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teaching speaking by combining talking chips and

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Academic year: 2023

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Ryan Alexander *)

**) Melvina, S.Pd, M.Ed. Pembimbing Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggis STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan yang ada pada siswa dan guru dalam proses pelajaran/pembelajaran berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris pada sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Dalam belajar berbicara, siswa sangat kesulitan dalam menggabungakan kalimat-kalimat menjadi sebuah paragraph atau sebuah teks. Kemudian, siswa juga kesulitan dalam penggunanan tata bahasa yang benar dalam Bahasa Inggris. Disamping itu, dalam pengajaran berbicara, guru kesulitan dalam menggunakan dan mengaplikasikan strategi yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam mengajar. Selain itu, makalah ini juga sebagai masukan bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris dalam melaksanakan pengajaran berbicara, sehingga siswa tertarik dan termotivasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Dalam makalah ini, penulis membahas tentang bagaimana mengajar berbicaradengan menggabungkanstrategi talking chips and readers’

theater . Dalam aplikasinya, strategi ini di awali oleh bimbingan guru, yang mana siswa di beri penjelasan tentang strategi ini dan instruksi-instruksi yang berkaitan denganstrategi talking chips and readers’ theater . Setelah itu, siswa di minta untuk memahami teks narative yang di berikan oleh guru sebelum siswa berbicara teks tersebut berdasarkan pengalaman mereka. Kemudian guru memberikan instruksi-instruksi yang berkaitan dengan strategi talking chips and readers’

theater agar siswa dapat menciptakan ide-ide yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman yang mereka alami sebelum di tulis. Untuk mengetahui lebih jelasnya penggunaan strategi talking chips and readers’ theater dalam proses belajar mengajar, penulis juga mengutip beberapa pendapat para ahli tentang penggunaan strategi talking chips and readers’ theater dalam pengajaran berbicara. Dengan demikian, strategitalking chips and readers’ theater sangat membantu siswa sekolah menengah atas (SMA) untuk berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Key words: Talking Chips and Readers’ Theater

*) Penulis

**) Pembimbing


2 Introduction

Speaking is one of important skill in language learning. Through speaking, the students know how to interact and to share information about somethingwith others. Then, the students can also express their ideas, opinions, comments, and suggestions orally. Besides, speaking is the oral communication where people can deliver information to each other in their communication. In school environment, the students must be able to speak English well. If the students do not have ability to speak, they will get difficulties to express themselves or to take part in classroom activities such as communication and interaction between teacher and students, express idea, speech, class presentation, discussion, and they will get low speaking achievement in the last examination.

Furthermore, based on the School Based Curriculum 2013, the aim of teaching speaking for Senior High School students is to enable students to be expressing any kinds of expressions and monolog text (narrative, descriptive, and recount).

Therefore, it is necessary to the students to get good speaking achievement. In the school, the students must able to share their ideas with other when they learn speaking, they should speak English when they do discussion and present in front of class, so they can practice their speaking skill in the class.

Based on the writer’s experience in teaching practice at SMA KARTIKA 1-5 Padang, the writer found some problems in speaking class at grade X. The problem could be seen when the

writer asked the students to practice a dialogue in front of class. First, In practicing, they did some mistake like nervous to speak in English. It can be seen when the teacher ask them in English and they do not understand.

Second, students do not speak fluency because the students can not get information of the topic, main idea, and another information of the text and students feel confuse about text.

In this case, students have lack interest in English, therefore, they consider speaking is the difficult subject to them. Third, students get error in grammar. It means that the students can speak in english as they are reluctant in grammatical, students very confuse and don’t understanding how to use grammatical in speaking and writing. In speaking class, the students could not use English when they spoke with their friends. Then, the students usually used their first language in the speaking class, so it could make them had not ability to speak English well. In addition, they just read conversation based on their book. Besides, the students could not speak English fluently and theyare perform in front of the class.

Moreover, the problems were caused by some factors. First, the teacher seldom guided the students to speak English in the speaking class.

Second, at the moment the teacher sometime used Indonesian or Minang language in speaking class, so the students followed the teacher’s activities in teaching speaking. Third, the teacher seldom asked the students to practice dialogue in front of the class, the teacher usually used some questions from their worksheet and they must answer the questions without practice English, the students


3 had a little bit time to speak rather than other activities in speaking class.

