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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number: 209520013






SkripsiinidiajukanolehSartikaTampubolon, NIM 209520013,


Program StudisastraInggris S-1


UniversitasNegeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk

memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra

Medan,September 2016 Disetujuioleh: DosenPembimbingSkripsi



Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Sartika Tampubolon, NIM 209520013 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Strata Satu Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar

Sarjana Sastra

Panitia Ujian

Medan, September 2016


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. NIP. 19641207 199103 2 002





Sartika, A. 2016. Code Mixing in Mia Arsjad’s Cinlok Accidentally in Love. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This study deals with the types of code mixing in Mia Arsjad’s Cinlok Accidentally in Love. The objectives of this study were to find out the type of code mixing dominantly used and to reason the way using of code mixing in dialogue context did the code mixing frequently used in Mia Arsjad’s Cinlok Accidentally in love.

The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The findings show that all the types of code mixing occurred in Mia Arsjad’s Cinlok Accidentally in love: they were inserting word 53,37%, inserting phrase 22,25%, inserting hybrid 12,85%, inserting word reduplication 0,95%, , inserting idiom and collocation 0,31%, inserting clause 6,27%. The most dominant types of code mixing were inserting word. And reason the using code mixing in Mia Arsjad’s Cinlok Accidentally in love novel are to beautify of language of the novel to get attention of the readers, make the novel more attractive, and enjoyable for the readers. It is hoped that the result of this study is useful to everyone who wants to study about code mixing.



Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In accomplishing this thesis, the writer has been helped by a lot of beloved

people especially for the loyal supporters. Therefore, the writer would like to

express her sincere and greatest gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and as her Thesis Adviser and as the Angel for her finding problem solving as long

as finishing her thesis. Who has given her suggestions and comments to

revew and revise this thesis.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department and

as Reviewer and Examiner, who has given her goodnes, patients, support, and

problem solving finishing this thesis.

Nora Ronita Dewi S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program. And as her Reviewer and Examiner who has given her

guidance, support.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as Reviewer and Examiner, who has

given her giudance, support, and comments.

Mam Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., for her kind help in providing academic administrations to the writer.

 The best family of the author, her beloved Mother, Mrs. L. R. Samosir, her

beloved father, Mr. M Tampubolon, her sisters Sherly Marlinton and

Jesika Mariana, and her brother Ervandy Fransiskus, Jhon Morris, Eno



and laughter shared during the writer’s life. Her loves them so much. Also her

great family for the support during the completion of this thesis.

 The especially thanks for Christan & Melisa (yaya) for giving her laughter

and hapine, support juring completed her thesis.

The writer`s best colleagues : Safriana Silitonga, Lenny R. Situmorang, for the friendship, togetherness, helps, laugh and tears, and for all the sweet and

happy memories shared.

And great thankfull for Westlife and their Songs, especially for Mark Feehely for giving her motivated by hearing all the songs when typing her


 All Students of English Department in Applied Linguistics A and B Reg’09,

that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info,

assistance, and best moment ever during the academic year.

 Everyone who has been involved directly or indirectly in the writing of this thesis that cannot be mentioned one by one, and thanks for all the memories

that the writer got during her study at this beloved campus. Thank you very

much. God bless. Amin.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not

complete, may all the assistance can be their charity.

Medan, September 2016 The Writer,

Sartika Tampubolon



A.Theoretical Framework ... 8

1. Sociolinguistics ... 8

2. Bilingualism ... 8

3. Code Mixing ... 10

a. Cause Factors of Code Mixing ... 11

b. Types of Code Mixing ... 13

b. About Cinlok Accidentally in Love ... 16

B.Relevant Studies ... 18




A.Research Method ... 20

B.Source of Data ... 20

C.Technique for Collecting Data ... 20

D.Technique for Analyzing Data ... 21


A.Data ... 22

B.Data Analysis ... 22

C.Research Findings ... 52

D.Discussion ... 53


A.Conclusion ... 54

B.Suggestion ... 54





2.1. Example of Each Types on Indonesia – English ... 15

4.1. Data of Code Mixing in Cinlok Accidentally in love ... 22

4.2. The Analysis of Code Mixing in Cinlok Accidentally in Love ... 23

4.3. The Percentage of Types of Code Mixing in Cinlok Accidentally in









A.The Background of the Study

Language is the one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior. It

means that language is important for human being. There is human, there is

language. That is the fact, between human and language is tightly united. Using

of language to send social messages about us, where we come from, and who we

associate with.

