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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Art and Humanities

Statae Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Isti’anatuz Zumaroh

Reg.Number : A03212044






Zumaroh, Isti’anatuz. “Beatrice StruggleAgainst Inhumanity in Veronica Roth’s Novel Allegiant”, English Department, Faculty of Art and Humanities State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya.

Advisor : Abu Fanani, M.Pd. Key Term : factions, inhumanity

In this study the researcher focused on one of literary works of Veronica Roth entitled Allegiant.This study aims to analyze the characterization and action of Beatrice as the main character in Allegiant novel. This study used new criticism theory as the main theory and psychology theory. New criticism theory to analyze the first problem statement and action theory to analyze the second problem statement. This study uses analytical approach as the base of study. The first is characterization analytical approach is used to analyze the character of Beatrice depicted in the novel. The second is used to analyze the struggle of Beatrice fight for cancels resetting memory.



Zumaroh, Isti’anatuz. “Beatrice StruggleAgainst Inhumanity In Veronica Roth’s Novel Allegiant”. Skripsi. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Negeri SunanAmpel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Abu Fanani, M.Pd. Kata Kunci : factions, inhumanity

Dalam studi ini peneliti fokus pada salah satu karya sastra Veronica Roth yang berjudul Allegiant. Adapun tujuan pemilitian ini adalah meneliti karakter dari tokoh utama dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama yang terkandung di dalam novel. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kritik baru dan teori psikologi. Peneliti menggunakan teori kritik baru untuk menganalisis rumusan masalah yang pertama dan teori aksi untuk menganalisis rumusan masalah yang kedua.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analitis sebagai dasar penelitian. Yang pertama pendekatan analitis karakter yang digunakan untuk menganalisis karakter Beatrice sebagai tokoh utama yang di diskripsikan di dalam novel. Yang kedua pendekatan analitis untuk menganalisis perjuangan Beatrice menggagalkan penginstalan ulang memori masyarakat.

Berikut adalah beberapa hasil dari penelitian ini. Yang pertama, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter tokoh utama mempengaruhi perilaku Beatrice dalam aksinya melawan tindakan yang tidak berperi kemanusiaan. Karakter sebagai latarbelakang pola berfikir dan tindakan. Yang kedua, Beatrice berhasil



Inside Cover Page ... i

Declaration Page ... ii

Dedication Page ... iii

Motto ... iv

Advisor’s Approved Page ... v

Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Acknowledgment ... vii

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.Background of study ... 1

1.2.Statement of the Problem ... 8

1.3.Objective of the study ... 8

1.4.Scope and Limitation ... 8

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 8

1.6.Method of the study ... 9

1.7.Definition of key terms ... 10


2.2. Character ... 12

2.2.1. Kinds of Character ... 14

2.3. Characterization ... 16

2.3.1. Kinds of Characterization ... 17

2.4. Psychoanalysis ... 17

2.5. Review of Related Studies ... 21

CHAPTER 3 ANALYSIS 3.1 The characterization of Beatrice described in Veronica Roth Allegiant ... 23

3.2 The action of Beatrice against inhumanity ... 31








1.1. Background of Study

Literature is an expression of human’s feelings, thought, experience, and

social fact. It is appropriate with the following opinion. According to Warren

and Wellek (107), literature is the form of human creativity consisting idiom,

idea, feeling, spirit, and experience using the language as the media and

having positive impact to life. Long states that literature is one of the

methods to apprehend the whole world through our imagination. Thus,

literature is expression of human imagination, thought, emotions, experience

poured into beautiful words (Long: 8).

Further, literature constitutes a reflection of life fact. Literary work can be

used as the reflection or condition when and where the literary work was

made. According to Edward H. Jones. Jr (1) literature is simply another way

we can experience the world around us through our imagination. It means

literature gets from human daily life or portrait of human life and imagination

or in accordance with thoughts and experiences. By creating literary work the

author can entertain people and make the reader enjoy the story. Besides,

literary work give information, and knowledge about life and moral teaching.

There are many kinds of literary works, such as novel, drama, poetry, and



poems, plays and novels.One of the literary works is novel. Novel is a fiction

which has elements such as plot, theme, character, setting, point of view.

Usually it is containing about forty five thousand words or more. Novel also

expresses several aspect of human’s love and existence because novel tells

about activities of human and tells about what happened in surrounding

(Kenney, 103).

According to Sora, novel usually tells about human life in their

interaction with the environment and each other. In a novel, the author

usually makes every effort to direct the reader to the various descriptions of

the reality of life through the story contained in the novel.


Thus, novel is the author aims to introduce their idea; they want to

introduce to the readers about the idea of several description of social reality

through the story of the novel. For instance, one of novel which bases on the

ideas of social reality isAllegiant.

Allegiant is a novel written by Veronica Roth.Allegiantis the last novel

of trilogy divergent series. It was published in 2013. It is science fiction;

dystopia, romance and young-adult novel.Allegiantis the top-selling book on

Amazon and is number two on Barnes & Noble. <http://m.csmonitor.com>

Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction dealing with imaginative

concepts such as futuristic science and describes the impact of science or

technology on people. Thus, Science Fiction is fiction that describes the



must be set in contrast to a society significantly different from our own

usually, but not necessarily, because of some modification in the level of

science and technology or it is not a science fiction story.


Dystopian is genres of literature that explore social and political

structures. Thus, dystopian is a futuristic, imagined universe in which

oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained

through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.


Romance is type of genre fiction place their primary focus on the

relationship and romantic love between two people, and must have an

emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.Thus, romance is a literary

genre that focuses on the romantic relationship between the hero and the


Young adult novel is for readers aged between 12 and 18, although many

adults are known to enjoy the genre as well. The conflicts the characters go

through are relevant to teens. The protagonist as well as the majority of the

key characters in that age group as well. The protagonist is close to the

experiences in the book the story is not told with the hindsight of adulthood.