Therefore, the students could not explore their ideas when they practiced in front of class. Last, the teacher used a strategy speaking in the class, but the teachers apply monotone strategy in teaching speaking, and for example the teacher just asked the students to do their exercise with English book or worksheet, so it made the students bored to follow their study. Therefore, the students in SMA KARTIKA 1-5 Padang need to help and develop their ability to speak English, because the students’ score were below the minimum-passing grade (KKM standard) in that school. The minimum-passing grade (KKM standard) is 70.

Based on the facts above, it is important to the teacher to find the appropriate strategy to develop students’ speaking ability. There are some strategies that can be applied in teaching speaking. First, modeling is a strategy that is used by the teacher to help the students how to practice a conversation in front of the class.

Second, firing line is a strategy that used by the teacher to guide the students in doing and making a conversation in a small group. Next, Response Cards is a strategy that the teacher uses to monitor students’

performance in practice spelling words, and then the students read the word and receive feedback from the teacher. Then,Talking Chips is a strategy can use the teacher to help the students how to share their ideas in a discussion. Last, Readers’

Theater is a strategy that used by the teacher to help the students how to

model and practice a text in front of class

Review of Related Literature

Speaking is a central of communication because people spend most of the time in oral, if people wants to express their meaning or ideas, they could speak directly.

There are various definitions of speaking which some experts propose. According to Nunan (2003), speaking is a productive aural and oral skill. It can be said that aural is the process of listening about someone talking and oral is the process of giving respond to what is someone talking. By speaking, the speaker can deliver the message about a topic to the listener orally and listener gives feedback.

Then, Brown (2004) adds that speaking is a productive skill that can be observed directly and empirically.

If the learners want to interact with others, they could do it with oral.

They can see someone who is speaking with others every day.

Therefore, if the learners want to know about something, they should active to communicate and to interact with them. Moreover, if the learners want to express something in many different situations, such as giving opinion, agreeing and disagreeing, and offering, they should use sounds of English correctly, so others speaker understand what they said, then other people can get the meaning from what they are saying.

Meanwhile, Luoma (2004) argues that speaking is an interaction that the students speak with other.

Besides that, speaking is as a social and situation-based activity. The students can seethe perspective of


4 speaking as an integral part of people’s daily lives. It can be said that in speaking people do interaction and communication to talk something directly and to convey the message to listener. In addition, the students can practice and speak with their friend in English when they learn speaking.

In other word, Kayi (2006) says that speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in variety of context. It means in speaking the speakers use verbal and non-verbal that suitable with the situation where communication take place. In direct communication, people speak directly in verbal to interact and talk something with other, and in non-verbal the people use their gesture and body language to communicate or deliver the meaning that they want to talk.

Teaching Speaking

In teaching speaking, a teacher should ask his students to do practice more and communicate with another person. The teacher should use English language than Indonesian language in teaching process.

According to Brown (2004) in teaching speaking, the students must practice in target language. For students, to make them speak and communicate fluently, they must do practice every day. In addition, the teachers have responsibility in teaching English to motivate students to use English in their daily life communication.

Next, Kayi (2006) suggests that the teacher teaches the students to speak in target language by interacting. It can be done when the students collaborate in-group to

achieve a goal or to complex a task.

By using this in classroom, the students will have opportunity to communicate with other in target language. Students can measure their speaking skill by doing oral communication with their friends. It can help the students to fluent their English.

Moreover, in teaching speaking Brown and Nation (2007) said that the teacher can train students to be motivated in speaking by practicing interesting technique. A teacher should make continual and small variation, so the learning activity is always challenging and interesting. In the activity, the students should also be exposed to give opportunities to practice and use communication to produce meaning the speaker talks in oral communication.

Then, Harmer (2007) adds that in teaching speaking process, the teachers should pay attention to the technique that will be used. The technique should appropriate with the students needs. In addition, in order to make the students able to speak English, the teacher should ask the students to practice English when they speak with other. The teachers should create good class atmosphere to make the students active and enjoy in studying. Then, the teachers must see the students’ background knowledge before applying a technique, it can make the teachers easily to use their technique.

