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TEACHING ACTS PERFORMANCE ITS SOLUTIONS FOR SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SDLB E BHINA PUTERA SURAKARTA IN Teaching Acts Performance Its Solutions For Second Grade Students Of SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta In 2013/2014 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Islamic Education

in Islamic Education (Tarbiyah) Department


NUR AZIZAH KARIMAH NIM: G000100104 NIRM: 10/X/02.2.1/T/4422





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(Drs. Najmuddin Zuhdi, M.Ag)

Surakarta, 22 Juli 2014

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Education is one of the human needs

that cannot be underestimated. With

education, human will be a growing

personal and insightful. Education is the

right of all human beings. In Indonesia

government confirms that education is a

right and obligation of every citizen.

Listed in the 1945 Constitution, article 31,

paragraph 1 " Every citizen has the right

for education ". In each people, education

is needed for every person. In Act No. 4 of

1997 concerning Disabled Persons

affirmed that: "Every person with

disabilities has the same rights and

opportunities in life and aspects of

livelihood ".

Thus, people with special needs also

receive the same rights and obligations as

other citizens, by having a good education.

Education will make someone better


There are many ways to get education,

one of them is, formal school. Teacher is a

person who teaches the learners in the

formal school. Teacher as educator has

important role in guiding and educating

their student. She or he should give

knowledge to the learners and educating

them to do good things also to avoid bad

things, or in other word the teacher should

make students to be better human in front

of their God and their surroundings.

Islamic education is essential to one's

survival. Therefore, at every level of

education in Indonesia religious education

stay to exist. With religion, one's life will

be well directed and nurtured.

Act performance in this case means

acts in praying. Pray is one of the pillars of

Islam. There are many acts in praying

performance. They are takbiratul ikhram,

stood arms folded, bowing (ruku’), i'tidal,

prostration, sitting among the two

prostration, siting iftirasy act or early

tahiat, sit tawaruk act or tahiat end, and

greeting. A moslem who did not pray, he

broke his religion. That’s why, the science

of pray should be taught in Islamic


especially for teenage or “balig”. He or

she ought to pray. Because, it is their

obligation as a moslem. Al-Qur’an said in

Al - Ankabut: 45:

inspiration to thee, and establish regular

Prayer; for Prayer restrains from shameful

and unjust deeds; and remembrance of

Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without

doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that

you do. (Al-Ankabut [29]: 45).1

Pray education should be given to

Yayasan Penyelenggara Penerjemah Al-Qur’an, Al-Qur’an Tiga Bahasa. (Jakarta: Al-huda

kelompok gema insani, 2012), hlm. 781

On the level, the provision of material

about pray is very appropriate, because

before students experience balig past,

students have learned the procedures for

praying and the reading.

Unsociable is a child who has

behavioral disabilities, an attitude, likes

violation of rules and social norms. They

are less tolerance to other people, easily

influenced by atmosphere that makes them

difficult either their selves or others.2

Unsociable in school Bhina Putera of

Surakarta is a children who have a disorder

or emosional barriers, behavioral

disabilities, and less able to adapt well to

their environment. Based on this situation

it can be observed as an unsociable

children experiencing barriers to emotional

and behavioral disorders, making it less

able to adapt well to the environment


Each activity must be problems

emerging. It’s not escape from the learning

process experienced by teachers during the



teaching of Islamic lesson. It seen from the

background of the students, certainly much

problems that appear when certain

teaching materials.

Based on the explanation above teaching

acts performance is very important for

every individual. The writer interested by

the title: “Teaching Acts Performance Its

Solutions for Second Grade Students of SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta In

2013/2014 Academic Year”.

Based on the background of study

above, the writer was going to formulate

the research problems as follows:

1. What are the Problems of teaching acts

performance for second grade students

of SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta In

2013/2014 Academic Year?

2. How are the solutions to overcome

the problems in teaching acts

performance for second grade

students of SDLB E Bhinta Putera

Surakarta In 2013-2014 Academic


1. Objective of the Study

Based on the problems statement,

the writer has some objectives of

study of this research are:

a. To mapping the problems of

teaching acts performance

second grade student fifth grade

students of SDLB E Bhina

Putera Surakarta In 2013/2014

Academic Year.

b. To finding the solution of the

problems in teaching acts

performance for second grade

students of SDLB E Bhinta

Putera Surakarta In 2013-2014

Academic Year.


There were previous researches in

which similar with this study.

1. Mahfida Ustadzatul Ummah (UIN

Sunan Kalidjaga, 2013) in her

thesis entitled "Pendidikan Agama

Islam Pada Anak Tunalaras di SLB

E Prayuwana Yogyakarta",


of Islamic education to children

Unsociable SLB E Prayuwana not

only stand alone as a subject, but

rather integrated with another

lesson. The program includes

educational objectives, materials,

methods, instructional media, and

evaluation of learning. The aim of

Islamic education to children is that

they capable of forming good

behavior and internalize the values

of Islamic morality in life through

the daily habituation. Specific

methods for children tunalaras

habituation is a method, advice,

exemplary, and punishment.