Veronica Roth is the author of numerous bestselling novels, including the

one of New York time best seller,Allegiant. Veronica Roth was born on



She was the youngest of three children. Her parents divorced when she was

five years old. She grew up in Barrington because her mother, Barbara Ross

was a painter who resided in Barrington. Roth graduated from Barrington

High School. After studying a year of college at Carleton College, she

transferred to Northwestern University for its creative writing program. She

has written Divergent trilogy.Divergenttrilogy contains Insurgent and

Allegiant.Veronica Roth’s novels won Favorite Young Adult Fantasy &

Science fiction and author of 2012 in 2012’s GoodreadsChoice


Allegiant is a masterpiece of trilogy divergent.Allegiantis the deadly of

Divergentseries, becauseAllegiantreveal the secret that is hidden and does

not explore inDivergentandInsurgent.

In the first series, Divergent, have a lot of telling about faction system

applied there. Faction system is system of government, which is classifying

society based on their personality. Society is divided into five factions, each

dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue. There are Candor (the

honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the

peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent).

On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the

faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the

decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is she

can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including



struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made.

And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her

seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save

those she loves or it might destroy her.

The second series,Insurgentis for create reconciliation, for saving

Chicago society without care their faction. In this series more explore about

loyalty, coming of treason, and credibility. Tris and Four are hunted by

Jeanine the leader of the power-hungry erudite elite. Her mission Jeanine

Matthews, Erudite leader is kidnapping divergent and using them to discover

a secret that she believes will destroy the divergent. Tris and Four lead the

divergent outcast against Erudite, but this time they must form an alliance

with various factions in order to defeat Erudite. Racing against time, they

must find out what Tris’s family sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the

erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past choices but

desperate to protect the ones she loves. Tris, with Four at her side, faces one

impossible challenge after another as they unlock the truth about the past and

ultimately the future of their world because Tris is the one and only believed

to hold the key to this mystery (reveal a box secret).

Meanwhile, the last series,Allegiantreveal the riddle of the first and the

second series.Allegiantanswer the riddle of divergent. It reveals a secret of

faction system fabrication, and also clears about the reason and the aims of it.

Allegianttell clearly about divergent character as complete as possible that



Allegiant starts from the jailed of the main character and her friend

because they take pains to reveal the Edith Prior video to citizen. It is reputed

as criminal action. The video tells about the truth of faction system and tell

that any civilization in the outside of the city and invite everybody to stay

there. The video make some citizen still believe in faction system and also

reject to live without faction system by Evelyn as the leader of the city.

Afterwards, emerging the new faction namelyAllegiantby Johanna

Reyes. The main character and her friend free from the jail because they

proved not guilty. They are chosen by Johanna Reyes to wander into outside

of the city to reveal the truth of the video and to reveal what the meaning of it

including what happened behind this incident. Finally the main character

goes outside of the city and finds life there, namelyBureau Of Genetic

Welfare.Finally the main character knows about inhumanity acted by David

to get Pure genetic from the city. David use the city as trial city to make pure

genetic but with inhumanity way. Than the main character struggles against

inhumanity although she must lose her life.

Related to this research, the writer makes analysis in the main character’s

struggle against inhumanity. Inhumanity here is the conflict that must be

finished by the main character, she fights to the death. Because main

character is the most important part in the story and appears continually from

the beginning until the end of the story which makes it occupy the central

position in the story. The writer also discussed about the main character



character against atrocity until she died. The novel was chosen because it

brings a lot of meaningful knowledge of life. It shows that the character’s life

is meaningful, because she was a hero of the city. So, this novel told us about

help each other, care, and love motherland. Because she willing sacrifice for

save citizen in her motherland. This is the background as well as one reason

why this topic is analyzed in this study.

So in this case the researcher is interested in analyzing the main character

that has a divergent character inAllegiantnovel, with the title“Beatrice

Struggle Against Inhumanity in Veronica Roth Allegiant”.

1.2.Problems of Study

From the research background above, this study raises the following


1.2.1. How is the characterization of Beatrice describedin the novel?

1.2.2. How is Beatrice against inhumanity described in the novel ?

1.3.Objective of Study

Dealing with the research question above this study has an objective that

can be stated as follows:

1.3.1.To describe character and characterization of Beatrice

1.3.2.To know action of Beatrice against inhumanity

1.4.Scope and Limitation

In order to prevent non-relevant problems, the study will be limited to the

novel ofAllegiantonly.The scope then focuses onthe main character,



characterization, and her action against inhumanity that represented in the

novel. It is analyzed through the expression, a way of thinking, dialogue, and

action of the main character.

1.5.Significance of Study

Furthermore, this study will also enrich the reader’s comprehension on

main character’s struggle against inhumanity. This study is also expected to

be useful especially for the students of literature, especiallyfor student

English Letter Department in State University of Islamic Studies Sunan

Ampel Surabaya to know an example of New Criticism theory application in

analyzing a literary work. Moreover, this research can give significant

contribution for future researchers who are interested to do research like this


1.6.Method of Study

In this research the researcher uses descriptive analytic method.

Descriptive research is the type of research question design and data analysis

that will be applied to a given topic. Jeff Bertolucci state that descriptive

analytics is the simplest class of analytics. The purpose of descriptive

analytics is to summarize what happened. Descriptive studies primarily

concerned with finding out "what is," that contains in the novel.


This chapter discusses how the research is conducted. It involves four

main sub chapters consisting of research design, source of data, procedure of



1.6.1. Research Design

In analyzing the data, the writer intends to use qualitative research by

elaborating the dialogues, plots, actions, events, and conflicts found in the

novel. This research usesAllegiantnovel. Thus, through qualitative research

in this study wants to get a valid description and explanation about

“Beatrice Struggle Against Inhumanity in Veronica Roth Allegiant”.

1.6.2.Source of Data

The researcher collect the data based on the library research and also

e-book. The main source of the data is the novel it self. It is caused the focus

of this thesis is a literature work in the form of novel. Review and critics

about the novel will also be a helpful source on the analysis. Besides, the

writer also collects data and printed materials about the theory used in this

study. Some information is also gathered by browsing some sites from the

internet which is related to the topic of the study and from related books,

articles, journals, and online resources, especially about new criticism theory,

character characterization theory and psychology theory.

1.6.3. Procedure of Data Collection

The writer will read the novel and scan the events as a major foundation

that will be analyzed. Then, after it has been completed, The writer will

collect the data and inputs that are related to the novel.

