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View of Android-Based Community Security and Order Monitoring Application using Haversine Formula


Academic year: 2023

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961 Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi ISSN 2407-4322 Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E-ISSN 2503-2933

http://jurnal.mdp.ac.id jatisi@mdp.ac.id

Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula

Yudhi S. Purwanto*1, M. Farid Rifai2, Hendra Jatnika3, Tommy M.T. Purba4


Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Telematics Energy, ITPLN, Jakarta e-mail:*1y.purwanto@itpln.ac.id, 2m.farid@itpln.ac.id, 3h.jatnika@itpln.ac.id,



Masalah keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat (kamtibmas) tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah dan kepolisian, tetapi juga masyarakat. Rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat urban/sub-urban dalam program kamtibmas disebabkan oleh gaya hidup masyarakat yang serba cepat, fokus pada pekerjaan, dan sering keluar rumah dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Alternatif solusi yang dapat ditawarkan adalah dengan membuat aplikasi terkait program tersebut di tingkat desa. Aplikasi ini selain dapat mendukung kamtibmas dan melibatkan seluruh warga, juga dapat meningkatkan rasa saling percaya, komunikasi, dan hubungan sosial di antara mereka. Hasilnya adalah Aplikasi Peringatan Cerdas yang menggabungkan fungsi keamanan dan kontrol ketertiban yang terintegrasi. Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk membantu warga dalam lingkup desa dan mencakup sepuluh fungsi yang biasa digunakan untuk saling memberikan informasi di lingkungan sekitar. Pejabat pemerintah dan petugas keamanan dapat memantau dan mengakses aplikasi melalui situs web yang disediakan.

Hasil dari penelitian adalah aplikasi pemantau keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat berbasis android. Aplikasi ini menggunakan geolocation tagging yang akurat, penentuan lokasi dan tampilan foto, dan dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada platform Android. Informasi yang ada akan diinventarisasi dan disimpan sehingga pada akhirnya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membuat rencana untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat di masa yang akan datang.

Kata kunci: kamtibmas, desa, aparatur negara, geo-tagging, haversine


Security and public order issues are not the responsibility of the government and the police department only, but also the community. The low level of awareness of the urban/sub- urban community in the community security and order (CSO) program is caused by the community's fast-paced lifestyle, focusing on work, and often leaving their houses for a long- term period. An alternative solution that can be offered is to create an application related to the program in the village level. This application, besides being able to support CSO and involve all residents, can also increase mutual trust, communication, and social relations between them.

The result is a Smart Warning Application that combines integrated security and order control functions. This application was created to help residents within the village and includes ten functions that are commonly used to provide information to each other in the surrounding area.

Government officials can monitor and access the application through the website provided. The result of the research is an android-based public order and security monitoring application. This application uses accurate geolocation tagging, location determination and photo display, and can work well on the Android platform. The existing information will be inventoried and stored so that at the end, it can be used as a reference for making plans to improve public security and order in the future.

Keywords: community security and order, village, state apparatus, geo-tagging, haversine


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E- ISSN 2503 -2933 962

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]


Urban society is an area inhabited by people who have diverse social positions (heterogeneous). This society has basically been affected by globalization, so that individualism and a lack of sense of socialization often appears between residents in one neighborhood. Urban has the structure of the function of the area as a place of settlement, concentration, and distribution of government services, social services, and economic activities. Currently, due to the increasingly dense urban population, new settlements are developing in sub-urban areas (outskirts of the city) [1]. The emergence of these settlements raises several problems, such as the formation of a government administration system (new neighborhood, new villages) and thus, an environmental security system that has not been well formed.

In essence, the Indonesian National Police has formed units that can penetrate areas down to the smallest scope, such as with police patrol cars and the presence of the Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) for Community Security and Order (Bhabinkamtibmas), – also supported by the NCO for Village Builder (Babinsa) unit from The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) [2] [3] – but due to the busy and fast nature of urban society, the level of public concern for community security and order (CSO) is decreased. Some things that are usually done by the community in maintaining their environment include: 1) building a closed environment (Cul-de-sac); 2) forming a patrol team (Ind.: siskamling); 3) hire a personal security guard; 4) rely on Police officers; 5) rely on village/environmental security officers; and 6) leave it/ignore [4] [5]. No matter how good these actions are, there are still risks that vary from the smallest to the most fatal.

