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Translation Procedures Applied in Subtiling English Idioms in "the Hobbit : an Unexpected Journer” Movie into Indonesian


Academic year: 2016

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A Thesis By:

Wina Viqa Sari Reg. No. 100705032

Supervisor, Co. Supervisor,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Drs. Umar Mono , Dip. Trans., M. Hum NIP.19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19600122 19860 1 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra in Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The SarjanaSastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday, 23rdJuly 2014

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. SyahronLubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D

Drs. H. Chairul Husni,M.Ed. TESOL

Drs. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H., M.A.





Signed :









Signed :



The thesis entitled ‘Translation Procedures Applied in Subtitling English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Indonesian’ is a linguistics study. This study appears because of the importance of translation role in the development of knowledge, information and entertainment around the world. This thesis was done to answer the curiosity of the writer about what procedures is applied in subtitling English idioms into Indonesian. The objective of this study is to find out the subtitle of English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”movie into Indonesian and to find out what procedures are applied to subtitle them. This movie is chosen because of its popularity in 2012. The movie received many award nominations, and won some of them. In order to identified and classify the procedures applied in subtitling English idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Bahasa Indonesia, Vinay and Dalbernet theory about translation procedures is used. The method of the analysis is descriptive qualitative method. As the result of this research is the procedures that usually used to subtitle English idioms is equivalence, it was prooved with the findings of 130 (97,01%) occurences of equivalence procedure applied in subtitling the idioms, while 3 (2,24%) of the idioms are translated with adaptation procedure and 1 (0,75%) idiom is translated with literal translation procedure. The idioms are usually translated with different wordings in TL. Just a few of the idioms from SL are also translated into idioms in TL. Most of them are translated into different wordings which can replicate the same situation or expression as in the original.



Skripsi yang berjudul ‘Translation Procedures Applied in Subtitling English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Indonesian’ adalah sebuah studi linguistik. Studi ini muncul karena pentingnya peran terjemahan dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, informasi dan hiburan di dunia. Skripsi ini dibuat untuk menjawab rasa penasaran penulis tentang prosedur apakah yang dipakai oleh penerjemah dalam menejemahkan idiom bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat terjemahan dari idiom bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dan untuk menemukan prosedur terjemahan apa yang digunakan oleh penerjemah untuk menerjemahkannya. Filem ini dipilih karena kepopulerannya di tahun 2012. Ia banyak dinominasikan dalam ajang-ajang penghargaan perfileman dan memenangkan beberapa diantaranya. Dalam penelitian ini, teori yang dipakai untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah teori prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet. Dan metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur yang biasa dipakai dalam menerjemahkan idiom adalah equivalence, dibuktikan dengan temuan prosedur equivalence sebanyak 130 (97,01%) temuan, sementara 3 (2,24%) lainnya adalah prosedur adaptasi dan 1 (0,75%) lainnya adalah prosedur terjemahan literal. Idiom biasanya diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan kosa kata yang berbeda didalam bahasa target. Hanya beberapa idiom yang dapat diterjemahkan menjadi idiom juga dalam bahasa targetnya. Kebanyakan dari idiom-idiom tersebut diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan kosa kata yang berbeda dengan makna kosa kata aslinya, namun kosa kata yang berbeda itu bisa mengekspresikan situasi yang sama dengan keadaan aslinya.



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the writer would like to thank

Allah SWT, for all the mercy and blessing that I have and for thechance and power

that given to me to complete this thesis. Praises and greets to Muhammad SAW who

has brought us to the luminous era and lead us to the goodness of mankind.

The writer sincere gratitude also goes to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural

Studies, University of North Sumatera, Dr. SyahronLubis, MA, the Head and the

Secretary of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and

RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA. Ph.D for all of the facilities and opportunities given to

the writer during the study.

First and foremost, the writer would like to thank the writer supervisor and

co-supervisor, Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, MS and Drs. Umar Mono , Dip. Trans., M.

Hum for the guidance, support, advice, and constructive comments during the

writing of this thesis.

The writer special thanks are expressed to the writer beloved parents, Irzal

Koto and Erika Pasaribu and also beloved sisterRahma Fridayana Fitrifor giving the

writer an endless support, love and attention. The other special thanks goestoRizki

Andrian R.who always support and giving me love and affection.

A really big thanks are addressed to The Brandalss team, Tami and Wulan,

and to the writer best partner, Denny Jeremia, and also to my best friends Ninis, Fikri,

Yudi, Petrus, Boy, Dicky,Cindy, Elsye, Apri, Hanny, Dimaz and many more that I

can’t mention them all one by one.And a sincere thanks for all people in IMSI’s big


I am really grateful to have everyone supporting me in the process of

finishing this thesis. For their caring, support, love and affection, I really thank them.

And I am really sorry if maybe I forget to mention some names here.

Finally, the writer has to admit that this thesis is far from being perfect. Thus

any comments, suggestions, and criticism will be humbly accepted. May Allah SWT

bless us.Amin.

Medan 18 July, 2014

The Writer

Wina Viqa Sari






ABSTRACK ... vii

ABSTRAK ... ... viii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Analysis... 1

1.2. Problem of Analysis... 3

1.3. Objective of Analysis... 3

1.4. Scope of Analysis... 4

1.5. Significance of Analysis... 4

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1. Theory of Translation ………... 5

2.1.1. The Concept of Translation ……….. 7

2.2. Process of Translation ………..……….. 7

2.3. Types of Translation ……….. 9

2.4. Procedures of Translation ………..…... 16


2.5. Subtitling ………... 22

2.5.1. Types of Subtitling ……….. 23

2.5.2. Subtitles Rules ………. 23

2.6. Idiom ……….……… 26

CHAPTER III METHODS OF ANALYSIS 3.1. Research Design ……… 28

3.2. Data and Source Data ……… 28

3.3. Data Collecting Method ………. 29

3.4. Data Analysis Method ………... 29

3.5. Data Percentage ………. 30


4.1.1. Identifying The Translation Procedures ……….. 31

4.1.2. Classifying and Analyzing The Data Based on The Translation Procedures ……… 37 Adaptation ………..……….. 37 Equivalence ……… 38 Literal Translation ……… 84

