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Academic year: 2017



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Erlin R Lumbanraja IDN 4103312004

Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements for Educational Bachelor’s Degree






Erlin R Lumbanraja was born in Tebing Tinggi on October, 12th 1992. Her father’s name is Poster Lumbanraja and his mother’s name is Lasmaria Marpaung, A.Md. She is the one and only child in her family. In 1998 the author starts her education in SD Negeri 095245 Marihat Bandar and graduated in 2004. In 2004, the author continues her education in SMP Negeri 1 Bandar and


The Difference of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability by Using Cooperative Learning Model Type Teams Games Tournament and

Student Teams Achievement Division in Seventh Grader SMP Negeri 2 Porsea Academic Year 2014/2015

Erlin R Lumbanraja (IDN 4103312004) ABSTRACT

The aim of this research is to know whether student’s mathematical communication ability in writing using cooperative learning model TGT type is higher than cooperative learning model STAD type. The research method is quasi experiment. The population is all students at class VII SMP Negeri 2 Porsea with two sample classes which taking by cluster random sampling and consist of 23 students for each classes.

This research using posttest only. The data collected from posttest was analyzed using descriptive statistic analysis and show all of data are normal distribution and homogeneous.

There are eight questions in posttest that has valid. The result of the research shows that the means score are 22.89 in experiment class I and 20.11 in experiment class II. The posttest score descriptively show the students’ mathematical communication ability by using cooperative learning model type TGT higher than cooperative learning model type STAD. Indicate in hypothesis using posttest data obtained that tcalculated > ttable = 2.272 > 1.680 with = 0.05, so

Ha is accepted. The mathematics teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Porsea suggested can



Give thanks to Almighty God for gives blessing, health, and wisdom to the author until the thesis entitled “The Differences of students’ Mathematical Communication Ability by using Cooperative Learning Model Teams Games Tournament and Student Teams Achievement Division in Seventh Grade SMP Negeri 2 Porsea” was finish. This thesis was arranged to fulfill the requirement for Mathematics Education Bachelor’s Degree of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty in State University of Medan.

In the completion of this thesis, the author was achieves so many helps and supports from various sides. For that, the author says thank you so much to Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd as thesis supervisor who patiently guides the author by giving advice, input, and remarks. Also the author says thank you so much to Prof. Dr.Bornok

Sinaga, M.Pd, Denny Haris, S.Si, M.Pd and Faiz Ahyaningsih, S.Si, M.Si as examiner lecturers for reviewing thesis by give input and great comments for this thesis perfection. Author say thank you so much to Prof. Drs. Dian Armanto, M.Pd, M.A, M.Sc, Ph.D as academic supervisor who gives advices during lecturing process and also thank you so much for all FMIPA lecturers.

Big thanks are extended to Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si. as rector of State University of Medan and employee staff in office of university head, Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D as Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to coordinator of bilingual Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si. as Chief of Mathematics Department, Drs. Zul Amry, M.Si. as Chief of Mathematics Education Study Program, Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si as Secretary of Mathematics Education Department, and all of employee staff who have helped the author.


become the best motivator to the author until now. Thank you so much to big family of Marpaung, there are Perlin Marpaung, S.Si (best uncle) and Lestari Siagian, S.Pd (great aunt), Hotnida Marpaung (moms’ sister), Lianto Situmorang (big uncle), Evi Marpaung, A.Md (fat aunty), Andri Yosafat Situmorang (big brother), Valentinus Situmorang (little brother), Rahel, Riris, Thesa, Yohana, Lexi, Hanna who always gave supports and prays.

The author also says thank you so much to Mananti Simanjuntak, S.T as school principle, P.B.Br. Siahaan, S.Pd as mathematics teacher, all of teachers and staffs, and also VII-1 and VII-3 students in SMP Negeri 2 Porsea who have helped

the author during research action.

Special thanks to big family in Bilingual Mathematics Class 2010: Bdul, Anggi, Dian, Dwi, Elfan, Kiki, Ana, Lia, Mila, Maria, Martin, Meiva, Melin, Nelly, Om Surya, Petra, Ibu Rully, Riny chingu, Tika, SLa, Siti, Uli, Mimi and Bilingual

Mathematics Class 2011, Bilingual Mathematics Class 2012, and PPLT Berastagi’s members: Eka Choi, Feggi, Fredika, HaJe, Ika, Rindy, Riny chingu, Shanti, Sinitta Uno and also thanks for warm family in kost 78 community: Anggun, Dessy, k’Debo, Kaisar, Lilis, Maria, Mian, Mei, Octa, Perlan, Reysita, Rizal, Rogres, Sondang, Sari, Silvi and Velin who gave support and motivation during completion of thesis.

