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CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT A SITE STUDY AT SMP NEGERI 3 SALATIGA Character Education Management A Site Study At SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Master Degree of Education

in Educational Management Department


Sujanto Q.100.100.149




Compiled By: Sujanto (Q.100.100.149)


This study aims to describe about the characteristics of an integrated management of character education through learning at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the characteristics of an integrated management of character education through management at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, and the characteristics of an integrated management of character education through students’ development activity at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga.

This study used a qualitative method toward the management of character education, a site study at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga. the method of data collection used observation, interview, and documentation study. The analysis used an interactive model of analysis of Miles and Huberman including data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion.

The finding is about the character education management, a site study at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga. The management of character education was done in three ways, an integrated character education through learning, management, and through students’ development activity. 1) The integrated character education through learning included planning, implementation, and evaluation. Each of them tried to add the character values. 2) The integrated management through management includes planning of the programs, implementation of the programs and controlling of the programs. 3) The integrated character education through students’ development activity included the activities done outside the learning hours to help the development of students based on the talent, potential, and need.



The 21th century is characterized by the advance of science and

technology that could change the human life. This era is called the globalization

era (Direktoran Pendidikan Madrasah Kementrian Agama 2010 : 3). Although it is

realized that they are no person who know exactly how the real figure of the

globalization era. But it is unique when the globalization spread around the world,

many people are busy preparing the prevention steps to the possibilities.

One of the possible impacts of the condition is the shift of the human life

values whether as a person, community, nation and state. As the example is the

confusion of understanding on issues of decency, courtesy, discipline, honesty,

fairness, as well as the emergence of an individualistic life, tend to be less

concerned for others, caring and national solidarity felt increasingly neglected.

Negative effects on the global era were not unstoppable in the social life of

our society. There are many pornographic films from VCD, DVD, internet, TV,

and parabola watched by the young generation from their cubicle rooms. The soup

opera also increases the spread of negative values and does not educate. The

skimpy outfits and violence are favored by the younger generation.

From the above description, it seems clear that the social and cultural

globalization is increasingly becoming a threat that could erode values, as well as

local and national cultural norms. Indeed, we must be vigilant in this era, Firdaus

(Directorate of Islamic School Education, the Religious Ministry, 2010: 5). In this

globalization era, communities are required to be able to empower themselves and

be creative, to be able to compete with other nations without losing culture and its

identity as a cultured nation, religion and dignity (The 1945 Constitution of

Republic of Indonesia, article 1, paragraph 3).

So that in many lives, it has been set either in the form of norms,

regulation and law that are more explicit, but the law has not been able to prevent

the crime in society, especially in education. The education system in Indonesia

seemed not been able to be a tool to create an intelligent Indonesian both

spiritually, socially and intellectually. According to the team from the directorate


education has not been able to create superior individuals, honest, responsible,

noble and humane.

Law Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Article 3 states


"National Education serves to develop skills and form the character and

civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the

nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man

who is faithful and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,

creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen (National

Education Law, 2005: 5).

From the formulation of educational objectives then it is used as the

foundation of the implementation of character education. Lately, it looks

increasingly evident that education without character produces educated

individual, but their behavior as the primitive (Directorate of Islamic School

Education Ministry of Religious Affairs, the notion of character education in

Islam, 2010: 29). Many intellectuals and scholars apply and act immoral, illogical,

pursuit of material well-being with corruption, manipulation, etc.. That is why the

education needs to be integrated into the subjects at any level of education.

The formulation of an agreed vision, then elaborated into a mission. The

mission is the formulation of goals to be realized really (Domi Kusuma, 2010:


The purposes to be achieved in this research are to describe the

characteristics of an integrated management of character education through

learning, management, and students’ development activity at SMP Negeri 3


The result of this research is expected to give a clear description of the

management of Character Education at SMP Negeri 2 Salatiga and to give a

thinking contribution of the importance of the implementation of character

education management at SMP Negeri 2 Salatiga through learning, school

management and student’s development so the better enhancement, improvement


Character education is a term that is increasingly gaining recognition from

Indonesian society at this time, especially with the inequalities of educational

result which can be seen from current behavior of formal education graduates, for

example, corruption, free sex among teenagers, drugs, fight, murders, robberies by

students, and unemployed high school graduates. Everything feels more powerful

when the country is experiencing a crisis and not being recovered.

