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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. Number: 2112121020





Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Masdoharni, NIM. 2112121020 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/ S-1 Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan

Panitia Ujian

Medan, Februari 2016 Ketua,

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum NIP. 19641207 199103 2 002




Masdoharni.2112121020. The Effect of Media on Students’ Speaking Achievement of Narrative Text. A Thesis. English Deparment. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study deals with the effect of media on students’ speaking achievement of narrative texst. This study was conducted by using experimental research. The population of the study was grade X students of SMA Swasta Cerdas Murni Medan, which consisted of 80 students. The study was divided into two groups: experimental and control group. The instrument used to collect the data was retelling the story of the movie that the students watched orally. To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher applied Spearman Brown’s formula. The result of the reliability was 0.03, and it was found that the test was reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant μ = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 78, t-observed value 3.317 > t-table value 1.990. The findings indicate that the students’ speaking achievement of narrative text using movie was significantly higher than that using pictures. Therefore, English teachers are suggested to use movie as media in order to improve students’ speaking achievement.



This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the researcher realized that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the resercher would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. IsdaPramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan.

thesis. Without their knowledgeable and excellent advice, the researcher

would never have been able to complete this thesis.

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl.,Appl., M.Pd., her Academic Advisor and her reviewer who has supported her through out the academic years.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., her reviewers and examiners who have given their precious time, guidance,




All Lecturers of English Department who has taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih M.Pd, and Pak Pantes, the administration staffs of English Department, for their attention, assistance,and information in

completing this thesis.

Ibrahim Arbi, S.Ag, S.Pd.I., the Headmaster of SMA Cerdas Murni Medan, forhis permission and opportunities in allowing the researcher to do

observation and research to collect the data.

Drs. Amrin., the English teacher of SMA Cerdas Murni Medan, for the assistance, guidance, suggestions and commentsin the process of completing

this thesis.And all the teachers and students at the school for the good


Her beloved parents Alm Ahmad Sohimi Hasibuan and Hasna Jernih Siregar, Her lovely brothers Ahmad Rifai and Zainal Abidin and all her sisters Nelmi Hayati, Khodijah, and Alda Nur Baiti for their endless love,

pray inspiration, motivation, and everything that they gave her the freedom

and time to learn and to explore.

 Her great classmates Reguler C’ 2011 especially for Junpita Sinaga, for the love and togetherness throughout four years.

All her friends in KAMMI se-UNIMED for their support, motivation, and togetherness.

The researcher realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, she conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read and interest in the field of this study.

Medan, Desember 2015 The researcher,



b. The Role of Media in Teaching Learning Process... . 15

4. Movie ... 16

a. Overview of Movie ... 16

b. The Implementation of Media ... 17

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Movie ... 18

a. Advantages ... .. 18

e. Generic Structure of Narrative Text... . 23



g. Example of Narrative Text... .. 27

B. Relevant Studies ... 29

C. Conceptual Framework ... 30

D. Hypothesis ... 31


A. Research Design ... 32


A. Conclusions ... 43

B. Suggestions ... 43




Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Tenth Grade Score in Speaking... 3

Table 2.1 Social Function of Narrative Text...23

Table 3.1 Research Design...32

Table 3.2 Scenario for Experimental Group...34

Table 3.3 Scenario for Control Group...35

Table 3.4 Assessment of Speaking...36



Appendix A Lesson Plan...46

Appendix B The Pre-test Result of Experimental Group...72

Appendix C The Pre-test Result of Control Group...75

Appendix D Experimental Group...78

Appendix E The Calculation of Reliability...84

Appendix F Percentage Points of the Distribution...86

Appendix G Example of Pre-test Transcript in Experimental Group...87

Appendix H Example of Post-test Transcript in Experimental Group...89

Appendix I Example of Pre-test Transcript in Control Group...91


1 A. Background of the Study

Language has an important role for human life. By using language the

people can express their ideas, emotions, and desires. This globalization era is an

era which full of challenges and competitions. English has been the most

important language in international communication. People all over the world

speak in English when they meet one another in every international meeting,

workshop, or conference. All countries in the world have set the language as one

of the compulsory subject studied at school.

