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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)

English Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga

By :










The more we are grateful, the more

happiness we get.


vi DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole intended dedicated for:

 My beloved parents (Hasanatul Fajriyah and M. Hamam Nasrudin), thanks for all

support, trust, finance, encouragement and all of your prayers for me. You are the best, best, best parents in this world. I love you Mom and Dad. By this graduated I hope you will be happy.

 My dearest little brothers, Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah, Husnul Muna





In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and

institution, and the writer somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department

4. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A. as a counsellor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this thesis from beginning until

the end

5. All of the lectures in English Education Department

6. All of the staff who have helped the researcher in processing of graduating paper administration



Nushroh, Alfi Hamidatun.2018. The Use of Quantum Writing to Improve Writing Skills of Descriptive Text (A CAR of Second Grade Students of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the Academic Year of 2017/2018). Graduating Paper. English Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Ruwandi, M.A

This research aims to improve students writing skills of descriptive text of second grade students of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the academic year of 2017/2018. The objective of this research was to improve students writing skills of descriptive text using Quantum Writing. Based on the results observations of second grade students SMP Islam Ar- Rahmah Suruh, showed that a tendency when learning to write, students less interest and lack motivation in writing so that students find difficult to develop their writing. To improve students writing skill of descriptive text, have applied an interesting learning method, the method that support in writing activity especially on descriptive text was Quantum Writing. The methodology of the research was classroom action research which consists of two cycles. The numbers of the students in this research were 22 students. In completing the research, the researcher used observation sheet and documentation. The purpose of this study to describe the implementation of Quantum Writing and the improvement after being the application of Quantum Writing. The result of this research showed that the findings in cycle II was higher than the KKM (Minimum Mastery Criteria) of SMP Islam Ar-rahmah Suruh on score 75 in the academic year of 2017/2018. The mean score of post-test in cycle I was 74.54 and cycle II was 77.36. Based on the result of this research, it could be concluded that the implementation of Quantum Writing successful in improve students writing skills of descriptive text of second grade students of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the academic year of 2017/2018.




TITLE... i




MOTO... v







CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research... 1

B. Problems of the Research... 3

C. Limitation of the Research... 4

D. Objectives of the Research... 4

E. Benefits of the Research... 4



G. Graduating Paper Organization... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Previous Research... 8

B. Quantum Writing... 10

1. Definition of Quantum Writing... 10

2. The Purpose of Quantum Writing... 12

3. The Benefit of Quantum Writing... 13

4. Writing Technique with Quantum Writing... 13

5. The Principle of Quantum Writing... 16

6. The Steps of Quantum Writing Technique... 17

C. General Concept of Writing Skill 1. Definition of Writing... 19

2. The Purpose of Writing... 20

3. The Benefit of Writing... 21

4. The Process of Writing... 22

5. Teaching Writing... 26

D. Descriptive Text 1. Definition of Descriptive Text... 26



F. Evaluation Rubric... 28


1. General Situation SMP Ar-Rahmah Suruh... 32

2. The Vision of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh... 32

3. The Mission of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh... 33

4. Structure Organization of School... 33

5. Schedule of the Research...34

6. Procedure of Research... 35

B. Research Method... 38



D. Research Instrument... 41

E. Evaluation Criteria... 42

F. Method of Collecting data... 44

G. Technique of Data Analysis... 47


B. Analysis of Data... 74

1. Cycle 1... 75

2. Cycle 2... 82

CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusions... 92

B. Suggestions... 94





Figure 3.1 Structure organization of school... 33

Figure 3.2 Procedure of Classroom Action Research... 35

Table 2.1 Rubric for Assessing Students Writing Descriptive... 29

Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research... 34

Table 3.2 The list of VIII Class of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh... 40

Table 3.3 Analytic Scoring Rubric of Writing... 43

Table 3.4 The Criteria of the Students’ Achievement... 44

Table 4.1 Classroom Observation Sheet for the teacher Cycle I... 56

Table 4.2 Classroom Observation Sheet for the Students Cycle I... 59

Table 4.3 Classroom Observation Sheet for the Teacher Cycle II... 68

Table 4.4 Classroom Observation Sheet for the Students Cycle I... 71

Table 4.5 Student’s Score of Pre-test in Cycle I... 75

Table 4.6 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Pre-Test I... 76

Table 4.7 Student’s Score of Post-test in Cycle I... 77

Table 4.8 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Post-Test 1... 78

Table 4.9 Difference Square of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Cycle I... 79

Table 4.10 Student’s Score of Pre-test in Cycle II... 83



Table 4.12 Student’s Score of Post-test in Cycle II... 85

Table 4.13 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Post-Test II... 86

Table 4.14 Difference Square of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle II... 87




In this chapter the researcher will present about the background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the keywords and organization of the graduating paper.