According to Elkind & Sweet (2004), character education is understood as

follows: "character education is the deliberate effort to help people understand,

care about, and act upon core ethical values. When we think about the kind of

character we want for our children, it is clear that we want them to be able to

judge what is right, care deeply about what is right, and then do what they believe

to be right, even in the face of pressure from without and temptation from within."

Further, it is explained that character education is that teachers do

everything which could influence students’ character. Teachers help shape the

character of students. This includes how the exemplary behavior of teachers, how

teachers speak or submit material, how the teacher tolerance, and various other

related matters.

Based on the above discussion, it can be affirmed that the character

education is the efforts that are designed and carried out systematically to

inculcate values of student behavior associated with the God Almighty, self,

neighbor, neighborhood, and nationalities which are materialized in the mind,

attitudes, feeling, words, and actions based on religious norms, law, manners,

culture, and customs.

The purposes of character education in school setting (Kesuma, 2011: 9)

are as follows:

1) Strengthen and develop the values of life which are considered important and

necessary to be a personality or ownership of a typical learners as the values

which were developed;

2) Correcting the behavior of learners who do not correspond to the values


3) Building a harmonious connection with families and community in carrying

out the responsibility of character education together.

The research at Harvard University in the United States (Akbar, 2000)

showed that a person's success is not determined solely by the knowledge and

technical skill (hard skill), but more by the ability to manage themselves and

others (soft skills). This research suggests that success is determined only about

20 percent by the hard skill and 80 percent of the soft skill. Even the most

successful people in the world can succeed because the more widely supported by

the soft skill than the hard skill. Soft skill is related to one's character.

Therefore, the formal education institution as an official forum for youth

development is expected to increase its role in the formation of students’

personality through the enhancement of intensity and quality of education.

An integrated character education in the learning is the introduction of

values, the facilities of gaining awareness of the importance of values, and the

internalization of values into everyday learner behavior through the learning

process, which takes place both inside and outside the classroom in all subjects.

Thus, in addition to making students understand the targeted competencies

(material), learning activities are also designed and done to make students familiar

with, recognize, and internalize the values and behaviors. Integration of character

education in the learning process carried out starting from the planning,

implementation, and evaluation of learning in all subjects.

School management characterized management is the utilization and

empowerment of all resources (human and other resources) through a process and

approach in order to achieve the objectives efficiently and effectively. These

processes include: planning, organizing, implementation and supervision.

Through the management, it is done an integration process of a variety of

resources and tasks to achieve predetermined goals. A characterized school

management is the utilization and empowerment of all school resources, through

the process and approach to achieve goals effectively and efficiently that reflects

the noble norms and values. Briefly, it can be said that the character values are


Schools are expected to implement character education which is integrated

with the school management system. Schools are expected to be able to plan the

educational programs and activities that instill the character values, conduct the

characterized programs and activities and control the school quality.

Student development activities are the educational activities done outside

of face to face teaching hours. Those activities are held in and / or outside the

school environment in order to expand knowledge, improve skills, and internalize

religious values and rules, as well as the social norms either local, national, and

global levels to form a complete human being.

The National Education Minister Regulation No. 39 of 2008 on Students’

development mentions ten groups of character values which are developed to

students through student development activities.

1) Faith and devotion to God Almighty;

2) Noble character;

3) Winning personality, nationality insight, and defend the country;

4) Academic achievement, art, and / or sports suit the talent and interest;

5) Democracy, human right, political education, environment, social sensitivity

and tolerance in the context of a plural society;

6) Creativity, skill and entrepreneurship;

7) Physical quality, health and diversified source of nutrition-based nutrition

8) Literature and culture;

9) Information and communication technology;

10)Communication in English.

