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Persuasion technique used in the winner of Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment as the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nila Wijayanti Reg. Number A93213158








Wijayanti, Nila. 2017. Persuasion Technique Used on The Winner Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The advisor: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Key words: Persuasion technique, Discourse analysis, Advertisement

This study attempts to identify the way the advertiser of The winner of Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements in using picture, speech and writing, toward the four winners. It also examines the technique of persuasion which is applied on The winner of Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements. Persuasion is an art of communication which uses more language to persuade people. It is usually used on mass media to offer their product or service to the customer, especially on television commercial.

Related to the explanation above, it was interesting to conduct a persuasive research

entitled “Persuasion Technique Used on The Winner Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016”. This study focuses to identify the verbal modes of advertisement and how the way the persuasion techniques are applied on the advertisements. This research was designed by using descriptive qualitative method because the data of this research were in the form of spoken and written text. It also a kind of Discourse studies because the writer wants to identify how the way language is used to persuade people through advertising. The writer uses

Guy Cook and Gorys Keraf Theory to describe the relation of advertisement’s verbal modes on attracting people attention.

The result of the analysis, the writer found that most of The winners advertisements combine pictures, speech and writing in its commercials. The pictures almost show present an activity in the kitchen , field, house and also the products which is going to introduce in the form of images. The songs are jingles of their products. Then speech and writing in this commercials denote some persuasion techniques, they are: rationalization, identification, conformity, suggestion and projection. The combination of those modes evokes a certain effect to the viewer. Therefore, the way of applying persuasion techniques are supported by principle of persuasion, such as: personal character, ability to control emotion and showing evident. Those ways can be presented through certain pictures and music. Thus, there are five appeals that used by the advertisers on The winners of advertisements, such as: features appeal, news appeal, popular appeal and competitive advantage appeal.

Finally, the writer hopes that this research gives a contribution for the next researchers who are interested to conduct persuasion research by using other theories that more complete and better.




Wijayanti, Nila. 2017. Persuasion Technique Used on The Winner Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling Kata kunci: Teknik Persuasi, Analisis Wacana, Iklan.

Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi cara pengiklan pemenang Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016 dalam menggunakan gambar, ucapan dan tulisan, ke empat pemenang. Studi ini juga meneliti teknik persuasi yang diterapkan pada pemenang Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016. Persuasi adalah seni komunikasi yang menggunakan lebih banyak Bahasa untuk membujuk orang. Biasanya digunakan pada media massa untuk menawarkan produk atau layanan mereka kepada pelanggan, terutama pada iklan televisi.

Terkait penjelasan di atas, sangat menarik untuk melakukan penelitian persuasif berjudul "Teknik Persuasi yang Digunakan pada Pemenang Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016". Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengidentifikasi mode pengiklan dan cara teknik persuasi diterapkan pada iklan. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena data penelitian ini berupa teks lisan dan tulisan. Ini juga semacam studi wacana karena penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana cara bahasa digunakan untuk membujuk orang melalui periklanan. Penulis menggunakan teori Guy Cook dan Gorys Keraf untuk menggambarkan hubungan mode iklan dalam menarik perhatian orang.

Dari hasil analisis tersebut, penulis menemukan bahwa sebagian besar iklan pemenang menggabungkan gambar, ucapan dan tulisan dalam iklannya. Gambar-gambar itu hampir menunjukkan aktivitas di dapur, lapangan, rumah dan juga produk yang akan diperkenalkan dalam bentuk gambar. Lagu-lagunya adalah jingle dari produk mereka. Kemudian pidato dan tulisan dalam iklan ini menunjukkan beberapa teknik persuasi, yaitu: rasionalisasi, identifikasi, kesesuaian, saran dan proyeksi. Kombinasi dari mode tersebut membangkitkan efek tertentu pada pemirsa. Oleh karena itu, cara menerapkan teknik persuasi didukung oleh prinsip persuasi, seperti: karakter pribadi, kemampuan mengendalikan emosi dan menunjukkan bukti. Cara itu bisa dipaparkan lewat gambar dan musik tertentu. Dengan demikian, ada lima daya tarik yang digunakan oleh para pemasang iklan pada para pemenang iklan, seperti: fitur daya tarik, daya tarik berita, daya tarik populer dan daya tarik keunggulan kompetitif.

Akhirnya, penulis berharap agar penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian persuasi dengan menggunakan teori lain yang lebih lengkap dan lebih baik.



2.1.3 Guy Cooks theory of advertising as discourse………12

2.1.4 Modes of advertisement.……….12

2.1.5 Persuasive…...………14

2.1.6 Persuasion process………...15

2.1.7 The basic of persuasion..………..17

2.1.8 Techniques of persuasion……….18

2.2 Previous study...………..20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1Research Design………...25


3.3 Data and Data Sources………26

3.4Techniques of Data Collection……….26

3.5Techniques of Data Analysis.………...27

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Modes of advertisements.………28

4.1.1 Pictures on advertisements………...35

4.1.2 Speech and writing on advertisements...………..46

4.1.3 Speech on advertisements...………...46

4.1.4 Writing on advertisements..……….50

4.2.The Way of Applying Persuasion Technique ...………...53









1.1 Background of the study

Communication is a major requirement for humans as one of the forms of interaction. When people communicate, they do so for various reasons, the four main reasons are : to inform someone of something, to get information from someone, to get someone to do something, to express one’s attitude about

something (Marjolijn verspoor, 2000:16). Communication is derived from Latin word ,‟communicare‟ which means ,‟to make common‟ or to share (Pearson et al., 2003:10). It is used in the process of sending and receiving information, idea, opinion, signals or message by talking, gesturing and writing.

A good communication means a communication that contains of some

points. As Brook’s said in her book (2002:5) “Good communication means

relevant, focused, timely and readable”. It denotes that a speaker must give attention


Language, however, is being the important part of communication as a tool to achieve its goal.

The use of language is the object study of discourse analysis. This study concerns on linguistics, such as how languages used in persuading people during communication. There is an art of discourse that is Rhetoric. Keraf (2009:3) argued

“Rhetoric means the use of language as an artistic technique, both oral and written

are based on a well-structured knowledge”. Deals with it, there are two important aspects which people should to understand about rhetoric. The first is knowledge about language and its used. The Second knows the object that will be the target of

language’s user.

