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The Women’s Struggles For Their Ambitions As Reflected In Sidney Sheldon’s Nothing Lasts Forever


Academic year: 2016

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First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the almighty God for his mercy

that enables me to write this thesis to fulfill one the requirements to obtain a Sarjana

Sastra from the English Department, Faculty of letters, North Sumatra University. This

thesis looks at the women’s struggle for their ambitions depicted through some characters

in Nothing Lasts Forever written by Sidney Sheldon.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisors and also as

the chairman of the English Department Dra. Swesana Mardiah Lubis, M.Hum, for her

careful attention and valuable ideas during the completion of this thesis. I also owe

sincere gratitude to my co-supervisor, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum, for his

willingness to share his knowledge and precious time during the writing process of this


I would like to thank Drs. Yulianus Harefa, Med TESOL, as the secretary of

English Department, for his kindness and help.

I am also indebted to the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and all lecturers and staff

of the English Department for their contribution of knowledge during my study in

English Department and improving my intellectuality and thought.

My only special thank is due to my beloved parents, Drs. E. Siagian and M. Br.

Hutagaol who have given their moral and material supports and my husband, Victo


And finally, I also owe my special thanks to my friends, Ida, Junita, Eva, Nella,

Dian, Maria, Dina, etc, for their moral supports and exiting times we shared together

during I wrote this thesis.

May God bless all of us forever.

The writer,

Sri Seventiny



Skripsi ini menelaah tentang kekuatan wanita dalam memenuhi ambisi- ambisi

mereka yang diangkat dari sebuah novel yang berjudul Nothing Lasts Forever karya

penulis novel Amerika yang terkenal Sidney Sheldon.

Novel ini mengisahkan tentang kehidupan wanita-wanita dalam memperjuangkan

cita-cita atau ambisi mereka, dimana ketiga wanita dalam novel ini memenuhi ambisinya

dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang menempuh jalan yang baik tetapi ada pula

yang menempuh jalan tidak baik.

Karena ambisi itu pula para wanita ini mengalami banyak persoalan didalam

menjalani kehidupannya. Adapun persoalan-persoalan itu seperti dalam memenuhi

ambisinya dia rela untuk menjual diri dengan kata lain sex adalah menjadi senjatanya

untuk memenuhi ambisinya, penghianatan dan pemerkosaan juga salah satu dari




ABSTRAK………... iii



1.1 The Background of The Analysis……….. 1

1.2 The Problem of The Analysis……… 2

1.3 The scope of The Analysis………. 3

1.4 The Objective of The Analysis……….. 3

1.5 The Significance of The Analysis………. 4

1.6 The Method Of The Analysis……… 4

1.7 The Review Of Related Literature………. 6


2.1 General Concept of Woman……….. 8

2.1.1 Definition of Woman……… 9

2.1.2 Feminism……… 14






3.1 Paige Taylor’s Ambition……….. 26

3.2 Kat Hunter’s Ambition………. 29

3.3 Honey Taft’s Ambition……… 32


4.1 Conclusion……… 38

4.2 Suggestion………. 40









Skripsi ini menelaah tentang kekuatan wanita dalam memenuhi ambisi- ambisi

mereka yang diangkat dari sebuah novel yang berjudul Nothing Lasts Forever karya

penulis novel Amerika yang terkenal Sidney Sheldon.

Novel ini mengisahkan tentang kehidupan wanita-wanita dalam memperjuangkan

cita-cita atau ambisi mereka, dimana ketiga wanita dalam novel ini memenuhi ambisinya

dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang menempuh jalan yang baik tetapi ada pula

yang menempuh jalan tidak baik.

Karena ambisi itu pula para wanita ini mengalami banyak persoalan didalam

menjalani kehidupannya. Adapun persoalan-persoalan itu seperti dalam memenuhi

ambisinya dia rela untuk menjual diri dengan kata lain sex adalah menjadi senjatanya

untuk memenuhi ambisinya, penghianatan dan pemerkosaan juga salah satu dari



1.1The Background of The Analysis

Literature springs from human inborn love of telling a story, of arranging

words in pleasing pattern of expressing in words some special aspect of human

experience. It is usually set down in printed characters for the reader to read,

though some forms of it are performed on certain social occasions.

There are a number of different branches of literature such as drama,

poetry, and prose. Prose itself can be divided into novel, short stories, romance,

etc. In this thesis; my main object to be discussed is novel. A novel is a story of

book length written in prose. It is about imaginary people and events. Novel also

is a part of literature or art. In general, novel reflects the author’s experience or

true story combined with author’s imaginary to make the writing more alive,

artistic, and interesting.

From the explanation above it can be summarized that novel is a reflection

of man’s life experience through the novelist’s skill in expressing the ideas. These

ideas could be social, political, economic, or even cultural matters. To say simply,

those matters are related to human matter in wider scope. The matter I choose in

this thesis is female character’s ambition as portrayed in Sidney Sheldon novel:

“Nothing lasts forever”.

I found three female characters, which are very dominant. They are Paige

Taylor, Kat Hunter, and Honey Taft. Each of the female character is portrayed to


The word “ambition” itself is always closely connected with the

achievement of success, and the word “struggle” is related to subconscious mind

psychologically. It is an effort to get free; to make great effort under difficulties;

to be content with or against act, and to be confused. To quote oxford dictionary

of current English. Thus, struggle may mean choices of action to do an effort,

whether the way is true or wrong.

In the word, it is clearly portrayed that each of the female characters is

having her own way of materializing her ambition. One is ready to lose her

self-identity in order to get success. Although, she sells “herself” in order to get


The other is related to family background that has been successful being a

doctor. It is a hereditary factor that makes her fight for her ambition. And the last

one is because of being degraded by man. The feeling of disappointment has

raised the spirit to get success for fulfilling the ambition.

The three phenomena above have given me to choose my analysis about

women’s struggles for their ambition through Sidney Sheldon’s “Nothing Lasts

Forever”. They are both my reasons as well as my background in analyzing the

novel in this thesis.

1.2The Problems of The Analysis

The problem of this thesis is focused on female characters as described in

Sidney Sheldon’s “Nothing Lasts Forever” and the problems I would like to put


1. What makes Honey Taft ready to sacrifice herself in order to fulfill her


2. Why does Paige Taylor follow the family tradition to struggle for her


3. What makes Kate Hunter awake struggle for her ambition after being

disappointed by a man?

