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The difficulties of teaching english to the 4th grade students in SD N II Bulusari indah


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English

Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Indah Winahyu Timur C9309042






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I want to dedicate this final project to:

 My Beloved Parents

 My Sister and Brother


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First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given me

power, spirit, believe, and a lot of blessing in every step of my life especially in

finishing this final project entitled “The Difficulties of Teaching English to the 4th

Grade Students in SD N II Bulusari”. This report contains detailed information

about the job training activities, the difficulties and the solution in English

teaching and learning.

This final project is hoped to be useful for the readers who want to be the

teacher. The writer would like to express a grant expression of thank to everyone

who gives his or her over, support, and motivation during the process

accomplishing this report. The writer would like to express my gratitude to Drs.

Sugiyarto Budi Waskito, M. Pd., for his time, suggestion and guidance to finish

this final project.

Finally, the writer realizes that this final project is far from being perfect.

Therefore, suggestion and criticism are needed as an evaluation. The writer hopes


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I would like to express my highest gratitude to Allah SWT for giving

me everything in my life. I would like to say my deepest thanks to :

1. The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret

University, Drs.Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D.

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S,

M.A. for the highest dedication to the English Diploma Students.

3. Mrs. Ida Kusuma, SS, MA. My academic consultant. I thank you

for your advice and guidance.

4. My Supervisor, Drs. Sugiyarto Budi Waskito, M. Pd. I thank you

for your advise and guidance in finishing this project report.

5. All Lecturers of English Diploma Program.

6. Suwitno, S. Pd., the Headmaster of SD N II Bulusari. I am grateful

to you for accepting me to have the job training.

7. All teachers of SD N II Bulusari Slogohimo. I do apologize if I

made mistakes during the job training.

8. My beloved Mom and Dad, for the support, love and prayer. I’ve

made you proud. I’ll always love you.

9. My sister Dewi, for the support, pray, advice and inspiration are

give me strength. You are the best!.

10.My future man, Exsanudin for your support, advice, patience,

kindness, time, love that you have given to me.

11.All my friends in English Diploma Program of 2009 year. I will

remember our togetherness.

12.My best friends Tori Chu, Pamela, Rizka, Fika, Dhana, Fatimah

for support, pray and suggestions. I will always remember all the

best moments and millions jokes that we have made.

13.All staffs in English Diploma, mbak Heny, mbak Devi, mbak


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Indah Winahyu Timur. 2012. C9309042. The Difficulties of Teaching English 4th Grade Students In SD N II Bulusari. English Diploma Program. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training that was done by the writer as English teacher in SD N II Bulusari, Slogohimo. This final project discusses about the difficulties in learning faced by fourth grade students of the Elementary School. Based on the observation done by the writer, she found that there were some difficulties faced by the students in learning English.

The writer found out the difficulties of students in teaching and learning

process. The difficulties included the students’ mispronunciation and limited

vocabulary. The students’ pronunciation still needs to correct and their

vocabularies also need to be added. Meanwhile, the teachers’ problems were the

of lack teaching facilities.


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TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv


PREFACE ... vi


ABSTRACT ... viii



B. Objectives ... 3

C. Benefits ... 3


B. Learning ... 6


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D. English for Children ... 8

E. Factor Affecting Language Acquisition Process ... 10


1. The History of SDN II Bulusari ... 14

2. The Vision and Mission ... 14

B. Activities During Job Training in SD N II Bulusari ... 15

1. Class Observation... 15

2. Making the Lesson Plan ... 16

3. Teaching and Learning Process ... 16

4. English Facilities ... 17

C. Discussion of the Problem ... 17

1. Teaching English to the 4th Grade Students ... 17

2. The Difficulties in Teaching English to the 4th grade Students ... 20

3. The Solution to Handle the Difficulties in Teaching English ... 23


B. Suggestion ... 27



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International language. Most countries use English as their mother tongue. Some

developing countries also use English their second language such as Malaysia and

Singapore. Many fields use English as the main means for communication.

Mastering English well will make people easy to communicate and to do some

businesses with other people from different cultures.

