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Academic year: 2017



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A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education

On a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Rahmad Saleh






Approval Sheet

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Faculty of Language Education English Education Departement We here by approve the Skripsi of

Rahmad Saleh 20110540092

Candidate for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

December 28th, 2016

Ika Wahyuni Lestari, S.Pd., M.Hum The Skripsi Supervisor

December 28th, 2016

Puthut Ardianto, S.Pd., M.Pd. Examiner 1

December 28th, 2016

Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd. Examiner 2

Yogyakarta, December 28, 2016

Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Statement of Work`s Originality

I honestly declare that this skripsi, entitled “Students` Perception on the Tourist Hunting Program as an Experiential Learning in Speaking Activity at Mts. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta”, which I have written, does not contain

the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references that are cite in regulation with ethical standards of scientific paper.

Yogyakarta, December 28th, 2016


Rahmad Saleh



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The biggest praise, gratitude, love, and honour are dedicated to Allah SWT. Who has been spreading the blessing and mercies in my whole life time, so

that I could accomplish my little imperfect masterpiece flawlessly, skripsi. Salutation and peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has brought

us to get out of the stupidity to the cleverness era.

I would love to say a bunch of thanks to my beloved parents, Syahmin Saleh and Yusniar. Also, to my beloved sisters, Dewi Purnama, Fitriana, and Yuliana and Mrs. Maryam as my step mother. All of you are my inspiration who never stop caring, supporting, and praying for me every time. May Allah bless and mercy us in this world till in the paradise. Allahumma Amin..

Special gratitude belongs to my supervisor, Mrs. Ika Wahyuni Lestari., S.Pd., M.Hum., for supporting and guiding me in accomplishing this skripsi. Thank you so much for extending compassion and flexibility when I needed it. I also thank to Mr. Puthut Ardianto, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Mr. Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd for valuable suggestions in completing my skripsi. I wholeheartedly appreciate your dedication everything you have done to me.


Faculty of Language Education who help me during my study and my preparation of graduation.

I would love to express my thanks to all my participants of this study (Khalid, Haykal, Ragil, Hafidzon, and Faiz), my friends in EED of UMY, and all my students in MTs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, especially third grade of class “C”. Thanks for giving me your spare time, valuable information, support, prays, friendship, brotherhood, and togetherness. Hopefully, our friendship, brotherhood, and togetherness bring us to the Jannah. Allahumma Amin.. wa Jadzakallah alaikum khoiron katsiron.

Yogyakarta, December 28th, 2016


Table of Contents

Tittle ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of Authenticity ... iii

Acknowledgement ... iv

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Abbreviation ... ix

Abstract ... x

Chapter One Introduction ... 1

Background of the Study ... 1

Identification of Problem ... 3

Limitation of the Study ... 4

Formulation of the Problems ... 4

Purpose of the study ... 5

Significant of the Study ... 5

Chapter Two Literature Review ... 8


Speaking Activity ... 9

Characteristic of The successful Speaking Activity ... 10

Problems With Speaking Activity ... 11

Experiential Learning ... 13

Advantages of Using Experiential Learning ... 14

Problems of Using Experiential Learning ... 17

Characteristic of Experiential Learning ... 18

Tourist Hungting Program ... 19

Conceptual Framework ... 21

Chapter Three Methodology ... 26

Research Design ... 26

Research Setting ... 26

Research Participant ... 28

Data Collection Technique ... 29

Data Analysis Technique ... 30

Chapter Four Finding and Discussion ... 33


Student’s perception on the problems faced by students of

MTs. Muallimin muhammadiyah yogyakarta in conducting tourist

hunting program... 41

Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestion ... 47

Conclusion …………... 47

Suggestion …………... 48

References ... 50

Appendix 1 ... 54


List of Abbreviation

EFL : English as a Foreign Language

ESL : English as a Second Language

THP : Tourist Hunting Program

MMMY : Madrasah Mua`llimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

MTMMY : Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mua`llimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

MTs. : Madrasah Tsanawiyah

MA : Madrasah Aliyah

UMY : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Speaking is the fundamental need that should be mastered by ESL and EFL students. Madrasah Mua`llimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has implemented the Tourist Hunting Program whose goal is to improve students’ English speaking skill. Although the Tourist Hunting Program has been implemented for about five years, it has not been supported and evaluated yet. This research aims to reveal and investigate the advantages and the problems faced by the students of MTs. Mua`llimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in implementing the Tourist Hunting Program as an experiential learning in speaking activity. This research is a qualitative research using in-depth interview as the research instrument. The participants of this research consist of five students who are in eighth and ninth grades of MTs. Mua`llimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The result suggests that the implementation of the program can improve student`s public speaking skill quality and enrich students’ mastery of vocabulary. It can also increase the students’ self confidence. Besides, it can increase the students’ linguistic

competence and broaden the students’ insight. Moreover, this program can encourage students to love English subject and finally becomes means of students’ English skill training/practice. However, there are several problems

faced by the students, i.e. lack of the time allocation, lack of grammar and vocabulary mastery, too large amount of students, and the lack of funding given by the school.


Chapter One Introduction

This chapter discusses the introduction of the study. This chapter is divided into five (5) sections: background of the study, identification of the

problem, limitation of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, and the significances of the study.

Background of the study

English language proficiency consists of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Nevertheless, among these four skills, speaking seems to be a fundamental need that should be mastered by students of ESL (English as a second language) and EFL (English as a Foreign language). It is because of the development of science, especially literature demands in which all people have to be able to communicate using English as one of the international languages. As Nazara (2011) stated that for several reasons, speaking has always been

considered as the most essential skill to be mastered. Therefore, many educational institutions in Indonesia provide English lesson to improve students` English proficiency. In addition, in order to encourage students’ motivation to learn English, some schools facilitate various kinds of English activities for their students, one of the examples is Madrasah Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


MMMY also provides many activities which are strongly helpful for the students in encouraging their ability to master English speaking skill, for example the Tourist Hunting Program.

