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Using songs to teach pronunciation to the Fifth Graders of SD Nanggulan 1 Kulon Progo.


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Mahatma Primandaru Student Number : 081214127





This Undergraduate Thesis

Is dedicated to :

Allah SWT


My Beloved Mother

My beloved sisters

Anggoro suryo

Deliana Ciciliawati

My friends



Primandaru, Mahatma. 2013. Using Songs to Teach Pronunciation to the Fifth Graders of SD Nanggulan 1 Kulon Progo. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This research investigated the use of songs in teaching pronunciation to the fifth graders ofSD Nanggulan 1. The students did not accustomed to speak by using English language in their school and their daily life. This condition made them became hesitant to pronounce English. Moreover, they were afraid of making mispronunciation. As the result, most of the students faced difficulties in pronouncing some English words.

Therefore, the researcher intended to overcome that problem by conducting the experimental research. The researcher used songs as the treatment to improve the students’ pronunciation. The researcher formulated a question that should be answered through this research. The question was: What is the effect of teaching pronunciation through songs on the students’ pronunciation?

This research was based on experimental research. The participants of this research were 32 students. The researcher put the class into two groups, namely control group and experimental group. Then, the researcher conducted pre test for those two groups. In the following days, the researcher gave the treatment to the experimental group using two children songs, namely “Beautiful Day” and “Promise”. On the other hand, the researcher did not give any treatment to the control group. The researcher conducted the post test for those two groups in order to find out whether there was an improvement on the students’ pronunciation or not.

Based on the research result, there was significant difference between the pre test and post test on the experimental group. From the result of the test by using “Beautiful Day”, the mean value of T test was 3.78, and for the “Promise”, the mean value of T test was 15.6. From the result, the researcher inferred that there was a significant difference between pre test and post test because the mean number of T obtained was higher than the mean number of T critical (1.753). From the result of the control group, the mean value of T test on the “Beautiful Day” was 0.57 and the mean value of T test on the “Promise” was 0.65. Both of the mean value results were lower than T critical (1.753), it could be concluded that there was no improvement between pre test and post test on the control group. The results of this research showed that there was a significant improvement on the pronunciation of the students who had been taught through songs. It could be concluded that by using songs in teaching pronunciation gave the better improvement on the students’ pronunciation. Songs could be used as the teaching materials to improved the students’ pronunciation.



Primandaru, Mahatma. 2013. Using Songs to Teach Pronunciation to the Fifth Graders of SD Nanggulan 1 Kulon Progo. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu mengenai penggunaan lagu dalam pengajaran pengucapan untuk siswa kelas lima SD Nanggulan 1. Para siswa tidak terbiasa untuk berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris di sekolah mereka dan kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Kondisi ini membuat mereka menjadi ragu-ragu untuk mengucapkan bahasa Inggris. Terlebih lagi, mereka takut membuat salah ucapan. Hasilnya, sebagian besar siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengucapkan beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris.

Oleh karena itu, peneliti bermaksud untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan melakukan penelitian eksperimental. Peneliti menggunakan lagu sebagai perlakuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengucapan siswa. Peneliti merumuskan sebuah pertanyaan yang harus dijawab dalam penlitian ini. Pertanyaan itu adalah: Apakah efek dari pengajaran pengucapan menggunakan lagu terhadap kemampuan pengucapan siswa?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 32 siswa. Peneliti membagi kelas tersebut menjadi dua kelompok, bernama kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Kemudian, peneliti melakukan pra tes di kedua kelompok tersebut. Di hari berikutnya, peneliti memberikan perlakuan kepada kelompok eksperimen dengan dua lagu anak-anak, bernama lagu “Beautiful Day” dan lagu “Promise”. Di sisi lain, peneliti tidak melakukan perlakuan apa-apa untuk kelompok kontrol. Peneliti melakukan tes akhir di kedua kelompok untuk melihat apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan pengucapan siswa atau tidak.

Dari hasil penelitian, terdapat perbedaan yang berarti dari pra tes dan tes akhir untuk kelompok eksperimen. Dari hasil tes untuk lagu “Beautiful Day”, nilai dari T tes adalah 3,78, sedangkan untuk lagu “Promise”, nilai T tes adalah 15,6. Kedua hasil tersebut berarti bahwa ada perbedaan yang menonjol antara pra tes dan tes akhir karena nilai T yang diperoleh lebih tinggi dari T kritis (1,753). Dari hasil pada group kontrol, nilai T untuk lagu “Beautiful Day” adalah 0,57 dan nilai T untuk lagu “Promise” adalah 0,65. Kedua nilai T tersebut kurang dari nilai T kritis yaitu 1,753. Hal ini berarti tidak ada peningkatan yang terjadi untuk grup kontrol.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan kemampuan pengucapan bahasa Inggris pada siswa yang mendapat pelajaran menggunakan lagu. Ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lagu dalam pengajaran pengucapan memberikan peningkatan yang baik pada pengucapan siswa. Lagu dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan pronunciation pada siswa.




First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT for His love and blessing in my life, especially during completing my thesis. Through weaknesses and strengths, happiness and sorrows, I could finish this thesis with His will. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude tomy beloved mother. I dedicate my thesis to her as she always accompanied me and motivated me until I finished my thesis.

I would like to give my sincere thank to my supervisor, Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. for the time, advice, motivation and guidance during the research and the thesis writing process. I also address my gratitude to J.S.M Pudji Lestari, S.Pd., M.Humfor the time, advice, motivation, guidance, and support. I would thank to Drs. Sugengfor supporting and giving the permission to conduct the research inSD Nanggulan 1.

I would also like to thank Deliana Ciciliawati for always supporting me in my study. I thank her for the time, advice and love that she gave to me. I thank my best friends in my campus, Mia, Berlin, Mike, Saka, Bela, Aji, Pyta, Yeni, Dhian and Sandy for their laughter, cheer, help, concern, and love. Moreover, I thank my friends in my office, Ambar, Tulus, Pengky, Iwan, Mira, and Zully for always supporting me when I found many problems related to my thesis.



my study in PBI. I would also thank my friends in Dimas Diajeng Yogyakarta for giving me support in finishing my thesis. My thankfulness also goes to everybody whose name I could not mention one by one for always helping and supporting me in all aspects.