The potential for village development, especially in the field of CSO and natural disasters can be seen from several perspectives/aspects, which include: 1) Development of village management, and the creation of standard operating procedures; 2) Improvement of the communication system between residents; and 3) Development of CSO management techniques as a means of supporting the comfort of living and the welfare of residents [6].

The development of the Security and Order Monitoring Program in this village area requires cooperation from various lines. Based on the initial agreement with partners, from several existing problems, three things that become the main and urgent priority are: 1) the need to create an integrated communication system, 2) warning system for CSO threats, and 3) warning system for natural disaster threats. The team created an information and communication forum in the form of an Android-based application and website that can accommodate these three things. This application will be a forum for communication and dissemination of information, especially related to CSO issues and natural disasters.

Some of the objectives of this research are: 1) to make prototypes and implementing the use of information technology in order to create a CSO system that is managed by residents and/or village officers and all events can be conveyed to the public through notifications on Android smartphones, 2) to apply the geo-location tagging method (Location-Based Service) to provide the exact point of occurrence and distance from the place where information is read so that residents can take appropriate action, and 3) to store a lot of data in real time, which can later be used as data that can be utilized by stakeholders to be able to take decisions in dealing with security and social order in the region.

The communication system between citizens is based on the behavior, habits, and actions that are usually carried out by citizens [7]. In addition, the nature of mutual understanding comes from mutual engagement, habits, and repeated joint actions [8][9]. The participants involvement in some regular meetings and dialogues should be done repeatedly to make some common perceptions between all participants [10]. Cultural factors and the language used also have a significant effect on the success of the communication system in a community. Language


963 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322 Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

and culture can be said to be two sides of the same coin [11].

The development of social media-based communication tools is also one of the reasons for the breadth of the current communication system. The ability to communicate has also increased thanks to these online media. Of course, social media has the potential to change the way we communicate, both individually and as part of a community [12][13].

Several complaints or report systems through online media have also been developed, such as public complaints [14][15][16], criminal acts [17][18], and illegal levies [19]. Basically, geographic information systems can be applied for various purposes, such as determining tourist location points [20], monitoring employee performance [21], or location points in general [22].

The determining location points system using google maps is commonly using the Haversine formula. Several studies related to this formula were carried out for determining the closest laundry distance [23], radius-based e-voting [24], determining the location of tsunami victims [25], fishing zones [26], and determining the distance of traffic signs. [27].

Based on some of the studies that have been described about the methods used and the topics, there are similarities and differences with this research. The similarity is that they all are using the haversine method and location-based service. However, the difference in the research made by the writers is the process of reporting events related to CSO which is made by residents directly by including evidence and distributed to all registered citizens and can also directly find out the place of occurrence and the distance, so that the incident can be handled immediately.

This application will also help stakeholders in carrying out their duties because this application stores data on events that have occurred so that they can be used as basic data to make an appropriate and beneficial action for residents in the future.


There are several stages in carrying out this research. These stages are starting from problem identification to report generation. In system development, the writers uses a method with the stages of problem identification, data collection, system requirements analysis, application design, implementation, and testing. Each stage is interrelated with each other and affects the final result of the research. The flow of these stages is in accordance with the following diagram at Figure 1 below:

Figure 1. Research Design Diagram

The analysis method uses the Haversine formula which is a method of finding the closest distance between two points of the earth based on latitude and longitude. The Haversine Formula is shown at formula (1) as follows:


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E- ISSN 2503 -2933 964

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

(1) where:

λ1 = Longitude value from the initial location (radians) φ2 = Latitude value of the destination location (radians) λ2 = Longitude value of the destination location (radians) R = constant radius of the earth which is 6,371.1 km φ1 = Latitude value from the initial location (radians)

The Haversine method, Location based Service (LBS) technology, and UML are used in the process of making the system. The application is based on a website for the village office so that it can manage reports, while for the public (users) it is made based on Android, and the database used is the Mysql database. The data that will be desired to get for the application are admin data, community data, and report data. This data will be stored in a database that will be used again for the reporting process. In this process LBS technology is used for regional mapping to find out where the reporting process occurs, the Haversine method is used to determine the distance between the user and the report, then the admin can report to the village head/officer through the admin website, as mentioned in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Proposed System Analysis

This application is based on Website and Android. The application on the website is used as a place for residents registration, and also for storing their data. The application admin website will be made according to the needs and progress of the times. With a responsive and modern display design that can always adjust to the screen size of the user's device and also an elegant design, it is expected that it will attract website visitors and explore its contents. The website will also be designed to be SEO (Search Engline Optimization) friendly so that it can easily compete on search engines. Other services such as website maintenance, training, and


965 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322 Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

consulting are also provided. In general, this website will contain four basic contents, namely:

1) Information Management System; 2) Application Information/Data; 3) Community Security and Order (CSO) Information, and 4) Other general information.

