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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistic Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Register Number: 8136112048






This thesis was writtes with the advice of masy great asd extraordisary

people, who had costributed their isspirisg thought, idea, asd huge support

through losg discussioss, wosderful usderstasdisg, compassioss, love asd

prayers. First asd foremost, the writer would like to thask the almighty Allah

SWT for the grace asd praise that has bees gives to him ustil he cas complete this


A great gratitude goes to his advisers Prof. Dr. Busmis Gursisg, M. Pd,

asd Dr. Rahmad Huseis, M.Ed for their iscredible guidasce, advice, ksowledge,

time, support asd wisdom durisg the writisg of this thesis.

As appreciatios is also acksowledged to the Head asd Secretary of

Esglish Applied Lisguistics Study Program of UNIMED, Dr. Rahmad Huseis M.

Ed, asd Dr. Assi Holila, M.Hum for the escouragemest asd valuable advices.

Gratitude also goes to the admisistrative staff of LTBI UNIMED, Farid Ma’ruf,

for the admisistrative assistasce is accomplishisg this thesis.

Special thasks are dedicated to all examisers for the critics, advice,

feedback asd cosstructive commests for the bettermest of this thesis. For all

lecturers of LTBI UNIMED, who had guided asd illumisated the writer durisg

her study at the Postgraduate School with their remarkable ksowledge asd passios

is teachisg, a thask you is sot good esough. Dear professors, sirs, asd madams,



From the classroom LTBI B1 where they used to pour ideas asd issights,

to the real world where they apply what they have learst, these followisg people

have bees the writer’s isspiratios asd role models is the past few years. Thask

you Ms.Juriah, Sri asd Laura for beisg such a good friesd to share all the life

stories beyosd what we had studied is lisguistics. Thask you all the class mates

that I fousd so supportive is escouragisg ose asother, especially to Mila, Nuri,

Abasg Dedi, Pasda, Kiky, who isspired the writer to fisish this.

Special gratitude goes to writer best friesds Agus Yusuf, Hasas Basri,

Ibrahim Ahmad, for the advices asd escourages fisishisg this thesis. For my

travellisg asd teachisg partser is Raja Esglish Course, Basg Taufik durisg the

challesgisg asd of course tirisg days of study asd the momests of waitisg, thask

you for becomisg some sweet distractioss by sharisg your fresh thoughts, stories

asd laughter. May God always light your path, your future esdeavor as you will

stay healthy asd happy.

A siscere gratitude also goes to all family, Daddy, Mom asd cousiss for

the thoughtful prayer asd the everlastisg love. For the remembrasce of my late

mommy is heaves who isspired me to be a better lady each asd every day. Family

is ose of the most essestial motivatioss to fisish this thesis asd also for their

uscosditiosal love to the writer. Their presesce asd prayers are the most

sigsificast features to his life. To Yusuf, a special ose who popped up is the very

last misutes of this thesis writisg, thask you for those measisgful sleepless sights



Last but sot least, Ahmad Fuadi, his Isdosesias most favorite sovelist, asd

Asgie Kilbase, the trasslator of Negeri Lima Menara, may God bless your life, as

always, asd for writisg those brilliast isspirisg sovel, a joyful appreciatios is

humbly extesded to you.

Medas, 24 Juse 2016 The writer,



Rajagukguk, M Mustafa gqbal. Shift of Explicitness in translation of Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers. Thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. State University of Medan 2016

The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the the kind of cohesion shift in the translation found in the novel, entitled Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers. The technique of analysis data used in this thesis is the theory developed by Blum - Kulka. (2000 in Venuti). The method used in analyzing this study is a qualitative method. The results showed that there are two types of cohesion shift; it was divided into level of explicitness and shift in text meaning. There are two types of explicitness in translation techniques that used in translating of novel, they are categorized into the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness is lower than that of the source text is the most widely used (56%), the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness is higher than that of the source text (44% ), in text meaning it was divided into two terms, they are the implicit meaning potential of the source language changes to explicit through translation (87%), and the explicit meaning potential of the source language changes to implicit through translation (13%). From the techniques of the translation used in level of explicitness it was found that the translator dominantly used shift in level explicitness in source language into target language. Meanwhile in text meaning the translator dominantly used the implicit meaning potential of the source text through translation. gt was because of difference culture between two languages. gt is well known as language repertoire. A translator should have deep understanding of the source language and that of the target linguistically and culturally, it means that a translator should be bilingual bicultural, and also be competent in other words, the process of translation involves translator to be communicators at the same time.



Rajagukguk, M Mustafa gqbal. Shift of Explicitness in translation of Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers. Thesis: Linguistik Terapan Bahasa gnggris. Universitas Negeri Medan 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa jenis - jenis kohesi pergeseran dalam penerjemahan yang ditemukan dalam novel yang berjudul Negeri Lima Menara ke dalam bahasa sasaran The Land of Five Tower.

Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengembangan teori penerjemahan dari Blum - Kulka.(2000 di Venuti). Metode yang dilakukan dalam menganalisa penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua jenis pergeseran kohesi yang dibedakan yakni pergeseran tataran tersurat dan pergeseran makna teks. Dalam teknik penerjemahan yang dipakai dalam menerjemahkan ini kedua jenis pergeseran tersebut dibagi kembali menjadi empat bagian yakni tingkat tataran tersurat bahasa sumber lebih rendah dari pada bahasa target adalah yang paling banyak dipakai (56%), tingakat tataran tersurat bahasa target lebih tinggi (44%), sementara dalam perubahan makna, penerjemah menggunakan perubahan makna implisit pada bahasa sumber berubah menjadi eksplisit saat penerjemahan (87%), dan perubahan makna ekspisit pada bahasa sumber berubah menjadi implisit pada saat penerjemahan (13%). Dari keseluruhan pergeseran kohesi diketahui bahwa penerjemah menggunakan pergeseran tingakat tataran tersurat dalam bahasa target lebih rendah dari pada bahasa sumber. gni diakibatka oleh perbedaan kultural dalam kedua bahasa. Ditemukan ketidakmampuan bahasa target dalam menukar makna kedalam bahasa target. Dalam hal ini penerjemah harus menguasai kedua bahasa secara mendalam agar hasil penerjemahan menjadi lebih baik. Penerjemah harus mampu menyampaikan makna secara komunikatif.





Table 3.1 Technique of Analyzing Shift in Level of Explicitness 44

Table 4.1 Types of Shift in Level of Explicitness in Translation of

Negeri Lima Menara into the Land of Five Towers


Table 4.2 Types of Shift in Text Meaning in Translation of Negeri Lima

Menara into the Land of Five Towers


Table 4.3 The General Level of the Target Text’s Textual Explicitness is

Higher than that of the Source Text


Table 4.4 Explicitness level of TL is higher than SL 52

Table 4.5 The General Level of the Target Text’s Textual Explicitness is

Lower than that of the Source Text


Table 4.6 Explicitness level of TL is lower than SL 58

Table 4.7 The Implicit Meaning Potential of the SL changes to explicit thorough translation


Table 4.8 Explicit of SL change to implicit meaning of TL 64

Table 4.9 The Implicit Meaning Potential of the SL Changes to Explicit Thorough Translation






Appendix 1. The General Level of the Target Text’s Textual Explicitness

is Higher than that of the Source Text


Appendix 2. The General Level of the Target Text’s Textual Explicitness

is Lower than that of the Source Text


Appendix 3. The Implicit Meaning Potential of the SL Changes to

Explicit through Translation


Appendix 4. The Explicit Meaning Potential of the SL Changes to

Implicit through Translation





5.1 Conclusions

Related to the problem of the study shift of explicitness in translation of

Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers, it was concluded that:

1. There are two kinds of shift explicitness that found in the translation novel of

Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers, they are shift in the level

of explicitness are break into two they are the general levels of target text’s

textual explicitness are higher or lower than that of the source text.

2. There are two kids of shift in the text meaning occur in the translation novel of

Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers are divided into two they

are the explicit and implicit meaning potential of the source text changes

through translation.

3. In translation of Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers the

general levels of target text’s textual explicitness is lower than that of the

source text 56 %, the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness is

higher that of the source text 44 %.

4. Shift in text meaning the implicit meaning potential of the source language

changes to explicit thorough translation 87 %, the implicit meaning potential

of the source language changes to explicit thorough translation 13 %.

5. The reason why the dominant shift of explicitness used in translation of

Negeri Lima Menara into The Land of Five Towers is shift in the level of

explicitness specifically general level of the target text textual explicitness is

lower than target language. This is caused by the significant using is caused by



differences of grammatical systems between two languages. The translators

feel that not need to add information on source language or even reduced word

in the target language so that there is no misunderstanding of the target

language, the additions are only adds obscurity of meaning in the target

language and finally the reader can understand the text easily.

6. The reason why the implicit meaning potential of the SL changes to explicit

through translation because the translator wants to elaborates the hidden

meaning on target language by adding some information into target language.

The products of translation become more explicit than the source language so

that the reader can understand the meaning easily.

5.2 Suggestions

Translating is not merely changing words, phrases, or sentences into

different languages; it has to do with culture. Translating cultural terms or

culturally-bound that contained in novel is not as easily as translating other terms.

A translator should have deep understanding of the source language and that of

the target linguistically and culturally, it means that a translator should be

bilingual bicultural, and also be competent in other words, the process of

translation involves translator to be communicators at the same time. In cultural

translation, a translator does not need to render terms that are unfamiliar and

unknown in the target language, just retain the cultural terms so that the target

language readers will know and understand about the source language culture.

However, footnotes are required. In addition, students, researchers, scholars, and



this research as a reference to conduct a further research closely related to cultural


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Table 3.1 Technique of Analyzing Shift in Level of Explicitness


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