ABSTRAK ...viii





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background………...1

1.2 Research Problem...………...3

1.3 Problem Limitation…………...………...4

1.4 Research Objective...4

1.5 Research Benefits...4




2.1 Theoritical Description ...8

2.1.1 Young Learners...8

2.1.2 Pronunciation...……...9

2.1.3 Teaching Media...10

2.1.4 Children Songs...…...10 How to Present Educational Children Songs in Classroom…....11 Considerations and Principles in Choosing Children Songs…....11 The Benefits of Songs for Young Learners...13 Learning Pronunciation by Using Song...14

2.1.5 Review of Related Studies...16

2.2 Theoretical Framework...18

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Method………...21

3.2 Research Setting………...24

3.3 Research Participants……….………...24

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique………...24

3.4.1 Test...24

3.5 Data Analysis Technique...27

3.6 Research Procedures...28




4.2.1 Experimental Group... .35

4.2.2 Control Group………...42

4.3 Post Test………..………...42

4.3.1 Experimental Group...42

4.3.2 Control Group...44

4.4 T test...46

4.4.1 T Test for Experimental Group...46

4.3.2 T Test for Control Group...49

4.5 Analysis...51

4.5.1 Pre test...51

4.5.2 Treatment...52

4.5.3 Post test...55


5.2 Recommendations ………...60





Table Page

Table 4.1 Groups of the Research...30

Table 4.2 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day”(Experimental Group)...31

Table 4.3 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day”(Control Group)...32

Table 4.4 Pre Test Result of “Promise”(Experimental Group)...33

Table 4.5 Pre Test Result of “Promise”(Control Group)...34

Table 4.6 The Result of Tally Sheet of “Beautiful Day”...36

Table 4.7 The Result of Tally Sheet of “Promise”...37

Table 4.8 The Experimental Group’s Result of “Beautiful Day”-Post Test...42

Table 4.9 The Experimental Group’s Resulf of “Promise”-Post Test...43

Table 4.10 The Control Group’s Result of “Beautiful Day”-Post Test...44

Table 4.11 The Control Group’s Result of Promise Song-Post Test...45

Table 4.12 T Test of “Beautiful Day” for Experimental Group...46

Table 4.13 T Test of “Promise” for Experimental Group...47

Table 4.14 T Test of “Beautiful Day” for Control Group ...49




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. Covering Letter for the Head ofSD Nanggulan 1...64

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan...66

Appendix 3. Teaching Materials...79





In this chapter, the researcher presents the research background,

research problem, problem limitation, research objective, research benefits, and

definition of terms.

1.1 Research Background

The English language is one of the international languages which is

necessary to be learnt (Brewster, Ellis, & Girard, 2002, p. 1). Mastering the

English language can help us to communicate with so many people around the

world. Learning English can be started as early as possible. Since 1990s, most

people in Indonesia have learnt English since they were in elementary school.

According to the government’s instruction, English is taught in elementary school

starting from the fourth grade (Depdikbud, 1994:ii as cited in Sutiyono, 2001:1).

Therefore, inSD Nanggulan 1, the English subject is taught from the fourth grade.

Although the English subject is taught from the fourth grade, there were

many students in SD Nanggulan 1 who pronounced English words incorrectly. It

was because the students were not accustomed to practicing English in class or

their daily life. They did not have enough chance to speak in the English class. As

a result, the students became hesitant to speak in English as they were afraid of

producing incorrect sounds. In language learning, how to pronounce words is

really important. When the pronunciation is unclear, it may cause ambiguity in


is important in language learning to be learnt. Due to the problems, the teachers

need to make the students more active in speaking activities.

The teachers need to use the appropriate methods and teaching materials to

make the students active in the English class. Although the teachers have course

books as the guidance in teaching and learning process, the teachers might look

for another teaching materials (Brewster, Ellis, & Girard, 2002, p. 156). There are

many teaching materials that can be used, such as songs, rhymes, games, posters,

flashcards, CDs, the internet, and other CALL programmes (Brewster, Ellis, &

Girard, 2002, p. 156). One of those teaching materials is song. The teachers can

use song in the teaching and learning activities. In this study, the researcher chose

songs as the teaching material in teaching pronunciation to young learners.

In teaching English to elementary school learners, the teachers need to

know their characteristics. Scott and Ytleberg (1990) explain that the children

have a great motivation to learn what they like. In line with their nature, they love

to play. The children will be enthusiactic in learning something they like. They

can easily learn something new from other people, that is why they need a

guidance to make them focus on what they need to learn (pp. 2-4). Based on Scott

and Ytleberg’s explanation, the researcher inferred that the children love to learn

something new which attract their attention. Furthermore, young learners like the

activities which can explore their body movements. Moreover, Slattery and

Willis (2001) explain that children usually like singing and performing (p.44).

They will enjoy learning songs and rhymes. They will be enthusiastic when they


the words until they can remember the lyrics of the songs. This activity will

increase the children’s ability in pronouncing English words.

Based on Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (2002), “Children love songs, rhymes

and chants and their repetitive nature and rhythm make them an ideal vehicle for

language learning” (p.162). In addition, Philip (1993) explains that music and

rhythm are an essential part of language learning for young learners (p. 100). It

means that music and rhythm can be used in teaching and learning activities,

especially in language learning. Music and rhythm will motivate and encourage

the children to learn language.

Using songs in learning pronunciation can bring a new atmosphere for

children. It can enourage them to learn pronunciation enthusiastically. According

to Lo and Li (1998), songs play an important role in motivating students to learn

English. By using songs, the teacher can develop the children’s abilities in

reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as provide opportunities for

learning pronunciation, rhythm, grammar and vocabulary. There are many

activities which can do by using songs in the classroom. From the experts’

explanation, the teachers may use songs in teaching and learning activities to

improve children’s pronunciation.

