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Quantum learning principles-based materials development for the seventh grade students of The Junior High School.


Academic year: 2017

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Ditaafrian, Lidwina Arnika. (2015). Quantum Learning Principles-Based Materials Development for the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis is about designing English materials for the seventh grade students. Since the interest of teaching English nowadays becomes very important in an education field, the teachers should find the way to teach the students appropriately. The materials and the methods should be suitable for the nature of the seventh grade learners. They called as adolescent learners because they are in the transition age between childhood and teenager. As adolescents, they are very active, curious, and fun; it means that the teacher should find the most interesting method to attract the students’ attention in learning English.

A problem was formulated to conduct this research. The problem was: On the basis of Quantum Learning principles, how are the design materials that can be used to teach English to the seventh grade students of junior high school?

The question was answered by developing the ideal designed materials for the students in seventh grade. The researcher used Research and Development (R&D) strategy. This study also adapted Kemp’s model in designing the materials. The designed materials for the seventh grade students based on Quantum Learning principles should be enjoyable, fun, and make the students active. There are five main activities in each unit: We’ll be Fun, We’ll Name It,

We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, We’ll Celebrate It.

Quantum Learning serves some activities to encourage the students in teaching-learning process. It covers at least five from nine human intelligences in the activities. It will be more helpful to attract students’ in the teaching-learning process. Hopefully this thesis can be used as the references in teaching or in developing the materials for the English teachers and the future researchers related to Quantum Learning.



Ditaafrian, Lidwina Arnika. (2015). Quantum Learning Principles-Based Materials Development for the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa kelas tujuh. Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang diutamakan di dalam dunia pendidikan, maka guru Bahasa Inggris harus dapat menemukan cara atau metode yang tepat dalam mengajar. Siswa kelas tujuh sering disebut sebagai remaja awal atau pra pubertas karena usianya yang berada dalam masa transisi antara masa anak-anak ke masa remaja. Sebagai remaja awal, mereka sangat aktif, memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi, dan bersenang-senang; oleh karena itu, guru harus bisa menemukan metode yang menarik dalam proses kegatan belajar mengajar.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab sebuah permasalahan: Berdasarkan prinsip Quantum Learning, bagaimana desain materi Bahasa Inggris yang bisa diterapkan pada siswa kelas tujuh SMP?

Permasalahan tersebut dijawab dengan mengembangkan desain materi yang bisa diterapkan pada siswa kelas tujuh. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) strategi. Penelitian ini juga mengadaptasi model desain pembelajaran dari Kemp dalam mendesain materi. Desain materi yang ideal untuk siswa kelas tujuh berdasarkan prinsip Quantum Learning, seharusnya enjoyable, menyenangkan dan dapat membuat siswa aktif. Dalam setiap unit dibagi menjadi lima pokok kegiatan, antara lain: We’ll be Fun,

We’ll Name It, We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, We’ll Celebrate It.

Quantum Learning menawarkan beberapa alternatif aktivitas agar siswa lebih bersemangat dan termotivasi atau terdorong dalam proses pembelajaran. Aktivitas-aktivitas pada Quantum Learning setidaknya memiliki lima dari Sembilan kecerdasan manusia. Hal ini akan sangat membantu untuk menarik minat dan perhatian para siswa dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Semoga skripsi ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam proses pembelajaran/pengembangan materi oleh guru Bahasa Inggris dan peneliti berikutnya yang berkaitan dengan Quantum Learning.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Lidwina Arnika Ditaafrian Student Number: 101214002









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Lidwina Arnika Ditaafrian Student Number: 101214002





MUSIC is an agreeable harmony

for the honor of GOD and

the permissible delights of the SOUL



Ditaafrian, Lidwina Arnika. (2015). Quantum Learning Principles-Based Materials Development for the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis is about designing English materials for the seventh grade students. Since the interest of teaching English nowadays becomes very important in an education field, the teachers should find the way to teach the students appropriately. The materials and the methods should be suitable for the nature of the seventh grade learners. They called as adolescent learners because they are in the transition age between childhood and teenager. As adolescents, they are very active, curious, and fun; it means that the teacher should find the most interesting method to attract the students’ attention in learning English.

A problem was formulated to conduct this research. The problem was: On the basis of Quantum Learning principles, how are the design materials that can be used to teach English to the seventh grade students of junior high school?

The question was answered by developing the ideal designed materials for the students in seventh grade. The researcher used Research and Development (R&D) strategy. This study also adapted Kemp’s model in designing the materials. The designed materials for the seventh grade students based on Quantum Learning principles should be enjoyable, fun, and make the students active. There are five main activities in each unit: We’ll be Fun, We’ll Name It,

We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, We’ll Celebrate It.

Quantum Learning serves some activities to encourage the students in teaching-learning process. It covers at least five from nine human intelligences in the activities. It will be more helpful to attract students’ in the teaching-learning process. Hopefully this thesis can be used as the references in teaching or in developing the materials for the English teachers and the future researchers related to Quantum Learning.



Ditaafrian, Lidwina Arnika. (2015). Quantum Learning Principles-Based Materials Development for the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa kelas tujuh. Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang diutamakan di dalam dunia pendidikan, maka guru Bahasa Inggris harus dapat menemukan cara atau metode yang tepat dalam mengajar. Siswa kelas tujuh sering disebut sebagai remaja awal atau pra pubertas karena usianya yang berada dalam masa transisi antara masa anak-anak ke masa remaja. Sebagai remaja awal, mereka sangat aktif, memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi, dan bersenang-senang; oleh karena itu, guru harus bisa menemukan metode yang menarik dalam proses kegatan belajar mengajar.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab sebuah permasalahan: Berdasarkan prinsip Quantum Learning, bagaimana desain materi Bahasa Inggris yang bisa diterapkan pada siswa kelas tujuh SMP?