Persuasive is a form of rhetoric. It is a communicative act that carries out both these goals an audience that has been persuaded has understood an utterance, and believed its message. According to Muholland (1994:14) “Persuasion is a factor of ordinary everyday life, and it is what can make people feel more or less comfortable, improve or weaken cooperation between colleagues and friends, and maintain relations with family and the community”. Then, through some instruction, both direct and indirect speech people influenced to take a decision or change their though based on what the speaker wants. Hogan argued that persuasion is to provide induction of belief and values into someone self by means of influence their thought and measure through positive strategy (as cited in Abbas 2008:15)


direct speech or oration to convey their idea, purpose, and belief. Moreover, persuasion is also used by marketer and advertiser to offer their product or service to the customer.

The technique of persuasion in advertisement is used to persuade consumer, so people will give attention to the products or service and interested to consume it. Advertisement is a form of using persuasive which presented attractively. According Silverblatt (2007:6) “Advertising: the sponsor of the series, Wal-Mart, appeared during the commercial breaks, promoting its stores and products”. Advertisement becomes one of the best ways to introduce company’s products. Most of products which are promoted in advertisement become familiar in the society. It is due to advertisement can be present through some method or types which effectively take people’s attention because of its performance.

Wiryawan stated ”There are two types of advertising, which is released with

no mass media through publishing: direct marketing and relation media such as brochure, flyer, leaflet, direct mail, email, and poster. The line advertisement which is released through mass media such as television, newspaper, magazine, radio, billboard and any types of commission based media (as cited in A’yun, 2008:10). It shows that advertisements have a looseness to be widespread through various mass media based on the advertiser’s need.


education. Television has superiority in the sound and picture which the public more interest in this media so they can receive the information optimally. It is different with magazine, leaflet, street banner and other print media that only focus on the language or pictures. By this fact, television becomes a popular medium in every country included Indonesia.

By the television media, many products show their own advertisement. Therefore, MNC media is one of the channel television corporate in Indonesia has an event form to appreciated advertisements in television media. MNC Media in collaboration with Roy Morgan, an independent survey agency conducted a poll of Indonesian society-related advertisings to be top of mind. For this event, MNC Media takes the standpoint of the communicative advertising messages, which involves the society or consumer as a judge.Indonesian Bright Awards 2016 will pass the voting period from 5 February to 4 March 2016 to the advertisements selected poll results. Nine categories of advertisements that are contested include: Jingle Advertisement, Tagline advertisement, Drama Scene advertisement, Funny Advertisement, Best star men, Best star women , Best star kids , Best star couple , and Best corporate Advertisement.


advertisements there are four category of best advertisements and five category of best actors. Therefore, only four advertisements than can analyzed. Another reason the writer used the persuasion technique because it is important when we know that the development of Indonesian products is increasing. One of the strategies to increase Indonesian product selling is making a persuasive advertisements. Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements is a great event to stimulate the development of advertising in Indonesia.

In this study examines the modes and the techniques by Indomie advertisement, Dancow milk advertisement, Beng-beng advertisement and Djarum 76 advertisement. Modes itself means a mode that used in the advertisements like pictures, jingle, speech and writing. Technique itself means the techniques in order to catch the mean of persuasion. Techniques of persuasion are rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, projection, and displacement (Keraf 2009).

1.2Research Problems

In accordance with the background of the study discussed in the previous section, the problems of the study are:

1. What are the verbal modes of advertisements which is applied in The winner of Bright Awards Advertisements?


1.3 Research Objectives

Related to the statement of research problem above, this study aims to:

1. To identify the modes of advertisement used in the winner of Bright Awards Advertisement.

2. To describe the way of persuasion technique which is applied in the speech and writing of the winner of Bright Awards Advertisement.

1.4Significance of the Study

In line with the objectives of the research, it is expected that the research may give some contributions as follows.

1. Theoretically, from this study were expected to be one of the sources in discourse studies particularly on how person persuades another through language and how discourse analysis used in advertisement.

2. Practically, this study can help linguistics researchers, social media reviewer to examine a certain linguistic characteristic of some advertisements. Well, as it may also become a model of persuasive analysis for discourse studies learners.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study


theory to analyze the verbal modes (picture, speech and writing) of advertisements, to describe the relation of the verbal modes with the persuasion technique which is used on the advertisements. The limitation of the study is the writer only used three modes of advertisements. The writer just analyzed about verbal modes that found in pictures, speech and writing. According to Daymond, et.al.,(2002:24) said:” The success of your study is not dependent on sample size, even a few document or transcripts are likely to reveal a large number of linguistic patterns”. It means that

a valid research not only depends on the number of data but rather than the quality and the compatibility of data and theory.

1.6 Definition of keyterm

1.6.1 Persuasion: an art of verbal with the intention to assure someone to do

something appropriate with the speaker‟s purpose for this moment or the present

time. (Gorys Keraf, 2009:1)

1.6.2 Discourse Analysis: Concerned with the cultural and political context in which discourse occurs, and the way language is used and organized in order to construct different versions of events and activities. (Daymon and Holloway, 2002:140)




2.1. Theoritical Framework

2.1.1 Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is a study of language which is used and arranged inside the cultural and political context as a place where the discourse occurs. It concerns to the how people use language in text and context; what people actual utterances and try to figure out the processes that make those utterances appears. Deal with it, Discourse Study analyzing written, vocal, or sign language use or any significant

semiotic event. According to Daymon and Holloway (2002:141)” discourse

analysis appreciates the language or discourse, is not simply a device for producing and transmitting meaning. It is a strategy which people use purposefully to try to

create a particular effect”.

Discourse analysis takes a significant role in human communication since it is not only focuses on the language and the meaning but deeply to the some elements in communication, such as how, who, what, and when the language is used. It is in line with Brown and Yule (1983:1) who argued Discourse analysis is committed to an investigation of what and how that language is used for.


the encoder (the person who encodes the message). Referential discourse is a type of discourse in which the use of language stresses the ability of language to designate or reproduce reality, in a manner of speaking. Then literary discourse refers to the types of discourse in which the text or the product or the work itself is the focus of the process as worthy of being appreciated in its own right. The last is persuasive discourse which focused primarily on the decoder that is the other person involved in the process or the receiver of the message. In this type, what essential is the encoder, reality, and language itself all become instrument of the achievement of some practical effects in the decoder. In this research, persuasive discourse is the

main focus of the writer’s discussion. Persuasive almost found in advertisement as an effective way to introduce product and service to the costumer. While creating an advertisement, advertiser should use a correct technique to attract the customer’s intention, remember there are a lot of product which also promotes through

television’s commercial.