1.2 Research Problem

The problem of the research can be stated as follows:

What is the effect of teaching pronunciation through songs on the


1.3 Problem Limitations

The researcher focuses on the use of songs in teaching English

pronunciation to the fifth graders of SD Nanggulan 1. The researcher wants to

find out the effect of using children songs in teaching pronunciation on the

students’ pronunciation. Moreover, the researcher will teach the students how to

pronounce vowels and consonants with the correct pronunciation through songs.

Then, the researcher will analyze their pronunciation in pronouncing English

vowels and consonants of the children songs.

Furthermore, the researcher will use simple songs which are appropriate

with the level of the students. In this research, the researcher will conduct tests to

answer the problem formulation. There will be two tests in this study, those are

pre test and post test. The tests are conducted in oral form because the researcher

will test the pronunciation ability of the fifth graders inSD Nanggulan 1.

1.4 Research Objective

The objective of this research is finding out the effect of teaching

pronunciation through songs on the students’ pronunciation. The researcher wants

to find out whether the use of songs in teaching pronunciation give the effect on

the students’ pronunciation or not. Moreover, the aim of this research is to know

the use of songs in classroom to help the fifth graders in SD Nanggulan 1 in

improving their pronunciation ability.

1.5 Research Benefits

Through this research, there are several benefits that could be


expected to give contribution for the English teachers, the elementary school

students, and other researchers.

a. English Teachers

The results of the study are expected to be the option used by the teachers

as the teaching materials to teach pronunciation for young learners. The teachers

might use songs in teaching pronunciation with various ways. In the teaching and

learning activities, it will be better if the teachers do not only explain the materials

all the time in front of the class and let students listen what they heard. The

teachers might use the appropriate teaching materials to support their teaching and

learning process. Using attractive teaching materials like songs can make the

teaching and learning process more lively and the students might have a new

optional way in learning pronunciation.

b. Elementary School Students

From this research, the students are expected to have a new spirit to learn

English pronunciation through songs. The researcher hopes that usings songs in

teaching and learning activities will break the boredom of old-fashioned way of

teaching. The students become more active in learning process. Moreover, the

students will be enthusiastic to learn English pronunciation. When the students are

well motivated, they will enjoy to learn and their pronunciation will be better.

c. Other Researchers

It is expected that the study will be useful for further research and enlarge

the readers’ knowledge in using the children songs as teaching materials. The


interested in conducting another research related to songs and its effects for young


1.6 Definition of Terms

There are several terms related to this research. The descriptions of those

terms are described below.

a. Song

According to Simms (1993), “a song is a short of piece in one concise

movement for the medium of solo voice and piano” (p. 29). Moreover, Parto

(1996) said that a song is a group of arrangements which consists of lyrics and

elements of music like rhythm, melody, harmony and expressions” (p. 99). All the

songs which are used in this study are children songs. It is because the object of

this study is elementary school students, aged 10-11. The songs which are used in

this study are related to the students’ level.

b. Pronunciation

According to Nunan (2003), pronunciation is sounds we make while

speaking. The sounds we produce are used as a communciation tool (p. 112).

Moreover, Jones (1958) describes pronunciation is the way people produce sound

using organ of speech. In this thesis, pronunciation is the act or manner of the

students in pronouncing English words.

c. The fifth graders ofSD Nanggulan 1 Kulon Progo

The fifth graders means the students who are in the fifth grade of


elementary school. Moreover, Nanggulan is the subdistrict of the Kulon Progo





Chapter two presents the discussion of theories and research related to the

study in this thesis. The purpose of this chapter is to provide information of

theories used in answering the questions of this research. In this chapter, there are

two major areas of concern. The first part is the theoretical description and the

second part is theoretical framework.

2.1 Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher disscusses the theories related to the use songs in

teaching English pronunciation. This chapter will also discuss young learners,

teaching media, and children songs.

2.1.1 Young Learners

According to Philips (1993), young learners are children from the first

year of formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age (p.

5). Children, especially young learners, have many unique characteristics that

make us interesting to discuss them. According to Scott and Ytlberg, young

learners are able to work with others and learn from others (Scott & Ytlberg,

1990, pp. 2-4). Young learners can learn from their friends, teachers, parents, etc.

Young learners are very active and also love to play (Scott & Ytlberg, 1990, pp.


sense of the world”. They will do something if their condition is good and they are

happy in doing it.

Based on the experts’ findings, the enthusiasm of the students is one of the

most important things. The teachers have to know the characteristics of the

students which really love to play. Moreover, the teachers need to use any

interesting media and teaching materials to support the teaching and learning


2.1.2 Pronunciation

In communicating to other people, the way how to pronounce words is

really important. If the pronunciation is unclear, it may cause ambiguity in

understanding the meaning. According to Kenworthy (1997), in pronouncing the

words, intelligibility is really important to avoid ambiguity in communication.

Intelligibility means “being understood by a listener at a given time in a given

situation” (p. 13).

In teaching and learning activities, the teachers have to be good models for

the students in pronouncing English correctly and clearly. The teachers need to

know and understand the problem faced by the students, so that the teachers can

give the best solution related with the problem. Most of students are not

accustomed to speaking English in their daily life. As a result, they feel less

confident to make mistake when they speak in English.

The teachers need to use the appropriate teaching materials to teach the


if the teaching materials contain the native language as they give clear example of

native language and the students would imitate the sounds precisely.

2.1.3 Teaching Media

According to Arsyad (2006), teaching media is used to convey teaching

messages (p. 4). In the view of National Education Association (in Arsyad, 2006,

p. 5), media is of communication either printed or audio visual and the tools.

Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that teaching media are needed

for the teachers to help them in teaching-learning activity. Teaching media can be

printed or audio visual and the tools. Teaching media is really important for the

teacher to convey the material for the students.

2.1.4 Children Songs

In understanding the definition of children songs, we need to know about

the definition of the song it self. According to Parto (1996), “a song is a group of

arrangements which consists of lyrics and elements of music like rhythm, melody,

harmony and expressions” (p. 99). In a song, there are harmony of lyric, music,

melody, rhythm and also expression. In this study, the researcher used the children

songs. Children songs are songs which related to the children’s characteristics.