Permasalahan tersebut dijawab dengan mengembangkan desain materi yang bisa diterapkan pada siswa kelas tujuh. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) strategi. Penelitian ini juga mengadaptasi model desain pembelajaran dari Kemp dalam mendesain materi. Desain materi yang ideal untuk siswa kelas tujuh berdasarkan prinsip Quantum Learning, seharusnya enjoyable, menyenangkan dan dapat membuat siswa aktif. Dalam setiap unit dibagi menjadi lima pokok kegiatan, antara lain: We’ll be Fun, We’ll Name It, We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, We’ll Celebrate It.

Quantum Learning menawarkan beberapa alternatif aktivitas agar siswa lebih bersemangat dan termotivasi atau terdorong dalam proses pembelajaran. Aktivitas-aktivitas pada Quantum Learning setidaknya memiliki lima dari Sembilan kecerdasan manusia. Hal ini akan sangat membantu untuk menarik minat dan perhatian para siswa dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Semoga skripsi ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam proses pembelajaran/pengembangan materi oleh guru Bahasa Inggris dan peneliti berikutnya yang berkaitan dengan Quantum Learning.




I thank One Above All for His blessing through the time when I was doing my thesis. I would like to convey my gratitude to my supervisor, Markus Budiraharjo, M.Ed., Ed.D., for his excellent guidance and patience given during this study. I would like to thank him for the knowledge shared and the perspectives offered in conducting this study. Next, I thank my parents Churnelius Mujari and Sri Marwati, for keeping the faith in me and accompanying me all along the process of finishing my study. Sincere gratitude is conveyed for the great family members, my beloved aunties, and uncles for the support during the storms. I thank also for the love from heaven from my dearest Mama Theresia Anik Sriwahyuningtyas (†), my beloved stepmother

Bernadetha Maryati (†), and my beloved little brother Slamet (†).

Being the part of the big family of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University is a brilliant experience in my life as a student. Gratitude is conveyed for the academic advisor of Class A, Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. with the entire patience, supporting us to graduate soon. I thank also all the lecturers and secretariat staff of the English language Education Study Program for all the love and care for me as a member of PBI.



love from Skripsweet family for the support. My biggest thanks also goes to my beloved Agustinus Astriantoro, for his courage, love, care and his patience in accompanying me finishing my thesis. I would like to convey my big thanks to Abang Agustinus Simanungkalit, who cheered me up and taught me to be a strong woman.

At last, I would like to thank everyone who always supports me. Everything is temporary, so did the hardship in finishing this study. Thank for everyone for their help, love and support. May God bless us all.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii







A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 6

D. Benefits of the Study ... 6

E. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Quantum Learning ... 9

1. Basic Theoretical Concept of Quantum Learning ... 9

2. Principles of Quantum Learning ... 15

B. Seventh Grade Characteristics ... 22

C. Integration Skill ... 24

D. Material Development ... 25



2. The Scope of Material Development ... 25

3. The role of Teaching Materials ... 26

E. Instructional Design ... 26

F. Theoretical Framework ... 28


A.Research Method ... 30

B.Research Setting ... 33

C.Research Participants/Subjects ... 33

D.Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 33

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 34

F.. Research Procedure ... 34


A. The English Designed Materials to Teach Seventh Grade Students Based on Quantum Learning Principles ... 35

1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs ... 36

2. Goal, General Purposes, and Topics ... 39

3. The Designed Materials ... 40

4. Evaluation Instruments ... 44

5. Revision ... 46


A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestions ... 49




Tables Page

4.1. Competency Standard and Indicator ... 40

4.2. Table and Content ... 41

4.3. Description of Experts ... 44







Appendix Page

Appendix A ... 52

Appendix B ... 54

Appendix C ... 65

Appendix D ... 68

Appendix E ... 75

Appendix F ... 78



In this chapter, the researcher presents the introduction of the research. There are five parts that will be discussed: (A) background of the study, (B) research problem, (C) objective of the study, (D) benefits of the study, and (E) definition of terms.

A.Background of the Study

Teachers’ interest in teaching English to teach adolescent learners increase nowadays since English becomes one of the main subjects that should be taught in school. However, some English teachers are uncertain to use the interesting methods to teach the students. Based on the characteristics of the adolescent learners, the teachers elaborate some methods in accordance with the students’ needs. Since they like to be curious, active, and fun, the teaching-learning process should be suited to the nature of adolescent themselves. The teachers should create the process of English learning for adolescent learners as interesting, exciting, and challenging as possible.


adolescent as a period of storm and stress for young people in all country. Based on those characteristics, there are many methods that can be applied in the class activity such as using game, song, and story which make the students feel fun and enjoy. The main purpose in teaching English for the seventh grade students is to make them enjoy in the learning English.

The teachers need to use some interesting methods such as using game, role play, and story in order to achieve the objectives of the lesson and to attract the students in the teaching-learning process. The teachers as the one who understand the problems of teaching have to choose the appropriate methods, the activities and also the media to teach English to their students. During the teaching-learning process, the teacher should know the characteristics of each student and the methods in order to balance the variety of the students’ characteristics and create conducive atmosphere for the activities. Quantum Learning is one of the teaching approaches which is more enjoyable and easier to be received by the students, especially adolescent learners. Based on this approach, there is no obtuse student because all of the students have the intelligences. Gardner, as cited in Richards (2001), states that each person is unique and has a blend of intelligences namely linguistic, mathematical/logical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence.


ultimate goal of study. Communicative approach for teachers and teachers-in-training provides opportunities in the classroom for their students to engage in real-life communication in the target language. Quantum Learning proposes a learning approach which is based on the multiple intelligences. Quantum Learning approach serves some ways of learning based on the special intelligence that the learners have. Therefore, the learners will learn language with their own way of learning. That is the reason why people tend to employ Quantum Learning approach in the process of teaching English language. The language competence is the type of knowledge which people need in order to use language through meaningful interaction. Quantum Learning includes specific guild for creating an effective learning environment, delivering content and facilitating the learning process by gaining the ways to increase; participation, motivation and interest both students and teachers.


confused to lead the students to be more independent since the teacher realized that the seventh grade was a transition period from elementary to a junior high school. As a result, some of them tend to disturb others when they are not interested in the process.