The ten value groups is elaborated into a variety of activities, (1) fostering

faith and devotion to God Almighty, (2) The Student Orientation period, (3)

Students Organization, (4) enforcement of manners and Discipline of the Social

and Academic Life, (5) Scouting, (6) Flag ceremony, (7) School Health Unit, (8)

Red Cross Youth; (9) Drug Abuse Prevention Education; (10) Fostering Talent


Research conducted by Teichler entitled Research on Higher Education in

Europe, this study discussed about the character education on the higher education in Europe.

Research conducted by Aslan (2011) entitled Character Education and

Identity Development. The results of this study discussed about "Handbook Of Moral And Character Education, Edt. Larry P. Nucci And Darcia Narvaez ". The result of this study is that the author discusses the basic of philosophical,

historical, and methodological issues of contemporary moral and character


A research conducted by Nsubuga (2008) entitled Analysis Of Leadership

Styles And School Performance Of Secondary Schools In Uganda. This study analyzed the leadership style of principal and school performance of secondary

schools in Uganda that is related to the formulation of students’ character in


Research conducted by Tatman, Edmonson, Slate (2009), entitled

Character Education: A Critical Analysis, has a result that character education is understood as the educational reform movement that is concerned with moral and

ethical development of public school students in a pedagogical context of a formal

character education program. Character education is used interchangeably in the

current research with moral and values education.

Research conducted by Narvaez and Lapsley (2005) entitled Teaching

Moral Character: Two Strategies for Teacher Education has a result that A “minimalist” strategy requires teacher educators to make explicit the hidden moral

education curriculum and to reveal the inextricable linkage between best practice

instruction and moral character outcomes. The “maximalist” approach requires

preservice teachers to master a tool kit of pedagogical strategies that target moral

character directly as a curricular goal. To this end, the Integrative Ethical

Education model outlines five steps for moral character development: supportive

climate, ethical skills, apprenticeship instruction, self-regulation, and adopting a



This study was done in a natural object, developed what it is. It is not

manipulated by the researcher. The presence of the researcher would not affect the

dynamic of the object. Therefore, this type of research used is a qualitative

research. Sugiyono (2005: 56) stated that a qualitative research method is carried

out on the condition of a natural object.

Based on the pattern of research objectives to be revealed concerning the

pattern of activities, this research design is ethnographic studies. The ethnographic

research is done in the field in a long time, in the form of observation and

interview with the participant, in many kinds of opportunities and activities, and

collects documents and artifacts (Sukmadinata, 2007: 62).

In accordance with this research title, Character Education Management,

A Study at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, then this research location is at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga.

Characteristic of qualitative research can not be separated from the

observation and participation, but the role of researcher that determine the overall

scenario (Moleong: 20 078: 163). The researcher acted as an observer,

participated in the daily life of the research subject in any situation to be

understood. The researcher is also as the group member of the subject observed in

order not to be seen as the foreign researcher, but has become a trusted friend

regardless of anything done by the subjects.

Data collected in this study can be grouped into two, primary data and

secondary data. The primary data is collected from the direct observation in the

field and respondent or informant, those who are directly involved in the

activities. The secondary data is the source which does not directly provide data to

the data collector, such as through others or a document, such as photos, notes,

recordings, pictures etc..

In this research, data collection techniques used were observation,

interview, and documentation. This study used a data analysis based on an


this model consists of four components, data collection, data reduction, data

presentation and drawing conclusion and verification.

To test the validity of data, the researcher used a triangulation technique,

the process of checking the authenticity of data by comparing an information

found with the other sources through the different time and tools in a qualitative

method (Moleong, 2007: 178)


1. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Learning at

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

a. Integration of character education in the learning process carried out

starting from the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning in

all subjects.

b. In the planning, it has been arranged several important things such as the

preparation of syllabus, lesson plan, and instructional material.

c. Each syllabus contains several components such as competence standard,

basic competence, instructional material, leaning activity, indicator of

achievement, assessment, allocation of time and resources.

d. In the learning implementation stage, it can be done through three stages,

the preliminary stage, the core stage and the closing stage.

