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The Introduction of Slang Terms in Meaning and Culture


Academic year: 2017

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First of all, praise and thank God Allah SWT, the almighty who has granted countless blessing and opportunity to the writer, so that I have been finally able to accomplish this job training report. Also, I would like to show my greatest appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Moch. Tadjuddin M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Letters.. 2. Dr. Juanda, as the head of English Department.

3. Asih Prihandini, S.S., M. Hum, the coordinator of job training, for guiding all students who conducted the job training.

4. Yusuf, the mentor of job training in Balai Bahasa, who always supports and helps the writer to finish the book.

5. Nenden Rikma Dewi, S.S, M. Hum, the writer advisor who helps and encourages the writer to finish this job training report. I can’t say thank

you enough for the tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and encouraged every time attends her meeting.

6. My mother and father, they are never stop support and always motivate the writer all the time.


8. All of my friends in English literature who always support and motivate the writer.

The writer expects this job training report will give us the benefit on the future.

Bandung, 9 November 2013








1.1Background of the Topic 1

1.2Scope 2

1.3Objectives 3

1.4Significant to Knowledge 3

1.5The Framework of The Theory 3

1.6Research Method 4

1.7Place and Time 5


2.2 Job Position in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat 6

2.3 Responsibility 6


3.2 American Slang 12


4.1 Conclusions 15

4.2 Suggestions 15





Aji, Willy. 2013. Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono. 2007. Psikolinguistik: Memahami Asas Pemerolehan Bahasa. Kuala Lumpur: Percetakan Zafar Sdn. Bhd.




1.1 Background to the Topic

Language is a communication tools that is very useful for human. Not only human, animals also use language as a communication tools. At this days, language development increases rapidly, including the language that peopleuse in the real world or the language on the cyberspaceor internet. According to Dardjowidjojo (2005: 14), “bahasa adalah suatu sistem simbol lisan yang

arbitrari yang digunakan oleh anggota suatu masyarakat, bahasa digunakan

untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi antara sesamanya, berlandaskan pada

budaya yang mereka miliki bersama.

The language always develops from year to year,especiallyafter the existence of the internet and social networking.Most people in Indonesia use the internet and social networks every day, such as Facebook and Twitter. That is one of reason so many new vocabularies and new words were found. One of the example is how the phenomenon of words alay and kepocan be accepted among the people in Indonesia. For example, in the expression “Ih kok kamu alay banget sih,” the word alay here means exaggerate. Another example is expression“ih kok



In English there are so many vocabularies that are not formally used by people. Those vocabularies are already existed before the internet known and used by many people this day. With the growth of internet, there are a lot of new additions in slang words. However, there are a lot of people in Indonesia still do not know how to use slang words and the definition of the terms because they are not taught in school.

Slang itself is a term or type for informal language, commonly used in certain periods that have been accepted by a group of people. Slang terms in English divided into three categories: American English, British English and Australian. This slang terms categories and phenomenon make the writer interested to make a book discussing slang terms in English. After working two months in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, the book entitled “Yuk Mengenal

Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris” is successfully printed. The main point of the book is discussing about definition and introduction slang terms in American English and British English.

1.2 Scope

This job training report discusses about the introduction and definition about slang terms in English. The main objective of this report is to discuss definition and differences between American English and British English slang. The source data were taken from the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam


1.3 Objectives

The objectives about this job training report: 1. To fulfill the job training course.

2. To introduce slang terms in American and British English.

3. To describe about slang terms in English, especially American and British Slang.

4. To describe the definition of slang terms in English.

1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The benefits from this job training report that the writer really expects that it can be a lesson for all students in Indonesian Computer of University, also public about the existence of slang terms in English. The writer also expects that this job training report can give readers more knowledge about slang terms, especially American Slang and British Slang. Hopefully someday this report will give the benefits in the literature as well as in interacting with the public.

1.5 The Framework of the Theory



get the meaning, the origin of the words, etymology, arbitrary and the culture. The theory about language from Soenjono Dadjowidjojo (2005) will be used to discuss about sources data in the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris”.

According to Dardjowidjojo (2005: 14), “bahasa adalah suatu sistem

simbol lisan yang arbitrari yang digunakan oleh anggota suatu masyarakat,

bahasa digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi antara sesamanya,

berlandaskan pada budaya yang mereka miliki bersama.

From the quotation above, it can be assumed that language is a tool to communicate used by a society based in the culture that shared in common. For example, in Bahasa Indonesia, a word sakit. In Bahasa, there were no reasons that people or someone that feeling unwell should be called sakit. This is one of the examples about arbitrary language that Dardjowidjojo wrote in his book. Here below is the framework of the theory that will be used to discuss the data.

1.6 Research Method

In this job training report, the writer uses descriptive method to explain the data about introduction of slang terms in English to Indonesia. It is conducted to

Soenjono Dadjowidjojo

Meaning Arbitrary Culture


identify whether it comes from American English or British English. The data thenis applied with the theory in order to become a good report. All of the sources data are taken from the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris”. It was made in order to accomplish the job training held in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat Bandung.

