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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh




(A Script)








Luki Nugroho

There are two main objectives of this research namely, to find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ speaking ability after being taught by using picture series and to know which one of the most effective picture series for teaching speaking. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Pagelaran. The sample of this research was students of tenth grade, class X3. The study employed times series design by giving three pre-tests, three treatments, and three post-tests. To collect the data, the speaking test applied was speaking performance. There were two raters to score students’ speaking performance.

The result shows that there is significant difference of students’ speaking ability after being taught by using picture series. It means that problem from one material to another solved can increase students speaking ability. The differences of students’ speaking ability after being taught by using picture series. Therefore, the first hypothesis is accepted.






A Sript

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education





The writer’s name is Luki Nugroho. He was born on October 12th 1991 in

Pagelaran, Pringsewu. He was the fourth child of Mr. Ngadimin and Mrs.

Suirah. He has four brothers: Krisdiyanto, Suryadi, Andriyanto, and Roni


The writer graduated from Elemntaray School (SDN 02, Lugusari,

Pringsewu) in 2004. He went on his study at SMPN 1 Pagelaran, Pringsewu

and graduated in 2007. He continued his study at SMAN 1 Pagelaran and

graduated in 2010. Then he was accepted at S-1 Program of English

Education, Language and Art Department, University of Lampung. He did

his Teacher Training at MAN Krui in 2013 in Pesisir Barat for about 3

months from July until September and conducted his research at SMAN 1




I would like to dedicate this script to:

My beloved parents, Ngadimin and Suirah

My beloved brothers: Krisdiyanto, Suryadi,







Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin praise is merely given to Allah SWT, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent for His Blessings and Mercy that the writer is able to accomplish and complete his script: The Use of Picture Series in Improving Students’ Speaking Recount Text Skill at the Frist Grade of SMAN 1 Pagelaran. This script is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplising the S-1 Degree at the Department of Language and Arts of Teachers Trainning and Educatuion Faculty of Lampung University.

Among many individuals who generously gave suggestion for improving this script, first of all the writer would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge her sincere gratitude and deep respect to:

1. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. as the first advisor, for his willingness to give assistance, ideas, scientific knowledge, and encouragement within his time during the script writing process.

2. Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum. as the second advisor for her guidance, suggestion and revision which are very beneficial for the improvement of the script. Her deepest gratitude is also extended.

3. Drs. Hery Yufrizal M.A., Ph.D. as the examiner for his contribution in improving this script.

4. Ngadimin and Suirah, as his beloved parents who never forget to keep praying for his life and support him.

5. Pandawa brothers Krisdiyanto, Suryadi, Andriyanto, and Rony Saputra.

6. Friends that I called Kurawa consisting of some frustrated millionaire wanna be; Harris Tamzil, Kharisma Bianconery, Alvin chipmunk, Abdul Harris Adnan, Ferdy Aryanda, Alex Sitinjak, Oviandri, Reza Ramanda, Dani Erfan and many others.

7. My winged angels Tanjung Wulandari, Nandita Wanna, and Elsye Yeti for keeping supporting me in my hardest time



The writer would also like to address his appreciation to his dear lecturers of English Education, Language and Art Departement of Lampung University and all teachers and students of SMAN 1 Pagelaran for being so nice and cooperative.

Hopefully, this writing will be beneficial for its readers.

Bandar Lampung, April 2015

The writer,



4.1 Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 40

4.1.1 Validity of the Speaking Test ... 40

4.1.2 Realibility of the Speaking Test ... 41

4.2 Result of the Research ... 42

4.2.1 Result of Pre-Test ... 43

4.2.2 Result of Post-Test ... 46

4.2.3 Result of Every Aspect of Speaking ... 48

4.2.4 Hypothesis Testing ... 49

4.3 Findings and Discussions ... 53

4.3.1 Application of the Picture Series... 53 Treatment 1 Picture Series from Comic Book ... 53 Treatment 2 Picture Series from Capturing Animation Movie .. ... 56 Treatment 3 Picture Series from Google Image ... 59

