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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2122121023






Malawita. Registration Number: 2122121023. Developing English Reading Text Materials through Content-Based Instruction (CBI) for Students of MTs.

The objective of this study was to develop the suitable English reading text materials for students of MTs. It was found that English reading text materials provided in the students’ textbook were not suitable to the needs and relevant to the MTs students. This research was conducted based on educational research and development (R & D) through Content-Based Instruction (CBI) approach. The subject of this study was grade eight students of MTs at MTs Insan Cita. The steps of this study were: collecting and analyzing data, writing syllabus, Developing new reading materials, and validating. The instruments to collect the data were observation and questionnaire which were given to the students. The results showed the students needed English reading text materials which were suitable to them. English reading text developed was 4 texts accompanied by building vocabularies and reading comprehension (Barrett Taxonomy). These development of English reading text materials were validated by two experts and the result were considered as suitable. The mean score of all aspects of the developed materials was 4.35 and was categorised as “Very Good”.




The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT,

the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Honour and Mercy

that has been given to the researcher so that she finally accomplished her thesis entitled: “Developing English Reading Text Materials through Content-Based Instruction (CBI) for Students of MTs”.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan of the English and Literature Department, Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In accomplishing this thesis, the researcher realizes that she faced some

problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and

comments and also a lot of assistance and moral support from many people.

Therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:  Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of

during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., and Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Examiner for their valuable input to furnish this thesis.



Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd. and Pak Pantes, the Administration Staffs of English Department.

Dra. Hj. Zahara Balatif., the Headmaster of MTs Insan Cita Medan for giving the permission to conduct this research at that school.

Eddy Mulia, M.Pd., the English teacher of MTs Insan Cita Medan for helping the researcher during the research and all of the students of of

MTs Insan Cita Medan, especially VIII-2 students for being the subject of

this research.

Her best parents, Umar and Fatimah, her beloved brother and sisters, for

their abundant love, trust and prayers. Her special friends Iqbal and

Hendri. May their live full of happiness.

 Her best friends “The Black Ribbon, Berman Lumbannahor, Bertha M. Silalahi, Betharia S. Pandia, Citra I. M. Laoli, Frikson Siburian, and Petrus L. Simamora for the great experiences during these 4 years of

togetherness and friendship.

Her classmates in Education 12 Regular C, especially Anggita,

Theresia, Sri Lestari Setyawan, Suchroni, and Soibatul and everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one for sharing care and support to the

researcher in accomplishing this thesis. May God bless you.

The researcher realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, she

conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, and advice that will improve

the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who

read and interest in the field of this study.