Teaching English is difficult, especially to the young learners. Young

learners learn mother tongue and English at the same time. There are differences

between mother tongue and English. In learning new language, the young learners

are difficult to imagine something when learning new language because the young

learners learn from what they see and what they learn.

English is a foreign language to Indonesian so that it is not easy for

everybody to learn it. It can be said that it is necessary to teach English from early

age. Because of that, at this time English is not taught only in elementary school

level but also in play group and kindergarten. In elementary school, children just

study the basic of English. They study about names of animals, fruits,

transportations, colors, etc. This material is made in order to make children more

interested. Students are uninterested, if the material is difficult.


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The writer is interested in teaching English to students of elementary

school. Therefore, the writer held the job training as an English teacher in SD N II

Bulusari that is located at Ngendak Rt 03 Rw 08 Bulusari, Slogohimo,Wonogiri.

It provides the English lesson from 4th up to 6th grade in order to prepare the

students in continuing their study to junior high school in SD N II Bulusari, the

writer taught the students of 4th grade to 6th grade class but in writing this report,

the writer focuses on the 4th grade class.

Based on the job training’s experience that the writer has done for two

months, the writer is interested in describing the difficulties in teaching and

learning English in SD N II Bulusari and the problem and solution in process of

teaching and learning English to the students in SD N II Bulusari. The writer

arranges a report entitled” The Difficulties of Teaching English to the 4th Grade


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B. Objectives

Based on the background above, the objectives of this report are:

1. To show the difficulties in teaching and learning activities in SD N II Bulusari

2. To find out the solution to solve the difficulties in teaching and learning

activities in SD N II Bulusari

C. Benefits

This report is expected to be beneficial for:

1. The readers

The writer hopes that the final project gives information about the teaching

English in Elementary School

2. The English teacher of the Elementary School

The writer hopes that the final project gives the teacher information to find out

the best method in teaching English

3. The Students of the English Diploma Program

The writer also hopes that the final project is useful for the students of the

English Diploma Program who interested in teaching English before doing the


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Teaching” saysthat “Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with

knowledge, causing to know or understand”.

Teaching can be defined as the activity done by someone to give knowledge

or to help someone else to understand something. In relation to this issue, there

are some issues to be a good teacher:

1) A teacher should make an interesting lesson.

A teacher should make the students are comfortable in class. Teacher

should make an interesting lesson. The teacher can use pictures or songs.

The students will be interested and pay attention to the lesson. The

students may not become bored, in attentive and get bad score on test.

2) A teacher must love his/her job

A teacher should be interested in teaching and learning process. It will

make the teaching and learning process more interesting. The teacher can

be patient and can adapt with the students.

3) A teacher should have her/his own personality

A personality of each individual is unique. A teacher should have

attractive personality. It will give positive effect to the students.


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The students will be comfortable and enjoyable while teaching and

learning process.

4) A teacher should have lots of knowledge.

A teacher must study about everything. The students consider to the

teacher is a smart person. Sometimes, the students will ask something to a

teacher. The teacher can study by reading books or watching TV. It will

add his or her knowledge.

5) A good teacher is a positive entertainer. A teacher should be able to

entertain the students. It can give spirit to the students. The students will

enjoy the teaching and learning process. Besides, the students will have

high motivation to learn. They will do the best during the teaching and

learning process. Therefore, they will get good mark or better result.

(Harmer, 1998:1-2)

In teaching activity, a teacher should be the leaders in class management.

The teacher will make the English lesson becomes an interesting subject to

make students excited. A good teacher can motivate his/her students,

because if they are not motivated, they also do not want to study anything.

Besides, the English teacher should be friendly with the students in order


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B. Learning

A specialized definition: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a

behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice”


Here are some understandings of learning according to Douglas Brown in

his book “Principle of Language Learning and Teaching”. They are:

1. Learning is acquisition or “getting”

2. Learning is retention of information or skill

3. Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events

outside or inside the organism

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting

6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice

7. Learning is a change in behavior

Based on the statement above the writer can conclude that learning is

teaching English to adult.”To be able to teach children, teacher must understand


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In her book entitled “Young Learner”, Sarah Philip states that the young

learners means “children from the first year of formal schooling (five to eleven

years old) or eleven or twelve years old of age”

(Philips, 1993:5)

While Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg have divided children into

two main groups namely: five to seven years old and eight to ten year old

children. The characteristics of five to seven year old group, among others are:

1) They understand situations more quickly that they understand the language


2) Their own understanding comes through the hands, eyes, and cars.

