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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


FRIKSON SIBURIAN Registration Number : 2123121017




Siburian, Frikson. Registration Number: 2123121017. Developing Learning Material of Descriptive Text for the Tenth Grade Students as Supplementary Material.

The objective of this study was to develop learning material on descriptive text based on the students’ needs as a supplementary material. This research was conducted as research and development (R & D). The textbook that was used by the tenth grade students contained too much unfamiliar material. Instruments used in this research were questionnaire and interview. The data were taken from the books, internet and environment. The result of this study was a learning material that can be used as a supplementary material. The developed learning material consisted of two units, namely: Describing peoples and Describing places. In describing peoples there were two texts namely describing public figure (Jokowi Dodo) and describing an Idol (Agnes Monica). The second unit consisted of three texts namely; Azizi mosque, Tangkahan and Bukit Lawang. Each of the text consisted of two kinds of assessment. The result of validation and reliability showed that the product was excellent and appropriate to be used for public.




The researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ, the

Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honour, and Mercy

that has been given to the researcher so that he finally accomplished his thesis entitled: “Developing learning Material of Descriptive Text as a Supplementary Material for the Grade X of High School”.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the researcher realized that he faced some problems

during the research and he had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and

comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore,

the researcher would like to express his gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M. Pd., as the Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts. Prof. Dr .Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd., as the Head of English and Literature

Department as well as his Examiner

Dra. Meisuri, MA., the secretary of English and Literature Department as well as His Advisors, for her valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all her patience

and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, S. Pd, M. Hum., as the Head of English Educational Study Program.

Drs. Elia Masa Ginting. S,. M.Hum and Anggraini Thesisia Saragih, S.Pd. M. Hum his Examiners for their valuable input to furnish this thesis.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum his Validator to review the product of the research so it can be used for public


Dra. Hj. Mirohmayanur, M. Pd the Headmaster of SMA. N 1 Gebang for giving the permission to the researcher during the research.

Drs. Sabar Purba the English teacher of SMA N 1 Gebang for helping the Researcher during the research and all the students of SMA 1 Gebang, especially

the 10th -3 class for being the object of the research.

My beloved parents J. Siburian (+) and R. br. Sinaga (+) thanks for everything and hopefully they are proud of me.

My beloved brother Frianto Siburian, for the support and spirit.

 My beloved family, B. Sinaga’s family, for helping him during the study.

Special thanks for Betharia S. Pandia, a great woman who always helps and supports during the researcher’s study and the thesis accomplishing process.

 My Beloved friend “The Black RibbonBetharia, Berman, Bertha, Citra, Malawita and Petrus for the great experience during 4 years of togetherness and friendship.

My beloved friends of Reg C 2012 and all people who help the researcher in finishing this thesis.

The researcher realizes that this thesis still has the paucity; He conveniently

welcomes any suggestions, comments and advices that will improve the quality of

this thesis. He hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read and interest

in the field of this study.

Medan, October 2016

The researcher,



a. The Differences between Learning and Teaching Material... 7

b. SBT in Printed Paper as A Supplementary Material ... 8

c. Learning Material Development ... 10

2. Reading Skill ... 12

CHAPTER IV: Data Analysis and Material Development ……… ... 33

A. Preliminary....………. ... 33

1. Needs Analysis ………..… ... 33

a. Students’ needs analysis ………..……… ... 35


2. Planning……… ... 39

3. Making Blueprint ……… ... 40

B. Material Development ……… ... 40

1. Making of initial product ……… ... 40

2. Revising the learning material ……… ... 44

C. Validity and Reliability ………... 44

1. Validity ……… ... 44

2. Reliability ……… ... 46

CHAPTER V: Conclusions and Suggestions ……… ... 49

A. Conclusions ……… ... 49

B. Suggestions ……… ... 50




Table 1.1. The differences between learning and teaching material ……….…….7

Table 2.1. Genres and its social function ……….18

Table 3.1. Validation range ………..32

Table 4.1 Analysis of the text book material ………...34

Table 4.2 The students’ needs analysis………... 35

Table 4.3 The teacher’s supporting ideas analysis………37

Table 4.4 Validation Score from the First validator...44

Table 4.5 Validation Score from the second Validator ………45



APPENDIX A Analysis of the text book material ……… 54

APPENDIX B Analysis of students’ needs ……… 55

APPENDIX C The teacher’s supporting ideas analysis from the interview... 61

APPENDIX D Validation score from 1stvalidator ……….. 62 APPENDIX E Validation score from 2nd validator ………. 66 APPENDIX F The Reliability of Developed English learning Material …… 70

APPENDIX G The Existing Syllabus ……… 71

APPENDIX H The Existing Lesson Plan ………... 75

APPENDIX I The existing material ………. 81

APPENDIX J The English learning material (Product) ……… 106





A. The Background of the Study

Learning material is an important element in learning process. It helps

students in adding and completing their knowledge. Learning material is used as a

source that facilitates students to get information, knowledge, and skills out of

schools’ teaching and learning process (Tomlinson, 2008: 114). Sometimes, the

material in class is not enough for the students to get the knowledge based on the

curriculum expectation. That is why the role of learning material is really

important in the learning process.