Medan, April 2017 The researcher,




E. The Significance of the Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework ... 8

1. School-Based Instruction (KTSP) ... 8

2. Reading ... 10

a. Definition of Reading ... 10

b. Reading Learning Principles ... 11

c. Reading Comprehension ... 12

d. Reading Comprehension Level ... 13

e. Descriptive Text ... 15

3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ... 17

a. The Definition of English for Specific Purposes (CBI) ... 17

b. Needs Analysis ... 20

4. Content-Based Instruction (CBI) ... 22

a. Definition of CBI ... 22

b. Principles of CBI ... 22

c. Theories of Language... 24

d. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities ... 25

e. Roles of Learners and Teacher in CBI ... 27

f. Roles of Materials ... 28

5. Materials Evaluation ... 29

6. Materials Development ... 30

B. Relevant Studies ... 37




A. The Research Design ... 40

B. The Subject of the Study ... 40

C. The Instruments of Data Collection ... 41

D. The Techniques of Developing Materials ... 41


1. Collecting and Analyzing Data ... 46

a. Collecting Data ... 46

b. Analyzing Data ... 47

B. Materials Development ... 50

1. Writing the Syllabus ... 50

2. Developing New Reading Materials through CBI ... 55

3. Validating ... 62

a. Validation ... 62

b. Revision ... 63


A. Conclusion ... 65

B. Suggestion ... 65




Table 2.1. Standard Competence and Basic Competence ... 9

Table 2.2. The Purpose of Description ... 17

Table 3.1. The Organization of Questonnaire ... 41

Table 3.2. Data Conversion Table ... 45

Table 4.1. Basic Competences in Existing and New Syllabus ... 51

Table 4.2. Learning Materials in Existing and New Syllabus ... 52

Table 4.3. Class Activites in Existing and New Syllabus ... 52

Table 4.4. Indicators in Existing and New Syllabus ... 53




Figure 2.1. The Diagram of Conceptual Framework ... 39

Figure 3.1. The Diagram of Materials Development ... 45




APPENDIX A Questionnaires ... 70

APPENDIX B Questionnaire Analysis ... 73

APPENDIX C Existing Syllabus ... 75

APPENDIX D Developed Syllabus ... 77

APPENDIX E Existing Reading Text Materials (Descriptive Text) ... 79

APPENDIX F Validation Score from the English Teacher ... 81

APPENDIX G Validation Score from the Lecturer ... 83

APPENDIX H Developed Reading Text Materials (Descriptive Text) ... 87





A. The Background of the Study

Reading as one of important skills for students in learning English. It can

be defined as perceiving a written text in order to understand its contents. As Pang

et.al (2003) mention that reading is about understanding written text. Furthermore,

Eskey (2002:5) describes reading as a process of obtaining information from a

written text. In conclusion, by reading the readers or the students make sense what

a writer means and can also catch the information in a text. Therefore, a text can

be a good model to learn English because it provides structures and information to

support their learning.

Reading has a possitive effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge, on their

spelling and on their writing (Harmer, 2007:99). Then, he notes that good reading

text can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative

responses and provide the springboard of well-rounded, fascinating lessons. In

other words, by having reading skill they will be easy to get information,

knowledge, and science.

Reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and

comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written

symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Comprehension refers to the



make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge,

experience with text and other strategies to help them understand written text.

In Indonesia there are two formal schools in Junior High School level.

They are Junior High School (SMP) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Both of

them have different disciplines. SMP tends to general education while MTs tends

to accommodate a certain religion that is Moslem. It means that MTs has more

specific lessons that should be mastered by students namely Fiqih, Aqidah

Akhlak, Arabic, and Qur’an Hadits. In spite of having different disciplines, the

government decides that teaching set such as curriculum, syllabus, and etc. are

same. Not only teaching set but also all lessons learned in SMP are studied in

MTs as well and one of the lessons should be learned is English.

As one of the compulsory subjects in Junior High School, English is

needed to be mastered. This subject requires them to learn at least four hours in a

week. The ultimate goals of learning English in the junior high school are written

in the Content Standard of Curriculum. Those are communication tools to give

and receive information, relate interpersonal relation, exchange information, and

enjoy the English language aesthetic in the daily life context. Hence, they must

study English in their school.

Materials are important part of teaching and learning English. Suitability

of materials refer to the materials that meet the needs of students. Those materials

will give a direct impact to the teaching and learning process. So, the students can



materials can help students to get more exposure in English as well as learn

something new they have not known.

Considering that MTs tends to accommodate Moslem religion, so the

selection of suitable English reading text materials for the students is important.

As Nuttal in Sudirman (2015) state that there are three main criteria when

choosing the text to be used in the classroom and one of them is suitability. This

criterion can be considered to be the most important, because the suitability of text

can interest students to study. Furthermore, the statement is strengthened by

Hutchinson and Waters (1987:107) which claim that to improve the students’

motivation and make learning better and faster, teachers or lecturers should

prepare materials which are relevant to the students’ needs. In conclusion, the text

given to the MTs students should be based on their needs in line should be suited

and related to the discipline of MTs itself that is about Islamic knowledge.

Relating to the explanation above, basic competence of school-based

curriculum (BSNP:2006) also stating that the eighth grade students are expected to

read a text in piercing and get the meanings that have relation to their

environment. Here, the environment means as dicipline of MTs. In conclusion, the

students are given the relevant text to their discipline, in order the students can

read and comprehend the text easily.

Regarding to the basic competence that are reading and getting the

meaning of the text, there are three types of text which should be learned by the

eighth grade students, one of them is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a kind of



detail. Considering the previous explanation, so that, descriptive text which is

given to the students should discuss of Islamic knowledge. It can be about Kabah,

Al-Haram mosque, and other religious topics. These texts are expected to help

them acquire the specific content of the reading materials which is useful for their


In fact, problem was found at MTs Insan Cita Medan by the researcher

who conducted this research. The students of MTs used English textbook

“Experiencing English for Junior High School Students Year VIII 2” written by

Tim Masmedia Buana Pustaka. The materials were not relevant to the discipline

of MTs itself. It was proven, in learning descriptive text, it discussed about

“Mickey Mouse” as quoted “Mickey has bulky eyes and a long tail”. From the

data obtained, it can be concluded that the textbook and the content of reading text

materials were not suitable and not relevant to the students and also did not fulfill

students’ needs, because the textbook did not serve the reading text materials in

accordance with students’ needs and curriculum demanding.

