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Academic year: 2017



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(Case Study: The strategy adopted by Local Government in Gunung Kidul

Regency, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to improving the

tourism potential in Nglanggeran Tourism Village)


Submitted to Satisfy the Requirement of Attaining the Degree in Political Science

of International Program of Governmental Studies, Faculty of Social and Political

Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Written By:

Bayu Prayogo Ujariyadi 20120520115




This undergraduate thesis entitled:


(Case Study: The strategy adopted by Local Government in Gunung Kidul Regency, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to improving the

tourism potential in Nglanggeran Tourism Village) Written By:

Bayu Prayogo Ujariyadi 20120520115

This Undergraduate Thesis has been Examined and Endorsed by The Board of Examiners from Department of Governmental Studies, Faculty of Social and

Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on:

Day/date : Friday, August, 26, 2016

Place : Examination Room IGOV

Time : 08:00 – 09:00 a.m.



Drs. Muchamad Zainuri,M.Si.


Erni Zuhriyati, S.IP.,MA. Drs. Juhari Sasmito Aji,M.Si.

Acknowledge By:




I the undersigned here by:

Name : Bayu Prayogo Ujariyadi

NIM : 20120520115

Department : International Program of Governmental Studies (IGOV)

Faculty : Social and Political Science


THE TOURISM POTENTIAL IN THE FACE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 2015 (Case Study: The strategy adopted by Local Government in Gunung Kidul Regency, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to improving the tourism potential in Nglanggeran Tourism Village).

I stated that this Undergraduate Thesis is originally my work result. There are no other works that ever been proposed to gain Bachelor Degree in any University. As far as my knowledge, there is also no working result that ever published in the reference list. Moreover, if someday there there are certain parties were feeling pain and report, I will responsible and overcome all the consequences.

Yogyakarta, September 2016



“False hope was more painful than the bitter reality though”

(Bayu Prayogo Ujariyadi)

“Men dream. But dreams hold no bright light of hope has now turned into a long

night of capacity. Lost in the dark, we surrender our minds and forget who we are.

But some of us have woken up. They remain us that we all have a choice. To stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live, not just exist”



the reason of what I become today



1. Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, MA. As the rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah


2. Ali Muhammad, S.IP., MA., Ph.D. As the head Faculty of Social and Political


3. Dr. Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP., M.Si. As the head of Governmental Science

4. Eko Prio Purnomo, S.IP., M.Si., M.Res., Ph.D. As the Directur of International

Program of Governmental Studies (IGOV).

5. Drs. Muchamad Zainuri,M.Si. as my advisor during to finished this

undergraduate thesis.

6. My examiner Erni Zuhriyati, S.IP.,MA. and Drs. Juhari Sasmito Aji,M.Si. who

gave me useful advice and input to make this undergraduate thesis become


7. Thank you to all lectures who has teach me in International Program of

Governmental Studies.

8. Thank you to all my friends in IGOV batch 2012: Amir Firdausi, Agashy Oktoz,



All praise belongs to Allah SWT for all his guidance and mercy so that the writer been able to finish Undergraduate thesis titled “The government strategies to

improve the tourism potential in the face asean economic community 2015 (Case

Study: The strategy adopted by Local Government in Gunung Kidul Regency,

especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to improving the tourism

potential in Nglanggeran Tourism Village)”. Sholawat and Greetings go to Prophet

Muhammad SAW, the lighter, the greatest person as the messenger all knowledge

to Muslim and His believer. This research aimed to analyse The strategy adopted

by Local Government in Gunung Kidul Regency to improving the tourism potential

in Nglanggeran Tourism Village. The writer realised that this research still has

many weakness and imperfections, the critique, and recommendations for greatness

in the future are hoped. Moreover, I hope it can contribute as the reference for

literature studies, about conflict resolution practices and environmental issues. In

particular, the writer would like to thank my supervisor Drs. Muchamad

Zainuri,M.Si. which gave the best treats as the guiding supervisor, valuable input

and support throughout the entire period. Finally, I would thank my family for being

helpful and best spirit during my time studying at International Program of



TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv


THANKS TO ... vi

PREFACE ... vii

ABSTRACT ... viii


TABLE LIST ... xiii






a. Purpose of The Research ... 6

b. Benefits of the Research ... 6


a. Theory of Strategy ... 7


c. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) ... 17




a. Types of Research ... 24

b. Location of Research ... 24

c. Source of Research Data ... 24

d. Data Collection Technic ... 25

e. Data Analysis Technique ... 25



a. History of Gunung Kidul Regency ... 27

b. Geographical Conditions ... 28

c. Topography Conditions ... 30

d. Climatological Conditions ... 31

e. Demographic Conditions ... 32

f. Social and Cultural Conditions ... 33

g. The Local Government Conditions ... 34



a. History of Nglanggeran Tourism Village ... 42

b. Geographical Conditions ... 43

c. Demographic Conditions ... 46

d. Fascination in Nglanggeran Toursm Village ... 47



a. Internal factors ... 52

b. External Factors ... 63


a. Systematic SWOT analysis ... 68

b. Analysis identification of various internal and external factors ... 69


a. Supporting factors ... 73





a. Development of Rural Toursm Destinations ... 74

b. Tourism Promotion ... 77

c. Institutional Development of Tourism ... 79


1. CONCLUSION ... 82

2. SUGGESTION ... 83




TABLE 1.1 ... 9

TABLE 1.2 ... 16

TABLE 1.3 ... 20

TABLE 2.1 ... 33

TABLE 2.2 ... 46

TABLE 2.3 ... 51



FIGURE 1.1 ... 10

FIGURE 1.2 ... 12

FIGURE 2.1 ... 29

FIGURE 2.2 ... 31



Tourism capable packaged and managed well will be an asset for a region. Diversity of attractions in Gunung Kidul regency, especially its tourist villages can be used as one of the pillars of the economy and also can absorb the workforce so that human resources and natural resources can be utilized optimally to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of local governments, especially the department of culture and tourism in Gunung Kidul regency in the potential development of tourism village, especially Nglanggeran village travel to face free competition in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This study uses qualitative research methods to interview informants from the department of culture and tourism in Gunung Kidul regency, community and the tourists.

