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Academic year: 2022



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In the name of Allah SWT, for His blessing and the merciful with deeply, sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change world thanks

and proud,

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

My beloved father (Suwarno) and my beloved mother (Marsuni)

Thank you for the endless love and the best support for my success. The words could not explain how important you are in my life.

My beloved three brothers ( Ilsa Kusuma Adika, A.Md. Or, Ardi Isnandar S.Pd, and Satriyo), thanks for your time, care and love.

And for all my family, my beloved lectures who always give their patience in helping me arranged this first thesis, especially for my the best lecturer (Hilma

Suryani, M.Pd) who always help me arranged this thesis and give me spirit to finish this thesis. Someday I will be like her, amazing and smart women.

My best friends Zania Fajadri, Yusnida Tanjung, Ericha Yolanda, and Jamillah.

Thank you for your support and your kindness make me strong to stand until now.

And also for all my friends who can’t mention one by one, then for all of my beloved classmate in the D class of English Education Program batch 2014,

thanks for your help, support, and motivation.

May it will be charity in side of Allah SWT deeply thanks above all.



ِميِحَّرلٱ ِنَٰ مۡحَّرلٱ ِهَّللٱ ِمۡسِب

ٍقَلَعْ نَِنَاَسْنلإاَقَلَخ(٢) َقَلَيخِذَّلاَكِّبَرِْسْاِبْأَرْ قا(١) ِمَلَقْلاِبَمَّلَعيِذَّلا(٤) ُمَرْكلأاَكُّبَرَوْأَرْ قا(٣)

ْمَلْعَ يْمَلاََنَاَسْنلإاَمَّلَع(٥)

Meaning: Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Create man from a clinging substance. Recite and your Lord is the most Generous. Who taught by the pen (Al- Alaq, 1-5)

(Al-Qur’an Al- Kareem in English Translation, 2018)

Artinya: “Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan (sekalian makhluk). Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku; Bacalah, dan Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pemurah,yang mengajarkan manusia melalui pena dan tulisan.



All praise to be Allah, the almighty. Due to his blessing, the writer could finally finish the research of this thesis entitled “ An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in Recount Text Made by Students at Tenth Grade of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi”. Shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Saw who brings us from the darkness to be better life today. First, thanks to my first advisor Drs. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, M.a. As the first advisor, for all dedication in introducing what the research is actually and for precious guidance and advices and Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as the second advisor. For suggestion and also for her worthy advise in writing this thesis. Then, the writer would like to express sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, M.A, Rector of The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd, the Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum, as the chairwoman of English

Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jamb.

4. All of lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Lecturers, staffs and all the students of English Education Program The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. All of my old friends for incredible moments and for every little thing we did together to color our time in English Education Program Academic Year 2014. Though those times in English Education Program Academic Year 2014. Though those times will never return but I believe it will always be a sweet memory to remember in our life.


Finally, as writer I hope this thesis will be useful for those who read and can improve English teacher and scriptwriter realize this thesis has been perfect yet.

So, critics and suggestion is required by writer to make this thesis be better in future.



Name : Diah Oktriana Student ID : TE.140976

Major : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in Recount Text Made by Students at Tenth Grade of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi.

This research focuses on the types of cohesive and coherence devices which are used in the students recount writing. In this research, the researcher analyzing grammatical cohesive device and transition signal as a coherence devices. This study was descriptive qualitative method. The data sources are taken from 25 recount texts made by students at tenth grade of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi. In this research, the data collected through documentation. The data were analyzed used Mayring’s theory which is consists of data categorization, abstraction, coding the text and result. The finding of this study showed that the grammatical cohesive devices found in the data except ellipsis. In term of coherence devices there are two coherence devices found in the data, namely transition signal to introduce an additional idea and transition signal to opposite idea.

Keywords: cohesion, coherence, recount text



Nama : Diah Oktriana

NIM : TE. 140976

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Analisis Kohesi dan koheren dalam Teks Recount yang Dibuat oleh Siswa kelas sepuluh di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 10 Kota Jambi

Penelitian ini focus pada tipe-tipe dari alat-alat kohesi dan koherensi yang digunakan di dalam teks recount yang ditulis siswa. Didalam penelitian ini, peneliti hanya menganalisis grammatikal kohesi dan transition signal sebagai alat koherensi. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diambil dari 25 teks recount yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas sepuluh Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 10 Kota Jambi. Didalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori Mayring yang terdiri dari kategorisasi, abstraksi, pengkodean dan hasil. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua grammatical kohesi ditemukan kecuali ellipsis. Untuk alat kohesi ada dua jenis yang ditemukan di dalam data yaitu transition signal to introduce an additional idea and transition signal to introduce an opposite idea.

Kata kunci: kohesi, koheren, teks recount








MOTTO ... vi





CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study ... 1

B. The formulation of the problem ... 5

C. The limitation of the problem ... 6

D. The objective of the study ... 6

E. The significance of the study ... 6

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. The nature of writing 1. Definition of writing ... 7

2. The importance of writing ... 8

3. The process of writing ... 9

B. Cohesion 1. The definition of cohesion ... 12

2. Types of cohesive devices ... 13


C. Coherence

1. The nature of coherence ... 18

D. Recount Writing 1. Definition of recount writing ... 22

2. Characteristic recount text ... 22

3. Types of recount writing ... 23

E. Review Related studies ... 24


B. Setting and Subject of The Research ... 26

1. Setting of the research ... 26

2. Subject of the research ... 27

C. Source of the Data ... 27

D. Technique of Collecting Data ... 27

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 28

1. Categorization ... 28

2. Abstraction ... 28

3. Coding the text ... 28

4. Results ... 28

F. Triangulation ... 29

G. Schedule of The Research ... 30


1. Grammatical Cohesion ... 31

a. Reference ... 31

b. Conjunction ... 36

c. Substitution ... 41


2. Coherence Devices ... 41 a. Transition Signals ... 41 B. Discussion ... 45


A. Conclusion ... 53 B. Suggestion ... 54 REFERENCES ... 55 APPENDICES




A. Background of the Study

Writing is one of the four language skills besides speaking, listening, and reading, which is the basic skill that the students need. From the fourth language skills, writing is one of the language skills which important in our life. In line with this, Hastuti & Nugroho (2016) stated that writing is important language skill in this era because it is used in many fields of life.