Based on Hornby (1995), ”Child is an individual who has not reached puberty” (p.

192). Then, the researcher inferred that children songs are songs which really

attract the children’ enthusiasm to listen to them. The children songs consist of

beautiful words of which the melody is really cheerful. Moreover, the children

(28) How to Present Educational Songs in Classroom

Knowing the procedure to present song in teaching and learning activities

is really important. Hubbard, Jones, Thornton, & Wheeler (1983) suggest some

procedures to present song. In using songs as the teaching materials, the teachers

need to explain the lyric of the songs carefully and patiently. Moreover, the

teacher explains the words clearly to make the students understand in pronouncing

the lyric and also the meaning. Then, the teachers play the whole songs to make

the students understand the rythm of the songs. When the students start to

understand the rhythm, they will imitate what they heard from the songs.

Furthermore, the teacher needs to bring the lively atmosphere into the

class. The teacher might use gesture activities related to the songs to attract the

students’ enthusiasm. If the students cannot understand clearly what they heard

from the cassete, the teacher might play the song verse by verse. After the

students start to understand the rythm and the pronunciation of the words, the

teachers let them to practice singing (Hubbard, P., Jones, H., Thornton, B., &

Wheeler, R., 1983, p.94). Considerations and Principles in Choosing Children Songs

In using children songs in teaching and learning activities, the teachers

need to choose the appropriate children songs. According to Hubbard, Jones,

Thornton, & Wheeler (1983, pp. 93-94), there are some considerations and

principles in choosing educational children songs. First, the teachers need to make

sure if the songs are suitable for the language level of students (elementary,


students. When the songs are not appropriate with the age of students, the students

might not enjoy to listen and sing the song. Third, the songs should be more

appealing to the students. If the songs are interesting to them, they will pay

attention to the songs (Hubbard, P., Jones, H., Thornton, B., & Wheeler, R., 1983,

pp. 93-94).

In addition, Tassoni, Beith, Eldridge, and Gough (2002) explain some

principles in choosing children songs. First, the songs which are used in teaching

and learning for young learners should be fun and easy to be learnt. The teachers

need to choose the songs which have interesting rhytm so that the children will be

enjoy to listen and sing the songs. The teachers have to avoid the songs which are

too complicated for children, for example: the songs are too fast; the songs have

many difficult words for children. Second, the songs should have a relevance to

the children environment. The teachers might introduce the children’s

environment through songs. The children will be easy to draw their imagination

because what they heard from the songs are close to them. Third, the songs

should be linked to the theme. The teachers have to make sure if the songs are

related with the theme and the content of the learning materials. Furthermore, the

songs which will be used in teaching and learning acitivities should be bright with

clear image to attract children (Tassoni, P. , Beith, K. , Eldridge, H. & Gough, A.,

2002, pp. 424 – 428).

The teachers have to understand those considerations when choosing

songs as the teaching materials. If the songs are not appropriate to the children’s


songs. When the children are not interested to listen to the song, it will be difficult

for the teachers to teach English through songs. The Benefits of Songs for Young Learners

Using songs in teaching and learning activities give many benefits for

children. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (2002, pp. 162-163) explain that there are

some postive impacts due to the use of songs, rhymes, and chants in teaching and

learning activities. In linguistic resource, the use of songs can improve all aspects

of pronunciation. The students will imitate how to pronounce many English words

by singing and listening to the songs. The use of songs gives many benefits not

only for linguistic aspect of children but also for other aspects. When the

atmosphere of teaching and learning activities is enjoyable, it will affect on the

children’s mood. The children’s mood will be increased. It means that the

children’s psychological also obtain the positive impacts.

If the children are in a good mood, they will do the activities happily and

concentrate on what they do. After the listen to the songs, they will try to

remember the lyrics of the songs. This activity will sharpen their ability in

memorization. It means their cognitive aspect also obtain postive impacts.

Moreover, The children usually share what makes them happy to their friends. In

here, they will share what they have learnt by listening and singing to the songs.

The children will be happy to sing together with their friends. The teachers can

make a group discussion related to the songs which develop the social aspect of

(31) Learning Pronunciation by Using Song

In learning pronunciation through songs, songs give some benefits to the

children. Based on Philips (1993), “the children can remember language easily by

listening to music and rhythm” (p. 94). According to Paul (2003), by listening and

singing song, the students’ feeling to learn language is increased (p. 58).

Moreover, Paul says that songs also help children to remember words and practice

language more easily. The children also get more deeply into a lesson. Based on

the explanation from Paul and Philips, the researcher inferred that song is a good

learning material for the students to increase their pronunciation. By listening to

the music and songs, the students will be easier to imitate the lyric of the songs.

Using songs in teaching and learning actitivities give many benefits for

children. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (2002, pp. 163-164) explain the

pronunciation benefits of using songs. There benefits are in four aspects, those

are :

a. Individual sounds and sounds in connected speech

Songs and rhymes are useful for showing what happens to sounds in connected

speech, for example, the way that certain sounds run on together : You’re not IT!

Or All in together! Rather complicated consonant clusters in English are often

simplified, especially where a word which ends in /t/ or /d/ is followed by

consonant cluster (Brewster, Ellis,& Girard, 2002, pp. 163-164).

b. Stress and rhythm

Stress and rhythm can also be practiced in a very natural way by using songs or


help to develop a sense of rhythm in English. Weak forms, where the

pronunciation of a word differs according to wheter it is stressed or unstressed,

occur regularly in songs and rhymes (Brewster, Ellis,& Girard, 2002, pp.


c. Intonation

Intonation can also be practiced in songs and rhymes (Brewster, Ellis,& Girard,

2002, pp. 163-164).

d. Ear training

By using songs and ryhmes, the teachers can use ear training to help the

children distinguish between different aspects of English pronunciation. To do

this activity, the teachers might ask the children to listen and count how many

times an individual sound or word occurs in a song or rhyme (Brewster, Ellis,&

Girard, 2002, pp. 163-164).

Based on the experts’ explanation above, there are four aspects related to

pronunciation that get the good impacts of using songs in teaching and learning.