Indonesia as one of the developing countries has also set its educational

curriculum to include English as a foreign language which is studied from

Elementary school up to the university level. The evidence of its importance is to

put English as one of the subjects to be tested in the national examination (UN).

The objective of teaching and learning English at schools is to bring up student to

better understanding and ability of the language. However students are required to

achieve certain score in order to pass. Not only grammatical aspect are important

but also are communicative ones.

In teaching English there are four skills should be well mastered by the

students namely listening, speaking, writing and reading. In this study is mainly

focus on speaking skill.

Speaking is an oral communication which is used more by people in their

social community. Through speaking people can express their thoughts, ideas, and CHAPTER I


feelings to others. Clark (1997) says that speaking is fundamentally an

instrument act for communication. The aim of speakers to do speaking is in

order to have some effects of their listeners. Speaking is very crucial for people

in sharing their ideas, opinions, or feelings to others. The speakers try to use the

effective way to do speaking. So that the listeners can understand what they

mean. To create a successful communication or interaction, the listener also has

to pay more attention and listen carefully in order to be able to understand what

the speaker say.

Speaking is important for students to practice their capability and their

understanding, how to send idea, and how to spell word well. Speaking is one

of the way to express, to tell and to convey the information, ideas and desires to

someone. Meanwhile Morris (1980) states that speaking is a natural means of

communication which is used by people to interact in their community. They

have the same kind of language to build understanding each other. Not so

different from other opinions, Morris concludes that with language people can

express their thoughts as a form of social behavior. Speaking delivers message

through oral production. Moreover, he adds that speaking skill has very closed

relationship with other elements such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension and fluency. The achievement of good speaking activity is


of speaking activity is any interaction between teacher and student. In the

interaction, the teacher should have a good speaking competence because he

has to bring all of his students to understand the material through his speech.

Based on the observation result of SMA Swasta Cerdas Murni Medan in

teaching and learning process students said that speaking is very difficult to

practice. When the teacher asked the students to convey their opinions orally,

most of them were afraid and ashamed to do it. Therefore this reason made the

students become lazy to take part in speaking. In fact they knew what they

wanted to say in their mind by using mother tongue or Indonesian but they did

not know how to say the word or sentence in English. But when they were

asked to explain something in English they started to be silent and have no

confidence to speak. They become too aware of the grammatical rules of their

sentences and their friends’ or teacher’s comments on their speaking ability.

Furthermore, the researcher found that the data which showed the

students could not reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) which was

about 65. Below are the recapitulation of students’ score in speaking, in the

tenth grade of SMA Swasta Cerdas Murni Medan.

Table 1.1

The Percentage of the Tenth Grade Score in Speaking


(33,3%) (7,5%) (61,5%)

Source: Students’ accumulated score of grade X-1 and X-2 students at SMA Swasta Cerdas Murni Medan academic year 2014-2015

Based on the table above, it showed that many students did not reach the

minimum completeness criteria (KKM) and they have difficulties in speaking

because of reluctance to question and less motivation. They were also difficult

to build and develop their ideas and confused in determining the grammar and

generic structure of the text.

The other problem came from the teacher. He still used monotonous

activity in teaching and learning process. He used imitation and repetition

technique in teaching speaking. According to Thirumalai (2002) imitation

includes the capacity to produce the utterances in the contexts in which the

original utterances were produced. This activity made the teaching and learning

process is not interested to the students.

To make the students have strong interest in teaching and learning

process especially in learning speaking, the teacher can use media in teaching

English to help the students for speaking to make interaction between the

teacher and students and also make the lesson easier. Teaching and learning

process should be varied to make students feel fun during the process. They

need more than instruction and command from their teacher. It is a teachers’


teacher needs media in language learning. Media can bring and arouse students

happiness and renew their spirit in studying. It is also can help the students in

placing their knowledge to their mind.