This research focuses on the seventh grade students of junior high school. A junior high school is an institution where the students are in the phase of transition from childhood into teenagers. The writer chooses a junior high school because mastering English is needed to be taught as early as possible. Therefore, they can use English better in their life later on.


should be applicable and based on the students’ need. The class activity should be

interesting so that the students will be more interested.

Based on those reasons, the writer will apply Quantum Learning which is proposed by DePorter and Hernacki (1992) as an approach to raise the students’ motivation in learning English more and to make the students have better understanding on the materials. This can be suitable for the students because Quantum Learning has several principles. Those principles are: everything speak, everything has its purpose, experience before label/ named, respect to every effort, and celebrate the achievement (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999). Those principles can be used to design a set of materials for the students in learning English. Besides, it is suitable to increase their motivation and to make them easily and happily in learning English. Therefore, the writer decides to analyze the process of teaching-learning in SMP PL Bintang Laut especially for the seventh grade and develop the suitable material in learning English using the Quantum Learning principles.

B.Research Problem

Based on the background of this study, the problem in the English class for the seventh grade of junior high school can be formulated as:


C.Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to develop the designed materials which are based on Quantum Learning principles that can be used to teach English to the seventh grade learners.

D.Benefits of the Study

This study is beneficial for the teachers as the alternative teaching-learning designed materials based on Quantum Learning principles. Going further to the students, the developed materials can help the students to learn English easily as their interest so that it can help them to increase their performance in the class. This study is also be beneficial for the school as the information to the school about learning system using Quantum Learning principles. These designed materials can be used as the idea to create the future teaching-learning strategy. Moreover, for the writer to add and to increase the comprehension of the writer in the education field, so it can be used as the one method to teach the students in the education field especially in the teaching-learning process.

E.Definition of Terms

Some specific terms will be used in this research. In order to give the clearer boundaries in the research, some terms are defined below.

1. Quantum Learning


and more joyful. Research shows that Quantum Learning techniques can enhance retention and performance, and that the students who use accelerated learning methods become more effective learners. Quantum Learning is actually a herb or assemblies of various theories or views of cognitive psychology and neurology programming/neurolinguistic much already there (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999). In this study, Quantum Learning principles is the main focus in designing the materials. The topics in the designed materials are suited based on the students’ need.

2. Integrated Skills

Integrated skills could be defined as the combination of two or more skills within a communicative task. By integrating the skills, teachers and learners make the classroom work closer to real life, where more often than not we integrate more than one skill. In addition, some concrete reasons are given by Read (1985): continuity, realism, appropriateness, variety, recycling, and confidence. In this study, the integration of four skills of language learning (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will help the students to learn English easily.

3. Materials Development


language). As different learners learn in different ways, the ideal materials aim to provide all these ways of acquiring a language for the learners to experience and sometimes select from. Materials development refers to all the processes made use of by practitioners who produce and/or use materials for language learning, including materials evaluation, their adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research. Ideally, all of these processes should be given consideration and should interact in the making of language-learning materials. In this study, the materials will be developed to set new materials that can help the students to feel interested in learning English.

4. Seventh Grade Learners




In this chapter, the researcher arrives at one important process of finding some related information. This chapter discusses: (A) Quantum Learning; (B) characteristics of seventh grade of junior high school; (C) integration skills; (D) materials development; (E) instructional design; (F) theoretical framework.

A. Quantum Learning

1. Basic Theoretical Concepts of Quantum Learning

Quantum Learning is a learning model that emphasizes the use of the learning process and also the interest of the learners (DePorter & Hernacki, 1992). To mention the basic concepts of Quantum Learning, there are at least three important points (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999); first is that Quantum Learning is a comprehensive model that covers both educational theory and immediate classroom implementation. It integrates research-based best practices in education into a unified whole, making content more meaningful and


synergistic approach to the learning process covers both theory and practice. It has

been proven to increase academic achievement and improve students‟ attitudes

toward the learning process. These integrated, comprehensive programs turn abstract theory into practical applications that can be used immediately in the classroom. The FADE (Foundation, Atmosphere, Design, and Environment) model creates the context of Quantum Learning. When the context is strong, it

“fades” into the background and creates the structure for learning to occur.

More deeply, Quantum Learning begins with a strong foundation built on the principles of the three beliefs (DePorter & Hernacki, 1992). They hold the three beliefs that all people can learn, people learn differently, and learning is effective when it is joyful, engaging and challenging.


While according to Lozanov (1982) in his experiments called

“Suggestopedia”, he states that a suggestion can affect the learning result, and

every positive detail like giving the students a comfortable sit, playing music, increasing individual participation, and giving the students other learning variations. Lozanov also makes the eight keys of Excellence include:

1. Integrity

It is about a match between the behaviors with the values of life. What we have said and we have done are the reflection of what we value. When we live in integrity we are sincere and true to ourselves, people will trust and respect us, and we feel good about ourselves (Lozanov, 1982).

