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Rolina Pandiangan Reg Number 4123332017 Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill The Reguirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Rolina Pandiangan ( 4123332017)


The purpose of this research is know the students achievement on salt hydrolysis is learned by contextual teaching and learning ( CTL) model based on collaborative with media index card match. The population of this research is all of student in SMA N 1 Berastagi grade XI Science. The sample are 2 class from student in SMA N 1 Berastagi by purposive random sampling methods. The experimental class is learned by Contextual teaching and learning model based on collaborative with media index card match and control class is learned by conventional method. The instruments are using multiple choice test to see the student’s achievement. The instrument of research is standardiz by expert validator t-test and empiric validity. Data analysis using statistic calculation The result of standardiz test is 22 items valid with reability 0.64. The result data shows that the student’s achievement taught by contextual teaching and learning model based on collaborative with media index card match give higher than taught by convensional method. It can be seen from the average of gain and also proved with t-test, the normalized gain in experimental class ( 0.744 ± 0.12) and control class (0.648 ± 0.14).The statement support the data research result of hypothesis test is t count = 2.915 and t table = 1.672 , then t count> t table (2.915 >1.672 ). the calculation result shows that Ha is received or Ho is rejected, so the student’s achievement taught by using CTL based on collaborative with media is higher than direct instruction model. The most level of cognitive aspect improved are C1 (Recalling), C2 (Comprehention), C3 (application), and C4 (analysis) : C1 is 0,61( medium category ), C2 is 0,71 ( high category ), C3 0,8 (high category), and C4 is 0,63( medium category ). in Control class C1 is 0.58(medium category),C2 is 0,55 (medium category),C3 is 0,8(high category),C4 is 0,47(medium category)




Praise thank fullness is given to The Only One Savior, Jesus Christ who

always help me, and have given health, strength, spirit, knowledge, and materrial

to finish thesis.

Title of this is “ The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) Model Based on Collaborative with Media Index card Match to Increase Student’s Achievement on Salt Hydrolysis Topic’’that arraged to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, faculty of Mathematics

and Natural Science, State University of Medan


In this oppurtunity, i would to express his gratitude to Prof.Dr.Retno Dwi

Suyanti,M.Si. as my thesis supervisor who has provided guidance,advices,

motivation, and suggestion during the prosess of completing this thesis. I also give

thanks to Dr.Zainuddin Muhktar, M.Si., Dr. Muhammat Yusuf, S.Si.M,Si., Agus

Kembaren, S.Si,M.Si an eveluator committe who has provided suggestion from

the plan until the completion of this thesis. The gratitude also goes to Prof. Dr.

Herbet Sipahutar, M.S., M.Sc. the dean of Mathematics and Natural Science

Faculty, State University of Medan, and Prof. Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as a

Coordinator Bilingual Programme, their advices and other necessary


I also give thanks to Prof. Dr. Iis siti Jahro,M.Si as the Academis

Supervisior who always guide research during lecturer, great thanks Dr.Ajat

Sudrajat, M.Si. as validator of instrument test in this research, and the entire along

with Mr and Mrs. Staff and Lecturer in Chemistry department FMIPA UNIMED

who helped the author. The author also presented to School Pinciple of SMA N 1

Berastagi, Alberto Colia,M.Pd that give permision and Korry Naiggolan, S.Pd,. as

the chemistry teacher in SMA N 1 Berastagi. Special gratitude and appreciation to

the my lovely father Johannes Pandiangan and my lovely mother Konnia

Simbolon and also to my dearest sister ( Pradelima pandiangan,Lina Wati



caring that they give. My Brother ( Maratur Pandiangan) and Darmen Hutapea

thank you for the careness and given me support until the completion of this

thesis. The authors also express thank to all friends in Bilingual Chemistry Education’12. thanks to groups Getek’s :Wita Locarizky Siregar, Fridayuni Simanjuntak,Ivana Margaret Simanjuntak and Rolina Pandiangan always

together (Sad, happy,pray together, laugh together and help each other and love

each other the most important is always there)love love this groups . all family of

U.Josua Pandiangan , family of mother Simbolon and father,big family of

Fridayuni simanjuntak and Wita Locarizky siregar, for support and pray,and

special thanks to someone that owns my heart,thanks for the

love,careness,pray,and motivation. I also would like to say thank you to all whose

names cannot be mentioned one by one for their support and friendfhip through

my academic years.

The authors tried for maximal effort in the completion of this thesis.

Authors hope the critique and suggestion from readers for completeness the thesis

perfectly. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can be useful to enrich the reader in

science education and for futher improvement of this thesis.