The results of this research were the aspects that affect the increase in tourism in the tourist village especially Nglanggeran Tourism Village. Internal and external environment analysis aims to determine strategic issues department of culture and tourism in Gunung Kidul regency by using SWOT analysis (Strenghts, Weaknes, Opportunities, and Threats).




The development of tourism today is national program in achieving the

development goals of developing countries and developed countries. Similarly,

Tourism programs in Indonesia has been an integral part of national development

that can contribute to improving the economy. Indonesia also has the potential of

natural and cultural diversity is very rich. However, based World Economic Forum,

WEF (2015), Tourism destinations in Indonesia currently ranked 50th out of 141

countries in the world and ranks 4th in ASEAN after Singapore, Malaysia and

Thailand (weforum.org). Indonesia's competitiveness is still inferior to neighboring

countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand due to problems of health,

technology and infrastructure that make Indonesia lagging competitiveness.

Indonesia is currently facing preparation in order to program the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC), the mechanism will be set at the end of 2015. As

stated by the Director General for ASEAN Cooperation, I Gusti Agung Waseka Puja that, “AEC is getting closer. Indonesia should be able to take advantage of the integration of the member countries of ASEAN which will start on 31 December 2015, to improve the welfare of the whole people of Indonesia” (pikiran-rakyat: 2015). The term ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one of the 10 ASEAN

vision that is outward looking, economic integration, harmonious environment,


democratic, and shared cultural heritage (okezone: 2015) , This is an opportunity to

boost the tourism sector as the country's foreign exchange contribution.

In addition to a description of the dynamics of global and regional level of the

local tourism industry faced with the national challenge, especially when associated

with decentralization. The era of regional autonomy that is characterized by Law

No. 22 of 1999 as amended by Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government has

authorized the district / city to manage his own household in order to improve the

welfare of the community independently. The independence, expected to create

better economic growth, including the tourism sector areas more professional. On

the other hand, tourism activity is often more emphasis on efforts to increase tourist

arrivals oriented revenue without thinking about the impact on the environment,

social and cultural. Therefore, the development of tourism products offered

managers tend to lead to the development of mass tourism. Of course, if it is left to

the development of tourism, which is likely to negatively affect less attention to

ecological aspects, social, cultural, and even can be exploitative towards its

resources. Though local tourists and foreign tourists increasingly critical choosing

tourist destinations are able to offer optimum satisfaction score despite the

relatively high cost (Damanik and Frans Teguh, 2013: 13). It can be argued that the

current rating is more likely to seek quality tourist destination to be visited.

Alternative concepts addressing the negative impacts of mass tourism is a

concept that is not mass tourism. The concept of development that can be enjoyed

by present and future of our children and grandchildren is the concept of sustainable

tourism development. Sustainable tourism development is needed in the face of


in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Sustainable tourism development

means the development of increased profits from tourism resources for the local

community while retaining the integration of these communities culturally and

ecologically as well as improving the protection of natural heritage of the region

and ecologically sensitive (Neto, 2003: 7).

One type of tour in accordance with the concept of sustainable tourism is the

kind of journey in the form of integration between attractions, accommodation and

support facilities are presented in the structure of society which merges with the

applicable procedures and traditions (Nuryanti, 1993: 2-3). Attraction type began

to grow on the basis of sustainable rural development in the field of sustainable

tourism. It makes people tend to look for the lively atmosphere of rural communities

ranging from the authenticity of lifestyle to their quality of life that affect the state

of economic, physical and social rural areas, such as space, cultural heritage,

agriculture, landscape, services, tourism, history and culture, and experience the

unique and exotic regional specialties.

In harmony with tourism issues, can be seen in Gunung Kidul Regency, Gunung

Kidul Regency is an area autonomous part of the province of Yogyakarta, has the

condition as an area that is developing quite well in tourism and culture, as this

sector that can be relied on to remember in Gunung Kidul Regency there are a wide

variety of attractions that are very interesting, especially the tourism villages

famous for their culture. In addition, this area is already prepared to face the

challenges of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The program strongly

encourages government, private sector, and the public area of Gunung Kidul


local government Gunung Kidul Regency in the development of tourism through the program in 2015 under the theme “Strengthening Local Efforts and Basic

Services, Cultural Development, strengthen industrial investment facilitation and

Tourism characteristic typical Gunung Kidul Regency”. One of the famous tourist

attraction in the Gunung Kidul Regency is a Tourism Village Nglanggeran.

Nglanggeran Toursm Village is one of the assets belonging to the Gunung Kidul

Regency as community empowerment and development in the concept of rural

tourism since the place is often visited by tourists who want to travel with the theme

of adventure and in this village famous ancient mountain that is Gunung Api Purba.

And recently in the region have built an artificial lake with a beautiful view, as well

as attractions such artificial lake serves as the irrigation of fields and plantations

which are located around the artificial lake. Local Government in Gunung Kidul

Regency has taken various important steps to face the challenges of the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC). Vice Regent of Gunung Kidul regency, Immawan Wahyudi said that “the regional government has prepared a strategy in the ASEAN

Economic Community” (bsn.go.id accessed 10 October 2015). The strategy in

question is the development of trade and industry sector one of them is to build a

reliable infrastructure supporting tourism.

Related issues above, to determine the direction of development of supporting

infrastructure of tourism that are reliable and the development of tourism products

corresponding characteristics of the area, Local Government in Gunung Kidul

Regency, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism in Gunung Kidul

Regency to increase the potential of tourism in Nglanggeran Toursm Village


Regency must implement effective strategies that can adapt in line with the

demands of the development and changes both internally and externally. Hence the title of this research is “The Government Strategies To Improve The Tourism Potential In The face ASEAN Economic Community 2015 (Case Study: The strategy adopted by Local Government in the Gunung Kidul Regency, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to improving the tourism potential in Nglanggeran Tourism Village)”. Moreover, the reason from the author chose this study because the Local Government of Gunung Kidul Regency

are developing strategies in the field of tourism for the ASEAN Economic

Community is an enormous challenge in early 2016.




i. Environmental analysis of internal and external tourism potential in

Nglanggeran Village.

ii. Describing the development strategy of tourist products offered by

Nglanggeran Village as a tourism village.

b. Benefits of the Research

i. For Local Government of Gunung Kidul Regency

 This research will provide input to the relevant authorities, in

determining the development policy of tourism villages especially

Nglanggeran Tourism Village.