The Tourist Hunting Program (THP) is one of the English speaking activities which has function to emphasize students’ English speaking skill improvement. While joining the activity, the students are prepared and guided by an English teacher to go to some tourism places in Yogyakarta to find and to interact with English native speakers. This activity will automatically challange the studensts as an EFL students to learn English with native English speakers directly as well as get to know how native speakers use the target language confidently and fluently in the context of daily conversation. This program is aimed to improve students’ English speaking skill. Moreover, the main goal of

this program is to help students solve nerve and fear of making mistakes in the context of grammatical structure in speaking, and encourage students become more confident to speak English with native speakers.

In 2015, the members of THP consisted of 70 students from different grades that were the students of MTs. (junior high school students) and the


places such as Malioboro, Borobudur, and sometimes they do the tourists hunting on the bus nearby Ngabeyan bus station. They all collaborate together and are divided into some groups, then they are spread away to different places in order to meet English native speakers.

Even though the Tourist Hunting Program has been implemented for about five (5) years, it has not been supported and evaluated well. As the result, MMMY does not really know whether the program has run well or not, whether the

program can give contribution toward students` English proficiency or not. Seeing this circumstance, the researcher is interested in conducting the research in order to know students` perceptions on Tourist Hunting Program conducted at MTs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (MTMMY).

Identification of the problem

This research discusses students’ perception on the Tourist Hunting Program as their English speaking activity at MTs. Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Based on the researcher`s observation in the formal class when he teaches the students at MMMY, the researcher sees some problems faced by the students. Those students’ problems are for examples: first, students have less enthusiasm to


researcher also find that the English teacher as one of students` facilitators or guides in running THP also get difficulty to control the students in the field by himself. This is the reason why that English teacher is always accompanied and helped by the students of senior high school (students MA. Muallimin

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta) in order to control and manage the students who are joining the program.

Limitation of the study

Based on the facts that happen, the researcher is interested in discovering and analyzing the students` perception regarding the implementation of the Hunting Tourist Program whether this program gives benefits for students or not. The researcher focuses on the students` perception when conducting Tourist Hunting Program, especially on its advantages and problems faced by the students of MTMMY. The goal of the research is to know students` perception toward THP conducted at MTMMY.

Formulation of the problems

There are two research questions disscused in the research:

1. What are the advantages of the Tourist Hunting Program as an experiential learning in speaking activity as perceived by the students of MTMMY? 2. What problems are faced by the students of MTMMY in conducting


Purpose of the study

Related to the formulation of the problems, there are two purposes of the research:

1. To reveal the advantages of the Tourist Hunting Program as an

experiential learning in speaking activity as perceived by the students of MTMMY.

2. To investigate kinds of problems that are faced by students of MTMMY in conducting the Tourist Hunting Program in the field.

Significance of the study

This research is expected to give many contributions for the researcher, Madrasah Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as the institution that conducts the Tourist Hunting Program, the teachers, the students, and other researchers.

For the institution, MTMMY. In this research, the researcher reveals the advantages and the problems in holding The Tourist Hunting Program conducted by the students of MTMMY. By the explanation of the research results, MTMMY can compare and manage the strengths and the weaknesses of using experiential learning approach as their alternative way of teaching and learning process. Next, the school can pay more attention to evaluate and support this Tourist Hunting Program well.


learning approach. Besides, this research also give a comprehension that the THP as one of the English outside classroom activities might help and influence

students’ attention and interest to learn the English.

For the researcher. This research is very important for the researcher as the candidate of English teacher at MMMY. It is because from the result of this research, the reseacher is able to know the advantages and the problems of the THP and it can become researcher`s consideration and anticipation to handle the program for the students. Therefore, the researcher can give significant

contribution for the school to show the role of the THP as their additional English learning practice in MTMMY. Moreover, accomplishing this research gives the researcher many insights into some advantages of conducting the outside classroom English learning activity that can become a reference for the next researcher`s research.

For the student. This research gives many benefits and information for the students of MMMY about THP. It is because from the result of this research, the students can know the advantages and the problems of the THP and it can become students`s consideration and anticipation to handle this program in the field. Due to which, the students can have positive values about THP as their additional English learning practice conducted by MTMMY.


Chapter Two

Literature Review

This chapter discusses the theories related to the study matter. The researcher demonstrates three main points of the study. First, speaking

comprehension that comprises of the definition of speaking, speaking activity, characteristics of a successful speaking activity, and problems in speaking activity. Second, the definition of experiential learning, characteristics of

experiential learning, advantages of using experiential learning, and problems of using experiential learning. Third, the explanation of the Tourist Hunting Program and its implementation.



involves producing, receiving, and processing information. Futhermore, in terms of English proficiency, the measurement of EFL students’ succesful language acqusition can be seenmostly from their speaking skill or their ability to interact with other speakers of the target language. As Brown (2000) stated that the success of the language acquisition can be seen from the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic purpose of the use of the language itself through an interactive discourse with other speakers of the language. In addition, Nunan (1999) also said that a single most important aspect of learning the second or foreign language is speaking and the success of learning the second or foreign language is measured in terms of the ability to carry out the language


Moreover, in this globalization era, speaking skill becomes a crusial skill that should be mastered by the studentsof both ESL and EFL in order to help them communicate well both in formal and informal situations. According to Osborn (2008), if these learners were to achieve succes such as when attanding job interview, or fulfilling other job-related task which needs the use of the second language, the abilty to communicate orally in English especially becomes a crusial thing. Besides, it is not only for the academic pupose, but also for professional purpose.


activity is the activity designed to engage learners in authentic, pratical, and funtional use of language for speaking skill development purpose. Speaking activity helps the students in developing their English proficiency and it gives many chances for students to pratice their ability. It can be a must for the EFL students to pratice their English ability as often as possible. As proverb says “the

more you practice, the more you will be expert”.