4.2. Findings ………..……… 85






The thesis entitled ‘Translation Procedures Applied in Subtitling English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Indonesian’ is a linguistics study. This study appears because of the importance of translation role in the development of knowledge, information and entertainment around the world. This thesis was done to answer the curiosity of the writer about what procedures is applied in subtitling English idioms into Indonesian. The objective of this study is to find out the subtitle of English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”movie into Indonesian and to find out what procedures are applied to subtitle them. This movie is chosen because of its popularity in 2012. The movie received many award nominations, and won some of them. In order to identified and classify the procedures applied in subtitling English idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Bahasa Indonesia, Vinay and Dalbernet theory about translation procedures is used. The method of the analysis is descriptive qualitative method. As the result of this research is the procedures that usually used to subtitle English idioms is equivalence, it was prooved with the findings of 130 (97,01%) occurences of equivalence procedure applied in subtitling the idioms, while 3 (2,24%) of the idioms are translated with adaptation procedure and 1 (0,75%) idiom is translated with literal translation procedure. The idioms are usually translated with different wordings in TL. Just a few of the idioms from SL are also translated into idioms in TL. Most of them are translated into different wordings which can replicate the same situation or expression as in the original.



Skripsi yang berjudul ‘Translation Procedures Applied in Subtitling English Idioms in “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Movie into Indonesian’ adalah sebuah studi linguistik. Studi ini muncul karena pentingnya peran terjemahan dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, informasi dan hiburan di dunia. Skripsi ini dibuat untuk menjawab rasa penasaran penulis tentang prosedur apakah yang dipakai oleh penerjemah dalam menejemahkan idiom bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat terjemahan dari idiom bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dan untuk menemukan prosedur terjemahan apa yang digunakan oleh penerjemah untuk menerjemahkannya. Filem ini dipilih karena kepopulerannya di tahun 2012. Ia banyak dinominasikan dalam ajang-ajang penghargaan perfileman dan memenangkan beberapa diantaranya. Dalam penelitian ini, teori yang dipakai untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah teori prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet. Dan metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur yang biasa dipakai dalam menerjemahkan idiom adalah equivalence, dibuktikan dengan temuan prosedur equivalence sebanyak 130 (97,01%) temuan, sementara 3 (2,24%) lainnya adalah prosedur adaptasi dan 1 (0,75%) lainnya adalah prosedur terjemahan literal. Idiom biasanya diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan kosa kata yang berbeda didalam bahasa target. Hanya beberapa idiom yang dapat diterjemahkan menjadi idiom juga dalam bahasa targetnya. Kebanyakan dari idiom-idiom tersebut diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan kosa kata yang berbeda dengan makna kosa kata aslinya, namun kosa kata yang berbeda itu bisa mengekspresikan situasi yang sama dengan keadaan aslinya.





Background of Analysis

Knowledge and technology have developed for so many years. They have

developed not only in one place, but also in many places, nations, and even

continents. Books that contain of the knowledge and technology are written in their

native languages of the nation where they have developed. In order to share and learn

the knowledge and technology, every country or nation needs to translate the books

into their own languages. Here, translation plays an important role, as an interlingual

communication, for developing countries to get the information and technology.

“Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of the

language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences,

paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as the

surface structure of a language. It is the structural part of language which is actually

seen in print or heard in speech. In translation the form of source language is

replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language.” (Larson in Meaning-Based

Translation, 1984:3)

Products of translation are vary. It can be verbal (spoken) or nonverbal

(written). The verbal product is usually recorded as audio file, for example in a

movie. Sometimes this audio file is used in dubbing a movie from SL into TL. The

translator usually translates the dialogue from the SL into TL, and then the dubber


thetranslator usually translates them into books, documents, scripts, and even

subtitles in the movie.

Subtitle is words that translate what is said in a film/movie into different

language and appear on the screen at the bottom. (Oxford Advanced Learner´s

Dictionary, 2000:1350). In subtitling, translator has to consider many things, those

are: the duration of the text that will appear on the screen; how many characters that

can appear on the screen; what terms the translator should use; what ideology he

should use; and how he translates the idioms that exist in the dialogue.

Different with other kind of phrases, idioms need certain procedure to

translate them, since idiom is a number of words which, when taken together have

different meaning from the individual meaning of each word (Seidl and McMordie,

1988:13). Some idioms has metaphor feeling in it. Wren and Martin (1990: 318) in

their book High School English Grammar and Composition, states “The student who

studies the following selection of English idioms will notice that metaphor enters

largely into Idiomatic phraseology”. In their book, they give many examples of

idioms, some of them:

a. I have it at my fingers´ ends.

If the sentence above is literally comprehended, the reader, which not the native

of the language, can be confused and cannot understand what it is mean. The real

meaning of that sentence is “I” know about “it” thoroughly.

b. The attack may be launched at any time, so you must be on the alert.

On the alert here means on your guard or ready to act.

c. I wash my hands of the whole matter.


Beside of having metaphor feeling in it, idioms also can be different from one

country to another. It happens because the differences of culture between the SL area

and the TL area. Therefore, sometimes there are idiomsfrom the SL which do not

have any equal idioms in the TL.

This study is focused on the subtitle of English idioms into Indonesian in

“The Hobbit, Unexpexted Journey” movie. “The Hobbit” is an adventure movie.

There are many idioms in the dialogues. One example from the movie, “overmy dead

body.” is translated into “langkahidulumayatku”. From the example it can be seen

that the translation is also an idiom. It also has metaphor feeling in it. It means the

idiom in English has its equivalent idioms in Indonesia. Another example, “make

sure you keep an eye on her” is translated into “pastikankauselalumengawasinya”. In

this example we can see the idiom is not translated into idiom because it has no

equivalent idiom in Indonesia.


Problem of Analysis

There are two problems of the analysis to be analyzed as follows:

1. What are the Indonesian subtitle of English idioms in “The Hobbit: An

Unexpected Journey” Movie?

