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Prac�cal Benefit

Dalam dokumen SURAT PENCATATAN CIPTAAN (Halaman 56-60)

Abangan Hills were found by the young people of Tanglad Village. They named the place in accordance with its shape.

The highest green hill in Nusa Penida looks like being made of pile of stones.

The location of Abangan Hills are in the village of Tanglad, sub-district of Watas, 26 km to the south from port Sampalan and it can be reached in 1 hour 15 minutes by car or motorscooter.

The road to this place is not smooth although in some parts have been repaired. There is a footpath to go up the hill with trees which are high enough but not sufficient to protect visitors from the heat. At the top of the hill there is simple bamboo bench made by the Tanglad youth and it is from that place the visitors can view Atuh beach and the island of Lombok.

The economic benefit has not yet been obtained from this place except it has become a place from which the visitors can enjoy the view stretching below without paying.




bangan Hills, Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung, Propinsi Bali.

Belum dikenal sebagai obyek wisata.Arti dari nama Abangan Hills adalah, Abangantumpukan batu dan Hills bukit .

Deskripsi Sosiokultural-Historis

Manfaat Prak�s

Abangan Hills ini ditemukan oleh anak-anak muda Desa Tanglad yang kemudian menamainya sesuai dengan bentuknya. Bukit hijau yang mer upakan tempat terting gi di Nusa Penida ini nampak seperti susunan batu

Lokasi Abangan Hills adalah di desa Tanglad, dusun Watas, berjarak 26 km kearah selatan dari pelabuhan Sampalan dan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 1 jam 15 menit dengan kendaraan roda empat atau roda dua.t

Jalan menuju lokasi ini r usak meskipun dibeberapa tempat sudah diperbaiki. Ada jalan setapak menuju ke bukit yang ditumbuhi beberapa pohon yang cukup ting gi tetapi tidak mampu melindungi pengunjung dari terik matahari Di puncak bukit ada bangku bambu yang sangat sederhana, hasil karya pemuda desa Tanglad. Dari atas bukit pengunjung dapat melihat pemandangan indah ter masuk pantai Atuh dan pulau Lombok

Manfaat secara ekonomis belum dihasilkan oleh tempat ini kecuali menjadi tempat dimana pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan yang terhampar di bawahnya tanpa har us membayar.



bangan Hills, Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, the Province of Bali. Not yet known as the tourism object. Abangan ‘pile of stones’

Sociocultural-historical Descrip�on

Prac�cal Benefit

Abangan Hills were found by the young people of Tanglad Village. They named the place in accordance with its shape.

The highest green hill in Nusa Penida looks like being made of pile of stones.

The location of Abangan Hills are in the village of Tanglad, sub-district of Watas, 26 km to the south from port Sampalan and it can be reached in 1 hour 15 minutes by car or motorscooter.

The road to this place is not smooth although in some parts have been repaired. There is a footpath to go up the hill with trees which are high enough but not sufficient to protect visitors from the heat. At the top of the hill there is simple bamboo bench made by the Tanglad youth and it is from that place the visitors can view Atuh beach and the island of Lombok.

The economic benefit has not yet been obtained from this place except it has become a place from which the visitors can enjoy the view stretching below without paying.



antai Suwehan, Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung, Propinsi Bali.

Sudah dikenal sejak tahun 2010an pada saat Festival Nusa Penida. Suwehan berasal dari kata ‘Sui’ yang berarti ‘hulu’

dalam pelafalan sering dipercepat dan seiring berjalannya waktu, kata tersebut menjadi ‘Suwehan’

Mata air di Suwehan ditemukan oleh masyarakat Sekartaji. Kondisi tempat tersebut tidak subur, dan masyarakat yang sudah terbiasa bekerja keras mulai membangun tempat ting gal di sekitar mata air yang identik dengan sumber kehidupan. Agar air yang sangat berharga itu tidak terbuang, dibangunlah sembilan bak penampungan dan agar sumber air tersebut tidak dicemari, dibangunlah tempat pemujaan yang bernama Pura Segara.