1.3The Scope of the Analysis.

In completing the thesis, I limit my analysis in describing the female

character, which is represented by Paige Taylor, Kate Hunter and Honey Taft. The

three characters are all women who are portrayed to materialize their ambitions

differently. So I just analyze the three of them as expressed in the novel with

description of their personal reasons to achieve their ambitions. They are

restricted to personal sacrifice of being ready to be object of sexual fulfillment,

disappointment and family background.

1.4The Objectives of The Analysis

The objectives of the analysis are:

a) To identify the personal reason why Honey Taft is ready to be an

object of sexual desires by sacrificing herself in order to reach her


b) To clarify the reason why Paige is ready to be a doctor only

because of the family reason.

c) To find out the reason why Kate is also to reach her ambition after

being disappointed by a man.

1.5The Significance Of The Analysis

I hope my analysis could give contribution to the development of literature

analysis scientifically. Thus, the significance of the analysis is to add vocabulary

of literary study in terms of novel. This analysis can be made useful as reference

for further analysis especially about novel and its woman content or matters.

In addition, the other significance of the analysis is to prove that literature

can be studied intern disciplinary. Thus, student of literature can look that the

connection of literature and psychology in the same manner as would like studied

in this thesis. Thus, I hope this analysis can encourage students of literature to

make wider development of literary study by looking at this thesis as example.

1.6The Method Of The Analysis

In the present thesis, my source or data analysis is taken from Sidney

Sheldon’s novel “Nothing lasts forever”. I have read the novel several times in

order to grasp what it is about. Throw understanding the story as a whole has


data to prove my analysis to be true. The selection of the quoted text from the

novel is meant to strengthen my idea for the analysis. And the selection is taken

randomly and selected for what is needed in the analysis.

Since the text of literature is mostly connotative, the interpretation is

needed for the accuracy of the analysis. The way I interpreted is connected with

what I think right in the text of the novel. Thus my interpretation goes together

with the analysis based on the quotations I have selected. After that, I describe my

analysis is reference to one topic I chose in the Thesis.

Basically, in completing this analysis I applied both intrinsic and extrinsic

approaches. Intrinsic approach is meant to deal with internal elements of literature

such as plot, setting, character or point of view. While extrinsic one is related to

external element of literature. In this thesis, I have focused on the character. That

is female character and psychological problem of ambition through the female

character. So, in discussing the contents of this thesis I use both of approaches to

make the analysis.

The way I applied the approaches is through description of one character. I

describe my analysis the way I think right as proved by the quotations. Thus, the


1.7The Review Of Related Literature

The data of investigation will be all the events, which are described in the

novel that have the relationship with the psychological aspects of the main

character, such as: the main character’s personality, ways of thinking and of

making decisions, and his behavior.

The sources of data can be divided into the primary sources and the

secondary sources. To support my analysis, I have consulted and used some

books, which are absolutely relevant to this topic. The following books have

contributed a lot in writing the thesis.

Theory of Literature by Rene Welleck and Austin Warren (1977)

This book describes how literature as a social institution. Using language

as its medium in creating social relationship and the novelist himself

becomes the member of the society. Literature and society are closely


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy (1989)

Dr. Joseph Murphy presents the difference between positive and negative


Nothing Last Forever by Sidney Sheldon (1989)

This book is as the main source of the required data as it is the text of the

novel itself. From this novel, I can find the women’s struggle to get their


How To Study A Novel by John Peck (1986)

This book describes about how to write a novel, the real meaning of a

novel, and the part of literature.

The study of personality by Brand Howard (1984)

This book describes personality, social position, and social psychology.

The Little Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1989).

In collecting the data, I also find the materials from Internet. In doing the

Internet research, I looked for articles are relevant to the topic, then I studied the






. During the United Nations Decade for Women (1976-1985), women

from many geographical, racial, religious, cultural, and class backgrounds took up

organizing to improve the status of women. The United Nations-sponsored

women's conferences, which took place in Mexico City in 1975, Copenhagen in

1980, and Nairobi in 1985, were convened to evaluate the status of women and to

formulate strategies for women's advancement. These conferences were critical

venues at which women came together, debated their differences and discovered

their commonalties, and gradually began learning to bridge differences to create a

global movement. In the late eighties and early nineties, women in diverse

countries took up the human rights framework and began developing the analytic

and political tools that together constitute the ideas and practices of women's

human rights.

Women's lives involved much more than legal systems, work, and

religious life, of course, but it is as impossible to cover all aspects of their lives in

a relatively brief article, as it would be those of men's lives. In fact, including a

separate article on women—without a corresponding article on men—goes to


than the commonalities in women's experience across Europe. Even the

experience of the relatively small group of women who held political power was

diverse. Elizabeth It’s situation was very different from that of queen mothers in

France such as Marie de Médicis, female rulers of eastern Europe such as Maria

Theresa, tsarinas such as Catherine the Great, or mothers of the sultans (known as

the valide-sultan) in the Ottoman Empire. Thus perhaps the only generalization

safe to make is that gender shaped the lives of all early modern Europeans in

complex ways, and that every development of the period was shaped by, and in

turn shaped, ideas about or structures of gender.

2.1.1 Definition of Woman

According to “The concise oxford dictionary of current English” by

H.W.Fowler and F.G. Fowler (1951), Woman is adult human female, queen’s or

great lady’s female attendant, lady in waiting, and the feminine emotions.

According to the Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus, Woman

is an adult female person, feminine nature, and a female servant or attendant.

According to literature and language dictionary, that woman is:

1. Female human being past adolescence.

2. An adult female human.

3. Women considered as a group; womankind: “Woman feels the invidious

distinctions of sex exactly as the black man does those of color” (Elizabeth


4. An adult female human belonging to a specified occupation, group,

nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: an

Englishwoman; congresswoman; a saleswoman.

5. Feminine quality or aspect; womanliness.

6. A female servant or subordinate.

7. Informal.

a. A wife.

b. A female lover or sweetheart. See Usage Note at lady, man, person

According to Saint Jerome, Woman is a temple built over a sewer. It is

contrary to the order of nature and of the law for women to speak in a gathering.

According to Plato, Woman are those who fell prey to their irrational,

emotional side, and are therefore incapable of reason and making rational choices.

