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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



NIM 113-12-067







Life is not about taking from the others, but is how much your being

helpful to others




This graduating paper is proudly dedicated to:

1. My beloved Father (Sumali) and Mother (Kibtiyah) who give me any

support and the best education. You are the best parents in the world.

2. My big family, my brother and sister (Miftaqurrochman, Muhammad

Gufron, Faridotus Sholichah).

3. My beloved friends who always support me (Rahmawati, Riyo, Miftah,

Agus, Fajar, Frian) you are the best friends I have.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Lord of

universe. The writer would like to express the gratefulness to Allah SWT for His

blessing, chance, and guidance to finish this graduating paper as one of the

requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty at the State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga in 2017. Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved

prophet Muhammad SAW as the best human’s model in the world and who has

guided us to be the righteous human.

This research would not have been completed without supports, guidance,

advice, and help from individual’s institution. Therefore, the writer would like to

express deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of the English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga and as

the writer’s counselor who has educated, guided, supported and given

advice, suggestion and recommendation for this graduating paper from

beginning until the end. Thank you so much for your patience, sincerity,



4. All lecturers of IAIN Salatiga especially the lectures of English

Department who have educated the writer.

5. All of staff of IAIN Salatiga who have helped the writer in processing the

research administration.

8. All of my friends TBI 2012, thank you for everything.

9. All of the people who have helped the writer that the writer cannot be

mention one by one. Thanks for your support, praying and kindness.

Salatiga, March 2th


The writer




Arifah, Khafidlatul. 2017. A Semantic Analysis on Notice and Caution in the

Public Places. A Graduating Paper. English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

Key words: Semantic, Types of Meaning, Symbol and Sign, Notice and Caution.











A. Definition of Semantics... 7

B. Types of Meaning ... 8



2. Connotative Meaning ... 9

3. Stylistic Meaning ... 10

4. Affective Meaning ... 11

5. Reflected Meaning ... 12

6. Collocative Meaning ... 13

7. Thematic Meaning ... 13

C. Symbol and Signs ... 14

D. Notice and Caution ... 15

1. Notice ... 16

2. Caution ... 17

3. Double-Meaning Sign in Notice and Caution ... 19


A. Type of the Research ... 20

A. Meaning of Symbol and Sign in Notice and Caution ... 28




A. Conclusions ... 50 B. Suggestions ... 51






1. Figure 4.1 The Percentage of Notice and Caution ... 29

2. Figure 4.2 The Distribution of Three Types of Meaning ... 44

3. Table 2.1 Examples of Conceptual Meaning ... 9

4. Table 2.2 Several Dimensions of Stylistic Meaning ... 11

5. Table 2.3 Three Aspects of Sign ... 14

6. Table 3.1. Codes Used in the Data ... 24

7. Table 3.2 Complete Abbreviation of each Code ... 26

8. Table 4.1 Distribution of Notice and Caution ... 28

9. Table 4.2 Double – Meaning Sign ... 38




A. Background of the Study

Language is a means of social communication. People use

communication to have a relation with the other. They use language to deliver

meaning and aim of communication. Beside that, meaning is one important thing

in a language. The entire thing that human communicate using languages have a

meaning. That is a reason why they understand the messages stored in a

communication.De Sausure (1974:114, cited by Soeparno, 2002:1) argues that:

Language is an alloy of two elements, there are signifie and signifiant. Signifie is the elements of language behind the sign which is a concept by the speakers. We called meaning. Signifiant is the language physical form or sign of utter.

Parera (2004:6) also says that in a language, meaning is the important

one to the speaker and hearer that have to understand. Leech (1974:10)divides

seven types of meaning, they are: Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning,

Stylistic Meaning, Affective Meaning, Reflected Meaning, Collocative Meaning,

Thematic Meaning.

In the study of language, acquiring the message is the important thing


2 meaning. According to Kreidler (2002:2),there are three disciplines concerning

with the systematic study of meaning: psychology, philosophy, and linguistics.

From the three disciplines of systematic study, linguistics is the most

direct study in a language. In linguistic study, semantics is branch of linguistics

that studies about the meaning.

Palmer (1981:1) argues that Semantics is the technical term used to

refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is a part of language, semantics

is a part of linguistics.Similarly, Kreidler (2002:19) also says that Semantics is

the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic semantics is the study of how

languages organize and express meaning.

The specific features in semantics beginning with observation about

non-linguistics signs and how to get meanings from them. According to Kreidler

(2002:19), “a language is a system of symbol through which people communicate.” On the other hand, notice and caution are the example of human

deliberate sign creation.

