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Komite Belanja Modal dan Investasi Komite belanja modal dan investasi dibentuk untuk

Dalam dokumen SGRO Laporan Tahunan (Annual Report) 2013 (Halaman 53-55)

Komite belanja modal dan investasi dibentuk untuk membantu dewan Komisaris dalam mengawasi dan meninjau variasi biaya pengeluaran belanja modal serta menyetujui anggaran keuangan dan rencana bisnis.

Struktur dan Keanggotaan

Komite belanja modal dan investasi terdiri dari 1 (satu) Ketua dan 2 (dua) anggota. Komposisi Komite belanja modal dan investasi yang ditunjuk berdasarkan

Keputusan dewan Komisaris no. 537/sa/X/12/Ro/cd tanggal 18 oktober 2012 adalah sebagai berikut: • Ketua: michael sampoerna

• anggota: chye chia chow (Roger chye) • anggota: hendra Prasetya

masa jabatan mereka adalah untuk jangka waktu lima tahun sejak 18 oktober 2012. Proil Ketua dan anggota Komite belanja modal dan investasi diuraikan di bagian data Perusahaan pada halaman 289.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

tugas dan tanggung jawab utama Komite belanja modal dan investasi adalah sebagai berikut:

• menyusun kebijakan investasi dan belanja modal Perseroan.

• mengkaji rencana investasi dan belanja modal. • memberikan rekomendasi mengenai sumber dana

dan investasi dan belanja modal yang akan dilakukan termasuk risiko-risiko investasi

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Board Of Directors

the board of directors members are appointed and terminated based on the resolutions of shareholders through the gms. as of year-end of 2013, the company’s board of directors is comprised of 6 (six) members of the board of directors.

Structure and Membership

by the end of 2013, the board of directors consisted of: • President director: ekadharmajanto Kasih

• Vice President director: marc stephan louis louette • Research & development director: dwi asmono • human Resources director: hero djajakusumah • finance director: budi setiawan halim

• commercial director: lim King hui based on the size and scope of business of the

company, the number and qualiication of the members of the board of directors are deemed adequate to discharge the duties and responsibilities of managing the company pursuant to the mandates of shareholders, provisions in the company’s articles of association as well as the prevailing laws and regulations.

Duties and Responsibilities

in accordance with the company’s article of association, the board of directors is responsible to manage and direct the company as well as to achieve its objectives and purposes. in carrying out their duties, the directors must follow strict guidelines set forth by the company’s articles of association, resolutions of the annual gms, instructions and guidances from the board of commissioners, resolutions of board of directors meetings, prevailing rules and regulations as well as the principles of good corporate governance while always championing the interests of the company.

the Roles and Responsibilities of each member of the board of directors

• President director

Responsible for the overall operations of the company and ensure the proitability of the company.

• Vice President director

Responsible for assisting the President director in the company’s daily operations, and to ensure that the company runs its business properly and achieves the level of proitability as targetted.

• Research & development director

Responsible for directing the implementation of strategies and policies related to research and technology, innovation, and sustainability in order to support sampoerna agro business in implementing sustainable and best governance practices.

• human Resources director

Responsible for directing the implementation of strategies, policies, and programs related to human resource in order to develop the organization, workforce, and organizational practices that are effective in achieving the company’s goals. • finance director

Responsible for managing inancial strategy, policy, and procedures, in accordance with the provisions and accounting standards in order to ensure the availability and proper utilization of funds to support the business.

• commercial director

Responsible for planning and managing the sale of the company’s products as well as purchase of supporting goods in accordance with the company’s short term and long term strategic business plan.

Meeting Frequency and Attendance

the board of directors meetings can be administered at any time deemed necessary by one or more members of the board of directors, or upon the written request of one member or more of the board of commissioners, or upon the written request of 1 (one) shareholder or more which collectively represent 1/10 (one tenth) of the company’s total shares with legal voting rights. the board of directors meetings are deemed legitimate and entitled to make legally binding decisions only if at least 1/2 (half) of members of the board of directors are either present or represented in the meeting.