4.3.2 The Result of Three Different Picture Series ... 65

V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusions ... 67

5.2 Suggestion ... 68






1. Research Schedule ... 73

2. Table of Rating Sheet Score Pre-test 1 from Two Raters ... 74

3. Table of Rating Sheet Score Pre-test 2 from Two Raters ... 75

4. Table of Rating Sheet Score Pre-test 3 from Two Raters ... 76

5. Table of Rating Sheet Score Post-test 1 from Two Raters... 77

6. Table of Rating Sheet Score Post-test 2 from Two Raters... 78

7. Table of Rating Sheet Score Post-test 3 from Two Raters... 79

8. Score Table of Pre-test 1 from Two Raters ... 80

9. Score Table of Pre-test 2 from Two Raters ... 81

10. Score Table of Pre-test 3 from Two Raters ... 82

11. Score Table of Post-test 1 from Two Raters ... 83

12. Score Table of Post-test 2 from Two Raters ... 84

13. Score Table of Post-test 3 from Two Raters ... 85

14. Frequencies of picture series 1 ... 86

15. Frequencies of picture series 2 ... 88

16. Frequencies of picture series 3 ... 90

17. Analysis of Students’ Score Evaluation ... 92

18. Lesson Plan 1 ... 95

19. Lesson Plan 2 ... 99



21. Pre-test ... 108

22. Post-test ... 109

23. Transcripts of Pre-test 1 ... 110

24. Transcripts of Pre-test 2 ... 114

25. Transcripts of Pre-test 3 ... 118

26. Transcripts of Post-test 1 ... 122

27. Transcripts of Post-test 2 ... 126

28. Transcripts of Post-test 3 ... 130

29. Picture Series 1 ... 134

30. Picture Series 2 ... 135



This chapter deals with background of the research, formulation, objectives, uses,

scope of the research, and definition of term.

1.1 Background of The Research

English is one subject that must be learned by students of senior high school since

it is an international language. By learning English, the students will have an

important skill that will help them to face the future because it is used in various

fields globally. It is one of top requirements to face the global era and the

development of science, technology, culture and art. They have to be able to

compete in the modern era. Because English is very important subject to be

learned by the students and they have to pay more attention in learning English.

In learning English, there are four basic language skills that must be taught

namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Depdiknas, 2006:307). One of

the skills that must be mastered by the students is speaking because it has an

important role in communication. Speaking can be found in spoken cycle

especially in joint construction of text stage. Speaking skill is measured in term of

ability to carry out a conversation to express ideas in the language. According to



people to communicate and interact with other people in an appropriate and

correct situation.

One of the objectives of English is to make the learners able to communicate in

target language. The students are expected to be able to express, communicate,

and give information in short conversation orally. The students are expected to be

able to use target language in daily conversation as main goal of the learning

English. The students are expected to be able to use English as a form of

conversation in our daily activity. For example, students are able to react, respond,

express ideas, and feeling to other people, and share information to other people


Speaking skill is measured in terms of the ability to carry out the conversation in

the language. This requirement should be fullfiled through speaking ability that

should be mastered by the students. Unfotunately, the aim of the using English

has not been satisfied yet although the students have learnt English since

elementary school. It can be seen from the researcher’s experience during his PPL

in MAN Krui class XII. In fact English has been taught for many years but the

speaking ability of the students of the school is still unsatisfactory. He found that

students of the high school have difficulties in speaking ability.

Based on the writer’s experience as being a student of senior high in SMAN 1

Pagelaran, the researcher got some problems in conducting speaking recount task

that he thinks the other students might experience as well. Firstly, students have



imagination about something in the past event that they want to say it again. They

tend to run out of idea when they are asked to speak. More often if they have to

speak up in front of the class, they get nervous and lose the ideas.

The researcher also did interview with one of the English teacher at SMA N 1

Pagelaran. The problem that the students face is that they cannot develop the ideas

that they want to speak. In addition, they are reluctant to speak and feel ashame of

making mistake. They are also reluctant to create new sentences to share and

communicate. They just use sentences they have already known and copy their

friends’ opinion. In previous research Tanjung Wulandari (2014) says that

students get difficulty in using English in speaking because they lack of

vocabularies, confidence and sometime they are afraid when they make a mistake.

Based on the problems above, it was clearly noticed that it is very important for

teacher applying the suitable ways to make the students aware of the need in

learning speaking and of the text in their daily lives. The teacher needs to employ

appropriate approach and maintain the teaching and learning process which builds

awareness on using knowledge rather than knowing it. He/She needs to apply teaching which is able to improve students’ speaking ability and teacher’s

performance. A teaching with the appropriate media and technique that can be

used to help students to recall their imagination when conducting speaking and

arranging the ideas chronologically . Picture series is one of the media that can be

applied in the teaching.

Picture series is one of media to help students to recall their imagination into a



to teach speaking can made from many sources. Picture series that was used in

this research consisted of three models of picture series. The first picture series is

from comic book, picture series from capturing animation movie, and picture

series from google image. Those picture series have different characteristic so

researcher tried to apply them in each treatment. Researcher expected that there

would be different result of applying picture series shown by students so that

researcher can find out what model of picture series is better to apply.

In speaking recount text, students are expected to do a monologue orally. In doing

this, students need to recall their ideas before they deliver their ideas and arrange

them in chronological order. Picture series help to translate abstract ideas into

relasistic form (Latuheru; 1988). Not only do the pictures motivate the students,

but they also provoke lively discussions and thus demand the students to give

their ideas. Therefore picture series is an enjoyable media for students to motivate

to speak English and to stimulate them to communicate their ideas.