e. In the preliminary activities, teachers need to do apperception, deliver

learning goals to be achieved and the explanation of activities in

accordance with the syllabus.

f. In the core activity, there are three learning stages, exploration, elaboration

and confirmation.

g. In the closing stages, teachers need to do several activities with students

such as making a summary or conclusion of the lesson, doing remedial

activity and enrichment program, and giving individual and group


2. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Management at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

a. The characterized school management at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga is

implemented through several principals, among others, that the principal

gives the duties and responsibilities to each school citizen expressly and

clearly with the consideration, whether the individuals could be given


b. The principal gives the unity of policy direction that can actually be used

as a guide for the school citizens.

c. To create a disciplined school at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the principal asks

to all citizens to respect the time and obey the existing rules consistently.

d. To be an advanced school, the principal of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga invites

the school citizens to provide input in the form of the positive thinking

idea, and also create a togetherness condition and mutual respect.

e. Character education is expected to be integrated in the school management

through the planning, controlling and implementation of educational


f. Planning program at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga endeavored to create the

character values for the citizens of the school.

g. In the implementation of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga programs, the principal

asks all school citizens to work effectively, efficiently and productively;

h. In SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the controlling program or the school

management covers three areas, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation.

3. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Students’ Development Activity at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

a. The existence of students’ orientation period makes a lot of character

education values that can be entered, for example, obey the rule, be

responsible, polite, have awareness of right, etc.

b. The existence of religious activities that are embedded as the patriotism

value, discipline, PMR activity, social and environment care, healthy


c. The existence of the vision of students’ activities at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

such as the development of potential, talent, and interest optimally, as well

as the independent and happiness of students that are useful for them, their

families and the community/environment

d. The mission of students’ activities includes: a) providing a number of

activities that can be selected by students in accordance with the need,

potential and talent; b) carrying out activities that give students the

opportunity to express themselves freely through independent or group


e. SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga determined to deliver students to become independent person, responsible, full of creativity, have a high social

friendship, and others.


1. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Learning The character education management is integrated through learning is

carried out by three stages, planning, implementation, and closing. In the

planning stage, teachers prepare the syllabus, lesson plan, and instructional

material in the learning activity for each subject that has been designed by

integrating it into character education. In developing the character education,

it needs to change the three components of syllabus and lesson plan

(modification of learning activity that can develop character values,

modification of the achievement indicators that can develop character values,

and modification of assessment techniques that can measure the characters

values). In addition to those activities, teachers should consider the materials /

textbooks so they can determine which textbooks can develop character


In the implementation stage, the learning activities in order to integrate

the character values to students is carried out through three stages including

the preliminary stage, the core stage and the closing stage. In the preliminary


the physical and psychologically learning processes, conduct apperception,

convey the basic competence to be achieved, and also deliver a series of

material in accordance to the lesson plan which has been arranged based on

the syllabus. Efforts to integrate character education in every subject have

been carried out by teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga. For example, activities

in the beginning of the lesson by asking students to pray, give praise to

students who do not come late, warn students who come late politely, etc.

Efforts to instill character education in the core activity appear to have been

done by teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga although not explicitly show the

action of exploration, elaboration and confirmation but teachers’ actions as

involving students in the learning activity so it make them have

self-confidence, instilling cooperation, mutual respect (elaboration) and also how

teachers give a wise response to students when they have difficulties.

In the closing stage, teachers’ efforts to develop character values to

students includes the emergence of a desire to cooperate with other friends on

the other hand also the existence of a critical and logical nature by finishing

individual and group assignments, summarizing, remedial, etc.

Research conducted by Ulrich Teichler entitled Research on Higher

Education in Europe, this study discussed about the character education on the higher education in Europe.

Compared with the previous study, in this study, the character

education learning is given to secondary school students because at that stage,

students should have confidence and independence in doing anything at

everyday life.