This argument is supported by Ayub, Seken & Marjohan (2014) who mention writing becomes important on this era after booming of the digital technology, it is because the skill of writing will help much if someone wants to contact people through mass media. In addition, through writing students can express their ideas, inform others and tell what they fell. However, the students know that writing skill or learning to write especially in second languages is not simply a matter of writing thing down. It is one of the four basic skills that are very complex and difficult to learn. According to Paul (2007, p. 96), writing is considered as the most difficult and most challenging skill compared to the other skills. Therefore, writing becomes very important language skill to develop.

Writing is an essential part of English subject at schools especially in Indonesia. It is taught from Elementary school to the University level. In Senior High School, writing is important to be learnt (Yolanda & Hafizh, 2014). This is because the students in Senior High School are expected to be able to express their idea in writing such as, writing a text. In this application the students are expected to understand about purpose of the text, language features and generic structure of the text (Yolanda & Hafizh, 2014).


Teaching writing has its own challenges since there are some steps and requirements that teacher should prepare to undertake in the classroom.

Many years ago, curriculum of teaching writing in Indonesia did not provide any formal instructions on how to teach writing to the students, they teach without giving any guidance on paragraph organization or style of writing (Afriyanti, 2016). At the present time most of school have implemented curriculum 2013 as a reference in learning process. Curriculum 2013 contains two competencies, namely Core Competency (Kompetensi Inti), and Basic Competency (Kompetensi Dasar). Based on curriculum 2013, writing activities are included into one of the learning activities that should be done in the learning practice. In this activity, students are expected to apply the stages of writing to produce a good writing. Based on curriculum 2013 there are five types of writing which have to be mastered by the students such as narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, procedure text, and report text.

Writing needs a long process, and in English language, writing is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. In line with this, Oshima & Hogue (2007, p. 15) stated that writing is an ongoing act, before writing you have to know what you say and how to say. Writing becomes a big challenge for the students because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex process. According to Oshima & Hogue (2007, p. 16) process of writing consist of four stages, they are prewriting, organizing, writing, and the last polishing. The main focus of teaching writing is to develop competency in creating a good writing. To achieve a good writing, a text should discuss only one main idea from beginning to end, called unity (Checkett, 2013, p. 140). A text which is unity can help the reader understand what you are telling to the about the content of the text. Besides the text must be unity, there are other factors contribute to the quality of writing product, such as cohesion and coherence.


Cohesion and coherence are two of special factors that have to be existed during writing processes include the organizing of sentences into paragraph and how sentences are joined together. Hidayat (2016) stated that, cohesion and coherence are the intangible glue that holds paragraph together.

This argument supported by Harmer (2007, p. 29) who mention that cohesion and coherence are the phenomena that complement each other, and elements in the text must be cohesion and coherence. Having a good cohesion and coherence in writing product means that the sentences must hold together, that is movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth.

Readers can understand the connections of ideas across sentences if the writing is cohesive. By coherent writing, readers can follow the sequences of ideas and points. This is because cohesion and coherence are components of writing skill which constitute part of writing quality (Ayub, Seken &

Marjohan, 2013). So, cohesion and coherence are important aspects for someone who will build a good writing text.

A text as a whole unit, must be related each other, because a text is not just sequence of sentences strung together, but a sequence of unit. It means that when we write a text, it must be cohesive and coherent, be they, sentences or part of sentences connected in some contextually appropriate (Jabeen, Mahmoode & Iqbal, 2013). Therefore the existence of cohesion and coherence is very important in a text because can help the reader easily to understand the information in the text. In line with this Xhepa (2016) stated that, if there is no cohesion and coherence in a text, the reader will not understand with what we are telling to them. In short, a text is not container full of meaning which reader simply understands, but how the whole of text are related to each other.

To produce a good writing, students are able to understand components in composing English Writing. To build a good writing text, cohesion and coherence play a very important role in a text (Shahriar &

Pathan, 2012). In line with this, Xhepa (2016) stated that cohesion and coherence are crucial elements for the text, without these a text would suffer


for continuity and clarity and can’t called a text. A text called clarity if there is continuity of meaning. If there is continuity, then we have communication.

It is very important role of opening sentences, organizing sentences and closing sentences in a text (Xhepa, 2016). Opening sentences help the reader to understand what he or she going to read and closing sentences help the reader understand what the conclusion of what they have read. So a good writing or a good text must have cohesion and coherence as its components. If the text has both of them, it facilitates the reader to understand the information easily (Xhepa, 2016). In short, the reader can understand a certain text because it well arranged.

There is limited number of researches conducted on analysis of cohesion and coherence in recount text. The one of researches was conducted by Andayani, Seken & Marjohan (2014). The study aimed to find and describe cohesion and coherence of English narrative writing produced by students.

The result of their study indicates that both of cohesion and coherence in the text are not fully significant. Therefore, in learning writing activities the teacher should give the students more chance to practice their writing skill and also encourage the students to use types of cohesion and coherence devices in their writing. Another study conducted by Ayub, Seken & Suarnajaya (2013).

The result of the study indicates that cohesion and coherence have to emphasis in teaching writing and the English teacher have to be competent in evaluating the coherence of students writing.

In Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi, the teaching English must be conducted in line with the curriculum which is curriculum 2013. In curriculum 2013 writing has become one of the basic English language subjects at schools beside the other language skills. It is proven by the fact in the textbook which is use by teacher and students in learning English at the tenth grade of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi mentioned that there are parts that teacher must be teach for students in every chapter, they are vocabulary builder, pronunciation practice, reading comprehension, text structure, speaking and writing. In addition there are English literature subject for students at the tenth grade of


Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi. In this subject the teachers focus in the students writing ability when they teach English. In English class especially in writing, the tenth grade students in Senior School 10 Kota Jambi should be able to produce recount text because it is stated in curriculum and also applied in syllabus. Based on curriculum 2013 students should be able to write a recount text correctly by following the examples or models given or learnt. In this study, the writer will choose recount text because it is one of the genres that must be mastered by tenth grade students. In writing any genres of writing text, cohesion and coherence devices become important things in order to make a text logical and appropriate with the sequence of event.

Based on writer observation during teaching practice at Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi, the students especially 10th grade taught about cohesion and coherence devices and also used cohesion and coherence in writing recount text. Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in investigating the use of cohesion and coherence devices in writing recount text. The researcher would like to conduct a research entitled

“An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in Recount Text Made by Students at Tenth Grade of SMAN 10 Kota Jambi”.

B. The Formulation of The Problem

Based on the explanation in the background above, the researcher felt important to make the formulation of the problem in this research. There were some questions that appear from researcher such as:

1. What types of cohesion and coherence devices used by the tenth grades students of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi in writing recount text?

2. How are the students’ competence in producing cohesion and coherence at their writing recount text?


C. The Limitation of The Problem

In this study, the researcher would like to limits the problem on the use grammatical cohesive devices exactly in reference, conjunction, ellipsis and substitution, while in coherence the researcher will be limited on the use of transition signal in students writing skill especially in recount text at tenth grade of SMAN 10 Kota Jambi.

D. The Objective of The Study

Based on the research problem about formulation of the problem and the limitation of the problem above, objective of the research are:

1. What types of cohesive devices used by the tenth grade students of SMAN 10 Kota Jambi in writing recount text?

2. What types of coherence devices used by the tenth grade students of SMAN 10 Kota Jambi in writing recount text?

3. To describe the students competence in producing cohesion and coherence at their writing text?

E. The Significant of the Research

The researcher supposed to give some distribution to the following people:

1. Students, to help students create awareness about how to write cohesive and coherent paragraph and improve students’ skill in writing good text.

2. Teachers, to help teachers in evaluating students’ writing performance, construct remedial teaching, and give understanding that students need continuous and special supervision conducted by teachers during writing activity.

3. Other researchers, as a comparison for the better studies.




A. The Nature of Writing 1. Definition of writing

Writing is one of the four language skills besides speaking, listening and reading, which is considered to be a fundamental skill for students to be learnt. Writing can define as the ability to express the ideas or deliver the idea thoughts on paper. Andayani, Marjohan & Seken (2014) stated that writing is a productive skill in which the students can deliver their idea, messages and feeling to readers. Writing is the activity is not easy to learn by students, because they have to give their idea or feeling to the reader through writing. According to Paul (2007, p. 96), writing is the most difficult skill compared to the other skill. Therefore, writing becomes a very important language skill to develop.

According to Troike (2006, p. 96), writing is the most important productive activities for L2 learners to develop if they will use the language for academic purpose, or in certain types of service function. To support the important of writing proposed by Troike, Ayub, Seken, and Suarnajaya (2014) also stated that writing is important language skill because it is a productive skill that shows how skillful the students is in using the language and discovers the talented students in this field. On the other hand, writing as one of the four language skill in English is considered as the most difficult and most challenging skill compared to the other skill either for most students or even for teachers. There are many cases in which both teachers and students have difficulties in producing good compositions. According to Oshima and Hogue (2007, p. 16), writing becomes a big challenging for the students because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex steps. They are prewriting, organizing, writing and the last polishing. Therefore, the main


Focus of teaching writing is to develop competency in creating a good writing.

2. The Importance of Writing

Writing plays very important role in modern society and also it is one of the language skills, has given an important contribution to human work. From the fourth language skill, writing is one of the language skills which important in our life. Hastuti and Nugroho (2016) stated that writing is the one of the important language skills in this era because it is used in many field of life. This argument supported by Ayub, Seken and Marjohan (2014) who mention writing becomes important on this era after booming of the digital technology, this is because the skill of writing will help much someone to contact people around the world through mass media.In addition, through writing students can express their idea, inform others, and that what they feel.

Academicians and business people view writing skill is crucial. For academicians writing skill can be the ticket to better college grades and greater academic achievements. While, according to Pillai in Sofiyatin (2010), writing skill is essential for achieving career and business goals. It is an important medium of communication. In business communication it is not impossible to conduct all transactions by speech alone. But people have to write the transaction. The important of writing can be seen in daily life and also in social life. For example, written texts are more exposed as found in newspapers, magazines or letters. From the statements above, the researcher can conclude that writing is very important as one media of communication that can help to have socialization, can express idea, feeling, and opinion so that they can have a good interaction with their society, for example when they write letter or business transaction.


3. The process of writing

According to Oshima and Hogue (2007, p. 265), process of writing consist of five stages. They are prewriting, planning, organizing, writing, and polishing.

a.) Prewriting

The first step in the writing process is to choose a topic and collects ideas to explain the topic. This step is often called prewriting because you do the step before you start writing. Prewriting is a way of warming up before write. There are several ways to warm up before writing:

(1) Choosing and narrowing a topic

If you are given a specific writing assignment ( such as an essay question on an examination), then what you can write about is limited. However, when you can choose your own topic, here are two tips for making a good choice. They are, choose a topic that interest you and choose a topic that fits the assignment.

(2) Generating ideas

The next prewriting step is to collect information and develop ideas. For some writing tasks, you will need to go to outside sources, such as newspaper, magazine, library books or internet. For other assignments, you can interview friends, classmate, and neighbors to get their ideas and opinion. For still other writing tasks, you can search your own brain and experiences. For useful techniques for exploring within your self are, journal writing, listing, free writing, and clustering.