1.6.4. Procedure of Data Analysis

After doing those previous steps, the writer will arrange them so that



will be analyzed. After collecting the data, the writer analyzing the data

collected by firstly categorizing them into two points, dealing with the

statement of problems. Then, the first point is analyzed using new criticism

theory and the second point using action theory, which refers to the

objectives of the study. And the last making conclusion based on the result

of data analysis.

1.7.Definition of Key term

To avoid any different perceptions between the writer and the readers in

understanding the study, it is essential to give some definition of key terms

used in this study. Here are the key terms explained:

1.7.1. Inhumanity : a situation without kindness, pity and not caring

about the suffering of other people (Oxford dictionary, 229).

1.7.2. Faction : system of government, that is classifying society based on





This research data is analyzed using some theories. The writer explains

about the theories that are going to be used to analyze Beatrice as the main

character inAllegiant. In analyzing this object, the New Criticism which

discusses about character and characterization cannot be separated one another.

The researcher uses the theory of New Criticism to explain the character and to

find out the answer of the first statement of problem, and uses Theory of

psychology to analyze the second statement of problem.

2.1. New Criticism

American New Criticism emerges in the 1920s and especially becomes

dominant in the 1940s and 1950s. New Criticism is clearly characterized in

idea and practice. It means that new criticism does not focus on historical

contextual, biographical, intellectual and so on. It is focus on the text itself

(Selden: 18). So, new criticism pays attention to the draft of the literary works.

Literary work becomes an independent object description; it means that it does

not consider any external factors of the literary work itself.

Tyson says that new criticism is the main tools in analysis, and it is to

reveal the true meaning of a text based on the text itself. It means that new

criticism focuses on the story based on the text only in the novel, and it does

not need author’s background, the political issue at the time of a certain literary



New criticism focuses its analysis on the literary text, instead of the

author’s life and time (Tyson 136). Further Tyson explains that new critics

believe that a literary text is sometimes more meaningful and complex than its

author intention. The text’s meaning could be dissimilar with the meaning

which is constructed by the author (137).

From Tyson’s starting point, the writer decides to explore the thesis

analysis by applying new criticism theory which is focused on the character

and characterization.

2.2. Character

Character is one of the basic components of a story. It always emerges in a

story as it is a must for the author creates to characters in their literary work. As

what Potter (1) says that characters are the basic elements in much of imaginative

literature, and therefore they merit the considerable attention which is paid to

them. It means that character is the important element of a certain literary work

that constructs the story.

According to Edgar V. Robert’s book,Writing Themes About Literature,

character in literature is an comprehensive verbal representation of human

being, the inside self that decides thought, speech, and behavior (65). So,

through dialogue, action, and suggests of the details of character’s personalities,

will help readers to analyze and make a conclusion about a character’s strength



Generally, character is a comprehensive verbal representation of human

being and the inner self that determines speech, thought, and behavior. Through

dialogue and action, authors capture some of the interactions of character and

circumstance (Roberts :134). In a specific opinion, character can be defined as

any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work.

Sometimes, the author raises a character in a story in the form of animal or

even a thing. Somehow, the animal or the thing which appear as the character in

the story will have a personality behavior, and attitude as human being has. It is

because the character is actually the symbol of human being include his attitude,

behavior, and personality of character which is understood by the readers. This

idea is also supported by Holman (81) which states that character is a

complicated term that includes the idea of the moral constitution of the human

personality, the presence of moral uprightness and the simpler idea of the

presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one sort or another.

Further, Abrams states in Nurgiyantoro (165) that character is a person that

is exposed in a story, which is understood by the readers, and it has a moral

quality and a certain tendencies signified by his/her speech and action.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that character is a basic

element in a literary works. It is mostly presented in the form of creature such as

human being, animal, etc. Besides, it always has a specific moral quality and



The presence of character in a certain literary works is a must due to a

reason that it is the basic element of literary work itself. Although literary works

likes novel always presents a character, many people get difficulty in

understanding the character. It is said by Perrine (83) that understanding

character is not easy. He said that character is much more complex. Anyone can

repeat what a person has done in a story, but significant skill may be needed to

describe what a person is (Perrine: 83). Therefore, character becomes the topics

chosen by the researcher that will be discussed in the next chapter. It is expected

that the writer's analysis toward character will ease other researcher in analyzing

a character in a literary work.

2.2.1. Kinds of Character

Furthermore,Roberts inLiterature. An Introduction to Reading and

Writingstate that there are two types of literary character: round and flat

characters. Round character is dynamic character. A dynamic character is one

who goes through some sort of change, they show character’s development. So,

Round character can be called energetic and forceful character. Round

characterless are both individual and unpredictable, and they are central to

literature. Meanwhile, flat character does not grow matter what happens. Flat

characters are not individual, but rather useful, and they are usually minor and

they were in the beginning, because they are not dynamic, but static.

On other hand, Kenney (46) says that characters are divided into two types,



two traits. This kind of character be summarize in a sentences. A flat character

usually has only one outstanding trait or feature, or at most a few distinguishing


Otherwise, the round character is usually more realistic and complex and

shows a true depth of personality. Round character is portrayed in greater depth

and in more generous detail. It means that round characters play a big role in a

story rather than a flat character. Round characters live by their roundness, by

many topics at which they touch life (Perrine: 85).

Based on what Perrine says, it can be concluded that both round and flat

characters are needed to be presented in a literary work like novel to make a

good story. Although the round characters play a big role in developing a story,

they are lame and weak without the existence of the flat characters.

On the other hand, Nurgiyantoro (177) says that based on the significance role in

developing a story, character is divided into major and minor characters. Major or

main character refers to character which appears in almost all or totally in the

whole story. He or she is character which is mostly told and always related to

other characters. On the other hand, minor character is character which appears

only in some parts of the whole story and he or she is told less than major

character. Minor characters may exist just when they are having correlation

with the major characters.

Altenbernd and Lewis, state that based on the function, characters are divided



main character who generates the action of a story and engages the reader's

interest and empathy. The protagonist is often the hero or heroine. The

protagonist is usually a well-developed character; in this way, he or she is more

relatable. Thus, the opposite of the protagonist is the antagonist. An antagonist

is a character who opposes the protagonist, he is a character which causes


The protagonist is the major character with whom we generally

sympathize, while the antagonist is the character with whom the protagonist is

in conflict. The antagonist is generally not sympathetic (Stanford: 3).