Sometimes we are unaware that we often found some signs showing

notice and caution.We found that in the public places such asairport, train station,

supermarket, hospital, school, university, gas station, and high way.By that case

the writer is interested to do research to found the message stored the signwith




3 B. Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on the analysis of notice and caution.Notice and

caution consist of word, phrase, clause, and sign which describe a ban.According

to Kreidler (2002:20) human produces not only single symbols but system of

symbol.The writer limits this study by looking at the signal word in public place

such as airport, train station, supermarket, hospital, school, university, gas station

and high way. The places that the writer observes are around of Central Java

especially in Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta.

C. Problem Questions

Based on the background of the study, the writer has some questions

that are mentioned as below:

1. What is the meaning of symbol and sign in notice and caution?

2. What is the types of meaning are involved in the notice and caution?

D. Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the problems above, the objectives of this study


1. To find out the meaning of symbol and sign in notice and caution.

2. To find out the types of meaning are involved in the notice and caution.

E. Benefits of the Study

This study has some benefit impact for the lectures, university



1. Lecturer

This research can develop the lecturer’s perception about notice and


2. University Students

The students get more understanding about notice and caution from

the results of this study.

3. Other writers

This research can give more information about semantic on notice

and caution for the next writers who will discuss about related study.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

There are some key terms in this paper, the writer wants to clarify the

meaning shortly, some key terms are defined as listed bellow:

1. Analysis

According to Hornby (1974:79) analysis is a separation into parts

possibility with comment and judgment.


5 Notice is a sign or printed statement that gives information or warning

to people (Summers, 2003:1308).

4. Caution

Caution is a warning or piece of advice telling you to be careful

(Summers, 2003:275).

G. Graduating Paper Organization

This graduating paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter discuses

the sub division as follows.

Chapter I : Introduction that includes Background of the

Study, Limitation of the Study,Problem Question,

Objectives of the Study, Benefits of the Study,

Definition of Key Terms, and Graduating Paper


Chapter II : Review of related Theories such as theoretical

foundation which includes the meaning of Semantics,

Types of Meaning, Symbol and Sign, Notice and


Chapter III : Research Method. This Chapter describes Type of

Research, Object of Research, Data Source, Method of

Collecting Data, and Technique of Data Analysis.


6 research finding.

Chapter V : Closure which consists of Conclusion and

Suggestion. The last part is References and




Chapter II describes definition of some theories which are related to the

topic of this study. The writer discuses the Semantics, Types of Meaning, Symbols

and Signs, Notice and Caution.

A. Definition of Semantics

In the study of meaning, there are many definitions about semantics,

(Leech, 1974; Palmer, 1981; and Kreidler, 2004).Leech (1974:1), Palmer

(1981:1), and Kreidler (2004:4) have defined semantics as the study of meaning.

In more specific definition, Kreidler uses the term systematic to define the study

of meaning. It is systematic because it discuses about how languages organize

and express linguistic semantics which shows meanings.

From Kreidler’s definition, there arise questions about how linguistic

semantics can organize meaning? And how it can express meaning? Kreidler

explains that, it concerns about describing how such elements go together to

express more complex meanings, in phrases like the unhappy painter and

sentences like the painter is unhappy, it is tells how these are related to each


8 B. Types of Meaning

Leech (1974:10) divides seven types of meaning.Each typehas a

different way to interpret word or sentence. The seven types of meaning are;

Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning, Stylistic Meaning, Affective

Meaning, Reflected Meaning, Collocative Meaning, and Thematic Meaning. The

writer discusses each meaning in the following section:

1. Conceptual Meaning

Conceptual meaning (sometimes called denotative or cognitive

meaning) is widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistic

communication. Leech (1974:11) states that“establish conceptual meaning as

a complex and sophisticated organization.”

It is to be a complex and sophisticated organization because, it may

be compared with, and cross related to similar organization on the syntactic

and phonological levels of language.

For example in the conceptual meanings of a language seem to be

organized largely in terms of contrastive features (phonological).

Table 2.1 Examples of conceptual meaning

Female Male Adult

Woman + - +


9 The second principle, that the constituent structure (syntactical) is

the principle by which larger linguistic units are built up out of smaller units.

For example we are able to analyses a sentence syntacticallyinto its

constituent parts, moving from immediate constituents through a hierarchy of

sub-division to its ultimate constituents or smallest syntactic elements.

Leech (1974:13) argues that “Conceptual meaning is an inextricable

and essential part of what language is, like we can not define language

without it.” It meansconceptual meaning is an important part of language.

2. Connotative Meaning

The definition of connotative meaning can be understood from the

opposite of conceptual meaning.Leech (1974:14) argues that “connotative

meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it

refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content.”