3) They have a very short attention and concentration span.

4) They love to play and learn best when they are enjoying themselves.

5) They are enthusiastic and positive about learning.

On the other hand, there are some characteristics of eight to ten year old groups:

1) They can tell the differences between fact and fiction.

2) They ask questions all the time.

3) They are able to make some decision about their own learning.

4) They have definite views about what they are like and don’t like doing.

5) They are able to work with other and learn from others.

(Scott – Ytreberg, 1990:1-4)

From the statements above we can conclude that young learners are

learning easier about new knowledge. They just learn what they see and


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Besides, the young learners are active to question about all and they also

learn easier about the lesson that makes them enjoyable. As teachers who

teach young learners, we must familiar with their characteristics.

D. English for Children

In his book entitled Principle of language Learning and Teaching Brown, the

major characteristics of grammar translation method are:

1) Classes are taught in mother tongue, with little active use of the target


2) Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words.

3) Long elaborate of grammar are explanation of the intricacies of grammar

are given.

4) Grammar provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction

often focuses on the form and inflection of words.

5) Reading difficult classical texts begins early.

6) Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as

exercises in grammatical analysis.

7) Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences

from the target language into the mother tongue.

8) Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.


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Furthermore, Wendy A.Scott and Lisbeth H.Ytreberg in their book

Teaching English to Children explained that there are eight points that must deal

with the teacher when teacher teaching English for children:

1) Words are not enough

The teacher should not rely on spoken words only. Most activities for the

young learner should include movements and involve the senses.

2) Play with Language

The teacher should play with the language. Playing with the language is

very common in first language development and is a quite natural stage.

3) Language as Language

For students, reading and writing extremely important for the child’s

growing awareness of language and for their own growth in the language,

although both are very demanding and take time and patience to learn.

4) Variety in the classroom

As a teacher, giving variety of teaching English to the children is required(

Variety of activity, variety of place, variety of organization, and variety

voice)because children’s concentration and attention are short.

5) Routines

The teacher should have system and routines, organize and plan the lesson,

use familiar situation, and familiar activities, in order to make the students


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6) Cooperation not competition

The teacher should avoid rewards and prizes. In this case, give cooperative

pair work and group work are suggested.

7) Grammar

Teaching English for children should only include the minimum level of


8) Assessment

Even though formal assessment may not be a compulsory part of the work,

it is always useful for the teacher to make regular notes about each child’s



Based on the statement above the writer can conclude that a teacher must

be creative, innovative, and have teaching strategic in teaching English.

E. Factor Affecting Language Acquisition Process

According to Wenden and Rubin(1998), states:”Teaching and Learning can be

influenced by two factors:. Those factors are internal factor and external factor”.

1. Internal Factors

Internal factors are the factors included in learner’s personal condition.

Similarly, it is defined as the factors which come from or within the

learners. Those internal factors are age, motivation, intelligent, first


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a. Age

The success of English acquisition will be guaranteed if it is

done since the learner are on critical age or linguistic age which

is under eleven years old.

b. Motivation

Generally Indonesia people have a high motivation in the

learning English. That motivation is aroused by their own

observation about English which is used a lot in songs, films,

internet or comic which are available surround them. The high

motivation will support the second language acquisition, which

will influence to seriousness and willingness of learning

English in order to master it well. Motivation is the main factor

to force the student it achieve their goals.

c. Intelligence

Learners with high intelligence tend to achieve better than

those who have low intelligence.

d. First language Background

The different pattern in first language makes the students

difficult to learn the second or foreign language.