2.1.2 Advertisement


Advertisement can be defined as one of communication’s forms which consist of written and oral language to deliver information or messages. It is used by advertiser to introduce some products and service or promote someone to the

public. According to Brochand that “Advertising is one of the elements of the communication strategy of a brand, together with other instruments such as public relations, sales force, merchandising, promotions, sponsorship and direct marketing”. In others word, advertisement is a way to convey means by advertiser to the customer or audience use some device. In modern society, advertisement is everywhere. In the street, shop, television, even on the label of something we are using. Advertising use fiction, world play, compressed story-telling, stylized acting, photography, cartoons, puns and rhythms in way which are often memorable, enjoyable and amusing (Cook, 2001:3).

As a persuasive media, advertisements play a key role to influence the society by using a variety of language and image. Arens (2006:7) defined Advertising as the structured and composed non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media. In his definition,


a persuasive purpose in the form of linguistic and non-linguistic elements form and context.

To persuade the viewers, an advertising appeal should be considered by the advertisers. It is an approach to excite people interest toward their products. Blech (in Morisan, 2003:344) had categorize the advertising appeal into six aspects, they are:

1. Feature Appeal

It emphasize to the certain quality or characteristic of the products. It gives more information to the viewer about the superiority of the product’s feature.

2. Competitive advantage

An advertisement that has this approach usually is presented by comparing the

advertiser’s product with other competitive product either directly or indirectly. They claim that their product is better than others.

3. Favorable price appeal

This approach focus on how advertiser creates a commercial which attract people

through product’s price. The message of this advertisement contains more information about the special offering or the low price of products.

4. News Appeal


5. Popularity Appeal

The main purpose of this approach is to show the quality of product. In advertisement, the advertiser uses some figures or experts to suggest people buy or use the product.

2.1.3 Guy Cook’s Theory of Advertising as Discourse

Discourse of advertisement means explore the language usages in linguistic aspect, but it more complex since music and picture take a part on advertisement. Discourse and advertisement are two components which relate each other. Cook (2001:3) argued that Discourse analysis is not only focus on language alone but also the context of communication: who is communicating with whom and why, in what society and situation, through what medium, how different types and acts of communication evolved and their relationship to each other.


2.1.4 Modes of Advertisement

In his book titled, “The Discourse of Advertising”, Cook’s (2001:4)

introduced his notion of modes of communication in advertisement as below : A. Pictures

Pictures, however, do far more than carry a story (Cook, 2001:54). Pictures in advertisement present a story which is shorted through scene by scene. Advertisers rely more upon the picture and many advertisements create powerful message almost entirely through picture, music and virtually language-free. Picture as visual element in advertising is arranged in such a manner to reach the success of delivering message. Every scene in advertisement means the series of story where the company product ongoing promoted. Therefore, through the scenes, the advertiser hopes it can represent the company to introduce their product. Picture,

as Cook’s theory may be fragments of story, motion, and cartoon, photographic:

broad panoramic of some location, an interior shots or exterior shots, even extreme shots of the product.

B. Music


purposely created for commercial business from a brand. Jingle brings a simple message which plays in certain melody and rhythm.

C. Speech and Writing

Language (speech and writing), music and picture are elements that almost found on advertisement. As each function, they give effect that advertisement in this time looks more skillful, clever and amusing. Besides, advertiser belief that the greater power of speech is provided by the tendency in television to use writing for advertisement’s message. The message can be present through slogan, jargon which carried the point of the product or service. Slogan is a brief sentence or phrase that becomes the identity of a product as like as jingle. Additionally, on television, picture move, music plays and language comes in changing combinations of speech, song and writing (Cook, 1992:42). It means that those elements above united into a commercial where television as the medium to present it. Speech and writing play more in advertising as a verbal communication which bring a product’s message. In this research, speech and writing mean language which appears within

advertisement’s performance.

2.1.5 Persuasive

Study language means learning the art or style of language. Here, Keraf (2004:118) stated that Persuasive is a verbal art that purposely convince someone


believe that they are trusted agent. So, from that belief people will decide a right decision by their consciousness.

Persuasion held conformity or agreement through reliance. Bormann (1991:209) argued that persuasion is an effort to change someone’s convince, getting friends, influence somebody, and sells idea or product. It is clear that persuasion refers to the attempts of affecting people by means to ask them follow

what the persuader’s said without coercion. A persuasion advertisement is beneficial way especially for business’s world. By the advertisement, people are tended to the certain product or service until they know, excited, eager to possess the product or service which is offered by the company. A good advertisement is a persuasion that able to stimulate consumer buy or use the product.

Related to the advertisement as the main focus of this research, persuasive used to move people, try to magnetize people’s interest, and then realize them that

they need the product. As Lakhani (2005:16) said “Persuasion is about creating an

environment that lets two or more people find common ground and belief”.

Persuasion is not only about selling, but also about gaining agreement and support. Finally, persuasion is hoped can change people’s responses.

2.1.6 Persuasion Process

To catch the success of a persuasion, it is important to remember the main factor of persuasion process. According to Renkema (1993:128), there are four elements of persuasion process, they are; source, channel, message, and receiver.


The demands made on the source have to do with the credibility and what is called the likeability (sympathy/antipathy/like dislike) the source evokes. Source is the sender of an information or message. In advertising, source is a factor that caused the product can be trusted or not, and people also know the quality of a product slightly through its source. The source is related to the credibility of a company, how the reputable of the source in society is and how does the response of consumer about the product up till now.

B. Message

Here, message means the content of an advertisement. May it is the advantage of a products or superiority. Sometimes, an advertiser also put the reason why does the product is produced which is presented through language or pictures. According to Pearson et al. (2003:17) that ,‟message is the verbal and nonverbal form of idea, thought, or feeling that one person (the source) wishes to communicate

to another person or group of people (the receiver)‟. Message can be form of

symbols, word, facial expression, gesture, touch, tone of voice, etc. Moreover, a

commercial’s message can be placed in the beginning, middle or the end of

advertisement. It depends on the creativity of advertisers.

C. Channel


their product is known by Indonesian people, they introduce products through television, radio, street banner, internet. So, the product will be used in society.

