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Erni Yusnita NIM.TE140984






The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi In Jambi


Assalam u 'alaikum WarahmatuJJahiWabarakatuh

After reading, giving guidance, and making necessary correction, we agree that the thesis of

Name NIM

: Erni Yusnita : TE140984

Department : English Education Program

Title : Analysis of Students' Error in Pronouncing English Nasal at the Second Semester of English education Department of Islamic University Sulthan Syaifuddin Jambi

Has been progressed to be examined to fulfill the tasks and requirement to achieve undergraduate degree (S 1) in English Education Program faculty of Education and Teacher Training the State Islamic universities Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. We assert the thesis can be accepted well. Thus we hope this thesis will be useful for education, religion, and nation.

Wassalamu' alaikum WarrahmatullahiWabarakatuh

First Advisor

Drs. . Marzuki Ars ad Ash Ma NIP: 195502021980031003

Second Advisor



deep thanks and proud, Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the world.

Special Thanks to :

My parents, my beloved father ( DaengSibali ) and my beloved mother

( Hj. DaengNiterang ) Who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and always praying for me.

My big family, my brother and my sisters who always pray and give me support, and motivation especially my beloved sister ( ACEK ) always

help me and spirit as well as wish for my success .

My soulmate DDEF PERSONIL (Dian Mustika, Dian Amin, Fatma Ramyani ) When we meet in the first semester until the last semester we always together, and our managers (Emma Mariska and Ires SepriYesi ) to

be manager after fourth semester until now. Thanks for your support, motivation, and quality time to share happiness and sadness with me and

understand me , Although we are sometime different think but You are make me know what the meaning of true friendship.

My beloved best friend JAMILAH ( mila Faqoth ) from Islamic junior high school until lecture, thanks for your help , your support, motivation, quality time to share knowledge and always beside me if I need


All of my beloved classmate in the class D of english education program batch 2014 thanks for your support and your participants.


support and your participants.


May Allah SubhanahuWata’ala bless us Aameen



ميحرلا نحمرلا الله مسب

“Think before speaking, because that way, you will reduce

errors any problems which may occur”.



In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful, the lord of universe. Because of him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the requirements for S1 degree in English Education Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi. Secondly, peace and salutation always be give to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness into the lightness.

In this process of completion of this thesis, the writer received much advuces and contribution from many people who can not be enumerated especially from my advisors, Marzuki Arsyad as my first adxisor and Tartila, M. Pd as my second advisor. They are my great inspiration in teaching field. Next, this success would not be attained without supports, guidance, help, encourage from individual and institution. The researcher would like to say thank to :

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan MA, the rector of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi.

2. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd., M. Hum as the chairwoman of English Education Program and who has permitted to observe there.

3. All of lecturer at the faculty of education and teacher training of Islamic university sulthan thaha syaifuddin jambi.

4. My parents, my beloved father ( DaengSibali ) and my beloved mother ( Hj. DaengNiterang) Who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and always praying for me.

5. My big family, my brother and my sisters who always pray and give me support, and motivation

6. The students in second semester of English Education Program Islamic University Sulthan Thaha syaifuddin Jami as my subject in my researcher and give me many information about my data source.


expects any constructive criticism and suggestion. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for all the readers.

Jambi 2018



viii Nama : Erni Yusnita

NIM : TE. 140984

Program studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Analisis Kesalahan Siswa pada Pronunciation English Nasal di Semester Dua Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Penelitian ini di bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam mengucapkan kata kata bahasa inggris pada huruf nasals consonant yang terdiri dari bilabials/m/, velar/n/, alveolar/ ŋ/. Penelitian ini dilaksankan di mahasiswa semester 2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi yang terletak di JL. Jambi Ma. Bulian KM.16 Simpang Sungai Duren, Kab.Ma. Jambi. Peneliti menemukan kesalahan mahasiswa pada penekanan suara nasal sehingga sering terjadi pengulangan kata-kata ketika berbicara ataupun ketika membaca teks. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian descriptive, Subject dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan 24 siswa yang terdiri dari 4 kelas diambil 6 orang dari setiap kelas. Instrument yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes perekaman suara yang dilakukan kepada siswa dan wawancara yang dilakukan kepada siswa dan dosen. Pada saat test peneliti menemukan kesalahan pada penyebutan penekanan penyebutan nasal dan yang paling sering dilakukan dari ke 3 huruf nasals tersebut adalah penekanan pada huruf Alveolar/ŋ/. Dan hasil dari wawancara siswa dan dosen peneliti menemukan factor peneyebab terjadinya kesalahan siswa pada kosa kata Inggris nasals.

Kata Kunci: Analisis kesalahan, faktor kesalahan.


ix NIM : TE.140984

Major : English Education Program

Title : Analysis of Students’ Error in Pronouncing English Nasal at The Second Semester of English Education Department of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

This research was intended to analyse of students’ error in pronouncing English nasal consonant that consists of bilabials/m/, velar/n/, alveolar/ ŋ/ at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi the located at JL. Jambi Ma. Bulian KM.16 Simpang Sungai Duren, Kab.Ma. Jambi. This research finding stressed error in English nasal sounds. So, the repetition of words when speaking and reading a text. This research, researcher used descriptive qualitative and as subject used 24 students consist of 4 classes each class taken 6 students. The instrument of this research used test recording and interview. in test found that the most problematic sound Alveolar/ŋ/. And the result of interview student and lecturer the researcher found factors cause error on student in pronouncing English nasal.

