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YAYASAN AKRAB PEKANBARU Jurnal AKRAB JUARA Volume 7 Nomor 4 Edisi November 2022 (300-309)



--- Rosiana Andhikasari

Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

(Naskah diterima: 1 September 2022, disetujui: 31 Oktober 2022)


This study is aimed to investigate the effect of image formation factor components such as physical identity, non physical identity, organitation management, product quality, activity and relations. Besides, it is also used to know which component has the biggest part in influencing the public opinion. Variable X1 is physical identity, variable X2 is non physical identity, variable X3 is organitation management, Variable X4 is product quality, Variable X5 is activity and relations, and variable Y is public opinion. Sample employed here is 100 people. From the results of data analysis and discussion it was found that together the variables of physical identity (X1), non physical identity (X2), organization management (X3), product quality (X4), activity and relations (X5) have a significant effect on public opinion (Y). The existence of influence together, indicating that these five variables is what determines the level of public opinion. To obtain a positive perception of the public, village office must improve the public service. For other researchers who are interested in studying about the image formation towards public opinion, the researchers suggest to perform a more in-depth research on various corporate with a number of indicators and items more questions.

Keywords: Image formation factors, public opinion, government agencies


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komponen faktor pembentukan citra Kantor Desa yaitu identitas fisik, identitas non fisik, manajemen organisasi, kualitas hasil, serta aktifitas dan pola hubungan manakah dari kelimanya yang paling berpengaruh pada opini publik.

Variabel X1 adalah identitas fisik, variabel X2 adalah identitas non fisik, variabel X3 adalah manajemen organisasi, variabel X4 adalah kualitas hasil, variabel X5 adalah aktifitas dan pola hubungan dan variabel Y adalah opini publik. Kajian pustaka yang menjadi acuan dalam penelitian ini adalah berkaitan dengan citra dan opini publik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 warga Desa Sobontoro, Tulungagung. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan ditemukan bahwa secara bersama-sama variabel identitas fisik (X1), identitas non fisik (X2), manajemen organisasi (X3), kualitas hasil (X4), aktifitas dan pola hubungan (X5) berpengaruh signifikan pada opini publik (Y). Adanya pengaruh secara bersama-sama ini mengindikasikan bahwa kelima variabel tersebut merupakan penentu tinggi rendahnya opini publik. Untuk mendapatkan opini yang positif dari publiknya, Kantor Desa harus meningkatkan pelayanan publiknya. Bagi


YAYASAN AKRAB PEKANBARU Jurnal AKRAB JUARA Volume 7 Nomor 4 Edisi November 2022 (300-309)

301 peneliti lain yang tertarik untuk meneliti tentang pembentukan citra terhadap opini publik, peneliti menyarankan untuk melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam pada berbagai instansi pemerintah dengan jumlah indikator dan item pertanyaan yang lebih banyak lagi.

Kata kunci: citra, opini publik, instansi pemerintah


n the current reform era, the nuances of openness and freedom are increasingly widespread in society. In which the community understands more about their rights as citizens, especially the right to get services. Thus service is a demand that must be given by the government to the community to create a positive image of government agencies. This is because service concerns the public interest and even concerns the interests of the people as a whole. Thus the existence of truly quality and better services is a must that must be carried out by the government bureaucracy, especially in carrying out its function as a public servant or public servant.

Changes in the administrative system are more focused on the service sector in order to create a positive image in society. This is because one of the tasks of the government is to provide excellent service to the community in all areas of life. So that the government is required to be able to organize public service administration by appointing and establishing or establishing agencies or departments. Which

agencies or departments have specialized in carrying out their functions. Thus all existing government departments and agencies are required to be able to provide excellent service to the community as well as possible.

The image of excellent service is a product that deserves to be given to the community. In these assets there are several elements that must be given attention according to their urgency. In the Village Office there are several elements as assets. For example, the system of ideas or idealism that forms the background for the emergence of a plan to establish an office somewhere. What is also very decisive is the performance or external appearance of the physical office, the management system and appearance implemented in the office. The location of the office with other facilities, such as the distance between the office and the city which is not too far away so that it is easily accessible by the community.