Moreover as irrational beings, women may not always know what they really

want, and so it is the man’s domain to decide for them.

According to Aquinas, woman is defective and misbegotten.

According to Truth, 1870 by Jules Joseph Lefebvre

A woman is an adult female human being. The term woman (irregular plural:

women) usually is used for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a


identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "Women's


According to Pope Innocence III, said that the wickedness of woman is

greater than all other wickedness. A dragon is more curable than the familiarity of

a woman. Avoid them like poisonous animals.

According to King James, said that to make women learned and to make a

fox tame works out to the same end, educating a woman or a fox simply makes

them more cunning.

There are some opinions about woman from many sources:

Do not admire your wife’s beauty . . . from the time women are fourteen

years old they think of nothing and aim at nothing except going to bed with men.


Even the most virtuous of women is a witch. (Oral Jewish Law).

The courage of a man is shown in his ability to command. The courage of

a woman is found in obeying. (Aristotle).

By all means get married. If you get a good wife, you will be happy. If you

get a bad wife, you will become a philosopher. (Socrates).

Because of you we are punished by death… because of you, women, the


Men should not listen to a woman even if she says admirable things or if

she says saintly things. They are of little consequence since they come from the

mouth of a woman. (Origen).

A man may marry again if he has divorced his sinful wife because he is

not restricted in his right as is the woman, because he is her head.


We have courtesans for our sex and pleasure. We have young slave

prostitutes for our physical use and we have wives to bring up legitimate children.


By herself woman is not of the image of God. The man, on the other hand,

alone, is the image of God. (Agustine).

For a man to go to a woman for advice is like going to the lowest kind of

animal to seek advice. (Chrysostom).

There is no gown or garment that worse becomes a woman than when she

would be wise. (Martin Luther).

All women are born that they may acknowledge themselves as inferior to

the male. (Calvin).

Womanhood is the period in a female's life after she has transitioned from

girlhood, at least physically, having passed the age of menarche. Many cultures


in some branches of Christianity, bat mitzvah in Judaism, or even just the custom

of a special celebration for a certain birthday (generally between 12 and 21).

Currently in the English language there is no commonly used word for a

woman who has passed menopause, although historically a woman in the third

part of her life was known as a crone, which was originally not a pejorative term.

The three ages of woman were historically known as "maiden, matron, and crone"

and are sometimes quoted as "maiden, mother and crone". This could perhaps be

rendered in modern English as "little girl", "woman of reproductive age" and

"older lady".

The word woman can be used generally, to mean any female human, or

specifically, to mean an adult female human as contrasted with girl. The word girl

originally meant "young person of either sex" in English; it was only around the

beginning of the 16th century that it came to mean specifically a female child.

Nowadays girl sometimes is used colloquially to refer to a young or unmarried

woman. During the early 1970s feminists challenged such use, and use of the

word to refer to a fully-grown woman may cause offence. In particular, previously

common terms such as office girl are no longer used.

There are various words used to refer to the quality of being a woman. The

term "womanhood" merely means the state of being a woman, having passed the

menarche; "femininity" is used to refer to a set of supposedly typical female

qualities associated with a certain attitude to gender roles; "womanliness" is like


"femaleness" is a general term, but is often used as shorthand for "human

femaleness". "Distaff" is an archaic adjective derived from women's conventional

role as a spinner, now used only as a deliberate archaism. "Multiversity" is a

"neologism" (derived from the Latin) meant to provide a female counterpart of

"virility", but used very loosely, sometimes to mean merely "womanhood",

sometimes "femininity", and sometimes even as a collective term for women.

2.1.2 Feminism

Feminism is a relatively recent term for the politics of equal rights for

women. It came into use in English only in the 1890s, and many languages do not

have this noun at all. It is also a system of critique and has as its central focus the

concept of patriarchy, which can be described as a system of male authority,

which oppresses women through its social, political, and economic institutions.

Feminism is therefore a critique of patriarchy, on the one hand, and an ideology

committed to women's emancipation on the other.

Feminist theology is a movement that reconsiders the traditions, practices,

scriptures, and theologies of religions from a feminist perspective. Some of the

goals of feminist theology include increasing the role of women among the clergy

and religious authorities, reinterpreting male-dominated imagery and language

about God, determining women's place in relation to career and motherhood, and


The most far-reaching social development of modern times is the revolt of

women against sexual servitude (Margaret Sanger, 1920). While feminism takes

many forms and cannot be characterized in any seamless way, it nonetheless

encompasses the struggles of women to secure their economic and political

agency. From the Women's Suffrage Movements of the late nineteenth and early

twentieth centuries to the Women's Liberation Movement of the 1960s and 1970s,

feminism is typically associated with particular historical moments when a

coalition of women succeeds in bringing issues of gender equality, sexual

oppression, and sex discrimination into the public arena. Whether it takes the form

of an explicit demand for the vote (as did the Suffrage Movements) or a more

generalized demand for women's freedom (as did the Women's Liberation

Movement), feminism is invariably engaged in resistance to prevailing notions of

women’s’ nature’.

Feminism often consolidates into a political movement as a result of

women's participation in other radical, reformist, or revolutionary activities. For

example, women were active in the anti-slavery movements of the nineteenth

century. Yet, at a World Anti-Slavery Convention held in London in 1840,

Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were forced to sit in the gallery because

the convention's organizers had determined that women could not be delegates.

Eight years later, Mott and Stanton convened the Seneca Falls Women's Rights

Convention, which adopted a platform explicitly revising the US Declaration of

Independence to accord women the same guarantees that it granted to men. (‘We


In addition, it specified a set of grievances regarding the usurping by men

of women's political, legal, and economic autonomy. It would not be the last time

that the hypocrisy of demanding rights for some while denying them to others

would initiate a women's movement. Women's experience as coffee makers,

typists, and sexual attendants to men in the anti-war and civil rights movements of

the 1960s similarly activated both the demand for women's full participation in the

public sphere and denunciation of masculine sexual prerogatives.

The Women's Liberation Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the backdrop

to contemporary feminism, is characterized by two intersecting trajectories. On

the one hand, in spite of the liberalization of non-marital sex (occasioned in part

by the wide distribution of the birth control pill), women remained men's sexual

subordinates. Feminists challenged ‘sexist’ images of women in popular culture

and in the pornography industry in relation to a growing understanding of

“women's political subordination under patriarchy”. Women's bodies, then,

became the ground on which the struggle for liberation was waged. On the other

hand, a connection was made between women's ‘consciousness’ and their sexual


While feminists like Margaret Sanger had long before identified women's

complicity in perpetuating their own subordination, the concept of ‘consciousness

raising’ as an instrument of liberation emerged only in this later period.