Keyword: error analysis, factors of errors






MOTTO ...v


ABSTACT (Indonesia)……….viii

ABSTRACT (English)………ix



LIST OF TABLE………...xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study….………1

B. Focus of the Study………...3

C. Formulation of the ……..………3

D. Statement of the Purpose……….3

E. Significance of the Research………...4


1. Definition of Pronunciation………..………...………..5

2. The Important of Pronunciation………...………...………..5

3. Factor that Effect of Pronunciation Learning………...…….…6

4. The Problem of Pronunciation………..……….7

B. Error Analysis……...………...9

1. Definition of Error Analysis………..9

2. The Theory of Error Analysis………..10

3. The Differences Between Error and Mistake………...11

4. The Sources of error Analysis………..12

C. Nasal………...………...12



A. Research Design………...………..20

B. Setting and Subject………20

1. Setting………..20

2. Subject………...20

C. Kinds and Source of the data……….…....21

1. Kinds of the Data………...………..21

2. Source of the Data………21

D. Technique of Collecting Data………..……….…….21

1. observation………...21

E. Technique of Data Analysis………...………22

F. Schedule of Research……….24

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Specific Findings……….………..25

1. observation…………..…...………...25

B. Discussion………...30


B. Suggestion……….………...……….36




A. background of the problem

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a bridge of communication among people. Through language people can share ideas, showing their likes and dislikes, discover the world and many other thing.

Thus, it becomes useful to learn English for this reason. being adept in language people can express ideas, notions, and feelings to others.

Therefore English is widely popular because it is used anywhere. It becomes useful to learn English for this reason. English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. According to Hastini (2007, p.1) students only get English at school. It makes them get difficulties when learning in this language. So, students do mistakes and errors in learning this language in both skills and components.

English language have four skills: speaking, listening, and writing, and three components: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Novaliana and yun (2016, p.40) state that “In learning English, pronunciation is one of the skills that should be mastered by the English language learners”.

When the learners want to speak they must use good pronunciation to be understood by other people. The pronunciation of English cannot be separated from aspect of speech, an activity carried on by people who use English for communicating. On the other hand, it is an aspect of language, a code which exists, handed down from the past with slight changes made by each generation, something that is known by those who speak and understand English. For one thing, the voice has characteristics which may carry extra massages.

pronunciation is a part of speech and it is important, it needs information and concepts of pronunciation drawn from two disciplines, phonetics and phonology.

According to Djajanigrat (2011, p.2). The English learners in Indonesian


sometimes make mistake in the production English sound. It is known as English pronunciation is difficult to learn”. Many learners makes mistakes in articulating several sounds in English.

In learning pronunciation, students usually imitate their teachers who still make errors themselves. It causes the teacher doesn’t know what to do, whether to continue the material or to correct their error. According to Diyana (2012, p.2) In fact that error is a part of learning process and correction is a part of teaching.

Basically, errors are significant parts that cannot be ignored in learning a foreign language. In fact, many learners of English as a second language have major difficulties with English pronunciation, often even after years of learning language. Those difficulties for instance, students may not know how to pronounce the sounds or particular sounds of English in natural speech, sounds combinations on with putting particular sounds in particular positions. They may also have trouble in differentiate two words which has slightly similar sounds.

Those difficulties faced by students are what become mistakes or errors.

In learning process, making errors is natural. It may appears when learners have not acquired the foreign language rules. Analyzes of students errors are very important, students will know their difficulty to pronounce words correctly, they also will earlier realize their lack, so for further they will not do over again mistake to pronounce same or analogous words and the teacher will discover teaching and learning process, so he/she can pursue a good method to teach and improve their students ability especially focus in the student lacking. For this reason the researcher takes a study on the analysis of error in pronouncing English nasal make by students in the second semester. The researcher is interested in conducting research of errors in pronouncing English nasal make by the second semester of English education department at Islamic University Sulthan Saifudin Jambi.


Based on the problem statement above, the objectives of this research will be to find out the most problematic pronouncing English nasal for the students and the factors which make them do error Related to the explanation on above, the researcher choose ANALYSIS STUDENTS ERRORS IN PRONOUNCING ENGLISH NASAL OF THE SECOND SEMESTER OF ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT AT ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTAN THAHA SYAIFUDIN JAMBI.

B. Focus of the study

In this research, the researcher limits the research into the analysis of English nasal pronounced by student of English education department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifudin Jambi

C. Formulation of problem

Pronunciation is a part of language which describes the speech sound in colloquial from. Based on the basic consideration above, the main problem investigated in this research were:

1. What were the most errors done by the students in pronouncing English nasal?

2. What were the problems faced by the students in pronouncing English nasal sound?

D. Statement of the purpose

1. To know the most errors done by the second semester in pronouncing English nasal.

2. To know the problems that students faced in pronouncing English nasal.


E. Significances of the research

The significances of this research are:

1. It can be contribution to the students who learn English as a foreign language.

2. To remind all people who learn English about the importance to learn phonetic and sound symbol in English and try to pronounce it well and correctly.

3. It could be useful in giving information to the students of English department Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saefuddin Jambi of English nasal in pronouncing English.

4. The students can pay attention how to correctly pronounce when they are speaking.




A. Pronunciation

1. Definition of pronunciation

In Pardede, (2007, p. 4), stated that “Intelligible pronunciation is an essential component of communication competence”. Willing in Chongning, (2009, p. 39). stated that “Mastering the sounds and pronunciation of the target language is a high priority for the speaker of English”. Pronunciation is one the must important for English language when the learners speak and listen from speaker.

Pronunciation is manner of pronouncing words: utterance of speech. In the other words, it can also said that it is a way of speaking a word, specially a way that is accepted or generally understand. Witaningsi, (2013, p.4) stated that

“English pronunciation is a basic and essential skill to use English as a means of communication”. Pronunciation is two fold processes. It involves the recognition of sound as production of sound.

In addition, Pronunciation is one of the essential nouns based in an oral form and the basic ability of speaking English as well as other languages. The correct pronunciation of English is to help the students to pronounce correctly. Clear pronunciation makes the students easy to understand and produce intelligible sound.

2. The importance of pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the most important things that students have to master in order to communicate appropriately and fluently. Pronunciation the most important thing that we have to master. Otherwise, people cannot receive the massage we say. thus, pronunciation is a very important part of mastering any foreign language.

According to Kusrini (2012, p.3) Pronunciation is more important than phonetic. Stress and intonation are as important as the sounds themselves and


should be taught from the very beginning. Whether pronunciation needs special attention or focus in language teaching depends on many factors especially learner factors. Learners whose native language has similar sounds to English are less likely to have problems with pronunciation

Richard in Yuniarti, (2009, p. 2) stated that “ pronunciation is the way a certain speech sounds in the mouth, pronunciation stresses more on the way of sounds are produced by the hearer”. Pronunciation is important in English because mispronunciations will make hearer misunderstand about the meaning of utterance. Pronunciation is clearly a central factor in people’s success in making themselves understood.