By using songs, the teachers can teach the children about connected speech. Songs

are useful for showing what happens to sounds in connected speech. The teachers

might use songs to teach about stress, rhythm and also intonation. In here,

repetition is really needed so that the students will be accustomed to pronounce

words in a good stress and intonation.

Intonation is really important, according to Brewster, Ellis, and Girard

(2002, p. 77), there are some functions of intonation in English. The first function


function is to show the grammatical function of what is beid said, for example,

wheter something is a statement or question. The last function of intonation in

English is to show feelings and emotions.

Due to the importance of teaching intonation for students, songs can be

used as a teaching material which can attract the students’ enthusiasm. In the

lyrics of children songs, there are so many expressions which have different

intonation. The teachers might use them to be taught in attractive ways so that the

children will be enthusiastic to learn. In addition, the teacher might do ear training

to the students through songs. This activity will encourage the children to be

focused on what they heard.

2.1.5 Review of Related Studies

There was a research which investigated the implementation of the use of

songs for teaching vocabulary to kindergarten students. This research had been

conducted by Apsari (2012). This research was also an attempt to investigate the

students’ response toward the use of songs in teaching and learning process. An

English teacher and fifteen students of TK Kartika XV-5 Batujajar, Bandung

Barat were selected to be the respondents of this study. The results of the study

revealed that songs can be used effectively to improve students’ English

vocabulary. Finally, media such as picture is required in order to convey the

meaning of songs. The study also showed that the majority of students were

interested in learning English vocabulary through songs. This results indicates that

by using songs the students tend to be more active in the teaching and learning


Moreover, there was a journal which discussed that songs play an

important role in the development of young children learning a second language.

This research was conducted by Millington (2011). This study will discuss how

songs can help learners improve their listening skills and pronunciation, and how

they can be useful in the teaching of vocabulary and sentence structures.

Millington also discussed how songs can reflect culture and increase students’

overall enjoyment of learning a second language. Finally, the paper explored how

songs for children can be adapted to suit a particular theme or part of the

curriculum a teacher might wish to teach (Millington, N., 2011, pp. 134-141).

Based on a journal named “The Value of Songs and Chants for Young

Learners” by Forster (2006, p. 63-68), using songs in the teaching-learning for the

children can increase their English vocabulary, intonation and pronunciation. The

use of songs, music and rhythm in teaching pronunciation will help the teachers in

doing teaching and learning process. In using songs, the first thing that the

teachers need to do is determining the age of the students. Then, the teachers have

to make sure whether the songs and chants are appropriate for their age or not.

Basically, children love music and songs. It will be better if the teachers

include music and songs in basic communication acts or classroom situations. For

the example, the teachers can lead the students to sing a children song or chant.

The teachers need to give the example how to pronounce the lyric of the songs.

Repetition is really good to improve the students’ memorization. From this

activity, the children can improve their pronunciation and their vocabulary is also


Those three studies proved that songs can be use in teaching and learning

activities. The children who had been taught through songs obtain the positive

effects on their pronunciation, vocabulary mastery, and other aspects of language.

Moreover, the students’ interest to learn language was also increased. In line with

those three studies, in this research the researcher conducted a study through

songs. The researcher focussed to find the effect on the students’ pronunciation

when the students obtained the treatments through songs.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In learning language, there are four skills that need to be developed. Those

skills are speaking, listening, reading and writing. The teachers have to teach

those skills to make the students understand clearly about the language. One of the

important skills in mastering the language is speaking. Ability to speak fluently

and clearly are really needed to avoid miscomunication. The stundents also have

to pay attention on their pronunciation. If the pronunciation is unclear, it may

cause ambiguity in understanding the meaning. According to Kenworthy (1997),

in pronouncing the words, intelligibility is really important to avoid ambiguity in

communication. Intelligibility means “being understood by a listener at a given

time in a given situation” (p. 13). From the expert’s explanation, we can

understand that speaking with the good pronunciation is really important.

In teaching English to the children, the teachers need to know the

children’s characteristics due to the appropriate teaching materials that will be


have a great motivation to learn what they like. The elementary students will be

enthusiactic in learning something which attract their attention. Based on Scott

and Ytleberg’s explanation, we can understand that the teachers need to use the

appropriate teaching materials to be taught. The teachers have to choose the

teaching materials which can attract the students’ attention so that the students

will enjoy to join the teaching-learning activities.

In this research, the researcher focused on the teaching pronunciation to

young learners. The researcher found that the fifth graders ofSD Nanggulan 1had a problem in pronunciation. They pronounced English words incorrectly and some

of words were influenced by Javanese accent. One of the problems that made the

young learners felt difficult to improve their speaking ability, especially in their

pronunciation was because the students were not accustomed to practice English.

The teachers needed to use the appropriate media and teaching materials to make

the students more active in speaking activities.

The researcher offered the use of songs as the teaching materials to attract

the students to learn English pronunciation. The reason why the researcher used

songs in teaching pronunciation was because basically the students love songs,

rhymes and chants. According to Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (2002), “Children

love songs, rhymes and chants and their repetitive nature and rhythm make them

an ideal vehicle for language learning” (p.162). Moreover, the use of songs in

teaching pronunciation will improve the students’ linguistic aspect, especially on


In addition, Philip (1993) explains that music and rhythm are an essential

part of language learning for young learners (p. 100). Based on a journal named

“The Value of Songs and Chants for Young Learners” by Forster (2006, pp.

63-68), using songs in teaching-learning for the children can increase their English

pronunciation. Based on the experts’ explanation, the researcher inferred that

songs, musics and rhythm could be used in teaching and learning activities,

especially in language learning. Songs, music and rhythm would motivate and





This chapter discusses several things such as research method, research

setting, research participants, instuments and data gathering technique, data

analysis technique, and research procedure. Those things are very important for

the researcher in conducting the study and obtaining the empirical data as the

results of the study.

3.1 Research Method

The researcher used the analysis of results from an experimental research

to answer the research problem of this thesis. Experimental research has long been

employed by linguists and educational researchers to discover whether one

teaching or learning technique or other variables is more effective than another

when applied to one or two groups of participants. According to Gay (1992, p.