He explains the definition of connotative meaning using the same

example with conceptual meaning.The word ‘woman’ is defining

conceptually by three features (+Human, -Male, +Adult). On the other hand,

the word ‘woman’ may have connotative meaning; in giving the connotative

meaning we do not only look at the physical characteristic. For example ‘woman having a womb’, but we should also look at the psychological and


10 3. Stylistic Meaning

Leech (1974:16) defines that the definition of stylistic meaning is

that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstance of its

use. It means that stylistic meaning has a relation with how people choose the

language style according to various social factors.

Leech (1974:16) also states stylistic meaning is used when we

recognize various pronunciation of a word based on the speaker’s region

origin or based on their social status. Also, how a speaker chooses a word to a

specific hearer which might be based on the informality of the situation or

based on different status.

How stylistic meanings are various can be seen from several

dimensions as Leech (1974: 16) explains in table 2.2.

Table 2.2Several dimensions of stylistic meaning

A. Relatively permanent features of style

a. INDIVIDUALTY The language of Mr. X, of Mrs. Y,

of Miss Z, etc.

b. DIALECT The language of geographical

region or of a social class


11 century, etc.


a. MEDIUM Speech, Writing, etc.

b. PARTICIPATION Monologue, Dialogue, etc.

C. Relatively temporary features of style

a. PROVINCE Language of law, of science, of

advertising, etc.

b. STATUS Polite, colloquial, slang, etc

c. MODALITY Language of memoranda, lectures,

jokes, etc.

listener, or his attitude to something he is talking about. For example:

(1)I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder if you would be so kind as to

lower your voices a little.

Example (1) shows how the speaker rebukes the listener thatcan be


12 (2)Shut up!

Example (2) shows how intonation and voice-timbre take an effect to

interpret the spoken word. The second example can

interpret growl to the listener.

5. Reflected Meaning

Leech (1974:19) explains that reflected meaning is meaning which

arisesby the speaker when they response what they see. Example:

(1) waww

(2) ah

(3) oh

(4) emm, ect.

6. Collocative Meaning

Leech (1974:20) argues thatcollocative meaning consists of the

association a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend

to occur in its environment. It looks like synonymy, so the word is only

suitable for use in pairs with a more specific word. For example:

(1) girl – pretty

(2) boy – handsome


13 (4)children – young.

7. Thematic Meaning

Leech (1974:22) has argued that thematic meaning is communicated

by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes the message in term of

ordering, focus and emphasis. Look at the example (1) and (2):

(1)Mrs. Bessie Smith donated the first prize.

(2)The first prize was donated by Mrs. Bessie Smith.

Theexample (1) shows an active sentence which has different

meaning from passive equivalent, although in conceptual content they seem to

be the same.

Certainly these have different communicative values in the different

contexts, the active sentence answer an implicit question ‘What did Mrs.

Bessie Smith donate? While the passive sentence answers an implicit question

“Who was the first donated by?

According to Leech (1974:23), thematic meaning is mainly a matter

of choice between alternative grammatical constructions, as in examples (3)

until (9):

(3)A man is waiting in the hall.

(4)There is a man waiting in the hall.

(5)They stopped at the end of the corridor.


14 (7)I like Danish cheese best.

(8)Danish cheese I like best.

(9)It’s Danish cheese that I like best.

C. Symbols and Signs

Berger (2004:5) argues that interpreters have to supply part of

meanings of signs. He says that “sign is something which stands to somebody for something in some capacity.” He focuses on three aspects of sign; they are

iconic, indexical, and symbolic dimensions.

Table 2.3 Three aspects of sign

Iconic Indexical Symbolic

Signify by Resemblance Causal connection Convention

Example Picture, statues Fire/smoke Flags

Process Can see Can figure out Must learn

One characteristic of symbol is that it is never wholly arbitrary; it is

not empty, for there is a rudiment of a natural bond between the signifier and

signified. The symbol of justice, a pair of scales, could not be replaced by just

another symbol, such as a chariot. Every sign has their own rules as there is an

agreement in its use.One type of sign that the writer investigates in this research


15 According to Leonard (1988) in Drake, Conzola, and Wolgater

(1998:289) discus warning sign as in form of signal word. Signal words areused

in warning to draw attention to the sign or label and to quickly communicate the

level of hazard. The component of signal word divided into four types

accordingthe level of hazard, they are danger, warning, caution, notice.

In this research the writer only investigate two signal words mention

by Drake, Conzola, and Wolgater. They are notice and caution.