2. What procedures are applied in subtitling English idioms in “The Hobbit: An

Unexpected Journey” movie into Indonesian?


Objective of Analysis

There are two objectives of the study in this analysis as the answers of the

problems which have been mentioned before, those are:


2. To find out the procedures applied in subtitling English idioms into

Indonesian in “The Hobbits: Unexpected Journey” movie.


Scope of Analysis

The scope of the analysis is only focused on Indonesia subtitle of the

English idioms in “The Hobbits : An Unexpected Journey” movie andthe

translation procedures applied in subtitling English idioms.


Significance of Analysis

The Significances of the analysis are as follows:

The result of this study will be useful for students, who learn

translation, and teachers of translation in general; and the translator in




2.1 Theory of Translation

Some experts had given many brief definitions of translation, as follows:

Catford (1965, in Nababan, 2003:19) defines translation, as “Penerjemahan

sebagai proses penggantian suatu teks bahasa sumber dengan teks bahasa

sasaran.”He also defines it, as “Penerjemahan sebagai penggantian materi teks

bahasa sumber dengan materi teks bahasa sasaran.”

Catford (1965, in Nababan, 2003:19) defines translation, as ”Translation is

replacement process of certain source text language with the target text language.”

He also defines it, as “Translation is the replacement of the source text language

material with the target text language material.

Brislin (1976, in Nababan, 2003:19) said that “Penerjemahan adalah istilah

umum yang mengacu pada pengalihan pikiran atau gagasan dari suatu bahasa

sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran.”

Brislin (1976, in Nababan, 2003:19) said that “Translation is a term that

refers to transferring ideas and thought from source language into target language.”

Kridalaksana (1985, in Nababan, 2003:19) defines translation, as

Penerjemahan sebagai pemindahan suatu amanat dari bahasa sumber ke dalam

bahasa sasaran dengan pertama-tama mengungkapakan maknanya dan kemudian


Kridalaksana (1985, in Nababan, 2003:19) defines translation, as “Translation

as the transferring of ideas from source language into target language by first uttering

the meaning and then the language style.”

In Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary (2000), translation defines as the

process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language.

Larson (1984:3) said that “Translation is basically a change of form. When

we speak of the form of the language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases,

clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are

referred to as the surface structure of a language. It is the structural part of language

which is actually seen in print or heard in speech. In translation the form of source

language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language.

Simatupang (1999: 2) states “Menerjemahkan adalah mengalihkan makna

yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkannya

kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan bentuk-bentuk yang sewajar mungkin

menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran.”

Simatupang (1999:2) states “Translating is to transfer meanings in source

language into target language and utter it as natural as possible in target language


2.1.1. The Concept of Translation

The term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general

subjectfield, the product (the text that has been translated) or the process (the act of

producingthe translation, otherwise known as translating).The process of translation

betweentwo different written languages involves the translator changing an original

written text (thesource text or ST) in the original verbal language (the source

language or SL) into awritten text (the target text or TT) in a different verbal

language (the target language orTL).

According to JiříLevý (Venutti: 2000, 148), translation is a process of

communication: the objective of translating is to impart the knowledge of the

original to the foreign reader. He also states, “From the point of view of the working

situation of the translator at any moment of his work (that is from the pragmatic point

of view), translating is a DECISION PROCESS: a series of a certain number of

consecutive situations – moves, as in a game – situations imposing on the translator

the necessity of choosing among certain (and very often exactly definable) number of


2.2. Process of Translation

Process is a several activities that is purposely done. Translation process can

be defined as a several activities which is done by a translator when he transfers the

meaning of ideas or informations from source language into target language.

Translation process can also be defined as a certain system in tranlation activity.


mistake in one stage can bring another mistake in the next stages. And if that happen,

the translation product will contain of tranlation error.

There are 3 stages in translation process , they are (1) analyze the source

language text, (2) Transeferring ideas or information, (3) restructuring

(Suryawininata in Nababan, 2000:25). As it described in this diagram below:

Diagram 1. Translation Process (Suryawininata in Nababan, 2000:25)

1. Analyzing Source Text

Every single translation activity always started with analyzing the source text

(ST). Analyzing ST is done by reading the ST in order to gain and comprehend the

ideas from the text.The ideas comprehension incoherence with the linguistics and

extra-linguistics elements which exist in the text.Linguistics elements refer to the

elements which deal with language and the extra-linguistics elements refer to the


In analyzing the linguistics elements, the text was analyzed at all level such

as in the level of sentence, clause, phrase and word. By doing the translator can fully

comprehend the ideas from the ST.

2. Transferring Ideas

After the translator can comprehend the ideas and the structure of the ST,

then he can gain the meaning from the ST. The next thing to do is to transfer the

meaning from the ST into TT. In this step the translator has to find the equivalent of

the ST in TT. This process happens in the translator mind (Nababan called it as

proses batin).

3. Restructuring

The last step is restructuring. After finding the equivalent of ST, the translator

reconstruct it in the form of target language (TL) becoming TT. In this step, we must

decide what style that suits best to the text and the readers.

2.3. Types of Translation

Generally, translation is divided into two types: literal translation and

non-literal translation or free translation. Larson (1984:15) states that translation is

classified into two main types, namely form-based and meaning based translation.

Form-based translation attempts to follow the form of the Source Language and is

known as literal translation, while meaning-based translation makes every effort to

communicate the meaning of the SL text in the natural forms of the receptor


the natural form of receptor language. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound

like a translation. It sounds like it was written originally in the receptor language.

Nida and Taber (1969) classify translation into literal translation and dynamic

translation. Dynamic translation in Nida and Taber is similar with meaning-based

translation from Larson. Dynamic translationpurpose is to produce a dynamic

equivalence in the TL.Dynamic equivalence refersto the target text having the same

effect on the target text reader as the source text has on the sourcetext reader.

According to Larson (1984:17), translation also has gradation which can be

described in the diagram below:

Diagram 2: Translation Gradation by Larson

The translation is often a mixture of literal and idiomatic forms of language.