1.7 Place and Time




2.1 Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat is located at Jalan Sumbawa No 11th, Bandung. It is an institution that carries out the research, and development of language and literature. Beside of that, Balai Bahasa also has so many programs of linguistics every year. The programs are UKBI (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia), festival of literature, research of historical literature and others.

2.2 Job Position in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat

In Balai Bahasa, the writer is take the position as linguistics section for two months and assigned to make a book about linguistics. Next, it will be printed and published if the discussion and the language that the writer used are very interesting to read. So when two months worked there, the writer tries to make a book discussing about slang terms in English. And then that slang terms in English will be discussed into Bahasa.

2.3 Responsibility

After two months works in Balai Bahasa, the book was successfully printed but not published yet. And the title is “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam

Bahasa Inggris”. This is an informal book, because the writer so sure that


the terms that discussed in this book will be very important. Because in here, so many people in Indonesia don’t know about the existence of slang terms in


Here is the picture of the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam

Bahasa Inggris”:





The book entitled “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris” is the final result of the job training that has been conducted for two months. That book discusses about the definition and introduction of slang terms for Indonesian people. The slang terms discussed on this report are American slang and British Slang. The writer realizes that the slang terms written in the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris” never taught in school and will not be found

in the English dictionary. It is occurred because there are so many definitions of the slang terms tend to rude, vulgar, disrespectful, insulting, and dirty. But, there are also so many slang terms interesting to discuss. Hence, it makes the writer interested to discuss the phenomenon of the slang terms and published it into a book. The slang terms of English are very interesting to discuss especially for Indonesian people that are not very familiar with slang terms.


The differences between American and British are caused by different cultures. Therefore, there are so many differences of the slang terms in both countries, although they use English as their mother tongue..

Some examples of the slang terms that listed in the book “Yuk Mengenal Istilah Slang Dalam Bahasa Inggris” are mentioned below. The explanation is

conducted by creating some conversations and converting the slang terms to formal. The purpose of this method is aimed to make readers can easily understand about the meaning of the slang terms in English. The writer also will discuss about the meaning of the slang words one by one into English formal and translate into Bahasa. Then through the data, the description about the culture or history when or how that slang terms can be formed and have the meaning according to the theory will be described. First of all, the writer will discuss about the British slang and American slang will be discussed later on.

3.1 British Slang In the class

Slang Formal

Cormack: Hi Jack, what’s up?

Jack: Not too bad. How about you? Cormack: I’m grant, thanks.

Jack: Here, I just want to return your


Cormack: Oh, cheers.

Jack: That comic really has a cracking


Cormack: Yeah, indeed.

Cormack: Hi Jack, how are you?

Jack: Not bad. How about you? Cormack: I’m fine, thanks.

Jack: Here, I just want to return your


Cormack: Oh, thanks.

Jack: That comic really has a really good




The dialogue above takes a place in a class, and from the example above, there are four slang terms on the Slang coloumn. On the first sentence it can be seen that the sentence of “what’s up?” is used to greet or say hello or hi to

someone. But, what’s up? Also means what’s going on? in English language. In Bahasa, “what’sup?”means apa kabar?. This phrase began to use in 1940 in

United Kingdom.

The word “grant” on the third sentence means fine or good in English

formal language. In Bahasa, the word grant means sehat atau baik. Thus, he or she can answer “I am grant” when people asking about his or her condition or health.

Next, the word “cheers” does not refer to a toast when people are going to drink. Cheers means thank you or thanks in British. In Bahasa, cheers mean terimakasih.


Slang Formal

Jack: Well, I wish you luck for your

audition, Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks. I will give a best shot. Jack: I think it’s time to go.

Kyle: Yeah, thanks for the ride Jack! Hope

to see you soon.

Jack: Sure thing. Cheerio.

Jack: Well, I wish you good luck for your

audition, Kyle.

Jack: Thank you. I will try my best. Jack: I think it’s time to go.

Kyle: Yeah

Jack: Sure, see you.


in formal, give it a try! It is now very familiar not only in United Kingdom, but also in Scotland and Wales.

The word cheerio is slang terms exist in Britain means Goodbye or See you. Yet, the word cheerio is an irreverent manner when someone uttered it,

Moreover, this word obviously informal word in British Slang.

In the living room

Slang Formal

Victoria: Is that a new mag for this week,


Lina: No, it’s a mag a month ago. Victoria: You know that a new mag has


Lina: No, I don’t know about that.

Victoria: You know what? The girl in the

cover is really stunning.

Victoria: Is that a new magazine for this

week, Lina?

Lina: No, it’s a magazine a month ago. Victoria: Do you know that a new

magazine has released?

Lina: No, I don’t know about that.

Victoria: You know what? The girl in the

cover really beautiful.

Some slang terms in English usually abbreviate. For example, the word of “mag” as mentioned on the conversation above. Mag is abbreviated from

Magazine and always used in Britain. In Bahasa means majalah.



awesome or superb in British English. The British slang surely different with American based on its culture and meaning.