The author already gave the big effort to write this thesis, and about the weakness of thesis the author need some suggestions to make it better. For the last, the author hopes the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the knowledge.

Medan, Januari 2015 Author,



1.2. Problem Identification 8

1.3. Problem Limitation 8

1.4. Problem Formulation 8

1.5. Research Objectives 8

1.6. Research Benefits 9

1.7. Operational definition 9


2.1. Theoretical Framework 12

2.1.1. Nature of Communication 12

2.1.2. Mathematical Communication and Math Ability 13

2.1.3. Mathematics Learning 18

2.1.4. Cooperative Learning 19 Definition of Cooperative Learning 19 Cooperative Learning Model Type

Teams Games Tournament 23 Cooperative Learning Model Type

Student Teams Achievement Division 27

2.2. Conceptual Framework 32

2.3. Action Hypothesis 35


3.1. Location and Time of Research 36

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 36


3.3.1. Independent Variable 36

3.3.2. Dependent Variable 37

3.4. Design of Research 37

3.5. Procedure of Research 38

3.5.1 Preparation Phase 38

3.5.2 Implementation Phase 38

3.5.3 Last Phase 39

3.6. Instrument of Research 41

3.6.1. Observation Test 41

3.6.2 Test of Mathematical Communication Ability 41

3.6.3 Instrument Trial 45

3.7.1 Calculating the Average of Scores 48 3.7.2 Calculating the Deviation Standard 49

3.7.3 Normality Test 49

3.7.4 Homogenity Test 49

3.7.5 Hypotheses Test 50


4.1 The Description of Research Result 52

4.1.1 The Score of Mathematical Communication Ability test 52 4.1.2 The Description of Students’ Mathematical Communication 53



5.1 Conclusion 61

5.2 Suggestion 61




Figure 1.1 The results of students’ answer 4

Figure 1.2 The relationship Tringle with an Area of each Triangle 5

Figure 2.1 Mechanism of Tournament 24

Figure 2.2 Assignment to Tournament Tables 25

Figure 3.1 Procedure of Research 40

Figure 4.1 The Diagram of Mathematical Communication Ability 53

Test in Both of Experiment Class

Figure 4.2 The Diagram of Students’ Mathematical Communication 54




Table 1.1 The Relationship of Triangle and Area 5

Table 2.1 Steps Cooperative Learning Model 22

Table 2.2 Criteria Group Award 26

Table 2.3 Phases of STAD Cooperative Learning type 30

Table 2.4 Score Calculation Developments 31

Table 2.5 Award Level Group 31

Table 2.6 Differences and similarities of TGT and STAD 34

Table 3.1 Design of Research 37

Table 3.2 The Blueprint of Mathematical Communication Ability Post test 42

Table 3.3 The Criteria of Giving Score of Mathematical communication 43

Ability Test

Table 3.4 Scoring Guidline of Mathematical Communication Ability Test 44

Table 3.5 Classification of Reliabillity Interpretation 46

Table 3.6 Classification of Distinguish Power Interpretation 47

Table 3.7 Classification of Difficulty Index Interpretation 48

Table 4.1 Data of Mathematical Communication Ability Test in Both of 52

Experiment Class

Table 4.2 Mean of Mathematical Communication Ability Indicators 54

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality Test of Mathematical Communication 55

Ability Score in Both of Experiment Class

Table 4.4 The Result of Homogeneity Test of Mathematical Communication 56

Ability Score in Both of Experiment Class

Table 4.5 The Result of Hypotheses Test 56




Appendix 1 Lesson Plan 1 (Cooperative Learning type STAD) 65

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan II (Cooperative Learning type STAD) 76

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan III (Cooperative Learning type STAD) 88

