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Irna Ariani Pulungan Reg.Number 409332021 Bilingual Chemistry Education


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement For Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Firstly, writer said thankfulness to Allah SWT that always give rahmat and hidayah so that writer can finished this thesis. This thesis submitted to fulfill the requirement for getting the degree of sarjana pendidikan by the title is “The Influence of Experimental Method Using PAS In Senior High School Toward Student’s Process Skill and Achievement In Redox Reaction.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express thankfulness to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D as Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as thesis supervisor who always guide and suggest the writer from begin until finish this research, and also Prof. Albinus Silalahi, M.S., Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si and Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si as thesis examiners, for their advice, suggestion and guidance in the process of completing this thesis.

The writer also say thanks to Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si as head of Chemistry Department and also academic supervisor of writer and to all of lectures in Chemistry Department. In addition, the writer also say thankfulness to Drs. H. Amarullah, SH, M.Pd as headmaster at MAN 2 Model Medan, and then to Dra. Suyati, M.Si and Dra. Jati Setiasih, M.Si as chemistry teachers who help the writer in doing this research.






Irna Ariani Pulungan (Reg.Number 409332021)






4.2.4. Percentage Skill of Student By Using Experiment With PAS 53

4.2.5. Student Perception to PAS Guidance 53


5.1. Conclusion 55

5.2. Suggestion 55





Table 2.1. Oxidation Number and Nomenclature 24

Table 3.1. Scale Assessment of Percentage Skill Of Student Activity Learning 31 Table 3.2. Assessment Questionnaire for Student’s Perception Level 32

Table 3.3. Assessment Questionnaire of Feasibility for Teacher 32

Table 3.4. Research Design 33

Table 3.5. Research Time Table 40

Table 4.1. The Result Analysis of Instrument Test 43

Table 4.2. The Result Data of Student’s Achievement 44

Table 4.3. The Questionnaire Result of Feasibility of PAS Guidance 44

Table 4.4. The Result of Testing PAS Guidance In Laboratory UNIMED 45

Table 4.5. The Result of Percentage Skill of Student Using Experiment With PAS 46

Table 4.6. The Result of Student Perception To PAS Guidance 47

Table 4.7. The Result Data of Normality Test 48

Table 4.8. The Result Data of Homogenity Test 48

Table 4.9. The Result of Gain Data For Experiment and Control Class 49





Figure 2.1. Characteristic of Redox 20

Figure 2.2. Rusting of Iron 26

Figure 2.3. The Cell Uses The Redox Reaction 27



Appendix 21 The Result Data of Observation Sheet For Skill Assessment In The Experiment of Redox Reaction 120

Appendix 22 The Result of Student’s Perception To PAS Guidance In The Topic of Redox Reaction 121

Appendix 23 The Result of Student’s Achievement in Experiment Class 122

Appendix 24 The Result of Student’s Achievement in Control Class 126

Appendix 25 The Calculation of Student’s Achievement (Normalized Gain) in Experiment Class 130

Appendix 26 The Result Table of Student’s Achievement (Normalized Gain) in Experiment Class 132

Appendix 27 The Calculation of Student’s Achievement (Normalized Gain) in Control Class 133





1.1. Background

Chemistry is an experimental science, can’t be learned only through reading, writing or

listening. Learning chemistry not only mastery the knowledge of the fact, concept or principle,

but also chemistry is a discovery process and mastery of procedure or can called as scientific

method. Therefore, in the learning of chemistry there are two important things that must be

attention, first is chemistry as a product like a fact, concept, principle, law, theory and second

chemistry as a scientific work process. Thus, the learning of chemistry isn’t right if done only by

using conventional method, but need a method that can provide the opportunity for students to

conduct a scientific work process (Jahro, 2009).

The chosen method in this research is experimental method. As a method of teaching,

experimental method aims to assist the learning process to be more easily remembered by

students, so it will be able to give the impression of a longer learning. Teaching methods by

using the experimental method will be able to help students in providing the concept of

knowledge and reality in the laboratory through experiments. Thus, the impression of learning

will form better effectiveness in improving students’ mastery of subject matter in school.