Based on the fact above, it can be better for the researcher to develop the

materials specifically in English reading descriptive text. Developing reading

Descriptive text materials are needed because the existing descriptive text was not

suitable to the students’ need. Then, Blagojevic (2013) claims that the students are

truly motivated to study only if teaching materials constantly address their needs.

In other words, the materials will motivate the students to study because the

materials are developed focus on discussing specific content that is about Islamic



In terms of education, the students of MTs are included as English for

Specific Purposes (ESP) students because they have specific disciplines. So, the

materials developed should meet the needs of students. It is supported by Evans

and John (1998: 4) who claim that ESP material is designed (developed) to meet

specific needs of the students and it may be related to specific disciplines.

Furthermore, this materials are developed by using Content-Based Intruction

(CBI). CBI is considered as the most appropriate approach/method used in

teaching English for MTs since it considers content as the starting point. the

implementation of CBI in the developed materials fits the needs of the students

which aim to develop foriegn language competence.

There are some studies which have conducted the reasearch development

through Conten-Based Instruction (CBI). Purnamasari (2015) conducted about

Developing English Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Beauty Study

Program. She found that the English course book contains general English since it

is used for all study programs and the input materials are also too general to them.

So, she developed appropriate English material for the Grade X students of

Beauty Study Program based on CBI. In her study, the new learning materials

developed can help students to face the global competition. Regarding these, the

English for Specific Purposes is required to support their English proficiency

based on their expertise.

Ismiyati (2016) also consucted study about Developing English Learning

Materials for Grade XI Students of Patisserie Study Programme. She found that



English. That condition affected their achievement in learning English and the

course books used in Patisserie Study Programs are the same with those used in

senior high school. Then, she also designed the effective learning materials for

grade XI students of Patisserie Study Programme through CBI. In her study, the

new learning materials can help the students to master some competences in the

field of patisserie including understanding ingredients, patisserie equipments,

hygiene, health and safety work, making pastry such as bread, cake, and dessert,

and preparing a business in field of patisserie.

Based on the studies above, so the researcher also conducted her study by

using CBI. Brinton in Jayanti (2015) states CBI refers to the language teaching

through exposure to the content that is interesting and relevant to learners. In

conlusion, developing English reading text materials by using CBI can produce

the new reading text materials focused on the needs of students. Then, it can

interest them to study English.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the identification of the background above, the problem of the

study was formulated as the following “What are the suitable English reading text

materials that should be developed for the eight grade students of MTs?”

C. The Objective of the Study

According to the problem that have been mentioned, the objective of the

study was to develop the suitable English reading text materials for the eighth



D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was developing English reading text materials

specifically for genre Descriptive text. These developed materials should be

relevant to the students’ needs and the curriculum implemented. It was applied in

the grade eight students of MTs Insan Cita Medan in the first semester.

E. The Significance of the Study

The finding of this study was useful for English teacher as the alternative

materials which are suitable for the students. Then, for other researcher, as further

information about the development of English reading text materials so that they





A. Conclusion

The objective of this study was to develop the suitable English reading text

materials for the eighth grade students of MTs. Reading text materials focused on

Descriptive text. The suitability of it, just discussed about Islamic knowledge. In

this study, reading text materials were developed consisted of four Islamic texts.

They were about Ka’bah, Al-Haram mosque, Quran and Hira Cave. Then, they

were followed by building vocabularies, and reading comprehensions. Each of

them were developed through some CBI activities proposed by Shang.

Furthermore, reading text materials were validated by experts. The score gotten

was 4.35, it was categorized “Very Good”. It means that the development of

reading text materials were suitable to the students of MTs.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, the following suggestion was needed to be

considered in conducting the related study. This suggestion was adressed for:

English teachers, as we know the materials that served by the government

can not reach all the students’ needs. Hopefully, teacher could use this new

reading text materials as the alternative materials which are suitable for the



Then, for other researcher, this study could be as further information about

the development of English reading text materials so that they were able to




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Table 2.1. Standard Competence and Basic Competence ......................................
Figure 2.1. The Diagram of Conceptual Framework ...........................................


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