2.3. Characterization

Richard in his bookMastering English Literaturestates that character

refers to a person in literary work, while characterization is refers to the way in

which a character is created (127). It means that reader can know the

personality of a person in a novel through his action and sayings or through

other people’s saying about him. In addition, characterization is the way the

author reveals the characters as imaginary persons and his creation of these

imaginary persons, so that they as lifelike for the readers.

However, each character has their own characteristics that are different

from the others. To present this thing, it needs a literary device to use. The

author has some styles to reveal the characters of unreal persons. They exist for

the reader as real within the limits of the fiction, and it is called as



For instance, characterization is means by ways of an author presents and

reveals the characters’ personalities inside of creating the story. The writer or

narrator tells the reader what the character is like. The ability to characterize

people of one’s thoughts magnificently is a major characteristic of a good

novelist, dramatist, or short-story writer.

2.3.1. Kinds of Characterization

Commonly, in characterizing the characters, there are two ways that an

author usually uses. Those are direct and indirect characterization. Direct

characterization is used by an author in the narrative of work and includes

descriptions and comments that directly describe the nature and appearance of

a character. Using direct method means that the author describes directly about

the character.

Otherwise, indirect characterization occurs outside of the narrative and

usually includes dialogue, comments of others about a character, the actions of

a character, and his or her thoughts. In indirect method of characterization, an

author does not only tell the characters, but also showing them to the readers

through how the character is seen, what the character does, what the character

says, what the character thinks, and how the character affects other characters

(Baldick: 37). From those aspect, the reader can understand and get a clear

description of the character’s personality.

2.4. Psychoanalysis



emergence, this theory invites a lot of controversy, exploration, analysis

and become a background for other genre that appears later (Lubis 141)

The writer intends to use organization of personality based on

personality structure by Freud. The organization consist three basic

concepts. They areid, egoandsuperego.

2.4.1. Theid

The termidfrom Latin “it,” this division of the mind includes our

basic instincts, inborn dispositions, and animalistic urges. Freud said

that theidis totally unconscious, that we are unaware of its workings.

Theidis not rational; it imagines, dreams, and invents things to get us

what we want. Freud said that theidoperates according to the pleasure

principle—it aims toward pleasurable things and away from painful

things. Theidaims to satisfy our biological urges and drives. It includes

feelings of hunger, thirst, sex, and other natural body desires aimed at

deriving pleasure. <http://wps.ablongman.com/>

Theidis the primitive and instinctive component of personality.

The characteristics of theidis working outside of human consciousness,

irrational, disorganized, pleasure oriented, primitive, play a role in

energy source of life and source of encouragement and a basic desire to

live and die. It consists of all the inherited components of personality,

including the sex and aggressive. Theidis commonly related to the

biological forces which seeks the pleasure. Theidcommonly used to



pleasure or satisfaction (Hall 28).

Theidis a process of thinking, which is primitive, illogical,

irrational and fantasy oriented (Weiten 331). From that statement,id

can be represented as an impulse the human to get satisfaction without

thinking and using logic. It means the human is in form of unconscious.

The form ofidcan be like desires, instinct and other impulse.

Freud’s theory as a whole is also known as the theory of reduction

intension. To perform its functions,idhas two basic elements, namely

reflex movement and the primary process. For example, in a state

hungry baby’s mouth will immediately shut the mother’s nipple and

sucking the milk, or when a person’s eyes will be exposed to dust the

eye blink reflex, and so on. Nevertheless reflex, not always efficient in

relieving tension, so that the necessary process by which humans

formed image of the object that is useful for satisfying a basic need.

Shadowing process is called the primary process and has characteristic

illogical, irrational, cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. To

survive, a baby should be able to discern what fantasy is and what

reality is. (Hartono 4)

2.4.2. Theego

The termegofrom Greek and Latin for “I,” this personality

structure begins developing in childhood and can be interpreted as the

“self.” Theegois partly conscious and partly unconscious. Theego



idget what it wants by judging the difference between real and

imaginary. If a person is hungry, the idmight begin to imagine food and

even dream about food. The id is not rational. Theego, however, will

try to determine how to get some real food. Theegohelps a person

satisfy needs through reality. <http://wps.ablongman.com/>

Egodeals with the reality principle. It means egorelates the

internal and external of human. It stimulates the growth, elaboration of

the psychological processes of perception, memory, thinking, and

action (Hall 29) human will act to fulfill the need of id. From the way

he acts, it result consequences from the way that human did.


The termsuperegomeans “above the ego,” and includes the moral

ideas that a person learns within the family and society. Thesuperego

gives people feelings of pride when they do something correct (the ego

ideal) and feelings of guilt when they do something they consider to be

morally wrong (the conscience). Thesuperego, like the ego, is partly

conscious and partly unconscious. Thesuperegois a child’s moral

barometer, and it creates feelings of pride and guilt according to the

beliefs that have been learned within the family and the culture.


The id presses the ego to fulfill the need, and then ego balance the

need with the rule of moral society.Egomust think which one is



simple example of the superego can be seen in the human when he

is in attempt to steal something, like purse. The way he acts is to

fulfill the desire to get some money. But in other side he knows

that is not good (based on the society, stealing is bad moral). His

act leaves the guilty feeling (Hall 32)

2.5. Review of Related Study

A review of related studies is needed, because it is to justify

that whether or not a literary work has not been used by applying

a close-fitting approach which is comparable with another research.

A review of literature is very significant. It is intended to

distinguish a previous research with a new one in order to assure

its originality. Therefore, this part of chapter would like to being

the discussion into the description of related previous research

which still concern with this research. Thus , there are some related

studies about this researchBeatrice Struggle Against Inhumanity In

Veronica Roth’s Novel Allegiant.

The first related studies comes from Faridatul Bahiyah, the

student of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

(2015). Who writes her thesis entitledThe Effect of Traumatic

Experience on miss Havisham in Charles Dickens’ Great

Expectation.In her research, is focused on reveals the mental

condition of Miss Havisham by using personality structure of



The second researcher is Aminatuz Zuhriyah, the student of

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya (2014). Who

wrote her thesis entitledPI’s Loooking for God in Yann Martel’s

Life of PI: An Islamic perspective.In her research, she focuss on

analysis Pi’s life and Pi’s effort to endure his problem in looking

for God, that analysis use psychoanalysis theory. There are three

personality systems in analyzing Pi’s journey in looking for God,

they areid, ego, superego.

Similar to that previous research, this research also used

psychoanalysis. This study also uses personality structure by Freud.

They areid, egoandsuperego. The difference between this study

and the two previous studies is that this research does not use the

same data or novel. But, it pays attention to the main character’s

personality system. Thus, the writer intends to use New Criticism




In this chapter, the writer analyzes according to the statement of

the problem. The first part is about the characterization of Beatrice, the

researcher tries to analyze characterization of Beatrice as the main

character based on Holman Theory as the basic description about the

character. The second is about the action of the main character, the

researcher focuses to analyze Beatrice’s action against inhumanity.

3.1. The characterization of Beatrice described in Veronica Roth’s


This part explains about Beatrice’s characterization. The story is

delivered using the first person point of view which Beatrice itself as the

narrator who narrates all the events, experience she has. She tells the

readers about what she does, speaks and thinks everything around her.

Things that she can also tell about are just limited to them that correlate

with her. So, Beatrice automatically becomes the main character because

she appears on the whole story from the beginning in the first series until

the end of the trilogy. Half of the story is told through Beatrice’s point of

view as what Nurgiyantoro said that main character is character that

always appears and dominates the whole story (176).

Furthermore Altenbernd and Lewis declared that in this type of

point of view in fiction, main character automatically becomes the



really involved in. Readers give empathy totally to main actor (63).

Therefore, Beatrice also belongs to protagonist character that the writer

can really think her action against inhumanity.

Beatrice’s characterization is explained directly. Beatrice as the

narrator said that she is divergent. In the previous novel, divergent means

she has five factions in herself. Society is divided into five group based on

their characterization, namely ‘faction’. There are abnegation, dauntless,

candor, amity and erudite. Abnegation is a labeling of selfless person.

Thus, Dauntless is a labeling of brave character. Then, Candor is a labeling

of the honest person who fights for the truth. And then, Amity is a labeling

of the peaceful person. The last, Erudite is a labeling of intellectual person.

It can be seen from the quotation bellow,

"My ancestor, and this is the inheritance she passed to me: freedom

from thefactions, and the knowledge that my Divergent identity is

more important than I couldhave known. My existence is a signal that

we need to leave this city and offer our help towhoever is outside

it.”(Allegiant, 1)

"Divergent," Tris says to her, pointing at her own head.


From the quotation above Beatrice directly expresses her

characterization. Beatrice revealed herself that she is divergent. According



which has good quality fulfilling the criteria of BUREAU OF GENETIC

WELFARE. A person who has pure gen is a human resource that is needed

for saving the world from a variety of problems. This is corroborated by

the statement below,

"'Divergent' is the name we decided to give to those who have

reached the desired level of genetic healing," says David. "We

wanted to make sure that the leaders of your city valued them. We

didn't expect the leader of Erudite to start hunting them down—or for

the Abnegation to even tell her what they were—and contrary to

what Edith Prior said, we never really intended for you to send a

Divergent army out to us. We don't, after all, truly need your help.

We just need your healed genes to remain intact and to be passed on to

future generations."(Allegint, 15)

Beatrice Characterization is influenced by many factors, including

transmission of genes, person’s parenting and experience. Beatrice’s

obviously influenced by genes, surrounding and also her experience. She

was born from abnegation family. So, her abnegation comes from

transmission of genes from her father. While, her father comes from

erudite family, Beatrice’s erudite may be transmission of genes from her

father's family. It can be seen from the quotation bellow,

“But Edith is an Abnegation name, and my father's relativesmust



“I think of my father, a born Erudite, not Divergent; a man who

could not help but be smart, choosing Abnegation, engaging in a

lifelong struggle against his own nature, and ultimately fulfilling it. A

man warring with himself, just as I war with myself. “(Allegiant,15).

Beatrice’s obviously also influenced by person’s parenting.

Beatrice’s father and mother always teach and train her to care and

help others. It is always on her mind until she is adult. It can be seen

from the quotation bellow,

"My parents would want me to save him, though." Her eyes open

and lift to the sky. "They would say it's selfish to let someone die just

because they wronged you. Forgive, forgive, forgive."(Allegiant,9)

Thus, Beatrice obviously influenced by her experiences itself. Her

first experiences when she is childhood as abnegation, she learn to cares and

helps others. Then, when she is teenagers, she learns to be dauntless. Because

of on ceremonial choosing day, Beatrice decides to leave Abnegation and

join Dauntless. She becomes strong-wild and proven to be able to pass

dangerous. It is proven at the quotation bellow,

Christina, Tris, Tobias, Tori, Zeke, and Peter are my selections,"

Cara says. "You have all proven your skills to me in one way or

another, and it's for that reason that I'd like to ask you to come with

me outside the city. You are under no obligation to agree, of



"But what we need right now are people with the skills to get out of

the city unscathed, and I think Dauntless training makes them highly

qualified for that task."(Allegiant, 8)

Beatrice wants to make his parents proud. Even though his parents

had died, she was still carrying out their orders. It is the result of the

success as a parents nurtures a child. A child who is educated with love

and be taught caring others will be good child. Because to be a leader must

work hard and caring is always sharpened. It can be seen from the quotation


“And I want to make them proud of me. It's all I want."

“Her pale eyes are steady on mine, determined. I have never had

parents who set good examples, parents whose expectations were

worth living up to, but she did. I can see them within her, the courage

and the beauty they pressed into her like a hand-print.”(Allegiant, 9)

Beatrice has been a good person who always cares and helps others.

Moreover with her family, she is a very loving person. Both of her parents

were killed when the faction-less and the Dauntless took down Erudite and

overthrew the faction system. The family left today is only one brother.

Although her brother had been betrayed so many times, in her heart she

still love her brother. So she and her boyfriend plan to release her brother



“But then I remember that Caleb is still there, because he was a

well-known lackey of Jeanine Matthews, and the factionless will

never exonerate him. But just how far they will go to destroy the mark

Jeanine Matthews left on this city, I don't know.I don't care, I think.

But even as I think it, I know it's a lie. He's still my


"I'll get him out of his cell. Tomorrow, before we leave." I nod. "I'll do

it."(Allegiant, 9)

Besides caring her family, Beatrice also cares for everyone who needs

help. Once she knows the news that the outside of the city limits there that

needed help, she determines to go to the outside of the city to help there. This

characterization is abnegation, it is excessive empathy. So, it makes her

unselfish. Beatrice sincerely helps others. Beatrice never hesitates to help

others. Even she was willing to sacrifice her life to save others. It can be

seen from the quotation bellow,

"I'm trying," I say, and it's true. I'm trying to trust him. But every

part of me,every fiber and every nerve, is straining toward freedom,

not just from this cell but from prison of the city beyond it.I need to

see what's outside thefence. (Allegiant,1)

Listen, I . . . I used to think about giving my life for things, but I

didn't understand what 'giving your life' really was until it was right



Beatrice’s capability cannot be doubted. Dauntless teaches Beatrice to

adjust from the previous faction. From abnegation to dauntless she needs

struggle hard. Abnegation just teaches about caring and helping others, but

dauntless teaches her to be strong woman and she must learn to run, jump,

learn to shoot and fight. It can change Beatrice being strong and resilient

woman. She also leans to face dangerous situation, and she always clearly

passed it. Of course, sometimes Beatrice boasts her capabilities. As the

quotation bellow,

“The girl tests the situation in her mind, evaluating whether she

wants to fight me or not. I can practically hear what she's thinking—

I'm small, so I'm an easy target, but I'm Dauntless, so I'm not that easy

to beat. Maybe she knows that I've killed people, or maybe she just

doesn't want to get into trouble, but she's losing her nerve; I can tell by

the uncertain set of her mouth”. (Allegiant,7)

Thus, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that Beatrice

is the brave woman. It is caused by initiation of dauntless. Dauntless

teaches her to be strong and resilient character. It is also caused by her

strong intention to be success dauntless. She is always ready to face any

challenge, although it is dangerous. She is strong-willed woman. She is not



"It doesn't matter," I say, more sternly than I mean to. "It doesn't

matter what's out there, we have to see it for ourselves. And then we'll

deal with itonce we have."(Allegiant,7)

Christina and I weave a complicated path through Erudite

headquarters onour way to the back staircase, avoiding patrolling

factionless. I pull my sleeve down over my wrist. I drew a map on

my arm before I left—I know how to get to Candor headquarters

from here, but I don't know the side streets that will keep us away

from prying factionless eyes.(Allegiant 8)

Besides that Beatrice is always curious.So that she getsnew experience

from her curiousness. Because of, the most valuable lesson is experience. She

always challenged to new experience and new knowledge. It can be seen as the

quotation bellow,

"Hey," I say. "You don't have to come, but I need to get out of here. I

need to know who Edith Prior was, and who's waiting for us outside

the fence, if anyone. I don't know why, but I need to."I take a deep

breath. I'm not sure where that swell of desperation came from, but

now that I've acknowledged it, it's impossible to ignore, like a living

thing has awakened from a long sleep inside me. It writhes in my



Generally, all of people save her dignity. Anyone who has ridiculed

dignity will be angry and annoyed.Beatrice also like that, she is angry and

annoyed when someone ridiculed her. It can be seen as the below quotation,

"Hey!" I yell again, and this time the girl turns. She's much taller than

I am—a good six inches, in fact—but I'm only angry, not afraid.

"Back up," I say. "Back awayfrom him."

"He's in violation of the dress code. I'm well within my rights, and

I don't take ordersfrom faction lovers," she says, her eyes on the ink

creeping over my collarbone.

"Becks," the factionless boy beside her says. "That's the Prior video


The others look impressed, but the girl just sneers. "So?"

"So," I say, "I had to hurt a lot of people to get through Dauntless

initiation, and I'll do it to you, too, if I have to."(Allegiant,7)

3.2. The action of Beatrice against inhumanity

The second part of this discussion is about the action of Beatrice

against inhumanity. The researcher tries to analyze based on

psychoanalysis theory.

In this case, Beatrice action against inhumanity influenced by three

agent of personality, they areId, Ego, and Superego. This part is going to



Beatrice’sEgo. The third is about Beatrice’sSuperego. It aims to know

what Beatrice desire and her choice to against inhumanity.

Inhumanity that discuss in this study is a program to resetting

citizen memory in Beatrice’s motherland. Finally Beatrice success

smashes memory serum in weapon lab. It means that she cancels resetting

memory in all of experiment city.So, Beatrice finished her mission to save

all of citizen in her motherland from resetting memory. If their memory

loses, their live will lose too, and Beatrice does not want it.She willing

dies to save their live.


The action of Beatrice against inhumanity starts from Beatrice

understanding about David’s program. David is a bureau of genetic welfare’s

leader. As the following quotation,

“My name is David. As Zoe probably told you already, I am the

leader of the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. I'm going to do my best to

explain things," David says.(Allegiant,15)

One day, Beatrice saves David from one of the bureau’s employees

attack. So, David impressed to her and chooses her to be favorite person. It

is the way to make easier her mission without mistrust. Because becoming

Davis’s favorite person, it will expedite her action. It can be seen at the



“...I am the official leader of this compound, but apart from that,

we have a similar system of governance to the Abnegation, so I am

advised by a small group of councilors. I would like you to begin

training for that position."

."What . . ." I clear my throat. "What would training for that entail?"

"Attending our meetings, for one thing," he says, "and learning the

ins and outs of our compound—how we function, from top to bottom,

our history, our values, and so on. I can't allow you to be a part of the

council in any official capacity at such a young age, and there is a

track you must follow—assisting one of the current council

members—but I am inviting you to travel down the road, if you

would like to." (Allegiant, 32)

The opportunity to become a David favorite person is utilized by

Beatrice as good as possible. This is a golden opportunity, because it will

allow Beatrice to know the details of the David inhumanity program who

disregard the values of humanity. Following quotation runs that:

The councilors are probably the same people who authorized the

attack simulation and ensured that it was passed on to Jeanine at the

right time. And he wants me to sit among them, learn to become them.