D. Notice and Caution

The explanation of notice and caution will be divided into three

points. They are meaning of notice and the example, meaning of caution and the

example, and some examples of signs which have double meanings but have

different impact when peoplebreak them.

a. Notice

According to Summers (2003:1308),notice is a sign or printed

statement that gives information or warning to people.The printed statement

isin the form of phrases or words. The phrases or words usually do not have a


16 Picture 2.1The example of notice

The blue board shown that there is information contains of the board

intended for the visitors. A sign of worship and the word of “Mosque” show

that there is worship place for Muslim to do the daily prayer. The sign

actually has an aim to make it easier for the visitors when they will do the

pray. The board indicates that is notice seen by the aim of the sign to give

information without any dangerous impact or warning. It is clearly to give



17 An arrow pointing up shows that people have to drive straight ahead.

The phrase of “MAX 20 KM/JAM” or maximum 20 km/hours emphasize that

no one can drive more than 20 km/hours. In fact this sign does not have a

serious impact, but may be it can make a noise or disturb the others because

this sign actually found in the hospital or in a place that people need to be


However, there is actually inconsistency in this example the phrases

used in the picture should be in English as shown by the clipping “MAX” for

maximum and “20 KM”. In picture 2.2 the word “MAX” and “20 KM” is

followed by the Indonesian words “JAM” referring to hour. The writer keeps

on using this picture as an example because the meaning stated in this sign

showing a notice to inform people about something.

b. Caution

According to Summers (2003:275), caution is a warning or piece of

advice telling you to be careful. Being careful here does not only mean that

you take car of your self, but also means that may be everything that you do

can harm the others, for example the warning signs for drivers who can not

stop in every place. Otherwise, it will disturb the other highway users, and

also result in an accident.The examples of caution are shown in picture 2.3


18 Picture 2.3 Example of caution

Picture 2.3 shows that the phrase “KEEP MAGNIFIER LAMP


have to take away the magnifier lamp from the direct sunlight. This is

because a direct sunlight has a solar thermal that can burn the machine

directly. It is will be dangerous if you use the machine exposed to sunlight,

the big impact is your face will be burned immediately. This caution was

found in salon.



The phrase “SAFTY FIRST, WORK SAFLY”. This phrase have a

meaning that you have to use the safety equipments when you work. For

example you can use work helmet to safe your head, the gloves to safe your

hand, work coat to safe your body. This is because in a factory many

equipments and some things that can not be touched directly.Usually the

biggest impact is accident that resulting of the death.

c. Double - Meaning Signs in Notice and Caution

The explanation above has described about signsshowing notice or

caution.According to Drake, Conzola, Wogalter which explain about signal

words, they did not give explanation about overlapping meaning in notice and

caution.But, there are exceptions regarding a sign which has two meanings

which can be interpreted either notice or caution.In these kinds of signs, the

word or phrases are same, but the pictures of the signs are symbolized

differently. So, the writer gives the examples of double meaning in chapter




This chapter discusses five sections. They are type of research, object of

research, data source, method of collecting data, technique of data analysis. The

explanation of each section is discussed further into wide explanation.

A. Type of Research

The writer uses descriptive-qualitative research with data analysis

presented in statistic form.“Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e. phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind” (Kothari,

2004: 3). In line with Kothari, Denzim and Lincoln (1987) in Moleong (2008: 5)

define, qualitative research is a research that uses natural background for the

purpose of interpreting the phenomenon which happened and was done by

involving a variety of methods.

In this research the writer uses descriptive approach. According to

Arikunto (2010: 3), descriptive research is the study intended to investigate the

situation, condition, circumstance, events, and other activities, and the result

presented in the form of the research report.

The research report also presents statistics in the forms of table,


21 Arikunto(2010:27) states that qualitative data are turned into quantitative data

using number to help the research easier to be understand and presented, than

turn qualitative again to be drawn the conclusion, this technique called

descriptive qualitative with percentage.

This research is a descriptive-qualitative with percentage.Therefore,

the result are percentage in statistical forms such as table, percentage and chart.

B. Object of Research

The object of the research isnotice and caution which are found in the

airport, train station, supermarket, hospital, school, university, gas station, high

way, and Museumin the form of signs, words, and phrases.

Thus the data observed might be in the form of signs or picture only

without any words or phrases in the form of words or phrases without any

pictures at all, and in the form of both picture and words or phrases. However, in

this research the writer does not select them in different categories. Such

selection will be on further research potential.

C. Data Source

According to Arikunto (2010:172), data source is subject where the

data acquired. In the line with the statements, Moelong (1998) in Arikunto

(2010:22) states that data sources of qualitative research is presented in spoken or


22 be able to catch the implicit meaning on the document or thing. Data source

should be original, however if the original source is difficult to get, photocopy or

imitation is not be a problem, as long as the evidence can be acquired.

The data use in this research are signs, words, and phrases in the notice

and caution which found in the public place such as airport, train station,

supermarket, hospital, school, university, factory, gas station, high way, and

Museum. The writer does the research and get75samplesof notice and caution.