Medan, Juny 2016

The Writer





4.3.1 Data Analysis of Student Achievement before Teaching treatment 40

4.3.2 Data Analysis of Student’s Achievement after Teaching Treatment 41


5.2 Suggestion 50




Table 2.1 Differences Contextual teaching and Leaning (CTL) With

Conventional Learning. 16

Table 2.2 Table of the subtopics of salt hydrolysis and the model of the teaching 25

Table 3.3 Research Design 33

Table 4.1 Pre-Test Data Analysis 41

Table 4.2 Post-test data Analisys 41

Table 4.3 Average Value of Normalized Gain 42

Table 4.4 Persentage of Student’s Achievement 42

Table 4.5 Result of Hyppthesis testing 44

Table 4.6 The Average Gain of Cognitive Aspect in Experiment class 45




Figure 3.1 Flow Chart Overview of Research 34

Figure 4.1 Average Gain of Cognitive Aspect in Experiment Class 45



Appendix 30 Table Chi-Square 116

Appendix 31 Table Distribution 135

Appendix 32 Table Distribution Value 138

Appendix 33 Index Card Match 139



development of era and the advancement of technology, the education also to be

developed. While of this development, the education still has a weakness

especially in the process of learning. The learning process must be focused on

students, how the expressions, the attitude of the students for teaching-learning

process, how far the students active and involved in the teaching-learning process.

Indonesian education problems in an effort to improve the education level

increases as the development of globalization.The development according to their

educational improvement. The quality of Indonesian education is still low to

encourage the government to make improvements. To achieve success in

improving the quality of education, all parties concerned such as subject, object

and fasilitator in education is very important. All parties concerned proficiency

level has a significant role in the improvement of education.However, that has an

important role in improving the quality of education is the subject and object of

education itself ( Ariesta,2013).

Teacher is the first person and special in increasing the quality of

education. As the main subject in the front line in learning process, so the

education and guidance that is given by teacher to the students be who determines

in carrying the successful of education (Huda, 2012). For this time, at school,

there are many teachers that just focus on the subject matter and the result of

learning. They were just bustled in some activity to decide the competence goal

that would be achieved, to arrange the material that would be taught, and to design

the evaluation (Hamruni, 2009).

Learning is essentially a change in behavior. A change in one's behavior



a measure of the success of a lesson. Student learning outcomes are also

influenced by internal factors and external factor.

In the process of chemistry learning is still found many students that

pretend to understand when the teacher ask them, it is made the student is not

understand for all topic of chemistry. In the chemistry learning is also students

tend to passive in class due to the lesson is not interested for them and also it may

be the teaching of teacher is less attractive to student. Based on the case, the

learning process must be implicated well to make the students involved actively.

Teacher must be thought and planned a strategy or method to increase the learning

process of students. In this case, teacher must be able to do a dynamic process in

organizing a class, and using the method and strategy in teaching-learning

process. Teacher is demanded to be able to manage the teaching-learning process

which give stimulation to the students so that the students will learn (Daryanto,


Basically, the topics learning in Chemistry have 3 characteristics that is

the decomposition of concepts, mathematical calculations, and execution

experiments. All of these characters support each other in the full mastery on topic

of learning in Chemistry (Zebua, 2009). Salt hydrolysis is one of chemistry topic

in Senior High School (SHS) at the second semester class XI. In this topic, there

are 3 characters must be mastered namely (1) master of concepts of salt

hydrolysis, (2) calculation of pH of salt solution, (3) experimental of determining

salt that hydrolyzed. Contextual teaching and learning is one of a model that can

be used in this topic, where in this topic have many discussions and calculations

also predict the salt that hydrolyzed.

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning model that

emphasizes the involvement of students in full process to be able to find the

material studied and relation with real-life situations that encourage students to be

able to apply it in life them (Sanjaya, 2011).

Nurhadi (2004) states that, Contextual learning (Contextual Teaching

Learning-CTL) is the concept of learning which encourages teachers to connect



students to make connections between their knowledge and its application in

everyday life. The knowledge and skills acquired for students attempt to construct

their own knowledge and new skills as he learns.

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning strategy that emphasize to students’s participate process completely to can inquiry the matterial that learned and relate it in daily life so support the students to can application it

in their daily life (Sanjaya,2010). According to B.Johnson (Rusman,2011)

contextual teaching and Learning is a sytem that stimulate the brain to arrange the

patterns form the meaning. According to Elaine (Rusman,2011) contextual

learning is system learning that suitable with brain that produce meaning in

relating academic charge with contex from student’s daily life.

Based on the researcher’s experience when done teaching experience

program in school (PPLT) year 2015, there are still some students passive and

tend to have self busy. The learning process just focused on the teacher without

observe to the expressions of student, how the expressions of the students, if the

students understood or not, or just pretend to understand. Beside the method that

would be used, a learning process is also important to be attended in


That is why the researcher choose CTL model in teaching, specially to

Salt Hydrolysis topic, where the model can stimulate the students to be active in

learning so that the students not to be only listen on teacher but the students also

to be trained to solve the problem and active in asking about the topic and active

in answering the problem that given by the teacher and also active in

communicating to give their opinion. The topics of salt hydrolysis consist of some

concepts and calculation of salt so the students are stimulated and are active in

contextual teaching and learning.