Even though I can taste bile in the back of my mouth, I have no trouble



"Of course," I say, and smile. "I would be honored."

If someone offers you an opportunity to get closer to your enemy,you

always take it. I know that without having learned it from anyone. He

must believe my smile, because hegrins.(Allegiant,32)

In the first meeting, Beatrice comes on time, excited and

enthusiastically to make David totally trust her. It is the next step, after

making David like her, she makes David really trust her. Without becoming

reliance people, she will never know David’s detail program. It can be seen

at the quotation bellow,

I ARRIVE AT David's office for my first council meeting just as my

watch shifts to ten, and hepushes himself into the hallway soon

afterward. He looks even paler than he did the last time I saw him,

and the dark circles under his eyes are pronounced, like bruises.

"Hello, Tris," he says. "Eager, are you? You're right on time."(allegiant


The first Beatrice’s meeting with councilors discusses about David

program. At the time, she understands detail of David program and timing

to do it. According to Beatrice, David program is inhumanity, but based on

David opinion it is the one and only way to solve his problem. So that

Beatrice want to save her citizen from resetting memory. It means that

Beatrice have strong desire to does something to restrain David Program.



"Quiet," says David. "The experiments are already in danger of being

shut down if we cannot prove to our superiors that we are capable of

controlling them. Another revolution in Chicago would only cement

their belief that this endeavor has outlived its usefulness—something

we cannot allow to happen if we want to continue to fight genetic


Somewhere behind David's exhausted, haggard expression is

something harder, stronger. I believe him. I believe that he will not

allow it to happen. (Allegiant,37)

In the first council’s meeting, David explains about ‘resetting’. David argues

that it is time to use the memory serum virus for a mass reset. Destroying someone’s

memory is inhuman action. Bureau does not care and ignore memory and feeling

of citizen. Since that time Beatrice knows detail of implementation of resetting. It

makes her desire be brust. It can be seen at the quotation bellow,

"It's time to use the memory serum virus for a mass reset," he says.

"And I think we should use it against all four experiments."

"'Resetting' is our word for widespread memory erasure," David says.

"It is what we do when the experiments that incorporate behavioral

modification are in danger of falling apart. We did it when we first

created each experiment that had a behavioral modification



before yours." He gives me an odd smile. "Why did you think there

was so much physical devastation in the factionless sector? There

was an uprising, and we had to quell it as cleanly as possible."(37)

Beatrice’s Ego

After she knows about the dateline of resetting, Beatrice with her friends plans

to cancel it. They plan to smash memory serum virus in the Weapons Lab. As

parson said that the actor of social action is seen as the hunter of the goal. Beatrice as

the hunter of the goal “cancelled resetting memory” and she is the actor of this

action. It is the ego of Beatrice, because egodeals with the reality principle. It

meansegorelates the internal and external of human. It stimulates the growth,

elaboration of the psychological processes of perception, memory, thinking, and

action (Hall 29) human will act to fulfill the need of id. There is one of their

discussions about it,

"Wait," I say. "If the Bureau is going to load all of those planes with the

memory serum virus to reset the experiments, will there be any serum left to

use against the compound?"

"We'll have to get it first," Matthew says. "In less than forty-eight


Firstly, they dig information about how to smash memory serum virus that is

in the Weapons Lab. They choose Nita as the interviewees, because she has



She also evaluates her planning, because someone was failed to do it. So, she wants

to plan it carefully and perfectly. It can be seen at the quotation bellow,

Christina and I were supposed to talk to Reggie," Tobias says, "but I think,

given this new plan, we should talk to Nita instead."

"I think you're right," I say. "Let's go find out whereshe went


Beatrice visits Nita in the hospital. She wants to know about how to smash

memory serum virus in the Weapons Lab. Thus, about what equipment is needed

and how step by step to do it. It is theidof Beatrice. Theegois partly conscious

and partly unconscious. Theegooperates according to the reality principle; that is,

it attempts to help theidget what it wants by judging the difference between real

and imaginary. Because she wants to cancel resetting memory, she must to learn

the way to do it. So, Beatrice interrogates Nita, why Nita failed to enters in the

Weapons Lab. So, she will not do the same mistake like Nita. So, Beatrice can

make new plan to success. She tries to learn from Nita’s failed. It can be seen at

the following quotation,

"I need to know what the security is like. Is David the only person who

knows the pass code?"

"Not like . . . the only person ever," she says. "That would be stupid. His



"Okay, then what's the backup security measure? The one that is activated if

you explode thedoors?"

She presses her lips together so they almost disappear, and stares at the

half-bodycast covering her. "It's the death serum," she says. "In aerosol

form, it's practically unstoppable. Even if you wear a clean suit or

something, it works its way ineventually. It just takes a little more time

thatway. That's what the lab reports said."

"So they just automatically kill anyone who makes their way into that room

without the pass code?" I say

"One more question," I say. "Say I do want to flirt with death. Where

do I get explosives to break through the doors?"

Reggie has the explosives," she says. "He can teach you how to use them, but

he's no good inaction, so for God's sake, don't bring him along unless you

feel like babysitting."

"Noted," I say.

"Tell him it will require twice as much firepower to get through those doors

than any others. They're extremely sturdy." (Allegiant,39)

After knowing that, Beatrice tells her friends about it. So, the next problem she



the first step. So, all her friends follow her instruction. It can be seen at the quotation


THE SMELL OF bleach tingles in my nose. I stand next to a mop in a

storage room in thebasement; I stand in the wake of what I just told

everyone, which is that whoever breaks into the Weapons Lab will be

going on a suicide mission. The death serum is unstoppable.

"The question is," Matthew says, "is this something we're willing to sacrifice

a life for."

"It's not just about revenge," I say. "It's not about what they did to the

Abnegation. It's about stopping them before they do something equally

bad to the people in all the experiments—about taking away their power to

control thousands of lives."