 The study also describes the strategy for the development of tourism

potential in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

ii. For Student University

 Deepening the understanding and appreciation of the usefulness of

science has learned directly.

 Deepening theories exist to improve the knowledge of students thinking

skills so that they can apply the knowledge in the field of tourism.

iii. For Public

 As input or references to study the tourist area of product development,


 As a measure of the success of the Local Government in Gunung Kidul

Regency to adopt the implementing a strategy to face the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC).


In the theories that are used to determine the variable as research analysis tool.

The theories will be explained include the theory of strategy, development of

tourism potential, and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The description

is as follows:

a. Theory of Strategy

In Big Indonesian Dictionary mentions the strategy as a careful plan of the

activities to achieve specific goals. Understanding the strategy according to

Rangkuti (2005: 3) are described as follows:

“The strategy is a means to achieve its goals in relation to the long-term goal, the follow-up program and resource allocation priorities. In conjunction with strategic planning so that the company can have an objective look at internal and external conditions, so that the company can anticipate changes in the external environment”.

While the word "strategy" itself is an ancient Greek meaning "Strategos"

which means the art of war. The term evolved to the present and is used by an

organization in the process of achieving the goals of the organization.

1) Strategy in Collaborative Governance

Sink (1998) explained the collaborative partnership as a process where

organizations that have an interest in a particular issue trying to find a solution


it solely. Fosler (2002) explained in more detail that collaborative partnership

involved intensive cooperation among the parties, including the existence of

a conscious effort to do alignment in goals, strategies, agendas, resources and

activities. Both institutions that basically have a different purpose build a

shared vision and trying to make it happen together. Bovaird (2004) defined

a partnership as setting work by reciprocal commitments, over and above that

set in each contract, between the organizations in the public sector with

organizations outside the public sector. Both approaches (collaborative and

partnership) in practice is very difficult to distinguish so generally Cooper

(2006) called it citizens-based government organization (Zaenuri, Sumartono,

Zauhar & Wijaya: 6)

According to Wanna (2008), to realize collaboration, stages that show the

scale and intensity of the collaboration are. Scale of collaboration can be

described as a ladder that shows an increased commitment from the lowest

level to the highest level of collaboration-from the simplest to the most

complex. The highest level of collaboration raises the risk of political and

managerial as mutual consensus, whereas a partnership would not pose a

political and managerial risk. In Table 1.1, it can be seen that the intensity is

increasing. It shows the list of the level of cooperation relevant to the policy

process and indicates what activities are involved in each of the various levels


Table 1.1: Collaboration and involved activities Degree of Collaboration Involved-activities Highest level: high normative

commitment to collaboration; often highest political/managerial risks.

Transformative interaction between network actors; substantive engagement and empowerment; search for high degree of stakeholder and inter-actor consensus and cooperation; coalition building by government and nongovernment actors.

Medium-high level: strong normative orientation; high level of political/managerial risk.

Strong engagement of stakeholders in decisions or policy process and implementation; devolving decision-making capacities to clients; more complex innovations in policydelivery processes.

Medium-level: commitment to multiparty input and buy-in; moderate levels of political/managerial risk.

Formal commitment to inter-agency consultation and collaboration; joined government strategies; formal joint involvement exercises and joint funding initiatives.

Medium-low level: operational forms of collaboration to ‘get job done’; some political/managerial risk.

Forms of co-production: technical improvements in delivery chains; assistance to comply with obligations; direct consultation with clients over delivery and compliance systems; systematic use of evaluation data; public reporting on targets informed by client preferences.

Lowest level: marginal operational adjustments, low levels of political/managerial risk.

Incremental adjustments using consultative processes; client discussions and feedback mechanisms; gaining information on needs/expectations of others.

Source: Wanna (2008)

From the table it can be seen that the intensity of collaboration shown by

the scale ranging from the lowest (lowest level) to the highest (highest level).

The lowest level shows the lowest political or managerial risk with marginal

operations, and activities that occur are incremental in the form of the

consultation process, discussion to obtain input and information, and among

those who collaborate still formulate an idea and hope to achieve a

comprehensive picture of collaboration. The highest scale has a high political

and managerial risk leading to the normative commitment, and activities have

led to the transformative interactions and to substantive empowerment. The

form of activities carried out between actors is already tangible coalition of

government and non-government based on the principles of cooperation and


Figure 1.1 showed that the relationship between government and society

in the form of training because people still need to be guided and directed to

provide maximum service. Otherwise, the relationship between the public to

the government was to provide the latest information on the existing problems

in providing services and to make corrections on the Merapi volcano

management of the upcoming tour. The private sector's role in the provision

of tourism services is primarily performed by travel agents and

accommodation (primary stakeholders) which was perceived to be more

professional. Whereas marketing activities carried out by the utilization of the

latest information technology and supported by sufficient data. Travel

services conducted in a transparent manner by making tour packages with

clear prices. The association of travel agents supports all activities and

provides better guidance to improve the quality of service.

Figure 1.1: Relation between Government, private and community.





2) Determination Strategy Through SWOT matrix

According Utama and Mahadewi (2012: 150), SWOT Analysis is an

analytical tool that is commonly used to formulate strategies or identification

of factors strategically based on intuition (understanding and knowledge)

expert to the object.

SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

from the external environment. According Jogiyanto (2005: 46), SWOT be

used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the resources of the company

and the external opportunities and challenges faced. This process involves

determining the specific goals of the business venture or project and

identifying the internal and external factors that support and that is not in

achieving that goal.

b. Development of Tourism Potential

1) Tourism Policy For Industry

In the perspective of the tourism industry, according to Soetomo (2011:

20) the tourism sector, the success rate depends on many construction

components and other variables of the development in general. That is, the

success rate of tourism development depends a lot on the participation of

other sectors, such as transport sector, the environmental sector, education

sector, social sector, economic sector, religious sector and other sectors of the

others, both formal and non-formal. Thus, in the tourism industry avoided

sectoral egoism. Opinions Supomo (2011: 15), on base understanding of


avoiding selfishness sectoral and institutional arrogance and the need to

synchronize and coordinate into a new thinking on the development of


Ridwan (2012: 47) states his opinion on tourism development planning

policy as follows:

“Tourism development planning is basically to find common ground between the supply with demand. Therefore, in the planning of tourism development should first identify its tourism product (offer) that exist in the area of tourism and tourist market (Demand), both actual and potential then conducted an analysis of these two aspects is reached”.

The concept between offer and demand approach can be seen in Figure


Figure 1.2

The concept of offer and demand conformity approach

Source: Data (Ridwan, 2012: 47).

As Figure 1.2 above, travelers inquiry raised by a variety of motivations,

needs, and desires. Psychological Sciences recognize the division of intrinsic

and extrinsic aspects. Meanwhile intrinsic factors of human beings on three Sale value

quality satisfaction


Toursm Products

1. Attraction 2. Accessibility 3. Amenities





categories namely: cognitive aspects include knowledge and understanding,

affective aspects include feelings, interests, motivations, attitudes and values,

the third is the psychomotor aspect that includes observation (Sumarmi, 2012:


According Ridwan (2012: 51), motivation are factors that influence and

driving increased demand for travel. According Soekadijo (2000: 38-47)

travel motif into ten groups, namely: the motive of fun or sightseeing,

recreation motive, motive of culture, sports tourism, business travel,

convention tourism, spiritual motives, inter-personal motives, motives health

and social travel.

Meanwhile, other sources state tourist travel activity is influenced by the

availability of money / distribution and an increase in tourist revenue, a

reduction in working hours, the climate and the environment, public

education (Freyer, 1993: 30; Mundt, 1998: 79-86). Policy-setting number of

working hours, transportation technology, education increases, the influence

of climatic conditions of the area of origin so hot, water pollution, soil, air

tends to seek a regional tour that cold climate and pollution are minimal

(Damanik and Weber, 2006: 3-5).

According to Mr. Muchamad Zaenuri (2012; 53-54) travel deals, namely

the tourism product in the form of goods and services to meet the needs and

desires of tourists. Offers in the form of travel products usually involve tourist

attractions, accommodation and accessibility. Tourist attractions are

performances or unique attractions and become the preference of the tourists


accommodation is a means of support for the implementation of tourist

attraction and can be in the form of tourism facilities, and accessibility is how

to get to destination where the tourist destinations. Groups Attractions, can

be a Natural Attractions, Culture and Work of Mankind, which consists of

Site Attraction (Heritage) is an essentially static and "tangible" and Event

Attraction (Events Travel) is dynamic (not tied to spot) and "intangible" ;

Group Accessibility, which is reflected in various facilities including

transportation (land, sea, air, lakes, rivers), permits to visit (visa policy,

permission to enter the protected area - protected areas - such as nature

reserves, wildlife reserves, sanctuaries culture, historical sites, and so on.) the

group accommodation, which offers shelter, housing, conference and

exhibition facilities, places of worship, means the dish (restaurants, cafes,

bars and the like).

According Medelik and Middleton (Ridwan 2012: 48), travel products are

all forms of service enjoyed by travelers since he departed leaving the place

where he used to live until she returned home.

According to Kotler (1997) there are three levels of travel products, (a)

Main products (core product), (b) Secondary products (facilitating product),

(c) Additional Products (augmented product). The main product is the object

of the main destination by tourists to visit the area. Secondary product is a

service to the market so that the market can enjoy the products offered

optimally. Additional products are products that are associated with things

abstract or relative, for example, the ambience (atmosphere); and services that


2) Policy development of protected toursm areas

As a system, tourism sometimes cause interference to the surrounding

environment, both of the existence of resources, the sustainability of habitat

of flora and fauna, and sometimes can lead to a potential conflict with the

surrounding community. To reduce / suppress the occurrence of the impact

on the protected area, the Director General of Tourism (Yoeti, 2000: 45) has

established the basic foundation of the development of nature tourism, which

is generally as follows: (1) environmentally friendly, including the

socio-cultural, (2) remain subdued function and capacity of the environment, (3) No

action to anticipate the impact, (4) it is the responsibility of all parties

concerned, (5) there is education and training for tourism workers and (6) lack

of access to public information about nature conservation. In that regard, the

development of infrastructure and facilities highly recommended to be done

as needed and using materials that exist in the region. The use of technology

and modern facilities are restricted to a minimum. Meanwhile Yoeti (2000:

39) adds that in order to reduce the pressure on forests, it is also necessary to

maximize the participation of the local population and maintain the customs

and habits of everyday society.

In the development of sustainable tourism Damanik and Weber (2006: 30)

describes the dimensions that must be considered by the service providers in


Table 1.2

The economic, ecological, social and cultural in sustainable tourism.

Dimension Tourist Service Providers

1 Economy o Increasing tourist satisfaction. o Increased spending.

o Increased and equitable distribution of income.

o Creation of employment opportunities, especially for local communities.

o Increased diversification of employment opportunities. 2 Ecology o Use of products and services based tourism environment

(green product).

o Willingness to pay more for products and services environmentally friendly travel.

o Determination and consistency in carrying capacity.

o Waste management and reduction of energy-efficient use of raw materials.

o Priority development of products and services based environment. o Increased environmental awareness with conservation needs. 3 Social o Social care is increasing.

o Increased consumption of local products.

o Involving as many stakeholders in the planning, implementation and monitoring.

o Improving the ability of local communities in the management of tourist services.

o Empowerment of local institutions in decision making tourism development.

o The strengthening of the position of the local community to the outside community.

o Ensuring the rights in the use and management of tourism resources.

o The passage of fair rules for the development of tourism services.