Language is used by the people as a tool of communication to express

their thought, feeling, and idea. (Morley 2000: 7) states that language represents

just one of the ways in which we as humans can behave, that is to say can perform

a behavioral act. We can of course behave without resorting to the use of

language. For example, we can play the piano, maw the lawn or coo the dinner.

We frequently partly with the assistance of language, as for example when we

great someone by shaking hands at the same time as saying Hello, Jill. Pleased to

meet you or when we offer to help with the washing up by asking Can I give you a

hand? as we pick up a tea towel and start to dry the dishes. But a great deal of our

behavior is performed by the using of language alone, e.g. Can you tell me the

way to the Post Office, please? Would you like a cup of tea?.

Basiclly, language is divided in to two types; by spoken and written.

Spoken language is language produce, in spontaneous form, for example in a



by the text through a certain media such a novel, book, magazine, newspaper,

article, etc.

Nowadays, both spoken and written language as been developed and the

development bring the language use into some variations of language. Since

English is declared as the International language, now people were initiated to use

English and the spread it out the others. Western culture has been spread in

Indonesia especially in language terms. As a consequence, most of the Indonesian

people use the variety of language.

Every region in Indonesia has a language to communicate among people

inside it to get certain goal, such as when someone ask the others to do something

and in other to keep politeness, for example Javanese language is used among

Javanese, Batak language is used among Bataknese, Sunda language is used

among Sundanese, etc.

The phenomenon of code mixing language in Indonesia can be found in

many aspects, for example films, poem, song in lyric Martina I Love You by Trio

Batak Eleksis, novel Cinlok accidentally in Love by Mia Arsjad@work. In this

study the researcher only focused on the code mixing phenomenon in a novel

entitled Cinlok accidentally in Love.

Novel deals with human character in social situation, man as a social

being, long story usually imaginary and events. Hudson (2003:163) confirms that

a novel is concerned directly with life, between man and woman, their thought

and feelings, with their passion and motives by which they are governed and



Novel and invented prose narrative of considerable and a certain

complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a

connected sequence of events involving a group of person in as, the specific

setting. Within is broad framework, the genre of the novel has encompassed an

extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, epistolary, gothic, romantic,

realist, historical to name of the more important ones.

Nowadays, many authors in Indonesia write their novel in bilingual

language form as the writing style to make the novel more attractive and to get

attention of the readers. To make the novel enjoy able, the author must be creative

to beautify the language through the word choice to make it interesting and to get

the reader’s attention.

In this study, the researcher using a novel entitled Cinlok Accidentally in

love by Mia Arsjad. For the first time the researcher interested in case using code

mixing in giving title of the novel. Actually, in dialogue also the novel consist of

code mixing types of code mixing. For example, ‘’parfumnya yang macho tapi

lembut mampir ke hidung Shani’.Wajah Eri semakin dekat. That is Insertion type

of code mixing. Whereas this sentence is ’’ Shan, lo ngomong sama gue lho. I ‘m

expert on that kind of things!. type Insertion sentence. This study investigated the

types of code mixing which occur in the dialogues spoken by the main characters

and the reason why character mix their dialogue.

In general, people who live in multilingual community, deal with the code

mixing phenomenon. Code mixing is the condition in which a conversant is using



the single utterance. Wardhaugh(1986: 103). Code mixing phenomenon is deeply

discussed in sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a part of linguistics that concerns

with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. One of the variations of

language use is code mixing in which elements of one language are used within a

sentence or discourse I another language (Nababan, 1978).