Considering the statement above, the researcher expects that picture series can improve the students’ speaking ability.

1.2 Formulation of Research Problem

Based on the background discussed above, the writer would like to take the main

problem as follow:

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ speaking skill after being



2. Which picture series model affects students’ speaking skill the more?

1.3 Objectives

Based on the problems above, the objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To find out the effects of teaching by using picture series on speaking


2. To find out whether there is any significant effect on students’ speaking

skill after being taught by using picture series.

3. To find out what kind of picture series give the best effect.

1.4 Uses

This research is useful both practically and theoritically.

1. Practically

Hopefully this research is useful for the English teacher, students, and also


a. The Teachers

Through this research, the teachers can use picture series as a media to

improve the students’ ability in speaking.

b. The Students

The implementation of picture series in this research gives students the

chance to express their tought, ideas, and imagination to communicate



c. The School

The result of this research can be used as consideration whether the school

will implement picture series for all grade of senior high school students. It improves the students’ speaking ability of the students.

2. Theoretically

The result of this research will be used to support the previous theory in

teaching learning English especially in speaking.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research used time series design. This research deals with improving students’ speaking skill through picture series which was be conducted at SMA

Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The sample of this research is the students of class X.

The material of the teaching learning was recount text with topics activities before

going to school, vacation, and special moment. The material is taken from the student’s text book and internet. The score of the test is based on three aspects;



1.6 Definition of Terms

In order to make the same perception dealing with the research, the researcher

lists the terms which are important to know:


Speaking is oral communication which happens between at least two people,

speaker and listener that used to deliver or express their idea, message,

information or opinion.

Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is the skill to use language fluently and accurately to express

meanings to transfer or to get information from other people.


Picture is an images or likeness of an objects person, place, thing or idea on flat

surface by means of drawing, painting, or photography.

Picture Series

Picture series is a series of picture that explains about the events in a story.

Recount Text

Recount text is a kind of text that has purpose to explain about series of events



This chapter discusses about concept of speaking, concept of teaching speaking,

procedure of teaching speaking, theoretical assumption.

2.1 Concept of Speaking

Speaking is oral communication that is used to express ideas, feeling, and thought

among people. Bryne (1998 :8) states that speaking is oral communication

between listener and speaker that involves the productive skill and understanding.

It means that there are at least two people; speaker with productive skill and

listener with receptive skill. The speaker gives the message to the listener and listener tries to understand the speaker’s message.

Brown (2001:250) states that speaking is an interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Its

form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the

participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment,

and the purposes for speaking (Burns and Joyce, 1997).

Lado (1977:240) states that speaking is described as an ability to converse or to



that, speaking can be an important aspect from four language skills that should be

a priority in language in language learning.

Generally, speaking skill is divided into five components, i.e. Comprehension,

pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary (Syakur, 1987:3)

1. Comprehension

According to Heaton (1991) comprehension is the ability of understanding the speakers’ intention and general meaning. It means that comprehensibility

focuses on the students’ understanding of the conversation.

2. Pronunciation

It refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Syakur:

1987). It means that pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer

language when they are speaking.

3. Fluency

Fluency is the ease and speed of the flow of the speech (Haris, 1987:81).

Fluency refers to the smoothness of flow which sounds, syllables, words, and



4. Grammar

It is a rule for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. When we

speak to other people it means that we express some of our ideas and thought

orally, both listener and speaker should understand each other.

5. Vocabulary

It refers to the selection of the words those are appropriate to the topic and


2.1.1 Types of speaking

Since it is an interactive process of constructing meaning, speaking is effective

when it has effects on another on the reaction and response. Meaning is

constructed in an interaction which invites reaction and response between

interlocutors. Based on the issue of interactivity Brown (2001:251) classifies the

type of spoken language as monologue and dialogue. Monologue is type of

spoken language which involves one speaker uses the language for any length or

time, as in speech, lectures, readings, news broadcasts, and the like. Dialogue

involves two or more speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges that

promote social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the purpose is to

convey propositional or factual information (transactional). Since the syllabus of

the school which this research was conducted in, the researcher concerned on

improving the monologue speaking.

Monologue speaking can be defined as a range of one way speaking proficiencies.



skills (Nakamura, 2003). Monologue itself is divided into planned such as

speeches and prewritten material and unplanned such as impromptu lectures and

long stories based on the discourse structure.

Considering the grade of the students, the components of speaking that will be

observed are pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. According to Heaton

(1991), there are some criteria for analyzing oral ability as follows:

Table 2.1 Rubric of Scoring System

Range Pronunciation Fluency Comprehensibility



The interpretations of grading system are as follows:

81-89 : excellent

71-80 : very good

61-70 : good

51-60 : fair

41-50 : moderate

2.2 Concept of Teaching Speaking in English as EFL

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use the language for communication,

for transferring ideas or feeling to other people. River (1978: 6) states that

speaking is developed from the first contact with the language that we learn. We

should introduce speaking with the language that we learn. Moreover Richard



communication promote learning. Thus speaking will be optimally learnt when

we communicate in the language.