e. Experience

The success or failures in the previous learning affects


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2. External Factors

External factors are the factors outside of learner’s condition that may

affect the teaching process. The factors are language environment

(macro environment and macro environment), teacher, facilities and


a. Language Environment

In learning English, the learner is influenced by the language

environment and macro environment or formal class which is

part of formal education. For example, learners are studying in

the class or in the environment outside the society. For

example, the learners attend the seminar, speaking club or

learning group.

b. Teacher

Education background of the teacher affects in learning

process. It is the main thing to support the teacher in teaching

process. The teacher who has high and good education is more

recommended to teach than the teacher who has a little

education. The education of the teacher must be suitable with

the lesson, which will be taught to the learners.

c. Resources

As the change of teacher-centered paradigm to


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materials since material given influence a lot of the success of

language acquisition. It also influences the student’s attitude in

learning activities. Therefore, resources given should be

interesting and appropriate to the learners.

d. Facilities

The complete facilities, like language laboratory, tape-cassette

recorder, etc. It helps and supports the learners in second

language acquisition. By having and using the complete

facilities, the students are possible to improve their English

skill. Those facilities are enabling the students to learn more

since they get more media in teaching learning activity.

Besides, the students can develop their knowledge related to

their material in the class.


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located in Bulusari, Slogohimo, Wonogiri. The location of the school is strategic

so that it makes SD N II Bulusari is easy to reach.

SD N II Bulusari has some rooms. There are six classrooms, a teacher

room, a staff room, a school guard room, and two toilets. It also has a parking

area, a canteen, and a big yard for a flag ceremony on every Monday or for sport

activities. SD N II Bulusari has a headmaster, 10 teachers and a school guard.

The teachers in SD N II Bulusari are grouped into two part, they are class teachers

and specific teachers. The class teachers are the teachers who teach the general

subjects. The specific teachers are the teachers who teach the specific subject such

as English, Religion, and Sport. There are two sport teachers. The first sport

teacher handles the first grade to the third grade and the second ones handles the

fourth grade to the sixth grade.

2. The Vision and Mission

As an Elementary school, SD N II Bulusari has a vision and mission.

The vision of SD N II Bulusari is “Terwujudnya sekolah sebagai pusat pendidikan

dan kebudayaan demokratis serta unggul dalam mutu”


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The missions of SD N II Bulusari are:

Semangat mengembangkan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan YME

Efektivitas pembelajaran untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang


Menanamkan budi pekerti yang luhur

Aktif, kreatif secara luas sesuai perkembangan teknologi

Ramah pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan

B. The Activity During The Job Training in SD N II Bulusari

1. Class Observation

In order to get adequate data, the writer observes the condition and

situation of teaching and learning process in the 4th grade students of SD N II

Bulusari. The writer did class observation from December until February. The

4th grade of SD N II Bulusari has 15 students that consist of 11 boys and 4

girls. There are 12 desks, a teacher table, and a bookcase to keep utensils of

teaching such as chalks, books, course books, etc. This class also has a clock,

cleaning tools, picture, and handicrafts. The location of this class is in the

middle of the 3rd grade and the 5th grade. When the writer was doing

observation, the writer was asked by the teacher to help the students if they


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2. Making The Lesson Plan

Before giving the material, the teacher made prepare it first. It is used

to guide the teacher in giving the material. The Lesson plan helped me to

focus on topic so that it made the students have qualified activities.

3. Teaching and Learning Process

There are four important aspects in teaching and learning English activity.

a. The students

English if there is no book.

d. The Time

The writer taught English to the 4th grade of SD N II Bulusari on Tuesday.

One hour meeting is about 35 minutes. This grade has two hour meeting


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4. English Facilities

In teaching and learning process, it is easier if the teacher used the

facilities such as tape recorder or LCD. The facilities and media to teach the

English lesson in SD N II Bulusari is limited. There is no tape recorder or

LCD. SDN II Bulusari only has a tape recorder. So, it makes the teacher find

difficulties in teaching the English lesson to the students.


1. Teaching English to the 4th Grade Students

The material taught to the 4th grade was usually compiled from Lesson

Time this book was provided with picture, vocabularies, and exercises. The

picture helped students to easy understand. Most questions were completed

with pictures. To teach the 4th grade students of SD N II Bulusari, the teacher

must be patient both in explaining the materials and handling the students.

