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Communicating With Foreign Tourists From Non-English-Speaking Countries At the Customer Service Center in The International Departure Terminal Ngurah Rai Airport Bali.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah dalam berkomunikasi dengan turis asing yang berasal dari negara yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar sehari-hari di bagian Customer Service Center Terminal Keberangkatan Internasional bandara Ngurah Rai Bali. Selama melaksanakan kegiatan magang periode 28 Januari sampai dengan 8 Maret 2013. Kesulitan yang saya hadapi dalam berkomunikasi dengan turis asing yang berasal dari negara yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar sehari-hari disebabkan oleh aksen, pelafalan kata, dan kecepatan berbicara para turis yang tidak biasa saya dengar, penggunaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris oleh para turis sangat terbatas, dan kemampuan mendengarkan saya kurang bagus. Hal ini sangat mempengaruhi saya dalam memberikan informasi kepada para turis. Saya tidak dapat mengerti apa yang dimaksud oleh para turis dengan mudah. Selain itu, saya merasa bingung dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh para turis, dan salah dalam mengartikan apa yang

dimaksud oleh para turis. Selama melaksanakan kegiatan magang, saya selalu berusaha untuk meningkatkan kemampuan saya dalam

berkomunikasi dengan turis asing, terutama yang berasal dari negara yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar sehari-hari. Adapun solusi untuk menghadapi masalah komunikasi ini adalah dengan menggunakan gerak isyarat, fokus dalam mendengarkan turis, dan mengklarifikasi apa yang dikatakan oleh para turis.



Maranatha Christian University







A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS...8


CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION…………...………..……….24



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Rina : Selamat pagi. Saya Rina dari peserta magang dari Universitas Maranatha. Saya mau wawancara tentang pekerjaan di

customer service. Boleh tau biodata?

Wayan : Ya, selamat pagi. Nama saya I Wayan Suardiana. Posisi sekarang staff customer service center. Sudah bekerja kurang lebih lah satu setengah tahun disini, di customer service center ini.

Rina : Apakah ada kesulitan yang dialami selama bekerja di customer service center?

Wayan : Kesulitannya itu biasanya speaking sama tamunya. Biasanya tamunya itu kan ngomongnya itu apa namanya

penyampaiannya itu kadang-kadang kurang jelas, mungkin karena aksen dari tamu itu kan berbagai negara memiliki aksen yang berbeda-beda. Terus mereka itu juga ada negara-negara yang penggunaan bahasa Inggrisnya ga aktif, terus mungkin dari listening skill saya juga yang agak kurang.

Rina : Mmm, ya. Terus negara mana kira-kira yang susah untuk dimengerti bahasa Inggrisnya?

Name of interviewer : Rina Marliani Name of respondent : I Wayan Suardiana Day & date of interview : Friday, March 01, 2013


Wayan : Kalo saya biasanya China, Jepang, Korea, India. Itu agak susah itu, mungkin dari speed dia ngomongnya terus aksennya juga agak susah untuk dimengerti lah.

Rina : Oh ya. Trus dari, dari kesulitan itu ada efeknya ga sama kita nyampein berkomunikasi dengan mereka?

Wayan : Ya, pasti ada. Itu efeknya biasanya sih kita jadi kurang

mengerti apa yang disampaikan oleh tamu tersebut dan karena kita ga ngerti kan jadi kita ga bisa menjawab pertanyaan dari tamu tersebut. Juga misunderstanding, bisa kadang-kadang antara tamu, apa yang disampaikan tamu dan apa yang kita mengerti kadang-kadang ngga match, dia ngga cocok seperti itu sih biasanya.

Rina : Terus untuk cara ngadepinnya tuh, solusinya gimana untuk ngadepin tamu kaya gitu?

Wayan : Biasanya sih saya solusinya kita pake kaya gesture, kaya kita menunjukkan,misalnya tamu menanyakan tempat posisi lokasi suatu tempat itu kita bisa tunjuk pake tangan, atau kita gambar dimana lokasi dari tempat yang ingin dituju, atau kita lebih, lebih apa tuh mendengarkan apa itu,penjelasan atau pertanyaan dari tamu itu lebih jelas lagi. Atau ngga kita mohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada tamunya dan minta untuk mengulang

pertanyaannya tersebut. Seperti itu.