Remuneration of the Board of Directors

the following is the remuneration implementation for members of the board of directors. Please refer to nomination and Remuneration committee section for further information on the procedure and basis in determining remuneration for the board of directors on page 103.


Para anggota direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan berdasarkan keputusan pemegang saham melalui RuPs. sampai dengan akhir tahun 2013, direksi Perseroan terdiri dari 6 (enam) orang anggota direksi:

Struktur dan Keanggotaan

hingga akhir tahun 2013, direksi terdiri dari: • direktur utama: ekadharmajanto Kasih

• Wakil direktur utama: marc stephan louis louette • direktur Penelitian & Pengembangan: dwi asmono • direktur sumber daya manusia: hero djajakusumah • direktur Keuangan: budi setiawan halim

• direktur Komersial: lim King hui

berdasarkan ukuran dan skala usaha Perseroan, jumlah dan kualiikasi para anggota direksi dipandang memadai guna menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab kepengurusan Perseroan sesuai amanah para pemegang saham, ketentuan yang tercantum dalam anggaran dasar Perseroan serta perundang-undangan dan peraturan yang berlaku.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

sesuai anggaran dasar Perseroan, direksi bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan menjalankan pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan dan untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan Perseroan. dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, setiap anggota direksi harus berpedoman pada anggaran dasar, keputusan RuPs tahunan, instruksi dan arahan dewan Komisaris, hasil rapat direksi, ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku serta nilai-nilai dan prinsip- prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dengan selalu mengedepankan kepentingan Perseroan.

Ruang lingkup dan tanggung Jawab setiap anggota direksi

• direktur utama

bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan operasional Perseroan dan memastikan proitabilitas Perseroan. • Wakil direktur utama

bertanggung jawab untuk membantu direktur utama dalam kegiatan operasional sehari-hari Perseroan dan memastikan Perseroan menjalankan usahanya dengan baik serta mencapai tingkat keuntungan yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya.

• direktur Penelitian & Pengembangan bertanggung jawab dalam mengarahkan pelaksanaan strategi dan kebijakan terkait riset & teknologi, inovasi, dan sustainability dalam rangka mendukung penerapan praktik tata kelola terbaik dan berkelanjutan dalam bisnis sampoerna agro.

• direktur sumber daya manusia

bertanggung jawab mengarahkan pelaksanaan strategi, kebijakan, dan program sumber daya manusia untuk membangun organisasi, sumber daya manusia, dan praktek berorganisasi yang efektif dalam mencapai tujuan Perseroan.

• direktur Keuangan

bertanggung jawab mengelola strategi, kebijakan, dan prosedur keuangan perusahaan, yang sesuai dengan ketentuan dan standar keuangan dan akuntansi, untuk menjamin ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan dana untuk mendukung bisnis.

• direktur Komersial

bertanggung jawab merencanakan dan mengelola penjualan produk-produk Perseroan serta pembelian barang-barang strategis pendukung bisnis sesuai dengan rencana dan sasaran jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Perseroan.

Frekuensi Rapat dan Kehadiran

Rapat direksi dapat diadakan setiap waktu bilamana dipandang perlu oleh seorang anggota direksi atau lebih, atau atas permintaan tertulis dari seorang anggota dewan Komisaris atau lebih, atau atas permintaan tertulis 1 (satu) pemegang saham atau lebih yang bersama-sama mewakili1/10 (satu persepuluh) bagian dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara yang sah. Rapat direksi adalah sah dan berhak mengambil keputusan yang mengikat hanya apabila lebih dari 1/2 (satu perdua) dari jumlah anggota direksi hadir atau diwakili dalam rapat.