Characteristics of a Successful Speaking Activity. To know whether a speaking activity is succesful run or not, it can be seen from some characteristics. As Ur (1996) categorized some characteristics of a successful speaking activity, those characteristics are:

First, learners talk a lot. Commonly, in learning process, the activity starts with teacher talks or pauses the learners talk less than the teacher. Instead, in order to have an effective speaking activity, the teacher should give the learners as much as possible the period of time to talk more in the activity. This will encourage learners of EFL to think more of how they participate well in the activity and helps them in enriching more language linguistic acquisition. Second, participation is even. When the classroom discussion or the activity is running, sometime the activity is dominated by a minority of talkative participants. In this case, the learners should be given a turn to get a chance to speak, and contribute in the activity. Third, motivation is high. A good speaking activity starts from


acceptable level. The last measurement of a successful speaking activity can be seen from how the learners express themselves in utterances, whether the learners easily comprehensible each other’s words, how their langauge accuracy in the activity process.

Problems With Speaking Activity. Many students of EFL commonly face the same problems with this speaking skill especially as the most difficult skill to master. Zhang (2009) argued that for majority of the English learners’ speaking remains as the most difficult skill to master, and they are still

incompetent in communicating orally in English. In line with that, according to Ur (1999), there are four common problems of English speaking activities that are faced by most learners of EFL consisting of inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use (p. 121).


Nothing to say. In spite of the fact that learners of EFL have been learning English since they were in elementary school until they are in the junior high school, mostly the learners still get mixed up or confused of the precise word or even unwilling to convey their ideas, thought, or feeling eventhough they probably are not inhibited. They cannot think of anything to say and seems no motivation to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking. Morozova (2013) mentioned that unwillingness to communicate to other is the reason of poor speaking of Russian students.

Low or uneven participation. The term of this problem indicates that there are some active/dominate students in the classroom activity when it is in the teaching and learning process. When a talkative participant dominates to speak, as the activity regulation to achieve a task, this means that other learners will have only very little time to speak in order to improve their speaking ability. This problem is actually caused by the tendency of some learners who have got used to express themselves confidently, while others speak very little because they have less confidence and even they choose not to speak at all. As Chamot explained in his article that if the students undergo the poorest condition of speaking, lack of practice, they tend to be reluctant to speak in the classroom activities (as cited by Madsa, 2012, p.1).


to use their mother tongue, they perhaps think it will become more exposed and easier to convey their thought.

Experiential Learning

In 1980, David Kolb has created a learning theory called as experiential leaning. Experiential learning refers to a style of learning that tends to be oriented to the activity which is encouraging the studentsto interact with the environment, including the situations and people involved. According to Majid (2016),

experiential learning is a learning strategy that is centred to the students and oriented to the activity. This learning strategy tends to emphasize on the learning process that can be more important for the students. Learning to learn is more important than learning a particular chunk of subject matter (Nunan, 2004). In the classroom, experiential learning is seen as transformation of knowledge within the learner rather than from the teacher to the learner. While the teacher acts as a facilitator and students get to manage their own learning, and with this awareness the students are given some autonomy. This will help students reach the goal of language learning as well as to reach a communicative compentence that achieves a desirable goal through engaging in intercultural communication, with the

balance between external factors (learning enviorement) and internal factors (language learner and his beliefs, concepts, preferences, etc.) in the language learning (Kohonen, 2000).


such as during a workshop, or during regularly scheduled sessions of an activity. It promotes personal exploration of feelings and behaviors in an educational format. During experiential learning, the students try out strategies and procedures of an action theory, gets results and feedback, and then organize present

information and experiences into an action theory. As Kolb (1984) said that experience as the source of learning and development.

The purpose of this learning strategy is more than just orienting the students to master the lesson by memorizing delivered facts or materials of learning. Nevertheless, the orientation of the leaning is to give experience for a long period. As Malik (2016) stated that learning style of the experiential learning tends to be oriented to give experience for a long period. Furthermore, the

expected result of learning is more meaningful for the students.

Advantages of using experiential learning. This learning strategy (experiential leaning) facilitates many meaningful and fun learning process for students. Nevertheless, the primary purpose of using this strategy is to give many advantages knowledge for student and consistently well guided. The advantages and disadvantages of using the experiential learning is described in detail in Learning Strategy (Malik, 2016), those are:

Motivate students` participation. Teaching a foreign language for the EFL learners especially English needs a strategy of teaching that can encourage


result that, the students get difficulties in learning English speaking skill.

Moreover, it will give bad impact toward their motivation to participate in every English activity. As Alharbi (2015) stated that the students who are only being a listener and a receiver of knowledge without getting the chance to speak in the activity, for example responding answer-question session tend to face difficulties in learning English speaking skill.

In this case, the experiential learning trains the learners to show their role in the activity and to get the learners used to take a turn or a chance to speak with their interlocutor as their contributions in the activity. As Ur (1996) argued that a succesful language learning can be seen from students’ participation to take their turn to speak in the activity. Therefore, implementing the experiential learning will let the learnerstry to contribute and participate well to achieve the objective of the task with fun and real learning atmosphere both for teachers and students.


In addition, implementing experiential learning will enable the learners to get a different dimension of learning style that can strongly boost learners

motivation in learning foreign language. As many people have known well that motivation has an important role as a fundamental thing in learning process especially to encourage the learners to be more confident and to enjoy in

participating in their learning process. As the result, when the learner feels more confident and enjoy to participate their learning process, then it can guarantee the successful learning. In this line, Andreas argued that one of the key points of a successful students` learning is motivation (as cited in Juhana, 2012). In addition, Gardner (2001) also explained that different language activity provides learners with additional opportunities to boost all the three components of motivation: to learn the language, achieve their learning goals and enjoy the language learning experience. From this perspective, when the learner get those three components of motivation the learners will have better confidence and for sure when they

confidently participate in the activity and their competence of English speaking proficiency will be more getting developed.