The Smart Warning Management System application combines integrated CSO control functions. This application was created to help residents within the scope of a village and includes ten CSO functions that are commonly used by residents to provide information to each other in the surrounding area. These functions are: 1) safe condition, 2) security on patrol, 3) robbery/theft, 4) fire, 5) murder, 6) natural disasters, 7) traffic/households accidents, 8) fighting, 9) suspicious person, and 10) health aid.


Haversine Formula is a method of finding the shortest distance between two points of the earth based on latitude and longitude. The sample data that will be calculated using the Haversine formula is data from the place of report/incident obtained from the village head's office with the writer's location. The village office is situated on Jalan Inpres, Kec. Siantar, North Sumatra Province with a latitude of -2.9177077477166993 and a longitude of 99.1160560021191. The event, location, latitude, and longitude data are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1. Event, Location, Latitude and Longitude

Event/Incident Address Latitude Longitude

Wallet Lost Jl. Damanik, Huta V, Desa Silau manik,

Kab. Simalungaun, Provinsi Sumatra Utara -2.926696 99.123351 Fighting Jl. Lindung, Huta I, Desa Silau manik, Kab.

Simalungaun, Provinsi Sumatra Utara -2.910224 99.111087 The formulation and calculation of the distance from the village office to the incidents’

location are formulated and calculated using formula (2) below:

1. Wallet Lost Location

Incident’s location is at lattitude -2.910224 and longitude 99.123351, therefore:

φ1 = -2.9177077 (user’s location), φ2 = -2.910224 (incident’s location) λ1 = 99.116056 (user’s location), λ2 = 99.123351(incident’s location)

(2) A = 0,000688905

B = 2*asin (A)

B = 2*asin (0,000688905) B = 0,0000240732097 C = r*B

C = 6371,1*0,00000122366 C = 0,15320 or 0,15 km

The distance between the user and the location of the incident is 0,15 km 2. Fighting

Incident’s location is at lattitude -2.926696 and longitude 99.111087, therefore:

φ1 = -2.9177077(user’s location), φ2 = -2.926696 (incident’s location) λ1 = 99.116056 (user’s location), λ2 = 99.111087 (incident’s location)


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E- ISSN 2503 -2933 966

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

(2) A = 0,000402932

B = 2*asin (A)

B = 2*asin (0,000402932) B = 0,

C = r*B

C = 6371,1*0,00001564415403 C = 0,09967046974 or 0,09 km

The distance between the user and the location of the incident is 0,09 km

The design of a public report application with Location Based Service technology using the Haversine method can be used by the people of Village to make reports to the village office.

The following is the result of the application.

3.1 Administrator Web Design

To enter the web admin, the officers must login using their username and password (Figure 3). If the password and username are incorrect, there will be a notification that the password and username are incorrect. The picture above is a dashboard on the web admin that contains residents data, the number of reports, reports that are validated and reports that have not been validated (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Login Figure 4. Administrator’s Dashboard

Figure 5 shows admin activity to enter admin data, which consists of admin name, phone, email, description, and section. Figure 6 shows the input of citizen data which is managed by the admin. Admin can add residents for them who have difficulty in registering. This web admin also has features such as: admin data display, citizen data display, report generation display, Report list display, and list of Reporters display.

Figure 5. Data Input (Administrator) Figure 6. Data Input (Village member)


967 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322 Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

3.2 User’s Android Application Design

Figure 7.

User Login page

Figure 8.

Report Page

Figure 9.

Report List

Figure 10.

