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Academic year: 2017



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Drs. Muhammad Agung Prabowo, M.Si., Ph.D., Ak. Lahir di Nganjuk, 1 Mei 1966. Pria yang memiliki NIP 196605011994121001 adalah staf pengajar di Fakultas Ekonomi UNS. Riwayat pendidikan tinggi yang berhasil diselesaikannya adalah tahun 1991 lulus sarjana (S-1) dari Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk bidang ilmu Akumtansi, tahun 2002 lulus Magister (S-2) dari Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk bidang ilmu: Ilmu Akuntansi, dan berhasil meraih gelar Doktor (S-3) dari Curtin University of Technology, Australia pada tahun 2010. Beberapa ringkasan disajikan dalam bahasa English sebagai berikut.

BOARD COMPOSITION AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: A LITERATURE REVIEW. This paper discusses the empirical studies investigating the association between board composition and organizational outcome. The board composition is the most important attribute of the board institution as such a composition determines board’s characteristics, structure and process. The paper explores the motivation and contribution of previous studies that serves as a basis for defining the significance of a replication work. The paper also presents the outcome approach adopted by previous works. An avenue for further research is presented in the last sections Independent directors and firm performance in family controlled firms: evidence from Indonesia (with John Simpson).

ASIAN-PACIFIC ECONOMIC LITERATURE. We analyze the relationship between board structure and firm performance in family-controlled firms using a sample of Indonesian non-financial companies. We find that the share of

independent directors on the board has an insignificant relationship with firm performance. We suspect that the result is driven by the lack of institutional reforms in relation to the appointment of independent directors. Our analysis shows strong empirical support for the proposition that family control (family ownership and family involvement on the board) is negatively related to firm performance. However, the significant effect of family ownership disappears when family involvement on the board is taken into the model. This result indicates that family ownership is more detrimental to firm performance whenever the family is highly involved in control decisions. Our results suggest that

Indonesia needs to implement governance reforms that prevent majority owners from exercising excessive control over firms.


DO DIFFERENT DEVICES OF CORPORATE CONTROL MATTER? EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA (WITH FRANK GUO FEI AND JOHN L SIMPSON). We extend family-based governance literature by examining the effect of controlling family ownership and the family involvement in management on firm performance in Indonesia. The investigation hinges upon the framework where the family, instead of individuals, serves as the unit of analysis. The family ownership and the involvement in management are negatively related to firm performance. However, the negative effect of family ownership decreases when the involvement is taken into account simultaneously. This finding has two important implications on the governance research. First, the entrenchment effect of family involvement in management is higher than the family ownership per se. Second, the family involvement in management might serve as a good proxy that better measure the family control. The interaction effect of both variables is negatively related to firm performance providing supportive evidence to the claim that ownership


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Deviation Minimum Maximum Range Interquartile Range Skewness Kurtosis Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence. Interval

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