Translation then falls on a continuum from very literal to literal, to modified literal,

to near idiomatic, to idiomatic, and may fall, even more on the unduly free.

Unduly free translation is considered unacceptable translations for most

purposes. Translation is called unduly free according to the following characteristics:

a. If they add extraneous information not in the source text


c. If they distort the facts of the historical and cultural setting of the Source

Language text.

Larson (1984:17) says that sometimes unduly free translation is made for the

purposes of humor for bring about a special response from the receptor language

speaker. However, they are unacceptable as normal translation. For example:

Table 1: Example of Unduly Free Translation

English text Unduly free translation into


Unduly translation into Indonesian


I was glad

when Stepahnus, Fo


and Achaicus

arrived, because

they supplied what

was lacking from

you. For they

refreshed my spirit

and yours also. Such

men deserve


(Larson 1984:17)

It sure is good to

see Steve, Lucky

and ´Big Bam´.

They sorta make

up for your not

being here.

They´re a big

boost to both me

and you all. Let´s

give them a big

hand.” (Larson

1984:17) “GuagembiradehsiSte ve, siUntungdansiAkaikus datangsebagaipengga ntikangenguapadalu. Merekatelahmemberse mangatameguadan kalian semua.Merekapantesd apattepuktangan yang meriah.”

• The name of


Fortunatus and

Achaicus” from

the original text

had been changed

become “Steve,

Lucky and Big

bam” in English

and “Steve,

Untung and

Akaikus” in



gives extraneous

information that

doesn´t exist in the

source text.

According to Newmark (1995:45), there are eight types of translation, those


1. Word For Word translation

The SL word order is preserved and the words translated by their most

common meanings. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of this

method is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to

construe a difficult text as pre-translation process. For example:

Batak language Word for word translation into


Dang di rohakumangan Tidak di hatikumakan

Here, the accurate translation is “Akutidakberseleramakan”. By using this

method we can know the mechanics of batak language, as the SL, in telling “has

no appetite”.

2. Literal translation

The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents

but the lexical items are again translated out of context. As pre-translation

process, it indicates problems to be solved. For example:

English Indonesia


Here, the appropriate translation should be “Akumencintaimu”. By using literal

translation, we can indicate the problem that in Indonesia we usually use article

“me-” in front of a lexical verb to indicate doing something.

3. Faithful Translation

It attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the

constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It transfers cultural words and

preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical deviation from SL norms. It

attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realisation of the

SL writer. For example:


John is too well aware that he is






4. Semantic translation

It differs from faithful translation only in as far as it must take more account of

the aesthetic value of the SL text, compromising on meaning where appropriate

so that no assonance, word play or repetition jars in the finished version. It does

not rely on cultural equivalence and makes very small concessions to the

readership. While `faithful´ translation is dogmatic, semantic translation is more

flexible. For example:



Dia (laki-laki) adalah orang yang suka sekali membaca.

Book-worm translated flexibelly appropriate with culture context and functional

restriction that accepted in target language. But translated above appropriate

less and have to translated become “Dia seorang kutu buku”.

5. Communicative translation

It attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way

that both language and content are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the

readership. For example:


I would admit that I am wrong

I will admit that I am wrong






For native English speaker two sentences above will have difference effect, the

differences is the employing words “would and” will, the first sentence indicate

that someone desire to do something and the word “will” in second sentences

indicate that activities will be done by subject of the sentence. Remember in this

case tenses is not influence the meaning of the sentence.

6. Idiomatic translation

It reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning



What are you doing?


Lagi ngapain?

Idiomatic translation produces a translation that sound natural. Therefore,

sometimes it even sounds like it is not even a translation.

7. Free translation

It reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of

the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original. For



How they live on what he makes?



8. Adaptation

This is the freest form of translation mainly used for plays and poetry: themes/

characters/ plots preserved, SL culture converted to TL culture & text is

rewritten. For example:


Yang aku cari hanyalah cinta

Hanya cinta yang tak terganti

Yang aku mau hanyalah cinta

Hanyalah cinta yang ku beri


All I´m looking for is only love

There is only love that I need

What I´m looking for is only love


Yang selalu ku tunggu hanyalah


Hanya cinta yang tak terganti

Yang aku nanti hanyalah cinta

Hanyalah cinta yang abadi

Nothing is worth fighting only


There is only love that makes me


Nothing is worth living only love

There is only love that makes me


Here, we can see the translation of Anggun C. Sasmi song “hanyacinta” into

“Only Love”, the English version. But the translation does not exactly transfer

the same idea but still have equivalent aim.

2.4. Procedures of Translation

According to Vinay and Dalbernet (in Venuti, 2000:84), at first different

methods or procedures seem to be countless, but they can be condensed to just seven,

each one corresponding to a higher degree of complexity. In practice, they may be

used either on their own or combined with one or more of the others.

2.4.1. Direct and Oblique Translation

Generally speaking, translator can choose from two methods of translating,

namely direct, or literal translation and oblique translation. In some translation task it

may be possible to transpose the source language message element by element into

the target language. But translator may also notice gaps, or “lacunae”, in the target

language (TL) which must be filled by corresponding elements, so that the overall


It may, however, also happen that, because of structural or metalinguistic

differences, certain stylistic effect cannot be transposed into TL without upsetting the

syntactic order, or even the lexis. In this case it is understood that more complex

methods have to be used: these procedures are called oblique translation methods. In

the listing follows, the first three procedures are direct and the others are oblique.

Procedure 1: Borrowing

To overcome a lacuna, borrowing is the simplest of all translation methods.

For instance, in order to introduce the flavour of the source language (SL) culture

into a translation, foreign terms may be used, e.g. such Russian words as “roubles”,

“datchas”, and “apparatchik”, “dollars” and “party” from American English,

Mexican Spanish food names “tequila” and “tortillas”, and so on.

Some well-established, mainly older borrowings are widely used that they are

no longer considered as such and have become a part of the respective TL lexicon.