D. Receiver

The receiver refers to the audiences, viewers, or the target of advertisement. It cannot be ignored that give a big intention the receiver is a main point of persuasion process. The presenters or persuaders have to understand their

consumers and their audiences or hearer or consumer’s background of knowledge.

By knowing consumer’s background, the advertiser can make a strategy how to

attract people’s attention.

2.1.7 The Basic of Persuasion


enthusiasm, and gives them a chance to think and lets them realize the condition as

what the speaker’s advice and together reaching an agreement. So, the ability to

control people’s emotion is not the main purpose of persuasion. It is just the way to stimulate people, brings them into certain comfort condition where persuasion will be held. The last is showing evident. Beside the important of control emotion, aspeaker or persuader must able to provide some evident about their products. This evident is needed as a guarantee and to build a confident for conducting persuasion. So, by showing the evident and inflaming the people’s emotion, persuader is easier to catch the purpose of persuasion.

2.1.8 Techniques of Persuasion

As a method to persuade people, persuasive should apply techniques in order to catch the mean of persuasion. Techniques of persuasion are rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, projection, and displacement (Keraf 2009:124-131).

A. Rationalization


B. Identification

Identification means recognized the circumstances. The advertisers have to analyze the consumers and the situation accurately. Whether they are adult, teenager, children, even identify their job, businessmen, student, teacher, and etcetera. This technique is important for advertiser because they will be able to promote the products easily. Persuasion tries to avoid conflicts situation and doubtfulness, and by identifying the consumers with their situations, it will make this persuasion runs well.

C. Suggestion

Suggestion is an attempt to persuade people. Suggestion used by the advertiser to influence them, thereby they can receive the advertiser’s conviction. The form of suggestion usually is given by words or speech. The implementation of this technique can be seen by a marketer who promotes his product to the customers with a powerful voice, through this way the customer hoped can give attention to him and intended to buy the products.

D. Conformity


advertiser and consumer as the same creature. In other word, the advertiser will present something which is suitable with the people want.

E. Compensation

Compensation is an act or the result of an effort to find a substitution thing which is un-acceptable. This effort arises from the frustration of some previous situations. An advertiser will utilize this situation to influence people that they can get or do the other thing in order to move from their frustration or compensation is a process of finding alternative way in order to move away from unintended condition.

F. Displacement

Displacement is a process of displacing an intention or something which faced an obstacle with other means. In short, displacement is attempted to take mind off an emotion and avert it to the new object. It is the continuation of the previous technique.

G. Projection


2.2 Previous Study

In conducting this research, the writer also influenced by the former researcher who had the same theme in their research. First is Fakrudin Abbas from State Islamic University of Malang (2008), he conducted a research titled “The Use of Persuasive Technique by Barack Obama in His Political Speeches In The 2008 Usa Presidential Primaries”. The data were Barack Obama’s utterances containing persuasion which were observed from his speeches within USA Presidential Primaries of Democrat party that delivered from 5th 2008 up to 24th February 2008. This research was designed by using descriptive qualitative method. In addition, the approach for analyzing the technique of persuasion was based on the Gorys Keraf’s theory of persuasion.

Second researcher is Marsella Yeanette Hatane, student of Petra Christian

University Surabaya. She conducted a research titled “The Persuasive Strategies

Used on the Phone by Male and Female Insurance Salespeople in Surabaya”. This research is about the analysis of persuasive strategies used by the male and female salespeople of the insurance companies Surabaya, they are: AXA, Prudential, Sequislife, Sunlife, and Manulife. The researcher focuses on the differences of male and female marketer in persuading people by phone. The researcher uses thirty woman and man salespeople telephone record of persuasive conversation as her data. In this research, the researcher is used Kotler Armstrong’s (2004) and


The third related researcher is Zainiah A’yun (2008), the student of State

Islamic University of Malang where did a research titled “Techniques of Persuasion

Used in Advertisements Presented in Sctv”. Her research is about the persuasion technique in television advertisement especially SCTV. The researcher used Gorys Keraf and Renkema theory. Here, A’yun analyzed some product such as, Honda Vario, Nokia phone, UC 1000 mg of Vitamin C Health Drink and she limited the advertisement of those products just in one television station that SCTV. The researcher chooses those advertisements because there is some artist which is present in every advertisement. Those are Agnes Monica, Daniel Mananta, Zulaikha Rivera, and foreign people. Descriptive qualitative approach also applied by this researcher to analyze her data. The researcher argued that by appearing or presenting some artists in advertisement, people will give more their interesting to watch even consume the product or services which is offered through the advertisement.

The fourth is Albert (2014) in his journal examines the discourse function of rhetoric and lexicalisation in insurance advertising discourse in the Nigerian print

media. It investigates how they are used as part of the advertisers’ strategies of

persuasion. The analysis reveals that the lexical choice of the advertisers contained a dominant use of skill-indicative lexical items which portrayed the insurance companies as experts in their field.


theory : pathos, ethos and logos. In his journal, he aim to show the respons from some respondents about what strategy that used in hats off for cancer donations advertisement. The result shows that 79% of respondents felt that the advertisement using pathos was most effective while 19% said logos and 2% said ethos. Braj mohan (2013) in his journal also examine persuasive strategies in religious oratory used aristotle theory. In this journal, the researcher aims at identifying the persuasive strategies that religious orators use to persuade their audience and win huge following. The result shows religious rhetoric relies more upon ethos and pathos than upon logos. For creating positive persuasive Ethos (trustworthiness), religious orators quote use the strategies like quoting from authentic sources, mentioning trustworthy people, and showing religiosity and saintliness through their clothes, voice and words.

Relating to the persuasive techniques, Budiani (2014) in her thesis examines

cosmetic advertisements used Keraf’s theory. According by (Keraf 2009:124-131) the techniques of persuasion are rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, projection, and displacement. In this thesis, she analyze maybelline and loreal products of cosmetics and she shows the result that are the advertisement just used suggestion, rationalization, identification and conformity techniques.

The last is Sakdiyah (2014) examines persuasive techniques used by pond’s


Pond’s cosmetics are; suggestion, rationalization, identification, projection and

compensation techniques. On the other hand, the researcher founds source and receiver techniques in Aristotle theory and also the strategy of persuasion; pathos, logos and ethos.

