• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan




Omdat die verbond ook tot persoonlike gemeenskap met God stimuleer en die verbond ook n persoonlike ge­

meenskapskarakter tussen God en sy verbondskind im­

pliseer, Moet evangelisasie altyd tot persoonlike geloofsooraawe aan die Drie-Enig~ God van die ver­

bond oproep.

n Gereformeerde qemeente wat werklik in n intieme verbondsgemeenskap met God leef, gehoorsaam aan die Skrifopenbaring aangaande die aard van die verbond, sal die grootste missionere ywer openbaar en nuwe gelowiges met groot liefde as mede-erfgename in God se huisgesin ver\'1elkom. So n gemeente sal ook op grond van die regskarakter van die verbond, die hei­

lige erns van God se verskriklike oordeel oor vol­

harden de ongelowiges aankondig.



In Reformed Theology the Bihlical concept of the co­

venant has always been understood as a concept that describes the relationship between God and his people, and that in this covenantal relationship the heart of all true religion is to be found. Therefore one1s understanding of the character of the covenant will determine the principles and practise of his approach to evangelism.

This study is mainly an exegetical study on the cha­

racter of the covenant according to the New Testament with some applications for the principles and practise of evangelism.

The four main conclusions are as follows!

1. The covenant has a missionary goal. The Great Commission is patterned after arises out of and must be understood in terms of covenant structure 2. The covenant has a juridical or forensic charac­

ter~ which consists of promise, command and sanc­


3. The covenant also has the character of personal fellowship between God and the individual be­


4. The covenant has a collective character. The believer and his house share in this covenantal relationship. The ~oncept of the fami.ly of God as a covenantal concept is also applied to the whole church, so that the church is called the family of God.


The most important imp1ications of this character of the covenant for evangelism are the following;

1. Because it is so abundantly clear that the Great Commission arises out of, is patterned after and must be understood in terms of cove­

nant structure a Reformed evangelistic metho­

dology developed in accordance with the Great Commission must be covenantal methodology.

2. A distinction must be made in terminology and methodology between the process of evangeli J zing those who had never been Christians and never shared in the covenantal fellowship and those who are wayward covenantbreakers who are no longer confessing Christians.

3. The collective character of the covenant im­

plies that familywork must always be stressed and that commitment to Christ always demands commitment to his church. The church as co­

venantal family of God should receive new converts with the same love and care as an ordinary household receives a newborn baby.

~ny church that understands the covenant will have a zeal for evangelism and work and pray that God's house may be filled.



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