Learning about experimental methods previously been investigated by Sihole, (2004)

which suggests that there is increasing in student’s achievement that taught by experimental

methods than the conventional method. The result of Sadia research (2007) suggests the

performance of the research instrument of scientific research and assessment of the performance

of laboratory activities is conceptually feasible to use, performance and learning outcomes of

students in laboratory activities categorized properly. Afriani, (2004) shows the learning

activities and practical activities undertaken to improve the skills and experience of students.

But, the reality show learning achievement in chemistry of students in high school

generally is still low. In X class of MAN 2 Model Medan as the school that will be observed has

the average result of daily examination chemistry is 50 until 100, with the highest result is 100

and the lowest is 50. Meanwhile, completing minimum criteria (KKM) in supervisor class is 80.



class. So, it is needed to increase the amount of student who get the result below of KKM, like

conduct the experimental method as the way to increasing student’s achievement.

Based on the data above, this case caused the implementation of practical activities both

quantity and quality is not optimal. The results of a survey of senior high school (SMA) in the

city of Medan and the its surrounding shows that most of schools don’t implement practical

activities and demonstrations in learning chemistry due to the lack of laboratory facilities, lack of

ability, lack of teacher creativity and willingness of chemistry teachers to manage laboratory and

practical activities.

In the result of evaluation data in chemistry education program, about 103 alumnus that

had been worked as a teacher in some area/city in the North Sumatera said that the obstacle that

got in the implementation of experimental chemistry such as there isn’t laboratory about

13.665%, there isn’t material about 29.814%, there isn’t of experimental guidance about

14.286% and others about 27.329%.

Based on the reality above, lack of tools and materials that available in the laboratory is

the cause of inhibition of practical activities in senior high school. Less complete of facilities of

tool and chemical material for practical purposes isn’t a plausible reason is the implementation of

practical activities. Experiment not only be implemented in the laboratory room, but can also be

carried out in the open field.

In MAN 2 Model Medan as the school that will be observed, the tools and materials are

available in laboratory. But, in the fact of this school practical activities is seldom to conduct.

This case caused the price of tool and materials that will be used to do experiment most of them

is expensive, need big cost to buy the tools and materials so can do experiment. In addition, there

is an assume of students that all of chemistry materials is dangerous. So that most of students still

afraid to do experiment and less interest to conduct it. Based on the reason above, practical

activities is seldom to conduct although the tools and materials are available in laboratory.

Thus, it can be solved by creating a simple design that isn’t always use materials and

tools of expensive chemicals. PAS is one way to overcome practical obstacle by using tools and

materials that are easily obtained in the surrounding of students and also can decreasing the

assume that experiment not only always use chemistry material, but also can change with the

material in our environment so that this case can decreasing the negative effect of chemistry



It can be applied to practical activities and simultaneously implement to contextual

approach to learning the subject of a redox reaction. Yandani, (2006) suggested less complete in

its research facility equipment and materials can be overcome by making a simple experiment

design using tools and chemicals are easily obtained in the surrounding.

Implementation of experiment in the laboratory as a means for students to assist the

learning process to make it more meaningful. In addition, with the implementation of the

experiment will be able to assist students in thinking about the concept of knowledge and reality

in the laboratory through the experiment. Thus the impression of learning will provide better

results in improving students' mastery of the material, especially chemistry, so that students can

develop process skills better.

Learning activities in the laboratory like experiment can make students have the ability to

think scientifically. In addition, students will be able to find scientific facts, identify, interpret

observations, critical thinking and able to accept criticism of its differences, especially among

fellow students. Thus it would be good to give the students motivation to learn.

A study is expected to be more increase student’s understanding as a result of learning.

Where according to Baugh that comparison result of learned through the sense of hearing is very

prominent difference. Approximately 90% the result of learning outcomes through the senses of

view and only about 5% is obtained through the senses of hearing and 5% again with the other

senses. Meanwhile, Dale estimates that the learning outcomes through the sense of view about

75%, through the senses of hearing about 13% and through the other senses approximately 12%

(Arsyad, 2000).

Based on the description and the fact above, the writer interested to conduct research with

the title The Influence Of Experimental Method Using PAS In Senior High School Toward

Student’s Process Skill and Achievement In Redox Reaction.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background above, so can identified some problem such as:

1. Does teaching and learning with experimental method using PAS increase student’s

achievement in chemistry of students in high school?

2. Does teaching and learning with experimental method using PAS improve the



3. Does teaching and learning with experimental method using PAS increase interesting of

students towards chemistry subject?