2. Umi Khalifah (UMS, 2013) in her

thesis entitled "Problematika

Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam

pada Anak Penyandang Tuna

Daksa di Yayasan Pembinaan

Anak Cacat cabang Surakarta",

concluded that the degree of

learning difficulties experienced by

disabled students SLB YPAC in

learning Islamic education because

of varied background of the

students based on their physical

condition as well terms of

intellectual. while the problems

experienced by teachers in teaching

Islamic education that is based on

the educational background of

teachers who are less precise and

lack of workforce issues Islamic

religious education teachers in

special schools YPAC the

Surakarta branch.

3. Fatmiyati ( UIN Sunan Kalidjaga ,

2011) in her thesis entitled

Problematika Pembelajaran

Pendidikan Agama Islam pada

Anak Tunagrahita di SLB Kasih

Ibu Galur Kulon Progo",

concluded that Tunagrahita

children as children who have

mental barriers requiring special

services in the learning process .

the results showed that in the


education with more emphasis on

mental retardation students to carry

out practical worship .

4. Nurul ' Aini ( UIN Malang , 2009)

in her thesis entitled "Pelaksanaan

Pendidikan Agama Islam bagi

Anak Tunanetra di SDLBN

Kendungkandang Malang",

concludes that Islamic education in

the same SDLBN with Islamic

religious education in schools in

general. From interviews with

Islamic religious education

teachers at SDLBN the materials

given to the students is including

matters of faith ( Aqidah ) ,

Syari’ah, the history of Islamic

education issues and moral issues.

And objectives of Islamic

education just the same with the

goal of Islamic religious education

in other basic education which

serves to strengthen the faith and

piety towards God Almighty

demands with regard to respect

other religions in relation to

inter-religious harmony in the society

and for national unity.

Teaching means giving

lessons.3 Teaching is informing

knowledge to the students in the

school.4 William H. Burton said

“that teaching is an effort in giving

stimulation, directing, guiding, and

supporting to the students in

teaching learning process”.5

Acts performance in this case

means acts in praying. There are many acts

in praying performance. Praying in

literally means invocation. While

terminologically is worship in particular

word and action which did it humility,

begins with takbiratul ikhram and ends

with greetings.6

3 Poerwadarminta, Kamus umum Bahasa

Indonesia Edisi III. (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka,2007) Hlm. 15

4 Euis Karwati, Donni Juni Priansa, Kinerja dan

Profesionalisme Kepala Sekolah Membangun Sekolah yang Bermutu. (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013) hlm. 21

5 Wiliam Burton in Suyono, Belajar dan

Pembelajaran Teori dan Konsep Dasar. (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2012) Hlm.16

6 Syarafudin, dkk. Studi Islam 2, (Surakarta:


From the notion above learned by

writer conclude, understanding teaching

acts performance is a lesson to someone

about acts in worship praying that begins

with takbīratul ikhrām and ends with greetings. By providing instruction related

to daily praying.

The notion of the problem of

teaching acts performance is the all things

that can not be solved that made problem

in teaching act performance.

The problem comes also from

many factors. Problems can be derived

from internal and external factors. Internal

factors are the factors that arise from the

learners selves and the teachers of religion

itself. External factors are the factors from

outside learner’s selves and educators, as a

curriculum, infrastructure, and



In this research the writer used the

qualitative research. Qualitative research is

research meant to understand the

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2008) Hlm. 19-20

phenomenon of what is experienced by

study subjects for example actors,

perceptions, motivation, action, etc.

holistically and by means of a description

in the form of words and language, in a

specific context by utilizing a variety of

natural methods.7

The subjects of this study is

Islamic religious education teacher, and

the head of school SDLB E Bhina Putera

Surakarta. The object of this study is the

second grade SDLB E Bhina Putera of


The writer uses the descriptive

method in this research, so in conducting

this research the writer does some ways to

collect data, such as doing observation,

document, and employing interview.

Interview is a data collection by way of

questions and answers orally carried out

systematically and based on research

objectives.8 The method of observation is

7 Lexy Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian

Kualitatif, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007) Hlm. 4


Sutrisno Hadi. Metodologi Research.


the systematic observation and recording

of the unexplained phenomena

investigated.9 The documents are student’s

activity and some syllabus from the

teaching prayer acts.

If the data has been collected, the

next step is to analyze the data, data

processing to draw conclusions. In this

case the author uses descriptive qualitative

analysis techniques, which describe

phenomena that exist at the present time or

past time, of all data from observations,

interviews and documentation.10


A. Problems of Teaching Acts

Performance for Second Grade

Students of SDLB E Bhina Putera


1. Students Problems

The difficulty of students to

socialize, it makes a problem in

learning the subject. It also makes

special problem for teachers who

9 Sutrisno Hadi. Metodologi Research.

(Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi. 2007) Hlm. 136

10 Sukmadinata. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan.(

Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, 2010) Hlm. 54

teach them. Starting from this

problem, the students got

difficulties to communicate with

teachers and finally it gave an

impact on a variety of problem.