From the explanation of the previous researchers above, the finding of their study mainly focus on analyzing how the persuasion technique can be applied in some advertisements. They do not give some reasons what the importance of persuasive technique itself. To complete the previous study above, in the present study, the rsearcher analyzed more specific about persuasion technique used in the winner of Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016.




3.1 Research Design

In this study, the researcher used qualitative content analysis, since the data which is going to analyzed are language, music and pictures in The winner of Bright Awards Advertisements. It is not described or discussed about statistic and word for quantity. Cavanagh (1997) define content analysis as a flexible method for analyzing text data. Qualitative content analysis is one of numerous research method used for analyze text data. Research used qualitative content analysis focused on the characteristic of language as communication with attention to the content or contextual meaning of the text. The goal of content analysis is “To

provide knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon under study” (Downe -Wamboldt, 1992, p. 314).

3.2 Instruments

The key instrument in this study is the researcher herself. The researcher will collected the data by finding the modes and persuasion technique that used by the winner of Bright Awards Advertisements. Subsequently, it will be analyzed by


3.3 Data and data sources

The data of this research are speech, music and pictures from the video of advertisements. The video taken from official website Bright Awards Advertisement Indonesia 2016 (http://www.brightawards.id/) on Maret 2016.

3.4Techniques of data collection

There are some steps do by the researcher :

1. Finding an awards event of the best advertisement.

- The researcher found the event from TV commercials ( RCTI & Global tv ) on 8 march 2016. Afterwards, the researcher search in google to found the official website from that event.

2. The researcher selecting the winner of advertisement which contains of advertisement modes (picture, music, and speech or writing)

- The researcher put four winners from bright awards advertisement and contains modes of advertisement that are : Indomie advertisement, Dancow milk Advertisement, Beng beng Advertisement, and Djarum 76 advertisement.

3. Downloading video advertisement by Youtube.

- To analyzed the advertisements, the researcher must download the video from Youtube media.

4. Finding the related study


- The researcher will transcribed the video advertisement into text form by this steps :

a. Watching the video and listen every utterances by the actors. b. Transcribing the speech into a sentences.

3.5 Data Analysis

The techniques of data analysis used the following steps, as followed : 1. Classifying the data into pictures, speech and writing.

2. Describing the pictures scene by scene based on the video of advertisements. 3. Analyzing the verbal modes of advertisement used Guy cook’s theory.

4. Classifying the speech and writing based on seven persuasion technique by Gorys Keraf’s theory.

5. Analyzing the data which had classified and discussed it clearly.

6. Then, summarizing the research finding and the previous chapters to make conclusion.




This chapter portrays the results of the research analysis which is named as Findings. Afterward, there is also the discussion of the research findings. In this chapter, the researcher analyzed through its picture, language in the form of spoken and written in line with the technique of persuasive that they used. It combines Guy

Cook’s and Gorys Keraf’s theory. Based on the finding data, the winner of Indonesian Bright Awards Advertisements 2016 are Indomie Advertisement, Dancow milk Advertisement, Beng-beng Advertisement and Djarum 76 Advertisement. Further explanation will elaborate below:

4.1 The Verbal Modes of Advertisements.

4.1.1 Pictures on Indomie, Dancow, Beng-beng and Djarum 76 Advertisement.

As cook’s said in his book (2001:42) that any analysis of the language of advertisement immediately encounters the paradox that it both must and cannot take the musical and pictorial modes into account as well. It is important to combine pictures and music toward speech or writing as a complete combination in doing a commercial.


section, the writer only describes the picture itself. For the written text will describe in the next section. The more explanation of each advertisement are presented below:

1. Pictures on Indomie Advertisement (Best jingle)

Indomie “bikin hari semangat” television commercial that presents early 2015. Here, the advertiser wants to introduce the delicacy of Indomie fried noodles. It takes 31 seconds and below is the scenes:

Picture 1.A Picture 1.B


Picture 2.A Picture 2.B

Picture 2 above, Ghazali introduce the product and demonstrate how to cooks with his style. He used the earphone in his neck to attract the people about his profession and in the left hand he show the product Indomie fried noodles to invite the consumer knows the product (see picture 2.A). Then, in the picture 2.B he show how to cooks indomie fried noodles with his style. It means that the advertiser begin introduce their product and also shows how to cook the noodle with passionate.

Pictures 3.A Pictures 3.B


eating ghazali with eyes closed which means really tasty. Then the picture 3B means ghazali offers people to try the tasty of noodles that he was eating. By that scene, the advertiser influence people to curious about the taste of the noodles.

Picture 4

The picture above shows indomie fried noodles with the complementary spices (see picture 4). By the commercial advertiser would like to convey that the noodles more delicious because completed with fried onions.

Picture 5

The picture 5 presents back about the packaging of indomie fried noodles with the


make the consumer more spirit through the day. The advertiser make the background of this picture blur because people can focuss on the product and slogan from that commercial.

Picture 5

The last scene shows company symbol from Indomie fried noodles. Indofood is the company that production many kinds of foods, not only indomie but also another foods. By the shows of company symbol, the advertiser tries to introduce the

company with the slogan “lambang makanan bermutu”. Furthermore, the consumer knows that many foods produced by indofood with the symbols it always has a quality.

2. Pictures on Dancow milk advertisement (Best tagline)

Dancow 1+ “Jadi koboi” milk television commercial present since 2015. The advertiser introduce the product by the theme “Jadi koboi”. It takes 31 seconds and presents a view in the racetrack field.


Picture 1

The first scene begins with the view a boy ride the horse and his parents saw from the field. The boy with his cowboy style try to ride a horse but horse not response his command. It means the advertiser shows the problem and try to get the solve in the next scene. This scene advertisers introduce their product to consumer by demonstrating family togetherness in developing the talent of their child.

Picture 2.A Picture 2.B


packaging of dancow milk in front of the table itself. In the picture 2.B shows how a mother affection to her son by give a glass of milk dancow 1+. These pictures denote Doncow milk 1+ is the suitable product for an active child that needs extra energy in their daily activities.

Picture 3.A Picture 3.B

Then, those pictures above present a boy drinks a glass of milk with his mother behind him. The first picture shows that his mother whispered an idea to her son while he drinks a milk (see picture 3.A). Next picture shows a boy smilling steady means he get a brilliant idea after drinking his milk, the behind the boy his mother smiled proudly to his son.