Appendix 4 Student Activity Sheets I 96

Appendix 5 Student Activity Sheets II 99

Appendix 6 Student Activity Sheets III 102

Appendix 7 Lesson Plan 1 (Cooperative Learning type TGT) 105

Appendix 8 Lesson Plan II (Cooperative Learning type TGT) 117

Appendix 9 Lesson Plan III (Cooperative Learning type TGT) 128

Appendix 10 Student Activity Sheets I 138

Appendix 11 Student Activity Sheets II 141

Appendix 12 Student Activity Sheets II 144

Appendix 13 Blueprint of Mathematical Communication Ability Test 146

Appendix 14 The end of Communication Test Validation Sheet 147

Appendix 15 The end of Communication Ability Test (Post Test) 150

Appendix 16 Alternative Solution for Post Test 152

Appendix 17 Rubric Scoring Students’ Communication Ability Test 154

Appendix 18 Data Distribution of Experiment Class I 156

Appendix 19 Data Distribution of Experiment Class II 157

Appendix 20 Validity Test (Post Test) 158

Appendix 21 Reability Test (Post Test) 162

Appendix 22 Normality Test (Post Test) 164


Appendix 24 Hypotheses Test (Post Test) 170

Appendix 25 The Value of r-Product Moment 172

Appendix 26 Table of Critical Value in Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 173

Appendix 27 The Value of t-Distribution 174

Appendix 28 Table Distribution of Normal Cumulative Z 175

Appendix 29 Table Distribution of F 176


1 spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, good values, and skills needed for the society, nation and state (Undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang pendidikan nasional). Changing in attitude and thinking ability of students is an expectation that coveted by the various parties involved in the world of education. The various efforts to improve student learning outcomes include improvement of curriculum, adjustment subject matter, and methods of learning continues.

Learning mathematics in Indonesia so far focused on teachers, many teachers in the classroom teaching and learning activities emphasis on students 'ability to re-invent concepts and mathematical structures based on students' own

experience and according to their understanding. Learning mathematics in Indonesia is repeated with emphasis on knowledge transfer and processing exercises. Dominating the class and the teacher becomes the main source of knowledge, lack of attention to student activities, student interaction and knowledge construction. Imprecision of teachers in designing and implementing learning are factor contributing to low student math achievement. The Students’ difficulties learning mathematics in school is addition due to the abstract nature of mathematics it self, it is also caused by lack of proper teachers in designing and implementing learning mathematics class.



that mathematics education has essentially two-way development is to meet the needs of the present and future needs . The need today is to direct the learning of mathematics for understanding mathematical concepts and ideas are then required to solve mathematical problems and other sciences . While the needs of the future are learning mathematics provide logical reasoning abilities , systematic , critical , and careful , foster self-confidence and a sense of beauty to the regularity of the nature of mathematics , and to develop an objective and open attitude . Such capability is needed in the face of ever-changing future .

Based on the two directions of the development of mathematics, that have

an important role to meet the needs of the present and the future. Thus not surprising that in recent times many mathematicians, both educators and researchers who are interested in discussing and researching the ability to think mathematically. National Counsil of teacher of mathematics (NCTM: 2000) states that there are some aspects that are included in the mathematical thinking of which is the ability of mathematical problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning and proof, mathematical connections and mathematical representation.

From the fifths’ mathematical thinking ability, with not ignore the other mathematical communication skills is an important part in the activity and the use of mathematics students are learning. The importance of this capability is described in the competency standard math curriculum study materials current at the level of junior high school (SMP). In this standard is explained that the students are required to have the ability to communicate ideas with symbols, schemas, tables, charts, or diagrams to clarify a situation or problem, demonstrate the ability to create, interpret, and completing mathematical models in problem solving, and have respect for usability math in everyday life.

Communication is a very important part in learning mathematics . This is supported by the opinion of Asikin (2002) that the role of communication in



students' skills in math material see the parallels, (2) Communication is a tool to " measure " the growth of mathematical understanding and reflect an understanding of the students, (3)Through communication, students can organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking, (4)Communication between students in learning mathematics is essential to of construction of mathematical knowledge, the development and enhancement of problem solving reasoning, foster self-confidence, as well as increased social skills, (5) " writing and talking " can make a very meaningful tool ( powerful ) to form an inclusive mathematics community.

Mathematical Communication ability need to be the focus of attention in the study of mathematics, because through communication students can organize

and consolidate mathematical thinking and students to explore mathematical ideas. Therefore, students need to get used to learning to provide arguments against each answer and respond to the answers given by others, so that what is learned into meaningful to him. This means that teachers should strive to encourage students to be able to communicate.

