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Вестник Bulletin


Academic year: 2023

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Қазақстан Республикасының заңнамасында көзделген қылмыстық құқық бұзушылықпен келтірілген зиянды өтеу әдістері. Мемлекет және құқық теориясы, мемлекет құқығы Мемлекет және құқық теориясы, мемлекет құқығы.

S. Akhmetov

Ph.D, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Pavlodar Pedagogical State University, Mira str. The author analyzed the main stages of the constitutional reforms, especially those that influenced the legal development.

N. Nurgaliyeva

Today, the customs policy of Kazakhstan is actually governed by the Customs Code of the Customs Union. The main goal of logistics is to reduce logistics costs in the final price of the product.

K. Dairabayeva

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (Office of Federal Procurement Policy) is engaged in coordinating activities in the field of public procurement in the United States. One of the key figures in the US public procurement system is the public client represented by a contracting officer.

K. Dayrabayeva

See about the introduction of changes: Law in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 30.11.16 No. The article deals with the legal monitoring of anti-corruption legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A. Fink

Voskobitova L. A. Legal arrangement of the conciliation procedure in criminal proceedings / / State and law at the beginning of the century: material from the all-Russian conference):. Theoretical, historical foundations and the mechanism for mitigating the damage caused by a crime in the criminal process of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Voluntary renunciation of the crime and active remorse of the perpetrator: author..candidate is the law school.

Exemption from criminal liability in connection with active remorse // Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan / pod. 4 // Informatsionno-pravovaya sistema normativnyih pravovyih aktov Respubliki Kazahstan [Normative Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the legal practice based on Article 67 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: app.

МРНТИ 10.79.37


A systematic, integrated approach to solving the tasks of combating terrorism and religious extremism in the interaction between the state, law enforcement agencies with public associations and the media will ensure the development of effective methods necessary to solve the tasks of preventing and uncovering investigation of terrorist and extremist offenses. One of the most effective forms of interaction is international cooperation, which provides a method for developing organizational, legal, organizational, tactical and strategic areas for combating terrorism and religious extremism. 1Nepravitel’stvennyeorganizaciigor.Astany.–URL:http://infoirc.kz/wp-content/uploads Non-governmental organizations in the mountains]. Bibliog Interaction between law enforcement authorities in the CIS countries in connection with the detection and investigation of transnational crimes [Text]: dis.

The article is aimed at assessing the validity of the terms 'economic liability', 'liability for damage' and 'pecuniary liability'. To conclude the article, the relations of civil law responsibilities are drawn, based on the analysis of the content of the above-mentioned institutions with regard to their use in national legislation. Kˌazakˌstan Respublikasynyԣ Kˌylmystykˌ ís zhԯrgízu kodeksí [Kazakhstan Republic of the Republic of Kazakhstan сylmystyԛ іс сс жоргізу кодексі] № 206-1 (Astana, Akˌ orda, 1997 ).


Jurisprudence, Associate Professor Department of Customs, Fiscal and Environmental Law Faculty of Law al-Farabi Kazakh National University 71 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan. Качество жизни – URL: www.ruscience.newmail.ru/medicine/mbooks/gol.htm Серикхан Адилгазы1, Мария Рэккиниен 2. This article analyzes the compliance of national legislation with international standards for the protection of the rights of the elderly and an analysis of the scientific work of foreign and domestic scientists on the protection of the rights of elderly citizens in the international protection of the rights of the elderly, taking into account international legal acts and standards, legal problems in protecting the rights of the elderly in the Republic of Kazakhstan , as well as a scientific analysis of the proposals for their solution.

Принят резолюцией 217 A (III) Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций 10 декабря 1948 года. URL: http://adilet.zan.kz/. Принят резолюцией 217 A (III) Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций 10 декабря 1948 г.] URL: http://adilet.zan. Третья модернизация Казахстана: глобальная конкурентоспособность: послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н. Назарбаева народу Казахстана от 31 января 2017 года.

Т. Aygarinova

В результате, с помощью срочного вливания новых источников кредитования от банков для основной деятельности и благодаря механизму обмена долга на собственный капитал (конвертация кредита в долю в капитале корпорации), стало возможным провести полную реструктуризацию группы Daewoo. После этого корпорация Daewoo, имевшая в 1998 году около 290 дочерних предприятий, была «расчленена» и оптимизирована в 12 независимых юридических лиц посредством механизмов реструктуризации и обмена долга на акции. Таким образом, в товариществе с ограниченной ответственностью уставный капитал формируется в виде долей участников, и в нем отсутствуют акции, которые могут быть использованы юридическим институтом обмена долга на собственный капитал.