Problems of using experiential learning. Although the experiential leaning has many advantages for students, in implemeting this experiential learning also has some problems for the student. Some problems that are commonly faced by the students in implementing the experiential learning as described by Malik (2016) in detail in Strategy Pembelajaran such as:

Expensive cost. Probably running this kind of experiential learning activity is quite different from the learning process generally. It is because the educational institution where the students study there have to spend cost to accomodate or facilitate the students as a supporting learning. Even, sometimes students also have to spend their own cost in case.

Need long time. It cannot be denied that in the implementation of experiential learning activity, it needs much time process to run it. It is because basically the main purpose of this experiential learning activity tends to be oriented to give much experience for a long period. The activity which is ran outside the classroom generally encourages learners to interact with the

enviorenment including the situation and the people involved. Thus, this learning style is more emphasizing on the learning process, not on the result commonly. However, the expected result of learning is the students get more meaningful learning for a long period.

The students` safety. The safety is one of a big challanges in


done. Therefore, it is strongly needed a big monitor by a teacher as a fasilitator to guide them in order to run the activity well and safely.

Characteristics of Experiential Learning. Based on the Kolb Learning Style Inventory book written by Kolb (2005), in implementing this experiential learning, the teacher must pay attention to the six propositions that are shared by these scholars. Those characteristic are:

First, learning is best conceived as a process, not in terms of outcomes. To improve learning in higher education for the learners, the main focus should be in engaging the learners in a process that best enhances their learning. The process itself should be included feedback on the effectiveness of their learning efforts. Through this experiential learning, the outcomes represent only historical record, not the knowledge itself of the future. This emphasis of the process of learning differs the experiential learning from idealist approaches of traditional education and from the behavioral theories of learning. Second, all learning is relearning. Learning is best facilitated by a process that draws out the students’ beliefs and

ideas about a topic, so the students can be examined, tested, and integrated with new, more refined ideas.

The third characteristic is that learning requires the resolution of conflicts between dialectically opposed modes of adaptation to the world. Conflicts, differences, and disagreement influence the learning process. In the process of learning, one is called upon to move back and forth between opposing modes of reflection and action and feeling and thinking. Fourth, learning is a holistic


the integrated functioning of the total person thinking, feeling, perceiving, and behaving. Fifth, learning results from synergetic transactions between the person and the environment. In Piaget’s terms, learning occurs through equilibration of

the dialectic processes of assimilating new experiences into existing concepts and accommodating existing concepts to new experience.

The last characteristic of experiential learning is that learning is the process of creating knowledge. ELT proposes a constructivist theory of learning whereby social knowledge is created and recreated in the personal knowledge of the learner. This stands in contrast to the “transmission” model on which much

current educational practice is based, where pre-existing fixed ideas are transmitted to the learner. Those six characteristics of experiential learning

seemshas similarity in terms of the way MMMY conducts an English program for their students which is called as Tourist Hunting Program.

Tourist Hunting Program


in which many factors interact. This activity included communication, interaction, learning and practice of English proficiency.

This program is formulated both for student of junior high school (MTs.) and student of senior high school (MA) of MMMY. This program has some rules that should be paid big attention by the students. Those rules, such as the students must use English as the main term to communicate with the native speaker of English. Besides, they must keep their behavior and politeness while they are trying to communicate with the native speakers of English in the conversation. Moreover, they must avoid some questions that relates to the private things of their interlocutor such as about their religion, job, financial, and etc. In term of time allocation, they must manage their time that given only about 2 to 3 hours to take in turn in the conversation with some the native speakers of English.

In addition, the purpose of this program is to help students to get used to speak English with the result they have good improvement toward their

confidence when the speak English. It is corresponding with the charateristic of experiential learning that learing is conceived as a process. Moreover, this program as an outside English learning, have a purpose to encourages student`s motivation toward their participation to learn English by challenge them to interact and adapt with people and enviorement. It is in line with characteristic of experiential learning that learning results from synergetic transaction between the person and the enviorement. Robertson (2005) considers that in knowledge


relationship, collaborate, be open, adapt to the new situation, creatively express their ideas, accept responsibility and challenge. Therefore, the purpose of this program also to train and to challenge the sudents to adapt and to solve the problem in a real situation. It is in line with characteristic of experiential learning that learning is a holistic process of adaptation to the world and requires the resolution of conflict.

This THP is adjusted with the function to improve students` English speaking skill which implements the experiential learning approach. Where this experiential learning also as the learning activity which functions to encourage the students to interact with the environment, including the situations and people involved. The THP is as one of the example of public communication. In the implementation of THP, the students are given a challenge to take in turn to communicate face to face with their interlocutor or native speakers of English. As Grice and Skinner (1995) said that public communication occurs when someone speaks face to face to their interlocutor.

Conceptual framework


There are some advantages in implementing THP as experiential learning for students of EFL especially. According to Malik (2016), experiential learning activity contributes many advantages for students. The research here explaines some of them such as: first, motivate students` participation. Experiential learning activity gives difference dimension of English learning that can encourage

students to directly speak in turn with an English native speaker actively. As Alharbi (2015) stated that the students who are only being listener and receiver of knowledge without getting the chance to speak in the activity, for example

responding answer-question session tend to face difficulties in learning English speaking skill.