The fact shows that the field of mathematics learning outcomes in Indonesia in the mathematical aspects of communication is still low. As contained in http://jurnal.upi.edu/file/8-Fachrurazi.pdf:

"The low mathematical communication skills demonstrated in studies Rohaeti (2003) that the average of students' mathematical communication ability are lacking in qualifications. Likewise Purniati (2003) states that students' response to the questions generally less mathematical communication. This is because the problems solving and mathematical communication are still new things, so that students have difficulty in completing it. "

Recognizing the need for a renewal of learning to enable students to learn math easier, more meaningful and enjoyable. Such as by applying learning models that match their interests and needs of students as models Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and a model Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD).



use of the learning model of lectures and continued by discussions. As a result, students become less active so that students have difficulty in understanding and solve the algebra problem and also have an impact on learning outcomes based on test score and dissatisfactory for some students’ score.

Cooperative learning model can be used as an alternative model that is expected to activate student in teaching and learning mathematics, this means that student should be active and interact with others, exchange information and solve problems.

Mathematical communication ability is important in the learning process,

but in fact the mathematical communication ability junior high school students is still low. As reflected in the initial observations by the author in State 9 Junior High School in Medan in grade VIII5 class. The model of test item is:

Five of the triangle has a base of the same length, the first triangle has an area of 30 cm2, the second triangle has an area of 40 cm2, the third triangle has an area of 50 cm2, the triangle has an area of 60 cm2 fourth, and fifth triangle has an area of 70 cm2. Based on these data answer the following questions!

a. Write down the data to table!

b. Describe line diagram that illustrates the relationship between the extent of the triangle.

c. Determine the area of the triangle to eight! Students’ answer strategies:



On the question of part (a) the student can complete and write data on the problem correctly, the frequency table written complete yet, triangular replaced with frequency. So if another student read a frequency table would be difficult to interpret its meaning. One alternative is the correct answer:

Table: 1.1 The relationship triangle with area

Triangel Wide

1 30cm2

2 40cm2

3 50cm2 4 60cm2

On the question of part (b) the student has described the diagram, but has not been completed because the student is not connecting each point of intersection, so it is not connected to a line. In the diagram also no title and labels for the x and y axis. The students should have been following diagram illustrates:

Wide (cm2)


Figure 1.2 The relationship triangle with an area of each triangle

On the question of part (c) of students answered correctly, but the student is not expected to form a mathematical model emerged. The students record the data one by one until the 10th. The expected completion is: pay attention







to the pattern of preparation, from the matter of the above sequence of

numbers which will be formed are: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, ... The sequence numbers can be formed into a model of 10n + 20, n is

triangular, so into eight triangles is 10n + 20 = 10x8 + 20 = 100cm2.

Completion of the above problem can be solved by either if the student is able to write the information in question correctly, changing word problems into

mathematical form of variables or symbols in order to simplify the calculation, and is able to describe the Cartesian diagram associated with the triangle and breadth. So it is clear the student's ability to express a situation in the diagram, or tangible objects into the language, symbols, or mathematical models are still

lacking. The ability of the above are part of students' mathematical communication skills, it can be concluded as a result of mathematical communication ability of students is still low.

Based on the test results obtained in the above picture communication skills VIII5 Class of State 9 Junior High School in Medan as follows: the average

value of communication skills obtained by students is 5,85. The cause of the average value is low is there are 21 of the 31 students were able to write down the information and ideas that exist in terms of mathematics in the form of tables. There are 17 of the 31 students were able to turn the matter into a form variable or mathematical symbols, and of the 17 students there are 10 students who can solve problems correctly. There were 16 students from 31 students who were able to describe about the story in the form of line diagrams, although the diagram illustrates the time line has been studied in elementary school (SD) but in reality there are many students who are not able to finish.



Low communication ability can be caused by internal factors and external students. Internal factors are factors that originate from within the students, whereas environmental factors (external) factors that are derived from outside the student. One of the internal factors that can affect student learning outcomes is the ability to start. Initial capability is the ability possessed by students or learners before teaching and learning take place. Students who have a high initial ability, usually tend to be easier to accept the material than students taught by teachers who have low initial ability.

Initial ability of the students has a huge influence on the success of the teaching-learning process. Students' prior knowledge is a provision in receiving

further material. Readiness and ability to follow the course determined by prior knowledge possessed by the student so that the initial capability is supporting learning success. Math lessons given in schools has been systematically arranged so as to fit in the other subject, the ability of the students at the beginning of the prior subject to further consideration. In the teaching and learning activities , any material submitted should be absorbed by students beginning capable low, medium and high rate capability.