In conclusion, teaching speaking is an activity where the students do practice and communication in a simple conversation with another people. In teaching speaking, teacher should give facilitates to the students to


5 express their ideas or opinions and they have concentrate freely of situation or class atmosphere. Then, the teacher should make the students to be active, and the teacher must be creative to make the students enjoy in learning speaking. In addition, the teacher should use English language in interaction and communication with students.

Talking Chips

According to Harris (2013:65),

“talking chips is a strategy that is used by the teacher to involve the students in doing experimentation, interpretation, and rehearsal of a piece of text, for example, a poem or riddle”. In learning process, the students use a number of chips and each time they must talk the text, and then consider who might be speaking the text in whole class. Besides, the students can experiment with the language, exploring rhythm, cadence, and space of their speaking. The students must work in-group, so they can be easy to find the meaning of the text and get some ways to speak in front of class of their members.

Next, Pinto (2012:113) argues that talking chips is a strategy that is used by the teacher to engage the students in creative thinking to come up their response in speaking the text.

In teaching speaking, the teacher should ask the students to create their ideas in finding information which they want to speak in the class, so they can practice and speak English well. In addition, the students should think about pronunciation, grammar, and fluency when they speak in whole the class, so their friends understand about what they have spoken.

Furthermore, Turville (2013:91) defines that talking chips is a strategy that is used by the teacher to help the students in enhancing their oral communication skills. In learning speaking, the students should practice about poems, songs, rhymes, and children’s literature into wonderful scripts for dramatic oral presentation.

Besides that, the students must work together to speak verses aloud, they practice saying words while attending to language sounds. Then, the students should share their ideas in which text selections that are made and presented aloud with others in a group discussion. The students should practice their text clearly, so the class can know about their presentation easily.

Based on the theories above, the writer concludes that talking chips is a strategy that is used by the teacher to involve the students in doing experimentation, interpretation, and rehearsal of a piece of text, for example, a poem or riddle. In learning process, the students can discuss the meaning of the text and consider who might be speaking the text in whole class.The students must work in- group, so they can be easy to find the meaning of the text and get some ways to speak in front of class of their members.In addition, the students should think about pronunciation, grammar, and fluency when they speak in whole the class, so their friends understand about what they have spoken.

ProcedureTalking Chips

a. Teacher uses and divides chips to the students to mediate the discussion (blue is aquestion, red is a statement).


6 b. Teacher ensures the students to

get opportunity to practice the text in whole class.

c. Teacher asks the students to use the chips to make questions and statements related with the text.

d. Teacher asks the students to give response about their statement of the text.

e. Teacher asks the students to collect and make formative notes on individual participant.

f. Teacher asks the students to discuss their text before their practice in front of class.

g. Teacher asks the students to practice their text by giving their chips to a peer.

AdvantagesTalking Chips

According Pinto (2012:113) supports that advantages of talking chips strategy is usefulness in the early stages of understanding a phenomena or a story in the past.

Besides that, the teacher can help the students to identify the information of the story and find the meaning of the story. In addition, the students have chance to explore their thinking to practice their story in whole class.

Readers’ Theater Strategy

In speaking, the students should think critical when they express some information to others, then they must learn how to get the information about something from other people or element of nature in outside of classroom, and to practice English anymore and prepare some questions that related with the topic is studying in speaking class. The students have many times to produce their ability in English speaking. According to Dean (2001:74), “readers’ theater is a

strategy that enable the students to demonstrate their ability to give meaning to the text dramatically through use of word and voice”. It means that readers’ theater strategy can be used to practice students’

speaking ability in the class, and then the students can be able to explore their ideas when they speak. After that, other students give chance to think what the students have spoken.

Furthermore, Vishnu (2011:70) argues thatreaders’ theateris a strategy that is used by the teacher to encourage the students in thinking some events or situation in the life of a person or in some phenomenon. In daily life, there are always many stories, and then they could enhance their ability to practice a text to the listener. Then, the speakers have story about a fact which happen in the life, they will be easy to practice in front of the class. Otherwise, the students must think about how to practice the text well, and then they should make the story to be dramatic so other students interest to follow their drama of the text.

Then, Gerard (2007:14) defines that readers’ theater is a strategy that gives motivating, interesting, and exciting way to include oral presentation about a text.

Furthermore, in speaking the students should do interpretation about the story before they tell the story in the whole class. In addition, the teacher asks the students to respond and identify the events of the story that were “critical” for some purpose.