(a) Journal writing

In journal writing, you can record your daily experiences, or you can write down quotations that are meaningful to you. The advantage of writing journal is that you are writing only for yourself.

(b) Listing

Listing is a brainstorming technique in which you think about the topic and quickly make a list of whatever words or phrases come into your mind. Your purpose is to produce as many ideas as possible in a short time, and your goal is to find a specific focus for your topic.

(c) Free writing

Free writing is a brainstorming activity in which you write freely short a topic because you are looking for a specific focus.

While you are writing, one idea will spark another idea. As with listing, the purpose of free writing is to generate as many ideas as possible and to write them down without worrying about appropriateness, grammar, spelling, logic, or organization.

(d) Clustering

Clustering is another brainstorming activity you can use to generate ideas. To use this technique, first, you write your topic in the center of your paper and draw a “balloon” around it. Then write whatever ideas come to you in balloon around the core. Think about each of these ideas and make more balloons around them.


b.) Planning

In this step you organize the ideas into an outline. There are three stages in this step, they are:

(a) Making sub lists

As a first step toward making an outline, divide the ideas in the communication problems list further into sub lists and cross out any items that to do not belong or that are not useable.

(b) Write the topic sentence

Finally write a topic sentence. The topic is clearly communication problems. A possible topic sentence might be as follow.

(c) Outlining

An outline is a formal plan for a paragraph. With this outline in front of you, it should be relatively easy to write paragraph. There is topic sentence, two main supporting points, supporting details, and since this is a stand- alone paragraph, a concluding sentence.

c.) Writing

Step 3 in writing process is writing the rough draft. Follow your outline as closely as possible, and don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Above all, remember that writing is a continuous process discovery. As you are writing, you will think new ideas that may not be in your brainstorming list or outline. You can delete add or delete ideas at any times in the writing process.

Just be sure that any new ideas are relevant.


d.) Polishing

The fourth and final step in the writing process is polishing what you have written. This step is also called revising and editing. Polishing is most successful if you do it in two stages. First, attack the big issues of content and organization (revising). Then work on the smaller issues of grammatical and punctuation (editing).

B. Cohesion

1. The definition of cohesion

The definition of cohesion is familiar in the study of language. It is part of the system of a language. Halliday & Hasan (2013, p. 4) stated that the concept of cohesion is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Cohesion helps readers or listeners to understand some missing pieces which are not present in the text but necessary to its interpretation. Halliday & Hassan (2013, p.4) also stated that cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another. The one presupposes the other in the sense that it cannot be effectively decoded except by resources to it”. They describe cohesion as a semantic concept that refers to relation of meaning existing within a text, not as a structural unit. Therefore, their use of the term cohesion refers specifically to non- structure text forming relations and it often occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another. Their focus is on the cohesive ties between sentences because they are the only source of textual, while within the sentence there are structural relations as well.

In fact, the presupposition is an important aspect in cohesion because it extracts the unrelated sentences by the connected one. Thus relations in meaning of any sentence depending on the surrounding elements. In other words “cohesion refers to the range of possibilities that exist for linking


something with what has gone before. Since this linking is achieved through relations in meaning”. To illustrate, let us examine the following example: “Wash and core six cooking apples. Put them in a fire proof dish” the item “them” in the second sentence refers back to “six cooking apples” in the first sentence. In this, since we cannot understand the second sentence without referring to the first one which gives sign to what

“them” stands for. That is to say, “them” is an item to which it facilitates the readers understanding of the relation between sentences in the text. As in the case of the above example, cohesion is focused on the relation of the boundaries between sentences rather than within sentences.

2. Types of cohesive devices

Acccording to Matthiessen (2014, p. 603), in cohesion there is a grammatical cohesion. In grammatical cohesion there are four items are attached which are reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Each of them stands as grammatical cohesive device that has its own character.

a.) Reference

The term reference is traditionally used in semantics for the relationship which holds between a word and what it points to in the real word. Matthessien (2014, p. 605) stated that reference creating links between elements at the level of meaning. Reference is when one word refers to the other word. According to Halliday & Hasan (2013, p.31) reference is divided into three types:

(1) Personal reference

It is achieved through the use of personal and possessive pronouns, and possessive adjectives. They refer to individuals and objects that are mentioned in some other parts of a text. In line with this, Matthessien (2014, p. 626) stated that in personal reference, the category of person is used to refer. Halliday and Hasan in Andayani, Seken an dMarjohan (204) stated that the category of


personal reference include personal pronouns, for example I, me, you, him, she, he, her, we, us, they, them. Then, possessive determiners they are, my, yours, their, our, his, and her. And then possessive pronoun they are mine, yours, ours, hers, and theirs.

Example: Three blind mice. So, how they run!

Neil is a devoted teacher. He always prepares his lessons.

(2) Demonstrative reference

Demonstrative reference is essentially a form of verbal pointing. It is reference by means of location, on scale of proximity e.g. this, that, those, here, there, then and also definite article e.g the. Matthessien (2013, p.629) stated that demonstrative reference in origin they were probably the same as third-persons forms.

Example: A man crossed the street. Nobody saw what happen. Suddenly, the man was lying there and calling for help. (The definite article” the” refers to the entire first sentence.)

Doctor foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain. He is stepped in a puddle right up to his middle and never went there again.

(3) Comparative Reference

It is achieved through adverbs and adjectives of comparison, which are used to compare similarities or identities between items in a text. Normally, reference items and the antecedent items are co referential. That is, they share a semantic relation whereby the interpretation of an item depends on something else in the discourse.

Example: There were two wrens upon a tree. Another came and there were three.

Some people eat to live while others live to eat.


b.) Substitution

Hidayat (2016) stated that substitution is a relation within the text body. A substitute is a short of counter which is used in place of the repetition of a particular item. A word is not omitted, but is substituted for another more general word. In addition, Ayub, et al (2013) stated that substitution is a replacement of one component by another within a text.