298), in conducting experimental research, the researcher will have to manipulate

at least one independent variable, control over relevant variables, and observe the

effect on one or more dependent variables.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009) , “Experimental research is

the only type of research that directly attempts to influence a particular variable,

and when properly applied, it is the best type for testing hypotheses about

cause-and-effect relationships” (p. 261). The independent variable in experimental


known as the outcomes of the study (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, p. 261).

Moreover, Fraenkel and Wallen (2009) explain that the researchers can

manipulate the independent variable (p. 261). In other words, the researchers who

conducts an experimental research decides what will happen to the subjects. The

researchers can manipulate the methods if instruction, type of assignment,

learning materials, rewards given to students, and types of questions asked by

teachers. At the end of the research, the researcher observe or measure the groups

receiving differents treatments. The researchers will see whether the treatment

made a difference or not (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, pp. 261-262).

In an experimental research, three variables must be taken into account.

The first one was the starting point, the second was the treatment, and the last

was the outcome. After that, the researcher would compare between the starting

point and the result point to see the effect after the researcher gave the treatment

to the samples. Commonly, an experimental research has two or more groups of

samples to be compared, although having only one group is possible (Fraenkel &

Wallen, 2009).

In this research, the researcher wanted to know the effect of using songs

in the classroom activities to the students’ pronunciation. That was the reason the

researcher used the experimental method to answer the research problem.

Through the experimental research, the researcher would find out the difference

between the students who were given the treatment by using songs and those who


In this reseach, the researcher used static-group pretest-posttest design.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009, p. 266), the static-group pre test-post

test design is a design that involves at least two nonequivalent groups. The groups

which will be compared are already formed. There will be a pretest for those two

groups. Moreover, one group will receive a treatment and the other one will not.

The result of pre test and post test from those two groups will be analyzed to see

the difference (Fraenkel&Wallen,2009, p. 266).

The Static-Group Pre test-Post test Design

Treatment group O X O

Control group O O

(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, p. 266).

In this research, the research put the class into two groups, namely

experimental group and control group. Both of groups being measured or

observed twice. The first measurement was the pre test, the second was the post

test. The measurements were collected at the same time for both groups. In the

pre test, the researcher asked both of groups did the pre test by reading aloud the

pre-test paper. Then, the researcher analyzed the result of the pre test. After that,

the researcher gave the treatment by using songs for the experimental group. On

the other hand, the researcher did not give any treatment for the control group.

After the treatment was given, the researcher conducted post test for both of

groups. Then, the researcher compared the result between pre test and post test

for those two groups and analyzed whether the treatment made a difference or


3.2 Research Setting

The experimental research of this study was conducted in SD Nanggulan 1, Jatisarono, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The condition of the school

was fairly quite and condusive to conduct a research. The researcher chose the

fifth graders ofSD Nanggulan 1. The class was quite condusive and it supported

for the process of study.

3.3 Research Participants

The participants of the study were the fifth graders of SD Nanggulan 1in

the academic year 2012/2013. There were 32 students. It consisted of 15 males

and 17 females. They were around 10-11 years old. Moreover, they had learnt

English since they were in the fourth grade. Most of the students faced difficulties

on pronouncing some English words.

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

An instrument plays an important role in a study in the sense that the

reliability of the instrument will influence the reliability of data obtained. The

instrument used in this experiment was intended to measure the students’

achievement in English pronunciation. Therefore, the instrument used in this

study is test.

3.4.1 Test

Test is valuable measuring in a research. As Ary wrote (1979) “a test is a

set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basic of

which a numerical score can be assigned” (p. 179). Therefore, tests are very


achievement in mastering English pronunciation through songs. The songs which

were used in this tests were “Beautiful Day” and “Promise”. In choosing the

songs, the researcher referred to the theories from Hubbard, et al. (1983) and

Tassoni, et al. (2002). According to the explanation from Hubbard, et al. (1983)

and Tassoni, et al. (2002), there are some considerations in choosing children

songs (see chapter 2, p. 12). In using songs as the teaching materials, the songs

must be suitable for the language level and the age of the students (Hubbard, et

al., 1983). “Beautiful Day” and “Promise” contained words which were common

for the children. The children already known those words from their English

teacher and English books.

The songs which are used as the teaching materials should be more

appealing to the students (Hubbard, et al., 1983). Moreover, the teachers need to

choose songs which are fun and easy to learn (Tassoni, et al., 2002). Both of

songs which were used by the researchers were easy to learn and fun.

Furthermore, the lyrics of “Beautiful Day” and “Promise” contained words which

were related to the children’s environment. In line with the theory from Tassoni,

et al. (2002), the songs which are used in the teaching and learning activities

should have a relevance to the children environment.

In this research, the researcher conducted pre test and post test. The

result of the achievement tests were used to indicate the students’ progress of

English pronunciation by using English children songs. In the pre test, the

researcher asked the students to read aloud the lyrics of “Beautiful Day” and


lyrics. It refered to the Basic Competence of reading aspect for the fifth graders of

Elementary School: “Reading aloud words, phrases, simple sentences and texts

using the appropriate pronunciation, stress, intonation”. Based on the basic

competence, the lyrics of those two songs contained simple sentences which

appropriate with their level. All of the students came forward one by one to read

the lyrics of those two songs. The researcher recorded their voice to analyze their

pronunciation in pronouncing those words.

As it had been explained previously, the researcher put the class into two

groups, named experimental group and control group. The next four activities

were teaching pronunciation to the students in experimental group using children

songs. The last activity was a post test. The post test was to know the progression

of the students in English pronunciation before and after getting a treatment by

using English children songs.

In the post test, the researcher asked all of the students in the

experimental group to came forward one by one to sing the songs. Due to the

control group was not given any treatment through songs, in this post test all of

the students in control group just read aloud the lyrics of those two songs. The

researcher recorded their voice to analyze their pronunciation in pronouncing

those words.

