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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

This research study for my beloved family, my mother sumiati, my father Haeruddin, for my brother Muh. Sulfikar, my sister Kurnia, my grandfather Sunusi, my grandmother Rohani, my aunts Nurdiana and Nuraeni, my uncle Sunardi and all my cousins. Teaching English reading materials through team-based project (A Pre-Experimental Research in the second class of SMPN 4 Bisappu).

The data results showed that there was a difference between the students' pre-test and post-test. This means that the team-based project method is effective in improving students' reading skills.



The events of the day in scientific issues can be learned with the help of reading. 3 Reading can be defined as an active process of interaction between the reader and the information contained in the text. Reading is one of the important skills in English and it brings us many benefits.

Affective language development is very interesting and has become one of the most popular researches in the field of child developmental psychology. It is also reported that nearly 70% of the secondary readers' difficulties have to do with "reading comprehension".

Problem Statement

5 observations and short interviews with English teacher of SMPN 4 Bisappu, researcher found that some students were lazy to read the text, students had difficulty understanding the meaning of the text, and had difficulty answering questions from the teacher. The solution described earlier is a way to increase students' reading skills through the Team-Based-Project method. And the teacher was coached each group on how to use the team-based project method, giving the students opportunities for creativity and collaboration.

Therefore, the researcher raised the title “Teaching English Reading Through Team Project in SMPN 4 Bisappu (Pre-Experimental Research in Second Class of SMPN 4 Bisappu)”. Based on the above problem, the purpose of the study is to find out whether the use of group methods is very effective in improving students' reading skills related to understanding the main main idea and supporting idea in SMP Negeri 4 Bissappu.

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

Previous of Related Study

  • Principles of Reading
  • The Aims of Reading
  • Techniques in Reading
  • Generic Structure of Narrative Text
  • Advantages of Team-Based-Project

Readers try to know what interest the topic and problem of the story. The characters, setting, and narrative problem are usually presented first. Complication: telling the beginning of the problem that leads to the crisis of the main participant.

The teacher goes over the basic material and rules at the beginning of the meeting. Provide an overview of the case/topic to be covered in the learning process.


Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono, population is not only about the amount of subjects/objects to be studied, but also involves all the characteristics of the subject or object. The population in this study is the eight grade of SMP Negeri 4 Bissappu in the 2021/2021 academic year. When large populations, and researcher is not possible to learn everything in the population, for example because of the funding, energy and time, the researchers samples were taken from the population. In this study, the researcher used simple random sampling a technique in which simple random sampling is a method of taking random and simple samples in the population with the same probability that the population is used as a sample.

Variable Research

Research Instrument

The researcher adapted some questions that have been previously validated by some of the results of the previous thesis. Students were given 1 hour to find the main idea and supporting idea from 4 narrative texts consisting of 2-5 paragraphs. The researcher was given the treatment, the treatment was given the experimental class about the explanation used the team-based project as a teaching skill for reading.

Researchers were also given quizzes to review the extent to which their reading comprehension knowledge related to understanding main ideas and supporting ideas. The function of the post-test is to determine the improvement of students' reading ability using a team-based project.

Data Analysis

In this case, it used the classification of scores of the depdikbud converted with a scale of 1-10. Explain in this finding the result of the research such as students' score pre-test and post-test. The table above shows that there is an increase in the mean total score of students' reading skills related to understanding the main idea in the pre-test before they are given treatment is 52.5 and after they are given treatment the mean score of the total vocabulary of students in the post-test becomes 80.3.

The above table shows that there is an increase in the total mean score of the students' reading skills related to understanding of supporting ideas in the pre-test before receiving treatment is 44 and after receiving treatment the mean score of the total vocabulary of students in the post-test becomes 76.8. The table shows that category, frequency and proportion of students' reading ability, there are differences between pretest and posttest. The results of the pre-test before the team base project was implemented, there were no students with excellent and very good categories.

The post-test results after applying the team-based project method showed that only 2 students were in the bad category.