1.3. Problem Limitation

Problem limitation of this research as follows:

1. The method that used in this research is experimental method by using PAS in senior high

school toward student’s process skill and achievement in X class of MAN 2 Model Medan at

second semester in academic year 2012/2013 on the teaching of redox reaction.

2. Student learning activities that will be measured in this study is science process skill.

3. Student’s achievement to be measured in this study is cognitive aspect of the level C1, C2,

C3 and C4.

4. Feasibility test will be applied to PAS guidance.

1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, so problem formulation of this research are:

1. Is student’s achievement who have learning with experimental method using PAS higher than

the student who have learning with conventional method?

2. How many the percentage of average score in feasibility test of PAS guidance to use on the

teaching of redox reaction?

3. How is the result of testing PAS guidance in the topic of redox reaction at chemistry subject

X class SMA in laboratory UNIMED?

4. How many the percentage of average score in percentage skill of student by using

experimental method with PAS?

5. How many the percentage of average score in student’s perception to PAS guidance in the

topic of redox reaction that have been design and tested in UNIMED FMIPA laboratory?

1.5. Objective of Problem



1. The comparison of student’s achievement who have learning with experimental method

using PAS and student who have learning with conventional method.

2. The feasibility of PAS guidance to use on the teaching of redox reaction.

3. The result of testing PAS guidance in the topic of redox reaction at chemistry subject X class

SMA in laboratory UNIMED.

4. The percentage skill of student with experimental method using PAS.

5. Student’s perception to PAS guidance in the topic of redox reaction that have been design

and tested in UNIMED FMIPA laboratory.

1.6. Benefit of Problem

The expected benefits of this research are:

1. As information for teachers about experiment as an alternative learning to improve student’s

achievement in chemistry.

2. As information for students that experimental chemistry doesn’t always have to use

expensive chemicals, but can use materials that found surround them.

3. Produce an innovative learning model that can enhance students learning activities, student’s

achievement, skills, creativity, independence, democratic attitudes and responsible behavior


Where, PAS is an alternative method that had been famous for teacher in senior high school that

can be used as replacement of usual experimental method, where in this method conducted by

using tools and materials that are easily obtained in the surrounding of students. In other hand,

the tools and materials also cheap or no costly, safety (not dangerous) so that not only can

conduct in laboratory, but also can conduct in the class or in the field. Therefore, this case can

decreasing the assume of students that experiment not only always use chemical danger material,

but also can change with the material in our environment, so that this case can decreasing the



 Student’s Process Skill

Student’s process skill is a work process of students in processing an information to

found a new fact or concept so that grow their ability in physical, social and way to thinking that

can develop their attitudes moral value.

 Student’s Achievement

Student’s achievement is an influence of teaching and learning activities like a level of

mastery learning for students to the material that gained by effort, both individually or group, it

can be seen in the form of changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills that can be observed in the




1.1. Conclusion

1. Student’s achievement who have learning with experimental method using PAS higher than

student who have learning with conventional method.

2. PAS guidance is feasible to used as experimental guidance on the teaching of redox reaction

with average score is 95.83.

3. The result of testing PAS guidance in laboratory UNIMED was give similar result with the


4. Percentage skill of student by using experiment with PAS get average score is 87.12 with

category is high.

5. Student’s perception to PAS guidance get average score is 86.25 with category is understand.

5.2. Suggestion

1. For chemistry teachers should using experimental method on the teaching of redox reaction

because experimental method able to increase the student’s process skill and achievement, so

that will make learning meaningful and make student’s remembrance more long.

2. For school holder in order to provide and increase the facility of school, especially apparatus




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Irna Ariani Pulungan was born in Medan on 07th April 1991. Father’s name is Irwan

Pulungan and Mother’s name is Naimah nasution and the second children from four brotherhood.

In 1997 the writer entered to elementary school at SDN 067240 Medan and graduated in 2003.

In 2003 the writer continued the study to junior high school at SMPN 29 Medan and graduated in

2006. In 2006 the writer continued to senior high school at MAN 2 Model Medan and graduated

in 2009. In 2009 the writer accepted in Chemistry Department, programmed of study in Bilingual

Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan.


table is 11.07, so the data both of class is normal
Figure 2.1.


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