The second advantage of experiential learning is that experiential learning activity will develop students` confidence and competence toward their English speaking activity. Experiential learning activity trains the learners to face and overcome their shyness in conveying their thoughts or ideas and in performing their English speking ability. They will get used to take a part to contribute in the conversation or activity to solve or accomplish the task naturally. The last is advantages that researcher analyzes that it increases students` retention about what is learned.


language especially English. The second problem is learners have nothing to say. Many students cannot think of anything to say and seems no motivation to express themselves when they want to try to speak in public. The third, low or uneven participation. When talkative participant dominates to speak as the activity regulation to achieve a task, this means other learners will have only very little time to talk in order to improve their speaking ability. Fourth, mother-tongue use. Many of students tend, even prefer to use their mother tongue when they speak in foreign langugae. It is because they probably feel unnatural to speak to another using a foreign language. Therefore, they neglect the rule of expressing themselve using foreign language.

Moreover, besides some problems in the learners` linguistical side, there are also some problems in terms of the implementation of the program such as: first, expensive cost. Implemeting this experiential learning as if forces the education institution that the students study there to spend more costs to accomodate or facilitate the students as a supporting learning necessity. Even, sometimes students also have to spend their own cost in case. Then, the second problems are in terms of their linguistic and the time allocation. It cannot be denied that the implementation of experiential learning activity needs much time process to run it. It is because basically the main purpose of this experiential learning activity tends to be oriented to give much experiences for a long period. As according to Majid (2016), it needs much allocated time for students to run the experiential learning in the field. The last, in terms of students’ safety, the


Figure 1.1Conceptual Framework




1. Motivate students` participation 2. Develop students`

confidence and competence

3. Increase students` retention about what is learned

PROBLEMS Linguistic Problems

1. Inhibition

2. Nothing to say

3. Low or uneven participation

4. Mother-tongue use

Implementation Problems


Chapter Three Methodology

This chapter discusses the research methodology of the study. It is divided into five (5) sections. Those are research design, research participants, research setting, data collecting techniques, and data analysis.

Research design

The study functions to propose students` perceptions toward the THP implemented by MTMMY as their English speaking activity. The purpose is to investigate students` perception on the advantages of the program and to discover the problems faced in implementing the THP in the field. In accomplishing the research, the researcher has considered to do a research qualitatively. According to Creswell (2012) who argued that qualitative research is one of the methods in conducting the research by an observation or an interview. Therefore, the

researcher considered that using qualitative method is appropriate design for this study in investigating and analysing students` perception by an interview section. In line with that, it is considered with developed explanation for further


Research Setting


Islamic education institution was accessible for the researcher because the researcher is one of the English teacher there. Third, the researcher was also as one of the supervisors in students` dormitory stays at the same dormitory with the students of second grade and third grade as the researchers` interviewee target. Thus, it will make the researcher easier in terms of the researcher`s mobility to obtain the data. In addition, the researcher conducted the interview section twice in MMMY on Friday morning exactly at 08.00 AM until 10.00 AM, September 23 and 30, 2016. The reason why the researcher conducted at that time is that MMMY held the weekend holiday on Fridays. So, both the participants and researcher had efficient time allocation to conduct the interview section in the dormitory of MMMY.

Table 1.1Time Setting of the Research

No Agenda 2016

Sept Oct Nov Des


Research Participants

In obtaining the data in the research, the researcher interviewed five students of MTMMY that comprised of eighth and ninth grade of MTMMY. The reason why the researcher took five participants was according to Cohen (2011) argued that in qualitative research, there are no rules about size of sample, meaning size is informed by “fitness for purpose”. There were about 35 students

from seven to nine grade of MTMMY who still actively joined the THP. Then, the researcher took five students that were choosen based on their attandance in the program. Moreover, those five students were recommended by their teacher or supervisor based on their active participation and ability to speak English in participating THP. Those students were three students from the eight grade and two students from the nine grade. The researcher did not interview the members from the seventh grade students bacause basically they were the beginner or new members who have not much experience in doing THP. Besides, they have just joined and implemented the program less than two semesters. Therefore, the researcher did not take them as the participants for this study.


made, to focus on specific, unique issues or cases, and to generate theory through the gradual accumulation of data from different sources.

From the good participation of the members of THP, the researcher was recommended to interview the students who have experienced the program or who have joined THP since at least two semesters. Futhermore, in terms of students English ability, the researcher did not only choose the students who have better ability to speak English. Nevertheles, the researcher chose the respondents from different level of English speaking ability that has been suggested by the teacher. Those participants have high English speaking ability, medium English ability, and low English speaking ability that have been categorised by their English teacher. The reason why the researcher interviewed those students who have different level of English ability was because the researcher wanted to get various answers from their perspectives. The researcher used pseudonyms to refer to the participants which functions to give chance to the participant to convey widely their opinions without fear of limited to convey their opinions.

Data Collection Techniques

The reseacher interviewed five representative students from eighth and ninth grades of MTMMY. In-depth interview was done in order to obtain further information for the research. The question of the interview focused on the

students` experiences inimplementating THP and some advantages and problems that are commonly found by the students while they are implementing the


speaking especially, the researcher contacted the teacher as the coach to help the researcher in choosing the appropriate participants. After five participants were choosen, the researcher made appropriate schedule with the participants to do the interview section.

The interview section was conducted in Muadz Bin Jabal dormitory of MMMY. The reseacher tried to obtain important information by using notes and audio recorder such as mobile phone recorder. Besides, in conducting the

interview section the researcher used Indonesian language. Using Indonesian language in interviewing the students totally helped the students understand what the research was asking about. Therefore, there were not misunderstanding of what the researcher mean in each questions which should be answered by the students. Then, one by oneof the participants of THP gave detail explanation toward the implementation of the program and told about the advantages and problems that are commonly faced by them and their expectation about the program.

Data Analysis Techniques

To obtain the appropriate answers of the research problem in the problem formulation of this study, the researcher carried out three steps to analyze the interview result.


accomplished, the researcher did not forget to do member checking. The researcher showed the transcriptions to the interviewee to make sure that the transcription is strongly valid. The result of member cheking from the

interviewees showed that the trascription was valid and accepted. So, there were no changes in the transcription. Then, the researcher used coding to conceptualize the data dealing with the literature review.