In teaching speaking to get the students contacted and transfer ideas to other

people, the teacher should carry out the students in certain situation when the

topic is being talked about. As Freeman (2000:127) states that teacher is

responsible to establish situations likely to promote communication. So the

teacher is not only teaching what will be spoken yet the topic that deal with it. The

topic must be also familiar to the students so they can have an oral communication

to describe the topic.

In order to help the students in transferring ideas to other people, developing the

topic in communication during the speaking learning, and also learning the

language more successfully, language is used as means of acquiring information,

rather than as an end itself (Richard, 2006:28). Normally people use language to

get information or to share. Therefore, learning speaking should be with activities

which invite student to share idea or to get it.

From the explanation above, the researcher asserts that in teaching speaking,

teacher should engage the students to use the language by conducting activities

that involve real communication. Teacher is also responsible to establish situation

that promote communication and the topic deal with.

2.3 Concept of Picture Series

Picture is one of the visual aids that are used by the teacher in teaching learning



picture, picture series, and so on. In this paper, the researcher tries to implement

picture series as an alternative way in teaching learning process. As Wright (1989)

states that pictures are very important in helping students to retell experiences or

understand something since they can represent place, object, people, etc. A picture

consists of meanings and messagas that will be presented. It depends on students’

own imagination or thought to produce the words related to the picture.

Arranging a picture series is one way to be used for developing words as well as

other skills. The primary advantage of using picture series is that it is enjoyable

for the students because it can encourage them to create activity in guessing the

messages from the picture based on their imagination. Another, it can vary the

teacher’s techniques in creating the atmosphere in the classroom as a real


A picture is used to substitute the real things. The students can recognize and

compare the words and the real things. The first function of the use of picture

series is that the students are able to see the picture clearly and distinctly. The

second is that the students can understand the content of the whole pictures

because the first picture is related to the second picture and so on. It can build up

the students’ motivation in learning English text.

The content of the whole pictures can be understood because the first picture is

related to the second and the second is related to the next picture and so on.

Pictures are set in sequence in order to deliver a message that it can represent an



from various sources, for instance from internet, books, magazine, or capturing a

movie, etc. In this study, the researcher will use 3 different picture series which

are taken from 3 different sources they are from comic books, capturing animation

movies, and internet.

Those three picture series have different characteristic. First, picture series that is

taken from comic books has simple form. It is well arranged because comic book

itself consists of pictures that are arranged in sequence so we just have to take the

pages that are relevant to the topic that we want to teach to the students. Secondly,

picture series of group of pictures that are taken from capturing animation movie

and then are arranged in sequence. This takes more effort because we have to

capture the pictures that are relevant to the topic and arrange them in sequence.

This kind of picture series is more interesting because it is collourful. Third

picture series of group of pictures that are taken from google images. The pictures

that are suitable to the topic are downloaded and then arranged in sequence. This







3. Picture series from google images

As the students are shown the picture series they are expected to be more exciting

in learning English as picture series gives students portrait that helps them in

learning speaking by comparing the words and the real things. These three picture

series help students in learning speaking. The picture series will help students in

expressing ideas because the picture series consists of pictures that are related to



described as an ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. The

pictures are set up in sequence so that students by learning with this media will be

able to express the ideas in sequence fluently.

Those three picture series have different quality in chronological order. The

picture series from comic book is in good order since it has been arranged based

on the activities. The second picture series that were taken from capturing

animation movie is less in order than the first picture series. It is rather difficult to

arrange the captured pictures and make them suitable to the topic . The third

picture series from google images is less in chronological arrangement and picture

does not portrait the same person.

Furthermore, previous study conducted by Rike Febrina Aska in SMPN 1

Gadingrejo showed that picture series is effective to be applied in teaching

speaking. Students’ speaking skill was increased significantly in three aspects of

micro skill; pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. This study also shows

students motivation in joining the teaching learning during the treatments

increased. The atmosphere in class became more encouraging to study. Students

were more active to participate in class activities.

2.4 Recount Text

Recount text is one of the texts that have purpose to explain about an event that

happened in the past time, for example an accident, activites report, experience,

etc. Since the even happened in the past time, the tense used to tell the idea is



characteristic, that is the uses of conjunction after, then, finally, etc. The purpose

of recount, on the other hand, is to tell what happened in the past.

To achive its purpose, the text moves through a different set of stages:

a. An orientation letting the reader know who is involved, where, when, etc.

b. Retelling of a series of events in chronological sequence.