English pronunciation is one of the distress of skill English language for the learners lost time to develop their skill of pronunciation. Witaningsi (2012) say Pronunciation is important to study, because it makes someone understand the right pronunciation and makes the target speaker understand the meaning of the word or the sentence. Pronunciation plays an important role in learning a second or foreign language.

Pronunciation is an important from of communication especially for those who study at English department. However, most students cannot most student difficulty in pronouncing the language, as one of the important pronunciation in speaking skill.

3. Factors that effect of pronunciation learning

Many students have difficulty in pronunciation of English language, there are some factors and specific effect that many students became difficult in pronunciation is among them. Learning pronunciation of a second language possesses a problem that is different to a problem that speakers face when they learn their first language. According to Nurani, (2015, p. 109) One of the difficulties in learning pronunciation is when learners pronounce English words.

As a result, making errors in pronouncing English as foreign language is considered as a common and natural phenomenon in the early stage of foreign

language learning process.


Thien Sao Bui (2016, p. 127) said that It was conceded by many experts in the field that the learners themselves influence their own pronunciation. Such factors as learners’ age, exposure to the target language, amount and type of prior pronunciation instruction, aptitude and motivation should be taken into account in pronunciation teaching and learning.

In this section, the researchers mention some the important factors that effect the learning of pronunciation. they are as follows.

a. Accent

Accent is “The effect cumulative hearing of pronunciation feature that identifies where a human is from, a regional or social”(Crystal, 2003, p. 3).

b. Stress, intonation, and rhythm

For this reason, pronunciation research and teaching focus both on the sounds of language (vowels and consonants) and on supra-segmental features that is vocal effects that extend over more than one sound such as stress, sentence and word intonation, and speech rhythm (Crystal, 2003; Low, 2006; Munro &

Derwing, 1999).

4. The problems of pronunciation

According to connor (1998, p.6) The main problems of English pronunciation there are:

1. The basic sounds

The sounds at the beginning of each of the words in the following list are all different : the letters which stand for these sound (usually one letter per sound, but sometimes two ) are printed in italic types :

Pier Veer near Beer sheer weir Tier hear year Deer leer cheer

2. Letters and sounds


These must never be mix up. Letter are written, sounds are spoken. It is very useful to have written letters to remind us of corresponding sounds, but this is all they do: they cannot make us pronounce sounds which we do not already know : they simply remind us. In ordinary english spelling it is not always easy to know what sounds the letter stand for. For example, in the words city, busy, women, pretty, village. The letters I, y, u, o, e and a all stand for the same vowel sound, the one which occurs in sit. And in banana, bather, man, many the letters a stands for five different vowel sounds.

3. Words and Utterances

The sound and words are connected together with others to make up longer utterances, and these longer utterances have special difficulties of their own. First, they must be pronounced smoothly, without hesitations and without stumbling over the combinations of sound. Secondly, in longer english utterances some of the word are treated as being more important to the meaning than other, and it is necessary to know which these words are and how they are treated in speech. Thirdly, the rhythm of english must be mastered. That is, the different lengths occur. An example of this would be the following :

The c h a i r collapsed.

The chairman collapsed.

The word chair has the same length as the word chairman, and therefore each of the two syllables in chairman is shorter than single syllable of chair, so that the chair of chairman is only half as long as the word chair by it self. Lats, the tune of the voice, the melody of speech is different in different languages and it is necessary to learn something of the english way of using tune.

According to Hassan (2014, p.32) Students have problems in the pronunciation of some English sounds for instance they confuse the contrast sounds e.g. here are some words and how the students pronounce them next to each word (service /servais/, document /dɔcument/, ‘women’ /wumen/,

‘obstacle’ /ɔbsteikl/, ‘performance’ /pə:fɔ:mans/ so in the first word they used the long form instead of short form, in the second word they used /u/ instead of/ju/, in


the word women they used /u/ instead of /i/ in the word ‘performance’ they pronounced it with long vowel /ə:/ instead of short one /ə/. So we find that they confuse different pronunciations of each vowel as if there is only one pronunciation for each sound according to their knowledge.

Harmer (2017, p.249) stated that Three particular problems occur in much pronunciation learning.

a. What students can hear: Some students get difficult hear pronunciation especially from speaker have problems that are first language with different sounds, for example : as with / b/ and /v/ for Spanish speakers,

b. What students can say: the students hard to say what want their say to other people,

c. The intonation problem: for the teacher the most problematic area of pronunciation is intonation. If the teacher not use intonation to speak ,so students cannot understand from the teachers say.

B. Error Analysis


Definition of error analysis

Error analysis is the types of study and cause of language errors, especially in obtaining a second language and error analysis is the study and evaluation of uncertainty measurement. Error analysis emphasize the significance of learners’ error in second language. It is important to note here that Interferences from the learner’s mother tongue is not only reason for committing errors in his target language. Error analysis is the first approach the study of SLA which includes an internal focus on learners’ creative ability to construct language. It is based on the description and analysis of actual learner error in L2, rather than on idealized linguistic structure attributed to native speaker of L1 and L2 Saville in Mustika, ( 2005, p.37).

The first, According to Brown (2012, p. 26) Stated that “Error analysis as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rulers of the second language and then reveal the system operated by learner”. Thus, an error analysis as the second language for learners to apply English language.


Secondly, Cristal (citedin Salwameh 2013) Stated that “Error analysis is the study of the unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a language especially a foreign language”. However, the learners can not accepting material from the result study of foreign language but, the learners still use the foreign language to speak English.

The third, james (cited in Salwameh, 2013) stated that”Error analysis in the study of linguistic ignorance, the investigation of what people don not know and how they attempt to cope with their ignorance. In brief error analysis is one of the most influential theories of second language acquisition to analyze and observe students’ errors. Morever, Erdogan (2005,p.26) explains that error analysis does not regard them as the persistence of old habits, but rather as signs that the learner is internalizing and investigating the system of the new language.