2. Commitment

Having a commitment with the “own self” in doing something. Commitment is needed in order to make a focus on what we are going to achieve. It is about the breathtaking moment of making a compelling decision, jumping in, and going forward with gusto (Lozanov, 1982).

3. Failure Leads to Success

We learn from mistakes that we have done. Mistakes will lead us to learn more and try to find another ways of gaining the success. We can see the failures as a feedback (Lozanov, 1982).

4. Ownership


5. Speak with Good Purpose

Speak honestly and kindly. We need to think first before speaking. Make sure that our intention is positive and the words are sincere. All we say- to ourselves and others- have a huge impact. Every word we speak has power to lift up or put down and depress. Always saying positive words to keep optimistic and it will be the way to gain a positive impact (Lozanov, 1982). 6. Flexibility

Able to do things differently or changing the way of doing something quickly when the first way cannot work. It is the time for us to recognize what is not working and be willing to change on what we are doing for achieving the goal. Flexibility is about not getting looked into one way of doing something (Lozanov, 1982).

7. This Is It!

It is focusing on the attention on the present moment and it needs a positive attitude in everything. This is it! has a great power because when we

make „It‟ for now, and keep the positive attitude, we can find joyful moment in

it so we can enjoying „It‟ moment (Lozanov, 1982).

8. Balance


To apply in the learning activities, the eight keys of Excellence can be integrated into all subjects and grade levels. The eight keys of Excellence are best implemented when parents and community leaders support and reinforce the Keys. The keys refer to the importance of cooperation, synergy of different sides and aspects.

According to DePorter and Hernacki (1992, p.14), Quantum Learning

combines the “suggestology”, acceleration learning technique and NLP (Neurolinguistic Program) which is the study of how the brain organizes

information, with a „belief theory‟ and its include the concepts and other theories


spatial-visual, logical-mathematical, music, naturalist, and existential intelligences) and it will help the learners to learn something using their intelligences. Holistic learning (universal learning), is the way of learning based on the premise that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connection to the community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values such as compassion and peace. Learning through experiences, is the learning from the experiences and from the failures that help people learn more and more, and it will help them to find another ways of gaining success. Learning through symbol (metaphoric learning), is the way of learning using symbols (metaphor) in order to create a quick learning so that the learners have their mindset about the meaning of something by using symbols. In other word, it can be a way of describing something by equating it with something else. Simulation or game, is the way of learning by using simulation or game will help the learners to learn by fun and they can enjoy the teaching-learning process. It can create a joyful and enjoyable teaching-learning atmosphere (DePorter & Hernacki, 1992).

Based on those criteria, it can be clearly concluded that Quantum Learning creates an empowering atmosphere of trust, safety and a sense of belonging. Establishing engaging, focused tradition is an effective strategy for classroom management, focusing attention and motivating students to increase participation


2. Principles of Quantum Learning

Based on DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice (1999), there are five principles (tenets) in Quantum Learning. The first is Everything Speaks; everything, from surroundings and tone of voice to distribution of materials, conveys an important message about learning. The second is Everything is On Purpose; everything we do has an intended purpose. The third is Experience before Label; students make meaning and transfer new content into long-term memory by connecting to existing schema. Learning is best facilitated when students experience the information in some aspects before they acquire the labels for what are being learned. The fourth is Acknowledge Every Effort; acknowledgment of each student‟s effort encourages learning and experimentation. The fifth is If it’s Worth Learning, it’s Worth Celebrating!; celebration provides feedback regarding progress and increases positive emotional associations with the learning (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999).

DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice (1999) also mention some assumptions (beliefs) of Quantum Learning as formulated below:

1. Learning is dual-planned or preconscious - we learn through both our conscious and subconscious mind-. Suggestion is a powerful technique for

tapping into the normally unused “reserves of the mind” to help the student learn faster and easier.

2. Everything makes a suggestion, either consciously or subconsciously. A student may be consciously listen to the teacher; subconsciously, his mind is


3. There is no single stimulus. The very first way we receive, or rather, perceive information is in a context.

4. Everything is constantly being processed, including symbols, rituals and associations.

5. There is no neutral: only positive or negative. Teachers need to make a

concerted effort to create as many “positives” as possible, paying careful

attention to creating a comfortable, safe and fun learning environment.

The Quantum Learning designs a frame that drives the presentation and facilitation of content. The frame was formulated from many years of research on the effective delivery methods and a structural frame which content is designed to ensure students‟ mastery. In the implementation of Quantum Learning, there are some steps to do. Those steps as a learning cycle are aligned with some elements by Lozanov (1982).


effective, multi-sensory review strategies and empower students to process their new content through reflection. The last is Celebration, which is used to acknowledge the learning. It cements the content and adds a sense of completion (Lozanov, 1982).

Quantum Learning creates a supportive physical environment that enhances and reinforces learning. Ideal learning environments include proper lighting, purposeful color, positive affirmation posters, plants, props and music.

These elements are easy to include in one‟s classroom, and students enjoy

learning more in a comfortable setting (Meier, 2000). The key is to create empowering school environments that build engaging and dynamic communities of learning. The results of using Quantum Learning are enhanced teacher‟s capacity and increased student achievement.


more effective in physically and mentally stress-free environment-all learning should be relaxed and tension free.