Recont is one kind of text which is used and written in

a. Personal letter (not incitation)

b. Biography/autobiography

c. Journal reports

d. Police reports

e. Sport reports

f. History

Recount Text has three main factors, they are:

a. Orientation: telling about people or things which have done or have

participated inside, with times, places, situation, etc.

b. List of an Event: in accordance of the steps of an event.

c. Re-orientation or personal comment: not always there (optional):

summary the event.

According to Derewianka (1990), the focus is on a sequence of events, all of

which relate to a particular occasion. The recount generally begins with an

orientation, giving the reader the background information needed to understand



Recount unfolds with a series of events ordered chronological sequence. At

various stages there may be some personal comment on the incident (e.g., We had

a wonderful time).

The function of the recount text is to retell about an event or experience which

happened in the past time, and the aim is not only to retell but also to entertain.

Derewianka (1990) identified that there are three types of recount text, namely:

1. Personal Recount

Telling about activities whereas the writer or speaker involves or do by

herself or himself (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry). Use the first person

pronouns (I, we). Personal responses to the events can be included,

particuarly at the end. Details are often chosen to add interest or humor.

The following is the example of personal recount:

A Terrible Railway Station

This morning with my hands full of bags, I went to the railway station to catch my train at 10:00. I went there with a cab. To my surprise, when I just stepped my feet outside the cab, I could see a terrible huge crowd inside the railway station. As soon as I got myself into the crowd, I could smell millions of odor smells that were really horrible. I could not help myself to get rid of that because my hands were full with luggage. I just squeezed myself between two Chinese people and managed to pull myself out of the crowd onto the bridge to the railway station. I was luck as I have booked the ticked to Alor Seter. So I did not bother to queue up for a ticket.



2. Factual Recount

Record the particulars of an incidents (e.g. report of a science experiment,

police report, news report, historical account). This type use the third

person pronouns (he, she, it, their). Details are usually selected to help the

reader reconstruct the activity (e.g. science experiment). Details of time,

place and manner may need to be precisely stated (e.g. at 2.35 pm.,

between Jhonson St and Park Rd, the man drove at 80 kph). The passive

voice may be used (e.g. the beaker was filled with water), it may be

appropriate to include explanations and justifications. Here is the example

of factual recount :

Bali Bomb

The bomb, in the resort of Kuta, destroyed the Sari Club and a crowded nightspot. Many people have fallen victims to this blast. Many of them were foreign tourists, especially from Australia. They were burner beyond recognition. Some tourist who were at the scene of the blast said there were two explosions around the nightclub. One bomb had exploded outside Paddy’s Bar before a Bar bomb hit the Sari Club which was located some meters away.

Hundred were injured in the explosion and about 220 Australians remain unaccounted for. The U.K. Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, said that 33 Britons were among those killed in the Bali attack. The Australian Primer Minister, John Howard, called its borders, saying it had been a problem for a long time.

Lists of missing people have been posted in Bali and official said that it could take days to identity all the victims, some of whom were trapped in the Sari Club by a wall of flames. A notice board at the hospital in Bali includes a section called “Unknown Identity” and detailed list on victims such as : “Young girl in intensive care, 11-14 years old, face burned, income, Causation,” or “Girl in intensive care, about 5 years old, 130 cm, fair skin, Caucasian with reddish brown hair. She has a purplish belly button ring.”



all U.S. citizens in the country have been told to leave including diplomats and non-essential government staff.

Taken from (http://www.text-types.com/Example of Recount)

3. Imaginative Recount

Taking on an imaginary role and giving details of events (e.g. day in the

life of Roman slave; how I invented...). Usually written in the first person.

It may be appropiate to include personal reactions. The following is the

example of an imaginative recount:

A Day in My Life without Feminism

To imagine a day in my life without feminism is nearly impossible. I was born in 1991, and by the time I became an adult, decades had already passed since women in the United States gained their rights. I’ve been fortunate enough that I have not had to experience the full extent of the oppression of women. I’m a very opinionated, outspoken woman, and if I did not have feminism, there would be many limitations on my means of self expression. No female in this country would have any of the rights they have today.

As strong-willed as I am, I value my right to vote dearly. Not only am I pleased that I can vote, but also that I’m able to engage in serious political conversations or run for a political office, if I’d like. If the Women’s Rights Movement had not occurred, I would not be eligible to vote or run for office. Moreover, any opinions I may offer regarding politics would be instantly dismissed. I imagine that I would feel as if my government thinks I am not important, which would likely cause me to rebel, after which I would be imprisoned, as so many women were.

Taken from (http://www.text-types.com/Example of Recount)

Of the three types of recount text, the researcher chose the first type of recount

text that is personal recount text because it is considered to be the easiest. The

researcher considers it the easiest type of recount text because it tells about the



also uses the first person pronoun (I, we). So students as the speaker didn’t get

much difficulty in recalling or imagining the activities. Further reason for

choosing this type of recount text is because the students are the first year students

of senior high school, so the speaker took the easiest type of recount text.