Picture 5 is related with the previous scene when the boy get an idea after he drinks a milk. The picture above shows a glass of milk wrapped a label with 6 different colors that content a nutrition and vitamin inside a milk. This scene means that the advertiser identifiers the consumer about their product. In addition, dancow as the product of milk wants to convince their consumer especially parents to believe all their nutrition inside a milk can support their child daily nutritions.

Picture 6.A Picture 6.B


Picture 7

In the end of this commercial, the advertiser show the packaging of Dancow milk 1+ product. Beside the product there is slogan “aku dan kau suka” it means the advertiser asks to their consumer that this product suitable for all kids by the taste of the milk also by the nutritions.

3. Pictures on Beng-beng advertisement (Best drama scene)

In this part, the researcher will describe about “Makan langsung vs Makan dingin” Beng-beng commercial in detail. Picture, music and the language are combined in the form of spoken, written and singing. It may the jingle; brand name, small print, etc. This commercial takes 30 seconds and presents drama of love.

For more explanation are below:


Picture 1.A Picture 1.B

The pictures above are the first scene in this commercial. Picture 1A shows a man and a girl sitting together in front of the house. The man was eating beng beng looks very enjoy and the girl try to asks him. The next picture show he was surprised by what she said. From those scenes, the advertiser convey their idea from the love drama scene.

Picture 2.A Picture 2.B


Picture 3.A Picture 3.B

The next scenes present about the girl put some beng beng from her refrigerator. To continuing the problem before this scenes, the advertiser shows that the problem about the differences way to eating beng beng between them. The man like to eat directly but the girl and her father like to eat after cold from the refrigerator. By shows some beng beng inside the refrigerator the advertiser tries to gives an idea for their consumer about different way for eat beng beng.

Picture 4.A Picture 4.B


Picture 5

From the picture above, the advertisers shows the content from bengbeng. They also convince the consumer that they serve beng beng with many complement ingredients. It also denotes show how the delicacy beng beng with real caramel in there.

Picture 6


color like the packaging of beng beng also used red color . Then, the right side a girl by her way to eating beng beng cold with the ice blue background that describe an ice cold.

Picture 7

The last scene from beng beng commercial its shows one pack a beng beng with two sides that a symbols of two choices for eat beng beng. It denote that the advertiser gives the other way for eat beng beng and both of the ways are suitable to enjoy beng beng.

4. Pictures on Djarum 76 advertisement (Brighest Idea)

The last explanation, the researcher will describe about “Knalpot bocor” Djarum 76 commercial in detail. By the theme of this commercial its show that the senes about comedy. This commercial takes 27 seconds and presents a comedy.


Picture 1

For opening this commercial, the picture above shows a view in the morning with a man were walking in the sidewalk. Then, he look finds something under his feet.

Picture 2.A Picture 2.B


Picture 3.A Picture 3.B

The next scenes above shows some smokes from the kettle then changes be a man with the traditional clothes style in gold color that called jinn. The jinn with funny expression shows that commercial want to show a comedy. Picture 3B show the jinn with his smile want giving something to a man that kick his kettle.

Picture 4.A Picture 4.B


Picture 5.A Picture 5.B

Next, the pictures above shows a man with the curious face still by the hand gestures he seems negotiate to jinn untill the jinn looks tired for hearing what man says. From the scene above, the advertiser do not show their product and trying to serve commercial with the funny comedy with the purpose entertain the consumer.

Picture 6

Indirectly, the picture 6 above shows how the use of the product. By the red face of jinn with smokes out from his ears it means the advertiser begin show that this


Picture 7.A Picture 7.B

To close the comedy drama, djarum 76 commercial shows that jinn laugh out loud after close the mouth of a man with duct tape. By the all scenes above, the advertisers show their bright idea to make something different. By the comedy of drama, advertiser convey about moral value also. The oral value seen when jinn closed the mouth of man. It means that to be a good people should not talk too much. By presented a mral value with the comedy, advertiser impressing the consumer to remember this commercial.


Like the previous advertisement, here djarum 76 also shows their logo of the product. Djarum 76 used symbol round shape with the gold color and exposing the shines means like a sun with the sunshine.


4.1.3 Speech and Writing on Indomie, Dancow, Beng-beng and Djarum 76 Advertisement.

Cook (2001:53) said that as such they make fullest use of music, song, images and dialogue together, though it is interesting to note that they revert in their final moment to a more traditional reliance on writing and speech. It means, what are the effects of picture and music in its combination is going back to the speech and writing as the final mode on commercial.

In commercials, speech means the expression of idea or though, feelings, opinion, which is meaningful and vocalize by articulate sound. Here, the speech almost appears in the commercial as the messages or the exposition about the products that wants to deliver by the advertiser. In other hand, Written is the text which appears during commercial and it is a complement of speech or spoken Language. Nevertheless, the speech in this research also present in text form. The complete lyric of each speech and writing present on Appendix.

The analyses are below: Speech

a. “Bikin Hari Semangat’’ Indomie advertisement. (1) Pagi guys, Indomie goreng dulu yuk.

(Morning guys, Indomie fried noodle first)


(2) Buat gue rasa indomie goreng itu gak ada duanya. Apalagi aromanya, hmmm sadis!

(For me the taste of indomie fried noodle is second to none. Moreover the aroma, hmmm sadistic!)

The next speech above is the opinion from the actor about the delicacy of indomie. The advertiser uses expressive style to interest the people. The connotation “sadistic” here is used to express the very delicious of the taste Indomie fried noodles.

(3) Ditambahin bawang goreng dan telur ceplok makin gokil enaknya (Plus the fried onions and fried egg it make more delicious)

Here, advertiser gives an idea that if a consumer want to taste more delicious they can add fried onions and fried eggs. By mention a fried eggs, advertiser try to influencing that when a people make fried eggs indirectly they will remember about indomie fried noodles as the complement food.

(4) Biar lo semangat kayak gue, Indomie goreng dulu. (Let you be spirit like me, Indomie fried noodles first)

The last speech is the conclusion of this commercial that content a suggestion sentence. From the sentence above, the advertiser triy to suggest the consumer by eating indomie fried noodles, they will get a spirit like the actor.

b. “Jadi koboi” Dancow 1+ milk advertisement


(Uh, uh come on, catch the criminal. Mother do not want to help) The spoken text above is the first utterance from the child that can not

command the horse to run. Then “mother do not want to help” means

that in his area there is his mother but do not help him to ride the horse. From those sentence, the advertiser creates a drama that show about one activity of the children and his parent.