For example, in English such words as “menu”, “carburetor”, “hangar”, “chic” and

expression like “déjà vu”, “enfant terrible” and “rendez-yous” are no longer

considered to be borrowings.

The decision to borrow a SL word or expression for introducing an element

of local colour is a matter of style and consequently of the message.

Procedure 2: Calque

A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an

expression form of another, but then translates literally each of its elements. The


i. a lexical calque, as in the first example, below, i.e. a calque which respects

the syntactic structure of the TL, whilst introducing a new mode of

expressions; or

ii. a structural calque, as in the second example, below, which introduces a new

construction into the language, e.g.:

English Indonesian calque

Governor general GubernurJendral

Science-fiction Science-fiction

As with borrowings, there are many fixed calques which, after a period of

time, become an integral part of the language. These too like borrowings, may have

undergone a semantic change, turning them into faux amis.

Procedure 3: Literal translation

Literal, or word for word, translation is the direct transfer of a SL text into a

grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text in which translators´ task is

limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL.

I go to school every day.

Nak kemane?

Wo ai ni.


Mau kemana?


In principle, a literal translation is a unique solution which is reversible and

complete in itself. It is most common when translating between two languages of the

same family (e.g. between French and Italian), and even more so when they also

share the same culture.

If, after trying the first three procedures, translators regard a literal translation

unacceptable, they must turn to the methods of oblique translation. By unacceptable

we mean that the message, when translated literally

i. gives another meaning, or

ii. has no meaning, or

iii. is structurally impossible, or

iv. does not have a corresponding expression within the metalinguistic

experience of the TL, or

v. has a corresponding expression, but not within the same register.

Procedure 4: Transposition

The method called transposition involves replacing one word class with

another without changing the meaning of the message. Transposition can be divided

into two types: (1) obligatory transposition, and (2) optional transposition.

The following example has to be translated literally (procedure 3), but must

also be transposed (procedure 4):

Dès son lever… As soon as he gets/got up…

As soon as he gets up Dès son lever…


In this example, the English allows no choice between the forms, the base

form being the only one possible. Inversely, however, when translating back into

French, we have the choice between applying a calque or a transposition, because

French permits either construction.

Procedure 5: Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in

the point of view. This change can be justified when, although a literal, or even

transposed, translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered

unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL.


It´s not even expensive…

It´s not difficult actually…




Procedure 6: Equivalence

We have repeatedly stressed that one and the same situation can be rendered

by two texts using completely different stylistic and structural methods. In such cases

we are dealing with method which produces equivalent texts. The classical example

of equivalence is given by the reaction of amateur who accidentally hits his finger


Aduh!”, but if he were English this would be interpreted as “Ouch!”. Another

striking case of equivalences are the many onomatopoeia of animal sounds, e.g.:

kukuruyuk cock-a-doodle-do

meong miaow

guk woof

These simple examples illustrate a particular feature of equivalences: more

often than not they are of a syntagmatic nature, and affect the whole of the message.

As a result, most equivalences are fixed, and belong to a phraseological repertoire of

idioms, clichés, proverbs, nominal or adjectival phrases, etc.

Procedure 7: Adaptation

Adaptation is used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to

by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such cases translators have to

create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. Adaptation can,

therefore, be described as a special kind of equivalence, a situational equivalence.

For example:





In England they do not know the culture of “mudik” in Ramadhan. Ramadhan is a

month when the moslems in Indonesia are fasting and they usually go back to their

home town to see their family and relatives, that tradition is called “mudik”.



According to Baker and Saldanha, subtitling is counted as the audiovisual

translation. They divide translation into four types; literary translation, audiovisual

translation, scientific translation and technical translation.


mlid=eXsDckV5GuMC&redir_esc=y/ (Accessed on January 10th 2014)

Literary translation is the translation of the literary works.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ literary_translation/ (Accessed on January 10th 2014).

Scientific translation is the translation of the terms in the field of scients and

technology of all kinds (Ghazzala, 1995:75). Technical translation is a type of

specialized translation involving the

http:// en. wikipedia.org/wiki/

Technical_translation/(Accessed on January 10th 2014). Audiovisual is the

translation of any material in audio, visual or audiovisual format. The four major

aspects that are included in this section are subtitling, dubbing, software localization

and multimedia, and audio description (Luyken, 1991:153–165).

Subtitle as branch of audiovisual translation is textual versions of the dialog or

commentary in films, television programs, video games, usually displayed at the

bottom of the screen.They can either be a form of written translation of a dialog in a

foreign language, or a written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or


the dialog, or people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue or who have accent

recognition problems. http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/subtitle/ (Accessed on January,

19th 2014; 04:39 PM).

2.5.1. Types of Subtitling

Henrik Gottlieb (Mona Baker, 2001:247) distinguishes subtitling into two

types; intralingual subtitling and interlingual subtitling.

Intralingual subtitling is vertical, in the sense that involves taking speech down

in writing, changing mode but not language. This includes

• Subtitling of domestic programmes for Deaf and hard of hearing

• Subtitling of foreign-language programmes for language learners.

Interlingual subtitling is diagonal, in the sense that the subtitler crosses over

from speech in one language to writing in another, thus changing mode and language.

2.5.2. Subtitle Rules

William (2009:7-10), Senior Content Producer BBC listed rules in making

standard subtitle for movie screen:

1. Subtitles must be on screen for long enough to be read by a deaf or hard-of- hearing

viewer who will also be trying to take in other visual information at the same time.

1. A short and familiar word or phrase - 1.12 to 2 seconds.

e.g.: Hello .


2. Up to half a line - 2 to 2.12 seconds.

e.g.: Where do you live?

or: See you tomorrow.

3. One line - 2.12 to 3 seconds.

e.g.: How long will it take us to go home?

or: He´s got a real headache.

4. One line and a little bit - 3.12 seconds.

e.g.: How long will it take Johanna to go


5. Up to one and a half lines - 4 to 4.12 seconds.

e.g.: It is important to tell her about

the decision we made.