"It is worth it," Cara says. "One death, to save thousands of people from a

terrible fate?And cut the compound's power off at the knees, so to speak? Is it

even a question?"(Allegiant,41)

The discussion is still going on, Beatrice’s eyes shift from her friends,

Matthew and Cara, standing behind the table, to Tobias, to Christina, her arm slung

over a broom handle, and land on Caleb. After that Caleb feels, He must be the

volunteer to sacrifice. It can be seen as the following quotation,

"Everyone's staring at me," Caleb says. "Don't think I don't know it. I'm the

one who chose the wrong side, who worked with Jeanine Matthews; I'm



But I see him steeling himself against this fate, and I know that I have to

bestrong enough, and good enough, if he is going to sacrifice himself for us


I nod. "Yes," I choke out. "But that's not a good reason to do this."

"I have plenty of reasons," Caleb says. "I'll do it. Of course I


The finding of their discussion is choosing who the volunteer to sacrifice is. He is

Caleb. Beatrice’s brother. He offers himself because he wants Beatrice’s forgiveness.

After this Caleb prepare his self to do the sacrifice. He also practices using weapon.

Because needs more expertise to save himself until successto smash memory serum

virus in the Weapons Lab and to stop the Bureau from resetting the experiments. It

can be seen at the quotation bellow,

Matthew and Caleb stay behind to fit Caleb for the clean suit—the suit

that will keep him alive in the Weapons Lab long enough to set off the

memory serum virus (Allegiant, 41)

In practicing the using guns, Caleb is still stiff because previously he had

never used the weapon. Beatrice as the pioneer of this mission, she chooses Caleb

as the actor of the action. Beatrice knows the condition of the actor and she want

to change Caleb to be good attacker. He starts tries to use gun, skill to hold out in

frayed condition. Beatrice also gives him battle training. It can be seen at the



I step back to watch Caleb try it. He has the right way of standing, the right

way of holding the gun, but he is rigid there, a statue with a gun in hand.

He sucks in a breath and holds it as he fires. This time the kickback doesn't

startle him as much, and the bullet nicks the top of the target.

"Good," I say again. "I think what you mostly need is to get comfortable

with it. You're very tense"

"Can you blame me?" he says. His voice trembles, but just at the end of each

word. He has the look of someone who is trapping terror inside. I watched

two classes of initiates with that expression, but none of them was ever facing

what Caleb is facing now.

I shake my head and say quietly, "Of course not. But you have to realize

that if you can't let that tension go tonight, you might not make it to the

Weapons Lab, and what good would that do anyone?"(Allegiant,42)

ThepreparationsofBeatrice’steamarealmostperfectly. CalebandMathewincreasingly

are conscientious because they did not want any mistake. Thus, Caleb did not

want his sacrifice to vain. He determined to succeed, so that he lingers at the

laboratory to ensure true steps and the activation code, this is the key of it. It can

be seen as the following quotation,

I know why Caleb wanted to come here: to make sure that he was giving

his life for a good reason. I don't blame him. There are no second chances



"Tell me the activation code again," Matthew says. The activation code

will enable the memory serum weapon, and another button will deploy it

instantly. Matthew has made Caleb repeat them both every few minutes since

we got here.

I have no trouble memorizing sequences of numbers!" Caleb says.

"I don't doubt that. But we don't know what state of mind you'll be in

when the death serum begins to take its course, and these codes need to be

deeply ingrained."

Caleb flinches at the words "death serum." I stare at my shoes.

"080712," Caleb says. "And then I press the green button."

Right now Cara is spending some time with the people in the control room

so she can spike their beverages with peace serum and shut off the lights in

the compound while they're too drunk to notice, just like Nita and Tobias

did a few weeks ago. When she does that, we'll run for the Weapons Lab,

unseen by the cameras in the dark. (Allegiant, 45)

Evidently, the circumstance is beyond a doubt. Unexpectedly, bureau enabled

emergency lockdown procedure. It is to improve to security before launching

memory serum to all of experiments city. It happened so fast, so resetting cancellation

must do now. In this situation Beatrice as soon as possible takes decision to do their



A voice speaks through the intercom in the corner. "Attention all

compound residents. Commence emergency lockdown procedure,

effective until five o'clock a.m. I repeat, commence emergency lockdown

procedure, effective until five o'clock a.m."

Caleb and I exchange an alarmed look. Matthew shoves the door open.

"Shit," he says. And then, louder: "Shit!"

"Emergency lockdown?" I say. "Is that the same as an attack drill?"

"Basically. It means we have to gonow,while there's still chaos in the

hallways and before they increase security," Matthew says.

"Why would they do this?" Caleb says.

"Could be they just want to increase security before releasing the viruses,"

Matthew says. "Or it could be that they figured out we're going to try

something —only, if they knew that, they probably would have come to

arrest us."(Allegiant, 45)

The situation is increasingly precarious. She with her brother, Caleb

directly does their purpose. They go to weapon lab. Unexpected and unplanned, all

occurred outside of the plan. Luckily, Beatrice accustoms to facing danger, so she

is always alert and agile in all conditions. It can be seen as the following quotation,

We move quickly, but not too quickly. The more security guards I see, the



and explosives inside it, bounces against his lower back as we walk. People

are moving in all different directions, but soon, we will reach a hallway

that no one has any reason to walk down. (Allegiant, 47)

"I think something must have happened to Cara," Matthew says. "The lights

were supposed to be off by now."

I nod. I feel the gun digging into my back, disguised by my baggy shirt. I

had hoped that I wouldn't have to use it, but it seems that I will, and even

then it might not be enough to get us to the WeaponsLab.

I touch Caleb's arm, and Matthew's, stopping all three of us in the middle of

the hallway.

"I have an idea," I say. "We split up. Caleb and I will run to the lab, and

Matthew,cause somekind of diversion."

"A diversion?"

"You have a gun, don't you?" I say. "Fire into the air."He hesitates.

"Doit," I say through gritted teeth. (Allegiant,47)

Beatrice invites Caleb fled down the corridor, after Mathew distract

security guards. Beatrice was able to escape. The surge of victory was near.

Beatrice is already close to a weapons lab serum storage memory.

While, when Beatrice and Caleb are closer, the security guard finds them.


Dokumen terkait

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