Dusun Watas, Desa Tanglad, 26 km kearah selatan dari Pelabuhan Sampalan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 1 jam 15 menit dengan kendaraan roda dua. Untuk mencapai Pantai Suwehan, pengunjung har us melewati jalan-jalan sempit dan r usak. Sebenarnya jalan tersebut diper untukkan untuk dua arah akan tetapi di beberapa lokasi jalan-jalan tersebut hanya cukup dilalui satu mobil saja. Dari tempat pakir, pengunjung har us berjalan kaki melalui ratusan anak tang ga yang terkadang curam menuju pantai. Anak-anak tang ga yang sudah disemen rapi dilengkapi dengan pegangan di sisi yang berada di tepi jurang sehing ga sangat membantu pengunjung yang menur uninya.

Anak-anak tang ga ini mer upakan swadaya masyarakat yang merasa sangat berkepentingan karena di tengah-tengah tebing terdapat tempat persembahyangan yang memiliki mata air. Air yang Nampak keluar dari tebing karang ini di tampung dalam bak-bak penampungan yang berjumlah sembilan. Mata air ini berada sekitar 100 meter di atas per mukaan laut.

Pengunjung dilarang untuk mandi dalam bak-bak air tersebut. Ujung bawah anak tang ga berakhir dipantai berpasir putih


Deskripsi Sosiokultural-Historis

Lokasi S

uwehan Beach, Nusa Penida,

Klungkung Regency, the Province of Bali. It has been known since 2010s, especially after the Festival of Nusa Penida. Suwehan derives from the word sui ‘upstream’. The fast pronunciation of sui and as the time goes by it becomes Suwehan.

The water spring of Suwehan was found by the people of Sekartaji. The area was not fertile and the people worked hard to build housing around the water spring identical to the source of life. To prevent the precious water from being a waste, they built nine water tubs and to keep the tubs clean, they built a worshipping place called Segara temple.

Suwehan beach is located in the village of Tanglad, 26 km to the south from port Sampalan and it can be reached in 1 hour 15 minutes by motorcycle.

To reach Suwehan beach, the visitors have to pass the narrow and severely damaged road. Actually it is two-way road but in some location, the road only fits one car. From the parking area, the visitors have to walk through hundreds of steep stairs made of cement to the beach. Those stairs completed by safety fence on the side of the ravine that makes it easier for the visitors to go down. These stairs were built by the people on their own expense for their own need because in the half way through there is a worshipping place with a water spring. The water coming out from the wall of the cliff which is about 100 meters above the sea level is directed to the nine tubs. The stairs end at the white sand beach with clear water. There is a pyramid-shaped rock at the beach so that this beach is also called Volcom beach. The hidden beach behind the cliff can be used as the bathing place but the visitors must be careful because during the high tide, the waves can rich the wall of the cliff that it becomes dangerous for the visitors who wanted to reach the white sand in front of the


antai Suwehan, Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung, Propinsi Bali.

Sudah dikenal sejak tahun 2010an pada saat Festival Nusa Penida. Suwehan berasal dari kata ‘Sui’ yang berarti ‘hulu’

dalam pelafalan sering dipercepat dan seiring berjalannya waktu, kata tersebut menjadi ‘Suwehan’

Mata air di Suwehan ditemukan oleh masyarakat Sekartaji. Kondisi tempat tersebut tidak subur, dan masyarakat yang sudah terbiasa bekerja keras mulai membangun tempat ting gal di sekitar mata air yang identik dengan sumber kehidupan. Agar air yang sangat berharga itu tidak terbuang, dibangunlah sembilan bak penampungan dan agar sumber air tersebut tidak dicemari, dibangunlah tempat pemujaan yang bernama Pura Segara.