A.Background of Research

Brown (2004: 6) defines that language is a systematic instrument of communicating ideas or feelings by using sounds, gestures, or signs agreed. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication. Language is important element in our life.

Nowadays, English is an international language in the

communication and interaction. English is also one of international languages necessary to support knowledge. Most of people in many countries use English language as daily language and study this language.

English language needed in many fields, such as religion, business, politic, economic, science, technology and education. In Indonesia English is a

foreign language and taught from elementary school until university. A good communication and interaction must followed by mastering four skills that are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is one of the ability to be owned.



knowledge or some information to share and learn. According to Patel, M.F and Praveen M.Jain (2008: 125) Writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of learning a language

because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern. It becomes an important aspect of students’

expression at higher stage. Even though the students of elementary school until high level study about it but the result of their examination is not

always good. Because to mastering the writing skill it requires special attention as it is a productive language process.

Since writing is the most difficult language skill students face a lot

of problem. In this research the writer will focus on descriptive text. The students were lazy and bored if the teachers asked them to write something

even it just writes a descriptive text. There were many students were lack of motivation in writing. So there are many of them got bad score in writing. Besides that some of them did not know what they should write.

The other problems which also emerged are choosing the topic, arranging

paragraph and using of vocabulary.

Based on the result of the writers’ observation in the second grade

students of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh it could be concluded that the

students also face some problems they were still difficult to explore their idea in writing. Some of them did not know what they should write. Besides that the other problems many students were lack of motivation and



According that explanation to solve the problems above the writer tries to find the effective learning method that more attracts the students’ attention

to express their ideas in writing skill. One of the method that give freedom

to students when put or express their ideas into writing is the Quantum

Writing techniques. This technique will help students put their ideas into writing and make the students to be creative and critical in writing with a system mind-centered, organized, writing essays, and celebrate. So the

ability of students in writing will be more optimal. In the process of learning to write the writer using quantum writing techniques expected to

support the success of the writer. Application of the technique is at the

time of presenting the subject matter in the implementation. Finally the

writer and the class teacher agreed to use Quantum Writing to improve

students’ writing skill on descriptive text.

From the background of these problems the writer conducted a research with the title THE USE OF QUANTUM WRITING TO



B.Problems of the Research



1. How is the implementation of Quantum Writing to improve writing skills of descriptive text?

2. How far is the improvement of writing descriptive text after being

taught using Quantum Writing?

C.Objective of the Research

Based on the problems of study above, the writer can conclude of the purpose/objectives of this research are:

1. To find out the implementation of Quantum Writing to improve

writing skills of descriptive text of the second grade of SMP Islam

Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the academic year of 2017/2018.

2. To find out the improvement students writing skills of descriptive text after being using Quantum of the second grade of SMP Islam

Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the academic year of 2017/2018. D. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher would like to limit the scope of the use to the following problems in order to avoid misinterpretation of the problem are:

1. The research especially focuses on Quantum Writing to teach writing.

2. The subject in this research is the second grade students of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh in the academic year of 2017/2018.

3. The research is limited in writing skill. The contribution of students’ writing is on descriptive text.

E. Benefit of the Research


5 1. Theoretical benefits

This research will enrich the study on teaching writing especially use Quantum Writing strategy.

2. Practical benefits

a. It helps the teacher increase the student’s writing skill and helps the students put their ideas into writing and make the students to be

creative and critical in writing skill.

b. The teacher can adopt the strategy to be implemented in their writing class.

c. To developing four skills more easily especially in writing ability.

d. For the writer the finding of the research can be used a starting point to improving the writer’s teaching ability especially in

writing now and the future.

F. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid some in correct interpretation on this research title, the writer wants to explain the meaning of the title at a glance to make this


6 1. Quantum Writing

Quantum writing is an interaction of learning process (writing) that be able to change of multiple potential in human beings to be

explosion that can be transmitted to others (Hernowo, 2006:10).

2. Improve Writing

Improving is the process of becoming or making to be better (Oxford university press, 2003: 216). In other dictionary we can find the word “improve” which means to make better in quality or to make

more productive to become better (Webster, 1994: 487).

Writing is commonly seen as a three-stage process:

pre-writing, pre-writing, and rewriting (Hamp, Lynons, Heasley, 2006:13). Writing skill is specified into the skill in organizing ideas (Rohman,

2009:5). Writing is representing the information to the reader in written form.

3. Descriptive Text

According to Oshima and Hogue (1997:50) descriptive writing

appeals to the senses. So it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes or sounds. In additon a good description is like a “word picture”; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or

her mind.