Example: which ice cream would you like?

I would like the pink one (one is used instead of repeating ice cream).

Hidayat (2016) as cited in Halliday and Hasan (1977) points out there are three types of substitution: nominal, verbal, and clausal substitution.

(1) Nominal Substitution

Nominal Substitution substitutes the noun in the sentence. Commonly the substitutes used are one/ones.

Example: The car’s price is too expensive. I can only buy the cheaper one.

(2) Verbal Substitution

Verbal substitution substitutes the verb in the sentence.

Commonly the verbal substitution is do including the use of does, did, doing, and done.

Example: you think Milea already drink, I think everybody does.

(3) Clausal Substitution

Clausal substitution substitutes the clause in the sentence.

Commonly the substitute used is so. Clausal substitution consists of so and not.

Example: It is going to rain? I think so.


3.) Ellipsis

According to Hidayat (2016) Ellipsis is the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues. This type cohesive device will be characterized by unchanged of the meaning although part of the sentence has been omitted such as the pronouns.

Example: Do you have an extra pen, yes I have (1) Verbal Ellipsis

Verbal Ellipsis refers to ellipsis within the verbal group where the elliptical verb depends on a preceding verbal group.

Example, A: have you been working?

B: Yes, I have (0).

Here, the omission of the verbal group depends on what is said before and it is concerned with “been working”.

(2) Clausal Ellipsis

Clausal ellipsis functions as verbal ellipsis, where the omission refers to a clause.

Example: I kept quite because Anne gets very angry if anyone mentions Lina‟ s name. I don‟ t know why. The complete sentence in the second part is I don’t know why Anne gets angry if anyone mentions Lina’s name. Here, a clause is omitted.

4.) Conjunction

According to Hidayat (2016) Conjunction joins together sentence and often makes them more compact. Conjunction are member of small class that have no characteristic form, their function are chiefly as non moveable structure words that join such units as part of speech, phrases, or clauses. There are four kinds conjunction; additive conjunction, adversative conjunction, causal conjunction, and temporal conjunction. Unlike reference,


substitution, and ellipsis, the use of conjunction does not instruct the reader to supply missing information either by looking for it elsewhere in the text or by filling structural slots. Instead, conjunction signals the way the writer wants the reader to relate what is about to be said to what has been said before. According to Haliday & Hasan as cited in Hidayat (2013), conjunction consist of three:

(1) Additive conjunction

Additive conjunction has function to connect two clauses that contain different information, an, or, nor, furthermore, besides, that is, in other words, etc.

(2) Adversative conjunction

Adversative conjunction is conjunction which moderates or qualifies the information in the following sentence of a text with the information in the preceding. For example: but, though, yet, however, on the other hand, etc.

Example: all of the figures were correct, they’d been checked. Yet the total came out wrong.

(3) Causal conjunction

This conjunction bodes the cause or signals. The examples of them are so, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly, a result, in consequence, because of that, etc.

(4) Temporal conjunction

Its function is to give a sequence or a time for something to happen. They are then, until then, next, afterward, subsequently, first, after that, after that, on another occasion, in conclusion, an hour later, finally, at last. In a sentence it can be like in this following: The weather cleared just as the party approached the


summit. Until then they had seen nothing of the panorama around them.

C. Coherence

1. The nature of coherence

To achieve a perfect text, text must not only be cohesive but also must be coherence. For a text to achieve coherence, it is not enough that it has a hierarchical structure. Additionally, all of its component parts must fit together in a manner that is recognizable to the readers. In line with this Oshima (2007, p. 21) stated that cohere means hold together, for coherence in writing, the sentences must hold together. That is the movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth. There must be no sudden jumps. Each sentence should flow smoothly into the next one. To sum up, coherence is a linkage between words or sentences within the text so that it becomes a logical thread so that readers can easily understand the message contained within the text. According to Oshima (2007, p.22) to achieving coherence in a text we can use transition signal.

Transition signals are words and phrases that connect the idea in one sentence with the idea in another sentence ( Oshima and Hogue, 2007, 81).

Transition signals are like traffic marks, they tell the readers when to go forwards, turn around, slow down and stop. Transition signals are expressions such as first, finally,and however, or phrases such as in conclusion, on the other hand and as a result. Other kinds of words such as (when, although), coordinators (and, but), adjectives (another, additional, and prepositions (because of, in spite of) can serve as transition signals.

Transition signals are like traffic signs: they tell your reader when to go forward, turn around, slow down, and stop. In other words, they tell your reader when to go forward, are giving a similar idea ( similarly, and, in addition), an opposite idea ( on the other hand, but, in contrast), an example ( for example), a result ( therefore, as a result ), or a conclusion ( in conclusion). Using transition words to guide your reader makes easier to


follow your ideas. Transition signals give your paragraph coherence because they guide your reader from one idea to the next. Moreover, using transition signals make your paragraph smoother and help your reader understand it more easily. The table below shows types of transition signals:

Table 2.1 Transition Signals for General Use Meaning/


Transition phrases

Conjunctive adverbs

Coordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions

others To introduce

an additional idea

In addition Furthermore Moreover

Besides Also


And another

To introduce an opposite

idea or contrast

on the other hand In contrast

However Nevertheles

s Instead


But Yet

Although Though Whereas


In spite of

To introduce a choice or


Otherwise Or If

Unless To introduce

restatement or explanation

In fact Indeed

That is

To list in order

First, second, third, next, last, finally

The first, second, third, etc The next, last, final To introduce

an example

For example, for


An exampl e of


Such as To introduce

a conclusion or summary

In conclusion

In short To introduce

a result

Accordingly As a result

Therefore Hence


Source : writing academic English (P 27) by Oshima and Hogue

a.) Transition Words and Phrases and conjunctive Adverbs

Most of words and phrases in the first two columns of the chart can appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of one independent clause and are usually separated by commas. For example:

(1) In addition, he is one of the best players on soccer team.

(2) The runoff created by melting snow, furthermore, adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline seawater.

(3) Both the Red Sea and the Mediteranean have narrow outlets to the ocean however, the Mediteranean’s is narrower.

b.) Coordinators

This group includes the seven coordinating conjunctions and, but, so, or, nor, for, and yet and the five correlative conjunctions both… and, not only

…but also, neither… nor, either … or, and whether … or, Coordinators may or may not have commas. When they connect two independent clauses, use a comma. For examples:

(1) Children not only need love, but they also need discipline.

(2) Would you rather take a written or an oral exam?

(3) The poem is solemn, yet optimistic in tone.

When coordinators connect two words or phrases, do not use a comma.

For example:

(1) Do you like tea or coffee?


(2) Children not only need love but they also need discipline.

c.) Subordinators

A subordinator (subordinating conjunction) is the first word in a independent clause. A dependent clause is always connected to an independent clause to make a sentence. The sentence may or may not have a comma. The general rule is this: put a comma after a dependent clause but not in front of one. For examples:

(1) Although the company’s sales increased last year, its net profit declined.

(2) The company’s net profit declined last year although its sales increased.

d.) Others

The transition signals in this group include nouns such as example, adjectives as additional, prepositions such as in addition to, verb such as cause, and adverbs such as too. There are no punctuation rules for this group, but it is important to notice what kinds of words follow these signals.

e.) Logical Order

In addition to using transition signals and repeating key nouns and pronouns, a fourth way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentences in some kind of logical order. Some common kinds of logical order in English are chronological order, logical division of ideas, and comparison/contrast.

(1) Chronological order is order by time a sequence of events or steps in process.

(2) In logical division of ideas, a topic is divided into parts, and each part is discussed separately.

(3) In comparison/contrast paragraph, the similarities and/or differences between two or more items are discussed.


D. Recount Writing

1. Definition of recount text

Recount text is one of the English text type states in the curriculum 2013 for senior high school especially for students at tenth grade.

According to Rohmah, et al (2017, p,146) recounts are used to tell about past events. Very often you need to tell other people about something that has happened in your life. You may have to tell about what you did yesterday. Speaking or writing about past events is called recount. In summary, recount text is an English text type taught in senior high school that retells the events or experiences in the past with purpose to inform or entertain the readers.

2. Characteristics of recount text

Basically, recount text has generic structures. According to Nurbaya, et al (2013) recount texts consist of three generic structures. They are orientation, events, and re-orientation

a.) Orientation

The first is orientation. Orientation is a part that gives detail about who, what, when, or where. In the orientation, the writers need to introduce participant that is involved in the story, the time and place of the events happened to the readers.

b.) Events

The second is events or series of paragraph. It retells what has happened. In this part, the writer need to tell the readers about the events happened in their past experiences in chronological sequences from the first to the last.

c.) Re- orientation

The last is re- orientation. It concludes the retelling of the events.

Re- orientation is part to summarize the result of the story. It is usually contains of the writer’s feelings or comment about the story.


3. Types of Recount Writing

Derewinika in Hastuti (2016) stated that, there are three types of recount text, they are personal recount text, factual recount text, and imaginative recount text.

a.) Personal Recount Text

Personal recount tells about activities where the writer or speaker got involved or act in the event by her or himself. The examples are daily funny incidents, entries of diary, etc. It uses the first pronouns (1, we). Personal responses to the events can be included particularly at the end.

b.) Factual Recount Text

Factual recount report the particular incident (e.g. report of science experiment, police report, news report, historical account). This types uses third pronouns (he, she it, and they). The emphasis is on using language that is precise, factual and detail, so that the reader gains a complete plot of the event or experience.

Details are usually selected to help the reader reconstruct the activity in the incident accurately. Sometimes the ending of the story describes the outcomes of the activity happened.

c.) Imaginative Recount Text

Imaginative recount is use to entertain the reader by recreating the event of an imaginary world. Specific details, emotive language and first person narration are use to give the writing impact.


Example of recount text:

Merapi Mountain

Two days ago I went to the Merapi Mountain. It was the first time I climbed the mountain. It was the first time I climbed the mountain. I did with some of my friend. We started climbed at 8 p.m. it was so dark and we only flashlight to get the way. I felt no worry because all off my friends were professional climber. I just followed their instruction.

We climbed slowly and enjoy the night there. After 7 hours walking in the dark, we could reach the top of the mountain. It was at 3 a.m early in the morning. We were not alone. There were a lot of people who reached that top before us. We waited the sun rises by cooking some food and making some hot drink to get back our energy. We sang some songs together, shared stories and got acquainted with people there. After seeing the sun raised, we had to go back home. Getting down the mountain was not as hard as the climbing process because we only spent a few energy and time even we had to be more careful to do this process. However, it was great experience I had ever done so far. After all, that was my great experience I had ever had.

Source : https://gudangpelajaran.com

E. Review Related Studies

In order to support this research, the researcher discusses three related studies. First study comes from Ayub, et al (2013) with their research entitled “An Analysis of The Cohesion and Coherence of Students;

English Writing at the Second Grade of SMAN 1 Labuapi West Lombok”.

This study aimed at analyzing students’ writings in terms of the types of cohesive devices used, the types of topical progression, and the problems of coherence. The result of their studies indicates that cohesion and coherence have to be emphasis in teaching writing and the English


teachers have to be competent in evaluating the coherence of students, writing by applying TSA.

The second study comes from Andayani, et al (2014) with their research entitled “An Analysis of The Cohesion and Coherence of the Students Narrative Writings in SMP Negeri 2 Banjar”. This study attempted to describe and explain the cohesion and coherence of English narrative writings produced by the students under study and the problems encountered by the students under study in creating cohesion and coherence in their English narrative writings. They found that the ninth grade students’ in SMP 2 Banjar had more attention to the creation of cohesion. This could be seen from the number of used grammatical cohesion. The use of grammatical cohesion was found in all the students’

narrative writings. It indicated that the students’ already knew these kinds of devices.

