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Handling My Difficulty in Giving English Instructions to Grade 1 Students at SDK Santa Ursula.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah yang saya hadapi saat melakukan kegiatan magang di SDK Santa Ursula mulai pada tanggal 21 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 19 Agustus 2016. Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah kesulitan saya dalam memberi instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris kepada siswa kelas 1 di SDK Santa Ursula.

Dalam Tugas Akhir ini saya juga menganalisis sebab dan akibat dari masalah yang saya hadapi. Berdasaran analisis, saya menemukan tiga penyebab yaitu karena saya mendapatkan gangguan dari beberapa siswa ketika saya sedang menjelaskan instruksi, karena murid-murid tidak memperhatikan saya dan yang terakhir karena hampir semua murid memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang lemah. Sedangkan dampak dari masalah saya adalah kelas menjadi berisik dan saya membuang banyak waktu untuk menjelaskan ulang.

Berdasarkan beberapa referensi, saya mendapatkan tiga solusi yang berpotensi mengatasi masalah saya. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan berkeliling kelas untuk memantau aktivitas belajar para siswa. Solusi kedua adalah saya akan memberi mereka sinyal berupa tepukan tangan. Solusi ketiga adalah saya akan menunjukkan perhatian yang positif secara acak kepada murid yang mencoba mengganggu saya saat saya menjelaskan instruksi.








A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ... 7










Background of the Study

Giving instructions plays a crucial role in classroom activities because

if the teacher cannot deliver the instructions clearly to the students,

learning and teaching process cannot work well. However, sometimes

giving instructions can be difficult and challenging as stated by

Schneiderová (2014), “Giving the right instruction is one of the most

difficult and challenging things in managing a successful learning

environment” (p. 15). Giving instructions can be challenging, although

sometimes the techer feels that his or her instructions are clear, some

students might not get what is instructed. As stated by Schneiderová

(2014) that, “Instructions which may seem to be clear to teachers may

cause unnecessary confusion for students” (p. 15). This is also emphasized

by Larsen (2015) that, “Giving instructions is an integral part of being a


understand what you are saying, all your instructions are going to be

meaningless” (para.1). Since giving instructions holds an important part in

the teaching and learning process, teachers should know how to give good

instructions to their students. Therefore, I decided to discuss my difficulty

in giving instructions as the topic of my term paper based on my

experience when I was doing my internship.

I did my internship in SDK Santa Ursula Bandung from 21th July 2016

to 20th August 2016. My duties at SDK Santa Ursula were to teach English

to students grade 1, 2, 5, 6, and to be a teacher assistant to students grade 1

and 2. When I was teaching English at grade 1 with 3 classes, I realized

that I had difficulty in giving English instructions to the students. Students

on that grade often did not do what I had told them to. Based on my

internship, I found that giving instructions to students grade 1 was quite

difficult compared to my experience teaching the other levels. For

example, on my journal day 20 (August 19th, 2016) when I was teaching

grade 1 with the topic Introductions. I asked the students to get in pairs

with their chairmates to practice introducing themselve. However, most of

the students were confused or did not understand my instructions and

because of that the class became chaotic. Having experienced the problem,

I would like to analyze this problem critically and systematically to find



Identification of the Problem

I would like to do the study in accordance with the following research


1. Why did I have difficulty in giving English instructions to students

grade 1 at SDK Santa Ursula?

2. How did this problem affect the teaching and learning process?

3. How should I handle the students who do not understand my



Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of this study. The first objective is to find out

the causes of the problem in giving English instructions to students grade 1

in SDK Santa Ursula. The second objective is to find out how this problem

influences the teaching and learning process. The last one is to find the

best solution to overcome this problem effectively.

There are several benefits of the study. First, the institution, especially

the teachers at SDK Santa Ursula, will get some ideas on how to give good

instructions to students grade 1. Hopefully, they also can handle it if there

are some students who do not understand English instructions. This term

paper will also be helpful to the readers who have the same problem as

mine. In addition, for me personally, the study helps me learn how to

handle and help students who do not understand English instructions in the



Description of the Institution

Established in 1927 with the name “St. Maria School ", St. Ursula

Catholic Elementary School was built on Kebun Jambu area near

Wilhelmina pleintjen on Merdeka street. which is now known as the St.

Ursula Junior High School.

In 1930 the school foundation built another new elementary school

named "Saint Joseph School”. In 1949 "St. Joseph School" became an

Indonesian school-based and changed its name into "St. Joseph

Elementary School” and was followed in the next year in 1950 by "St.

Maria School" which also became an Indonesian primary school and

renamed as "St. Maria Elementary School."

In 2007, St. Yusup Elementary School and St. Maria Elementary

School were united and renamed as St. Ursula Elementary School. The

name change was based on the principal's proposal to have only one name

and for another reason that there was other school which had the same

name located closely.

St. Ursula Elementary School has a vision to become a community of

learners that are innovative, creative, and critical in science and faith

according to the spirit of St. Angela. Whereas its first mission is, as an

educational institution (Institute of Education), St. Ursula Catholic

Elementary School provides qualified and integrated education which

prepares the students for a higher level of education and for the society. St.

Ursula Catholic Elementary School second mission is, as a learning


School develops the students’ potentials and skills to be critical, creative

and innovative.

St. Ursula Catholic Elementary School now on Bengawan street in

Bandung. The principal of St. Ursula Catholic Elementary School is Ms.

Maria Margaretha Sartika. There are many facilities that St. Ursula

Catholic Elementary School has. They have 8 classes, which is 3 classes

per grade. St. Ursula Catholic Elementary School provide laboratory for

science, library, laboratory for computer. They have 3 school field, 1

outdoor which is usually use for ceremony routine and 2 indoor for PE

lesson, they also have a hall for hold some events such as talent show and

worship. Teacher at St. Ursula Catholic Elementary School, there are

approximately 32 active teachers teach, some are become the

hometeachers, and some become a teacher with certain subject.


Method of the Study

The methods of the study are library research and field research. The

data for library research was taken from books and reliable articles or

journals on the Internet. Furthermore, the data for field research was taken

from my observation when doing my internship. The observation data was

written in my internship journal during my internship at SDK Santa Ursula



Limitation of the Study

The study is based on my experience as an English teacher for students

of grade 1 at SDK Santa Ursula Bandung during my internship from 21th

July to 19th August 2016. The subject of my research is I, as the English

teacher. The study focuses on how I gave English instructions to the

students at grade 1, namely 1A class, 1B class and 1C class. There were 28

to 32 students in each class.


Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper start with Abstract and continue with Acknowladge .

On this term paper, there are four chapters, in which Chapter I is

Introduction, Chapter II is Problem Analysis, Chapter III is Potential

Solutions, and Chapter IV is Conclusion. Chapter I discusses the

Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and

Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,

Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter II

discusses the Problem Analysis, which states the causes and the effects of

the problem. Chapter III discusses the Potential Solutions, which consists

of the analysis of the positive and negative effects the potential solutions.

Finally, Chapter Four discusses the Conclusion, which discusses the

chosen solution and the reasons for choosing it. The last part is the

References and the Appendices, which contain the flowchart, some




In this chapter, I would like to present the chosen solution to solve my

problem, that is my difficulty in giving English instructions to students grade 1 at

SDK Santa Ursula. Based on my analysis, I find that my problem has 3 causes.

The first cause is I got interruption from some students while I was explaining the

instructions. The second cause of my problem is the students did not pay attention

to me while I was explaining the instructions in front of the class. The third cause

is most of the students had low English competence. The problem creates two

effects, they are: the class became chaotic `when students were confused about the

instructions and I wasted classroom time when I was giving the instructions. I

propose three potential solutions to solve my problem. The first potential solution

is I will walk around the classroom to monitor the student’s work. The second

potential solution is I will try to give them a signal by clapping my hand. The

third potential solution is I will deal with the students who often disturb me to get

my attention by showing positive attention randomly to the students. Having

analyzed the potential solutions, I choose to combine all three of my potential


potential solutions, first, after giving English instructions, I will walk around the

classroom to monitor the student’s work. By walking around the classroom, I can

make instructions clear to the students who do not understand or are still confused

of the instruction and I can help the students who has low-English competence to

understand the instructions. Then, when the students start to be busy with

themselves, I will give them a signal by clapping my hands. This will be very

helpful to attract the students’ attention and their attention back to me because

they will follow the pattern of the clapping. While the students follow the pattern,

all the attention automatically will be back to me because they will know that the

clapping means that they have to stop whatever they are doing and pay attention

to me. Moreover, when walking around the classroom, I can show positive

attention randomly to the students who often disturb me. By showing the positive

attention randomly, I might handle the students who often disturb me when I am

giving the instructions.

I choose the combination of all three potential solutions because those

solutions can support one another to cope with the causes of the problem. If I only

choose one or two potential solutions, the result will not be maximum and the

problem might still happen.

At the end of this term paper, I would like to suggest everyone who wants to

do an internship as an English teacher to prepare himself/herself well when giving

instructions in English to students. My internship experience shows that no

teacher can succeed in running a lesson when the students cannot understand the





A term paper

submitted to DIII Programme for English at Maranatha Christian University

Shinta Ayu Permatasari


DIII Programme for English

Faculty of Letters

Maranatha Christian University




This term paper is written as a part of the final requirements to finish my study

at D3 English Program, Faculty of Letters, Maranatha Christian University. First

of all, I would like to give the highest gratitude to my God, Jesus Christ.

Additionally, this term-paper is made under the truthful direction of Ms. Henni,

S.S, M.Hum, as my supervisor; thus, my sincere thank also goes to her. Also, I

would like to thank my mother and my brothers. I am blessed to have you as my

family, whose unyielding love and constant support for my education hava help

me to finish this term paper. I would like to thank my other family members and

friends. Mega and Fernando, thank you for your constant voices of confidence and

uplifting words throughout this process of writing the term paper. Without the

help from all of you, I would not be able to finish this paper. I would like to thank

Ms. Maria Margaretha Sartika, as the principal of SDK Santa Ursula Bandung,

who has allowed me to do my internship there, and Ms. Chintjin Muljanih, as my

supervisor, who has guided and led me during my internship at SDK Santa

Ursula. Besides, I would like to express my special gratitude to all the lecturers at

D3 English Program, Maranatha Christian University and all the staff at SDK



Breaking the attention-seeking habit: the power of random positive teacher

attention. (n.d.). In Intervention Central. Retrieved November 9, 2016,




Davies, L. (2008, February 1). 25 ways to obtain children’s attention in a school

setting - teachers.Net Gazette. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from


Larsen, M. (2015, February 11). Classroom management II – giving instructions.

Retrieved November 16, 2016, from


McCormick, A. (2009, April 25). Attention getting Strategies: if you can hear my

voice clap once. Retrieved December 15, 2016, from

https://ed.psu.edu/pds/teacher-inquiry/2009/mccormicka.pdf /

Scanlon, J. (2003, March 31). 12 steps to clearer instructions | ESLemployment.

Retrieved November 16, 2016, from


Schneiderová, P. (2014). The effective classroom management in young learners

language classes(Bachelor’s thesis). Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická

fakulta. Retrieved from http://is.muni.cz/th/69636/pedf_b

Watson, S., & Gable, R. (2011, April 4). Using knowledge of student cognition to

differentiate instruction - Reaching every learner: Differentiating

instruction in theory and practice. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from


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