In rather different formulation, Meier (2000) lists the eight keys of excellence spotlight characteristics that help promote the Quantum Learning as the following: learning to align personal values to behavior to produce integrity, learning to succeed by turning failure into success, learning to communicate in a positive, direct, responsible manner, learning to focus on the task at hand, learning to follow and keeping true to one‟s vision, learning to take ownership, learning to be flexible by changing plans that do not work to plans that do, and learning to keep personal balance through adjustments in thoughts, feelings, and behavior

By analyzing those principles, it can be inferred that as general approach, Quantum Learning is an integrated school model designed to initiate change, enhance teacher capacity, and increase student achievement. The primary goal of

the model is to create school‟s environments that are engaging and dynamic. Components of the model focus on a leadership, researched-based teaching methods, cognitive psychology, learning and life skills, parent and community involvement, and school improvement through evaluation. The model seeks to make content more meaningful and relevant to students for lives (Douglas, 2002).


effective music, the learning environment will be enhanced. Baroque music helps students relax and focus. Upbeat music energizes students. Third is Peripherals. Peripherals are posters and visuals that reinforce lessons. The information, or suggestion, contained in the peripherals is taken in by the subconscious mind while the student is consciously focused on the teacher or an activity. Fourth is Teacher. The teacher must establish credibility with the students and be well trained in implementing the concept of Accelerated Learning. Tonality of speech (pitch/tone/tempo/loudness/softness) is a technique used to capture the students‟ attention and emphasize key points (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999).


content structure, effectively taking students through a successful learning cycle (DePorter, Readon, and Singer-Nourice, 1999).

For more detail, Lozanov (1982) refers to the original process in Quantum Learning that includes three phases. The first phase is Prepare; it begins the class by preparing the students for learning. In this phase, teachers plant early suggestions, including the ease of learning the material and an overview of content. The teacher can also create a global picture and make connections with prior learning. The second phase is Active; in this phase, the students to be given an experience of the learning. Create total learner involvement. This includes active concerts, hands-on activities, and demonstrations and debrief. The third phase is Passive; the lesson continues with reflection and review. In this phase, the passive concerts and other review activities can be followed by an appropriate closing celebration of the learning.


right perception from different point of view, graphic representation, picture manipulating, drawing, active imagination, responsive to color, line, and shape (Gardner, 2006).

The fourth intelligence is Body-kinesthetic intelligence. People with this intelligence express something using their body, relate main and body, have the ability in facial expression, play role-play, sport, dancing, and have high body coordination and flexibility. The fifth is Musical intelligence. This intelligence is

using the people‟s sound and music sensitivity, knowing musical structure well, creating melody, sensitive to intonation and rhythmic, singing, creating music, and playing music instrument. The sixth intelligence is Interpersonal intelligence. People with this intelligence can cooperate easily, having the ability to recognize

and differentiate other‟s feeling and personality, verbal and nonverbal

communication, responsive to friend, empathy, giving feedback (Gardner, 2006). The seventh intelligence is Intrapersonal intelligence. People with this intelligence have a good concentration, deeply self recognizing, empathy-ego balance, reflective, conscious thought to spiritual reality. The eighth intelligence is Naturalist intelligence. People with naturalist intelligence usually have the ability in recognizing flora and fauna, in classifying and identifying flora and fauna, and also loving the nature. The last intelligence is Existential intelligence. This intelligence is about the sensitivity and ability to answer human existential problem (Gardner, 2006).


teaching-learning process. The second is Explain It. The teacher should explain everything clearly to the students (material, purpose, and steps of teaching-learning activities). The third is Get It. After the teacher gives some explanations to the students, the students will be asked to do some activities. This is the time for the teacher to get the result and feedback. By listening and paying attention to the students, the teacher will understand about what the students‟ need, and the teacher will know whether the students comprehend the materials well or not (DePorter & Hernacki, 1992).

B. Seventh Grade Characteristics

Every child‟s development is unique. Although children develop through a

generally predictable sequence of milestones, we cannot say exactly when a child will achieve in each and every stage. Every child has their own timetable.

Seventh grade is a year of change for students. They have moved from the elementary grade to the intermediate grade, they face the transitional phase from the pre-secondary children into secondary children and are faced with a number of social, physical and cognitive challenges that move and simply being older. In order to overcome those challenges, there are some specific characteristics that usually fourth graders students have.


The concept of transition refers to a period of change, growth, and disequilibrium that serves as a kind of bridge between one relatively stable point in life and another relatively stable, but different, point. In that sense adolescent represents the transition between the physical, social, and sexual immaturity of childhood to the physical, social, and sexual immaturity of adulthood. Thus, adolescent is a period of change, growth, and disequilibrium in terms of physical, social, and sexual maturity (Kimmel & Weiner, 1985, p.12).

Based on Brewster (2002), the seventh graders‟ characteristics are based on the emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. In the social-emotional, they usually in the stage of finding their self identity and they are moodiness and they can be enthusiastic at some times; lethargic at other times. As in the puberty age, they growth in a friendship with both sexes and they usually attracted to another sex for a special relationship. The seventh grade usually started to complain their parents who is interfering their independence. Thus, more likely express their feeling by actions rather than words. The students in the seventh grade usually have less overt affection and attention to be shown to their parents with occasional rudeness. They are impulsive and unaware, and they have extreme experiences of emotions. The students usually have experimenting with behavior, roles, appearance, and their self-image. They have difficulties with decisions but need to be able to make some choices for themselves. Seventh grade learners usually demand privileges, but may avoid responsibilities. The students in the seventh grade usually feel unique; they believe that no one else has ever felt the way they do; suffered so much, or been so misunderstood.


to over concern for dieting and increased their need for personal hygiene (Brewster, 2002).


C. Integration Skills

In the language teaching-learning process especially in English subject for seventh grade, the teachers should combine all the skills in language learning (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). According to Hollifield in his article, skills integration generally refers to link two or more of the traditional four skills of language learning. There are two kinds of skills integration (traditional and real life).