E. Akhmetbekov

Бұрынғы көпжақты Одақ шеңберіндегі әртүрлі мұрагерлік мәселелерін реттемейтін шарттар қатарына КСРО-ның бұрынғы мемлекеттік қарыздары мен активтері туралы 1991 жылғы шартты, 1991 жылғы КСРО-ға мүше мемлекеттердің мемлекет басшыларының 1991 жылғы келісім-шартты атауға болады. Кеңес Одағының меншігі. КСРО, бұрынғы КСРО-ның барлық шетелдік мүлкін бөлу туралы шарт 1992, 1993 жылдардағы ТМД елдері басшыларының адам құқықтары мен негізгі бостандықтары саласындағы халықаралық міндеттемелері туралы декларациясы. Біз 1970 жылы Каспий теңізіндегі КСРО Мұнай өндіру министрлігі белгілеген және осы теңізді жағалаудағы республикалар, яғни Қазақстан, Әзірбайжан, Ресей және Түркіменстан үшін сәйкес секторларға бөлетін әкімшілік-аумақтық межелеуді негізге алған деген қорытындыға келеміз. медиандық сызық принципі бойынша, uti possidetis принципі сабақтастық бойынша мұрагер мемлекеттерге қолданылатынын дәлелдейді. Колониялық мұра және шекараның тұрақтылығы: Ути Поссидитис және Америкадағы аумақтық шағымдар // Солтүстік Техас университетінің сайты.

At first glance, it seems that the divisions of states, the formation of new states as a result of the end of the colonial period, the unification of several states are problems of ancient times, but many issues still need to be discussed today. The main purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze continuity, determine the problems of practical and theoretical preparation, review history and prove the importance of this topic in the modern world. Minskoe Soglashenie ot 8 dekabrja 1991 goda «O sozdanii Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh go-sudarstv [Minsk Agreement of December 8, 1991 "On the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States" // CIS official site].

МРНТИ 10.87.51


Strategic interests of the EU and Central Asia // Kazakhstan-spectrum.1999.p.60-96; Central Asia and Europe // Central Asia and the South Caucasus. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE): theoretical and legal bases of activity and prospects for further membership of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Legal reform in Kazakhstan. In the framework of the scientific research, a detailed legal analysis of the norms of international law related to the regulation of issues of combating international terrorism was attempted.

О некоторых проблемах законодательного обеспечения предотвращения терроризма в Республике Казахстан // Мир закона. Основные направления реализации Цифровой повестки Евразийского экономического союза до 2025 года определяют цели, принципы, задачи, направления и механизмы сотрудничества государств-членов по реализации Цифровой повестки Союза до 2025 года. URL: http: // www.gouvernement.fr/en/regulation-of-the-digital-economy-in-france-and-europe (дата доступа.


Available at: http://www.gouver-nement.fr/en/regulation-of-the-digital-economy-in-france-and-europe (Available. Available at: https://www.zerde.gov. kz/activity/management-programs/digital-kazakhstan/#hc- q=sxn3bxq (accessed. Doklad Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii [Indicators of the achievement of sustainable development goals in the region of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Peredovaja politika stran OJeSR v oblasti razvitija cifrovogo proizvodstva [Global trends and challenges for the development of the digital economy. Collected publications "The cooperation of the EAEU Member States with the OECD in the context of the development of the Union's integration agenda. Collected publications "The cooperation of the EAEU Member States with the OECD in the context of the development of the Union's integration agenda.


Successful child rights policy will depend on the capacity to recognize problems and offer solutions. As already indicated, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted under the auspices of the UN in 1989. Due to its broad approach, the CRC is the most important document for children's rights.

The CRC is the first international document that recognizes the role of civil society in the protection and exercise of the rights of the child. It can hardly be concluded that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is based on a mature global awareness - on a universal moral standard. However, a catalog of the rights of the child can never be complete, as there are always new spheres of life that require legal attention.

K.Dzhiembaev 1 , A.N.Aliev 2

An important factor is that initially, when the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, the actions were aimed at “incitement to social enmity and enmity.” The Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is also limited to incitement to “national, racial, ethnic or religious enmity” (Article 156 “Crimes against the peace and security of humanity”) and does not address the issue of “social enmity or discord” as such in the proper sense of the word. An approach to the legislature of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sense that, according to Part 1, p.

Ti Kodigo Kriminal ti Republika ti Tattao ti Tsina idi 1997 (naipatarus manipud iti Insik). Dzhiembaev R.K.- Autor Beissenov Karaganda Akademia ti Ministro ti Internal nga Affairs ti Republika ti Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. Barimbek Beissenov Karaganda Akademia ti Ministro ti Internal nga Affairs ti Republika ti Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.


  • Purpose of the journal. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the fields of Juridical sciences

Political and legal changes in the Central Asian republics in the context of the nation-state are the basic direction of the political modernization of the Central Asian countries in general. We have revealed that in the Central Asian countries the nation-state does not take place with the inner dynamics of the peoples of these countries. On the contrary, it aims to examine the production of nation-states on the territory of the Soviet Union.

The full name of the organization, city, state (if the authors work in different organizations, you should put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) - center alignment, italics. Information on the financial support of the article is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote. All article comments sent to Publications (editorial) are sent for anonymous review.


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ORYMBETOVA1 1M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent city 2International Humanitarian and Technical University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent city E-mail: