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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora



A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora



A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora



Mariana. Strategies of Translating Live Metaphors in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian. Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2016



Mariana. Strategies of Translating Live Metaphors in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). 2016


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

The writer would like to express her deep devotion and thanks to the almighty Allah SWT, for everything that has given to the writer in completing her academic studies and this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu’alaihiwasallam as the messenger that he has brought the humans from the darkness to the lightness.

In the process of completing this thesis, there are many people who have assisted her with advice and suggestions, it would be impossible to name all at some deserve the honor to be noted.

Firstly, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Professor. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as her first adviser for the guidance, assistant, encouragement and valuable suggestions and critics from these great heroes in education, in the process of writing this thesis.

Secondly, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum., as her second adviser for his available spent time for consultation, great supervision and full support in shaping this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to the head of English Applied Linguistics Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., and his secretary Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum and Farid Ma’ruf who has assisted her in the process of administration requirement during the process of her study in the postgraduate program.


Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., being her reviewers and examiners for the valuable inputs to be include in this thesis. Furthermore, she would like to express her high appreciation to all lectures of English Applied Linguistics Study Program UNIMED Medan, who have shared their knowledge and experience during her studies.

The writer’s special appreciate go to her beloved parents Mr. Sagiono and Mrs. Ginah, her beloved sisters Sri Apriani and Fitri Yanti, her beloved brother Shopiyan Syah Putra for their love and support and her lovely nephew and niece Khansa Aulia Saragih and Salim Muhammad Aqsa Saragih for their cheerfulness that made the writer always spirit in doing this thesis. A special thank to her beloved man, for his great attention, love and support.

The writer also appreciate a thankfulness for all her colleagues especially in class A2 of English Applied Linguistics in take XXIII, and her other friends Horia, Misla, Ingrid, Syarifah, Dewi and other friends who gave thought, support in order to completing this thesis.

The writer strongly believe that this thesis is far from being perfect and has some weaknesses; therefore critics and suggestions are appreciated, while any shortcomings, lack of information and mistakes are the responsibility of the writer.

Medan, September 2016








1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study... 5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study... 5

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5 The Significance of the Study... 5


2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 7

2.1.1 Theory of Translation... 7

2.1.2Metaphor ... 12

2.1.3 Types of Metaphor ... 15

2.1.4 Classificationof Metaphor... 17

2.1.5Identifying Metaphor ... 21

2.1.6 Analyzing Metaphor... 22

2.1.7The Function of Metaphor ... 24

2.1.8The Problems of Translating Metaphor ... 25

2.1.9The Strategies Used for Translating Metaphor ... 27

2.2 Relevant Studies... 30



3.1 Research Method ... 41

3.2 Data and Source of Data... 41

3.3 Research Instrument ... 42

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data... 42

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data... 42

3.6 Trustworthiness of the Study... 44


4.1 Data Analysis ... 46

4.1.1 The Problems of Translating Live Metaphors ... 48 The Utterances of the Image Used in Metaphors may be Unknown in the Target Language... 49 The Point of Similarity is Implicit and Hard to Identified ... 50 The Point of Similarity is Understand and Differently in Some Culture from Another... 50 The Receptor Language does not Make Comparison of the Type which Occurs in the Source Text... 51 Language differs in how Frequently Metaphors are Used and in How Easily New Metaphors are Create in the Language ... 51

4.1.2 The Strategies in Translating Live Metaphors in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... 53 Keeping the Metaphorical Image... 54

(11) Substituting Metaphor of the Receptor Language which has the

same Meaning ... 55 Translating the Meaning of the Metaphors without Keeping the Metaphorical Image ... 56

4.2 Research Findings ... 58

4.3 Discussion ... 59


5.1 Conclusion ... 61

5.2 Suggestion... 62




Pages Table 4.1 The proportion of problems in translating live metaphors in

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian... 52 Table 4.1 The proportion of strategies in translating live metaphors in



Pages Appendix ... 68




Generally a novel uses a figurative language. Figurative language is

used in any form of communication, such as in daily conversation, articles in

newspaper, advertisements, novels, poems, etc. Perrine (1982) states the

effectiveness of figurative language is in four main reasons. First, figurative

language affords readers imaginative pleasure of literary works. Second, it is a

way of bringing additional imagery into verse, making abstract concrete,

making literary works more sensuous. The third, figurative language is a way

of adding emotional intensity to otherwise merely informative statements and

conveying attitudes along with information. And the last, it is a way of saying

much in brief compass. She divides figurative language into seven types,

namely metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, paradox, overstatement,

understatement, irony and illusion.

Metaphor is considered by linguist as the most basic where one object

is used to describe another object and both objects are essentially disparate

entities, but common in one or more attributes (Encarta Dictionary). In other

words, metaphor is use of a word or a phrase for the purpose of suggesting a

likeness between the two.

In literature, metaphor as one of the stylistic elements does not merely

convey ideas, in addition it also function as a tool for literally writers to

embellish and give colors to their works. With the presence of the stylistic

elements, including metaphor, writers always try to maximize it to reveal their



conspicuous in terms of using such style of language. Metaphor is also used

widely in philosophy, religion, politics, commerce, history and art.

The use of According to Larson (1998: 274), there are two types of

metaphor, namely dead metaphor and live metaphor. Dead metaphors are

those which are part of constructions of lexicon of the language. When they

are used, the person who listens or reads does not think about the primary

sense of the words, but only idiomatic sense directly. Dead metaphor is

commonly defined as a metaphor which has lost its metaphorical sense. For

example, ‘leg of the table’ is an idiom. Live metaphor, on the contrary, is

defined as a metaphor which can be identified by its readers after they give

special attention to the primary meaning of the words which are used


The use of metaphor can also be found in the novel. Larson (1998)

divides translation into two types, they are ‘literal translation’ which is a

form-based translation attempting to follow the form of the source language and

‘idiomatic translation’ which is a meaning-based translation that makes effort

to communicate the meaning of the source language text in natural form of the

receptor language. The strategies used in translating live metaphors in the

novel are analyzed based on Larson theory, whether they are translated by

keeping the metaphorical image, translated into simile, substituted metaphor

of the receptor language which has the same meaning, translated into

metaphor and explain the meaning, or translated the meaning of the metaphor

without keeping the metaphorical imagery (non-figurative meaning).



1. SL: The lift doors opened; the old witch with the anthill hairleft and

Ron darted past her out of sight. (pg.284)

TL: pintu lift terbuka, si penyihir wanita tua dengan rambut sarang semut keluar dan ron melesat melewatinya, lenyap dari pandangan. (pg.339)

2. SL: Mundungus Fletcher is small, dirty and hangdog with his droopy,

basset hound’s eyesand matted hair. (pg.56)

TL: Mundungus Fletcher, kecil, kotor, dan muram, dengan matanya yang redup seperti mata anjing Basset dan rambutnya yang kusut. (pg.69)

3. SL: Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse, and

Harry stood with two wands in his hand, staring down at his enemy’s

shell. (pg.815)

TL: Voldemort sudah mati, terbunuh oleh kutukannya yang berbalik, dan Harry berdiri dengan dua tongkat sihir di tangannya, menunduk memandangijasad musuhnya. (pg.981)

From the example of live metaphors in the novel above, there are some

strategies applied by the translator. 1) This is the example that the translator

preferred to translate a live metaphor without changing the metaphorical

image, 2) In this example, the translator chose to translate this metaphor into

simile by adding word ‘seperti’ means ‘like’, 3) In this situation, the translator

chose to translate the meaning of the metaphor without keeping the

metaphorical imagery. Non-figuratively translation pattern is applied in this



There are many researchers which have conducted the research related

to strategies in translating metaphor for example; Xuedong (2014) conducted a

research of The Strategy of Metaphor Translation: Domestication or

Foreignization. She found that different elements such as the contextual

factors of the SL text, the consideration of referential accuracy, the reader’s

acceptability and the pragmatic economy can decide the way whether to use

foreignizing or domesticating strategy. There are some obstacles in translating

of metaphors, but the method if the translation of metaphor is reasonable

within the common theory of translation. Domestication translation and

foreignization translation have a relationship of dialectical unity and the use of

them depends on the need of translation practice. Then Bojovic (2014)

conducted Strategies of Metaphor Translation. She said that metaphors were

reflected on with respect to translatability or what was lost in translating them,

their originality, cultural background or TL language richness. Metaphors are

also culture-specific; they cannot be transferred intact from a source language

(SL) to target language (TL).

Based on the phenomenon above, then the researcher is interested to

identify the translation of live metaphor from English into Indonesian. The

focus of the study is to find out the strategy of translating live metaphors in

the novel of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K Rowling into

“Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia” by Listiana Srisanti. Larson’s theory will



1.1 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, there are some questions

formulated as the following:

1. What translation problems are found in translating live metaphors in

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian?

2. What strategies are applied by the translator in translating live

metaphors in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into


1.2 The Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the problems of translating live metaphors in Harry Potter and

the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian.

2. To describe the strategies applied in the translation live metaphors in

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian.

1.3 The Scope of the Study

This study was focused on the problems of translation, translation

strategies and the choice of such strategies in translating live metaphors in the

novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets into their translation in


1.4 The Significances of the Study

The outcome of the study is expected to give theoretical and practical

significances. Theoretically, this study will useful for learning the translation



inspire those who would like to do similar research along with the progress of

science in general.

Practically, the study is expected to give constructive feedback to the

translator and students of English, particularly those who are much involved in




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data collected from the novel Harry Potter

and the Chamber of Secrets into Indonesian, the researcher now can

draw two conclusions as follows:

1. There are several problems of translating live metaphors

(language differs in how frequently metaphors are used and in

how easily new metaphors are created in the language, the

point of similarity is implicit and hard to identify, the point of

similarity is understood differently in some culture from

another, the receptor language does not make comparison of

the type which occur in the source text, the image used in

metaphor may be unknown in the target language) found in the

novel Harry potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the

language differs in how frequently metaphors are used and in

how easily new metaphors are create in the language was


2. There are some strategies of translating live metaphors

(translating into simile, keeping the metaphorical image,

substituting metaphor of the receptor language which has the

same meaning and translating the meaning of the metaphor



Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the dominant one

was translating the metaphor into simile.

5.2 Suggestion

This sub-chapter is intended for those who are supposed to

engage with this research. They are clearly explained as follows.

1. For other researchers. This research is lack of data since there are

only 27 data found in this research. Thus, it is suggested to other

researchers to seek the other source of data which have more

numbers of data containing metaphorical expressions. Besides, it

is better to use other techniques or theories in conducting the

research both in terms of translation and metaphorical

expressions so it could be compared to this research.

2. For academic society. It is better for the academic society in the

same field, which is to say the translation study, to use the

techniques or the translation quality assessment as the reference

to study. The students of translation could also make a research

which deals with the translation of literary works since it is rarely

found. It could be a challenge for the students to translate the

literary works using the techniques used in this research. Also,

the translation quality assessment is given in order to announce

that a translation product should be accurate, acceptable, and



using the translation quality assessment or other related


3. For the translators. It is intended to announce the translators to

consider the technique used in translating literary works or some

expressions containing figure of speech. A translator should

choose and considers the best technique to translate certain

expressions. This will lead to the quality of the translation. The

better translation technique is chosen, the higher level of quality




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Table 4.1 The proportion of problems in translating live metaphors in


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