6. Two lines - 5 to 6 seconds.

e.g.: I think it would be a very good idea

to keep dangerous dogs on a leash.

7. Two lines and a little bit - 6.12 seconds.

e.g.: How long will it take the whole cast

to come home by taxi to Duals, North


8. Two and a half lines - 7 seconds.

e.g.: The best thing about going abroad is

that you don´t have to put up with

the British weather .

9. Three lines - 7.12 to 8 seconds.

e.g.: What will the City do about the Tory

Government´s humiliating defeat

in the House of Commons last night?

2. In both live and pre-recorded subtitling, timings are intended to be flexible. The

standard timings shown in the Appendix are intended to provide general guidelines.

3. It is crucial that subtitles are displayed for a sufficient length of time for viewers to

read them. The subtitle presentation rate for pre-recorded programmes should not

normally exceed 140 words per minute. In exceptional circumstances, for example

in the case of add-ons, the higher rate of 180 words per minute is permitted.

4. To ensure both legibility and readability, the maximum for subtitle text should be

roughly 32 or 34 characters per line.

5. Lines should be broken at logical points. The ideal line-break will be at a piece of

punctuation like a full stop, comma or dash. If the break has to be elsewhere in the

sentence, avoid splitting the following parts of speech

6. Good line-breaks are extremely important because they make the process of reading

and understanding far easier. However, it is not always possible to produce good


mutually exclusive, then well edited text and timing are more important than


7. If the text will fit on one line, do not rearrange it on to two lines. One line takes less

time to read than two short lines and it causes less disruption to the picture.

Similarly, do not rearrange two lines of text on to three lines, unless there is a very

bad line-break between lines 1 and 2.



An idiom is a phrase whose meaning is difficult or sometimes impossible to

guess by looking at the meaning of the individual words it contains (Oxford

Advanced Learner´s Dictionary, 2000: B12). Another Linguist such Seidl and

McMordie define, idiom as a number of words which, when taken together have

different meaning from the original meaning of each word (1988: 13). According to

Wren and Martin (1990:312), “Idioms may be defined as expression peculiar to a

language”. They also states, “Many verbs, when followed by various prepositions, or

adverbs, acquire and idiomatic sense”. Some examples:

a. He backed up

“back up” here means supported. his friend´s claim.

b. He broke down

“broke down” here means failed.

in the middle of his speech.

c. Call in a doctor a doctor immediately.

“call in” means summon or send for.

Since idiom has different meaning from the original meaning of each word


feelings. Wren and Martin in their book, High School English Grammar &

Composition, states “The student who studies the following selection of English

idioms will notice that metaphor enters largely into idiomatic phraseology”. Then we

can say some idioms are imaginative expressions such as proverbs and sayings. For


a. I found the job difficult at first. But we were all in the same boat; we were all


Here, be in the same boat means ´to be in the same difficult or unfortunate situation´.

b. Hang in there!

´Hang in there´ here, does not mean to command someone to hang on

something, it is used to encourage somebody in a difficult situation.

c. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

This is a proverb that means ´if too many people are involved in something, it




3.1. Research Design

In this study, qualitative method is used because the data which is analyzed is

explained descriptively. The data that will be analyzed are in the form of phrase and

clause. Djajasudarma (2006: 11) states, “Metodologi kualitatif merupakan prosedur

yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data tertulis atau lisan di masyarakat

bahasa”. (Qualitative methodology is a procedure that produces descriptive data in

the form of written or oral language in society). He also says, “Data yang

dikumpulkan bukanlah angka – angka, dapat berupa kata – kata atau gambaran

sesuatu. Hal tersebut sebagai akibat dari metode kualitatif. Ciri ini merupakan ciri

yang sejalan dengan penamaan kualitatif. Deskripsi merupakan gambaran ciri – ciri

data secara akurat sesuai dengan sifat alamiah itu sendiri”(Djajasudarma, 2006:

16).(The collected data is not numbers, it can be words or description of something.

This is as a result of qualitative methods. This feature is consistent with the

qualitative naming. Description is the accurate overview of the data´s features itself)

3.2. Data and Source Data

The data for this study are taken from “The Hobbits: An Unexpected

Journey” Movie that release in 2012. This study focused on the subtitle of English


3.3. Data Collecting Method

After watching the movie, the dialogue and its subtitle in Indonesian are

selected as the main source data. From the main source data, this analysis aims to

find the English idiomatic phraseology and its subtitle in Indonesian as the data to be

analyzed. Then the data will be displayed and analyzed as using content analysis.

3.4. Data Analysis Method

Three steps are applied in analyzing the data. Miles and Huberman (in

Silalahi, 2012: 77) states, “Komponen utama proses analisis dalam penelitian ini

adalah: (1) reduksi data, (2) sajian data, (3) penarikan simpulan atau verifikasi”.

First, the research starts by collecting the data. Here, in this study the data

collection done by watching the movie and then write down the script of the dialogue

and its subtitle in Indonesian.

After collecting the data, reduction is done by reading the material

comprehensively and then identifying the English idiomatic phraseology and its

subtitle in Indonesian. Then the data are displayed. If data collection and reduction

are done, conclusion and verification can be made depends on the data display.

In analyzing the data, Vinay and Dalbernet theory (Venuti, 2000:84) is used

in order to find out the procedures applied in translating English idiomatic


3.5. Data Percentage

In order to support the research and to figure ot the most technique of

translation occurred in the user´s guide, this thesis is going to apply a formula

referring to ´Educational Statistic´, Butler (1985). Following is the formula calculating

the percentage of the data.

Table 2: Educational Statistic

X : Number of subcategory of kind of translation technique

Y : Number of all data

N : The percentage of subcategory of translation technique

Xx 100% = N




4.1. Data Analysis

As stated in chapter two, idiom can be defined as a number of words which,

when taken together have different meaning from the individual meaning of each

word (Seidl and McMordie, 1988:13). That is why, idioms, are said, have some

figurative meanings, since the meanings of idioms are different from the original

meaning of each word.