Therefore, the teacher could teach them until they really understood what they

had learnt. After they understood each of material in the book, the teacher

continued the lesson to the next material. Based on the lesson plan, the steps

used to teach the students are as follows:

a. Greeting and introducing the material afternoon

The teacher :“Good afternoon, students”

The students :“Good afternoon, miss”

The teacher :“How are you today?”


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The teacher asked :“I am fine too, thank you.”

After the greeting, the teacher asked to the students about their presences.

If there was a student who was absent, the teacher asks why the student is


The teacher: “Who is absent today?”

If there was no student absent. The students would say “No one, Miss”

Then, the teacher continued with introducing the material without telling

to the students what the topic was about. At first, the teacher asked the

students whether they knew parts of the body that the teacher pointed.

The teacher : “Students…Do you have eyes?

The students : “Yes, I have”

The teacher : Do you have ears?”

The students : Yes, I have”

The teacher : “And then, do you have lip, hands, hair, mouth, fingers?

The students : “Yes …”

Having asked about parts of the body, the teacher explained them by using

Indonesian. It was done to make the students understand and answer the

question well. The teacher also explained how to read and write it in the

right sentence. Besides, the teacher said some words about parts of the

body and then the students imitated her.

b. Song

In order to make the students interested in the material, the teacher


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We all clap hands together

c. Exercise

After introducing the material, the teacher gave some exercises to the

students. Therefore, the teacher conducted some activities to develop skill,

especially writing skill. They are:

i. Matching

Students were given a simple test to match some pictures with the

words in the box.

ii. Dictation

The students were asked to write down the words said by the

writer. Most of the words were vocabularies they have known.

iii. Jumbled Letter

The writer gave the students jumbled letter. They had to arrange


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iv. Completing sentence

The students had to complete sentence given by the writer with

their own words from the vocabularies they already known.

v. Translation

The students were asked to translate Indonesia into English


2. The difficulties in Teaching English to the 4th Grade Students

The students already have Javanese as their mother tongue and

Indonesian as second language which is used mostly at school. Then, English

as the third language which are used more seldom than Indonesian. For the

students, English is just a lesson at school. They treat it same as mathematic or

social lesson, study it only when they have homework. For some students,

English is just an extracurricular in regular hour. After the writer did the

observation in SD N II Bulusari, the writer found some difficulties in teaching

English to the 4th grade students. They are:

a. Linguistic Problem

The majority of students SD N II Bulusari use Javanese language as

the mother tongue and English is new for them. The students are already

familiar with Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia which has different

pronunciation and spelling with English. Most of the time, the students


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The writer must repeat the pronunciation of an English word several times

all the time. Therefore, the result is not all students are able to pronounce.

b. Non-Linguistic

Basically, there are five problems in non-linguistic problems.

There are classroom management, limited time of teaching, teaching

material, the student’s characteristic, and facilities and media for English

class activities.

i. Classroom management

The 4th grade students have their English lesson on Tuesday, after

having religion grade. Before starting the lesson, the students have

few minutes to prepare, when the writer came to fourth grade

classroom they usually were not ready to receive a lesson. So, the

writer had to give more several minutes until they were ready.

After greeting, the lesson began. When the writer asked the

students to take their Lesson Time book to study today’s material,

some students said that they didn’t bring it with them, whenever

the writer asked the students about homework’s from the previous

meeting, the students usually said that they forgot to bring it with

them or forgot to work it done. The class became noise when them

walked around the class and changed the seat position. Some of

them chatted with friends about film or hot recent news. To settle


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They did not listen the teacher and did what the teacher asked

them, the other were so quiet and they needed more attention to be

active in the lesson. There were troublemakers also. These bad

attitude and behavior, they didn’t understand the lesson, and

the result was the writer could not fulfill the day goals then missed

the semester goals.

ii. Limited vocabulary

The students’ vocabularies in English are limited. They only knew

few English vocabularies. When I asked the students by using

English, they were difficult to answer.

iii. Limited time of teaching

SD N II Bulusari is school local content. It makes English has a

limited meeting session. In a week, English only had one session of

meeting. The time given for each session was 35 minutes. The

writer tried to manage the time effectively. However, the writer

also needed more time to managed the students. Therefore, the

time to explain the material and discuss the lesson became shorter

the expected. Therefore, the writer had to add more meeting for the

same lesson plan.

iv. The lesson books

SD N II Bulusari just uses one resource book in the English lesson,


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v. The student’s characteristic

There are 15 students in the 4th grade students of SD N II Bulusari.