For this reason, through this paper, researchers try to examine further the image formation of public opinion regarding the



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302 Village Office. Because by looking at the

public opinion that receives the service, it will be seen whether a service provided by an agency or government bureaucracy is satisfactory or vice versa. In addition, the researcher also intends to examine the implementation of service procedures by government officials, in this case the Sobontoro Village Office, which has the main activity of serving the interests of the community. This is based on the opinion that has been developing so far, that the services provided by government agencies are not effective and efficient, the officials seem to

"ask to be served" when providing services to the community and there are even irregularities in service procedures by "unscrupulous"

apparatus providing services to create a negative image.

Based on the background of the problems above, the formulation of the problem in this study can be used is how is the influence of image formation simultaneously on public opinion towards the Village Office.


According to Oliver (Oliver, 2017) states that image is a state that has unique characteristics to identify or individual character where someone or something is seen.

Various company images come from company customers, potential customers, bankers, company staff, competitors, distributors, suppliers, trade associations, and customer movements in the trade sector who have views of the company.

Image is an impression that a person gets based on knowledge and understanding based on facts or reality. To find out a person's image of an object can be seen from his attitude towards the object. Solomon, in (Rachmat, 2020), stated that all attitudes originate in the cognitive organization of the information and knowledge we have. There can be no theory of social attitudes or action that is not based on an investigation of cognitive underpinnings. The cognitive effect of communication greatly influences the process of forming one's image. Image is formed based on knowledge and information received by someone. Communication does not directly cause certain behaviors, but tends to influence the way we organize our image of the environment. There are several factors that play a role in image formation according to Katz (Saleh, 2020), namely:

1. Physical identity, in several forms:


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303 Visual: name, by line, tag line, logo, text

(acronym)/choice of font, color, building figure, and office lobby.

Audio: for example jingles, namely the introduction of a product/company through songs or instruments that can remind the characteristics of the product.

Communication media: company profile, brochures, leaflets, advertisements, annual reports, media reports, and media partners.

2. Non-physical identity, such as history, philosophy, beliefs, values, and culture/culture.

3. Organizational management, such as vision, mission, systems, policies, rules, flow- procedures, technology, HR, organizational strategy, job design, reward systems, service systems, product positioning.

4. Quality of product and service quality results, the Village Office provides services for making certificates and managing population data.

5. Activities and relationship patterns, organizational relations with the public, social responsibility response and individual human resource mentality/behavior of the organization, quality of communication, customer experience (testimony),

communication/business/organizational networks.

The village office should build a good relationship with the community, this can be done one way by improving the quality of communication for employees. The village office has a suggestion box in the lobby but it seems that many people still don't know about it because the suggestion box is not very visible. Because the number of employees is too small so that it is not comparable to the existing work, the village office still pays little attention to the needs of the community, so that there are still some people who are dissatisfied with the services provided by the village office.

Communication Studies defines public opinion as an exchange of information that shapes attitudes, determines issues in society and is expressed openly. Public opinion is synonymous with the notion of freedom, openness in expressing ideas, opinions, wishes, needs, complaints, constructive criticism, and freedom in writing (Nasution, 2016). Public opinion as a communication regarding certain issues which, if delivered in a certain form or way to certain people, will bring certain effects as well.


YAYASAN AKRAB PEKANBARU Jurnal AKRAB JUARA Volume 7 Nomor 4 Edisi November 2022 (300-309)


According to Istijanto (Suyanto, 2015) explains research that aims to describe something, as well as causal research, because it is research that aims to prove causal relationships or relationships that affect and are influenced by the variables studied.

Meanwhile, according to Arikunto (Arikunto, 2012) explains that there are two kinds of correlation problems, namely parallel correlation and causal correlation. Between the two types of correlation problems, this research is categorized as a causal correlation problem.

Variable (X) is an image formation factor which is an independent variable, consisting of Physical Identity (X1), Non- Physical Identity (X2), Organizational Management (X3), Quality of Results (X4), Activities and Relationship Patterns (X5).

While the Y variable is the Public Opinion variable about the Village Office which is the dependent variable. The two variables have a one-way linear relationship. The analysis can be carried out by analyzing each independent sub-variable, so this study uses a multiple regression analysis technique where the technique will test the hypothesis which states that there is a partial or simultaneous effect

between the independent variables (X) and the dependent (Y). .