The 75 samples to be 74 samples of data reduction.Some places that the writer

visited are international airport of AdiSumarmo, Purwosari train station, Tugu

train station, Malioboro traditional market, Bringharjo traditional market,

Kensaras hospital, ArioWirawan hospital, SMPN 3 Salatiga, IAIN

Salatiga,UniversitasDiponegoro, Universitas Kristen SatyaWaca,Banyubiru gas

station, Yogyakarta Palace, Mount Merapi,Museum of Palaganand Ungaran,

Salatiga, Boyolali, Solo, Yogyakarta high ways.

D. Method of Collecting Data

The writer used some steps to collect the data, the step are:

1. Observation


23 tool and the method of data collection for the researcher, when it serves a

formulated research purpose, is systematically planned and recorded and is

subject to checks and controls on validity and reliability.”

The procedures in thisobservation are:

a. Specified the places to be observed, and the writer determined

some places, they are international airport of AdiSumarmo,

Purwosari train station, Tugu train station, Malioboro traditional

market, Bringharjo traditional market, Kensaras hospital,

ArioWirawan hospital, SMPN 3 Salatiga, IAIN

Salatiga,UniversitasDiponegoro, Universitas Kristen

SatyaWaca,Banyubiru gas station, Yogyakarta Palace, Mount

Merapi, Museum of Palagan, and Ungaran, Salatiga, Boyolali,

Solo, Yogyakarya high ways.

b. Went to the observation place.

c. Collected the data by taking some pictures.

In this observation the writer collected the data by taking a

picture. According to Moleong (2008: 160), photo can produce the

data of descriptive that is valuable enough and often used to

examine the ingredients subjective and the result often analyzed in

inductive. In line with the statement, Bogdan and Biklen (1982:


24 photographs that can be used in the qualitative study, that is the

photographs which the other people produce orthe observer

produce by her or him self.

The results of the observation, than were documented to

be analyzed further.

2. Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010: 274), a documentation method is

finding data that is relevant by using book, transcript, newspaper, magazine,

ancient inscription, notes of a meeting, agenda, etc. Compared to other

method this method is recommended for a beginner because of its easiness. In

term if a mistake is made, the data sources still remain as they are without any

changes. Documentation method is observed not living but inanimate object.

The result documentation of the observation is some pictures which

draw the signs, words, phrases in a notice and caution.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyzed the data obtained, the writer conducted procedure which

is describe as follow:

a. First, the writer classified the data obtainedfromobservation based on kind



b. Then, the writer code the classified data using string of codes explained as


Table 3.1. Codes used in the data

Field Description

1. Types of Sign (N and C) N


2. Place of observation (AP, HP TS


26 By using a string of codes, it is not possible that there is similar data

overlapped in this research. For example, when there is a string of code <

N-AP-04 >, it means that this data is a kind of notice (N) which is collected in

the Air Port (AP) and it is data number 4.

Table 3.2 Complete abbreviation of each code

Abbreviation Description

YP = Yogyakarta Palace



12.M M = Museum

c. Once, all the data have been coded, the writer analyzed each data using the




In this chapter the writer presented the data analysis. This chapter answers

the problem question in chapter I: (1)Whatis the meaning of symbol and sign in notice

and caution, and (2) What is the types of meaning are involved in notice and caution.

A. Meaning of Symbol and Sign in Notice and Caution

Based on the data collected, there are 75 notices and cautions found in

the data. The writer classified each of them in accordance with the theory in the

chapter II.The distribution of the data is illustrated in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Thedistribution of notice and caution

Types of sign Number of data Percentage

Notice 21 28%

Caution 45 61%

Notice and Caution 8 11%


29 Figure 4.1 The percentage of notice and caution

Table 4.1 and figure 4.1 show the distribution between Notice and

Caution. It is shown that caution is 2 times (61%) more frequently that notice

(28%).The double-meaning signs of notice and caution has the most infrequent

occurrences (11%). The examples of Notice and Caution collected in this study


30 Example (1) is shown a red mark in the middle and in the

surrounding with white background completed the time,it means that all of

people can not enter in that place at the time of “07.00-15.00” or 7 p.m until

3 a.m. This sign is not only intendedfor the drivers but also for the visitors

who came to that place. Usually that sign found in the hospital which people

need to treat. In the hospital, many medical patients need to have a rest. The

sign is used to limit the visitors who visit the patients. It is because the

visitors maydisturb or make a noise in the rest time. So we can conclude that

the sign included of notice, because it does not have a big impact such

accident or the others. This sign was found in ArioWirawan hospital.