4 Culture o Contact reception and cultural differences. o The appreciation of local culture.

o Intensification of cross-cultural communication.

o The introduction of local characteristics or cultural products in the supply of attractions, accessibility and amenities.

o Protection of cultural heritage, customs and local wisdom.


c. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

1) The concept of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

ASEAN Community is a form of intra-ASEAN cooperation in the

Declaration of ASEAN Concord II in Bali, October 2003. ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC) is one of the pillars of the embodiment of the ASEAN

Vision 2020, together with the ASEAN Security Community (ASC) and the

ASEAN Socio -Cultural Community (ASCC) (Arifin, 2008:9).

A community of ASEAN countries is very broad, there are no restrictions

in the economy region. Where a state can be a free entry in the market

competition. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which is free from

constraints, prioritization of enhanced connectivity, utilization of various

cooperation schemes either intra-ASEAN and between ASEAN and partner

countries in particular FTA partners, as well as strengthening the role of

entrepreneurs in the process of internal integration of ASEAN as well as with

partner countries.

According to Rizal and Aida in (Arifin, 2008: 9) the establishment of the

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is implemented through four strategic

framework, namely, achievement of the single market and the unity of the

production base, the area of economic competitiveness, economic growth that

is equitable and integrated with the global economy. Integration measures

into strategic achieve competitiveness is strong and on the other hand will

contribute positively to society as a whole and individual ASEAN member

states. The formation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) also made


International, both in response to the increasing tendency of regional

cooperation, as well as the bargaining position of ASEAN dialogue partners,

such as China, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and India.

Achievement of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) requires the

implementation of liberalization measures and cooperation, including

increased cooperation and integration in new areas include: human resource

development and capacity building; closer consultation on macroeconomic

and financial policies; trade finance policy; improvement of infrastructure

and communication links; development of electronic transactions through

e-ASEAN; integration industry to enhance regional resources; as well as

increased private sector involvement (Arifin, 2008:10).

2) The Establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

The formation of a free trade area that is achieved through the mechanism

of AFTA is a success because rates in the region have managed to be

gradually reduced to zero. ASEAN then want to further improve the economic

cooperation. The flow of foreign investment into the ASEAN region, namely

the number of multinational companies operating in the area in need of

channeling goods (supplier) must also exist in the area resulting in production

cost efficiency. ASEAN market that is open and integrates with global

markets coupled with the availability of production goods produced by

suppliers from ASEAN countries will greatly assist ASEAN member

countries to increasingly attract foreign investors into the region. Thus, the


accelerate the establishment of the AEC to 2015 in order to strengthen

ASEAN's competitiveness in the face of global competition, especially from

China and India (Koesrianti, 2013:2).

With some of the considerations that underlie it are: (1) the potential

reduction of production costs in ASEAN amounted to 10-20 percent for

consumer goods as the impact of economic integration; (2) increase the ability

of the region to the implementation of international standards and practices,

intellectual poverty rights, and increasing competitiveness. With the

economic integration of regional infrastructure is expected to further develop

together with the integration of transport, telecommunications and energy

(Arifin, 2008:11).

In order to monitor the progress of the implementation of the ASEAN

Economic Community ASEAN Arranged Baseline Report (ABR), which acts

as a score card through three categories: process indicators, indicators of

output and outcome indicators and then to an index level of countries and

regions. State level index used for comparison between countries in achieving

the ASEAN Community. Meanwhile, the index used to assess the regional

level overall performance in each area of interest ASEAN Community

(Arifin, 2008:19).

3) Economic Integration

According to Jovanovic (Arifin: 2008:26) economic integration is a policy


The integration also requires the absence of some division of labor and the

freedom of mobility of goods and services within a group of countries.

4) Balassa Integration

The complexity of economic integration and different intensity levels to

encourage the emergence of an analysis to distinguish stages of economic

integration. Integration stage approach widely used is the stage of integration

by Balassa (Arifin, 2008:32). Balassa divides the stage of integration into six

stages, namely:

Table 1.3

Integration Stages Balassa

Stages Description

Preferential trading area (PTA)

Block trades which give privileges to certain products from certain countries with tariff reductions but does not eliminate it entirely.

Free trade area (FTA). An area where tariffs and quotas between member states abolished, but each country remains set their rates of each of the countries that are not members.

Custom union (CU) An FTA that eliminates barriers commodities between countries and set the same rates to countries not members. Common market (CM) A Custom Union (CU), which also abolish obstacles to the

movement of factors of production (goods, services, capital flows). The similarity of prices of factors of production expected to result in an efficient allocation of resources. Economic union Is a Common Market (CM) with a degree of harmonization

of national economic policies are significant (including structural policies).

Total economic integration The unification of monetary, fiscal, and social policy followed by the establishment of supranational institutions with decisions that are binding for all member countries. Source: (Samsul Arifin et al. 2008:33)

Stages This integration gives the order for purposes of additional analysis

and help to understand the policies needed in any additional integration when


5) ASEAN Integration

Within the scope of ASEAN, especially if associated with the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC) as part of the ASEAN Community, ASEAN

countries have not set clear levels of integration. In the formula agreed by the

heads of state and government of ASEAN, the goal of the ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC) is to create "a single market and production based". This

can be interpreted as the full integration, except in the areas of financial and

monetary authority of the country is still a member (Koesrianti, 2013:2).


Conceptual definition is an attempt to clarify the explanation of the concept of

one another, in order to avoid misunderstandings. There are some definitions to

support means of the terms used in this research. Those definition were:

a. Strategy on Tourism Development

According Suryono (2004: 80) the strategy in principle relevant to the issues:

(1) The implementation policy, (2) defining the goals to be achieved, and (3) the

determination of the ways or methods of use of infrastructure. The strategy has

always been about three things, namely the objectives, facility and ways.

Therefore, the strategy should also be supported by the ability to anticipate


b. Development of Tourism Potential

Development of tourism potential is one that is used to promote, improve and


tourists as well as to provide benefits to the community around the objects and

attractions as well as for the government.

c. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a realization of the ultimate goal of

economic integration, as already included in the vision 2020 is based on the

unification of interests of the Member countries of ASEAN to deepen and

broaden economic integration through initiatives that have existing or new

chronology clear.