2.5 Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Picture Series

Procedure of using picture series in the class is divided into three terms. They are

pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity. Here are the procedure of teaching

speaking trhrough picture series.

1. Pre Activity

a. Teacher greets the students.

b. Teacher gives the questions or brainstorming to the students related to

the topic they are going to learn.

c. Teacher gives a chance for students to share their ideas.

2. While Activities

a. The teacher tells his experience about his vacation to the beach to the


b. Teacher hands out series of picture and groups the students into 3

people each group.

c. Teacher guides the students discussing the pictures

d. Teacher asks students to explain the picture to their group.

e. Teacher asks students to tell their result discussion in front of the



f. Teacher evaluates students’ speaking ability, such as, pronounciation,

fluency, and comprehensibility and organization of the text they


3. Post Activity

a. Teacher gives comment and explains necessary things such as

correction and how to do a monologue

b. Teacher gives a chance to students to ask question about the material.

c. Teacher asks students about the lesson and the problem during the


d. Teacher closes the class by greeting.

2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Picture Series

Using picture series in teaching speaking has advantages and disadvantages. The

following are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture series in teaching


1. Advantages of Using Picture Series

a. Picture series can help students understand something happens in

squence since picture can represent place, object, people, etc.

b. Picture series can guide students on vocabulary, and organisation.

c. Picture series can visualize information brought by the teacher.

Information that is brought by teacher can be easily understood by

students if it is also shown in picture so what the students listen is also



2. Disadvantages of Using Picture Series

Pictures series is not suitable to demonstrate meaning of all vocabularies

specifically abstract noun for instance the word “opinion”.

2.7 Theoretical Assumption

Media is necessary in teaching learning process, especially teaching speaking to

help the teacher to reach the aim of teaching learning process. The using of picture

series in this research is as the media to improve and optimalize the teaching and

learning process. The researcher assumes that picture series can help the students

in expressing ideas, feeling, and thought in oral communication. Moreover the

series of picture is assumed by the researcher can bring the students able to

express the ideas in sequence. It means that picture series can help the students to

communicate effectively because the message which is delivered in each picture is




In this research, the researcher discusses about research design, population and

sample, variables, the data collecting technique, research procedure, instruments,

validity and reliability, data analysis and hypothesis as states below:

3.1. Research Design

This research was intended to find out the significant difference of the students’

speaking skill in form of recount model before and after being taught by using

picture series and to find out which kind of picture series gave the highest effect.

In conducting the research, the researcher used time series design by giving

different picture series for each treatment and different topics for every test. The

researcher used one class in which the students were given three times pretest,

three times treatment, and three times posttest. The research design is ilustrated as


T1 T2 T3 X T4 T5 T6


T1 T2 T3 : Pre-test

X : Treatment

T4 T5 T6 : Post-test



Pretests were administered before the treatments of teaching speaking by using

picture series media. Pretests were implemented in order to see the students’ basic

speaking ability. Then, the researcher gave treatment that is teaching speaking by

using picture series media.

3.2. Population and Sample

This research was conducted in the first year of second semester students at SMA

Negeri 1 Pagelaran academic year 2014. The researcher chose this school because

the researcher wanted to investigate the increase of students’ speaking skill in

form of recount text. There were five classes of the first grade and every class had

the same oportunity to be chosen. In determining the class to be the sample, the

researcher used random sampling by using lottery drawing. The sample of the

research is the students of class X 3 which consists of 30 students.

3.3. Data Collecting Technique

The data of this research was in the form of students’ speaking ability score in

performing monologue in terms of pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility

under three topics: daily activities, special moment, and holiday. In collecting the

data, the researcher used the following steps:

3.3.1 Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Picture Series

Procedure of using picture series in the class is divided into three terms. They are

pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity. Here are the procedure of teaching



1. Pre Activity

a. Teacher greets the students.

b. Teacher gives the questions or brainstorming to the students related to

the topic they are going to learn.

c. Teacher gives a chance for students to share their ideas.

2. While Activities

a. The teacher tells his experience about his vacation to the beach to the


b. Teacher hands out series of picture and groups the students into 3

people each group.

c. Teacher guides the students discussing the pictures

d. Teacher asks students to explain the picture to their group.

e. Teacher asks students to tell their result discussion in front of the


f. Teacher evaluates students’ speaking ability, such as, pronounciation,

fluency, and comprehensibility and organization of the text they


3. Post Activity

a. Teacher gives comment and explains necessary things such as

correction and how to do a monologue

b. Teacher gives a chance to students to ask question about the material.

c. Teacher asks students about the lesson and the problem during the



d. Teacher closes the class by greeting.

3.3.2 Speaking Test

In collecting the data, the researcher conducted speaking test. There were three

times of tests before treatments and three times of tests after treatments. the

researcher provided three different topics that had been done orally and direct.

