• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

SSMS senantiasa memantau perubahan lingkungan di mana kami beroperasi, untuk memastikan bahwa hal-hal yang menjadi perhatian dari pemangku kepentingan dapat dikelola

terus-menerus. SSMS menyadari bahwa isu-isu material dapat menjadi sangat kompleks dengan begitu beragamnya ekspektasi dari para pemangku kepentingan. Untuk itu, SSMS berusaha mengelola setiap ekspektasi ini dengan cara yang transparan, bijak, dan adil.

SSMS constantly monitors the changing environment in which we operate, to ensure that stakeholder concerns can be managed on an ongoing basis. SSMS recognizes that material issues can be very complex with such diverse expectations of stakeholders. To that end, SSMS seeks to manage each of these expectations in a transparent, wise and fair manner.

As one of the entities under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), we are always keen to demonstrate SSMS compliance with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 51 / POJK.03 / 2017 on the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Services Institutions, Issuers and Public Companies . In the framework of compliance, SSMS is committed to preparing sustainability reports and publishing to stakeholders annually as required by the regulation. This 2017 edition of sustainability report is a description of our sustainability performance during the period of 1 January to 31 December 2017.

Material Aspect Determining Process (G4-25)

SSMS prepares this sustainability report on the basis of the materiality principle that refers to stakeholders and has important economic, social and environmental impacts. For us involving stakeholders is a key foundation in preparing this sustainability report. We believe that only by involving the stakeholders can we get a real picture of SSMS sustainability performance.

We adopt the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) 2015 as a guide to determine SSMS stakeholders. The principles we use are:

Commited to Global Sustainable Development

We use the GRI standard guidance in determining the contents of this report. In the GRI standard it is regulated that in making a good report the contents must meet the following rules;

• Stakeholder Engagement, this principle requires stakeholders to be involved in the reporting process, starting from the determination of report content, to providing feedback on published reports;

• Materiality, this principle requires that the report contain economic, environmental, and social topics that have an important and decisive impact on stakeholders in making decisions;

• The Context of Sustainability, this principle requires that the report cover all sustainability issues relevant to us; • Completeness, this principle requires that the report be

made with a specific coverage and reporting period and supported by complete data for reporting coverage and period.

Material Aspect and Report Boundaries Determining Process

In order to determine the material aspects of this report, we involve stakeholders to gain input, among others:

• Topics reported by business units

• Topics reported by competitors in the stakeholders’ energy and mining industries

• Global developments or issues that can help our success in implementing sustainable performance


The process of determining the material aspects that we implement is shown in the flow chart below:

Kami menggunakan panduan standar GRI dalam menentukan isi laporan ini. Dalam standar GRI tersebut diatur, bahwa dalam membuat isi laporan yang baik harus memenuhi kaidah sebagai berikut;

• Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan, prinsip ini mengharuskan pemangku kepentingan dilibatkan dalam proses pelaporan, mulai dari penentuan konten laporan, sampai pemberian masukan terhadap laporan yang telah dipublikasikan;

• Materialitas, prinsip ini mengharuskan laporan berisi mengenai topik ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial yang memberikan dampak yang penting dan diperlukan oleh pemangku kepentingan dalam mengambil keputusan; • Konteks Keberlanjutan, prinsip ini mengharuskan laporan

meliputi seluruh isu-isu keberlanjutan yang relevan bagi kami;

• Kelengkapan, prinsip ini mengharuskan laporan dibuat dengan cakupan dan periode pelaporan tertentu serta didukung data yang lengkap untuk cakupan dan periode pelaporan.

Proses Penentuan Aspek Material dan Batasan Laporan (G4-18)

Untuk menentukan aspek material dalam laporan ini, kami melibatkan pemangku kepentingan untuk mendapatkan masukan antara lain atas:

• Topik yang dilaporkan unit bisnis

• Topik yang dilaporkan para pesaing pada industri energi dan pertambangan para pemangku kepentingan

• Perkembangan atau isu global yang dapat membantu keberhasilan kami dalam menerapkan kinerja keberlanjutan.