(2) Ia perlu bereksplorasi, aku tenang karena ia terlindungi (He needs to exploration, I am calm because he is protected)

The next speech is deliver by the mother of the child. She said the above utterance means that she believe the child needs exploration and he stay protected. Exploration means the growth period of the children. By this speech the advertiser deliver that a mother dont be afraid with the activity of her child because the child has something that can protected inside his body.

(3) Dancow 1+ Excelnutriplus baru, dengan lactobacillus rhamnousus minyak ikan dan nutrisi lainnya.

(Dancow 1+ new excelnutriplus with lactobacillus rhamnousus, fish oil and other nutritions)

The last speech from this commercial is mention all of the nutritions inside dancow milk product. Moreover, the advertiser convince the consumer to believe this product content all of the nutritions that

children’s need. The advertiser mention directly and clearly in order to


c. “Makan langsung vs Makan dingin” Beng beng advertisement

(1) Kita udahan aja ya, kamu suka makan beng beng langsung ayahku setujunya beng beng dingin, maafkan aku.

(We just split it up, you like to eat beng beng directly but my father like a cold beng beng, forgive me)

The spoken text above is the only one utturance that deliver by the girl in this commercial. In fact, those sentence suggest the people that there are two kinds of ways for eating beng beng.

d. “Knalpot Bocor” Djarum 76 Advertisement

(1) Kuberi satu permintaan. satu aja ? dua bisa ?. gampang. caranya gimana ? sakti. kok bisa sakti ? dari sononya. dari sono mana ? dari nenek moyang. nenek moyangmu siapa ? kok gak ikut ? ada pin BB nya ? mulut apa knalpot bocor sih ? eh siapa bocor ? ehmm, mampet knalpotnya, mampet.

(I will give you one request. just one ? could not two ? easy. how the way ? magic. how can be a magic ? by nature. where is nature ? from the ancestor. who your ancestor ? why not with you ? do you have a pin of BBM ? is it a mouth or a broken exhaust ? eh, who is broken ? ehmm, clogged your exhaust, clogged !)


because the government in Indonesia has a constitution that prohibits cigarette advertisements to showing clearly the usage of the product depends on indonesian constitution number 23 in 2002. (m.hukumonline.com)

Based on the data, speech or spoken in all the advertisements above appears almost almost in every scenes. In other word, the speech dominate in the content of advertisements. The speech or spoken is used by the advertiser to emphasize their idea, message or opinion in order to suggest people being the consumer. Writing

a. “Bikin Hari Semangat” Indomie advertisement. (1) Bikin hari semangat !

(make a spirit day)

The sentence above appears at the last of commercial. Its symbolize a slogan from the advertiser to convice the consumer that their product can make the consumer has a spirit in their day.

b. “Jadi koboi” Dancow 1+ milk advertisement

(1) Excelnutri +, lactobacillus Rhamnousus, Minyak ikan, Serat pangan inulin, LA&ALA

(Excelnutri +, lactobacillus Rhamnousus, fish oil, Dietary fiber inulin, LA&ALA )


(2) Aku dan kau suka dancow (I and you like a Dancow)

Here, the advertiser show the sentence above in the last scenes. It means the advertiser invites the people likes dancow milk. When people reads those sentence it will make them curious with the taste of dancow milk. c. “Makan langsung vs Makan dingin” Beng beng advertisement

(1) Wafer, caramel, crispies, real chocolate.

The first sentence above aim to deliver about the ingredients in beng beng. By explaining the ingredients of beng beng it will make people interested.

(2) Makan langsung atau Makan dingin (Eat directly or eat when cold)

The next sentence above shows two choices to eating beng beng. The advertiser giving a choices for eating beng beng with the purpose people not bored with the usual way.

(3) #pilihmanabengbengmu (#choosewhereyourbengbeng)


sentence with hashtag often used by the people to posting some events or photos in their social media.

d. “Knalpot Bocor” Djarum 76 Advertisement (1) Yang penting hepi.

(The most important thing is happy)

Sentence (1) present above the sentence (2) and its appears in the end the advertisement. By that sentence, djarum invites the consumer to emphasize their happiness although smooking can kill themselves. In conclude, the advertiser stay promotes their product although under the sentence there is a warning about smoking.

(2) Peringatan : Merokok membunuhmu 18+. (Warning : Smooking kill you 18+)

Sentence (2) explain about the risk of smoking from the government. All of the cigarette advertisement must content this caution to reminds the consumer that want to buy the cigarettes. 18 + means that the age restrictions is over 18 years. The age under 18 years old has more risk to consume cigarettes that also the regulation from the government.


4.2 The Way of Applying Persuasion Technique on Speech and Writing

The purposes of persuasion on television commercials are attracting people emotion and suggest them into certain idea, opinion and change their belief through oral and written language. However, to persuade people through a television commercial, it needs certain appeal and techniques of persuasion.

The advertisement appeal are categorized into six aspect, they are: Feature appeal, competitive advantage appeal, favourable price appeal, news appeal and popularity Appeal. This aspect will emphasize the superiority or advantages the product. Nevertheless, to convince people through television commercial, there are some basic ways and persuasion techniques which have to use by the advertiser. Those basic ways of persuasion are: (1) Personal Character of the Speakers, (2) Putting the audience into a certain frame of mind (ability to control emotion), and (3) Apparent proof or Evidence. The technique of persuasuioan are Rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, projection, and displacement (Keraf 2009).Then, by the basic of persuasion and advertisement appeal above, the technique of persuasion will run well.

1. Rationalization

Rationalization is an effort to persuade people by giving a basic though of problem. It can be seen from the Statements below:


Indomie advertisement uses popularity appeal by the personal character of the speaker. It can be seen by spoken text above. the actor suggest if the consumer want to be spirit like him, they can eat indomie.

(2) Aku dan kau suka dancow (I and you like a Dancow).

In this point, dancow has slogan that rationalize between one and another people equally like dancow milk. This idea is used to create a connection between the advertisers with viewer where it is known as ability to control emotion.