Rina : OK. Makasih pa. Terus dari penggunaan gesture atau kaya tadi gambar gitu tadi ada sisi positifnya ngga untuk dalam berkomunikasi dengan tamu?


tangan gitu, itu tamu juga akan lebih jelas dimana posisi dari apa yang ingin dituju oleh tamu tersebut, seperti itu.

Rina : Terus kalo listening sendiri kalo kita tuh lebih, lebih fokus dalam mendengarkan apa yang mereka bicarakan tuh sisi positifnya buat, buat kita apa?

Wayan : Positifnya kita bisa lebih jelas apa yang disampaikan oleh tamu. Kita bisa menangkap apa yang menjadi permasalahan tamu dan apa yang diinginkan oleh tamu tersebut. Seperti itu. Rina : Dan yang terakhir, itu yang tadi yang repetition yang minta

untuk mengulang apa yang dikatakan tuh bagus, sisi positifnya? Wayan : Sisi positifnya tuh kita bisa jadi lebih jelas apa yang menjadi

pertanyaan tamu, apa yang diinginkan oleh tamu, kita jadi jelas dan karena jelas kita jadi bisa mencarikan solusi yang terbaik buat tamu dari permasalahannya tersebut. Seperti itu.

Rina : Kalo, kan ada sisi positifnya. Kira-kira ada ga yang

kekurangannya dengan menggunakan gesture apa dengan repetition tuh, ada ngga sisi negatifnya juga gitu?

Wayan : Kalo repetition negatifnya tamu ituh harus ngulang lagi dia apa yang dijelaskan, kan dia jadi waktunya agak lebih lama dia tebuang seperti itu. Terus kalo gesture itu menurut saya sih agak, kalo nunjuk-nunjuk langsung gitu agak kurang sopan, kalo tapi untuk gambar itu rada bagus dan tamu bisa lebih tau. Seperti itu.

Rina : Listening? Apakah ada juga?

Wayan : Listening kekurangannya ya kalo kita apa, kita kalo kita ga mendengarkan dengan baik kan tamu jadinya apa

namanya,apa yang disampaikan oleh tamu itu kita ngga bisa nangkep dengan baik. Seperti itu. Kita bisa jadi

misunderstanding antara apa yang disampaikan dan apa kita akan berikan solusinya kepada tamu. Seperti itu.



I had difficulties in communicating with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries at the

Customer Service Center in the International Departure Terminal

Ngurah Rai Airport Bali


1. I could not understand what the tourists meant 2. I could not give clear

information to the tourists 3. I misinterpreted what the

tourists said to the tourists much clearly

Potential Solution I I will use gestures when communicating with foreign every country has different meaning of gestures 2. Some tourists maybe confused whether they should listen to me or to see the gestures 3. Some tourists may think

that I am impolite

Potential Positive Effects 1. The conversation will be

understood better 2. It can overcome

misunderstanding 3. The communication will be

more effective

Potential Solution II I will focus on listening to what

the tourists say Potential Negative Effects

1. When listening, I might more concentrate finding out the answers than listening to the question itself so it may lead to misunderstanding 2. The speakers may think

that I get confused of what they say

3. The speakers may feel that I am rude by looking at them because when listening, I have to look at their eyes

Potential Positive Effects 1. What the tourists say will

be more clearly 2. The tourists will feel they

are heard

3. It can avoid the fault in interpreting what the tourists really mean

Potential Solution III

I will clarify by repeating and writing on a paper what the

tourists have said

Potential Negative Effects 1. It takes a long time of


2. The tourists may think I do not understand of what they say

3. The tourists may feel annoyed

Chosen Solution: I will listen to what the tourists say attentively as well as using appropriate



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

I did my internship as a staff at the Customer Service Center in the International Departure Terminal Ngurah Rai Airport Bali from 28 January until 8 March 2013. I directly communicated with the tourists from different countries who came to the Customer Service Center. The tourists looked for the information about the airlines, visa, ticket, airport tax, and airport facilities. I had to be able to communicate with them well so that I could give them the information that they asked correctly. They usually asked for the location of the airlines, the check in area, the location of the airport facilities, and how much money that they should pay for the departure tax.