Consciousness raising, a collective activity of mutual support and critique,


conformed to a particular set of ideological presuppositions about women's nature

and women's roles.

Though this characterization of consciousness raising might appear a

parody of the concerns of middle-class married women, the fact that such women

were drawn into the movement in large numbers was crucial to the widespread

recognition that women were no longer content to sit on the sidelines of

political/public life. The slogan ‘the personal is political’ captured the

Movement's insistence that what goes on behind the closed doors of the domestic

sphere has everything to do with what goes on outside it. On this basis, despite

serious differences among feminists as to whether the goal was equality with men

or freedom from them, a broad agenda for change could be articulated.

The women's health movement demanded everything from an increase in

the number of women doctors, to access to abortion and contraception, to freedom

from sterilization abuse, to a full understanding and celebration of women's bodies

in feminist terms. (Our Bodies/Ourselves, still the principal women's health

handbook, was first published in 1971) More generally, women demanded ready

access to the political arena, to economic self-sufficiency, to childcare, to freedom

from male violence, to divorce, and to workplaces free from sexual harassment

While feminism must be seen as an activist demand for political and

economic reform, it has always been informed by serious reflection on the nature

of sexual difference and the mechanisms by means of which sexual difference is


Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1792), John Stuart Mill

(The Subjection of Women, 1869), Margaret Sanger (Women and the New Race,

1920), Simone de Beauvoir (The Second Sex, 1949), Betty Friedan (The Feminine

Mystique, 1974), and bell hooks (Ain't I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism,

1981) are among the many feminists who have endeavored to understand the

causes and forms of women's oppression, and to reconceptualize sexual


Contemporary feminism has achieved more systematic interventions into

the arenas that authorize representations of sexual difference, in large part because

feminists have secured a greater presence in academia (and in elite domains of

business, politics, medicine, science, and the mass media). For example, feminist

historians have unmasked the assumption that history is determined by great wars

and great men, and have succeeded in drawing attention to the ways in which

women's work has significantly affected historical developments.

At the heart of feminist social and political analysis is the challenging of

the public/private divide in politics, which has historically denied women access

to the public political space and therefore representation of their interests. Starting

from a point of unity—‘sisterhood is global’—feminism today is an ideology with

many practitioners that have situated themselves on various theoretical

intersections—Marxist feminists, anarchist feminists, radical feminists, liberal


ideologies but has also made a significant contribution of its own in the field of

theory and praxis.

Feminist methodology, which arose from a tradition of ‘consciousness

raising’ in the women's movement and by drawing upon women's subject

experience to extend the boundaries of theory has, for example, found an

important place in the field of methodological analysis. Issues such as race,

sexuality, class, and ethnicity have served to disperse the idea of an essential

‘woman’ in which all women would recognize as themselves. Critiques of first-

and second-wave Western feminism by black and Third World women, and

lesbian groups, have introduced a diversity of approaches to appear within the

feminist discourse.

This tendency has been further reinforced by feminism's encounters with

post-structuralism and post-modernism. Feminism today is not simply an ideology

but a growing academic discipline. While this is making issues of gender

accessible to women in education in a systematic way, its incorporation into

academic curricula is also causing concern among many women who see the

cutting edge of feminism—its political activism—being blunted in this process.

Feminism In France has shared many features familiar to the Anglophone

world through the feminist movements in the United Kingdom and the USA: on

the one hand, the desire and the struggle to attain equal rights for women; on the

other, involvement with political movements that contested the republican state


The influence of feminism on socialism, or the effect of socialist feminism on

women's lives and status, is harder to gauge, as it cannot be judged by concrete

achievement. The struggle of socialist women meant that they engaged with the

Republic, which oppressed them as workers and as women, with the theory of

Marx, which ignores gender, and with the misogyny of their socialist brothers.

This multiple struggle continues within all the parties of the Left on the level of

theory and in daily practice.

Feminist epistemology has asked whether different ways of knowing, for

instance with different criteria of justification, and different emphases on logic

and imagination, characterize male and female attempts to understand the world.

Such concerns include awareness of the ‘masculine’ self-image, itself a socially

variable and potentially distorting picture of what thought and action should be. A

particular target of much feminist epistemology is a Kantian or Enlightenment

conception of rationality, which is seen as a device for claiming mastery and

control, and for refusing to acknowledge differing perspectives and different

relations to life and nature. Although extreme claims have been made, such as that

logic is a phallic and patriarchal device for coercing other people, it is still unclear

how capacities, training, and culturally reinforced aspirations, work together in

explaining how people acquire knowledge. Again there is a spectrum of concern,

from the highly theoretical to the relatively practical. In this latter area particular

attention is given to the institutional biases that stand in the way of equal


in the way of women seeing themselves as leading contributors to various


However, to more radical feminists such concerns merely exhibit women

wanting for themselves the same power and rights over others that men have

claimed, and failing to confront the real problem, which is how to live without

such asymmetrical powers and rights Disagreements between feminist reformers

and radicals were present from the beginning. At first these conflicts were more

over lifestyle than politics. Reformers observed existing social codes (dress,

comportment, family obligations, respectability).

Although "feminism" is a nineteenth-century neologism, it is now

generally accepted in Anglophone historiography as a shorthand label for

discourses that criticize misogyny and male dominance, argue for an improvement

of the female condition, and demand a public voice for women speaking on behalf

of their sex. A large corpus of writings, published all over Europe from the

fifteenth to the eighteenth century, can be considered "feminist" in this sense.

The first systematic feminist treatise is probably Christine de Pizan's Le

livre de la cité des dames (1404–1405; Book of the city of ladies." Women's

reason and sense of justice were in no way inferior to those of men”, she

contended. Pizan's City of Ladies, built on "the field of Letters" and consecrated

by the Virgin Mary, is an allegory of the female voice in history, which, once

raised, will never be silenced. The opposition of feminine piety, virtue, and


literature. Another popular genre, found all over Europe from the fifteenth to the

eighteenth century, is the galleries of illustrious women, proving by historical

example that they could equal men in every respect.