The operational definition describes a particular way that is used by researchers

to measure a variable that will be used. There are three variables used in this

analysis are as follows:

a. Strategy on Tourism Development

Strategy on tourism development is the means used by Local Government

especially the Department of Culture and Tourism in Gunung Kidul regency to

Nglanggeran Toursm Village in conducting tourism development by watching

strenght, weakness, opportunities, and threats in the environment of tourism


b. Development of Tourism Potential

The development of tourism potential is something that is used to promote,

and improve the condition of an object of tourism and attractions that can be

visited tourist having regard to aspects such as:

1) Tourist, Must be known characteristics of the traveler, from which country they come, age, hobbies, and any season they travel.

2) Transportation, is available to take the travelers to the tourist destination in question.

3) Attractions, tourist attractions that will be sold, whether it meets the three conditions such as Something to see. Something to do, something

to buy.

4) Facility services, What facilities are available in the area where the tourist, from lodging accommodations to public services such as banks

/ money changers, post office, and telephone services.

5) Information and promotion, Publication or promotion, when the ad is installed, where the brochure distributed to potential tourists know each

package travel and tourism travelers Quicker Make decisions on its

territory and must implement policies most favorable to the area and



Research is a process of finding the problem and the solution of a problem within

a certain period with the procedures and predetermined. In general, research has

three kinds of objectives that is the goal that is the discovery, verification and

development (Kuswana Dadang in Kokam 2014:30). To make the research carried

out by structured so as to achieve scientific results required a design according to

the research itself. Therefore, research methods will be very helpful in the research

process. The method used will be outlined as follows:

a. Types of Research

This research uses qualitative research that describe things that are associated

with relationships, activities, attitudes, views, processes are ongoing and the

effects of a phenomenon (Kusmayadi and Sugiarto, 2000: 29).

b. Location of Research

The location was used as a place of research is in the Local Government in

Gunung Kidul Regency especially the Department of Culture and Tourism to

improve Nglanggeran Tourism Village as one of the villages of choice for local

and foreign tourists.

c. Source of Research Data

1) Primary data

The primary data required in this research is the answer of the interview

conducted by the researchers. Thus, the primary data in this study derived


2) Secondary Data

Secondary data is data obtained indirectly through the archives, reports,

legislation, documents from related parties and books related to the research


d. Data Collection Technic

In this study using multiple data collection techniques are:

1) Visual observation, namely by directly observing the object of research by

relying on the ability of the author himself. To strengthen this data is done

taking pictures / photos of the research object.

2) Interview technique, which is to receive the data by doing interviews or

in-depth question and answer directly between researcher and informants.

3) Documentation, namely data collection through documents and records

that already exists.

e. Data Analysis Technique

1) Qualitative Analysis Techniques

In this research, using qualitative analysis techniques. Qualitative analysis

techniques is to find and develop a systematic data obtained from interviews,

field notes, and documentation by way of organizing data into categories,

describe into certain units, conduct a hypothesis, organize into a pattern,

choose which one is important and that will studied, and make conclusions so


2) SWOT Analysis

i. Internal Factor

Internal factors in the economy are often used in the process to make

the strategy in a company with know the weaknesses and strengths.

According to Fred R. David (2002: 10) "internal strengths and weaknesses

are in control of the activity of organizations whose achievements

outstandingly good or bad. The strengths and weaknesses arise in the

management activities of one process research and development ".

ii. External Factor

External factors are the opportunities and threats to be reckoned with in

making strategy for both individuals and organizations. Fred R. David

(2002: 10) states that "External opportunities and external threats refer to

the state of economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental,

political, legal, governmental, technological, and competitive tendencies

and events that can be beneficial or detrimental to an organization




1. THE CONDITIONS IN GUNUNG KIDUL REGENCY a. History of Gunung Kidul Regency

At the time of Gunung Kidul Regency still wilderness not many people lived

there, in a village called Ponggangan village already inhabited some people

escape from Majapahit. Leaders of the group named R. Dewa Katong that was

related to Raja Brawijaya. In the village R. Dewa Katong meditate with the

intention that their grandchildren may someday become a leading man as well

as holding the reins of government. Then obtaining wangsit, then he moved to

the forest about 10 km from where he is imprisoned, until he died. So the village

was called the Katongan Village. After the death his father, his son R. Suromejo

rapidly developing Ponggangan village so that it becomes crowded and many

people lived there. Then R.Suromejo move in a place overgrown with trees Mojo

near a reef. and now that place is called Karangmojo village. Gradually the

Karangmojo village growing rapidly and ultimately heard by the King of

Mataram, Sultan Amangkurat Amral domiciled in Kartasura. Then the king sent

Senopati Ki Tumenggung Prawiropekso to prove their fugitives Majapahit

Kingdom. Once proven, Tumenggung Prawiropekso advocated that Ki

Suromejo requested permission to King of Mataram for the village including the

territory of the Mataram kingdom. But Ki Suromejo not want to ask permission


the troops Ki Suromeja paralyzed. Ki Suromejo had four sons named Ki

Mintowijoyo, Ki Poncobenawi, Ki Poncosadewo and Ki Poncodirjo. Fourth

brothers in the war Mangkubumen can be conquered by Prince Sambernyawa,

even her three sons were killed and only stayed a son named Ki Poncodirjo. After

the defeat, Prince Sambernyawa first appointed Regent in Gunung Kidul. Regent

Tummenggung Poncodirjo not long served as regent because there delimitation

between Sultan Gunung Kidul with the second Mangkunagara on May 13, 1831,

the Gunung Kidul at the time (minus Ngawen as Mangkunegaran Enclave area)

has been the regency. After Gunung Kidul regency be part of Yogyakarta

Sultanate, Poncodirjo Regent dismissed and replaced with the Regent

Tumenggung Prawirosetiko. At this time, the position of the regency transferred

from Ponjong area to Wonosari area (Culture and tourism potential of

Gunungkidul Regency, 2016)

b. Geographical Conditions

Gunung Kidul Regency is one of regencies in Yogyakarta, with its capital in

wonosari district. The total area of Gunung Kidul Regency is 1485.36 km2, or

approximately 46.63% of the area of Yogyakarta province. Wonosari district

located in the southeast of the city of Yogyakarta (capital of Yogyakarta

Province), with a distance of ± 39 km. Gunung Kidul Regency is divided into 18

districts, namely Wonosari, Playen, Paliyan, Saptosari, Bake, Purwosari,

Tanjungsari, Tepus, Rongkop, Girisubo, Semanu, Ponjong, Karangmojo, Semin,


144 villages, comprising 16 villages, including the village and 128 are still


Figure 2.1

Geography Map of Gunung Kidul Regency

(Source: Data culture and tourism potential of Gunungkidul Regency, 2016)