(2) <N-HW-02>

Example (2) show the white right arrow sign with the blue

background and the phrase “Angkutan Umum Wajib Belok Kiri” or “the

public transportation have to turn right”. This sign is especially for the


31 also used to decrease the traffic jam. This is because in the city center, there

are many important buildings such as government office, Bank, or private

office. So the sign included of notice because it only gives the information

without having a big impact. This sign was found in Diponegoro Street,


(3) <N-AP-03>

Example (3) shows the white picture bicycle and word

Bicycle” on the road with green background. This sign aims to give

information for the highway users, especially for the bicycle drivers. The

government who provides this sign hopes that the available road for the

bicycle drivers will make people are interested more to use bicycle than

motorcycle. So, it can also decrease the traffic jam and accident.Thissign

also has other functions: that is for the motorcycle and car drivers should be


32 to be discipline when they ride. So the picture in example (3) is a notice

because the picture is only to giveinformation. This sign was found in

AdiSumarmo international airport.

(4) <N-HW-04>

In the example (4), there are five names of the city which use

white color and a green background. The first symbol shows an arrow

pointing up meaning that the straight direction is the way people who will go

to Magelang or Yogyakarta. The second symbol is aright arrow sign

completed with the name of Banyubiru and Salatiga. And the third symbol is

the left arrow sign, the place that people have an aim to go to the city or

Ambarawa Hospital. The aim of this sign is to give information for highway

users to help them showing their destination place.This sign was found in


33 (5) <N-TS-05>

Example (5) is a picture withthe phrase “Drop Zone or Drop

Off”this sign means that there is the place where the people can drop their

luggage. This zone is usually a point where passengers remember where they

drop off their luggage from one transportation to continue to go with other

public transportation. So, in case they lost their luggage, they can come to

the receptionist.Usually this sign is found in some public transportation

places such as train station, bus station, or airport. This sign is aimed to

inform people to drop off this luggage in that area and not in other areas. So

the sign included that is notice. This sign was found in Tugu train station.


34 Example (6) showsa symbol of people who are leaning on the second

floor completed with a red slash and whitebackground.It informs people not

to do that. It is intended to avoid accidents that can result in a person falling

onto the ground. This sign is usually found in the buildings that have more

than two floors such as hospitals, office building or supermarket. As this

sign implicitly informs dangerous effect when people do not obey the sign,

thus, such a sign is a caution. This sign was found in Ken Saras hospital.

(7) <C–HP–07>

Example (7) is a caution.The phrase “caution wet floor”shown in

the picture aims to warn the pedestrians to become aware of the unsafe

condition of the floor quickly. These warning signs are typically portable

signs placed on the floor surface to warn of hazard. If the pedestrians do not

pay attention to this caution they may experience accidence. It is shown by


35 because they do not aware of the caution. It is also shown by the color of the

sign which is yellow. Yellow in signs symbolizes danger. This sign was

found in ArioWirawan hospital.

(8) <C-HW-08>

Example (8) indicatesis a caution. The caution have an aim to

warn the users to be careful when they drove their cars. The drivers have to

slowly to drove because the road was located in children areas, for examples

in some places on the way to school or playground. This is indicated by the

symbol of mother and child was crossing. The yellow color in the

background symbolized a danger for a driver who did not pay attention,

because the accident may happen. This sign was found in


36 (9) (C-HW-09)

Example (9) is a sign with an S symbol in black which is crossed

using a red slash line in the middle and in the surrounding. This sign means

that people should not stop their vehicle such as motors, cars, bus, etc,

around this sign. So it is prohibited to stop around here, because usually the

sign was found in primary road or some place which have busy time such as

government or office building. If they stop their vehicles around this sign,

there might be traffic jam or an accident may happen. Thus, this sign is

considered as caution because it given by impact to people.This sign was


37 (10)(C-TM-10)

Example (10) is a caution. This sign usually found in escalator

precisely at the supermarket or market. The aim of the sign is to warn

people to be careful when they stand on the elevator. The picture shows that

people are not allowed to put their foot in the rear of the stair. It will be

dangerous if their foot slipped inside the stairs. So, they should stand

straight as shown by the person next to him. The danger is shown by the red

cross on the person’s leg who put his leg in the rear of the stair. If they do

not obey this sign, they may fall down or experience an accident. It is

therefore, such a sign is a caution because the warns has a big impact when

they do not obey the caution.

In chapter twothe writer has also described signs with double

meanings, they are: notice and caution. The example of double meaning



visitors to enter the place or streets

that should not be crossed. In the

picture above, it has already stated

clearly that the visitors at

Yogyakarta Palace should not pass

the boundary lines that are already

determined. Actually the sign is

However, the similar part is on

the part of the phrase “Limit

Visitor” showing that this place

is limited for anyone to visit

without certain aim or


39 grow well, to avoid the destruction

from the visitors who lack of

responsibility. The sign is also

used to preserve Yogyakarta

Palace which is one of the social

heritage in Indonesia, so, only

limited people can access that

section. The sign is a notice,

because it only gives information.