Finally, different feminisms and "feminist moments" should be

interpreted in the context of struggles over particular practices, such as literary

authorship and taste, elite sociability, female networks, university politics, forms

of religious worship, marriage laws and customs, and social and political issues.

Many feminist utterances that seem outlandish at first sight only disclose their real

meaning and significance when read in their specific context. The feminism of the


Feminist theory is an extension of feminism into theoretical or

philosophical fields. It encompasses work in a variety of disciplines, including

anthropology, sociology, economics, women's studies, literary criticism, art

history, psychoanalysis and philosophy. Feminist theory aims to understand

gender inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations, and sexuality.

While providing a critique of these social and political relations, much of feminist

theory also focuses on the promotion of women's rights and interests. Themes

explored in feminist theory include discrimination, stereotyping, objectification



Ambition is the possession of motivation for power. Ambitious persons

seek power either for themselves or for others. People can wield their acquired

power in the name of a vague or clear ideal or multiple ideals. When ambition is

used to seek a clear ideal, it develops a close relationship to extremism. In the

history of human kind many examples can be found of people who were

extremely ambitious, for better and for worse. The notorious Greek Herostratus

had the ambition to become famous by destroying the Temple of Artemis.

We realize that having an ambition is an important thing in human life.

Ambition is an eager or strong desire to achieve something such as fame, fortune,

or success. To achieve something worth in life, it is necessary to set a high goal.

There is a proverb, which says that, a person without ambition has a failure in life.

Ambition makes someone becomes apathetic, pessimistic, and easy going.

Definition of Ambition according to English Dictionary and Thesaurus:

 Ambition is an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame

or power.

 The possession of motivation for power. Ambitious persons seek power

either for themselves or for others.

 The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of

desire; canvassing.


superiority, and power.

 Desire for success: a strong feeling of wanting to be successful in life and

achieve great things attainment of something.

 Objective or goal: a goal or objective that somebody is trying to achieve.

According to Niccolò Machiavelli

Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high

we reach we are never satisfied.

According to Thomas Otway

Ambition is a lust that is never quenched, but grows more inflamed and

madder by enjoyment.

According to Oscar Wilde

Ambition is the last refuge of failure.

According to Henry Wheeler Shaw

Ambition is like hunger; it obeys no law but its appetite.

According to Joseph Conrad

All ambitions are lawful except those that climb upward on the miseries or

credulities of humankind.

According to Philip Sidney

To be ambitious of true honor and of the real glory and perfection

of our nature is the very principle and incentive of virtue; but

to be ambitious of titles, place, ceremonial respects, and civil pageantry,


According to William Shakespeare

The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.

According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with

great ambition.

According to Charles Caleb Colton

Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes

concerning wealth. She begins by accumulating power as a means to happiness,

and she finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end.

According to Sir Henry Taylor

Wisdom is corrupted by ambition, even when the quality of the ambition is

intellectual. For ambition even of this quality, is but a form of self-love.

According to Sallust

It is the nature of ambition to make men liars and cheats, to hide the

truth in their breasts, and show, like jugglers, another thing in their

mouths, to cut all friendships and enmities to the measure of their own

interest, and to make a good countenance without the help of good will.

According to Ralph Waldo Emerson

Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing.

According to Oscar Wilde






The character in any short story or novel initiates the action and develops

the plot: as soon as this happens, readers naturally begin to question the motives

and personalities of the certain characters, comparing them to other characters.

Generally the protagonists are round characters. That is the character changes and

changes. Therefore, the characters will not be the same individuals at the end of


There are three protagonists in this novel, Nothing Lasts Forever. They are

Paige Taylor, Kate Hunter, and Honey Taft. I will show the ambitions and the

struggles of main characters and how do they achieve their ambitions in order to

reach their goals.

3.1 Paige Taylor’s ambition

Paige Taylor was a tall, slender, attractive young woman, with her eyes

were dark brow, and she was friendly, intelligent looking, and self-confidence.

Her father, Dr. Curt Taylor was a medical cadre of WHO to Third World

Countries, fighting exotic and virulent diseases. Her father was a popular doctor in


Taylor, and then she began to help her father to care for patients. She loved and

adored her father and wanting to be like her father was her faith. Because of that

Paige decided to be a doctor like her father.

“There’s nothing to discuss,” Paige informed to her uncle. “I’m going to be a doctor”. (Sheldon, 1985, pg.77).

Paige thought that a woman doctor to be equalized to a man doctor. And then

Paige and the other women doctor fighter for it. As the result, they were finally

successful in their struggles.

“Meanwhile, if you don’t want to dress with the nurses….” “I’m not a nurse, “Paige said firmly. “ I am a doctor.” “Of course, of course. Well, we’ll do something about accommodation for you, doctor”. (Sheldon 1985, pg.54)

None can accept that decision. Several of them disagreed, and that made them

angry with Paige and hated her.

“ On Friday when Paige went into changing room to put on her scrubs, the world ‘bitch’ had been written on them with a black maker pen”. (Sheldon 1985, pg. 84)

They tried many ways to make Paige down. They decided to steal her book and all

her lab work notes, which contained the important details of her patient’s

electrolytes, and other cases, and of course she couldn’t work perfectly without


tires had been slashed. She suspicious to them. Many of senior doctors jealous to

her, because of Paige were a good woman, clever, and friendly.

Some of the doctors tried to tempt and make a date with Paige, but Paige

refused the all men. Because Paige didn’t feel congenial with them and she

wanted to focus with her job as a doctor. Paige had assisted in hundreds of

operations, and she has ambition to be a cardiovascular surgeon. But her ambition

hadn’t been reached yet. Paige became frustrated because she did not do operation

by herself. With patience and no complain she kept doing her job as well as she

could, working hard every shift.

Finally, according to George Englund the chief of surgery gave to her the

opportunity to do an operation by herself.

“I ‘m going to do my first operation! I’m going to hold a human being’s life in my hands. What if I’m not ready? What if I make a mistake? Thing’s can go wrong. By the time Paige was through arguing with herself, she was in state of panic”. (Sheldon 1985, pg. 145).

The above quotation points out that Paige did not have a strong self-

confidence and she worried too much about her reputation. She really seemed to

be very doubtful of her self- competence.