Borders Gunungkidul:

i. West : Bantul and Sleman (DIY).

ii. North : Klaten and Sukoharjo regency (Central Java Province).

iii. East :Wonogiri Regency (Central Java Province).


c. Topography Conditions

Based on Gunung Kidul Regency topography is divided into three

development zones, namely:

1) North Zone called Batur Agung region with an altitude of 200 m - 700 m

above sea level. The situation is hilly, there are sources of ground water

depth of 6m-12m from the ground. Latosol soil types dominated by

volcanic and sedimentary host rock. This area includes Patuk district,

Gedangsari district, Nglipar district, Ngawen district, Semin district, and

Ponjong district in the northern part.

2) Central Zone called Ledok development Wonosari region, with an

altitude of 150 m - 200 m above sea level. The soil type is dominated by

mediterranean association of red and black grumosol with the main

ingredient of limestone. So although it's long dry season, the water

particles are still able to survive. There is a river on the land, but it will

dry up in the dry season. Ground water depth ranging between 60 m -

120 m below the ground surface. This area includes Playen district,

Wonosari district, Karangmojo district, Ponjong district in the middle

part and Semanu district in the northern part.

3) South Zone called a Thousand Mountain area development (Duizon

gebergton or Zuider gebergton), with an altitude of 0 m - 300 m above

sea level. Constituent bedrock is limestone with characteristic conical

hills (Conical limestone) and the karst area. In this region often found

underground river. The South Zone includes Saptosari district, Paliyan


district, Purwosari district, Bake district, Ponjong district in the southern

part, and Semanu district in the southern part (Culture and tourism

potential of Gunungkidul Regency, 2016)

d. Climatological Conditions

Gunung Kidul regency including tropical area, the topography of a region

dominated by karst region area. The southern region is dominated by karst region

are numerous natural caves and underground rivers flowing. Under these

conditions cause the condition of the land in the southern area which resulted to

the less fertile agricultural cultivation.

Figure 2.2

Climatology Map of Gunung Kidul Regency


Gunung Kidul Regency climatological conditions generally exhibit the

following conditions: The average rainfall in 2010 amounted to 1954.43 mm /

year with the number of rainy days an average of 103 days / year. Gunung Kidul

northern regency is a region which has the highest rainfall over central and

southern regions. Gunung Kidul southern regency has the most rain beginning

late. Temperatures daily average of 27.7 ° C, minimum temperature of 23.2 ° C

and a maximum temperature of 32.4 ° C. Relative humidity ranging between

80% - 85%, not too influenced by the high places, but more influenced by the


e. Demographic Conditions

Gunung Kidul Regency is one of regencies in the province with a population

large enough. Based on the results of the 2010 Population Census estimates the

population of Gunung Kidul Regency in 2012 amounted to 680 406 people,

made up of as many as 328 878 men and women's lives as much as 351 528


Table 2.1

Total population by districts and gender in 2012 No District Male Female resulth

1 Panggang 12.791 3.898 16.689

2 Purwosari 9.392 10.226 19.618

3 Paliyan 14.028 15.188 29.216

4 Saptosari 16.594 17.833 34.427

5 Tepus 15.281 16.754 32.035

6 Tanjungsari 12.420 13.395 25.815

7 Rongkop 13.027 13.997 27.024

8 Girisubo 10.586 11.704 22.290

9 Semanu 25.042 26.930 51.972

10 Pojong 24.196 25.834 50.030

11 Karangmojo 23.613 25.376 48.989

12 Wonosari 39.089 40.861 79.950

13 Playen 26.609 28.475 55.084

14 Patuk 15.050 15.805 30.855

15 Gedangsari 17.354 18.072 35.426

16 Nglipar 14.497 16.374 30.871

17 Ngawen 15.453 16.398 31.751

Jumlah 328.878 351.528 680.406

(Source: Statistics of Gunungkidul Regency)

f. Social and Cultural Conditions

Forms region is one of the factors that influence patterns of social and cultural

life in the community. Socio-cultural element is one of the important instruments

in the development, it is related to the planning, the target, and the target

achievement of development performance. Social and cultural characteristics of

Gunung Kidul Regency is a traditional society that still adhere to the noble

culture heritage. So that in carrying out development, the government is

attempting to adopt a social and cultural characteristics in order to be able to

improvise with existing community culture. Gunung Kidul Regency society in

general use local language (Java) to communicate, while the national language

(Indonesian) was officially adopted in a formal environment (work, education,


As cultural arts organization that continues to be preserved by the community

totaling 1,878 organizations, with indigenous stakeholders figure amounted to

144 people. Meanwhile the village culture developed by the government to

support the welfare of society as much as 10 Cultural Village, a cultural heritage

which is owned as many as five pieces and objects of cultural heritage some 692

pieces scattered in Gunung Kidul Regency (culture and tourism potential of

Gunung Kidul Regency, 2016).

g. The Local Government Conditions

Status Gunung Kidul Regency as one of the districts are entitled to organize

and manage their own household within the Special Region of Yogyakarta was

set on August 15, 1950 by Law No. 15 of 1950, Government Regulation No. 32

of 1950 when the Gunung Kidul Regency led by KRT Labaningrat.

Government organizations in the Gunung Kidul Regency consists of the Head

of the region along the area consisting of the Regional Secretariat, the Parliament

Secretariat, the local agencies, regional technical institutes, hospitals, and

district. The device area is responsible to the Head of Region and assist the

Regional Head in governance.