The third study is the study from Wachdiah (2016) entitled “An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in the Students’ Writing Text”. The objective of this study is to identify the types of cohesion and coherence made by students at their writing texts. The result of this study showed that there are 1316 instances of cohesion from the total of occurrences and 940 instances of coherence from the total occurrences in 30 of the student explanation texts. Then from this result, she concluded that the students to be competent well in producing cohesion and coherence at their writing texts. The students utilized all the types of cohesion at their writing texts except ellipsis.

The different of this research with other research is in this research the research focus to know what types of grammatical cohesive devices in the students writing text, while in the research above the researcher want to know the types of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in the students writing text. In other hand, the similarity among this study and previous study is both were the analysis of students writing text.




A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive design with qualitative method. Descriptive design was used because in this research there was no treatment given to the students. In line with this Sugiyono (2016,p.2) stated that qualitative research method is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects. It means that the use of cohesion and coherence in the students’ writings were only described as what they were, without giving any treatments. Qualitative method was used because the problems of this research needed to be investigated inductively. In relation to these point, Sugiyono (2016, p.1) stated that the data analysis in qualitative method is inductive. It means that the analysis is based on the facts that have been found. In addition, in this research the researcher used qualitative method because this research focuses on describing data of grammatical cohesive devices and coherence devices found in students’ recount writings. In short, this method described intensive and specific how the tenth grade students’

ability in building cohesion and coherence devices in writing recount text.

This research was used descriptive analysis approach because the result of this research was descriptive data and written words.

B. Setting and Subject of the Research 1. Setting of The Research

For this research, the writer was conducted at SMA NEGERI 10 Kota Jambi which is located on Jl. Depati Parbo, Kel. Pematang Sulur, Kec.

Telanai Pura Kota Jambi. This place was chosen because the students at the tenth grade of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi used cohesive and coherence devices in writing recount text and also some of the students of Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi have ability to get achievement in English debate and write story in English language.


2. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the students of the tenth grade at Senior high school 10 Kota Jambi. For the tenth grade, there are 240 students from 8 classes, three of social class and five of science class. The researcher chose social class 1 and consists of 25 students. The social class 1 chose because based on the teacher’s log and having higher score of English than other classes.

C. Source of the Data

The data was taken from the students of State Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi. The researcher took students text in writing from the teacher who taught writing subject at tenth grade of State Senior High School 10 Kota Jambi.

D. Technique of Collecting Data 1. Documentation

In this research, documentation study was used to search data in written documents. Documentation is much useful too look for some information written data source to solve problem through documentation analysis. Arikunto (2006, p. 231) stated that documentation is a number of data that presents the verbal data such as journal, memory, report and others written text that can be mutual responsible. This is meant that the documentation is in the form of written data. This kind of documentation is used to know students writing competence and performance. Meanwhile to collecting the data to this research, the researcher had to make an appointment with the teacher and had to ask them for permission to borrow the students assignments recount text, and then make the copies of the text later on.


E. Technique of Data Analysis

This research used qualitative data, so it was analyzed by using technique of analysis of descriptive qualitative. The analysis of descriptive qualitative gives predicate to researched variable according to real condition. The analysis is based on Mayring (2018, p. 82).

1. Categorization

Categorization is the process of selecting each unit which have the similarities to determine the relevant material from the texts, it has to be an explicit definition, and theoretical references can be useful. Hence, the data is categorized into cohesion and coherence.

2. Abstraction

Abstraction means formulating a general description of the research topic through generating the categories. It shows how specific or general the categories have to be formulated.

3. Coding the text

To begin the coding, the researcher read the texts from the beginning, line by line, and check if material occurs that is related to the category definition. All other materials are ignored within this procedure. The researcher had to code the passage which fits with the categorization. It is aimed to facilitate the researcher in looking for the needed data.

4. Results

This step involves making sense of the themes or categories identified, and their properties. In this stage, the researcher made the inferences and presented the reconstructions of meanings derived from the data. The researcher describes the results of the properties and dimension of categories and abstraction. Then, identify the results based on the research questions.


F. Triangulation

In this research, the researcher used triangulation technique. Sugiyono (2016 p.241) stated that triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection in the study of some aspects of human behavior. The purpose of triangulation is to increase the credibility of the findings. In this research, the researcher used triangulation technique because the researcher collected data by using observation and documentation.




The finding of the research highlights the data found in students writing. Types of cohesion used by students in recount text writing are presented in the following table.

Table 4.1

No of Writing

Types of Cohesion Coherence


Grammatical Cohesion Transition


Rf Sb Ep Cj

W1 1 - - 1 1

W2 1 - - 5 3

W3 1 - - 5 2

W4 - - - 3 -

W5 1 - - 1 -

W6 - - - 1 1

W7 4 - - 3 1

W8 3 - - 5 5

W9 1 - - 3 1

W10 1 - - 3 1

W11 2 1 - 3 3

W12 1 - - 8 3

W13 - - - - -

W14 - - - 1 -

W15 4 - - - -

W16 - - - - -

W17 1 - - - -


W18 3 - - 2 1

W19 5 - - 3 2

W20 1 1 - 1 1

W21 1 - - - 1

W22 2 - - 2 1

W23 1 - - 3 -

W24 1 - - 1 1

W25 - - - - 1

Total 36 2 - 49 29


Rf : Reference Sb : Substitution Ep : Ellipsis Cj : Conjunction

The table shows the number of cohesive devices in all texts but not all categories of cohesive devices occur in the data. It can be seen that most frequent cohesive devices used are reference and conjunction. For more explanation can be seen as follow:

1. Grammatical cohesion

Grammatical cohesion consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. From the identification, the researcher found that most participants used reference and conjunction in their recount text. researcher seldom find subtitution and ellipsis were hardly found in their recount text.

a. Reference

Reference is divided into three parts: personal, demonstrative, and comparative reference.


