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A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON TEACHER-STUDENT INTERACTION IN SPEAKING CLASS A Descriptive Study On Teacher-Student Interaction In Speaking Class At The Seventh Year Of SMP Negeri 3 Kesesi Pekalongan In 2011/2012 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department











Karlina Indriyaningsih Djoko Srijono Dwi Haryanti


This article represents the result of Teacher-student Interaction in Speaking Class on the Seventh Year of SMP N 3Kesesi Pekalongan in 2011/2012 Academic Year. The Subject of this research is the English Teacher and the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan in 2011/2012 academic year. The object of this research is Teacher-student Interaction in Speaking Class. The objectives of this research are Identifying the interaction between the teacher and the student in the speaking classroom, and Identifying the problems faced by the teacher in speaking classroom interaction at seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan. The writer uses descriptive research. The writer collects the data from the students’ activity in speaking classroom activity, and document. The documents of the research are field note, script interview, syllabus, English book, photos of classroom activity. The result of this research shows that are: (1) The teacher-student interaction in speaking class consist of: classroom activities, language use in speaking class, interaction analysis by using Brown’s Interaction Analysis System, (2) The problem faced by the students’ in speaking class are: Students’ get difficulty in vocabulary, grammar mastery and pronunciation, meanwhile the problem faced by the teacher in speaking class are the students’ indolence and the students’ are less open-minded.


1. Introduction

Speaking is an important aspect in language learning. By speaking, we can convey information and ideas, and maintain social relationship by communicating with other people. People who conduct communication can be said successful if they can convey their speaking like water flows in a river. To make the students speak English fluently is difficult. This is because their mother tongue is not English. Teaching English in Indonesia focuses on ability of communication of the students.

As we know that speaking is one of the important and essential skills that people must practice. Speaking English becomes very important in using English for communication. By speaking with other people, the students are able to know what kinds of situation are in the world. People know that language is habit. Language is not only taught and learnt, but it is used to communicate. So, the students of English class must be able to speak English well because people identify the English mastery by their speaking English.

To make easy in learning English, this has been taught since the learners study in the kindergarten or playgroup level. All components of English language are taught thoroughly to achieve in integrated language skills. Teaching English in Indonesian focuses on ability of communication of the students. However, creating meaningful interaction between teacher and students in speaking class is not easy.To acquire the students’ speaking skill the teacher can use discussion or debate, games or role play to improve the students’ motivation in speaking class.


The objective of the study is to identifying the interaction between the teacher and the student in the speaking classroom at the seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan, and to identifying the problems faced by the teacher in the speaking classroom interaction at seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan.

There are some researchers who have conducted the teacher-student interaction in speaking class that analyzed different object. The first previous is Wulandari (UMS, 2011) entitled A Descriptive Study on Teacher – Student Interaction in Speaking Class at the eighth year of SMP Negeri 1 Gemolong in 2010/2011 Academic Year. The result of this research is the teacher – student interaction consists of classroom activities, language use in speaking class and interaction analysis by using Brown’s interaction analysis system. And there were problem faced by the teacher and student, problem faced by the teacher were the students’ indolence and the students are less open-minded and the problem faced by the student were the student get difficulty in vocabulary, grammar mastery and pronunciation. The second previous researcher is Puspasari ( UMS, 2010) entitled An analysis on the Speaking Classroom Interaction at the Sixth Year of SD N 2 Mojosongo Boyolali in 2010/2011 Academic Year. The result of the study shows the percentage of Teacher’s talk time in the speaking classroom interactions. Teacher’s talk time takes 61, 5%, while the student’s talk time is 22, 8%. The writer also finds some factors which become problem in realizing a good teacher-students interactions. The problems are the students don’t want to take a risk, problem in vocabulary mastery, and problems in grammar mastery.


2. Research Method

This research uses the descriptive research to describe the teacher-student interaction in teaching English at the seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan in 2011/2012 academic year. Descriptive research is a type of research which does not use calculation or enumerating (Moleong, 2007:3).

The data in this research are Data of this research are the field note, interview script, and syllabus. The data are taken from the result of teaching-learning process that include:1). The events in this research are all of the activities occurred in the speaking class. The writer conducted the observation in classroom for 3 times, 2). Informant; in this research, the writer takes English teacher and the students of seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan as the informants.3). Document; the documents in this research are all of the written information related to the interaction in speaking class. The documents are field note, interview script, and syllabus.


research technique that will be done to describe manifestation of communication objectively, systematically, and quantitatively.

Technique for analyzing data, Miles and Huberman ((1984) in Sutopo (2002: 91)) defines three components of analyzing data, 1). Data Reduction, during the research activities, the writer reduces the unimportant data and takes the important data or data that support the research. Sutopo (2002: 92) describes data reduction as part of the processes in analyzing data which includes simplification, focusing, selection, and transformation of the data field note, 2). Data Display, in this step the writer tries to arrange and describe the information and data to draw conclusion. By presenting the data, the writer makes the classification and the discussion of the research a finding, 3). Verifying the Data, the stage shows the final result of the study. It consists of conclusion and verification. The writer draws the conclusion and interpretation related to the data.

3. Findings and Discussion

In this section, the writer discusses the research findings found the observation and interview. The research findings are about the teacher-students’ interaction in speaking class which consists of classroom activity. Language use in speaking class and Brown’s Interaction Analysis System, and problems occurred in speaking class.

1). Teacher-students’ Interaction in Speaking Class

Based on the interview and observation, the writer found that teaching-learning process, the teacher had some interesting materials in the classroom activities. Those interesting materials are describing picture, practicing conversation, watching fable, constructing and retelling story. The teaching-learning process was not always done in the classroom. the teacher applied three steps of classroom activies; Opening, Core Learning, and Closing.


material and summarizing the material. For example in first day observation (Monday, April 30, 2012):

a. Opening

The teacher and the observer entered the class. The students looked enthusiastic and ashamed because it was the first time the teacher entered the class with the observer. The teaching-learning process started at 8.20 a.m. Then the teacher started to attract the student’s attention by greeting in the beginning of the lesson. The teacher said “Good morning” and the students answered “Good morning, sir”. The teacher let the observer joined the speaking class. He made a joke about the observer and introduced the observer as new teacher in their class. The teacher teacher uses opening section to signify that teaching-learning process is ready to start, so students should prepare themselves.

b. Core Learning

1) Building Knowledge of Field (BKOF)

First of all, the study session was started by the teacher with giving question to the students’ related to the discussed material. The discussed materials that day were the expression to ask for service or to ask someone to do something.

Teacher : “ What are the kinds of expression to ask for service or to ask someone to do something?” Students : “Silent (the student’confused)”

Teacher : “ekspresi untuk meminta layanan atau pertolongan kepada orang lain”.

Students : “ Can you help me, and Could you help me” Teacher : “ That’s right. We can add the word “please”

to make the expression more polite”.


expressions to respond asking for service, and writes down the explanation in the black board.

“Expressions to respond asking for service” Some expressions to respond asking for service: - Sure

- Of course

- OK,anything else? - OK, I will

- I’m sorry, I’m busy - Sorry, I can’t

The teacher explains about some expressions to respond asking for service. And then the teacher asked the students about what werevthey thingking. From data above, the teacher has implemented building knowledge of field in right way. The teacher asked some questions about related to the discussed material. The teacher used Building Knowledge of Field as the introduction to the new materials that will be learn. It can be either writen or oral explanation. By giving explanation and question in the beginning of the study session, the teacher has facilitated the teaching learning process effectively.

2). Modeling of the Text (MOT)


apply the given material previously, that the students can easily pertain the skill through the material given in the teaching learning process.

3). Joint Construction of the Text (JCOT)

The teacher asked some students’ to find their partner and practiced to express their expression to ask for service or to ask someone to do something in front of the class.

Teacher : “ Diana wants to fax a document, she ask for Dimas to help her.

Diana : “ Dimas, can you fetch me that paper, please? Dimas : “ The paper is on the table over there, isn’t it? Diana : “ Yes thanks”

Dimas : “ Here you are, Diana.”

Diana : “ Thanks. Oh, could you help me again?” Dimas : “ Sure, Diana”.

Diana : “ I want to send a document but I dont know to use the fax mechine.

Dimas : “ Well. Let me show you. Put the document you want to send here then dial the number. Diana : “ OK. Then?”

Dimas : “ Just put the start button”.

Diana : “ hhhmmhhh. It’s easy. Thank you, Dad. Dimas : “ My pleasure, Diana”.

In the middle of the teaching-learning process, the teacher asked the observer to introduce herself and gave comment to the students’ performance. The teacher asked the students’ to answer some question about diologue and writes down in the black board.


