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TEACHING WRITING THROUGH STORY MAP TO THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 OF PALEMBANG Yuspar Uzer Universitas PGRI Palembang ABSTRACT - View of Teaching Writing Through Story Map to the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior High Schoo


Academic year: 2018

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Yuspar Uzer

Universitas PGRI Palembang


The journal entititled the study of “Teaching Writing Through Story Map to the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang”.The Formulation of the Problems, “Is it effective to teach writing narrative text through story map to the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang?”.The objective of the problems was to find out whether or not it is effective to teach writing narrative text through story map to the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang.The method usedis pre – experimental method with the one group pre-test and post-test design. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:236), a single group is measured and observed not only after exposed to a treatment of some short but also before“.The population of this research is the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang consisted of 231 students . a convenience sample is a group of individuals who (conveniently) are available for study for VIII.4 consisted 37 students. Finally, the data finding in the pre-test was 77.22, after the treatment being conducted and the written test as in the post-test had been repeated, the students score was 79.9. Based on the calculation of the match t-test was higher than the critical of t value the data showed that the calculation of the match t-test was 6.56. It means that the null hypothesis was rejected and consequently alternative hypothesis was accepted. In other words teaching writing through story map to the eighth grade students of state junior high school 3 of Palembang was effective to increase the students’ writing.



STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, Vol. 2 2017 BACKGROUND

English is an international language or Lingua Franca because almost every state uses it. In Indonesia, English is as a foreign language. According to Brown (2000 : 13) learning a second language is a long and complex undertaking. It means that language learning is not a set of easy steps that can be programmed in a quick do-it yourself kit. English has four language skills in teaching – learning process, such as : listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Writing is fourth skills or a skill which must be taught by the teacher to the students. Writing is also to represent one of skills which must be taught by the teacher to the teacher at school which aims to increase the students of writing skill in language of English. To make more effective in learning language of English Hence, the students learn that have to be fun and be natural. Wolff (2007:13) states that in language learning context it is believed that children will learn English language more effectively under certain condition. Learning should be fun and natural for children.

On processing, writing was sometimes called as a complex skill too, since it was not only requiring the students to master grammatical rules, but also requiring them to have knowledge and information. The usual thing associated with writing was word choice, use of appropriate grammar ( such as subject-verb agreement,tenses and article use ), syntax (word order), mechanics (eg. Punctuation, spelling,, and hand writing) and organization of ideas into a coherent and cohesive form (Heaton, 1988:150).

Writing needs more practices, and while at the school, the time for it is little. So that, many students often face some difficulties in written English. For example, they did not have the ability in expressing their ideas and in making the sentences into writing, and they did not master any vocabularities, etc.It is occured because of they seldom to practice writing or they did not have any text books for learning. Harmer, (2004:13) states that expressing meaning through writing requires more effort than recognizing their ideas and in making the sentences through written English, which support the competence of the fluency of English.



STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, Vol. 2 2017

usual representation of the structure and can be used during or after reading. Students find these graphic organizes helpful in sequencing and explaining the elements of different of narrative text.

Next, during the observation at the State Junior High School 3 of Palembang the researcher found that the eighth grade students still have difficulty in writing narrative text. This happened because the English teacher seldom used the media when he taught, the students felt bored and they were not interested in studying English language and they had very limited vocabulary. So futhermore, the way how to wrote in English is different from Indonesian.

Based on the above reason the writer is interested in conducting a research entititled the study “Teaching Writing Through Story Map to the Eighth Grade Students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang”.

The Formulation of the Problems, “Is it effective to teach writing through story map to the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang?”.

The objective of the problems was to find out whether or not it is effective to teach writing through story map to the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang.


According to (Beck & McKeown, 1981), story map is a unified representation of a story based on a logical organization of events and ideas of central importance to the story and their interrelationships. Furthermore, a story map is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or story. In writing, there are three types of story map graphic organizers. They are, (1) identifying story characters, plot, setting, problem and solution, students read carefully to learn the details, (2) the advanced organizers focus more on plot or character traits, and (3) the most basic focus on the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Based on the statement above, the writer used the most basic focus of story map in narrative text. Supporting basic focus above, beginning tells about the introduces the character an the problem or goal. Middle is the action a character takes to solves this problem creates suspense and interest in the story. The ending tells about how the problem is solved.



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and (3) to help students of varying abilities organize information and ideas efficiently.

Teaching is showing or helping someone learn how to do something providing with knowledge, causing to know or to understand (Brown, 2004 : 7). Relating to the teaching foreign language, Harmer (2004 : 14) states that simply the goal of teaching a foreign language is the ability to use it, to understand the speech and of its native and target culture in terms of their meaning as well as their great ideas in achievement.

On teaching writing are divided into 2 parts, free and guided writing. Free writing is technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. It produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism. It is used mainly by prose writers and writing teachers.Some writers use the technique to collect initial thoughts and ideas on a topic, often as a preliminary to formal writing. Free writing is not the same as automatic writing.Unlike brainstorming where ideas are simply listed, in freewriting one writes sentences to form a paragraph about whatever comes to mind, whereas, guided writing is students’ activity when they express the idea or imagination in writing form. In order to be succesfull in writing, in which the material presented is the relevant to their needs, interest, capacities, and ages until they are able to make a composition with view or even no errors. Finnochiaro (1964 : 129) cited in Iwan (2009 :129).

Based on the statement above, It is clear that in writing the teacher should be guide the students to write or how to express the idea in writing form. In practicing their writing, they have to follow the steps to meke their writing more effective. The writing process can be summarized as follow : 1. Pre-Writing

In pre-writing, the writer select the general subjects, restricts the subject, generates the ideas, and organizes the ideas.

2. Writing

In writing, the writer sets on paper the ideas in her or his mind into words, sentenses, paragraph and so on.

3. Re-Writing

The writer evaluates her or his writing; they are : correcting and the form, correcting the vocabularies, punctuations, grammar, correcting writing errors, word duplications, and omission. ( Mc. Millan. 2004:4)



STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, Vol. 2 2017

writing, the English teacher should guide the students when composing their writing.


The method used is pre – experimental method with the one group pre-test and post-pre-test design. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:236), a single group is measured and observed not only after exposed to a treatment of some short but also before“. The following is a design :

01 X 02 In which :

01 : Pre-test 02 : Post-test X : Treatment

Hatch and Farhady, (1982:12) state “ variable is an attribute of a person or an object which “varies” from person to person or from object to object. There are two research variables in this study, the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is the major variable to be investigated. It is the variable that will be selected, manipulated and measured. The dependent is one that will be directly observed and measured to determine the effect of the dependent variable. The independent variable of this study is teaching writing narrative through story map. Dependent variable is the students’ achievement in constructing writing paraghraph as a dependent variable.

Population is the larger group to which one hopes to apply the result. In other word, population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to whom the researcher would like to generalize the result of the study. Notice that a population is always all of the indivduals who possess a certain characteristic (or set of characteristics). In educational research, the population of interest is ussually a group of person (students, teachers, or other individuals) who possess certain characteristics (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2012:90). The population of this research is the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 3 of Palembang consisted of 231 students .

Table 1

The populationof the study

No Class Total



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2 VIII.2 40

3 VIII.3 40

4 VIII.4 37

5 VIII.5 40

6 VIII.6 37

Total 231

Source : The Eighth Grade Students of The State Junior High School 3 of PalembangAcademic Year 2015-2016

A sample is a group in a research study on which information is obtained (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2012:90). The writer chose the sample from the population through convenience sampling technique to select the class, because English Teacher determined the class to be the sample. According to Fraenkel and Wallen,(2012:99), a convenience sample is a group of individuals who (conveniently) are available for study for VIII.4 consisted 37 students.

The technique used to collect data is a written test. According to Arikunto (2006:223), a test is a set of question or exercise and any devices or procedures for measuring skill, intelligent, knowledge or talent belong to individual or group. A written test was used, the total number of question are 3 in basic focus of story map in narrative text items. The test was administered twice as the pre-test and the post-test. In this test, the students gave a text fairly tales of narrative text in the theme “Snow White“ and then the students asked for re writing by their own ideas based on the text given. The post-test was given before the treatment to find out the students’ writing competence achievement. Before being taken by the students, the test validity and reliability are evaluated first.


The writer gave the pre-test to the students in order to know how far the students’ ability in writing narrative text through story map before given the treatment.



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After conducting the teaching through story map as the treatment, the writer gave the post-test in order to know how far the students’ writing develop in writing narrative text through story map after have the treatment. The students were asked to rewrite the story map based on the direction given by the teacher.

The researcher applied the matched t-test to calculate the mean score of the pretest and posttest to find out whether teaching vocabulary by using pictures games is effective or not. The formula is as follows:


t :The value by which the statistical analysis of dependent t-test X1 :The mean of the students in post-test

X2 :The mean of the students in pre-test D

S :Standard error of the difference between two mean In getting the standard error of differences

 

SD the formula is:


D = The difference between the score of pre-test and post-test INTERPRETATION OF THE STUDY



STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, Vol. 2 2017

point ninety one). It means that the students’ score taught writing narrative text through story map are better than before. It is said that teaching writing narrative text through story map was effective.

Idol (1987) states that story map is the effective technique which can be applied in writing because it can improve the comprehension of students in writing significantly. Furthermore, the writer saw this technique was effective because there are significant differences between the score in the pre-test and post-test. It had an improvement in teaching writing after getting treatment by using story map technique.

In addition, the differences between the pre-test and post-test was 2.69 and the result of the calculation of the matched t-test formula was 6.56, it was higher than the critical value. So, the treatment that was given to the students through story map could influence their ability in learning writing narrative text from the lower level to be the better level.

Furthermore, the t-obtained shows that the alternative hypotheses (Ha) with 5% of significance level was accepted because the result of the calculation of the matched t-test was higher than t-critical value. It means that is was effective in teaching writing through story map to the eight grade students at State Junior High School 3 of Palembang.


Based on the result of the test given to the students, the writer concluded that story map used as media in teaching writing text as one alternative technique. It is proved students’ ability in writing. More information about the test used are describes below :

The pre-test to the students in order to know how far the students’ ability in writing narrative text through story map before giving the treatment.The treatment is way of treating a person for explain about writing narrative text through story map or conducting the teaching through story map.After conducting the teaching through story map as the treatment, the writer gave the post-test in order to know how far the students’ writing develop in writing narrative text through story map after have the treatment. The students were asked to rewrite the story map based on the direction given by the teacher.



STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, Vol. 2 2017

The writer found students’ writing average score in the pre-test was 77.22, after the treatment being conducted and the written test as in the post-test had been repeated, the students score was 79.9. Based on the calculation of the match t-test was higher than the critical of tvalue the data showed that the calculation of the match t-test was 6.56. It means that the null hypothesis was rejected and consequently alternative hypothesis was accepted. In other words teaching writing narrative text through story map to the eighth grade students of state junior high school 3 of Palembang was effective to increase the students’ writing.


Arikunto, Suharsimi.2006. Procedure Penelitian : Suatu pendekatan Praktik. Edisi Revisi 2006. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta.

Brown, H.Douglas.1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. United States of America : Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assesments. San Francisco State University: Longman.

Fraenkel, Jack R, Norman E. Wallen and Hyun. 2012. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York : McGraw Hill, Inc

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to teach writing. London : Oxford University Press.

Hatch, Evelyn and Hossein Farhady. 1982. Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics. Rowley Massachusetts : Newbury House Publisher, Inc.

Heaton, J. B. 1988. Writing English Language Tests. United States of America : Longman.

Iwan. 2009. Developing the students’ ability in writing recount text through Guiding Questions Technique at the second year students of SMPN 1 Teberai Besar Lampung Selatan. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Lampung University. Ma’rufi, Hafiza. 2009.Teaching Writing by Using Picture of Seventh Grade

Students of SMP NEGERI 2 BANYUASIN III.Unpublished Undergraduated Thesis. Faculty of Teacher training and Education of PGRI Palembang.

Mc. Millan. 2004. Grammar and writing hand book. New York. The Mac-Grow Hill Company.



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Richard, Jack et al, 1985. Longman Dictionary of Applied Lingistics. Bungai : The Chaucer Press. Ltd.

Saleh, Yusrizal. 1997. Methodology of TEFL in the Indonesian Context Book 1. Palembang : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya University.

Wolff, Jurgen. 2007. Your writing coach. UK : Clays Ltd, st lves plc. (http://www.english direction.com/2011/03/kinds-of-narrative.html, access

January,28th 2013)

(http://www.englishdirection.com/2012/05/contoh-example-of-narrative-text-legend.html, access January, 28th2013)

(http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/courses/rdla340/docs/rdla340_session4.pdf, access January,28th2013)

http://www.mybookez.org/comprehension-with-story-map-strategy/, access February 5th, 2013)

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