1) Personal Reference a) Personal pronoun

In the data, members of personal pronoun found include: we, she, he, his and it. Here are the examples sentences each of them made by participants.

(1) Last holiday, my friends and I went to the beach near from our city. We went early in the morning and arrived there at 8 a.m.

(W8, S1 and 2) (2) My mother was not only a moms, she was my best cooking


(W23, S6 and 7) (3) My mother was not at home yesterday, so she told me and my

sister to buy vegetable in the market.

(W22, S2) (4) I was so happy to be with my sister in the market. She told me everything until I understood how to buy something in the market.

(W22, S6 and 7) (5) Flying fox is my favorite spot, but my friend afraid to try this

spot, because it is very high.

(W24, S3) (6) Dio actually spoke it quite well. But, he was afraid to open his

mouth. So, I was the one who talked to people.

(W21, S11 and 12) (7) Dio actually spoke it quite well. But, he was afraid to open his

mouth. So, I was the one who talked to people.

(W21, S11 and 12) (8) Dio just spent all his time lying on the bed with his phone.

(W21, S6)


(9) Finally my mother very angry with me and ask me to help her clean around my house because, I oversleep.

(W22, S8) (10) One of the famous female characters in Indonesia is Raden Ajeng Kartini. She is also commonly known as R.A Kartini.

His father named R.M Sostroningrat was a son of prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV.

(W18, S2) (11) One of the famous female characters in Indonesia is Raden Ajeng Kartini. She is also commonly known as R.A Kartini.

Her father named R.M Sostroningrat was a son of prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV.

(W18, S3 and 4) b) Possessive determiners

In the data, members of personal pronoun found include: my, us and our. Here are the examples sentences made by participants.

(12) I saw many animals in the zoo. My favorite was the elephant.

(W7, S5 and 6) (13) Finally Parang Tritis was in front of us. We arranged our

bags and after that we quickly swum.

(W25, S9) (14) We spent the rest of our week in Jambi city by visiting some

shopping mall such as, Jamtos Mall, WTC Batanghari Mall and Lippo Plazza Mall.

(W1, S6) (15) We filled our bellies to our heart’s content.

(W7, S12) (16) Last holiday my friends and I spent our holiday on Parang

Tritis beach. This is one of the beautiful beaches in Jogja. It took us two hours to take get there.

(W25, S1, 2 and 3)


(17) We went there by motorcycle. That vehicle easier for us to pass any kind of road.

(W15, S4 and 5) (18) Last year, I and my family went to the beach near from our

city. We went in the morning and arrived there at 8 a.m.

(W7, S1 and 2) (19) What we wanted to find was a beach with no tourist there and

we found it. It was a beautiful beach with nobody else except us.

(W15, S9 and 10) (20) The last school holiday, I spent my time with my family on

vacation to a relative’s house in Nipah, approximately 6 hours trip by motorcycle from our home in Jambi city.

(W20, S1) 2) Demonstrative reference

The researcher find “there, those and this” as demonstrative reference are taken from the data, such as:

(21) My family and I went to my grandmother house in Tungkal. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s graduation.

(W1, S1, 2 and 3) (22) I bought a variety of pempek. Pempek is a traditional food of

Palembang city. This food is very tasty.

(W10, S5, 6 and 7)

(23) I did my home works until 11.40 p.m and finally I could take a rest in my bed. Those activities made my day busy.

(W3, S7 and 8) (24) We then cycled around to see new things together. Those day

were very enjoyable for me.

(W2, S5 and 6)


(25) My family and I went to my grandmother house in Tungkal.

It was my first trip to this city.

(W1, S1 and 2) (26) Last holiday, I and my family went to the beach near from our

city. We went in the morning and arrived there at 8 a.m.

(W7, S1 and 2) (27) The weather was very nice. In there so many coconut tree.

(W25, S6) (28) I wanted to stay there longer, but we had to come back to

school the next day.

(W8, S12) (29) It was a very interesting holiday. I hope to get back there


(W9, S10 and 11) (30) The first day, I did home activities that I rarely do in school

days. I started these activities with jogging in the morning then played online game until 10.00 a.m.

(W12, S1 and 2) (31) We went there by motorcycle. That vehicle easier for us to

pass any kind of road.

(W15, S4 and 5) (32) Two year ago, I and my family spent our holiday on Berhala

Island. This is one of the beautiful island in my city. It took us eight hours to take get there from my house.

(W19, S1, 2, and 3) (33) Two year ago, I and my family spent our holiday on Berhala

Island. This is one of the beautiful island in my city. It took us eight hours to take get there from my house.

(W19, S1, 2, and 3) (34) On the way there, we saw so many pinang tree.

(W21, S2)


3) Comparative reference

Halliday and Hassan in (Swastami, 2014) define that comparative reference is indirect reference by means of identity or similarity (Swastami, 2014: p.16). There are two kinds of comparative reference:

General and Particular comparison.

(35) We spent the rest of our week in Jambi City by visiting some shopping malls such as Jamtos Mall, WTC Batanghari Mall and Lippo Plazza.

(W1, S6) b. Conjunction

Conjunction involves additive, adversative, causal, and temporal.

1) Additive Conjunction

This data, the researcher only found like: and, and also. Here are the examples of made by the participants.

(36) Two year ago, I and my family spent our holiday on Berhala Island.

(W19, S1) (37) Last holiday, my friends and I went to the beach near from our city. We went early in the morning and arrived there at 8 a.m.

(W8, S1) (38) My mother was not at home yesterday, so she told me and my

sister to buy vegetable in the market.

(W22, S8) (39) Finally my mother very angry with me and ask me to help her

clean around my house because, I oversleep.

(W22, S7) (40) Finally Parang Tritis was in front of us. We arranged our bags

and after that we quickly swum.

(W25, S8)


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