Teacher called students one by one in front of the class to perform their sentences. The teacher gave the score of the students’ speaking ability based on three aspects

namely pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension.

This oral test was measured through three aspects of students’ speaking skill. The

scoring criteria that was used was based on Heaton (1991).

Table 2.1. Rubric of Scoring System

Range Pronunciation Fluency Comprehensibility



The interpretations of grading system are as follows:

81-89 : excellent



1. Pretest

The researcher administered pretest before treatment which was aimed at

knowing the students’ speaking skill before being given the treatment by using

picture series. The researcher administered the pretest to whole students in the

class. Meanwhile, before conducting the pretest, the researcher explained the

topics that were tested. The tests were focused on oral test. The researcher

recorded the students’ performance in order to help the researcher in scoring

the oral test. So, if the researcher sliped the students’ performance during the

scoring, the researcher could replay the record.

2. Treatment

Treatments were done after pretest to teach the students by using picture

series. There were three times of treatments. The first treatment was on

september 23 with the topic activities this morning. The second treatment was

on september 27 with the topic special moment. And the third treatment was

conducted on september 30 with the topic holiday.

The researcher taught the students with the target to reach the objectives in

those 3 meetings as stated in lesson plan. There were 3 lesson plans to be

implemented for three different topics.

3. Posttest

The posttest was administered after the treatment which was aimed at seeing

the significant difference of the students’ speaking skill after they were taught



was administered to whole students by recording them one by one. So the

researcher could score every student’s performance by playing the record.

4. Recording

The researcher recorded the students’ speaking skill during pretest and posttest

by using audio recorder as the recording tool. It was used to help the researcher in scoring the students’ speaking test. So if the researcher slipped

the students’ performance during the test, the researcher could replay the


3.4. Research Procedures

The procedures of the research were as follows:

1. Selecting and Determining the Population and Sample

The population of the research was the students of SMA Negeri 1 Pagelaran as

population. The sample was class X 3, there were 30 students. Their ages ranged

from 15 to 16 years old. The researcher used one class as the sample of the


2. Selecting the Materials

The materials were taken from the students’ book based on the syllabus. The

material was about daily activities, special moment, and holiday. The researcher



3. Administering the Pretest

The pretest was administered before treatment which was aimed at knowing the students’ speaking skill before being given the treatment by using picture series.

The researcher administers the pretest to students. Meanwhile, before conducting

the pretest, the researcher explained the topic that would be tested. The test was

focussed on oral test. The test was administered three times by giving different

topics in each test, they were, first pretest (1st topic: activities this morning),

second pretest (2nd topic: special moment), and the third pretest (3rd topic:

holiday). It was a subjective test and focuses on oral test. The researcher explained

generally the test and asked the students to work in group. The researcher gave the

direction in each test to all students and asked the students to tell it in front of

class one by one. In performing the test, the students were asked to speak up

clearly since the students’ voices were recorded. Furthermore, the researcher and

another English teacher judged the students’ performance.

4. Conducting the Treatments

In this research, the treatments were administered in three meetings in 90 minutes

for each meeting with three different topics and picture series in every meeting.

The topic which used in the first treatment is about “activities this morning” by

applying picture series from comic books, the second is about “Special moment”

by applying picture series from capturing animation movie, and the third topic

was about “Holiday” by applying picture series taken from internet. At the first

treatment, the researcher asked the question related to the topic. The researcher



5. Administering the Posttest

The posttest was conducted after the treatment. The post-test was aimed at

knowing the progress of speaking skill after being taught by using picture series

media. The posttest was conducted three times, after three meetings/treatments.

The researcher used a subjective test in oral test. Furthermore, the researcher gave

different topics in every test. The researcher asked the students to speak up clearly

in front of class since the students’ voice was recorded. Moreover, the researcher

and the English teacher “Mrs LS” judged the students’ performance. “Mrs LS”

graduated from English Department of Lampung University and now she has been

teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Pagelaran for 8 years.

6. Analyzing the Test Result (Pretest and Posttest)

After scoring the students’ performance, the researcher compared the result of

pretest and posttest, to see whether the score of posttest was higher than pretest in

each aspects of speaking.

3.5. Instruments of the Research

There are two instruments that were used in this research, pretests which were

given to the students before the researcher gave the treatments, and posttests



3.6. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

In order to make research valid and reliable, quantitative research is focused on

the collected data (Setiyadi, 2006:29). Since the researcher used quantitative

research, some considerations were also taken as follows:

a. Validity of the Test

Validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and useful of the

inferences a researcher makes (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990:126). It means that

validity refers to the extent to which an instrument will give us the information

that we want. Meanwhile, Setiyadi (2006: 24) mentions that the test should reflect

all the areas to be assessed in suitable proportions and represent a balanced


Other source says that validity is a matter of relevance: it means that the test

measures what is claimed to measure. To measure whether the test has good

validity, it has to be analyzed from content and construct validity. In the content

validity, the material and the test are composed based on the indicators and

objective in syllabus of the curriculum. The materials that were taught based on the students’ handbook for Senior High School. While, the construct validity

focuses on the kind of the test that use to measure the students’ ability. The tests

were administered based on the indicators which state that students were able to



b. Reliability of the Test

Reliability refers to the extent to which the test is consistent in its scores, and it

gives an indication of how accurate the scores. Reliability is a necessary

characteristic of any good test: to be valid, a test first should be reliable as a

measuring instrument (Heaton, 1988:162).