Finally, In the Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Crystal (2008, p.173) defines error analysis as “a technique for identifying, classifying, and systematically interpreting the unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign language using any of the principles and procedures provided by linguistics”. In the field of error analysis, it is important to make a distinction between errors and mistakes.


The theory of error analysis

According to Rika diyana (3012, p. 4) In order to give broader understanding of errors analysis, the researcher presents some underlying theories:

Coder in Brown (2000,p.217) states that “A learner error are significant in that they provide to the researcher evidence of how language is learned or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in the discovery of the language.” Thus description the error of analysis is important because give the purpose to researcher about how to learn language or how to get strategy to use by notaries to found language.

Coder in Ellis (2005, p. 60) stated that “The description of errors is essentially a comparative process, the data being the original erroneous utterances”. Thus description of learner errors involves specifying how the forms


produced by the learner differ from those produced by the learner’s native-speaker counterparts. It focuses on the surface properties of learner utterances.


The differences between error and mistake

According to Edge in Harmer (2007, p.137) suggested that Mistake have three categories that are: Slips (that is mistakes cannot get the points of students mistakes), ‘Errors’ ( Mistakes which students cannot correct and cannot back explain what the teacher say), ‘attempts’( that is when the students tries to say something but cannot say with good pronunciation).

Error and mistake are different. In order to analyze learners’ errors in proper perspective, it is important to differentiate the errors and mistakes.

Mistakes are akin to slip of tongue and recognizable (by the mistakes maker), error is systematic in which it is likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognized by learner”.

that Error is a unsuccessful in learning and linguistic competence errors in the learner”. Thus, Error a learner failure in the study of language. Mistake are the result poor performance of language due to many factors like fatigue and carelessness on the part of learners.

Keshavarz (2008,p. 49) Stated that “ Errors are rule governed, systematic in nature, internally principled and free from arbitrariness. Mistake are due to non- linguistic factors such as fatigue, strong feeling, memory limitations, and lack of concentration and so on.

Hidayati (2014, p.45) State that error and mistake in using cohesive features gave benefit for the lecturers. First, it described the types and the causes of errors in using cohesive features. Second, it gave information about errors which frequently occur in the students’ essay.

From those definition above, the researcher concludes that a mistake is just a slip that the learner forgets the right from. While, an error is a deviation which is make by the learner because the learner does not know the rule and the learner will make it repetitively.



The source of error analysis

Traditionally, under the influence of the strong version of the contrastive analysis hypothesis the sole source of language learners’ error recognized as transfer from the learner’s native language. Errors resulting from mother tongue interference will call Interlining errors. However, in error analysis although interference from the mother tongue is acknowledge as a source of errors, it is by no means considered to be the only source. In the field of error analysis, many other source of errors have been identified which excted beyond the scope of interlining errors Shekhzadeh (2011, p.160).

Discourse analysts study the way texts are constructed, the functions they serve in different contexts and the contradictions that run through them, The term

‘discourse’ is used because our conception of language is much wider than a simple psycho-linguistic or sociolinguistic one. However, researchers new to discourse analysis often face problems because many introductions to discourse analysis describe only from a linguistic or sociological point of view.

The error analysis study, therefore, is to examine a learner’s errors in a longitudinal way in order to state the individual learners hypothesis and locate the progress. Based on Budiwati (2013,p.18) error analysis maybe carried out in order to identify strategies which learner use in language learning, to identity the causes of learners errors and to obtain information on common difficulties in language

learning as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials.

C. Nasal

1. What is nasal

Nasal sounds are produced by air flowing through the mouth with the lowered velum in order to allow the air to pass through the nasal passages. All voiced vowels and consonants are considered as nasal.

According to Thomson (2007, p. 260), added that English is not only language that morpheme but are pronounced differently in different phonological environments. Most language have morpheme variation that can be describe by ruler similar to the ones if have written for English. For example, the negative


morpheme in the west African language have three nasals allomorphs that are: [m]

before p, [n] before t, and [ŋ] before k.

English nasal is the sounds produce by removing the air from the nose namely, M, N, NG. Nasals is The sound produced by closing the air currents outward through the oral cavity but opens the jalar to get out through the nasal cavity. The closure of the air currents through the oral cavity may occur: between the two lips, the result of sound (m): between the tip of the lid and the recess, the sound (n): between the middle of the tongue and the sky is hard, the result is (ŋ):

tongue and sky hard.

2. Element of Nasals

The basic feature of a nasal is that the air escapes through the nose and the main difference between the three types of nasals is the point where the air is stopped in the mouth. In this sense, there are three types of nasals: bilabial /m/, alveolar /n/ and velar /ŋ/. This last velar sound never occurs in initial position; in medial position, it may appear with or without a /g/ sound, depending on whether it occurs at the end of a morpheme or not. If it occurs in the middle of a morpheme it has a following /g/. In final position the preceding rule is observed.


Bilabial M

Alveolar N

Velar N

The basic characteristic of a nasal consonant is that the air escapes through the nose. For this to happen, the soft palate must be lowered; in the case of all the other consonants, and all vowels, the soft palate is raised and air cannot pass through the nose, in nasal consonants, however, the air does not pass through the mouth; it is prevented by a complete closure in the mouth at some point. /m/ and /n/ are simple , straightforward consonants with distributions like those of the plosives. There is in fact little to describe. However, /η/ is a different matter. It is a


sound that gives considerable problems to foreign learners, and one that is so unusual in its phonological aspect that some people argue that it is not one of the phonemes of English at all.

According to O’connor (1998, p,48) There are three phonemes in English which are represented by nasal consonants, /m/ , /n/ and /η/. In all nasal consonants the soft palate is lowered and at the same time the mouth passage blocked at some point, so that all the air pushed out of the nose. /m/ and /n/

All languages have consonants which are similar to / m/ and /n/ in English.


1. the soft palate is lowered for both /m/ and /n/.