Anyhow, she tried her best to handle her hesitate. Before the time of the

operation came, she spent much of her time practicing applying all the devices

and tying the surgical knots on table legs and also the lamps used for the sake of

the operation. By doing this, the result was that she was able to do her work very


work, she had the opportunity at the hospital to replace the position of Dr.

Lawrence Barker, one of the most famous cardiovascular surgeons in the world.

And finally she became a very competent and brilliant doctor.

From the above, I think that it is a natural thing if someone wants to

achieve his/her ambition, desire, or even dream. And later on he/she must be

successful if she/ he struggle hard and patiently to fight through any challenges or

difficulties that might arise in the time of achieving the ambition.

3.2.2 Kat Hunter’s ambition

The other woman doctor was Kat Hunter. She was a beautiful black

woman, tall, large boned, intensely graceful, and her carriage was cool. Kat

Hunter had a terrible childhood, because her stepfather raped her when she was

thirteen years old. Kat runs away when she realized that she was pregnant. She ran

to her aunt’s house and had abortion.

Her life began to change completely after she had run away from home.

Her aunt’s admonition was that she had to stop running away and hiding. Her aunt

suggested that Kat be able to stand up for herself and decided to be someone



These words built up Kat’s spirit and she became an ambitious woman.

She decided to take school and spend her days on a lot of books. As the result of

Kat’s hard work, she managed to be the top one in her class. One day in her

school library, she read Agnes Cooper’s” Promises to keep”, and “woman

surgeon” by Dr. Else Roe. And it opened up a whole new world for Kat. “I’m

going to be a doctor. A famous one”, she said to herself. Kat Hunter also got

experience about the sexual harassment. The men doctors were flattering Kat and

Paige and treating them as sexual objects. Kat and Paige’s feelings were hurt and


Kat Hunter had a pressure from Margaret Spencer, she was a nurse chief.

She had the power to assign an inept scrub nurse to assist on a complicated

surgery, or if she liked to the doctor she would send the most competent nurse to

help him with a simple surgery. Margaret Spencer was an antipathy to black

women doctors. Kat Hunter was one of the black women.

Margaret Spencer had planned to get rid of Kat Hunter by making her life

so miserable. By doing so, she hoped that Kat would be forced to quit, regardless

of Kat’s dedication and her ability.

“I’m not going to let that bastard beat me down. I’m not.” Kat said. (Sheldon 1985, pg.178).

Kat Hunter made the real breakthrough. It happened because what to be


Levy. He was in an automobile accident and lost great deal of blood, needs

immediate transfusion. But the hospital is short of blood and try t find from his

family, but his family already made they mind to refused to donated because they

afraid will infection with AIDS or another infectious dieses. None doctors or

nurses could change their minds. But after Kat told to his family that she will give

pig blood on him as the way out. Finally they agreed to make a blood donation.

Kat solved the problem just in fifty minutes. The story became an instant legend

around the hospital.

After a few years, Dr. Curtis went into private practice and affiliated with

the prestigious North Hospital. Unfortunately, the destiny played a dangerous and

bad game for Kat Hunter. Handsome and attractive playboy doctor, Ken Mallory,

touched her heart. She was so in love with Ken that she even had a baby with him.

Luck was not on her side; Ken was not serious with her. He even killed her

because she forced him to marry her.

In here I look that Kat Hunter always disappointed by man. The first she

was pregnant because of her stepfather violence her when she was thirteen. And

then she was killed by a man, he is Ken Mallory because she falling in love to him

whereas he wasn’t serious love to Kat. Actually Kat is a woman who has strong

ambition, she is an ambitious woman. Because she able to awake from her

problem and she has spirit to reach her ambition to be a doctor. But because of her

love to a man, she became killed by the man, because her love is blind she love a


3.2.3 Honey Taft’s ambition

The last woman doctor was Honey Taft. She was a young woman, with a

thin, curly hair, gray eyes, and has not so beautiful face. Honey had the bad

fortune to have been into family of overachievers. She was not as brilliant as her

parents and didn’t have face as beautiful as her twin sister, didn’t smart and


“ Honey was our little accident.” Her mother would tell their friends. “ I wanted have an abortion, but Fred was against it. Now He’s sorry.”

We call her ‘the dummy’. Her father would laugh. Honey is the ugly duckling of the Taft family. Only I don’t think she’s going to turn into a swan.” (Sheldon 1985, pg.105).

From this we can understand that consciously or unconsciously, the family

had implanted in her a feeling of deep inferiority. This case caused her greatest

desire to please her parents, her sister, and make them love to her.

One day when Honey was in high school, she found the way to get her

parent’s attention to make her ambition to come true. She discovered that making

love was a way to lease a man. Starting from that she began to learn a dozen

books on eroticism, which showed hundred ways to make love. Since then, many

boys were asking Honey for dates, and then she started going out every night. The

boys were happy and made Honey very happy too.

Honey grades improved dramatically, and she was suddenly even more

popular than her sister in their school. Her hard work made Honey’s parents


attention to her.

“It took our girl a little while to bloom.” Her father said proudly.

“But now she’s turned into a real Taft.”(Sheldon 1985,pg.111)

Honey didn’t only to gain her popularity, but also to make her subjects

passed in her school by seducing her teachers because she knew that she was not

intelligent enough, and the most important thing was that she didn’t want to see

her parents disappointed and later her parents would turn to ignore her again.

Having graduated from her college, Honey and her parents discussed

Honey’s future, but her father disagreed on what she wanted to be:

“……….. I want to be a nurse.” Her father’s face reddened.” You mean a doctor.” “No, father. I ………”

“You’re a Taft. If you want to go into medicine, you’ll be a doctor. Is that understood?”

“Yes Father.” (Sheldon 1985, pg.111).

Her parents really didn’t care about what her daughter wanted and needed.

They just thought about their reputation and dignity. Honey knew it when she told

her father she wanted to be a nurse. She loved taking care of the people, helping

them and nurturing them. She was terrified by the idea of becoming a doctor and

being responsible for people’s lives. But on the other side she knew once again

that she must not make her parents disappointed and she didn’t want to lose their


Because of that, she threw away her desire. She took medical school in

Knoxville and even Honey’s college grades were not good enough to get her into

medical school, but her father’s influence was a heavy contributor to that medical

school that made Honey able to pass the test of entrance. Honey did fairly well in

medical school, but she lacked dedication. She was there only to please her father.