(3) Kita udahan aja ya, kamu suka makan beng beng langsung ayahku setujunya beng beng dingin, maafkan aku. (We just split it up, you like to eat beng beng directly but my father like a cold beng beng, forgive me)

Frome those phrase, the advertiser shows the information about how the different way to enjoy beng beng. It is called news appeal. (4) Yang penting hepi. (The most important thing is happy).

The advertiser try to putting the audience into a certain frame of mind by the slogan above.


2. Identification

Identification technique is needed in a commercial to identify the object of the product. It is a key to reach successful in the market. The advertiser has to know, who their consumer are, what kind of circumstance that make their product suitable with the customer and the product are produced for old people, young people, children, etc.

(1) Pagi guys, Indomie goreng dulu yuk. (Morning guys, Indomie fried noodle first)

From the sentence “morning guys” indicates that this advertisement

for youg people especially teenagers that in usual call use “guys”. (2) Dancow 1+ Excelnutriplus baru, dengan lactobacillus rhamnousus

minyak ikan dan nutrisi lainnya.

Identification technique found in the sentence above. the advertiser use sign 1+ to that symbolize this product for range age 1 year and above. The advertiser also show the evidence by mention the nutritions.

(3) Peringatan : Merokok membunuhmu 18+. (Warning : Smooking kill you 18+)


(4) Kita udahan aja ya, kamu suka makan beng beng langsung ayahku setujunya beng beng dingin, maafkan aku. (We just split it up, you like to eat beng beng directly but my father like a cold beng beng, forgive me).

The sentence above content identification technique by the utterance that the father of the actor also like beng beng. It means beng beng not only for teenagers but also for adults people.

Based on the data, all of the winner used Identification technique in their advertisements. It denotes that identification is important after rationalization technique.

3. Suggestion

Suggestion technique becomes the third important persuasion technique on a commercial. It is used to influence the consumers by giving stimulation in the form of utterances or written text. Suggestion is an answer of people problems in their circumstance.

(1) Biar lo semangat kayak gue, Indomie goreng dulu. (Let you be spirit like me, Indomie fried noodles first)

(2) Ditambahin bawang goreng dan telur ceplok makin gokil enaknya. (Plus the fried onions and fried egg it make more delicious)


(3) Ia perlu bereksplorasi, aku tenang karena ia terlindungi (He needs to exploration, I am calm because he is protected)

The sentence above content a suggestion technique when the actor says

“he needs to exploration” it means the actor suggest that children needs

to explore their growth age. Then, for supporting the exploration, dancow is the product of milk that can support them.

(4) Makan langsung atau Makan dingin .(Eat directly or eat when cold) Here, the advertiser used suggestion technique in order to shows there are two choices for eat beng beng.

(5) Peringatan : Merokok membunuhmu 18+. (Warning : Smooking kill you 18+)

The last, suggestion technique found in djarum 76 advertisement. Different from the other, djarum used suggestion to give a warning that the product also suitable for range ages 18 above. taht is also content a news appeal.

Suggestion technique almost used by all of the winner. Moreover, the analysis found that indomie used twice of suggestion in order to invited and persuaded the consumer.

4. Conformity


(1) Ditambahin bawang goreng dan telur ceplok makin gokil enaknya (Plus the fried onions and fried egg it make more delicious)

(2) Excelnutri +, lactobacillus Rhamnousus, Minyak ikan, Serat pangan inulin, LA&ALA

(Excelnutri +, lactobacillus Rhamnousus, fish oil, Dietary fiber inulin, LA&ALA )

(3) Wafer, caramel, crispies, real chocolate.

The conformity technique found in only 3 winners of advertisements. There are indomie, Dancow and beng beng advertisements. From the three advertisements above, almost all explain about the ingredients and the superority each of the products. Three advertisements above use feature appeal for interest the people.

5. Compensation

Compensation is a process of finding alternative way in order to move away from unintended condition.

(1) Yang penting hepi. (The most important thing is happy)

Djarum is the only one use the compensation technique. By the meaning of compensation technique, djarum advertisement do not show clearly about the product. It just show a comedy scenes that has not correlation with the product. But in the end of the advertisement djarum has a slogan “the most

important thing is happy” it means the alternative way to move away from


6. Displacement

Displacement is a process of displacing an intention or something which faced an obstacle with other means. In short, displacement is attempted to take mind off an emotion and avert it to the new object. It is the continuation of the previous technique.

(1) Kuberi satu permintaan. satu aja ? dua bisa ?. gampang. caranya gimana ? sakti. kok bisa sakti ? dari sononya. dari sono mana ? dari nenek moyang. nenek moyangmu siapa ? kok gak ikut ? ada pin BB nya ? mulut apa knalpot bocor sih ? eh siapa bocor ? ehmm, mampet knalpotnya, mampet. (I will give you one request. just one ? could not two ? easy. how the way ? magic. how can be a magic ? by nature. where is nature ? from the ancestor. who your ancestor ? why not with you ? do you have a pin of BBM ? is it a mouth or a broken exhaust ? eh, who is broken ? ehmm, clogged your exhaust, clogged !)

The only one also that used displacement technique is djarum 76 advertisement. Djarum 76 convey their advertisement by a comedy scenes with the purpose to displacement from the common advertisement to funny advertisement that not content about promotion this product. Here, common advertisement means the advertisement that used technique of persuasion to promotes their product. 7. Projection


(1) Bikin hari semangat ! (make a spirit day)

(2) Buat gue rasa indomie goreng itu gak ada duanya. Apalagi aromanya, hmmm sadis! (For me the taste of indomie fried noodle is second to none. Moreover the aroma, hmmm sadistic!)

There two sentences above are found in indomie fried noodles advertisement. The first statement is to show the advantages of the product and the second sentence is the expression from the actor that no one product that can more delicious than indomie. Here, advertiser

(3) Ia perlu bereksplorasi, aku tenang karena ia terlindungi (He needs to exploration, I am calm because he is protected)

Dancow advertisement has projection technique with the utterance “ Iam

calm because he is protected” above. the utterance deliver by the actor to express about her belief that her son is protected when he drink dancow milk. The advertiser use feature appeal by coveying children will protected if drinks dancow milk.

(4) Makan langsung atau Makan dingin (Eat directly or eat when cold) Next, beng beng also used projection technique. The sentence above convey about the advantages of beng beng that can eat by two ways, directly and when it cold.


Different from the others, Djarum 76 as the cigarette advertisement use projection technique in order to give a disadvantages from their product.


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