2. for /m/ the mouth is blocked by closing the two lips, for /n/ by pressing the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, and the sides of the tongue against the sides of the palate.

3. Both sounds are voice in English, as they are in other languages, and the voiced air passes out through the nose.

When /m/ or /n/ is found before another consonant, as in some of the examples above, the voices or voiceless nature of the final consonant has an effect of the length of the both the vowel and the nasal consonant: this is very similar to the lengthening or shortening of the vowels, examples like seet /si:t/ and sead /si:d/.

Fig. /m/

HIm him lImp limp


wɅn one send send

/n/ is often syllabic: that is, it occupies the place at the center of the syllable which is usually occupied by a vowel. Both the words lesser /lesə/ and lesson /lesnI/ have two syllables : in lesser the second syllable is /-sə/, and in lesson the second syllable is often /-snI/ (nI means that /n/ is syllabic).

Fig. /n/

pȝ:sn peson fæʃn fashion ri:zn reason ǝkeIȝn occasion l:vn even

This is the third English nasal consonant and the only one likely to cause trouble, because many languages do not have a consonant formed like / η/.


a. Palate is lowered and all the air passes out through the nose.

b. The mouth is blocked by back of the tongue pressed a gains the soft palate.

c. The sound is voice.

/ŋ/ This the third english nasal consonant and only one likely to cause trouble, because many languages do not have a consonant formed like /ŋ/. The position of the speech organs /ŋ/



1. The soft palate is lowered and all the air passé out through the nose.

2. The mouth is blockes by the back of the tongue pressed against the soft palate.

3. The sound is voiced.

Fig. /ŋ/

Siŋg sing rIŋ ring sæŋ sang ræŋ rang

/ŋ/ does not occur at the beginning of words in english, but it does occur between vowels, where it is more difficult than in final position. The difficult is to avoid putting in a /g/ after the /ŋ/, and pronouncing siŋgǝ instead of siŋǝ.

If you do pronouncing siŋgǝ it does not matter very much because some english speakers also do it, but most do not , so the /g/ should be avoided if possible.

3. Articulation of English nasal

Place of Articulation Linguists agreed that consonants are described in three different ways, those are place, manner, and voicing. As one of the ways of sounds productions, place is indeed need to be studied. The place of articulation is concern on where the sounds are made and produced. On sounds production, each consonant has its own articulator’s place.

According to Fauzi, (2014, p.202) The consonants on this place of articulation are classified as follow: Bilabials, these sounds are formed using both (bi) lower and upper lips (labia). The airstreams are blocked by this instrument.

The consonants which are belong to these sounds are [p], [b], and [m]. Alveolar,


this sound, the tongue becomes an obstruction of the airstream. The tip or the blade of tongue is against the alveolar ridge. These sounds are symbolized by the consonant [t], [d], [z], [s], and [n]. Velar, this sound is formed by tongue and soft palate or velum. The back of the tongue is raised and touched the velum. The initial sound of these words is the example of the velar sound, “car” and “kid”

represented by the symbol [k], and “go”, “gold” represented by [g] symbol.

According to Guntari, (2013, p. 78 ) Articulation of nasals is 1. Bilabials

The sounds are produced by bringing the upper and bottom lips together.

Bilabials consist of the sounds [p], [b], and [m].

2. Alveolar

The sounds are produced by raising the front part of the tongue to the alveolar ridge. The tongue should touch or almost touch the bony tooth ridge.

3. Velar

Velar sounds are produced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate or velum.

According to Thomson (2007, p.227) in the vocal tract the airflow restriction occurs, call the place of articulation of English nasals that are :

a. Bilabials: [m] When we produce a [m] we articulated by bringing both lips together.

b. Alveolar: [n] When we pronounced alveolar the tongue raised in various ways to the alveolar ridge.

c. Velar: [ŋ] the sounds produced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate or velum.

4. The problem of English nasal

According to Collins and Mees, (2008, p.94).The English nasals are normally voiced throughout, accept when /m n/ follow /s/ in initial clusters, where they become partially devoiced [m n ]. Thus, English nasals consists of m/n and can follow /s/ when we start pronunciation.


In addition,”/m n/ are Similar to their English counterparts, although learners should take care not to devoice the English sounds preceding the fortis plosives, //, /s/ and /z/. Realisations like *[ʌnˈtɪl], *[ˈsʌmθɪŋ], *[əˈpɪərəns] for until,something, appearance sound comic to an English ear. Learners should make /m n/ voiced in all contexts. It is not difficult to do so, as voiced nasals do occur in Faroese.

/ŋ/ Preceding /k/, /ŋ/ lacks voicing, so that drink, wrinkle are realised as [drɪŋk, ˈrɪŋkl]. Speakers pronounce g following /ŋ/, usually resulting in [ŋ ], but sometimes in [ŋk]. As a result, the contrast between /ŋ/ and the sequence /ŋk/ may be lost (thing – think and sang – sank being identical), and anything may sound like *[ˈeniθɪŋ ] or *[ˈeniθɪŋk]. (In our data, long was heard only as *[lɒŋ ]. –ing is sometimes pronounced with /n/, so that talking sounds like [ˈtɔːkɪn]. This occurs in numerous English varieties but is stigmatized “. Thráinsson et al., (2004, p. 53).

D. Review of Related studies

There are four studies related to my recent study. The first study is the study from Shinta Mustika (2014), the title of this research is An Analysis of Vowel Sound Pronounced by Third Semester Students of English Program IAIN STS Jambi. The aims of research is to find out and identify some errors made by the students errors made by the students in pronounce vowel sounds. In this research, the researcher use qualitative method in a from of descriptive analysis and the way of collecting data is observation.

The second study is the study from Nurhalimah (2013), the title of this research is An Analysis of Diphthong Sounds Pronounced by Female Students at Mahad AL-Jami’ah the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi.

The aims of research is to present comprehensively in order to get the explanations of the real condition. In this research the researchers choose the female students at Ma’had al- jami’ah as subject of the research, this research located in Jl. Arif Rahman hakim Simpang 4 sipin Telanai Pura Kota Jambi. In this research use purpose sampling, that mean that researcher will have some consideration to decided the data sample.