Reading becomes the most important aspect in learning and getting

information. There are so many information that we can get from reading. Such as

knowledge, history, places, person, food, technology, etc. (Bachman.ed. in

Alderson , 2000: x)

English learning material is consists of four skills namely listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. Reading can help students to master other skills

better. At school, students are given some texts genres to read. The genres mean

are narrative, recount, descriptive, explanations, procedures, expositions etc.

Curriculum expectation (Kurikulum 2013) for the tenth grade students is the

students should be able to analysis and understand about the generic structure,

social function and language features of descriptive text. Descriptive text itself is

divided in to three materials, namely: describing people, tourism and historical



However, based on the writer’s experience during the inservice training

program in SMA Negeri 1 Gebang, Langkat, grade 10th, there was a problem in

the material. The suitability of the material was still not achieved. The material

about descriptive text that served in the book was not familiar to the students. So,

the material could not fulfill the students’ needs and students can’t fulfill the

curriculum expectations.

The succeses of school reading programs are depending on the part of the

quality and suitability of the materials selected for using in school districts. The

quality talks about the target of the material itself. The material must achieve the

students’ need at class and at home. The suitability talks about the content use in

the material. The material should be used the local content and familiar for

students (Schoenbach, et al 2012:39). It also makes sense to assume that the

success of school reading programs will depend on some degree upon how

well-and to what extent-teachers well-and students use these materials (Dole well-and Osborn,


The descriptive texts materials which are served in the book were not

familiar and interesting for the students, because most of students are never visited

and saw the object on the material. It was of course affected to their willingness

and ability in reading. Reading is influenced by situational factors, when students

read the suitable and on their area of understanding, the information from the text

will be gotten easily (Schoenbac, et al 2012:39) or in other way the reader is



Children who are familiar with text, will benefit much in comprehending

reading text than those who are forced to read (Garton 2000:238), and so are the

students who are more interested to read something they familiar with or things

happen in their daily lives.

There are some researches which showed the benefit of supplementary

material. Watanapokakul (2001) for example, found that only 3,4% students did

not like the supplementary material, and they tended to have positive opinions

towards the materials used in their study. Another research by Ojha (2010) who

found the benefit of using supplementary material as a learning material, there

were about 95% students agreed that the reading activity was interesting. It could

broaden their knowledge, and it was helpful in improving their understanding

textbooks. Other research showed the benefit of supplementary material by Asraf,

et al (2013) who found that providing supplementary reading materials were not

only fulfilling the students’ needs and interest in reading, but also changed their

general attitude towards reading in a positive manner. Based on the research

above, it is important to develop a reading material as supplementary material.

Therefore, in this study the writer was focused on the development of a

learning material about descriptive text for the tenth grade students as a

supplementary material.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, this research problem was

formulated as the following “what text that should be developed for tenth grade



C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study was to develop learning material in descriptive

text based on the students’ needs as a supplementary material.

D. The scope of the Study

The scope of the study was learning material development in descriptive

text based on students’ need as a supplementary material. It applied in 10th grade

students of SMA N 1 Gebang.

E. The Significances of the Study

The significances of this study were to help the Students in increasing their

willingness in reading descriptive text and ability to understand it well and giving

information for other researchers who need the information about developing





A. Conclusions

As stated in chapter I, the objective of this study was to develop learning

material of descriptive text based on the students’ needs as a supplementary

material. The developed learing material consisted of two units, namely :

Describing people and Describing place. In desribing people there were two topics

namely; describing public pigures ( Jokowi Dodo) and Desribing an idol (Agnes

Monica). The second unit consisted of three texts namely; Azizi Mosque,

Tangkahan and Bukit Lawang. Each of text were consisted of two kinds of

assesment and in the last page of the learning material the answer keys were


This learning material covered up with the appropriateness of the material

structure and language, the content effectiveness and appropriateness, and the

attractiveness of the workbook. All of these aspects have been proven valid and

reliable by the result of validation. It means that by the design and content, the

product is appropriate to be implemented in the classroom

B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, the following suggestions are needed to be

considered in conducting the related research. The researcher hopes that this

learning material can be used by the students to add and complete their knowledge



hopefully, this research could inspire other researchers who wanted to conduct a

further research related to the learning material as a supplementary material




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Table 1.1. The differences between learning and teaching material ……….…….7


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