To ensure the reliability of the score and to avoid the subjectively of the

researcher, inter rate reliabilities applied in this research. Inter rater reliability was

used when score of the test is independently estimated by two raters. To achieve such reliability and to score the students’ speaking performance, the researcher:

1. The researcher used a speaking criteria based on Heaton (1991).The focuses on

speaking skills that were assessed are;

a. Pronunciation

c. Fluency

d. Comprehensibility

2. The researcher involved second rater in using the profile to give judgment for each student’s speaking performance. The second rater was the English teacher

who had experienced in rating the students’ speaking skill. It was done to provide



3.7. Data Analysis

In order to find out whether there is a significant effect of students’ speaking skill,

the researcher examined the students’ score using these following steps:

1. Scoring the pretest and posttest

2. Transcribing the students’ spoken. The researcher recorded the students’

speaking, the researcher transcribed the record into written form.

3. Calculating the Mean. The researcher calculated the data such as the minimum

score and the maximum score to know the mean of the test. Then the researcher

made a graphic based on the data. After that, the researcher compared both pretest

and posttest to know the improvement. The mean of the test is illustrated through

curves as draw as follow.

Figure 3.1. The Example Graphic Line of Picture series



was no significant difference on students’ speaking skill before and after the

applying the picture series.

3.8. Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis of this research is:

H1= Tvalue > Ttable

H0= Tvalue < Ttable

H1: There is a significant difference of students’ speaking skill after being taught

by using picture series.

H0: There is no significant difference of students’ speaking skill after being taught

by using picture series.



This chapter draws about the conclusions of this research and the researcher’s suggestion.

5.1 Conclusions

To answer the formulation of the problem and reffering to the results the resercher draws

the following conclusions:

1. There is significant difference of students’ speaking ability after being taught by

using picture series. It means that picture series can increase students speaking

ability. It can be seen from the finding of the research. The total gain score of

students’ speaking achievement from pre-test to post-test is; students’ mean score

pre-test 1 is 53.6, pre-test 2 is 55, pre-test 3 is 60.5. Meanwhile, the result of

mean score from post-test 1 is 64.8, post-test 2 is 66.3, and post-test 3 is 72.8.

The researcher also used pair sample of SPSS. The result is 1st pair 11.031

(t-value) > 2.048 (t-table), 2nd pair 14.955 (t-(t-value) > 2.048 (t-table), 3rd pair

23.108 (t-value) > 2.048 (t-table) means that there are significant differences of

students’ speaking ability after being taught by using picture series. Therefore,

the first hypothesis is accepted.

2. Regarding the three picture series which contain different topics given are;



first discussion is 59.2 and is up to 60.6 in second discussion and then the last

discussion is up 66.6. The most improved speaking skill of students is in the third

discussion.. The most effective picture series for teaching speaking is the third

picture series which was taken from google image with topic holiday. It might be

due to the very familiar and interesting material to every student. The picture

series used in the third discussion contained familiar topic. And with the topic,

students can explore more ideas.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the findings, the researcher suggests that:

1. After having the research of applying picture series in helping the students to

enhance their speaking ability, the researcher suggests that the English teacher

apply picture series in the classroom for teaching.

2. Since pronunciation got the lowest increase, the teacher should give more

attention to students who have difficulty in pronunciation. Teacher should show

the students clearly how to pronounce the words correctly. In the begining of the

class session, teacher asks the important vocabularies that will be used from the

students then teacher show how to pronounce them. Since the topic discussed is

related to past experience or past activities, explore more verbs from the students

and tell them how to pronounce them before guiding them to make sentences

related to the activities in the past event they discussed about. In the last session



teacher corrects the mispronounced vocabularies and show all the students how to

pronounce correctly.

3. The researcher suggests to apply picture series in the other skill and use

interesting topic such as imaginative topic or something which is close to their

daily life to increase students’ interest and activate them in class. Teaching other

language skill by using picture series can be conducted similarly to teaching

speaking. It can be done by building students’ interest by discussing about

interesting topic, sharing interesting experience related to the topic, applying

picture series to guide students understand the text organization , and asking them



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Table 2.1 Rubric of Scoring System
Table 2.1. Rubric of Scoring System
Figure 3.1. The Example Graphic Line of Picture series


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