The third study is the study from Wasis Tri Puspita (2007) the title of this research is An Analysis of students’ Errors in Pronouncing English Vowels (A case study of the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1 Singaluh banjarnegara in the academic year 2006/2007). In this research, the researcher use instrument test for collecting data use question exercise and use measure skill, intelligence, aptitude/talent that is by individual or group.

The fourth study is the study from Yosep Kusuma Wijaya (2014) the title of this study is Improving Students’ Pronunciation Through Role Play for class VII at SMP N 3 Tempel in the academic year 2013/2014. In this research, the researcher discussion about data collection, validity, and reliability of the data and research produce. In this research the data collection use take photograph as evidence of conduct research field. The researcher use role play to improve student pronunciation.

In this study, The researcher also about how to analyze and how know to students error in English pronunciation. But in this study, researcher focus discusses the analysis students’ error in pronouncing English nasal at the second semester of English education department of Islamic university sulthan thaha syaifuddin jambi which located simpang sungai duren, jambi luar kota.

The different of this research and the other research is the researcher want to know what kinds of the nasals sounds and the students error of nasals sound by the students at the second semester.

The similarity between this study and the previous study is both were the analysis of English pronunciation.


This chapter covers six main points, such as Research Design, Setting of the Research, Subject of the Research, Kinds and Source of the Data, Technique of Collecting data, and Technique of Data Analysis.

A. Research Design

This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative . According to sugiyono (2016, p.1) qualitative research is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects. the researcher, therefore a key instrument of data collection techniques in this kind of researcher. Then the qualitative research results from generalization.

B. Setting and Subject

1. Setting

The research of this study was conducted at the second semester in English education program the faculty of teacher training education at Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi which is located in Jl. Jambi Ma. Bulian KM.16 Simpang Sungai Duren, Kab. Ma. Jambi. This department was chosen because this is one of favorite department in education and tarbiyah faculty at the Islamic university sulthan thaha syaifuddin jambi. Besides, there was no another writer did analysis pronouncing english nasal.

2. Subject

In this research the researcher took the student of second semester in English education program the faculty of teacher training as a subject of the research. The student involved as a subject of the research should be able to show their ability in pronouncing, especially in pronouncing English nasals. There were four classes at


second semester ( 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D). In this research, the researcher took 6 students of each class, 2 smart, 2 medium and 2 weak students. So the total number of the subject were 24 students. The selection of participants by their capability in pronouncing considered appropriate to have adequate data.

C. Kinds and source of the data

1. Kinds of data

All data related to second semester student of English department UIN STS JAMBI in pronouncing in English nasal analyzed in this research has been taken from some source namely :

a. Primary data

primary data is found out directly and soon from the source of data. It can be information about main problem in the research. Researcher get primary data from test and interview result from some of the students who have become research subject in this study.

b. Secondary data

Secondary data is the supporting data of this research. The secondary data will be collected by seeing causes of the students’ errors in pronouncing English nasal. It will be obtained from test of the English pronunciation of students.

2. Source of the data

According to Latif (2015) , the data source is subject where data is found. The source of data in this research from the phonetic transcription of the recorded pronunciation of twenty four English Department students who study in second semester of English education program in Jambi.

D. Technique of collecting data

1. Observation

Observation is a instrument of data collection was done by observing recording systematically investigated symptoms Narbuko, Achmadi (2008, p.70) In this


research, the researcher used check list to record data with using recording To get objective data based on the correctness that happen in the field. The researcher want to check their pronunciation of nasal consonant contained in the words read.

The writer collected the data by using steps namely :

a. Telling students that there a reading text. This step, the researcher telling about the text that have to be read by the students.

b. Then, giving students reading text by using recorder, Telling the student that this test recorded, so the researcher asked the student to read the text aloud.

c. After recording, the researcher doing the validity to expert, The recording was validated by the pronunciation lecturer.


Technique of data analysis

This research uses qualitative data, so it will be analysis by using technique of analysis of descriptive. is the process of preparing data systematically obtained from observing record field. The preparation done to be understood by a researcher or a reader. Data analysis was done by making conclusions that can be let to other people.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction should not be considered to be separate from analysis, but as a part of it. According to sugiyono (2016, p.92) reduction data is identification the data until tat to small part in data that have meaning when be looked by focus on research of problem. In this step, the analysis data start with choose descriptive text of recount text and analysis students error in pronouncing English nasal.

2. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is to display data. In qualitative research, the presentation of data can be done in the from of brief descriptions, charts, relations between categories, flowchart and the like.

3. Conclusion/verification

the third step in the analysis of qualitative data. I this step, the researcher takes a conclusion and verification from the result in observation and documentation. The


purpose of this section is to know what to made errors in emphasis students pronouncing in English nasal.

4. Triangulation

In this research, the researcher use triangulation technique. Triangulation is a technique of checking the validity of the data Wahyu (2012, p.18). According to Robert (2010, p.124) Triangulation is make us more confident that we have the meaning right, or it may make us more confident that we need to examine differences to see important multiple meanings. So, with triangulation, our research can be improved either way.


F. Research Schedule

Schedule of the researcher is a frame work to allocate the time to conduct this thesis. The schedule is related to the preparation until final report. Can be changed, So it is not permanent time.

No Activities Months

December January February March April May June A ug u st 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 Preparation of



2 Improvement of proposal


3 Preparation of Seminar


4 Improvement of Seminar


5 Research Permit X 6 Preparation of



7 Improvement of research


8 Collecting the

Students’ Pronounced


9 Analysis The students Pronunciation


10 Thesis Examination X




In this chapter, the researcher analyses qualities the transcription nasal of the sound made by second semester students of English department at Islamic university sulthan Thaha saifudin Jambi, there is 24 students who read descriptive text nasal sounds.

1. Observation

when observing the class, the researcher took twenty four students as the subject of study. The researcher analyzed and made checklist of the error in pronouncing nasal sounds by students on observation sheets.

The researcher observing the students in the crass and give the text to students and ask the students to read the text. when students read the text researcher made recording and researcher took picture. The researcher found some emphasis error made by students.