Research conducted by Aslan (2011) entitled Character Education and

Identity Development. The results of this study discussed about "Handbook Of Moral And Character Education, Edt. Larry P. Nucci And Darcia Narvaez ". The result of this study is that the author discusses the basic of philosophical,

historical, and methodological issues of contemporary moral and character


Compared with the previous research, in this study can be seen that the

moral and character education is very important to be given in the early stage

or in the secondary school level, so will have a principle and guidance of life.

A research conducted by Nsubuga (2008) entitled Analysis Of

Leadership Styles And School Performance Of Secondary Schools In Uganda. This study analyzed the leadership style of principal and school performance

of secondary schools in Uganda that is related to the formulation of students’

character in school.

Compared with the previous study, the leadership at SMP Negeri 3

Salatiga is very influential in forming the students’ character so that in the curriculum, the principal and all employees or teachers of SMP Negeri 3

Salatiga give the character education in learning.

2. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Management

An integrated management of character education through

management has been done correctly based on: a) the expected principles that

in SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the principal has been loyal in giving tasks and

responsibilities that have been considered according to the individual's ability

and do not discriminate between one another. The principal gives the unity of

policy direction that can actually be used as a guide for citizens of the school,

so from the principal’s policy, it can be instilled the character values for

school citizens such as having the responsibility, independent, wise,

democracy, respect for others, etc. b) In creating a school which has

discipline, progress, and achievement, the principal ask all school citizens to

appreciate the time, obey the rule, the creation of co-operation, give advice to

school and the existence of innovations.

In instilling character education through the school management at

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, it is carried out through planning, implementing and controlling the programs in education. This is evident in what is conveyed by


controlling, the principal always involves several school components to

conduct deliberation, so that the formulation of the programs plan is the result

of cooperation. Similarly, the implementation of the program, the principal

invites all school citizens to work together effectively, efficiently and

productively, by involving parents and school board, so embedded the

character values of cooperation, mutual respect gained the trust etc.. In

controlling stage, the principal has conducted supervision, monitoring and

evaluation to relevant parties (education staff, administrative staff and


Research conducted by Tatman, Edmonson, Slate (2009), entitled

Character Education: A Critical Analysis, has a result that character education is understood as the educational reform movement that is concerned with

moral and ethical development of public school students in a pedagogical

context of a formal character education program. Character education is used

interchangeably in the current research with moral and values education.

Compared with the previous research, it is known that in this study, the

character education is very influential to the moral and ethical development

given to children in everyday life.

Research conducted by Narvaez and Lapsley (2005) entitled Teaching

Moral Character: Two Strategies for Teacher Education has a result that A “minimalist” strategy requires teacher educators to make explicit the hidden

moral education curriculum and to reveal the inextricable linkage between

best practice instruction and moral character outcomes. The “maximalist”

approach requires preservice teachers to master a tool kit of pedagogical

strategies that target moral character directly as a curricular goal. To this end,

the Integrative Ethical Education model outlines five steps for moral character

development: supportive climate, ethical skills, apprenticeship instruction,

self-regulation, and adopting a developmental systems approach.

Compared with the previous study, it is known that this study discusses

the effect of students' character education toward the increasing of students’


Based on the previous descriptions, it can be concluded that the

management of an integrated character education through the management at

SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga includes: 1) The characterized school management at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga is implemented through several principals, among others, that the principal gives the duties and responsibilities to each school

citizen expressly and clearly with the consideration, whether the individuals

could be given responsibility; 2) The principal gives the unity of policy

direction that can actually be used as a guide for the school citizens; 3) to

create a disciplined school at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the principal asks to all

citizens to respect the time and obey the existing rules consistently; 4) to be an

advanced school and has achievement, the principal of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga

invites the school citizens to provide input in the form of the positive thinking

idea, and also create a togetherness condition and mutual respect; 5) character

education is expected to be integrated in the school management through the

planning, controlling and implementation of educational programs; 6)

planning program at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga endeavored to create the character

values for the citizens of the school; 7) In the implementation of SMP Negeri

3 Salatiga programs, the principal asks all school citizens to work effectively, efficiently and productively; 8) In SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga, the controlling

program or the school management covers three areas, supervision,

monitoring, and evaluation.