Each student must tell their story in learning speaking to know the speaking ability of the students.

Based on the theories above, the writer concludes that readers’


7 theaterstrategy is a strategy that used by the teacher to guide the students in identifying a situation and information about a text and how to practice to be dramatic in front of class, and then through readers’

theaterstrategy the students know to practice their ideas in front of the class. In addition, the students can create their ideas in making some questions besides teacher’ question and answer it. The students have many times to produce their ability in English speaking, and this task can make them to have braved when they conduct their practice in whole class.

Procedure of Readers’ Theater Strategy

According toDean (2001:74), there are six steps in applying the readers’ theaterstrategy in teaching speaking, they are:

a. Teacher reads the text with the students a number of times to enable them become familiar with the storyline.

b. Teacher asks the students to discuss the text in getting the meaning.

c. Teacher asks the group to give the marker pen to edit the text in order to become a play script.

They must require character names on the script to direct speech to be quoted.

d. Teacher gives time to the students to decide characters and roles and then rehearse their presentation.

e. Teacher asks the students to perform the text for another group of students.

f. Teacher asks the group to share their own part in the performance and ways

performances can be improve in the future.

Next, Vishnu (2011:70) supports that there are five steps of readers’ theaterstrategy to apply in teaching speaking, as follow:

a. Teacher distributes the copies of the script of the text.

b. Teacher plays the professional recording of the script to the students and encourages them to follow along.

c. Teacher asks the students to remind and pay attention to how the voices, expression, and pronunciation.

d. Teacher asks the students to remind their assignment roles before they practice in front of class.

e. Teacher asks the students to demonstrate their text in front of class.

Advantages of Readers’ Theater Strategy

According toDean (2001:74), there are three advantages ofreaders’

theaterstrategy. First, the teacher can guide the students to practice their text in front of the class. Second, the students know how to describe their ideasto make a story, and then they can practice in front of the class. Last, the students can speak and practice English in whole the class based on their ideas and opinions, so they can have ability to speak their text.

Combination Talking Chips and Readers’ Theater Strategies

In teaching speaking, the teacher can combine talking chip and readers’ theater strategies, so the students can speak a text easily and know how to find the important


8 information about a topic. In

combining those strategies, the teacher should creative, so the students are not confusing when they follow the study. Based on the experts’ theories, the writer chooses from Pinto (2012:113) of Talking Chips strategy and Dean (2001:74) of Readers’ Theater strategy. The writer can combine the procedures of talking chip and readers’ theater strategies, as follow:

1. Teacher reads the text with the students a number of times to enable them become familiar with the storyline.

2. Teacher asks the students to discuss the text in getting the meaning.

3. Teacher divides the students in group.

4. Teacher uses and divides chips to the students to mediate the discussion.

5. Teacher ensures the students to get opportunity to practice the text in whole class.

6. Teacher asks the students to use the chips to make questions and statements related with the text.

7. Teacher gives time to the students to decide characters and roles and then rehearse their presentation.

8. Teacher asks the students to give response about their statement of the text.

9. Teacher asks the group to give the marker pen to edit the text in order to become a play script. They must require character names on the script to direct speech to be quoted.

10. Teacher asks the students to collect and make formative notes on individual participant.

11. Teacher asks the students to discuss their text before their practice in front of class.

12. Teacher asks the students to practice their text by giving their chips to a peer.

13. Teacher asks the students to perform the text for another group of students.

14. Teacher asks the group to share their own part in the performance and ways performances can be improve in the future.


Generally, speaking is an important thing in unit of English as students can communicate and convey their best ideas and opinions.

By having good speaking ability students can explore their self along the teaching learning process.

Therefore, to support and help the students, the teacher should find the appropriate strategy to attract students’ motivation and improve their ability in learning English.

In teaching speaking, the teacher should be careful to select the strategy or method that is appropriate with the material and also level of the students. There are many methods can be use in teaching speaking, two of them are Talking Chips and Readers’

Theater Strategy. By using this strategy, the students will be motivated to practice in speaking skill. In this paper, these strategies are appropriate for students in Senior High School.


9 References

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Dean, Sue and Robyn. 2001. Show Me How to Learn : Pratical Guidelines for Creating A Learning Community.


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Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. How to Teach English. Edinburgh : Longman.

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