Proses penentuan aspek material yang kami

implementasikan terlihat pada alur diagram di bawah ini:

Proses Penentuan Aspek Material dan Batasan Pelaporan

Process to Define Material Aspects and Report Boundaries

Konteks Keberlanjutan

Sustainability Context MaterialitasMateriality CompletenessLengkap

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan

Stakeholder Inclusiveness



Konteks Keberlanjutan

Sustainability Context Pelibatan Pemangku KepentinganStakeholder Inclusiveness

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2017 Sustainability Report 2017 IDENTIFIKASI Identification





VALIDASI Validation


Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement


Sawit Sumbermas Sarana 2017 Sustainability Report Sawit Sumbermas Sarana 119 2017 Sustainability Report

Para Pemangku Kepentingan Kami (19, 20, 21, G4-24, G4-26)

Dengan mengadopsi standar GRI G4 dan AA 1000 SES 2015 tersebut, kami mengambil kesimpulan bahwa pemangku kepentingan yang harus dilibatkan dalam penentuan aspek material adalah sebagai berikut:

Our Stakeholders

By adopting the GRI G4 and AA 1000 SES 2015 standards, we conclude that the stakeholders to be engaged in determining the material aspects are as follows:


Respondent Data Collection TechniqueTeknik Pengumpulan Data Implementation ProceduresProsedur Pelaksanaan DocumentsDokumen


Investor Kuesioner


a. SSMS melakukan seleksi pemilihan investor.

SSMS organizes the selection of investors Daftar investor

List of investors

Alamat email investor

Investor’s e-mail

Form kuesioner

questionnaire form

b. SSMS mengirimkan kuesioner melalui email kepada investor

SSMS sends questionnaires through emails to investors

Karyawan SSMS

SSMS Employees Kuesioner


a. SSMS melakukan seleksi karyawan

SSMS organizes the employee selection process

Daftar karyawan

List of employees



b. SSMS mengirimkan kuesioner melalui email kepada investor

SSMS sends questionnaires through emails to employees

Karyawan unit bisnis Subsidiaries


Kuesioner Questionnaire

a. SSMS mengirimkan kuesioner melalui email kepada penanggungjawab pelaporan kerberlanjutan di unit bisnis

SSMS sends questionnaires through an email to the persons in charge

of sustainability reporting of business unit Daftar email

penanggungjawab pelaporan keberlanjutan

Email list of the persons in charge of business unit's sustainability reporting

b. Penanggungjawab pelaporan keberlanjutan menyebarkan kuesioner

The persons in charge of business unit distributes the Questionnaire c. Penanggungjawab pelaporan keberlanjutan mengirimkan hasil

kuesioner melalui email kepada SSMS The persons in charge of

sustainability report email the results of the questionnaire to SSMS





a. SSMS melakukan pemilihan pemerintah

SSMS organizes the government selection process

Daftar relasi pemerintah List

of government relations

b. SSMS mengirimkan kuesioner kepada pemerintah

SSMS disseminates the questionnaires to the government





a. SSMS melakukan pemilihan asosiasi

SSMS organizes the Associations’ selection process

Daftar relasi asosiasi

List of associations relations

b. SSMS mengirimkan kuesioner kepada asosiasi

Commited to Global Sustainable Development

Dari data yang terkumpul, Tim Pelaporan Keberlanjutan SSMS kemudian melakukan pengolahan dan menguji validitas data. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan, dihasilkan kesimpulan aspek material yang harus diungkapkan dalam laporan, yakni sebagai berikut:

From collected data, the SSMS Sustainability Reporting Team then performs processing and assessing the validity of the data. Based on the processing results, the conclusions of the material aspects that should be disclosed in the report are as follows:

• Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja / Occupational Health and Safety

• Perlindungan Keanekagaraman Hayati / Biodiversity Protection

• Pelibatan Masyarakat Sekitar / Local Communities Engagement

Signifikan Bagi Anak Usaha

Significant for Our Business Units

• Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja / Occupational Health and Safety