3.2 American Slang

In the game center

Slang Formal

Carroll: Hi William, what game are you


Williamson: It’s Ragnarok Online II Carroll: Why your character always died? Williamson: I don’t know mate

Carroll: You’re such a noobs. You have to play like a pro player like me.

Williamson: Is it true that you are a pro

player? So, you have to teach me then.

Carroll: My pleasure.

Carroll: Hi William, what game are you


Williamson: It’s Ragnarok Online II Carroll: Why your character always died? Williamson: I don’t know my friend

Carroll: You’re really newbie. You have to play like a high skill player like me?

Williamson: Is it true that you are a high

skill player? So, you have to teach me then.

Carroll: My pleasure.

In the example above, the word “mate” means friend or brother in formal

language. But most of American people abbreviate the word brother into bro. There are still some words that have same meanings with definition “friend” in

American slang, such as, dude, folks, and guys. In Bahasa the word “mate” means “sob”abbreviation of “sobat”.

In another example that given in bold, there are word “noobs”. Noobs


intend to a newbie player. Same as the example of noobs, the word pro which is an abbreviation for professional means high skilled.

Prom night

Slang Formal

Michael: Babe, are you ready for tonight


Lucy: Yes, of course honey.

Michael: Well, I’ll pick you up at 8.00 PM Lucy: That’s cool. I’ll give you a bell if I’m ready.

Michael: Ok, sweetheart.

Lucy: Just watch for the cops. I know that you don’t have any driver’s license.

Michael: Darling, are. you ready for tonight


Lucy: Yes, of course honey.

Michael: Well, I’ll pick you up at 8.00 PM Lucy: That’s awesome. I’ll call youif I’m


Michael: Ok, sweetheart.

Lucy: Just watch for the police. I know that you don’t have any driver’s license.

As mentioned on the conversation above, there are some words that given in bold. The first one is word cool. The word cool does not mean freeze or cold. In the American slang, cool means awesome in formal language. In Bahasa, it means keren. This word began to use in 1970 by American people as a slang language or

slang terms.

The second word is cops. Cops mean police or policeman in formal language and in Bahasa means Polisi. This word began used for American people in 1704. Why the police called cops? Cops is a word that means to seize or to catch. So, it the slang terms cops have the related meaning with word cop that have means to seize. This is because the policeman job is to catch the criminals.

Borrow money


14 Liam: Sam, would you mind if I borrow

your money? I want to buy a rag.

Sam: Sure, how much?

Liam: Oh, that’s sweet. Only 50 bucks. Sam: Are you nuts? That’s a lot of money.

I only have 10 bucks.

Liam: Ok, I’ll borrow 5 bucks then.

Sam: Alright.

Liam: Sam, would you mind if I borrow

your money? I want to buy a newspaper.

Sam: Sure, how much?

Liam: Oh, that’s nice. Only 50 dollar. Sam: Are you crazy? That’s a lot of money. I only have 10 dollar.

Liam: Ok, I will borrow 5 dollar then.

Sam: Alright

The example above is talk about someone that wants to borrow money to his friend. As you can see the bold word “bucks” in formal language its means

dollar or amount of money. In Bahasa, the word bucks means uang or duit. This slang terms is actually used in eighteenth century in America for trading with European settlers. Until today, this word is still used by people that live in America. The last word example is the word nuts. Nuts in the formal language its means crazy or insane. In Bahasa it means gila or sinting. For the first time, Indonesian people probably think that this word have a definition of “kacang”.




4.1. Conclusions

Slang terms have been used by people a long time ago in British and American. Also, still so many people use this terms in conversation daily life nowadays. These slang terms have some vulgar words and primarily been used in oral communication, when talking to a friend or classmate. Although, English slang terms are never taught at school especially in Indonesia, they are used widely by teenagers and adults.

Therefore, languages will continue to evolve from time to time. As well with the slang terms, abbreviation, acronym and the internet slang. In fact, technology has became an essential part of today’s world. New words or languages that created on the internet can be found easily, such as the slang terms and internet slang. However, the problem is when and how we can use that slang terms in order to get being misunderstood.


4.2 Suggestions

There are some suggestions for English Department. First, I hope The English Department should give the students more time to do for job training. It is in order to get more experience and the lessons for the students. Then, the students who take the job training should have more responsible in manage their company or their job.



1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Willy Aji

b. Address : Sekeloa Utara no. 33B/153A, Bandung c. Place and date of birth : Subang, 4 June 1988

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 089657138258

g. E-mail : willy.adjie@rocketmail.com

2. Educational Background a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1994 – 1995 TK Al-Ma’mun Baibars 2 1994 – 2000 SDN I Sagalaherang

3 2000 – 2003 MTS Al-Hidayah Sagalaherang 4 2003 – 2006 MAN Cipasung Tasikmalaya 5 2006 – Present UNIKOM

b. Informal Education

No Year Institution


c. Competency No Competency

1 Operating Computer

2 Translating English – Indonesia 3 Mastering Microsoft Office

d. Organizational and work experiences No Organizational Work Experiences

1 Radio Host D-Yan’s FM


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