Every students has different own personality and behavior.

vi. Facilities and media for English class activities

The limited facilities and media make the English class activities

restricted. In teaching English, it is easier if the teacher uses the

facilities and media to show the English lesson. For example, the

teacher can show the picture parts of the body using LCD.

3. The Solution to Handle the Difficulties in Teaching English

To solve the problem in teaching English to fourth grade students of

SD N II Bulusari, the writer gave some good strategies to create good

condition. The writer had tried some strategies bellow:

a. Solution for linguistic problems

The writer had to be patient in teaching the students. In the pronunciation,


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b. Solution for non-linguistic problems

i. Creating good classroom management

To make a good classroom management the writer applied

discipline and management. The writer could not work by herself

to handle this problem, it needed a good cooperation with the

students. The students had to be aware if their time in class was

limited, so that they had to know the time to play, to study, to listen

and to be active in English lesson. If the students were talking

among themselves when the writer had a classroom discussion, the

writer point one of them to answer the question about that

discussion, it would make them back on track.

ii. Adding vocabulary

The students should write down the difficult words with the

Indonesian on their note book and memorize them.

iii. Managing time

One of the solutions to manage time in teaching, the writer made

lesson plan to be more fun and attractive for the students. It helped

to create good condition in teaching and learning process.

iv. Adding lesson books

In teaching English, the writer not only needed one resource but

also should take the English lesson from other resource, such as the


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v. Understanding students characteristic

The writer had to be patient with the students, because every

student has different personality. The writer should understand the

characteristic of the students.

vi. Provide facilities and media

Elementary school should have facilities and media for the English

lesson, such as television, tape recorder, LCD, and Computer. It

could help the teacher to show the material such as picture or songs

easily. Moreover, it could also make the students interested in the


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1. The teaching English in SD N II Bulusari

In SD N II Bulusari English is taught since the fourth grade to the sixth

grade. In the activities of teaching English, the writer must have more

attention in developing four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

The writer develops skill especially writing skill, because writing skill is very

useful for young learners. To develop the student’s ability, the writer gave

some activities, such as: completing sentence, dictation, jumbled letters,

matching, and translation.

2. The difficulties of teaching English in SD N 2 Bulusari

The writer found some difficulties in teaching and learning process in

SD N II Bulusari, namely:

1) Linguistic Problem

2) Non-Linguistic Problem

i. Classroom management

ii. Limited vocabulary

iii. Limited time of teaching

iv. Teaching material

v. Student’s characteristic

vi. Facilities and media for English class activities


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3. The solution to handle the difficulties of teaching English in SD N II


1) Solution for linguistic problem

2) Solution for non-linguistic problem

i. Creating good classroom management

ii. Limited vocabulary

iii. Managing time

iv. Adding lesson books

v. Understanding students’ characteristic

vi. Provide facilities and media


learning process. Moreover, the students will be interested in learning


perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id

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2) English teacher of SD N II Bulusari

The English teacher should be able to create good condition in the

class and use some technique to make teaching and learning process.

By using a technique, the students will be interested in learning English.

The teacher should speak English in giving instruction. It made the

students more familiar with English. Sometimes, the teacher should play

games when teaching process in order to make the students did not get

bored in accepting the material.

3) The students of SD N II Bulusari

The students in SD N II Bulusari should join the English class

actively by paying attention to the teacher’s explanation. They always ask

the teacher if there is any material that they do not understand, and doing

assignment given by the teacher.

4) The students of English Diploma Program

English Diploma Program is better to give more training for the

students before they do job training practice. It will make the students


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