The researchers took a sample of 100 people by accident from the Sobontoro village community by meeting them at the village office. Randomized research was conducted by randomizing the day of distribution of the questionnaires. In the process of distributing this questionnaire, there were several things beyond the expectation of the researcher, for example incomplete questionnaire entries, missing questionnaires, and the possibility that respondents did not return the questionnaire to the researcher. To avoid these things, the researchers distributed questionnaires that exceeded the results of the sample calculation.

This was done with the hope that the sample could represent the population with consideration of the limited time, manpower, and research funds.


Basically based on the results of the distribution of the frequency of questions obtained from the results of the questionnaire distributed to 100 people, it can be seen that more than 50% of the people agreed with the questions contained in the questionnaire.

However, there is still the fact that there are


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305 some people who disagree on certain


As the researchers explained earlier, in this study the researchers determined the Sobontoro village community as the limit of the very large population of the village. The existence of limited manpower and time is also one of the reasons for researchers to determine the Sobontoro village community as a research subject.

Image is formed based on knowledge and information received by someone. Frank Jefkins (Jefkins, 2013) states that image is defined as the impression of a person or individual about something that arises as a result of their knowledge and experience. In giving an opinion on the image created by the Village Office, it is necessary to have a stimulus first, so that the community will respond to the knowledge and information obtained. The existence of a stimulus will make humans react. Basically, the formation of an image of public opinion has an understanding of how the community receives a stimulus or stimulus, organizes the stimulus and translates it, concludes information, and interprets the message on the image of the Village Office as seen from physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational

management, quality of results, activities and relationship pattern.

Physical identity is the first stage and component of image formation. Physical identity according to Saleh (Saleh, 2020) includes the figure of the building and office lobby. The appearance of the building and physical facilities in the office can provide a stimulus to the community so that it can create various opinions. From the average score of the question items in the physical identity variable, it can be seen that the community's overall answers are high. This indicates that physical identity as part of the image formation component is well received by the community.

The second component and stage of image formation is non-physical identity. This process begins after the physical identity stage and continues thereafter, where people try to find out more about non-physical identity.

Non-physical identity according to (Saleh, 2020) includes history, philosophy, beliefs, values, and culture/culture. From the research results it is known that non-physical identity is the most dominant variable influencing public opinion on the image formation of the village office. Contributing to the results of this study, a good non-physical identity will also form a


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306 good perception. This of course will benefit

the Village Office. With a good public perception of image, it can be said that non- physical identity has been successfully accepted by the public.

The third stage of image formation is organizational management. According to Saleh (Saleh, 2020) organizational management includes policies, rules, flow- procedures, technology, and service systems.

From the average score of the question items on organizational management it can be seen that the overall answers of the respondents are high. This indicates that the respondents are quite satisfied with the tax procedures in the current village office. This means that organizational management as part of the image formation component is well perceived by the respondents. Communities as respondents in this study were able to receive the services provided by the village office.

The fourth component and stage of image formation is the quality of the results.

This process begins after the organizational management stage and continues thereafter, where the taxpayer tries to find out more about the quality of the results of the services that have been provided. The quality of results according to Saleh (Saleh, 2020) is an increase

in terms of service because the quality of excellent service affects customer satisfaction and is ultimately able to create a positive image. Contribution to the results of this study, the quality of good service results will also form a good perception. This of course will benefit the village office. With the quality of good service results from the public on image, it can be said that the quality of service results has been successfully received by the public.

The last, fifth stage of image formation is activity and relationship pattern. According to Saleh (Saleh, 2020) activity and relationship patterns are organizational relations with the public, social responsibility responses and mentality/individual behavior of organizational HR, quality of communication, customer experience (testimony), communication/

business/ organizational networks. From the average score of the question items on activities and relationship patterns, it can be seen that the overall answers of the respondents are high. This indicates that the respondents are quite satisfied with the activities and relationship patterns created by the village office. This means that activities and relationship patterns as part of the image formation components are well perceived by the respondents. Communities as respondents


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307 in this study were able to receive the services

provided by the village office.