According to Strauss and Corbin (1998) there are three processes of data analysis: Open Coding, Axial Coding, and Selective Coding. These three kinds of coding must be simultanously done in a research in order that the theory

developed based on the data is correctly analyzed. Therefore, at first the researcher did an Open Coding to break down, examine, compare, and conceptualize the data. Then, the second the researcher did the Axial Coding where the data collected back and put together in a new way after Open Coding, by making connections between the categories. The last, the researcher did the Selective Coding as the process of selecting the core category. In this step, the researcher tried to systematically relate the core category to other categories, validate those relationships, and fill in categories that needs further development. Then, after the coding process was done, the researcher classified and categorized the result of coding to obtain students’ perception on the implementation of THP. Afterward, to make a comparison between the data and the literature, the


Chapter Four Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings of study on the students perception toward the THP as an english speaking activity at MTMMY. There are some findings that are described in this section. The finding data collected from the research is correlated with some theories and research facts found in the field. The writing of this research finding result is supported with interview data obtained from interviewees. This section is also followed by discussion that is supported by theories and book or journals that are related to the study. The description of this chapter is divided into two topics. First, the advantages of the THP as an English speaking activity perceived by the students of MTMMY. Second, the problems that are faced by the students of MTMMY in conducting THP in the field.

Student’s Perception on the advantages of the THP as an English Speaking


In this section, the researcher found some findings based on the first research question about the advantage of the THP as an English speaking activity. In this research, the researcher involved five participants of MTMMY in academic year 2016. The findings were based on the interview results that have been carried out by the researcher. The findings basically showed that the students got some advantages through joining the THP as an English speaking activity. The advantages of THP were:

Improving the student’s public speaking skill quality. Based on the


activity, there were two students whose perceptions were that the program can help students’ capability in public speaking especially on his speaking capacity with people, even with the native speaker. Besides, it can increase vocabulary and teach his companion or friend. This fact is reported by Maheer who said: “THP can improve the student’s public speaking quality and increase vocabulary and teach their student companion or friend” (R1.03). It is in line with Hafidz

recognition: “Students felt improved in their public speaking capacity because they got additional exercise/practice such as pronunciation and conversation exercise outside classroom” (R4.02).

The statement of two students above indicates that with the THP as an experiential learning in speaking activity can improve their public speaking quality. It is corresponding with Malik’s statement (2016) that the experiential learning can develop students` public speaking quality by supporting them with practical speaking activity. It is corresponding with the aim of THP that basically aims to encourage student doing practice as much as possible and to trains students to get used to speak eagerly in the real situation with native speaker. As stated by Nikita (2011) public speaking, just like any other skill, require

constant practice in order to be improved. The more students practice the conversation with native speaker, the more they improve their English speaking skill.


(1996) among characteristics of successful speaking activity are: the student talks a lot in the activity of learning process. It can be understood from the student’s idea to teach their companion or friend and involve participation of their college or friend. This condition, of course becomes a description of the increase of student’s public speaking quality. In addition, the student have high motivation

and are brave to express their idea or opinion in English utterances that is easily comprehensible among themselves.

Enriching student`s mastery of vocabulary. Besides increasing student`s public speaking quality, THP can help students in enriching their mastery of vocabulary. While the students joining THP and they have a chance to take in turn in the convesation with their interlocutor or with native speakers of English, they automatically try to correctly use, remind, even try to find the vocabulary that they need in the conversation.

The explanation above is corresponding with Maheer who said: “THP can improve the student’s public speaking quality and increase vocabulary and teach

their student companion or friend” (R1.03). In line with that, two other students

agreed that THP help them in enriching their mastery vocabulary and trains them to use vocabulary appropriately. As Nasyed’s recognizedthat: “THP activity trains the students to use grammar and vocabulary they have learned appropriately and correctly”. (R2.03). Moreover, Daus, in this case, also said: THP activity


enriching their mastery of vocabulary. According to Ur (1996) among

characteristic of a succesful speaking activity are: learners try to easily understand how their language accuracy in the activity process.

Increasing the student’s self confidence to speak English with native

speakers. The result of THP activity have affected the students’self confidence that the students have courage to speak English with the native speaker of English, especially. Speaking with native speakers although there are still many mistakes whether in pronunciation or in using exact vocabulary, in fact, generated the courage of the studentsto improve their self confidence. There were recognitions reported by some students after joining the THP.

According to Nasyeed, The THP trains the student’s self confidence to courageously speak English with Englishnative speakers (R2.02). Maheer said: “The THP activity increasing the self confidence of students” (R1.02). Another

student stated that after joining the THP, they have courage to speak in public. It is in line with Daus statement: “The THP activity makes student become

courageous to speak in front of public” (R3.08). Different statement that emphasized more on the courage of using vocabulary with native speaker was reported by Nazhief: “The THP was generating the student’s courage to express their mastery of vocabulary to be a sentence with native speakers” (R5.02).

Based on the student’s recognition about their courage to speak with


finding was consistent with Syafris’( 2014) study on English Day Program (EDP) activities: seeking and inviting native speaker to the campus done by the EFL students in STAIN Bukittinggi. The result from the recognition of Syfris`s participants, Murcia (2011), indicated that the program can improve

communicative competence and enhance students’ confidence in speaking English

This activity is also useful to build up students’ courage, students’ self -confidence, students’ self-esteem, and overcoming students’ anxiety to speak

English. It is corresponding with Malik (2016) statement that experiential learning trains the learners to face and overcome their shyness in conveying their thoughts or ideas and in performing their English speaking ability. Moreover, according to Roger (1969) argued that the process of discovery of knowledge and solutions in the experiential learning grows student`s competence and confidence.