Ironically, she was particularly weak in several subjects, and it made her

confronted with some difficulties. As a result, she failed in some subjects, and

Finally it made her drop out.

“I can’t fail, Honey thought. I can’t let my father down. What would Baccaccio had advise?” (Sheldon, 1985, pg.114).

Realizing her weakness, she began to use love affair as her weapon in

order to pass the subjects. Before Honey finished her study at the Medical school,

she seduced some of her professors. She was graduated from there by seducing

her Dean, Dr. Jim Person, and then she got a glowing recommendation from him.

And later Honey went to Embarcadero Hospital and she planned to go into

internal medicine.

To be a woman doctor was not easy. Honey had some difficulties,

intimidation, and pressure. As a woman doctor she was not provided with

sufficient facilities. Honey Taft had a difficult situation. With the best

recommendation, the highest medical school grades that Embarcadero Hospital

had ever seen made Honey get special attention from senior doctors and Benjamin


seemed to like her a great deal, reliable resident and nurse kept reporting to Dr.

Wallace that Honey was incapable and incompetent of doing her job, and that she

also misdiagnosed cases and made serious mistakes. This report caused a big

question about her extraordinary high grades and glowing recommendation.

They tried to find an answer from her ex-dean of medical school, Dr. Jim

Pearson. But of course he couldn’t answer. He was more worried if what he had

done with Honey revealed his secret that could make his reputation down and his

marriage broken.

“Ben Wallace was thoughtful for a moment. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do, Saymor. Who’s the meanest son of a bith on your staff?”

“Ted Allison”

“Alright.” Tomorrow morning send Honey out of rounds with Dr. Allison. Have him gave you a report on her. If she say’s incompetent. I’ll get rid of her”

Saymor was saying to Dr. Allison. “I meant you to keep close eye on Honey Taft. If she can’t cut it out, she’s out. Understood?”

“Understood”. (Sheldon 1985, pg.130).

Honey Taft knew that she would face a serious problem, as the way out,

by seducing Dr. Allison; he was a senior assistant she could pass through that


“I’ll be dammed if I understood it.” He said. “In the morning, the complains about Honey Taft keep pilling up. She keeps making mistakes……….”


In that statement we could see that her act made Honey become an enigma

to most of the doctors at that hospital. During the morning rounds, she appeared to

be unsure of herself. But in the afternoon rounds, she seemed to be a different

person. She was surprisingly successful in her work toward each patient, crisp and

efficient in her diagnoses.

They didn’t know what Honey had done. She was able to know which

patient she would meet and what kind of diagnoses of patient she had to make

first and then she managed to learn whom the one that she should seduce; the

senior doctor or the assistant of the senior doctor got ready to help her make

correct diagnoses.

One day Honey had the misfortune to be assigned to her team. Honey had

already made very dangerous mistakes on her diagnoses.

“Dr. Ritter said,” This is your patient?” “Yes”

“And what was your diagnoses?” “Stomach flu”

“Did you take a stool sample?” “No, what for?”

Because your patient has cholera, that’s what for?”

He was screaming, “We’re going to have to close down the fucking hospital!” (Sheldon 1985, pg.246).

Cholera is one of infectious dieses. But after fifty hours his treatment

began, the patient was nearly back to be normal. Everyone could breath again that


infectious dieses must be immediately reported to the state health board and the

hospital must be closed.

“Ben, you’d better get rid of her before the hospital gets

into real problem again, and before she kill a patient or some “Dr. Ritter said.”

“Right. She’ll be cut here.” (Sheldon 1985, pg 249).

And again, by seducing Dr. Wallace, she could get rid of the trouble. From

that happening Honey realizes that she could no longer be a doctor. She also

realized that she already put everybody around her into a difficult situation just to

support her ambition. And love from her parents and the other members of the

family. Fortunately, at the same time Honey met her true love. The love, which

she had expected for a long time from her family, was not really found. So, she

made up her mind to marry him and then retired from being a doctor and became

a nurse, which had been her desire and goal since the past.





After analyzing the characters in the previous chapter, now I will make a

conclusion from what has been analyzed. From what I have read in the novel and

what I have analyzed, I find that this novel also describe about a moral lesson.

Moral is related to his social condition to the social approach.

The characters that are depicted in Nothing Lasts Forever had played

different ways. Paige Taylor as an attractive young woman, intelligent looking,

and friendly has a dream to be a doctor. She wants to be a doctor because her

father was a popular and professional doctor. She loves and adores her father, and

wanting to be like her father is her faith. Kat Hunter is a beautiful black woman,

cool, and graceful but she had a terrible childhood because her stepfather raped

her when she was thirteen. She awake from her problem and decide to be

somebody important. Kat’s spirit return and she became an ambitious woman.

And finally Kat decides that she wants to be a doctor. And the last woman is

Honey Taft. She is an ordinary – looking young woman and an unenviable figure.

Honey Taft comes from overachiever’s family but she has bad fortune, because

she was not as brilliant as her parents and not as beautiful, smart, popular as her

twin sister. Her family had implanted in her feeling of deep inferiority. Because of


order to they love to her. Honey Taft has ambition to be a popular woman, but her

through the wrong way. She began to learn a dozen books on eroticism, which

showed hundred ways to make love. One day her father forces her in order to her

to be a doctor. Her parents really didn’t care about what her daughter wanted and

needed. They just thought about their reputation and dignity. Realizing her

weakness, she began to use love affair as her weapon in order to pass the subjects.

She seduces her dean and lecturers. And finally Honey Taft can to be a doctor, but

when she started to working as a doctor in a hospital, she had some difficulties,

intimidation, and pressure, because she didn’t have ability and intelligent. She

throws the way wrong to achieve her ambition in order to make pleasure her


From analyze the novel I can conclude that as human beings may have

ambition, because it is an important thing, but we must done with the true way. In

this novel we can find the three women as main characters have same ambition

that is want to be a doctor. But they throw the different way. According to my

analysis the character of Paige Taylor and Kat Hunter are not deviate, it means

they achieve their ambitions with the true way. But Honey Taft is a bad character,

she throw the wrong way for achieve her ambition so that she has some

difficulties finally. Goals, which are achieved by illegally and immorally, will

never bring happiness and peace in mind. We will have bad days, always be



On this occasion, I would like to provide a suggestion expected to be some

use for the readers. Setting goals for us is not easy. First of all, we must take a

look at ourselves to estimate our capacities and limitation, or otherwise we will be

frustrated. Of course, everybody likes to have an ambition, but it must be a good

ambition. Our goals must be realistic so that it is possible to be achieved.