Integrating the four main language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) has showed to be very beneficial in the second language classroom. From the Tapestry of Language Learning, it was noted that we rarely use a single skill when communicating, so it makes sense to focus on more than one skill at a time. Considering that communication requires the integration of both the main and the subsidiary skills (grammar, punctuation, pronunciation), it makes sense that language is taught in a communication promoting way.

D.Material Development 1. Definition of Material


2. The Scope of Material Development

Based on the definition, the coverage of material development consists of: (a) The selection or evaluation of teaching material on the basis of a set of criteria or principles; (b) The process of adapting teaching materials based on a set of criteria or principles; (c) The creation of teaching materials based on a set of principles, theories, and the syllabus developed by the teachers.

3. The Role of Teaching Materials

According to Richards (2001), teaching materials in the process of teaching and learning have functions as the language input for learners and as the ideas for teachers in planning and teaching lessons. In line with this, Cunningsworth (1995) summarizes the role of teaching materials (especially textbooks) as a resource for presenting materials (spoken and written), a source of activities for practice and communicative interaction, a reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and so on, a source for stimulation and ideas for classroom activities, a syllabus (where they reflect learning objectives that have already been determined), and as a support for less experienced teachers who have yet to gain in confidence.

Whereas, Evan & St. John (1998) suggest that for teachers of ESP courses, teaching materials function as a source of language, a learning support, a motivation and stimulation, and as a reference.

E.Instructional Design


Kemp’s Instructional Design Model

In Kemp‟s theory, there are nine steps in designing model. The role of this

model is that the researcher is free to decide the step which will be started. Therefore, it can be started from any parts that are ready first. Those steps are instructional problem, learner and context, task analysis, instructional objectives, content sequencing, instructional strategies, designing the message, development the instruction, and evaluation instrument.

The first step is Instructional Problems. In this step, the researcher identifies what problems that are faced by the learners. The second step is Learner and Context. This step is about knowing deeply about the learners‟ characteristics. It is very useful in designing the appropriate materials for them. The information collected is based on the learner‟s level, general background knowledge, assumptions, or experience. The third step is Task Analysis. This is the important component of the process. According to Kemp (2011), this process is used to determine what knowledge and procedure that are used in the instruction in order to help the learners achieve the goal of the learning. It has a function as procedure of teaching in a well sequenced so it will support the learning. The fourth step is Instructional Objectives. This stage is about what the learner must master. The instructional objectives related to the objectives of the learning which is covered the map in designing the instruction (Kemp, 2011).


creatively in order to support the learning process. It is ranging from a simple analogy to a complex simulation. The seventh step is Designing the Message. This step involves the words and picture that is used in the designed materials since they are used to communicate with learners. It also includes in the use of typographical elements such as bold or italics to attract the learners. Selecting appropriate graphics, text, and typographical design is important. Those become considerations in designing the materials because it brings effects on the readability and the learners‟ understanding of the instruction. The next step is Development of the Instruction. In this step the message are combined as a product of designed materials such as video recordings, web pages, print materials, or audiotapes. The last step is Evaluation Instruments. In this step, the learners will be evaluated to know whether they are achieving the goal of learning or not. Then, the researcher will evaluate and revise in order to achieve the well designed materials (Kemp, 2011).

F. Theoretical Framework

This project is based on four theoretical areas: Quantum Learning

principles, integration skills, material development, and seventh grade students‟



Speaks. 2. Everything is On Purpose. 3. Experience before Label. 4. Acknowledge

Every Effort. 5. If it‟s Worth Learning, it‟s Worth Celebrating!

The second area is talking about the seventh grade characteristics. Based

on Brewster‟s theory, adolescent learners especially the seventh grade (12 years old) has the unstable condition because they are still in the transition period from the pre-secondary children to the secondary children, from the elementary school to the junior high school.

The third area is talking about the integration of four skills in language learning (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). By integrating those four skills, the teacher will help the students to understand the second language easily.

The fourth area is the material development. According to Nunan, material development is basically dealing with selection, adaptation, and creation of teaching materials. Materials development refer to all the processes made use of by practitioners who produce and/or use materials for language learning, including materials evaluation, their adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research




In this chapter, the researcher presents a rationale for the methods of the research and analysis. This chapter discusses: (A) research method, (B) research setting, (C) research participants/subjects, (D) instrument and data gathering technique, (E) data analysis technique, and (F) research procedure.

A.Research Method

Based on the background and the research problem, the researcher will conduct a Research and Development research. Research and Development (R&D) is also called research and technical development or research and technological development. Research and Development is one of the means by which business can experience future growth by developing new products or processes to improve and expand their operations. This research strategy consists of a cycle, in which a version of the product is developed, field tested, and revised (Borg & Gall, 1983:771). The goal of this study is to take the knowledge of the research and to use it as a product. In this case, the R&D is used in education field so that the new product developed by the research will be a set of learning material.


Research and Information was the first step in R&D. In this step, the researcher looked for the information related to the literature and need a research/survey conducted to obtain learners’ need and characteristics. The researcher conducted interviews to the students and the teacher, distributed the questionnaire to the students and also did the class observation for the need survey.

The second step was Planning and Developing product. The researcher prepared all the material needed and everything related to the development of the new product. The researcher also made the design in order to make a new set of materials. In the process of designing the new set of materials, the researcher looked for the references of materials from the students’ hand book, internet, and also from another book related to the topic designed.

The third was Preliminary testing. In this step, the researcher used questionnaire to obtain the opinion from those who expert in English teaching materials design. The experts who validated the design were one of the lecturer from Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers from SMP PL Bintang Laut. The researcher got the feedbacks from this step and had to revise it.