By analyzing the students' recording, the researcher obtained the result of observing which presented in the following table.

Table 1.2

The errors made by students in pronouncing nasal sounds No Words Dictionary

Transcription As Recorded Subjects

1 My / maI /

2 Living / LIviƞ / Living 6

3 Room / ru:m: / Rum 4

Rum 5

4 May / meI /



5 Small /sme:l / Small 4

6 And / ənd: / End 7

7 Organized / Ɔ : gənaIz / Organaiz 17

8 On / ɒn /

9 Wooden / wudan / Wudǝr 8

10 L3amp / læmp / Læp

Læmp lem lam lap

2 3 4 6 10 11 Matching / mætʃchiŋ /

12 Lampshade / læmp /

13 Second / sekənd / Sekǝd

Seken Second

2 4 7

14 An / A /

15 Antique / æn’ti:k / æ’tik kontiqiu attiklok atti attig yunik

1 3 5 6 7 13 16 Numbers / nɅmbə ( r ) / Members


3 10

17 Bottom / bɒtəm / Batem


4 6 18 Newspaper / nju:zpaper / Newspaper 3 19 Television / təlIvIȝn / Telefisyin


6 9


T he

recording was conducted on 17 April 2018. It was done eight times, the researcher

20 Nothing / nɅθIŋ / Nothing


1, 5, 12 8 21 Between / bI’twi:n /

22 Long / lԾŋ / Long


1 2

23 In / In / It 3

24 Lying / LaIŋ / Lai


6 15, 17

25 Single / sIŋgl / Singgl

Single Single

3 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18

26 Front / frɅnt / Proo


3 13 27 Another / ǝ’nɅԾǝ( r ) /

28 Magazine / mægǝ’zi:n / Magazains Mǝgǝziz Megazin

4, 5, 9 8 13

29 One / wɅn /

30 Most / mǝust /

31 Striking / straIkIŋ / Strikling 5

32 Item / aItǝm /

33 Paintin / peIntŋ / Painting 3

34 Extraordinary / Ik’strǝ:dnri / Extrardinr Iextroordnry

5 8

35 Scene / si:n Sin


8 9 36 Everything / ‘evrithIŋ /


took 4 room as the sample they were class a, b, c, and d. recording was conducted by researcher with 24 students from different classes. One by one the students trying to read the text that consist of the nasal sound and using recording from researcher. The reading text was made by the researcher and was validated by the English lecturer.

Based on the result of the nasal sounds pronounced by students at English department most of the students still error emphasis and mispronounced nasal sound. The elaborated are:

a. Bilabials /m/

There are 2 mispronounced and 7 error emphasis made by students of English department Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi. They are room, small, lamp and magazine.

Table 1.3

Mispronounced and error emphasis of bilabials /m/

no Words Phonetic mispronounced Error pressure Subject

1 Room /ru:m/ √ 4, 5

2 Small /smǝ:l/ √ 4

3 Lamp /læmp/ √ √ 2

4 Magazine /mægǝ’zi:n √ √ 4, 5, 9, 8,


According to the correct pronunciation, the researcher found some mispronounced and some errors made by students of english department Islamic University Sultha Thaha Saifudin Jambi in pronounced room, small, lamp /læp/ and magazine /megeziz/. The correct pronunciation of the word lamp is /læmp/ magazine is /mægǝ’zi:n/. However, the correct of pressure is the sounds of bilabials must clear. The all of students don’t not realized their mistakes. The researcher


concludes that 24 students, from 8 bilabial words in the text have 4 word make students mistake.

From 24 students have 9 students make error in mispronounced and error pressure bilabial sounds and have 15 students make correctly.

b. Alveolar /n/

From 18 words which contained alveolar sounds, there were 11 words were mispronounced by students of English department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi. They were and, organize, wooden, second, antique, newspaper, television, in, front, magazine scene.

Table. 1.4

No Words Phonetic mispronunciation Error pressure


1 And /ǝnd:/ √ 7

2 Organize /Ɔ:rgǝnaIz/ √ 17

3 Wooden /wudan/ √ √ 8

4 Second /sekǝnd/ √ √ 2, 4, 7

5 Antique /æn’ti:k/ √ √ 1, 3, 5, 6,

7, 13,

6 Newspaper /nju:zpǝpr/ √ 3

7 Television /tǝllvIȝn/ √ √ 6, 9

8 In /In/ √ √ 3

9 Front /frɅnt/ √ √ 1, 2,

,3,4,5, 6, 7, 813, 19, 21, 24

10 Magazine /mægǝ’zi:n/ √ √ 4, 5, 9, 8,


11 Painting /peIntŋ/ √ 3

12 extraordinary /Ik’strǝ:dnri √ √ 5, 8


13 Scene /si:n/ √ 8, 9

The table above shows that sound /n/ , was the most problematic alveolar for students. Most of students could not produce this sound correctly. The researcher concludes that from 24 students, there were 15 students made error in

pronunciation and 9 students pronounced correctly.

c. Velar /ŋ/

Students still made errors in pronouncing velar sounds. From 9 word consisting the velar sounds, there were 6 error pronunciation.

Table.1.5 Error pronunciation of velar /ŋ/

No Words Phonetic Mispronunciation Error pressure Subject

1 Living /lIvIŋ/ √ 6

2 Nothing /nɅθIŋ/ √ √ 1, 5, 12, 8

3 Long /lԾŋ/ √ √ 1, 2

4 Lying /laIŋ/ √ 6, 15, 17

5 Single /sIŋgl/ √ √ 3, 4, 5, 8,

8, 12, 13, 17, 18

6 Striking /straIkIŋ/ √ 5

Last test was velar sound /ŋ/. Most of students doing error in pronouncing this sound they got confused to pronounce this sound. The researcher concludes that from 24 students, there were 12 students made error pronunciation and 12 students pronunciation correctly.

A. Discussion

According jones (2010), acceptable pronunciation can be understood based on the follow basic levels that is what the speaker is saying is not understandable to people, the speaker understandable to people but the speaker not acceptable to listen to.