Increasing the student’s linguistic competence. The THP activity has been conducted by several students of MTMMY as part of outside English learning. It also has increased the linguistic competence of students. In this program the students try to use grammar and vocabulary correctly in accordance with the English language material provided by the teacher in the classroom. This program has also helped the students at enriching their vocabulary and made them have experienced in using English in public especially when they meet with the native speakers.


“The THP activity helped students enriching vocabulary in English and

supporting their experience to speak using English language with native speakers” (R3.04).

Basically, what have been conducted by the students of MTMMY in the THP activity was included in the experiential learning activity. At least before joining the program, the students prepared themselves to enrich vocabulary that are often used in conservation including the use of grammar. It is prepared in order to avoid many mistakes when practice it in the field. This is expected to support the students’ competency and build the students’ capacity in enriching vocabulary.

According to Malik (2016) the experiential learning activity can motivate students` participation and encourage students to directly speak in turn with an English native speaker actively. The experiential learning activity will develop students’ confidence and competence in their English speaking activity. Experiential learning activity trains the learners to face and overcome their shyness in conveying their thoughts or ideas and in performing their English speaking ability.

Broadening the student’s insight about social, cultural, and economic


students’ insight about social cultural lives of the native speakers with whom they spoke to.

In this THP activity, the topic they spoke can be ensured just discuss about self introduction, hobby and their social culture in their respective countries. The interesting topic is when the students or the tourists tell each other about their countries, their people, community, culture and the recent social situation happen in their respective countries. Here is both student and tourist can perceive the pleasant experience and getnew insight the native speaker’s country. It is in accordance with Nazhief statement: “The THP activity provides the student’s insight about social, cultural, and economic of the tourists’ country who involve in speaking” (R5.03).

The purpose of the THP is basically to improve students’ English

speaking ability and trains students’ confidence to speak English. Also, it is as an outside English learning that encourages students’ motivation toward their participation to learn English. According to Robertson (2005) the program is not only to educate professionals for a certain field but it has to help students to be aware of cultural values, form human mutual relationship, collaborate, be open, adapt to the new situation, creatively express their ideas, accept responsibility and challenge. Thus, broadening the students’ insight about social, cultural, economic and political situation of the other country is one of the purposes of the THP activity.


hospitality and welcome of the tourists to students who wish to learn speaking in English and their concern to correct the students’ mistake in pronunciation of English word become distinctive attraction for students to love English lesson. The students become excited to practice their English ability and to enrich their vocabulary and their grammatical capability in the real situation to support their effort in improving competency and proficiency. According to Murray (1983) stated that students would be fun to study of something real and fun.

The THP conducted by the students at MTMMY becomes impetus to students to be more eager in studying English. This program is also to improve competency of studentsin speaking English. Maheer stated: “The THP makes the students loving English language and increasing the students’ competency in English” (R1.06). It is corresponding with Sprau and Keig (2011) stated that the

experiential learning model can best server and encourage the student`s interest of a subject.

THP is an effective program as the means for training/practicing the

Students’ English Skill. The THP which is conducted at MTMMY was proven as

an effective means for students to practice their English skill directly with native speakers. This program, at least may support the students to train their courage in expressing their idea without concern about doing mistakes. In addition, speaking with native speakers, the students can hear directly the word pronunciation spoken by native speakers.


“Many students perceived that the THP was useful as means/chance to study and

increase the skill in English” (R3.09). Another student, Nazhief, reported that: “The THP activity became a means of direct practice in English learning to the

students and they can hear a correct pronunciation from a native speaker” (R5.01). The THP more emphasizeson direct practice and exercise in English speaking. This program is identical with experiential learning theory proposed by Kolb (1980). Experiential learning refers to the learning style that tends to be oriented to the activity which encouraging the students to interact with the environment, including the situations and people involved.

According to Majid (2016), experiential learning is a learning strategy centred to the students and oriented to the activity. During experiential learning, the students try out strategies and procedures of an action theory, get results and feedback, and then organize present information and experiences into an action theory. As Kolb (1984) said that experience as the source of learning and development.

Student’s Perception on the Problems Faced by Students of MTMMY in

Conducting THP


There are several problems that were found in the research of the THP. The problems encountered by the students in the field were: 1) lack of time allocation, 2) lack of mastering grammar and vocabulary, 3) large number of group members causes ineffective and create unpleasant environment for the tourists, and 4) the lack of funding support from the school.

Lack of time allocation. The time limitation is the common problem that is usually found in any program with different target and purpose. The time limitation is always related to many programs should be completed in a certain time simultaneously. Sometimes the time limitation related to inappropriate time and opportunity. This condition is reported by Maheer: “In conducting THP, the students have time limitation because the THP is conducted in Friday as our school holiday, while the touristscan be easily found and there are many of themon Sunday” (R1.08). In addition, the difficulty to practice THP was also caused by the minimum time allocated. Furthermore, Maheer said: “The students perceives the difficulty to practice THP because of a minimum time limitation” (R1.09).

Another student assumed that the obstacle to practice in Tourist Hunting Program is the time limitation causes the difficulty to share time in speaking in group with native speakers. Daus stated: “There is just several students that can do practice in conversation with English native because of time limitation to share time to speak in turn” (R3.13).


speaking as experiential learning needs long time, because it was a learning process that will be related to the environment outside the classroom, interacted with native speaker and other people that need certainly a mutual understanding one another to attain common goal. According to Malik (2016) stated that implementation of experiential learning activity needs much time process. It is because basically the activity sometime is ran outside of the classroom and encourages learners to interact with the enviorement including the situation and the people involved. Therefore, many of respondents perceived the problem of time limitation in joining the THP.

Lack of mastering grammar and vocabulary. Fears of making mistake to express idea in the sentence, get nervous when starting to speak and shy because of the lack of confidence to speak correctly in conversation practice is common problem that cannot be avoided by the students. The problem above certainly --- realize it or not --- becomes the students’ obstacle that should be handled to support the attainment of program goals.