R&D Cycle The Researcher’s Model

Continue to


The Subordinate steps

Figure 3.a.1 R&D Cycle and the Researcher’s Model Step 1. Research and

Information collecting

Step 2. Planning and Developing product

Step 3. Preliminary testing

Step 4. Revision

Step 1. Conducting diagnosis of needs

Step 2. Identifying Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

Step 3. Formulation of Objectives

Step 4. Selection of Content

Step 5. Selecting teaching learning activities/designing the materials

Step 6. Selecting equipment

Step 7. Determining What to Evaluate, the Ways and Means of Doing the Evaluation


B.Research Setting

The research conducted in class 7C of SMP PL Bintang Laut. The researcher came to the school and gave the letter of permission to the headmaster. After dealing with the teacher’s schedule, the research was conducted for about 3 months from March-May 2014. The research was done by doing the class observation, giving the interviews to the teachers and the students, and giving the questionnaire to the students.

C.Research Participants / Subjects

The participants in this research were the students in class 7C as the randomly sample of the eight parallel classes for grade seven as the population. 7C students used as the first group of participants who were involved to the pre-design of this study (research and information collecting). For the preliminary testing, the researcher asked for the second group of participants for the post-design (preliminary testing post-design). The participants in this group were one lecturer and two English teachers from SMP PL Bintang Laut.

D.Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


the seventh grade students in learning English based on Quantum Learning principles.

E.Data Analysis Technique

Based on the survey result, the researcher analyzed the needs of the students in order to develop a new set of material which was more suitable for the students to learn English based on Quantum Learning principles. From the data collected, the researcher concluded the participants’ answer to obtain the students’ need and characteristics. In the observation, the researcher observed the learning process by paying attention to the students’ attitude during the teaching-learning activity. The researcher also distributed the questionnaire to the students. All the data collected were being analyzed to help the researcher in designing the material.

F. Research Procedure




This chapter answers the question of the research problem This chapter discusses the designed materials to teach the seventh grade students based on Quantum Learning principles.

A.The English Designed Materials to Teach Seventh Grade Students Based on Quantum Learning Principles

The researcher conducted interviews with the English teacher in SMP PL Bintang Laut and five students from 7C class. The researcher also conducted class observation and distributed questionnaire to the students. The interviews, questionnaires and the result of the observation to be used in creating the designed materials that can be used to teach English to the seventh grade students of junior high school based on Quantum Learning principles.

This study is aimed to design the material for the seventh grade of junior high school students based on Quantum Learning. Hopefully, new materials can help the students to understand English deeply and more interesting for them.

In designing the material was based from Kemp’s model. The detail is


1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

A survey was done to find out the learners’ characteristics and need. The researcher interviewed a teacher to obtain data on the students’ characteristics and needs from teacher’s side, including the motivation and students’ ability in English class; methods used and the materials used in English class. The researcher also interviewed the students to obtain their background in English, their opinion about English, their activities and expectation, and also their motivation in English.

There are eight classes of seventh grade and there are three English teachers in SMP PL Bintang Laut. Every teacher should teach four skills in the class where they teach. Three of them teach all of the grades. Every teacher coordinates one grade. They coordinate the teachers and they looked for the suitable material and activities. They did not develop the syllabus because the syllabus is already prepared by the government. The teacher usually develops the main activity from the coordinator and suits it with the class. For the seventh grade, the teacher focuses on reading and writing skills. For the eighth grade, the focus is on listening and speaking skills. And for the ninth grade, the focus is on the material used for National Examination (UAN).


The teacher also shared the difficulties in teaching the students in which the passiveness of the students was still a problem. The students were afraid to show their-self up, to make mistakes, and it made the teacher confused. The students did not want to speak up whether they knew the material or not. They kept silent and they did not ask the teacher when they did not know because they were afraid to speak. The teacher tried to use simple language to explain the material and tried to be more patient, and when the students seemed confused with the explanation, the teacher tried to use 50:50 language –means 50% English, 50% Bahasa-. Moreover, the teacher tried to point the students in a question-answer section to force them to speak more.

The students’ ability in English was ranged. There were students who had good English ability and also poor English ability. It because of the students were coming up from different school which had different level in English. Their backgrounds in English were also different. Some of them use English in their daily, but some never use English outside the class.

The students’ motivation was moderate. There were eight classes with


The expectation from the teacher trough the students’ was that the students

would be highly motivated in learning English. Therefore they would be more active in the class. The teacher said that English would be very important for the students because English is an international language, many great books use English and even a game also uses English as the language. Moreover, English would be very useful in their daily life. They can see the world and communicate with friends from different countries using English. In addition, the teacher hoped that the students could pass the English exam in the National Examination (UAN). To point at that expectation, the teacher tried to give the students motivation by explaining that learning English was highly needed and there would be a goal in learning English.

The researcher also interviewed some students to get the students’ point of view. Some of them used English in their daily conversation, some got English since they were in the elementary school, kindergarten school, and some only used English when they were in the class and knew limit vocabularies. In their learning process, some felt they easily bored with the activities, only few students said that learning English was much of fun because they used it as their daily language. Actually, all of them liked English and knew that English is important, but the teaching-learning activities made them easily bored and they did not understand the material.


the material better with that fun activity. The atmosphere in the class also became one of the causes that gave effect to the students. When the teacher set-up comfortable atmosphere, and all the member of the class also could set-up that, the teaching learning activity would be enjoy and going fun. Some of the students said that they actually really wanted to learning English deeper, but there always a trouble-maker in the class who disturbed their concentration. Thus, they overcome it by sitting in front of the class. Some had the initiatives to overcome their difficulties in learning English by asking the teacher, their friends, or taking a private lesson. They really hoped that learning English would be much fun than their process now.

From the interview, the researcher also noted some points; the material should be suitable and applicable for the seventh grade students of junior high school; the material could raise students’ motivation in learning English. The material should encourage the students to be more active, highly-motivated, and also enjoy in teaching-learning process.