3. An Integrated Management of Character Education Through Students’ Development Activity

Although the student development activities conducted outside school

hours, it is very strategic for the teacher planning a character education to

students at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga. Such things can happen, because of the

many events at this school relating to the activities preferred by the learners in

order to develop talent.

The example of event / activities in coaching student which can instill

character education at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga is the activities which always


students’ orientation period, there are many character values that can be

entered, patriotism, worship, cooperation, follow the rules, social sensitivity,

etc.. There are other discussions of student activities such as Red Cross Youth

which can be embedded human affection, etc..

Efforts undertaken by the Principal in Improving character Education

at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga are: a) In the learning activity, it is not only oriented

to knowledge, but also attitude. Every teacher should add a number of learning

goal orientation with the achievement of certain attitude or values; b) in the

management activity, the school has a set of instruments and special teams

that monitor and assess proportionally of school citizens behavior related to

the character values that have been defined. If there are people who do not

obey the rules, they get a moral, administrative and even legal sanctions if it is

needed; c) in the students’ development activity, the school performs various

activities, the Guidance and devotion to God Almighty, The Student

Orientation Period, students’ organization, manners, discipline in social life of

the school, and academic activities.

Research conducted by Aslan (2011), entitled Character Education

and Identity Development, the results of this study discusses the Handbook Of Moral Education And Character, Edt. Larry P. Nucci And Darcia Narvaez. The result of this study is that the author discusses the basic of philosophical,

historical, and methodological issues of contemporary moral and character


Compared with the previous research, this study revealed that the

foundation or the vision and mission of character education and moral

education should be able to teach ethics to students in behaving or in activities

wherever located.

Research conducted by Tatman, Edmonson, Slate (2009), entitled

Character Education: A Critical Analysis, has a result that character education is understood as the educational reform movement that is concerned with


context of a formal character education program. Character education is used

interchangeably in the current research with moral and values education.

Compared with previous research, in this study revealed that the

character education and moral education is used or taught as a basic education

that should be owned by children as a guide of life.

Based on the previous interviews, it can be concluded that the

integrated management of character education through students’ development

activity at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga includes: 1) the existence of students’

orientation period makes a lot of character education values that can be

entered, for example, obey the rule, be responsible, polite, have awareness of

right, etc.; 2) the worship activities include being instilled the patriotism value,

discipline, PMR activity, social and environment care, healthy living,

independent, and others; 3) the vision of students’ activities at SMP Negeri 3

Salatiga includes the development of potential, talent, and interest optimally, as well as the independent and happiness of students that are useful for them,

their families and the community/environment; 4) the mission of students’

activities includes: a) providing a number of activities that can be selected by

students in accordance with the need, potential and talent; b) carrying out

activities that give students the opportunity to express themselves freely

through independent or group activities; 5) SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga determined

to deliver students to become independent person, responsible, full of

creativity, have a high social friendship, and others.


The integrated management of character education through learning

determines the success of character education for students and school residents so

that it can improve the education quality at SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga. The integrated

character education through learning is done by two steps: a) planning of learning

activity including the preparation of syllabus, lesson plan and writing of textbooks

that have been integrated into character education, and 2) the implementation of


The integrated management of character education into school

management has been done correctly in accordance with the expected principles.

In creating a school which has discipline, progress, and achievement, the principal

asks all school citizens to appreciate the time, obey the rule, the creation of

cooperation, give advice to school and the existence of innovations.

The character education management which is integrated through students’

development activity is done through several activities outside of school hours

such as worship together, the selection of students’ organization committee,

student orientation activities, Red Cross Youth, Boy Scout, etc. Each of these

activities is integrated in character values.


1. Principal is expected to be able to work together with teachers in order to

enhance students' character education.

2. Teachers should be able to develop a repertoire of education, especially in the

formation of student character.

3. Students are expected to develop themselves in forming their own character.

4. The next researchers are expected to be able to develop their research relating



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Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi berjudul Evaluasi Radiografi Jantung Anak Babi (Sus scrofa) Sepsis dengan Terapi Cairan Koloid atau Kristaloid adalah