In line with the objectives of experimental research, the researcher used

T test to make comparison of the mean between pre test and post test. Based on


difference or not.The result of the T test would support in answering the research

problem of this study. The T test formula was described as follows.

d =∑ Sd = ∑ (∑ ) /

t = d - µd Sd/√n

Source: Fraenk, Wallen, and Hyun (2012)

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher collected the data both of pre test data and

post test data of the respondents. In the pre test , all of the students came forward

one by one to read the lyrics of those two songs. The researcher recorded all of

their voice to analyze their pronunciation in pronouncing those words. The

researcher counted how many mispronounced words made by the students.

In the post test, the researcher asked the students in experimental group

one by one to sing the songs . The researcher recorded all of their voice and

counted how many mispronounced words made by the students. For the control

group, the researcher asked them one by one to read aloud the lyrics of the songs.

The researcher recorded all of their voices and counted how many mispronounced

words made by the them. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the data by

comparing the result between pre test and post test for those two groups. The

researcher did the T test for the pre test and post test in order to show whether the


3.6 Research Procedures

The researcher conducted this research by planning several steps to do as


First, the researcher put the class into two groups, namely experimental

group and control group. There were 16 students in experimental group and 16

students in control group. Before doing the pre test, the teacher taught them how

to read the words correctly. Then, the researcher did the pre test for those two

groups. Moreover, the researcher recorded all of their voice and analyzed the

result of the pre test.

Second, the researcher conducted the treatment for the experimental

group. The treatment was using the children songs. There were four times of

treatment by using songs. The objective on conducting the treatment was to

increase students’ ability in pronouncing English. On the other hand, the

researcher did not give any treatment for control group. Moreover, the researcher

wanted to measure the difference of pronunciation between pre test and post test

for those two groups.

Third, the researcher conducted a post test to measure the students’

achievement in mastering English pronunciation through songs. The researcher

recorded all of the students’ voice and analyzed the result. Then, the researcher

did the T test for the pre test and post test in order to show whether the treatment

made a difference or not.The result of the achievement tests are used to indicate




This chapter will discuss the results of the research, the comparison between

control group and experiment group and the analysis of research. As mentioned in

the previous chapter, the research was conducted to 32 students at SD 1

Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The researcher put the students into two

groups, namely experimental group and control group. Then, the researcher made

a treatment for experiment group and did not make treatment for control group.

The researcher analyzed the data by comparing the result between pre test and

post test for those two groups. The research was conducted through several steps

as follows:

4.1 Pre Test

The researcher conducted the research on March 16th, 2013. The

researcher opened the teaching learning activities by introducing himself. After

that, the researcher asked the students to introduce themselves in English. After all

of the students introduced themselves in English, the researcher knew that

students’ pronunciation was weak and they mispronounced many words. They

applied Javanese accent and their mother tounge in pronouncing English words.

They often made sound substitutions and sound deletions when they pronounced


The researcher put the class into two groups, namely experimental group

and control group. Those two groups were listed as follows:

Table 4.1 Groups of The Research

No Experimental Group Control Group

1 At If

2 Al Jt

3 Wl Bu

4 An Mr

5 Ant Fk

6 Ar Nk

7 Lr Dn

8 Ba Na

9 Da Rg

10 Ni Sd

11 Dv Ft

12 Zf Tr

13 Fr Vi

14 Fa Am

15 Nd Yd

16 Sv Di

After the researcher put the class into two groups, the researcher handed

out the pre test paper to the students. There were two pieces of paper, the first

paper contained the lyric of “Beautiful Day”, the other one contained the lyric of

“Promise”. After all students got the paper, the researcher gave the examples of

how to pronounce the words on the pre-test paper. After that, the researcher asked

them to read aloud the words together.

Then, the researcher asked all of the students one by one to come forward

reading the first pre test paper which contained the lyric of “Beautiful Day”. The


to analyze their pronunciation in pronouncing those words. In the pre test, the

researcher obtained the result as follows:

Table 4.2 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day” (Experimental Group)

No Experimental Group Mispronounced Words

1 At 14

2 Al 10

3 Wl 12

4 An 8

5 Ant 9

6 Ar 12

7 Lr 11

8 Ba 10

9 Da 8

10 Ni 7

11 Dv 10

12 Zf 9

13 Fr 11

14 Fa 10

15 Nd 8

16 Sv 9

Based on the experimental group’s result of the first pre test paper, most of

the students were still confused to pronounce those words. They were not

accustomed in pronouncing those words. Some of the students seemed hesitant in

pronouncing the words. As the result they were lowering their voice.

From the tabel above, the student who made the most mispronunciation

was At. At mispronounced 14 words out of 82 words. Meanwhile, the student who

made minimum mispronunciation was Ni. Ni mispronounced 7 words. Ni was

quite confident in pronouncing the words. On the other hand, At was not really

confident of what he said. Furthermore, some of words were influenced by


The researcher also did the pre test for the control group. In the first pre

test paper, the researcher obtained the result as follows :

Table 4.3 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day” (Control Group)

No Control Group Mispronounced Words

1 If 10

2 Jt 9

3 Bu 11

4 Mr 12

5 Fk 11

6 Nk 8

7 Dn 8

8 Na 7

9 Rg 11

10 Sd 8

11 Ft 9

12 Tr 10

13 Vi 8

14 Am 10

15 Yd 8

16 Di 9

The students from the control group were confused with the words in the

lyric. The condition was almost the same with the experimental group. They were

confused to pronounce some words.

From the tabel above, most of the students did more than 7

mispronunciation, except Na who only made 7 mispronunciation. Meanwhile, the

student who made the most mispronunciation was Mr. In here, Mr mispronounced

12 words out of 82 words.

After the researcher recorded the students’ voice in reading the first pre

test paper, the researcher asked all of the students from both groups to come


The total words in the lyric were 55 words. In the second pre test paper, the

researcher obtained the result as follows :

Table 4.4 Pre Test Result of “Promise” (Experimental Group)

No Experimental Group Mispronounced Words

1 At 15

2 Al 11

3 Wl 10

4 An 16

5 Ant 13

6 Ar 12

7 Lr 11

8 Ba 10

9 Da 10

10 Ni 12

11 Dv 10

12 Zf 11

13 Fr 13

14 Fa 11

15 Nd 8

16 Sv 9

Based on the result of the second pre test paper, most of the students in

experimental group did mispronunciation more than 8 words. Actually the total

words in the second pre test paper was not as much as in the first pre test paper,

but the students were not accustomed in pronouncing those words. Some words

which considered as difficult words for the students to be pronounced were: pal,

nice, faith, we’ll, fight, crossed, fingers, and leap.