But not always high on students' prior knowledge on the impact of high achievement as well or otherwise, it can happen if it is done right so that learning can encourage students to be active and energetic in learning. Teachers are not only required to master the material, but in actual need for attention from the teacher to combine several methods of teaching. It is intended that students do not easily get bored when learning activities are ongoing, thus increasing student learning outcomes can be better than the previous one.

Based on this background that the researcher is described, intend to do a research with the title “The differences of students’ mathematical

communication ability by using Cooperative Learning Model Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)” Case



1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background problem identificate are:

1. Learning methods are used less various.

2. Student’s activity is passive during the learning process.

3. Students’ Mathematical communication ability in writing, especially in Quadrilateral and triangular material is still low.

4. The school has not used cooperative learning model yet.

1.3. Problem Limitation

Seeing the extensive scope of the problem identified compered to the time and ability of the researcher, the researcher limited the problem is the difference of students’ mathematical communication ability by using cooperative learning model type Team Games Tournament and Student Teams Achievement Division on Quadrilateral and Triangular matter in seventh grader SMP Negeri 2 Porsea.

1.4. Problem Formulation

Problem formulation in this research is :

“Is students’ mathematical communication ability by using cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament higher than Student Teams Achievement Division cooperative learning method type? ’’

1.5. Research Objective

Research objective in this research are: To know whether student’s mathematical communication ability using Teams Games Tournament (TGT) is higher than Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD).

1.6. Research Benefit

This study aims to provide meaningful input to the learning activities in class, especially in an effort to increase students' mathematical communication



1. For teachers, to improve the quality of learning and professional development of teachers as well as the changing patterns and attitudes of teachers in teaching, also can use the model type TGT and STAD cooperative as an alternative in the learning process.

2. For researchers, additional insight and experience as prospective teachers in the future and information and reference material for other researchers associated with this research

3. For students, it can provide motivation to learn, practice skills, are responsible for any duties, kmampuan develop positive thinking and

argued, and provided supplies to be able to cooperate with others in both learning and community.

4. For schools, can be used as consideration and input to school in improving the quality of teachers and classroom learning system and improvement of education quality.

1.7 Operational definitions

Operational definition is necessary to avoid errors in interpreting and interpret in the context of this study variables. Operations of each variable is described as follows:

1. The indicator of student’s mathematical communication ability which will be measured are :

a. The ability of stating mathematical problem into mathematical model. b. The ability of explaining mathematical problem into figure.

c. The ability of explaining problem situations by own words and doing calculation.

2. The syntaxes of TGT like the following a. Presentation Teacher



b. Group

Student are distributed in small groups are heterogenous. c. Academic tournament

Implementation of academic tournament is the hallmark of the cooperative learning TGT.

d. Group award

Group value is calculated based on the average values obtained by each member of the original heterogenous group.

e. Bumping (Shift)

This shift is always done after each implementation of academic tournament, which aims to regulate the posostion of the student at the table next tournament in the competition.

3. The syntaxes of STAD like the following : a. Presentation Teacher

The teacher explains the outline of the material in front of the class and the student pay close attention.

b. Group

Student are distributed in small groups are heterogenous for the disccusion.

c. Quiz

Student doing the individual test. d. Individual Scores

Student donated points on his team based on how much their quiz scores exceeded their baseline score.

e. Team Award





Based on the result of research and discussion can be concluded that students’ mathematical communication ability especially writing using

cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament higher than cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division in grade VII SMP Negeri 2 Porsea Academic Year 2014/2015. It can be seen from the means score of posttest data using cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament are 22.89 better than using cooperative learning model type Student

Teams Achievement Division namely 20.11. And based on analysis result using

t-test one tailed with alpha value is 5% obtained that tcount = 2.272 for posttest data

higher than ttable = 2.015 so that H0 which state that mathematical communication

ability especially writing of students by using cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament is not higher than cooperative learning type Student

Teams Achievement Divivsion is rejected and Ha is accepted.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the results of research and the above conclusion, then researcher submits some suggestions, as follows:

1. Cooperative Learning Model Type Teams Games Tournament and Student

Teams Achievement Division can be as consideration to teachers in junior high school to develop students’ mathematical communication ability.

2. In the implementation of Teams Games Tournament and Student Teams Achievement Division type of cooperative learning model, its better teacher

gives motivate to students to develop their confidence that will present their discussion result, because not all students are ready to make presentation 3. For the next researcher who wants to do research using Teams Games






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Figure 1.1
Figure 1.1 The results of students' answers
Figure 1.2 The relationship triangle with an area of each triangle


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