Maranatha Christian University

countries; thus, I chose Communicating with Foreign Tourists from Non-English-Speaking Countries at the Customer Service Center in the International Departure Terminal Ngurah Rai Airport Bali as the topic for my term paper. I chose this topic because it is based on my experience during my internship. Most of the tourists came from China, Russia, India, and Japan. They had different English skill compared to the native English people. They knew limited English vocabularies and they poorly pronounced English words. Besides, some of them spoke too fast. As a result, I found it difficult to communicate with them. By discussing this topic, I will be able to recognize and learn how to communicate with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries.



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tourists from non-English-speaking countries in order to overcome my difficulties and give them the correct information.

B. Identification of the Problem

What I am going to discuss in this paper are identified with these three questions:

1. Why did I find it difficult to communicate with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries when working as a staff at the Customer Service Center in the International Departure Ngurah Rai Bali?

2. How did my difficulties influence me in communicating with the tourists?

3. How should I overcome the difficulties?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study



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tourists from non-English-speaking countries. I believe that this term paper will be beneficial for the staff of PT. Angkasa Pura I Ngurah Rai Airport Bali at the Customer Service Center in the International

Departure Terminal seeing that the research that has been conducted in this term paper based on the daily activities at the Customer Service Center in the International Departure Terminal; thus, it is relevant to be applied at the Customer Service Center in the International Departure Terminal. I hope this term paper will be useful for the readers in

communicating with foreigners. And for me, as the term-paper writer, I hope that it can be used as a reference to handle my difficulties in communicating with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries.

D. Description of the Institution

According to Ngurah Rai website, Ngurah Rai Airport was established in 1930 by Departement Voor Verkeer en Waterstaats. This airport was a 700mtr-airstrip in Tuban so it was called Pelabuhan udara Tuban. In 1942-1947, this airstrip was developed to 1.200 meters. There was a Tuban Airport Project in 1963-1969 as a



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legitimated a new name to change Pelabuhan udara Tuban into Bali International Airport Ngurah Rai.

The vision of PT. Angkasa Pura I Bali International Airport Ngurah Rai is to be a top world class airport company that gives benefits and added values to the stakeholder.

While the missions are:

 To provide the airport service company through the service

contains of safety, security and comfort.

 To give an unforgettable airport experience for the tourists.  To improve the company value and employees’ prosperity.  To support an economical improvement for the civilian


E. Method of the Study

The data gathering process was taken from my experience during my internship period and written in an internship journal. I also



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Christian University Bandung and Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Sukabumi.

F. Limitation of the Study

The subjects in this study are tourists and I. The tourists are from non-English-speaking countries, such as China, Russia, India, and Japan who came to the Customer Service Center of the International Departure Terminal Ngurah Rai Airport Bali from 28 January until 8 March 2013. Their ages are between 30-50 years old. I, as a staff of the Customer Service Center, also become the subject of this study who communicates with the tourists.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper contains four chapters which are Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, and Chapter IV. Chapter I, the introduction of this term paper includes Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and



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In this chapter, I would like to conclude the best solution to overcome my difficulties in communicating with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries. As I stated before in Chapter II, that communicating with foreign tourists from non-English-speaking countries was difficult due to my inability of being used to hearing to the tourists’ accents, pronunciation and their speech speed. The using of limited English words by the tourists also caused my difficulties to communicate with them. The last cause of my difficulties was my listening skill was not too good. As a result, I could not understand what the tourists meant easily, I was confused of what the tourists said, and I misinterpreted what the tourists said. The solutions to overcome my

difficulties are using gestures, focus on listening to what the tourists say, and clarify by repeating what the tourists said.



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problem. Combining the three of the solutions above will be very effective in communicating with the tourists. Listening attentively as well as using

appropriate gesture and clarification is very important to reach an effective communication. Tourists from non-speaking-English countries tend to have unfamiliar accents and poor pronunciation. Thus, listening attentively will be needed so that I will catch what the tourists say correctly. The meaning will be interpreted well in order to build a better communication. The using of

gestures during the conversation will help me to deliver what I want to say easily. Clarification will be needed to make sure that the tourists and I have the same understanding about the messages. It will avoid misunderstanding of what the tourists say. I will be able to catch and understand what the tourists say more accurately in order to provide the correct information for what they ask for.


Maranatha Christian University


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Moekijat Drs. Teori Komunikasi, Bandung: Mandar Maju, 1993.


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Personal Interview


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