So this novel is worth reading. Throw this novel Nothing Lasts Forever by Sidney

Sheldon; we can gain some worthy knowledge and the knowledge of life. We

should realize that dreams obtained through the wrong ways will never bring

happiness and peace in mind, but failure and destruction will happen and cause us

to have some serious burdens of live. This thesis reveals all these, even though

any constructive critical opinion will be accepted for the improvement of this



Clay, Richard. 1989. The little Oxford Dictionary of English. New York: Oxford.

F. Calhoun, James and Acocella Joan Ross. 1978. Psychology of adjustment and

human Relationship. London: McGraw-Hill.

H. Maslow, Abraham. 1954. Motivation and Personalities. New York: Harper and

Row Inc.

Howard, Brand. 1984. The Study Of Personality. New York: John Wiley and Sons


Murphy, Joseph. 1989. Power of Your Subconscious Mind. London: Prentive-Hall


Peck, John. 1986. How To Study A Novel. London: Macmillan education Ltd.

Sheldon, Sidney. 1985. Nothing Last Forever. New Delhi: Harper Collins India


Stonyk, Margaret. 1976. The Nineteenth Century English Literature. London:

Macmillan education Ltd.

Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding The Elements of Literature. London: The

Macmillan Press.

Tillotson, David. 1953. England in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon


Wallace, Rains, David. 1987. Live in Balance. New York: National Audubon


Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren.1977. Theory of Literature. London: Penguin


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http://www.women.google.com, downloaded on 11/2/2008 at 11:30 a.m.

http://www.en.wikipedia.org/human/ambition/htm, downloaded on 11/6/2008 at






Sidney Sheldon was widely regarded as a master of modern storyteller, whose

works were mostly charted on the list of best- seller novel. He was born during the

depression in Chicago on February 11, 1917; with his parents were Otto Sheldon and

Natalie Marcus.

His first works was wrote a song and gave it to the orchestra leader at Bismarck Hotel,

where he had been working as a checkroom boy. It was then arranged and performed in

several nights’ time.

At the age of seventeen, he left Los Angeles because he had made up his mind to

enter on career as a screenwriter. Afterwards, he attempted to write and submitted a

synopsis of Stein beck’s, of Mice and Men, to the entire main studio. Within three days,

they gave him a reply and Sheldon then started to work for Universal Studios, where he

was paid $17 a week. During the occasions, he met Ben Robert who became his

collaborator in working on their own original stories in their spare time, eventually

writing a number of ‘B’ pictures for Republic Studio.

When World War II broke, he joined the USA Air Force and earned his pilot’s


revised ‘Merry Window’, ‘Jackpot’, and ‘Dream With Music’. Next, he wrote a play

‘Alice in Arms’, starring Kirk Douglas in his first Broadway appearance, and later

‘Redhead” with Gwen Verdon which rewarded him a Tony Award.

Living in Hollywood, Sheldon established a tremendous track record over the

next 12 years as a successful screen – writer at both MGM Studios and Paramount

Picture. Having won a Academy Award for ‘The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer’starring

Cary Grat, he wrote over 25 movie scripts including ‘Easter Parade’ with Judy Gartland

and Fred Asteire, ‘Annie’, ‘Get your Gun’, ‘Jumbo’ and ‘Anything Goes’ with Bing

Crosby, on March 28, 1951. He got married with Jorja Cartwright.

After leaving MGM as a writer / director / producer, he got involved in the

fledging television industry when ABC asked him to create a show for a new actress

called Patty Duke. The show was titled ‘ The Patty Duke Show’ for which he wrote 78

scripts over two years. Then he created, wrote, and produced “I Dream of Jennie’ in

1964, and at one point he was keeping up two script in the day the two shows schedule

were overlapped in the course of 1965-1966. In 1967, ‘Jeannie’ gave Sheldon an Emmy

Nomination for Outstanding Writing Achievement in Comedy. It ran in ABC for five

years. He also created the extremely popular series: ‘Hart to Hart’.

Turning to be an author, his first novel’ The Naked Face’ was sold to William

Morrow after being rejected by five publishers. The novel described by The New York

Times as the first best mystery novel of the year. It got a critical success and presented

him and Edgar Allan Poe Award. Sheldon had an idea to write a story that was so


His second novel, “The Other Side of Midnight”, was a huge hit and it firmly

established him a best selling author. Each of his next successful novels ‘A Stranger in

The Mirror”, “Bloodline”, “Range or Angels”, “Master of the Game”, “ If Tomorrow

Comes”, “Windmills of the Gods”, “Memories of Midnight”, “ The Sand of the Time”,

“The Stars Shine Down”, and “Nothing Lasts Forever” were mega seller ones in both

hard cover and paper back. They have solidified his position as one of the top best selling

authors alive today. With nearly 200 million books in print, his novels had been

published in 56 languages in 100 countries worldwide.

Nevertheless, during 15 years of domination, his books once were banned, banned

and branded as ‘immoral’ by Reverens Jerry Falwen, Reverend Tom Williams and their

followers. Sheldon is also a national spoke man for The Freedom To Read Foundation

and has helped launch the student newspapers at Erasmus Hall, a Brooklyn High School,

and at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Bronx. He is a major contributor and an active

participant in charities related to literacy and in helping the homeless.

Considering his method of writing, Sheldon admitted working in an unusual way.

When he began a novel, he didn’t have plot in mind but only the central characters.

Dictating his draft to his secretary. He worked six days a week from early morning to late

dinnertime. Making each of his books in great detail, he would very often spend a year

traveling in foreign countries, observing their customs and actives.

Sidney Sheldon admitted that the books got harder to write all the time. However,

each of his books had been done 25% better than the one before it. In 1985, he suffered


and acting film.

Their only child, Mary Sheldon, followed her father into the literary world. A

published poet 16, her first novel, “Perhaps I’ll Dream of Darkness” was published by

Random House. She was an Oxford graduated. She was also completed “Rosemary is for

Remembrance” and “ The Tennessee Waltz” and has succeeded in winning the Brandles

University Library Association Award. In 1989, Sidney Sheldon married Alexandra


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