Students who had social problems

are difficult to accept the presence

of people who are less familiar

for them.

When teaching learning

process, students are foreign to

the teachers who teach these

lessons. Students do less well

during teaching learning process.

The students are difficult to be

controlled by teacher.

Actually, the students have

a lot of potential. Because of the

social and emotional problems,

the students tend to perform under

potential they have.

2. Curriculum

Problems come to teacher of

Islamic education grade students


teaching is the lack of an effective

time to teach especially in the

material of praying acts. It’s

because the background of the

students with special needs in

coaching, so it takes a long time

to deliver the material.

3. Facilities and Infrastructure

Lack of facilities learning

in the classroom, provide

difficulties for teachers in

presenting the material. So

teachers are not maximal in

presenting the material. For

example, facilities of LCD

projectors. Teachers will be

greatly assisted by the existence

of these facilities to attract

student’s interest and make easier

for teachers in presenting the

praying acts material.11 Another

problem related to infrastructure

is the textbook for grip the second

11 Wawancara Ibu Astriati Fitri Wahyuni S. Pd I

(Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam SDLB E Bhina Putera), wawancara dilakukan pada hari Rabu tanggal 23 April 2014.

grade students of SDLB E Bhina

Putera. Every students do not

have books to study.

4. Environment

In the classroom, students

less concentrating in study while

the teacher was explaining a

lesson because one of students

disturbing other students. Some of

the problems that arise around of

students are family environment.

Sometimes, the parents forget to

remind or less attention to their

children in carrying out their

worship of praying. This

condition would worsen the

quality of students' praying.

Another problem arises from the

social environment. Less religious

communities can give a negative

impact on the students' praying


B. The Solutions of Teaching


Based on the problems, the

teacher has many efforts solve

the problems. These efforts are:

1. Problem of the students

The teacher always

admonishes and gives advice

to the student continuity. The

teacher also pays attention to

what they do and to lead them

to the lesson.

2. Curriculum

To solve the less time

problem in teaching Islamic

education, the teacher provides

additional hours outside of

school hours. After finished

the lessons, the students were

invited to the mosque.

3. Facilities and Infrastructure

Islamic education teacher’s

effort in solving the problem

of minimum the LCD projector

is bring a picture to clarify the

praying acts and attract

students to pay attention. For

the problem of textbooks,

teacher writes on the board

material and the student

record. It also aims to train

students in reading and


4. Environments

Efforts of Islamic education

teachers related to student

environment is by giving good

example to the students and

always give advice to them.



Based on research and analysis of

data that researchers do about the

problems in teaching prayer movement in

second grade students of SDLB E Bhina

Putera Surakarta, the authors conclude as


1. Problems of Teaching Acts

Performance for Second Grade Students of

SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta

Problems in teaching acts


SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta arise from

many factors, which are:

a. The Student

Based on the background of

the students who have

abnormalities behavior, would give

many problems that arise when the

teaching learning process. Students

of SDLB E Bhina Putera has

limitations in controlling emotions

and difficult to socialize.

b. Curriculum

Problems experienced by

Islamic education teachers

regarding with curriculum is the

lack of an effective time to teach

especially in the material of

praying acts.

c. Facilities and Infrastructure

The lack of infrastructure LCD

projectors, giving problems to the

teacher to present the material with

respect to praying acts. Another

problem is every students don’t

have textbook to study.

d. Environment

The success of praying acts

material is strongly influenced by

the environment surrounding

students. Environment greatly

effects students is the school

environment, family and

community. That effects students

in the school environment are peers

and teachers. In a family

environment, the students

sometimes less attention to

worship. And community

environment which less religious

communities give a negative

impact on the student's pray


2. The Solutions of Teaching Acts

Performance Problems

Based on the problems above when

Islamic education teacher were teaching

acts performance, the teacher has many

efforts solve the problems. These

efforts are:


The teachers always

admonish and give advice continuity

to the students. The teacher also pay

attention to what they do and order

leads them to pay attention the

lesson. The teacher lead them by

asking questions related to the lesson

being taught and corrected the

student’s acts when students imitate

the praying acts that has been

demonstrated by the teacher.

b. Curriculum

To solve the less time

problem in teaching acts

performance lesson, the teacher

provides additional hours outside of

school hours.

c. Facilities and Infrastructure

The teacher’s effort in the

less of the LCD projector is the

teacher brings a picture to clarify the

praying acts and therefore attract the

students to pay attention. And the

problem of textbooks, the teacher

writes on the board material and the

student record.

d. Environment

Efforts of Islamic education

teachers related to student

environment is by giving good

example to the students and always

give advice to them. The teachers

should be a good model for them and

provide for their comfort.

B. Suggestion

1. To Islamic Education Teachers of

SDLB E Bhina Putera Surakarta,

continue to foster the generation of

students to become more useful and

observant in their religion. Never

tired to continue teach them to pray,

because praying is one of the pillars


2. To the School SDLB E Bhina Putera

Surakarta, continue to give attention

to the teachers about the problems

faced by the order to each teacher in


that can assist teachers in teaching

and learning.


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