Gunung Kidul Regency Regional Regulation No. 19 Year 2011 on

Amendment of Regional Regulation No. 10 Year 2008 on the Establishment,

Structure, Position and Duties of the Regional Secretariat and the Secretariat of

the Regional Representatives Council, Regional Secretariat Organizational


1) Regional Secretary

2) Assistant Government and Public Welfare, which oversees: Section

Public Administration, Public Welfare Administration, and the

Administration Section Village Government.

3) Assistant of Economy and Development, which oversees: Natural

Resources Administration, and the Administration Building.

4) Assistant Public Administration, which oversees: General Section,

Section of Public Relations and Protocol. Legal Department, and part of

the Organization.

5) Expert staff, consisting of: Expert Staff of Law and Politics, Expert Staff

of Government, Expert Staff Development, Expert Staff of Social and

Human Resources, and Advisor to the Economy and Finance.

6) Functional Group.

While the Parliament Secretariat established by Gunung Kidul Regency

Number 19 Year 2011 regarding Amendment of Regional Regulation No. 10

Year 2008 on the Establishment, Structure, Position and Duties Regional

Secretariat and the Parliament Secretariat, the organizational structure as

follows: The Secretary of Parliament, the administration , planning and finance,

part treatise and legislation, part of the trial and the protocol and functional


Local technical institute which was established by the Regional Regulation

No. 21 Year 2011 on Amendment of Regional Regulation No. 12 of 2008

concerning the Formation, Structure, Position and Duties of the Regional


Civil Service Agency, Regional Inspectorate, Agency for Community

Empowerment, Women and Family Planning, Office of the National Unity and

Politics, the Executive Agency Extension and Food Security, Office of Market

Management, the Office of Environmental Impact Control, Office of Library and

Regional Archives, Office of Investment and Integrated Services, and Civil

Service Police Unit.

Local Governments have an obligation to protect citizens from disasters in

the form of disaster management so that governments in the district of Gunung

Kidul form the Regional Disaster Management Agency in accordance with the

Regulation of the Regional District of Gunung Kidul No. 11 Year 2011 on the

Establishment, Organization, Status, and Tasks Regional Disaster Management

Agency (BPBD). Regional Disaster Management Agency headed by a chief who

is ex officio body chaired by the Regional Secretary and domiciled and

responsible to the Regent.

Gunung Kidul regency consists of 18 districts, 144 villages, 1416 hamlets,

1583 RW, and 6844 RT. Subdistricts in Gunung Kidul district include: District

Anggang, Purwosari, Paliyan, Saptosari, Tepus, Tanjungsari, Rongkop,

Girisubo, Semanu, Ponjong, Karangmojo, Wonosari, Playen, Patuk, Gedangsari,

Nglipar, Ngawen, and Semin. Of the 144 villages, 141 villages classed as

self-reliance and self-sufficiency 3 villages, including the village. While the number

of Village Community Empowerment Institution (LPMD) is 144, with 95 LPMD


Regulation of Gunung Kidul Regency No. 2 Year 2010 About the Long Term

Development Plan of Regency Gunung 2005-2025 dated March 15, 2010 set the vision of Gunung Kidul Regency. “Gunung Kidul competitive, advanced,

independent, and prosperous 2025” In the explanation of its contents as follows:

1) Gunung Kidul regency competitive: Is the embodiment of the condition

of the people who are intelligent, healthy, productive, and morality as

well as the competitiveness responsibly in exploiting the opportunities

and face the challenges of globalization.

2) Gunung Kidul regency advanced: Is the embodiment of the condition of

the people who grow and develop both economic, social, demographic,

and political. Judging from the economic aspects of advanced society is

measured from the level of prosperity that is reflected in the level of

income higher than average income and the distribution more equitable.

The production process has evolved with the integration between sectors,

especially the industrial sector, agriculture, and service sectors, and

supported a utilization of natural resources in a rational, efficient, and

environmentally sound. Institutions and economic system is organized

and running and functioning properly, thus supporting efficient economy

with high productivity. Judging from the social aspect, an advanced

society with regard to the quality of human resources, which reflected the

higher the education level of the population. Judging from the

demographic aspect, an advanced society is a healthy society, life

expectancy is high, good quality social services, and the population


society is a society that has been able to develop a system and institutions

of democratic political and steady, assured citizens their rights, and the

participation of society as a real and effective in all aspects of life.

3) Gunung Kidul regency independent: Is the embodiment of the state of

society's independence, interdependence in social life, living parallel and

equal with other communities, by relying on the ability and his own

strength in developing their potential, people's attitudes about themselves

and their society, a strong spirit in the face of the challenges and sustain

the process and development outcomes.

4) Gunung Kidul regency the prosperous: Is the embodiment of societal

conditions that fulfilled and unfulfilled basic needs as well as the

increased standard of living and quality of life over time.

In order to realize the vision of regional development is pursued through 6

regional development mission as follows:

1) Realizing good local governance and clean;

2) Realizing the stabilization of the system and institutional as well as

improving the quality of human resources;

3) Realizing institutional stabilization of the system and the economy;

4) Realize the increased financial capacity of the region;

5) Realize the provision of basic infrastructure and facilities are adequate;



As a measure of achievement of development objectives, as stated in the

vision of development for 20 years directed at achieving basic development

objectives as follows:

1) Realization of Good Governance and Clean.

2) Realization System and Institutional Strengthening and Improving the

Quality of Human Resources.

3) Realization System and Institutional Strengthening Economy.

4) Realization of the Regional Financial Capability.

5) Realization of Basic Infrastructure Provision Sufficient.

6) Realization Utilization of Natural Resources and Environment.

Development policy over a period of 20 years in the future are:

1) Realizing good local governance and clean:

 Politics, Government, and Law.

 Apparatus and Local Public Administration.

 Communication and Information.

2) Realize the stabilization of the system and institutional as well as

improving the quality of Human Resources:

 Religion.

 Education.

 Health and social welfare.

 Culture and toursm.

 Position and role of women.


Table 1.1: Collaboration and involved activities
Figure 1.1 showed that the relationship between government and society
The concept of offer and demand conformity approachFigure 1.2
Table 1.2


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