Distance between the admin and the scene’s

location Figure 7 is the initial login screen for the user. The process to enter the application must enter a password and a registered username. When a user does not have an account, they can register by entering their name, address, email, telephone, password and username. When the user has logged in, it will display several menus contained in the home screen. At the beginning of the home screen, the user can choose a menu from the Report menu, Report list, profile, or logout. Furthermore, the user can make a report that will be sent to the village office (Figure 8).

Users can take photos of the incident and then write the title, topic and description of the report.

In this screen, there are 2 types of buttons. The first button is to take a photo from the file storage, while the second button is to take a photo directly.

Figure 9 shows a notification when another user makes a report. When a user makes a report, a new notification will appear to residents who download the application. Here, the user can see a list of report that have been made. And also the user can find out the location where the complaint occurred and the user can see how far away it is. Then, the user can view the reported incidents/events and can also find out the contents of the report, the reporter, and the location to the incident, shown in figure 10.

3.3 Testing

The testing phase aims to check the results of the implementation phase whether they are in accordance with the results of the needs analysis and the results of system design or not. In the testing phase, 3 testing methods were carried out, namely accuracy testing, system comparison, and compatibility testing.

In testing the accuracy, Google map application is used to measure the distance and compare it to those which are done in application. From this comparison, it can be concluded that the accuracy results are shown in Table 2 below:


Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E- ISSN 2503 -2933 968

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

Table 2. Accuracy Table No Event/Incident Distance on


Distance on

G-Maps Difference

1 Wallet Lost 708 m 700 m 8 m

2 Food Distribution 903 m 900 m 3 m

3 Fighting 906 m 900 m 6 m

4 Theft 910 m 900 m 10 m

The table above shows that the results that are issued from the application and the distance from google maps are not too far away. This happened because of the cross-distance measurements in the application are taken from the point where the user is standing and on maps it must be estimated where the incident occurred. It is also necessary to oversee the phone’s specifications and technology.

The application uses Location based Service and the Haversine formula method. This application was created to help residents to find out where the location is and also the distance to the location of the incident. A comparison between the old and new systems can be seen in the evaluation table (Table 3) below:

Table 3. System Evaluation

No Old System (Manual) New System (Application)

1 To make a report, residents must first make a report to the village office, by going to the village head's office.

After installing the application, the residents can make reports online, and do not have to come to the village office.

2 Providing information to the village office takes a long time.

People are easier to provide information because the system that works is already online.

3 Notification of incident location to village office staff sometimes inaccurate due to incomplete report.

With the help of directions contained in the application feature, the location of the report is directly listed.

4 Report should be confirmed first before the village office can follow it up.

With the application, reports can be made quickly.

Compatibility testing is done by running the system on a different version of the Android operating system. The results of the compatibility test state that the system can run on three different Android versions, namely Android version Android 7.1, and Android 8.0, the existing functionalities can run well on the those versions of Android used, and the display layout on the three versions of Android is similar and clearly visible.


From the research done, the conclusions that can be drawn are: 1) The making of the geolocation tagging method starts from determining latitude and longitude. These information helps the residents measure the distance between their location to the incident’s location, 2) this application helps residents to make report to the village office and from the village office/other residents can take action to resolve the problem. The application of LBS and haversine can solve the problem of detecting the position and area where the report is made. From the test results, it is concluded that the application that has been made can find out who the reporter is, and the location of the incident, and 3) the results of the accuracy, validation, and compatibility


969 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322 Vol. 10, No. 1, Maret 2023, Hal. 961-971 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yudhi, et., al [Android-Based Community Security And Order Monitoring Application Using Haversine Formula]

test show that of all the comparisons carried out, the distance discrepancies are not too far, between 3-10 meters only and this might be caused by the phone’s specifications and technology. The system runs well on the android system starting from version 7.1.


The application, though it has already covered the web and Android platforms, still needs some developments. The collected data can be used as a basic for the data science and data display. Thus, an algorithm concerns data science and a dashboard to display them should be added to the admin web page. Form the android perspective, the feedback feature should be added to let the users (community members) know whether the event or the incident has been resolved or not. Form the social/community aspect, a network of usage should be enlarged so that if every village uses this application, then a sub-district/city can manage the admin page, hence, urban problems can be monitored and anticipated in a rather quick and better way.


The team expresses the greatest appreciation and gratitude to the Research and Community Service Bureau of the Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara (LPPM ITPLN) for all assistances, both moral and material so that this research can be completed.


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