Table 3.1 classification score
Table 3.1 classification score

The result of The Students’ Pre-test in Main Idea

The result of The Students’ Pre-test in supporting idea

The result of The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test

Chart 4.4 The mean score students’ reading ability main idea

The mean score students’ reading ability supporting idea

Chart 4.6 The mean score students’ reading ability

  • Hypothesis testing
  • Discussion
    • The Increase of Reading Ability through Team-Based-Project
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion
    • Standard Competence : a. Reading
    • Learning Sources
    • Standard Competence : Reading
    • Basic Competence
    • The Indicators
    • Teaching Method
    • Procedures of Teaching
    • Aspect of Assessment
  • Media
  • Penilaian
  • Materi
  • Metode

The output of the paired sample statistic shows that the mean values ​​of the pre- and post-test. Moreover, the improvement in reading ability is also proven from the results of the hypothesis in table 4.5 which shows an increase in students' reading ability after using the team-based project method. Using the understanding of the team-based project itself, which according to Mayon and Irawati (2019), team-based teachers provide opportunities for students to develop their abilities by discussing with friends in the group.

For a more complete explanation of the indicators, they are explained in the next session. This means that the use of the team-based project method in reading instruction can improve. The purpose and social function of the narrative text is to amuse or amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

To ask students' knowledge of narrative texts and read about the legend of the Kesodo ceremony and a boy stole. Involves students in searching for the broad information about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied using the team-based project strategy. Asks students to answer tests based on their understanding of the tests that have been taught.

Questioning students' knowledge of narrative texts and reading the story of the clever parrot. It asks students to answer the test based on their understanding of the tests they have been taught. Sebuah cerita tentang kata benda dari item pakaian dengan judul “History of Siti Masyitoh.

Sebuah cerita tentang kata benda dari item pakaian dengan judul “The Story of the Clever Parrot. Whatever you ask, my Lord," replied the couple, "We will do it," "You must sacrifice your first for the goals."

Table 4.5 The result of the t-test calculation  Students’
Table 4.5 The result of the t-test calculation Students’

What did the mother do to his son when he stole the first time. On Prophet Muhammad's journey to al-Isra' and al-Miraj, the Prophet felt a very pleasant smell. He asked Jibril about this pleasant fragrance, and Jibril informed him that the good smell came from the grave of the woman whose duty it was to comb the hair of Pharaoh's daughter.

One day, while she was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, the comb fell from her hand. Bismillah" Pharaoh's daughter asked her: "Do you have another God than my father?" The woman said, "Yes, my Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah." When the water boiled, Pharaoh brought her children and began to pour them one after the other into that pot.

Through it all, the woman remained steadfast to Islam, even when Pharaoh reached her youngest child, a boy who was still breastfeeding, but she felt sorry for him. The torture of the hereafter is much worse than the torture of this life, and do not hesitate because you are right”. At this the woman asked Pharaoh to fetch her bones and the bones of her children and bury them in the same grave.

And may Allah strengthen our Iman and make us stronger in defending the Religion of Islam.

  • Pre-Test of Supporting Idea
  • Post-Test of Supporting Idea

He meets a woodcutter from the same village. The boastful hunter approached him and said, "How are you? Well, can you tell me if you saw some footprints of the lion nearby. The first one thought for a moment, then through the outlet swam from the dam into the river.

The fish, not even thinking, sank to the bottom of the pond and was easily caught. The boys had fun throwing stones into the pond to make them jump on the water. At last one of the frogs, the oldest and bravest, put his head out of the water and said, “Oh, please, dear children, stop your cruel game.

The village leader said, "Together you are stronger than when you work alone." The farmers pooled their resources and got rid of the pests in their fields.

Classification of students’ reading ability all scores

One day, a great voice was heard in the sky while they were praying. "You will give birth to children and later you will give birth to many children. The couple agreed to sacrifice their first son at the time the voice asked. For the times to come, all of you must sacrifice animals and crops to the gods."

Then the man became so angry that he shouted again and again: "Say Catano, or I will kill you!" but the bird would not speak. One day after trying for many hours to get the bird to say Catano, the man became very angry. The man put the parrot in the hen house and left. The next day the man came back to the hen house.


Table 3.1 classification score
Table 4.1: The students mean score in main idea
Table 4.3 : The students mean score in main idea and supporting idea  Indicator   pre-test score  Post-test score  Improvment  Students  reading
Table 4.2: The students mean score in supporting idea


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