Remunerasi Direksi

implementasi remunerasi untuk para anggota direksi dapat dilihat di bawah ini. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai prosedur dan dasar penetapan remunerasi bagi direksi dapat dilihat pada bagian Komite nominasi dan Remunerasi pada halaman 103.

nama name Jumlah Kehadiran total attendance % Kehadiran % attendance ekadharmajanto Kasih marc stephan louis louette

budi setiawan halim dwi asmono hero djajakusumah

lim King hui

8 8 8 8 8 8 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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direksi board of directors

gaji, tunjangan, fasilitas, & bonus

salary, beneits, facilities, & bonuses

Jumlah anggota

total members

total Paket Remunerasi

total Remuneration Package

2012 2013 2012 2013 6

7 34,520,859,287 29,084,642,078

109 108 01 3 epor t

Internal Audit

internal audit is the appraisal process in order to provide objective assurance as well as consultation activities to improve the operating ability and value added of the company. the appraisal process is undertaken through a systematic evaluation to improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and corporate governance process.

Internal Audit Charter

Pursuant to the decision of the chairman of financial services agency (formerly known as bapepam-lK) no. iX.i.7 regarding the establishment and guidelines for internal audit charter, the company has an audit charter endorsed by the board of directors. in general, audit charter sets out the Vision and mission, scope of Work, duties and Responsibilities, authorities, Position and organizational structure, follow-up of audit Results, as well as Requirements and code of ethics for internal auditor.

Head and Structure of Internal Audit

based on its position and organizational structure, the internal audit is led by the head of internal audit department who reports to the President director. the head of the internal audit is directly appointed and dismissed by the President director with the approval of the board of commissioners. based on the board of directors directive no.Pen/itWth/Vi/2008 of 25 Juni 2008, the head of internal audit unit has been chaired by sudung halomoan since 2008 (for more on the proile of the head of internal audit, refer to the corporate data section on page 290). the internal audit department comprises of members who are professional auditors in their respective ields (agronomy, engineering, accounting and management). in order to strengthen up and to facilitate the operational work of the internal audit department, therefore, the internal audit teams are established in Jakarta, Palembang and Pontianak.

Duties and Responsibilities

as set out in the internal audit charter, in order to

ensure effective internal control within the company, the internal audit department do the followings: • Prepare and implement the annual internal audit

Work Plan.

• set the frequency of audits, inspection subjects, and audit scopes to achieve the audit objective.

• test and evaluate the implementation of the internal control and risk management systems in compliance with company policies.

• Perform inspection and assessment of eficiency and effectiveness in the areas of operations, inance, accounting, human resources and other activities. • Provide advice on improvements and other objective

information relating to activities under review within all required levels of management.

• Prepare reports containing audit indings and submit it to the board of directors and the board of commissioners.

• monitor, analyze and make follow-up reports on the implementation of suggested improvements. • coordinate with management, the audit committee

and external auditor.

• Prepare a program to evaluate the quality of internal audit activity performed.

• Perform special audit whenever needed (whistleblowing).

in order to perform its duties and responsibilities, internal audit department has the authority to access all relevant information about the company in relation to its duties and functions, including third-party information that has business relation with the company. throughout its duties, internal audit department communicates directly with the board of directors, board of commissioners and/or the audit committee and members of the board of directors, the board of commissioners and/or the audit committee.

hence, the internal audit department meets regularly with the board of directors, board of commissioners and the audit committee and coordinates activities with the external auditors’ activities.

Programs and Implementation

throughout 2013, internal audit department has conducted 97 assignments (each working unit is audited 1-2 times per year) in all the company operational areas; including having reviewed the consolidated inancial statements of the company four times (quarterly). the audits were in the form of operational audits, special audits and assessment pertaining to internal control. Results of audit process is documented in the audit Report which contain the audit conclusion including audit indings, potential risk associated with audit indings; the disclosures of the conditions that need improvement; recommendations that need to be taken by the management, and executor of such recommendations. the audit Report is submitted to the President director and presented before the relevant auditors.

Dalam dokumen SGRO Laporan Tahunan (Annual Report) 2013 (Halaman 53-55)