Collaborative strategies are designed so that no student who can not

reach the learning objectives. Through this effort, failing students minimized

(because it is not possible abolish them). Not all students are able to jump (jump)



necessarily all of them driven by a student, but must be handled by the teacher. So

teachers should direct attention to children who did not master

Teaching and learning techniques looking for a partner (index card match

) developed by Lorna Curran (1994). One advantage of this technique is that

students seeking a partner while learning about a concept or topic in a pleasant

atmosphere. This technique can be used in all subjects and for all ages of students

(Lie, 2010). So, make a match is a way of learning by finding the matching pairs

of cards held, because in this learning students are those who hold the card and the

answer is no question that holds the card.

Based on the background above, the writer will make research which its

title is: '' The Implementation of Contextual Teaching And Learning Model

Based on Collaborative With Media Index Card Match to Increase Student’s Achievement on Salt Hydrolysis Topic '' .

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background, the writer identifies the problems that are:

1. There is no learning each other and caring each other among the students in

learning process.

2. Less of involvement of student in teaching-learning process.

3. In learning chemistry is still found many students that pretend to understand

also still difficult in learning of topic chemistry, therefore the achievement of

students of chemistry learning is not have an increasing.

4. Contextual teaching and learning is away of constructing and teaching course

using learning as a stimulus and focus on student activity, a model that is still

not applied in teaching of salt hydrolysis.

5. Collaborative with media index card match is a a way of learning by finding

the matching pairs of cards held, because in this learning students are those

who hold the card and the answer is no question that holds the card in learning

process of chemistry topic.

1.3. Research Scope

To make this research to be specific, the writer identifies the problems



Collaborative with media index card can increase the student’s achievement on

salt hydrolysis topic in SMA N 1 Berastagi grade XI in science program in

academic year 2015/2016.

1.4. Problem Statements

The problem statements of this research are:

1. Is the student’s achievement in salt hydrolysis using CTL model based on

Collaborative with media (ICM) higher than student’s achievement using

direct instruction model?

2. What is cognitive aspect will be improved by using CTL model based on

Collaborative with media index card match in salt hydrolysis topic from

C1 to C4?

1.5. Research Objectives:

According to the problems, so the objectives of this research are:

1. Knowing the using of CTL model based on Collaborative with media

with media index card match to increase student’s achievement in teaching

of salt hydrolysis topic.

2. Learning based on Collaborative with media index card match will

increase the colleague fellow teacher in order to be able to know how far

the teacher teaching well.

3. Connection fellow students will form learning community with learning



1.7. Operational Definition

To avoid differences or lack of clarity of meaning, then the operational

definition in this research are:

1. Model Contextual teaching Learning ( CTL)

Approach Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is a learning approach that

helps teachers connect between what is taught with real-world situations

students and encourage students to make connections between knowledge

possessed by its application in life atara its knowledge with the application

in their lives everyday (Jauhari , 2011).

2. Collaboration of Learning

Collaborative strategies are designed so that no student who can not reach

the learning objectives. Through this effort, failing students minimized

(because it is not possible abolish them). Not all students are able to jump

(jump) in accordance with the expectations of teachers. Group C students

are not necessarily all of them driven by a student, but must be handled by

the teacher. So teachers should direct attention to children who did not

4. Student’s achievement is an ability that is obtained by students after doing

learning activity (Abdurrahman, 1999).

5. Salt is the ion compound that consists of metal cation and anion from the





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the reseach result in the discussion obtained the conclussion, Student’s achievement that taught with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based on collaborative with media is higher than conventional method on topicof

salt hydrolysis. the statement support the data research result of hypothesis test is t

count = 2.915 and t table = 1.672 , then t count > t table (2.915 > 1.672 ). the

calculation result shows that Ha is received and Ho is rejected. The average

normalized gain for experiment class is 0.7445 ( high category) and control class is 0.648 ( medium category ). The cognitive aspect of the student’s achievement that taught with contextual teaching and laerning (CTL) based on collaborative

with media index card match on topic os salt hydrolysis is C1, C2, C3, and C4 .

The statement support the data research result average of normalized gain from

the level of cognitive aspect C1 is 0.61 ( medium category) , C2 is 0.71 (high

category ), C3 is 0.8 (high category), and C4 is 0.63 ( medium category) . Based

on the research results can be concluded cognitive aspect C3 (application)

5.2. Suggestion student’s achievement and student’s activity on teaching sal hydrolysis, so that chemistry be a fun lesson.



3. It is needed to do the research with the same model but apply it in different

topic to increase the quality of education especially in teaching students or




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Table 2.1 Differences Contextual teaching and Leaning (CTL) With
Figure 3.1 Flow Chart Overview of Research


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