This prohibited sign located at

distance of 2 km from the peak

of Merapi, this is used to give

not to break the warning. Thus,

it is a caution.

Phrase and Sign of “Prohibition to eating and drinking”


40 The symbols a cup, spoon, and

fork are identical to the food, but

the sign of the red slash has a

meaning prohibited, while the

phrase “No Food No Drink”

confirms that eating and drinking

are not permitted in that place.

These sign was found in the

library, the place that everyone

need to read the book. This sign is

also used to maintain the

Drinking in this library”

indicating exactly where this

sign is found. In the science

laboratory at the school. The

whole phrase in picture (14) is

different in picture (13).

However, the similar part is on

the part of the phrase “NO


showing that this place is

prohibited for anyone to eating

and drinking. This is because in

the laboratory there is

andangerous substance for


41 parts of their internal organs.

Because this sign has a big

impact, so this is a caution.

The example of phrase and sign “DO NOT LITTER”


do this, it can offend the view. This

sign has an aim to discipline the



The sign of people throwing

the rubbish in the river and the

red cross sign have a meaning

that it is really prohibited to do.

So, it is not only about

offending the view but also can

result a flood. So the impact

when people did not pay

attention to this sign is not only

to ask people to be discipline



The example of phrase and sign “NO SMOKING”


The symbol of cigarette with a red

slash and phrase “NO SMOKING”

which is found in the university

means that no one is permitted to

smoke in that place. It is to inform

that smoking might be dangerous

or not health for them. Also, this

sign warn people that the fumes of

the cigarette can disturb others.


station. This is because in a gas

station there are fuel which is

easy to burn. So, if people

smoke in gas station, there may

be fire which a will be


43 One important different characteristic of notice and caution is

notice did not have a big impact when people break them. However, caution

has other effect which might be dangerous for people if they break the rule.

B. Types of Meaning Involved in Notice and Caution.

As the writer has defined, types of meaning in chapter II, Leech

(1974:10) divides meaning into seven. The seven types of meaning are;

Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning, Stylistic Meaning, Affective

Meaning, Reflected Meaning, Collocative Meaning, and Thematic Meaning.

From the data that the writer has collected there are only three type of meaning

involved in the notice and caution. They are conceptual meaning, connotative

meaning, and affective meaning.

The writer assumes that this is because the other types of meaning are

not too specific or personal with context, for example stylistic meaning is

influenced much by social status of the community of the people. Yet, notice and

caution does not consider once social status, because notice and caution is

intended to everyone without considering any social status.Reflected meaning is

reaction of people, this is theexpression of what they see, for example (waw), so

it can not be notice and caution. Collocative meaning is identical pair word, for

example “girl” identical with“pretty”. Thematic meaning is about grammatical

structure especially in passive and active sentence. From the data collected the


44 The distribution of three types of meaning in this study is demonstrated in table

4.3 and figure 4.2.

Table 4.3The distribution of three types of meaning

Types of Meaning Number of Data Percentage

Conceptual 67 91%

Connotative 3 4%

Affective 4 5%

Total 74 100%

Figure 4.2 Distribution of three types of meaning


45 Table 4.2 and figure 4.2 show the distribution of three types of

meaning in the data. It can be seen that conceptual is the most frequent type of

meaning (91%). Connotative is the least frequent (4%). And the last type is

affective(5%).From this data, it is clear that is conceptual meaning occurs more

frequently. The writer assumes that this is because people who have an aim to

give information or warning chose the words straight to the point to make people

easy to understand. Examples of three types of meaning are illustrated in the

example (19) – (24).


In the picture (19) shows a sign with a figure of a woman, which is

also completed with the word “WANITA” and the English translation

“FEMALE”. This sign also completed with an arrow in the left corner

pointing down. This sign shows a conceptual meaning with a denotative or

logical meaning. This is because the sign inform a toilet which isonly for


46 (20)<C-TS-20>

The symbol of girl and security officer which try to take something

from the railway track. This sign has an aim to inform every visitor when

they drop something under the railway track, they should ask to security to

help them especially for kids. This sign shows of conceptual meaning

because the message transmitted directly or as a denotative meaning that the

man is helping a girl to pick something. This sign was found in train station.


47 The symbols of cigarette completed with the red slash have a

meaning that no one is permitted to smoke in that place. Usually this sign

completed with the phrase “no smoking”but, it is different with that picture.

