senior high school (SMAN) 1 Sekampung. Meanwhile, omission error as the smallest error is only 8 errors and it has a percentage of 17.02%.

Based on the student interview responses, various factors can be found that caused students to make mistakes. Also, internal factors such as ability, motivation, become important factors that influence the teaching and learning process to get the best result.


  • The Pre-survey Result of Students‟ Descriptive Writing
  • The Number of Teacher And Office at SMA N 1 Sekampung
  • The Students‟ Quantity of SMA N 1 Sekampung
  • Recapitulation Students‟ Kind Error
  • Percentage Based on Kinds of Error
  • Brief Description Students„ Error in Descriptive Writing
  • Analysis Component of Miles and Huberman
  • The Organization Structure of SMA N 1 Sekampung
  • The Location Sketch of SMA N 1 Sekampung
  • Total of Error About Modifier in Descriptive Writings


Table of Recapitulation The Students‟ Kind of Errors


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