2. Goal, General Purposes, and Topics


Table 4.1 Competency Standard and Indicator

Competency Standard Indicator

To communicate in the transactional conversation (to get the things done) and interpersonal (social) using simple conversation which is accurate, fluent and acceptable to be interacted with the environment using: greetings, leave taking, introduction self and others

To give a response idioms

To give a greeting to a well-known and unknown people

To introduce their-self and others politely

There were several topics which were stated in the syllabus. The researcher developed several topics and cover it into 4 units in the materials.

3. The Designed Materials

Based on the learner’s characteristics and needs, the researcher would like to design integrated materials based on Quantum Learning principles. Integrated materials combined four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) including vocabulary and grammar.

a. Content


Table 4.2 Table and Content


1 Hello, my friends!

 Greetings  Leave taking  Introduction

2 I Love my Family  Asking and giving information

3 Life at School  Descriptive text

Commands and prohibitions

4 One Two Things  Singular-plural

Countable-uncountable nouns

b. Learning Activities

Quantum Learning provided five steps in learning process. They were experience, learn and label, demonstrate, review and reflect, and celebration. Those would be presented in the material as We’ll be Fun, We’ll Name It, We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, and We’ll Celebrate It.

1. Experience- We’ll be Fun

In this stage, the teacher gains students’ attention and raises their motivation in teaching learning activity. The researcher named it as We’ll be Fun. The aim in this stage is to grab students’ attention and motivation, after that, we

can raise the students’ curiosity about the material.


work, listening, etc. After that, the students can be directed towards the topic which would be discussed.

2. Learn and Label- We’ll Name It

This stage will give the concept of the material to the students. The teacher can give answer through students’ curiosity after they experience it. This stage can

be the information, the fact, etc. about the material. Experience and learn the material before the students know the information can make the material they learn becomes meaningful. The researcher named this stage as We’ll Name It.

In this stage, the students were guided to name or label the theory they had learnt in the experience’s step. The teacher as the guide had to explain the material in this part. The teacher took important part in this stage to make the students understand the theory.

3. Demonstrate- We’ll Do It

In this stage, the students have the opportunity to demonstrate or to apply what they have learned. This stage is a stage to show the students’ understanding about the theory in the previous stage. The researcher named this stage as We’ll Do It. The aim of this stage is to make the students understand deeply about the material by doing activities related to the material.


4. Review and Reflect- We’ll Remember It

In this stage, the students review the material they have learned. The teacher asks the students to make reflection on what they learned. The researcher named this step as We’ll Remember It.

The aim of this stage is to strengthen the students’ memory about the material. After completing the activities in the previous stages, this stage is used by the teacher to make sure that the students had understood the material. The model used were questions and answers, asked the students to make a sentence, answered question based on reading passage, and gave them writing task.

5. Celebration- We’ll Celebrate It

This stage is used to acknowledge the students’ effort in teaching-learning activity. The students need reinforcement to increase their motivation and interest in the teaching-learning activity. This stage can also give satisfaction for the students’ effort during the process. The researcher named this stage as We’ll Celebrate It.

This stage aimed to encourage students, respect their effort, and give them reinforcement. The teacher used giving compliment to one another, singing a song, yelling, and clapping hands to celebrate the complete learning.


in We’ll do it, spatial visual covered in We’ll remember it, musical intelligence also covered in We’ll celebrate it.

All of the parts of each unit combined listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Grammar and vocabulary were also included. The center in the process was the students, it means that almost all the activities were done by students.

4. Evaluation Instruments


In achieving a well-designed materials, the materials should be evaluated by experts. It was conducted to measure whether the designed materials were appropriate and effective for the students or not. Here, the researcher conducted evaluation to a PBI’s lecturer of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMP PL Bintang Laut. The description of the experts on the following table.

Table 4.3 The Description of Experts


Sex Educational Background

Teaching Experience in Years

Female Male D3 S1 S2 S3 <1 1-5 6-10 >10

English lecturers    English teacher    English teacher   


We’ll Remember It, and We’ll Celebrate It, the instruction, the layout, and the design materials are some components which should be commented by the experts. Besides, the strengths, the weaknesses, and suggestions were also asked to make the designed materials better.

Answering the first question about the topic, all of the evaluators stated that the topics were well selected and well arranged. Second is about the learning objectives, all of the evaluators stated that the learning objectives are well formulated.

Responding to the learning activities named We’ll be Fun, We’ll Name It, We’ll Do It, We’ll Remember It, and We’ll Celebrate It, all of the evaluators stated that they were interesting, varied, well arranged, and also fulfill students’ need. All of the materials could be understood by the students and it related to the principles of Quantum Learning.

Being asked about the instruction, two of the evaluators stated that some of the instructions were not clear enough. For the layout, all of the evaluators stated that the pictures were interesting to attract students; attention and also the color.

Overall, the designed were interesting, it concerned to the topic and theme, the design were helping the students to develop their English understanding. It helped the students to learn English, and the designed materials were appropriate for seventh grade students of junior high school.


Table 4.4 Strengths and Weaknesses

Strength Weaknesses

The types of activities were quite varied


It could help the students to reveal the different terms

It was good foe especially the beginners

 Some of instructions weren’t clear


 Sometimes, it hard to connect the different focus in one and another activities

 It hadn’t elaborated enough through

those who have already had more knowledge

The experts also gave the suggestions such as the exercise would be more usages in the daily communi


Figure 3.a.1 R&D Cycle and the Researcher’s Model
Table 4.1 Competency Standard and Indicator
Table 4.2 Table and Content
table.  Table 4.3 The Description of Experts


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