From the tabel above, the student who made the most mispronunciation

was At. At mispronounced 15 words out of 55 words. On the other hand, the

student who made minimum mispronunciation was Nd. Nd mispronounced 8


The researcher also asked the control group to come forward and reading

the second pre test paper. In the second pre test paper, the researcher obtained the

result as follows :

Table 4.5 Pre Test Result of “Promise” (Control Group)

No. Control Group Mispronounced Words

1 If 10

2 Jt 13

3 Bu 11

4 Mr 12

5 Fk 11

6 Nk 9

7 Dn 7

8 Na 10

9 Rg 9

10 Sd 9

11 Ft 9

12 Tr 10

13 Vi 13

14 Am 10

15 Yd 13

16 Di 9

From the tabel above, it could be seen that the students in control group

made some mispronunciation. Actually, the problem that made them did the

mispronunciation in many words was the same with experimental group. Due to

the lack of understanding the words, they were not confident to pronounce some


There were three students who mispronounced 13 words, they were Jt, Vi,

and Wd. Meanwhile, Dn only mispronounced 7 words out of 55 words. Other

students in control group mispronounced more than 7 words and less than 13


Based on the pre test result, all students of those two groups almost did the

similar mistakes in pronouncing the words. The students were not accustomed to

those words. Therefore, they were not confident enough to pronounce those

words. As the result, they were lowering their voice. This result of pre test would

be compared to the result of the post test.

4.2 Treatment

Based on the pre test result, the researcher made several treatments to the

experimental group by giving the special class for learning English pronunciation.

On the other hand, the researcher would not give any treatment to the control


4.2.1 Experimental Group

In learning English pronunciation, the researcher chose to teach the

students by using songs. The researcher arranged four times class by using

English children songs. The first meeting was conducted on March 21st March,

2013. The songs were played to help them grasp the correct pronunciation.

a.First Treatment on March 21st, 2013 (the allocation time : 60 minutes)

The researcher gave the lyric of “Beautiful Day” to the students. Then,

the researcher taught the students how to pronounce the lyric of the songs clearly.

The researcher repeated the word by word patiently while the students were

imitating what they heard from the researcher. The researcher did this action three

times. When the students were getting bored of this action, the researcher put the


lyrics of “Beautiful Day” and his friend listened to him while making tally sheet

for the mispronounced words (see appendix 2, p. 71). They took turn doing the

activity. Then, the result of the first meeting treatment was as follows:

Table 4.6 The Result of Tally Sheet of “Beautiful Day”

No Name of students The mispronounced words

1 At 9

2 Al 10

3 Wl 10

4 An 11

5 Ant 9

6 Ar 10

7 Lr 9

8 Ba 9

9 Da 10

10 Ni 8

11 Dv 9

12 Zf 10

13 Fr 9

14 Fa 10

15 Nd 8

16 Sv 9

Based on the tally sheet of the students, most of the students

mispronounced more than 8 words. The researcher analyzed and discussed the

result of the tally sheet together with the students. The students were very active

to ask for the correct pronunciation.

On the first day, there were several words of “Beautiful Day” which were

considered as difficult words. Those words were shining, start, hear, we’re, bird

and share. The students faced difficulties in pronouncing those words because

they were not accustomed with those words. Their Javanesse accent also


Then, in the same day the researcher also conducted treatment by using

“Promise”. The researcher gave the lyrics and taught them how to pronounce the

lyric of the songs. The researcher repeated the word by word patiently while the

students were imitating what they heard from the researcher. Then, the researcher

also asked the students to work in pair and analyze their friends’ pronunciation.

The result of the first treatment by using the “Promise” was as follows :

Table 4.7 The Result of Tally Sheet of “Promise”

No Name of the students The mispronounced words

1 At 10

2 Al 9

3 Wl 9

4 An 11

5 Ant 10

6 Ar 9

7 Lr 10

8 Ba 10

9 Da 10

10 Ni 9

11 Dv 10

12 Zf 10

13 Fr 11

14 Fa 11

15 Nd 8

16 Sv 9

The researcher analyzed and discussed the result of the tally sheet

together with the students. The situation of the class became more lively because

the students were supporting each other in understanding for the right

pronunciation. The researcher pronounced the words for few times while the


Based on the result, the students did mispronounciation in some words.

Then, the number of the mistakes in pronouncing the lyrics were still high. There

were several words of “Promise” which were considered as difficult words. Those

words were pal, crossed, leap, faith, we’ll, fight, nice. The students were not

accustomed with those words.

In the end of the class, the researcher played the “Beautiful Day” and the

“Promise”. The students were surprised and enthusiastic to listen those two songs.

The students tried to sing the songs. Moreover, they enjoyed to sing the songs.

Based on the result of both songs in the first meeting treatment, the

researcher did not find high improvement of the students’ pronunciation. The

researcher had to explore the activity through songs. Then, the researcher decided

to conduct the second meeting on March 23, 2013.

b.Second Treatment on March 23th, 2013 (the allocation time : 60 minutes)

The researcher reviewed what the researcher had taught from the

previous meeting. The researcher played those two songs to make the students

remembered the songs. The researcher taught the students how to sing the songs,

especially the rhythm of the songs. The students imitated what they heard from

the researcher. Moreover, the students sang happily and they were so enthusiastic

to sing the songs. Then, the researcher asked the students to make a group of four

and they had to listen to the songs carefully. Then, each group had to sing the

songs in front of the class. After all the groups sang in front of the class, the


Table 4.1 Groups of The Research
Table 4.2 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day” (Experimental Group)
Table 4.3 Pre-Test Result of “Beautiful Day” (Control Group)
Table 4.4 Pre Test Result of “Promise” (Experimental Group)


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