Media are all of the forms of aid which can serve messages and

stimulates the students to study (Sadiman, Arief S,2009). Rifqi Mudrikah

(2011) stated that media is one of the forms of communication that is printed or

audio visual. Media can be watched, heard and read. There are many kinds of

media. One of them is movie. Movie is one of audio visual media because the

people can watch the pictures and hear the sounds. Students really enjoy

watching movies and TV for a variety of reasons. Firstly they get exposure to

natural language in a non-threatening setting. Secondly movie provide common

ground to students of any international background. Furthermore the researcher

conduct this study by using movie as media in teaching and learning process.

Movie is one of the form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound

and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. It can be

used as media in teaching speaking to the learners. It is kind of “edutainment”

(education and entertaiment) field, movie provides the user friendly learning

tools for watching movies from the computer, making learning more fun,


By using movie, the teacher can help the students in listening, watching,

understanding, and applying the use of language contextually. It can be very

pleasing and interesting for the students because they watch movies as an

entertainment. When they are watching movie, automatically students learn

about how to say something in English, culture and also the native speaker’s

expression. So that they can improve their speaking skill more easily without

being under pressure because movies are served an interesting way. Watching

movie will give them the chance to imitate the actions and it will help them

construct their ideas orally based on what they have watched. As Susan and

Barry (1990) stated that the combination of moving pictures and sound can

present language more comprehensively than any other teaching media and

more realistically too.

Therefore, related to the explanation above and in order to fulfill the

speaking competency, expressing the meaning in functional spoken text and

monolog in narrative especially in the context of daily life. Thus, the researcher

would like to conduct the research which entitle “The Effect of Media on

Students’ Speaking Achievement of Narrative Text”.

B. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study can be


text taught by using movie significantly higher than that taught by using


C. Objective of the Study

In connection with the research problem, the objective of the study was

to investigate whether the students’ speaking achievement of narrative text

taught by using movie is significantly higher than that taught by using pictures.

D. Scope of the Study

The scope of this study was on students’ extensive (monologue)

speaking achievement in narrative text by using media in the tenth grade of

SMA Swasta Cerdas Murni Medan. This study focused on movie as media in

teaching speaking which entitle “Spider Plant Man.

E. Significance of the Study

The Findings of the study are expected to be significant theoritically and


1. Theoritically, the findings of the study are expected to:

a. add up new horizons in theories of language learning

b. become references for further research

2. Practically, the findings of the study are relevant as the following:


(1) The finding of this study can be used as a reference for English

teachers in developing of learning speaking in narrative text

(2) The finding of this study can be used as an alternative media in

conducting the learning activities on speaking in narrative text

b. For schools

(1) Give the motivation for teachers to innovate in learning teaching

by using media

(2) Improve the quality of teaching speaking especially in narrative


A. Conclusions

The using of movie as media in teaching speaking narrative text was

effective when applied in the tenth grade students of SMA Cerdas Murni. Based

on the result of the research there was a significant difference in the

achievement between the students in class X-2 who were taught by using movie

and the students in class X-1 who were taught by using pictures.

Based on the research finding, the researcher concluded that the

students’ speaking achievement of narrative text using movie was significantly

higher than that using pictures.It can be seen from the calculation of t-test at the

level significance 0.05; t-observed (3.317) is higher than t-table (1.990).

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following:

1) Movie should be applied in teaching learning process especially in

teaching speaking, because it could enrich the students’ vocabulary,

pronunciation and added their knowledge about english.

2) English teacher should give many chances to the students to speak or to

practice their english in the classroom because english is a foreign

language in Indonesia.



3) Other researchers who intend to use movie in teaching learning process,



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Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Tenth Grade Score in Speaking................. 3
Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Tenth Grade Score in Speaking


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