Opinion from respondents that the community is important and related to the success or failure of image formation created by the village office. A bad opinion indicates that the image created is considered unacceptable and vice versa. If the opinion is good, this indicates that the image formation of the village office has been successfully received. Public opinion is also the basis of image formation. Furthermore, with the success of image formation, it is hoped that it can help the Village Office to find out the position of the image of their office in the eyes of the public. This is in accordance with Ruslan's statement (Ruslan, 2016), that an opinion is an open response or answer to a problem that is stated based on words, both in the form of written and oral opinions.

From the description and analysis of the frequency distribution table of the questions in the questionnaires that have been distributed, as well as the analysis of the data that has been processed, there are several analyzes and conclusions about the attachment of the relationship between the components of the formation, namely physical identity (variable X1), non-physical identity (variable X2),

organizational management (variable X3), quality of results (variable X4), activities and relationship patterns (variable X5) with public opinion (variable Y).

This study shows that the formation of the image of the Village Office on public opinion is jointly influenced by physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns. The magnitude of the contribution of these five variables to the formation of the image of the village office to public opinion is 59.1%. This means that 59.1% of the five variables, namely physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns influence public opinion on the formation of the village office image, the remaining 40.9% public opinion on the formation of the village office image is influenced by factors other than the five these variables. The influence of 59.1% can be categorized as high so that the results of this influence can at least be accounted for. The five variables namely physical identity, non- physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns are determinants of the high or low image formation of the village office towards


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308 public opinion. From the partial test it can be

seen that the five variables, namely physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns influence public opinion on the image formation of the village office.

According to Soemirat and Ardianto (Ruslan, 2016) explaining the cognitive effects of communication greatly affect the process of forming one's image. Stimulus provided by the Village Office through image formation factors, namely physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns, gives a different perception in society, from different perceptions it will give rise to behavioral responses shown by society. In this case, all image formation factors influence simultaneously, so that with an overall improvement in accordance with the five image formation factor variables, the public will give a more positive opinion. With a positive opinion, it can increase public awareness to report their taxation, and the community will increasingly trust the Village Office to take care of population needs as well as possible.


Based on the problems, objectives, and discussion regarding the influence of image formation of the Village Office on public opinion in the previous chapters, the results of research conducted on the people in Tulungagung Regency, the authors draw conclusions that the components of image formation are physical identity, building appearance and the comfort of the Village Office. simultaneously and partially influence public opinion. This simultaneous influence indicates that the five variables, namely physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns are determinants of the high and low influence of image formation of the village office on public opinion. Office appearance is a part of physical identity, where physical identity is one of the image forming factors. Furthermore, with a good opinion, it is hoped that it can help the Village Office know its image position with the appearance and comfort of the office.

Partially the variables of physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns of village offices have a positive and significant effect on public


YAYASAN AKRAB PEKANBARU Jurnal AKRAB JUARA Volume 7 Nomor 4 Edisi November 2022 (300-309)

309 opinion. This indicates that the higher the

variables of physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns, the more positive public opinion is towards the image formation of the village office. The increase in the variables of physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and relationship patterns determines the increase in public opinion on the image formation of the village office. With the variables of physical identity, non-physical identity, organizational management, quality of results, activities and good relationship patterns, then public opinion regarding the formation of office image is also good. This indicates that the establishment of an office image can be accepted by the public.

Based on the research results and conclusions obtained, several suggestions can be put forward, namely based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out showing that the non-physical identity variable is the most dominant variable in the formation of office image on public opinion. Therefore, in order to build a good opinion from the community, the Village Office must pay more attention to items from non-physical identity variables. For example, through intense

communication in various media regarding the making of deeds or bureaucratic procedures in dealing with various matters related to population.


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Jefkins, F. (2013). Essentials of Public Relations. Heineman Asia.

Nasution, Z. (2016). Manajemen Humas di Lembaga Pendidikan, Konsep, Fenomena dan Aplikasinya. UMM PRESS.

Oliver, S. (2017). Strategi Public Relations.


Rakhmat, J. (2020). Metode penelitian Komunikasi. PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Ruslan, R. (2016). Metode PenelitianPublic Relations dan Media Komunikasi, Konsepsi dan Aplikasi. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Saleh, Akh. M. (2020). Public Service Communication. UMM Press.

Suyanto, B. (2015). Metode Penelitian Sosial.

Kencana Prenanda Media.


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