In this research, there are 134 idioms were found. And based on the theory of

Vinay and Dalbernet, there are 3 procedures occured in subtitling idioms in “The

Hobbit” movie. The most dominant procedure is equivalence with 130 (97.01%)

occurences, then adaptation with 3 (2.24%) occurences and literal translation with 1

(0.75%) occurences.

4.1.1. Identifying The Translation Procedure

After collecting the data, the next step is to identify the procedures that being

used in subtitling the English idioms based on Vinay and Dalbernet theory. The data

identification are shown in the table below:

Table 3: Data Identification


English Idioms

Indonesian Subtitle



2 His eye was set on another prize.

Matanya tertuju pada hadiah

lain Equivalence

3 Run for your lives selamatkan diri kalian Equivalence 4 Keep your sticky paws off Singkirkan tanganmu. Equivalence

5 What on earth are these? Apa ini? Adaptation

6 Good gracious Astaga Equivalence


Except for the Sackville-Bagginses who are demanding you ask them in person.

Kecuali Sackville-Baggins, yang memintamu mengundang

mereka secara langsung.


8 Over my dead body Langkahi dulu mayatku. Equivalence 9 What on earth are you doing Apa yang kau lakukan ? Adaptation 10 Taking precautions Berjaga-jaga. Equivalence 11

You know I caught her

making off with the silverware once.

Aku pernah memergokinya

membawa kabur perabotan



12 Make sure you keep an eye

on her Pastikan kau mengawasinya Equivalence

13 He wouldn´t miss a chance to

let off his Whizpoppers.

Dia tak akan melewatkan

kesempatan untuk menyalakan



14 He doesn´t approve of being

late. Dia tak suka keterlambatan Equivalence

15 In those days, I was always on


Pada masa itu, aku selalu tepat

waktu Equivalence

16 I´m looking for someone to share in an adventure

Aku mencari orang untuk melakukan untuk melakukan petulangan bersamaku.


17 Dwalin, at your service Dwalin, aku siap membantumu Equivalence 18 Help yourself Ambil saja sendiri. Equivalence 19 By my beard, you´re shorter

and wider than last we met

Sumpah, Kau lebih pendek dan lebih lebar dari saat terakhir kita bertemu


20 Now, fill it up brother, don´t

stint Isi yang penuh, jangan pelit Equivalence

21 Come on, give us a hand Ayo, bantu kami Equivalence 22 Get off you big lump! Bangun kau, gendut ! Equivalence

23 Mind out Harap minggir Equivalence

24 My dear Bilbo, what on earth

is the matter? Bilbo, kenapa denganmu ? Adaptation

25 I don´t want to get used to


26 I lost my way Aku tersesat Equivalence 27 I fail to see why that´s


aku tak melihat apa

hubungannya Equivalence

28 let us have a little more light. mari kita merangkum

keadaannya Equivalence

29 I´m up for it Aku siap untuk itu Equivalence 30 Give us a number beri kami angkanya Literal


31 Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours?

Jadi kita diam saja selagi yang

lain mengambil milik kita? Equivalence

32 There´s a lot more to him

than appearances suggest

Dia punya kemampuan lebih

ketimbang penampilannya Equivalence

33 We will do it your way Kami akan mengikuti

pendapatmu Equivalence

34 He´ll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye

Smaug akan membuatmu

hangus terbakar dalam sekejap



35 Who would stay up late Yang suka begadang Equivalence 36 I can´t just go running off

into the blue.

Aku tak bisa lari menghilang

begitu saja. Equivalence


He swung his club so hard, it

knocked the Goblin king´s head clean off.

Dia ayunkan tongkatnya begitu

keras hingga memutuskan

kepala Raja Goblin


38 I do believe you made that

up Aku yakin kau mengarangnya Equivalence

39 Hardly the stuff of legend Jelas bukan orang hebat Equivalence 40 For when I called upon them,

they answered.

Karena waktu kupanggil,

mereka menjawab. Equivalence

41 We will see it done Kita akan pastikan itu berhasil Equivalence 42 I can keep up on foot aku bisa mengikuti dengan

jalan kaki saja Equivalence

43 they took wagers on whether or not you´d turn up

Mereka bertaruh soal apakah

kau akan muncul. Equivalence

44 We have to turn around Kita harus berbalik Equivalence

45 Move on. Ayo jalan Equivalence

46 Throat cutters. Pembunuh kejam Equivalence

47 The giant Gundabad Orc wipe

out the line of Durin.

Orc gunung Gundabad

berbadan besar itu bersumpah

untuk memusnahkan semua

keturunan Durin.


48 Our forces rallied and drove

the Orcs back.

Pasukan kami menghimpun

kekuatan dan memaksa Orc

untuk mundur


49 He slunk back into the hole

whence he came

Dia mundur kembali ketempat

asalnya Equivalence

50 He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands

Dia terus mengawasi Hutan

yang luas Equivalence

51 Move back! Mundurlah ! Equivalence

52 Give him some air for

goodness sake.

Beri dia ruang untuk bernapas

! Equivalence

53 Fili, Kili, look after the

ponies Fili, Kili, jaga kuda-kuda itu. Equivalence 54 Get a fire going Nyalakan apinya Equivalence 55

I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past

Kuberikan peta dan kunci

padamu bukan agar kau selalu

ingat masa lalu.


56 I´ve had enough of Dwarves for one day.

Aku sudah muak dengan

Kurcaci untuk hari ini Equivalence

57 Here, do us a favor Bantu kami Equivalence 58

As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it

Sebagai Pencuri kita, sebaiknya

kau selidiki itu Equivalence

59 Stay down. Merunduklah. Equivalence

60 Shut your cakehole Diamlah Equivalence

61 Look what´s come out of me hooter

Bert, lihat apa yang keluar dari

hidungku Equivalence

62 Lay down your arms or we´ll

rip his off

Letakkan senjata kalian atau

kami cabut tangannya. Equivalence

63 What a load of rubbish. Itu omong kosong! Equivalence 64 You think I don´t know what

you´re up to?