• Perlindungan Keanekagaraman Hayati / Biodiversity Protection

• Pelibatan Masyarakat Sekitar / Local Community Engagement

• Pengelolaan dan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup / Environmental Management and Performance

• Kepatuhan Hukum / Legal Compliance

• Anti-Korupsi / Anti-Corruption

• Peningkatan Kondisi Kehidupan Masyarakat / Improving the Quality of Life for Local Communities

• Praktik Ketenagakerjaan / Good Employment Practices

• Kualitas Produk dan Pemasaran / Product Quality and Marketing

• Keuntungan / Advantages

• Kontribusi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sosial-Ekonomi / Contribution to Socio-Economic Growth

• Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Human Rights Protection

Signifikan Bagi Pemangku Kepentingan

Significant for Stakeholders

Signifikan Bagi SSMS

Significant For SSMS

• Pelibatan Masyarakat Sekitar / Local Communities Engagement

• Pengelolaan dan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup / Environmental Management and Performance

• Peningkatan Kondisi Kehidupan Masyarakat

Signifikan Bagi Kompetitor

Significant For Competitors

• Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja / Occupational Health and Safety

• Perlindungan Keanekagaraman Hayati / Biodiversity Protection

• Pelibatan Masyarakat Sekitar / Local Communities Engagement

• Pengelolaan dan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup / Environmental Management and Performance

• Kepatuhan Hukum / Legal Compliance

• Anti-Korupsi / Anti-Corruption

• Peningkatan Kondisi Kehidupan Masyarakat / Improving the Quality of Life for Local Communities

• Praktik Ketenagakerjaan / Good Employment Practices

• Kualitas Produk dan Pemasaran / Product Quality and Marketing

• Keuntungan / Advantages

• Kontribusi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sosial-Ekonomi / Contribution to Socio-Economic Growth


Sawit Sumbermas Sarana 2017 Sustainability Report Sawit Sumbermas Sarana 121 2017 Sustainability Report

Tim Pelaporan Keberlanjutan SSMS (G4-31)

Tim Pelaporan Keberlanjutan SSMS merupakan tim yang memiliki tugas spesifik dalam menyusun dan menyajikan laporan keberlanjutan. Setelah sukses dalam melahirkan edisi perdana untuk Laporan Keberlanjutan SSMS Tahun 2016, maka tim yang sama menyusun pula Laporan Keberlanjutan Tahun 2017 dengan harapan lahirnya laporan ini dapat membawa manfaat yang besar dalam mengkomunikasikan performa keberlanjutan SSMS. Tim penyusun laporan keberlanjutan bertugas untuk merencanakan dan melaksanakan pemenuhan aspek-aspek keberlanjutan sesuai kriteria dalam Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4. Tim penyusun laporan keberlanjutan berasal dari divisi Sumber Daya Manusia, Keuangan, Lingkungan dan CSR, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa, Produksi, dan Pemasaran. Demi meningkatkan kualitas Laporan Keberlanjutan ini, kami menyambut baik masukan berupa saran maupun kritik dari seluruh pembaca dan pemangku kepentingan, yang dapat disampaikan ke:

SSMS Sustainability Reporting Team (G4-31)

The SSMS Sustainability Reporting Team is a team that has specific tasks in preparing and presenting sustainability reports. After the success of the inaugural edition of the 2016 SSMS Sustainability Report, the same team also prepared the Sustainability Report of 2017 in the hope that the birth of this report can bring great benefits in communicating SSMS sustainability performance.

The sustainability reporting team has the task to plan and fulfill the sustainability aspects of compliance with the criteria in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4. The sustainability reporting team comes from Human Resources, Finance, Environment and CSR, Health and Work Safety, Procurement of Goods and Services, Production and Marketing Divisions. To improve the quality of this Sustainability Report, we welcome inputs and critiques from all readers and stakeholders, which can be submitted to:

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