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Academic year: 2019



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Procedures help/tell us to operate something or make something.

Purpose: to tell how something is accomplished through a sequences

of actions or steps.

Generic Stucture:

a. Goal/aim: It shows the purpose of

the text.

(how to…)

b. Material/tool/equipment/ingredients: It tells the needed


c. Steps/directions/instructions: They describe the

steps of making something to achieve the purpose

Significant features:

Use simple present tense.



: How to Make Origami Crane

Material : Origami Paper


: 1. Take a paper.

2. Fold in half diagonally, then fold again in half diagonally.

3. Spread out from the inside and fold again to make a small square.

4. Turn over, then do the same as step 3.

5. Fold right and left corners to the center line and fold the top


6. Pull the bottom corner up and fold down again, some folds will

be inverted.

7. Turn over, then do the same steps, and you will get crane base.

8. Fold right and left corner to the center line.

9. Turn over, then do the same steps.

10. Unite of all folds.

11. Fold the bottom to the top.

12. Form a beak.

13. Pull the left and right fold to form the wings.

14. An origami crane is finished.



For questions 1 to 5, fill in the blanks with the suitable words!

I’ll…(1) you how to make apple juice. What you…(2) are 500 grams of apple without peeling them, 100 grams of …(3) sugar, 500 ml of water, and 2 spoon full of lemon. Now how to make it. First, boil the lump sugar and water until the lump sugar is…(4) in the water. Then mix the apple,lemon and the water of lump sugar.Finally…(5) it in a glass with lemon and mint’s leaf accessory.



1. From the text above we get information on?

2. What is the purpose of the text?

3. What is the generic structure of the text?

4. What is the goal of the text? And What should

someone prepare to make it?


1. What kind of text is it?

a. Narrative c. Descriptive b. Recount d. Procedure

2. What does the writer write the text for?

a. To inform how to serve a juicy lemon iced tea. b. To explain how to make an iced tea.

c. To tell how to make a juicy lemon iced tea

d. To discuss how to make a juicy melon iced tea.

3. How many ingredients do you need to make a juicy melon iced tea according to the text above?

•Three c. Five •Four d, Six

4. How many steps are there to make a juicy melon tea? •Seven c. Nine

•Eight d. Ten

5. What steps should you do according the text above, EXCEPT…

a. Add tea into the boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes. b. Squeeze some lemons and pour the juice into the tea. c. Stir well and then take the tea leaves out of the water.


For questions 11to 15, choose the best answer, a, b,c, or d!

Sometimes when you are just home from work or a long journey, all you can do is to think of having a very fresh drink that can refresh your body. This one will do the trick. It is also suitable for your guests. And now, I ‘ll tell

how to make a juicy lemon iced tea. We need tea leaves (different types), ice cubes that have been made from lemon tea, hot water, and sugar. There are some steps to make it:

Boil a jug of water.

•Add tea into the boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes until the tea is mixed. •Squeeze some lemons and pour the juice into the tea.

•Stir well and then take the tea leaves out of the water.

•Add a cup of sugar (the amount depends on your taste and the quantity of water). •Stir well. Allow to completely cool.

•Pour the lemon tea into a glass and put some ice cubes in it.


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