Several problem reported by the students. According to Maheer: “The students get the difficulty and fears doing mistake in pronunciation of English words” (R1.10). In addition, he said : “The lack of vocabulary in English words

and shyness become one factor obstructing the process of Tourist Hunting Program” (R1.012).


(R3.06). While Hafidz said: “Nerve causes students forget to use right vocabulary in English” (R4.05).

According to Ur (1999) the problem encountered by the students of MTMMY above was included in the inhibition category. In the speaking practice activities, commonly learners are inhibited in trying to say something in a foreign language especially English. They often too worried about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or losing face, or simply learner shies that their speech might attracts crowd’s attention. The inhibition in speaking practice above may make student speechless or have nothing to say. Mostly the students still get mixed up with the precise word to convey their ideas, thought, or feeling. They cannot think of anything to say and seems no motivation to express themselves because of the guilty feeling that they should be speaking.

Fears of making mistake to express idea in the sentence, get nervous when starting to speak and shy because of the lack of confidence to speak correctly in conversation practicewere also caused by the habit of students to speak with mother tongue use. If this habit is conducted continuously, it can result the weak improvement in conversation learning. Ur (1999) said that many learners neglect the rule of expressing themselve using foreign language. Some learners probably feel unnatural to speak to one another by using a foreign language. They tend to and prefer to use their mother tongue, they perhaps think that it becomes more exposed and easier to convey their thought.

Too large amount of students cause ineffective and create unpleasant


also became an obstacle to the attainment of program goals. When the number of group in the THP too much, it might cause the problem of time allocation to speak among group members. The number of group members might restricted in

involvement and participation of each group member evenly. Moreover, if one of the group member has confidence and competency in English speaking, he would dominate the conversation and ignoring the other member.

The finding of problem above is supported by the student’s report such as Daus, who said: “Because the THP activity consist of 5-10 students in one group, some of students found it difficult to get turn in practice of English speaking (R3.12). This corresponding to Ur (1999) explanation about low or uneven participation. He described that when a minority of talkative participant

dominated to speak as the activity regulation to achieve a task, this means other learners will have only very little talking time to improve their speaking ability. This problem was actually also caused by the tendency of some learners who have got used to express themselves confidently, while others speak very little cause they have less confidence or not speak at all.

Besides, the THP in group sometimes caused prejudice of the tourist. This situation was described by Nazhief: “The THP activity in group causes prejudice and fears of the tourist so that they would avoid when they are persuaded to speak” (R5.04). Thus, some tourists feltunconfortable with the presence of many

foreign people, so they tried to avoid them.


achieving program goals. Many program are dormant caused by the minimum of fund even the program will be halted. Funding support is the most necessary wherever and whenever the activity is. This THP requires enough money as operational cost. The students of MTMMY must prepare the cost for themselves, because there is no funding support to this program. As a student, it was ensured that they just had little money to go forward and backward in seeking and meeting with the tourists.

One of the problems perceived by all students of MTMMY was the lack of funding from their school to run the program. Hafidz complained this situation with his statement: “The THP activity makes the students have to spend a lot of

money from themselves for accommodation and consumption cost on the trip (R4.07). Furthermore he said that it is caused by the lack of funding support from school leader to the Tourist Hunting Program activity (R4.08).


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Suggestions

This chapter presents conclussion and recommendations of the research. The first part of this chapter is the summary of the research findings. The second part is some suggestions for the researcher, students, candidat English teachers especially in English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and for the institution, Madrasah Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


Based on the finding and discussion of the research result about the Students Perception Toward the THP as an English Speaking Activity focused on the research question about “The advantages of the THP as an English speaking

activityas perceived by the students of MTMMY and the kinds of problems that are faced by the students MTMMY in implementing the program in the field”, the answers to the research question are summarized as follows.


economic of the tourist’s country. The THP can encourage the students to love English Lesson and finally, this program can become the means for the students’ English skill training/practice.

There are several problems which are faced by the students in conducting the THP. The problems are including lack of time allocation; lack of mastering grammar and vocabulary; large number of groups causes ineffective activity and creates unpleasant environment for the tourists and the lack of funding

supportedby the school. Suggestion

The researcher presents several suggestions based on the research result. The suggestion is addressed to firstly the researcher as as students at English Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and as a teacher of MMMY. Second, to the students at MMMY that conduct the THP. The third, to MMMY as the institution of education that implements the program. The suggestions are:


preparation for conversation practice, reduce the number of group of student to create an effective implementation of the THP.

Second, for the students. The students should keep themselves confident and change their mindset about fears of making mistake when they practice to speak with their interlocutor or even with native speakers of English. Moreover, students should maintain the improvement that have been attained in THP by enriching vocabulary, mastering the grammar and continous doing practice or exercise in speaking and conversation program.

The last, for the school, Madrasah Muallimin Muhammadiyah



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Interview Guideline

1. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang penerapan program Tourist Hunting yang diselenggarakan Madrasah Muallimin muhammadiyah Yogyakarta?

2. Apa motivasi anda mengikuti program Hunting Tourist? Research Questions

 What are the advantages of the hunting tourist program as an english

speaking activity as perceived by the students of mts. Muallimin muhammadiyah yogyakarta?

3. Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan dalam mengikuti kegiatan Hunting Tourist ini?

Research Question

 What kinds of problems are faced by students of mts. Muallimin

muhammadiyah yogyakarta in implementing the program in the field? 4. Masalahapa saja yang anda alami dalam praktik speaking pada kegiatan

program Tourist Hunting ini? Sebutkan dan jelaskan!

5. Menurut anda bagaimanakah tentang alokasi waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam menjalankan kegiatan program Hunting Tourist?


Figure 1.1Conceptual Framework
Table 1.1Time Setting of the Research


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