The researcher is interested to do such investigation to analyze the code

mixing phenomenon in Cinlok Acci dentally in Love since the author mixed up

of Indonesian-English code mixing in expressing her thought, feeling and ideas.

In analyzing the data, the writer used the theory of code mixing proposed by

Kachru (1983), with the theory of types of code mixing; unit insertion, unit

hybridization, sentence insertion, idiom and collocation, and reduplication. The

unit insertion is code mixing process that inserting the word, phrase, or clause into

a sentence from the other language. The unit hybridization is code mixing process

occurs in the phrase level within a sentence. The sentence insertion is the code

mixing process that inserts the sentence from one language to another language.

The idiom and collocation insertion is code mixing process that involves the

idiom and collocation from the other language. The last, reduplication, is code

mixing process that the repeat the same meaning in two languages.

The following is the sentences taken from Cinlok Accidentaly in Love to

point out the code mixing phenomenon in the novel.

- Shani tak perlu buang waktu untuk menekan nomor telepon dan menunggu



- ‘’oke. Nanti waktu break sama selesai kelas, aku telepon kamu, ya?’’

Shani merapikan sejumput rambutnya.

- Selebihnya jins dan T-Shirt ketat. Malah Shani sengaja membeli beberapa

tank-top baru. Tapi siapa sangka ? kantornya sedingin kulkas.

- Setelah Tanya kanan-kiri dengan muka panik, akhirnya ruang kelas

training ketemu juga.

From example above it can be seen that the code mixing phenomenon

occurs in the sentence. There are two types of code mixing occurs in those

sentences, insertion unit and hybridization unit. Insertion unit is for the word

insertion; break,t-shirt, tank-top, training. And hybridization unit for mood-nya.

B.The Problem of The Study

In this study, the researcher would like to analyze the code mixing

phenomenon used in “Cinlok Accidentally in Love novel. The problem of the

study were formulated as the following :

1. What types of Indonesian – English code mixing are used in Cinlok

Accidentally in Love novel?

2. What is the dominant type of Indonesian – English code mixing in Cinlok

Accidentally in Love novel ?

3. Why is the code mixing used in the way it is in Cinlok Accidentally in



D. The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the research problems the objectives of the research were

1. To describe types Indonesian-English code mixing used in Cinlok

accidentally in love novel,

2. To derive dominant type of Indonesian-English code mixing used in

Cinlok accidentally in love novel, and

3. To reason the way using of code mixing in Cinlok accidentally in love


E. The Significance of the Study

Findings were expected to be useful both in theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the finding can add up theories in sociolinguistics. In

addition the finding can be reference for further skills.

2. Practically, it is expected the study will be a useful input for English

students to make a further research of code mixing phenomenon in novel



code mixing phenomenon, especially in novel, and finally for the readers

who are interested in doing the linguistics research especially in





A. Conclusions

Based on the data analysis, the conclusions were stated as the followings :

1. There were six types of code mixing used in Cinlok Accidentally in Love ,

it consists of 183 (53,37%) inserting word, 71 (22,25%) inserting phrase,

41 (12,85%) inserting hybrid, 3 (0,95%) inserting word reduplication, 1

(0,31%) inserting idiom and collocation, 20 (6,27%) inserting clause.

Therefore, there are 193 patterns which are included type of code mixing

used by the author of Cinlok Accidentally in Love.

2. The type of code mixing is frequently used by inserting word (53,37%).

The dominant type is inserting word because she just insert the code

mixing into the stucture of the sentence of her sentence in the novel.

3. Inserting word as the dominant type because it is the easiest way to do

code mixing by insert the unit of a language into other language.

B. Suggestions

Related to the findings, the suggestions were formulated as the followings


1. The student can add up theories in sociolinguistics. In addition the finding

can be reference for further skills. It is also expected the study will be

useful input for English Students to make a further research of code



2. And the Indonesian author will be inspired to use another type of language

vaiation in arranging the sentences of their writing, especially for the novel

to create an attractive style of writing.

3. By reading this research futher can be a reference for tearcher and useful




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Table  2.1. Example of Each Types on Indonesia – English  ......................................
Figure 2.1


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