1. What does Diana want to do?

2. Does she know how to use the fax machine?


4. What does Dimas say to Diana asking? What does he mean with his expressions?

5. What should Diana do to send the document?

The teacher has implemented Joint Construction of the Text correctly. The teacher asked the students’ to make group in doing the task about expression to ask for service or to ask someone to do something. Joint Construction of the Text can help the students’ discuss their idea or answer with their friends. The students’ can also solve their problems faced in finishing their task by discussing it together with their frends. 4). Independent Construction of the Text (ICOT)

After 50 minutes, the teacher asked the student’s to discussed and answer the 5 question about dialog together. Then, the teacher asked to open their work sheet’s book page 23. It was about the example of procedure text. The Student’s were asked to answer question in their work sheet’s book page 23. Then they discussed it together. The teacher corrected the student’s wrong answer. The teacher has implemented independent construction of the text by asking the student’s do several task in their book individually. In this stage, the student’s are not helped by the teacher or other student’s in order to finish the practice. They have finish the pattern individually. The goal of independent construction is giving opportunity to the student’s to explore their idea in oral and written form. By doing independent construction of the text, the teacher can measure the student’s ability or their understanding of the discussed material.

c. Closing


The writer decides that the teacher has closing by good way. The strength is Teacher can give homework to their students learn at home. The weakness is students pay less attention to the tasks assigned by the teacher, because they want an immediate end to the class.


asking another students’ to correct the students’ wrong answer could be used in giving feedback to the students’ response. Feedback not only can be used to let the students’ know how well they have performed but also to increase the students’ motivation in practicing English. As the result, the students’ used the target language in interaction between the students’ and teacher. Those strategies were done to increase the students’ understanding and encourage students’ activity concentration.


(TQ-S-TR), when there is no answer from the students’to the teacher’s question, the teacher gives response to help the students’ answered the question. Sometimes, the students’get difficulty in answering the teacher’s question. They prefer to keep silent. Therefore the teacher has responsibility for guiding the students’, so they can answer the teacher’s question.

2). Problem Occurred in Speaking Class

The first was the students’ indolence. The students’ indolence gave influence to the students’ activity. When the students’ felt lazy in joining teaching-learning process, they prefer to keep silent during the lesson. Therefore, to handle this problem the teacher should find an interesting material and method to increase student’s motivation in studying English. Those inteesting materials are describing picture, practicing conversation, constructing, and retelling story.

The second, the students’ are less open-minded. The students’ did not always feel confident to answer question or to express their ideas because they were afraid or ashamed. The teacher should not give a judgment to the students’ who made a mistake in delivering their ideas or opinions in order to make the student’s became more open-minded. The third was students’ limited vocabularry. The students’ could not express their idea well, if they did not know how to express their idea by using English. The students’ got difficulty in changing Indonesian language into English. Therefore, it is better for the students’ to open their dictionary when they find new vocabulary.


4. Conclusion and Suggestion

After describing and analyzing data, the researcher draws conclusion about the teacher-student interaction in speaking class at seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan in 2011/2012 academic year.

1). The teacher-student’s interaction in speaking class consists of classroom activities, language use in speaking class, and interaction analysis by using Brown’s Interaction Analysis System.

a. The activities in the class consist of three steps; there are Opening, Core Learning, and Closing. The classroom teacher-student’s interaction is good. Both of the techer and the student’s play a part in every step of teaching learning process actively. The teacher often gives the student’s opportunities to ask and answer question. And the student’s always give positive response to the teacher’s question. The teacher not uses English frequently inside and outside of class. It is done to make the student’s become less familiar with English, only student’s who like English become familiar with English.

b. There are several language uses in the class’ interaction, such as teacher’s modifying language, teacher’s question, feedback, learner’s language use in the classroom.

c. Based on the Brown’s interaction analysis system, there are three types of teacher-talk are teacher lectures (TL), teacher response (TR), teacher question (TQ). Meanwhile, the two of student-talk are pupils response (PR) and pupils volunteer (PV). And the other types are silence (S) and unclassified (X). The writer finds five categories of the teacher-student’s interaction, namely Category (TQ-PR), category (TQ-PR-TR), category (TQ-PV), category (TL-TQ-PR), category (TQ-S-TR).


After the writer draws the conclusion about the teacher-student interaction in speaking class at seventh year of SMP N 3 Kesesi Pekalongan in the 2011/2012 academic year, the writer proposes the suggestion to the teacher, the student’s, and future researcher.

1). To the English teacher

a. The teacher should recognize well the caracter and the capability of the stdent’s.

b. The teacher should consider factor that can decrease student’s activity concentration in the class such as limited vocabulary, grammar mastery, and difficulty in pronounciation.

2). To the student’s

a. The student’s should enrich vocabulary.

b. It is better for the stuent’s bring and open their dictionary in English class.

c. The student’s should be braver to express their ideas or feeling. 3). To future researcher

The writer hopes that the result of the study will be one of references for other researcher who intends to analyze teacher-student interaction in speaking class.


Kusumawati, Leny. 2009. A Descriptive Study on Interaction in Speaking Classroom at the SMK Bina Patria 1 Sukoharjo. Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Moleong, Lexy J. 2007. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Puspasari. 2010. An Analysis on the Speaking Classroom Interaction at the Sixth Year of SD N 2 Mojosongo Boyolali in 2010/2011 Academic Year. Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammdyah University of Surakarta.


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