Pikirmu aku tak tahu apa

rencanamu ? Equivalence

65 This little ferret is taking us

for fools

Musang kecil ini menganggap

kita bisa ditipu ! Equivalence

66 Get your foot out of my


Jangan menginjak

punggungku. Equivalence

67 Still they´re all in one piece Tapi mereka masih hidup Equivalence 68 He had the nous to play for


Dia pintar dalam

mengulur-ulur waktu. Equivalence

69 Seems a shame just to leave

it lying around.

Sayang sekali semua ini

dibiarkan begitu saja. Equivalence

70 Set it down Letakkan itu. Equivalence

71 Arm yourselves! Siapkan senjata kalian ! Equivalence 72 Just give me a minute Beri aku waktu sebentar Equivalence 73 A darkness has fallen over it Kegelapan sedang


74 What in Durin´s name is

going on?

Atas nama Durin, apa yang

terjadi ? Equivalence

75 We have to get out of here. Kita harus pergi dari sini. Equivalence 76 I´ll draw them off. Akan kukecoh mereka Equivalence 77 They will outrun you. Mereka lebih cepat darimu. Equivalence 78 Hold your ground! Tetaplah di posisi kalian! Equivalence 79 This was your plan all along Ini rencanamu selama ini. Equivalence 80

The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself.

Satu-satunya musuh yang kau

temukan di lembah ini adalah dirimu sendiri


81 Which is why you will leave

the talking to me

Itu sebabnya kau akan

membiarkanku bicara Equivalence

82 Stay sharp Tetaplah waspada Equivalence

83 Close ranks! Rapatkan barisan! Equivalence

84 Something or someone has

drawn them near

Ada sesuatu atau seseorang

yang menarik mereka untuk



85 May it serve you well Semoga itu berguna bagimu . Equivalence 86 For goodness sake, Thorin,

show him the map.

Yang benar saja, Thorin,

Tunjukkan peta itu padanya. Equivalence

87 lt would seem you were

meant to come to Rivendell.

Tampaknya kau ditakdirkan

untuk datang ke Rivendell. Equivalence

88 This is ill news. Ini kabar buruk. Equivalence 89

With or without our help these Dwarves will march on the mountain.

Dengan atau tanpa bantuan kita, Para Kurcaci itu akan

tetap pergi ke Gunung.


90 I had no idea Lord Elrond had

sent for you.

Aku tak tahu kenapa Lord

Elrond memanggilmu Equivalence


We can remain blind to it but it will not be ignoring us that I can promise you.

Kita bisa mengabaikannya, tapi

dia tak mengabaikan kita, kupastikan itu.


92 A sickness lies over the Greenwood

Kejahatan terjadi di

Greenwood. Equivalence

93 A powerful spell lies upon those tombs.

Mantra kuat telah diucapkan di

atas makam itu. Equivalence

94 Be on your guard Waspadalah Equivalence

95 We´re about to step overthe

Edge of the Wild

Kita berada di batas daerah liar

sekarang Equivalence

96 Lead on Pimpin di depan. Equivalence



But I fear this quest has set in motion forces we do not yet understand

Tapi aku khawatir upaya

pencarian ini telah memicu

kekuatan yang belum kita pahami.



Something moves in the shadows unseen hidden from our sight

Sesuatu bergerak di balik

bayangan tak terlihat, tersembunyi dari pandangan kita


100 Hold on! Bertahanlah ! Equivalence

101 Look out! Awas ! Equivalence

102 Hold on! Pegangan Equivalence

103 Well, bless me. Yang benar saja. Equivalence 104 Take cover, you fool! Berlindung, bodoh ! Equivalence

105 Get off! Menyingkir! Equivalence

106 Up you get Naiklah Equivalence

107 Let´s get a fire started mari kita nyalakan apinya Equivalence 108 We start at first light. Kita jalan saat fajar tiba. Equivalence 109 Bofur, take the first watch. Bofur, kau yang jaga pertama Equivalence 110 you can´t turn back now kau tak bisa kembali sekarang Equivalence 111 You´re homesick Kau rindu pada rumah Equivalence 112 You´re used to this life. Kalian terbiasa dengan

kehidupan seperti ini. Equivalence

113 Wake up! Bangun ! Equivalence

114 Get away Enyah dariku ! Equivalence

115 Get back! Mundur ! Equivalence

116 You´ll pay for this! Akan kubalas kau! Equivalence 117 Get your hands off me! Enyah tanganmu dariku ! Equivalence

118 Get off me! Enyah dariku! Equivalence

119 Send word to the pale Orc Kirim kabar ke Orc pucat. Equivalence 120 The cold hard lands, they

bites our hands

Lingkungan yang keras bagai

mengigit tangan kita Equivalence

121 Stay back Mundur. Equivalence

122 keep your distance! Enyah kau ! Equivalence 123

Just show me the way to get out of here and I´ll be on my way

Tunjukkan saja jalan keluar

dari sini dan aku akan pergi. Equivalence

124 Shut up! Diam ! Equivalence

125 Finish him off Habisi dia Equivalence

126 Do you give up? Kau menyerah ? Equivalence

127 Time´s up. Waktunya habis. Equivalence


131 I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us.

Kurasa aku melihatnya

menyelinap saat mereka pertama kali menangkap kita


132 We´d given you up. Kami telah merelakanmu pergi. Equivalence 133 Out of the frying pan. And

into the fire

Kita telah keluar dari kesulitan. Tapi masuk ke kesulitan lain yang lebih besar.


134 Up into the trees! Naik ke atas pohon! Equivalence

4.1.2. Classifying and Analyzing The Data Based on The Translation Procedure

The next step, after the data are identified, is the data will be classified and

given brief explanation about the procedures that being used in subtitling the idioms. Adaptation

Adaptation is used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to

by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such cases translators have to

create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. Adaptation can,

therefore, be described as a special kind of equivalence, a situational equivalence

(Vinay and Dalbernet in Venuti, 2000: 90 – 92).

Data Analysis:


Table 1: Example of Unduly Free Translation
Table 4 : Table of Translation Procedures


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