The picture shows an imperative expression in Indonesian. “SAYANGI

JANTUNGMU” and in Englishversion “LOVE YOUR HEART”. Implicitly,

this is a hidden message here which the sign wants to inform. That is, by not

smoking, the person will love their heart or it can be said that the person

take care of their healthy. So, sign in (21) is different from sign (20) that the

message is not directly delivered. Thus the meaning shown in this sign is a

connotative meaning, that the meaning should be inferred by the reader.


Example (22) shows a sign with person is throwing garbage in the

bin. The figure of person is completed by an expression “KEEP OUR

COUNTRY CLEAN”. Using such a figure and expression, there is an under


48 only keep his or her surrounding clean. But, broadly, when all people in the

country do as the personin the sign, then, the country will also be clean.

Thus the meaning shown in this sign is a connotative meaning, that the

meaning should be inferred by the reader.


Example (23) shows the phrase “Quiet Study Area”emphasize

that everyone who enter that place have to keep their voice down. This sign

was found in the library. In the library many people try to get quiet place

because they need to concentration to read the book. This signaffective

meaning because this sign is initiated by the fact that someone may not be


49 (24)<N-SC-24>

The phrase “DON’T BE NOISY”, this sign uses to warn the student

which make a noise or disturb their friend. Usually this sign was found in

the class. In the class, many students need to study quietly. They need to do

their assignment or answers same question. This sign meaningshows an

affective meaning, because this sign is initiated by the fact that some




After collecting, presenting, analyzing the data and discussing the

result, in this chapter the writer would like to present the conclusion and suggestion

of this research. The conclusion and the suggestion of this research are presented one

by one in turn.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing the signs of notice and caution, the writer concludes:

1. Based on the research question number 1 in chapter I, the writer analyzed

the meaning of symbol and sign in the forms of signal words they are notice,

caution, and double meaning signs.The third signs have not been discussed

in the literatures to writer’s knowledge. However, the writer can not analyze

further about this third type because the number of this data is limited.

2. Based on the research question number 2 in chapter I, there are three types

of meaning involved in notice and caution collected in this research they are

conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, and affective meaning. This

finding is not the same as Leech has proposed in chapter II, that there are 7

types of meanings. The meanings which are absent from this data are

stylistic meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, thematic



B. Suggestion

After analyzing the data and discussing the result, the writer gives some

suggestions completed the implication of this study toward language teaching

addresses to the readers, students, other writers, and English Teacher.

1. Readers

The writer suggests to give more attention of understanding Symbol

and Sign in Notice and Caution and Semantics especially in Types of

Meaning, because it will make them easier to understand the next.

2. Students

For the students who study about Symbol and Sign in Notice and

Caution they can get more information about a sign which have much

meaning, for example double-meaning sign, this is about a sign which has

one purpose but have differentplace there might be have different impact.

They also study more about vocabulary in the form of word or phrase. In the

Semantic study they can study more about Types of Meaning.

3. Other Writer

For the other writer which studies about symbol and sign and

semantics the writer hopes that they can develop more about the

understanding of types of meaning. This research could be one of references

in studying Symbol and Sign in Notice and Caution and Semantics in Types

of Meaning for the other researcher, the writer advice to use the title or topic,



4. English Teacher

The writer hopes that the English teacher givesmore attention when

they explainabout the differences of notice and caution, especially when they

found double-meaning sign. The writer also hopes that the teacher gives more

exampleabout notice and caution, so the students will have more




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Kreidler, C.W. 1998. Introducting English Semantic. New York: Routledge

Leech, G. 1974. Semantics. Australia: Penguin Books Australia.

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Name : Khafidlatul Arifah

Place and Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, March 2th 1994

Address : Pundan, RT 04/RW 04 Kebondowo,

Banyubiru, Kab. Semarang

Email : khafidlatul_a@yahoo.com

Educational Background :

1. Roudlotul Atfal Masitoh, Kab. Semarang, graduated in 2000

2. SD Negeri Kedondowo 02, Kab. Semarang, graduated in 2006

3. SMP Negeri 01 Banyubiru, Kab. Semarang, graduated in 2009

4. SMA Islam Sudirman Ambarawa, Kab. Semarang, graduated in 2012




 Surat Tugas Pembimbing dan Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi

 Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

 Daftar SKK (Satuan Kredit Kerja)



Pictures Documentation

 Adi Soemarmo International Airport

 Purwosari Train Station



 Malioboro Traditional Market

 Bringharjo Traditional Market



 Ario Wirawan Hospital

 IAIN Salatiga



 Satya Wacana University

 Banyubiru Gas Station

 Yogyakarta Palace


Table 2.1 Examples of conceptual meaning
Table 2.2Several dimensions of stylistic meaning
Table 2.3 Three aspects of sign
Table 3.1. Codes used in the data


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