Based on the description in the data presentation, there are several things can be noted down. Most of students still made mistake in pronouncing nasal sound. There are three kinds of pronunciation mistakes on nasal sound that is bilabials (m), alveolar (n) and velar (ŋ).

1. Identification errors a. Bilabials

According to guntari (2013) bilabial is the sound produced by bringing the upper and bottom lips together. In this research conducted for clear information the researcher found some errors in pronouncing english bilabial sound.

The problem faced by students in pronouncing bilabial nasal sound (m) they pronounced /ru:m/ made mistake in emphasis. They also made error in emphasis nasal sound /læmp/. They made mistake when they pronounced /smǝ:l/.

they pronounced /smǝl/ with / smal/. Another problem faced by students error in emphasis nasal sound that are /nɅmber/, /bɒteǝm/. The researcher find some error in emphasis english nasal sounds, the researcher not just find emphasis but in pronunciation bilabials too.

b. Alveolar

The following are the error in pronouncing alveolar sounds made by second semester student in UIN STS Jambi that the researcher found in the research. According to hyams (2011, p.193) “alveolar sound also vary in the way the airstream is affected as it flows from the lungs up and out of the mouth and nose”.

The researcher founds that students mostly made error in emphasis when they to say alveolar sounds that is /sekǝnd/, but not just in emphasis but in pronunciation /sekǝnd/ they said /seken/, /second/, the other error in emphasizing nasal sound /æn’tik/, /front/, /IksrtrǝdnrI/ many students made error in this emphasis. And also /mægǝ’zI:n/ students made error in the emphasis. And all of the alveolar (n) students made error in the emphasis.


c. Velar

From the research, the researcher found some error made by students in pronouncing velar nasal sound. O’connor (1980, p.53) State that have three nasal consonants and the only one likely to cause trouble, because many languages don’t have consonant velar sound /ŋ/ so many people confuse to say velar sound so we must very careful to say velar sound. So many students in english department education in the second semester made error in pronuncing nasal by emphasizing velar (ŋ) that is: /lIvIŋ/, and one student made error in emphasis pronunciation velar /lԾŋ/, but not only emphasis ,but student made mistake in pronunciation /lԾŋ/ with say / law/. Another problem, some students error in emphasis /sIŋgl/, students said with / singel/. And also students make error in emphasis / straIkIŋ/, and /peIntŋ/. The researcher found problem about emphasis in pronunciation englis nasal velar consonant.

2. The analysis of Observation

From observation, the researcher gave a text to students as a means of finding emphasis error in pronouncing English nasal made by students to compare the data from observation. The researcher asked students to have read. The topic are “My Living Room”. When they are read, the researcher took picture and record. From recording the researcher found some error in pronouncing English nasal made by students the second semester of English department. The result of data is as follows:

Students 1 :

From the recording there were some of errors in pronouncing English nasal made by student. The student made error emphasis those are “ antique, nothing and long.

Student 2:


From the recording the researcher found some error pronouncing in English nasal made by students there are: lamp/laep/, second/ sekend/ and long/lawq.

Student 3:

From recording there were some emphasis error made by students those are lamp, antique. Numbers, newspaper, single, front, painting.

Student 4:

From the recording there were some emphasis error pronouncing english nasal made by student there are room, small, second, single and magazine.

Student 5:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are room, antique, nothing, single, magazine and striking.

Student 6:

From the observation in recording researcher found some error in pronouncing english nasal there are living, lamp, antique, television, lying.

Student 7:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are second, antique and.

Student 8:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are wooden, nothing, single, magazine and extraordinary.

Student 9:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are television, single, magazine, scene.


Student 10:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are lamp, numbers.

Student 11:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are lamp, second,

Student 12:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are nothing, single.

Student 13:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are antique, single.

Student 15:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there is lying.

Student 17:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there are organized, lying, single.

Student 18:

From the recording the researcher found some emphasis error in pronouncing english nasal there is single.






Based on the description in the data presentation, there were several things can be noted down that most students still made error in pronouncing English nasals. There are: the bilabial sounds which were pronounced incorrectly by students of English department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi was bilabial /m/. From 24 students there were 9 students who made mistake in pronouncing bilabials sounds.

In addition the alveolar sounds which were pronounced incorrectly by students of English department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi was emphasis alveolar /n/. from 24 students there were 15 students who made in error pronunciation and emphasizing nasal alveolar sounds. Moreover, the velar sounds were often mispronounced by students of English department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi especially velar /ŋ/. From 24 students there were 12 students who made error emphasis in pronouncing nasal velar sounds.

The causes of the problem in the nasal sounds made by students of English department at Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi were because different sound have different ways of spelling. Besides, students are not familiar with sound and spelling relationships. Furthermore, L1 interferences was also factor causing errors. .



The researcher realized that, this research focuses on pronunciation study.

Hopefully, it will be useful to guide learners of English especially of English department Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi in the pronunciation subject. There are some suggestion will be delivered especially for researcher and generally for the readers to make better improvement in the future especially related to teaching-learning process can be developed.

1. For the students, to help the students to know deeply how to speak goodly and correctly, the students must practice the English nasal sounds more. In order to further improve their knowledge about pronunciation reproduce vocabulary.

Read a lot of books always pay attention and lecturer always pay attention when speak English or teach how to good pronunciation when want to speak English language. In order for students to have good pronunciation, because it is impossible to speak English correctly if their do not to learn.

2. For the lecturer, especially lecturer in the subject of pronunciation, to teach or to give some vocabulary English nasal sound and give students practice more and teach how to pronounce it correctly to avoid some interference from their native language.

3. For the other researcher, who will conduct a research, as well as possible to consider about the time in collecting data, to get an accurate data as needed and to avoid some possible constraints. The result of this study can be used to conduct a similar research. The researcher suggests this study will be continued by other researcher. The other researchers can conduct the research with the same themes in different topic. And for the next researcher it is expected in the future it can be used as one source of data for further research.

And it is expected that further researchers will prepare themselves better in the process of taking and collecting data and everything properly, So that research can be carried out.


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