Dusun Watas, Desa Tanglad, 26 km kearah selatan dari Pelabuhan Sampalan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 1 jam 15 menit dengan kendaraan roda dua. Untuk mencapai Pantai Suwehan, pengunjung har us melewati jalan-jalan sempit dan r usak. Sebenarnya jalan tersebut diper untukkan untuk dua arah akan tetapi di beberapa lokasi jalan-jalan tersebut hanya cukup dilalui satu mobil saja. Dari tempat pakir, pengunjung har us berjalan kaki melalui ratusan anak tang ga yang terkadang curam menuju pantai. Anak-anak tang ga yang sudah disemen rapi dilengkapi dengan pegangan di sisi yang berada di tepi jurang sehing ga sangat membantu pengunjung yang menur uninya.

Anak-anak tang ga ini mer upakan swadaya masyarakat yang merasa sangat berkepentingan karena di tengah-tengah tebing terdapat tempat persembahyangan yang memiliki mata air. Air yang Nampak keluar dari tebing karang ini di tampung dalam bak-bak penampungan yang berjumlah sembilan. Mata air ini berada sekitar 100 meter di atas per mukaan laut.

Pengunjung dilarang untuk mandi dalam bak-bak air tersebut. Ujung bawah anak tang ga berakhir dipantai berpasir putih


Deskripsi Sosiokultural-Historis

Lokasi S

uwehan Beach, Nusa Penida,

Klungkung Regency, the Province of Bali. It has been known since 2010s, especially after the Festival of Nusa Penida. Suwehan derives from the word sui ‘upstream’. The fast pronunciation of sui and as the time goes by it becomes Suwehan.

The water spring of Suwehan was found by the people of Sekartaji. The area was not fertile and the people worked hard to build housing around the water spring identical to the source of life. To prevent the precious water from being a waste, they built nine water tubs and to keep the tubs clean, they built a worshipping place called Segara temple.

Suwehan beach is located in the village of Tanglad, 26 km to the south from port Sampalan and it can be reached in 1 hour 15 minutes by motorcycle.

To reach Suwehan beach, the visitors have to pass the narrow and severely damaged road. Actually it is two-way road but in some location, the road only fits one car. From the parking area, the visitors have to walk through hundreds of steep stairs made of cement to the beach. Those stairs completed by safety fence on the side of the ravine that makes it easier for the visitors to go down. These stairs were built by the people on their own expense for their own need because in the half way through there is a worshipping place with a water spring. The water coming out from the wall of the cliff which is about 100 meters above the sea level is directed to the nine tubs. The stairs end at the white sand beach with clear water.

There is a pyramid-shaped rock at the beach so that this beach is also called Volcom beach. The hidden beach behind the cliff can be used as the bathing place but the visitors must be careful because during the high tide, the waves can rich the wall of the cliff that it becomes dangerous for the visitors who wanted to reach the white sand in front of the

Di pantai tersebut terdapat batu berbentuk kerucut, ang disebut batu Jineng yang tepat berada di depan hamparan pasir putih yang agak menjorok ke dalam. Batu itu menyerpai brand Volkom sehingga pantai ini sering disebut Volcom Beach. Pantai yang tersembunyi di balik tebing ini ini dapat digunakan untuk mandi akan tetapi untuk mencapai cerukan pasir ini, pengunjung harus berhati-hati. Pada saat air pasang, air laut .

Pantai Suwehan belum memiliki nilai ekonomis karena pengunjung tidak dikenai bayaran sama sekali.

Akan tetapi masyarakat disekitarnya diuntungkan dengan adanya tempat persembahyangan dan sumber mata air yang tidak pernah kering. Di bagian atas tebing terdapat pura Puseh Suwehan.

Suwehan beach has not yet economical value because the visitors do not have to pay for anything. However the surrounding people get benefits from the existence of the temple and the never dry water spring. At the top of the cliff there is a temple called Pura Puseh Suwehan (Pura Puseh is the temple to worship god Wisnu, the Protector of the World)

Manfaat Prak�s

Dalam dokumen SURAT PENCATATAN CIPTAAN (Halaman 56-60)

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