G. Graduating Paper Organization



In the Chapter I is the introduction consists of the background of the research, the problem of the research, the objective of the research, limitation of the research, benefit of the research, definition of the key

terms and graduating paper organization. In the Chapter II is a theoretical

review. This part presents which contains the theories that related and support the research studies on similar filed and more explanation about the use of Quantum writing to improve the students writing ability. In the

Chapter III is a method of the research; consist of school and students profile, research methodology, the role of this research, technique of collecting data, and analysis of data. In the Chapter IV is finding and

discussion; consist of implementation of Quantum writing and description of students’ writing ability improvement. In the Chapter V is closure, it consist of conclusion of the research’s finding and suggestion. The last




In this chapter, the researcher presents about many theoretical

frameworks of this study. It is aimed to give relevant knowledge

underlined the study. Therefore, this chapter describes some information involving: review of previous research, general concept of writing skill, descriptive text, quantum writing, the minimum exhaustiveness criteria

(KKM), and evaluation rubric. A.Review of Previous Research

In accomplishing the research, the writer uses the previous research

dealing with the topic of previous study as guidance. The writer takes two researches to support the writer‘s study in order to show the originality to

the research. The first research has been conducted by Laksmi ( Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 2013). She conducted a research paper entitled The Implementation of Quantum Learning method for

Improving the Ability of Analyzing Descriptive Paragraph at Students

Grade VIII SMP Negeri 2 Denpasar in Academic Year 2012/2013. She find a problems faced by the teacher and students. The problem is the students of Negeri 2 Denpasar feel bored not interesting when learning

activities. Based on the result of her analysis shows that conducted in analyzing descriptive paragraphs especially by using Quantum Learning



of students in learning. So that students are able to achieve the expected


The second study conducted by Kurniawati (IAIN Tulungagung

2016). She conducted a research paper entitled An Aplication of Quantum

Teaching and Learning Methods to Increase the Result of English Learning Students Grade III of Sunphatana Deklek Masjid Al Amin River Pool Narathiwat Thailand. The students problem of Sunphatana Deklek

Masjid Al Amin River Pool Narathiwat Thailand is lack of learners' understanding of the material presented by the teacher. The condition is caused by: (1) Differences in the characteristics of learners in different

classes. (2) Learning methods used in learning are less varied. (3) Use of learning media used by teachers less than the maximum. Therefore

students' interest and learning outcomes in English subjects are still low. The results of research shows that the application of learning using Quantum Teaching and Learning method can increase students' interest

and learning achievement.

The third study was done by Purwanti (IAIN Salatiga 2016) She conducted a research paper entitled The Use of Brainwriting Strategy to Improve The Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Text (A CAR of

Second Grade Students at MTsN Susukan 1 In The Academic Year 2016/2017) she find some problems that are the students are dificult to understand the text and dificult to get ideas in writing descriptive text. The



can improve students understanding and express their ideas on writing descriptive text. It could conclude that her research was successful.

Although the writer has similar topic with the previous research but

the writer has different research and object. The writer focuses on

improving writing ability on descriptive text through Quantum Writing techniques. The writer analyzes on improving student writing ability on descriptive text of the second grade of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh.

B.Quantum Writing

1. Definition of Quantum Writing

Accoding to DePorter (2003 : 14) Quantum Learning is rooted in Dr. Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian educator who experimented with what he called a "suggestopedia" principle was that suggestion could

influence learning outcomes. Some of the techniques employed to give positive suggestions are to make students feel comfortable, put on background music in the classroom, increase individual participation,

use posters to give a great impression of information display, and provide teachers who are well trained in suggestive teaching arts.

Accoding to DePorter (1999 : 16) Quantum can be understood as an interaction that converts the energy into light. Quantum writing strategy is a quick and useful ways to stimulate the emergence of

writing potential that is through writing techniques that are pesented



by DePorter; she said that Quantum learning combines sugestology of learning acceleration techniques, and NLP with theories, beliefs, and methods of the teacher himself. Key concepts from various theories and

other learning strategies such as:

a. Right / left brain theory b. Triune brain theory (3 in 1)

c. Choice of modalities (visual, auditoria, and kinesthetic)

d. The theory of multiple intelligences e. Holistic education

f. Learning by experiences

g. Simulation or games

Quantum writing is an interaction of learning process (writing) that

be able to change of multiple potential in human beings to be explosion that can be transmitted to others (Hernowo, 2006:10). Quantum Writing strategy include spesific guidlines for creating an effective learning

environment, designing curruculum, delivering content and facilitating

the learning process. The basic concept of Quantum Writing above can be applied in the process of learning to write, think of writing as a fun creativity.



a. Concentrate. The first step in writing is concentration. That is by focusing the mind, write some main ideas and arrange the main points in writing.

b. Set. In this step there are two strategies: The first strategy is mind

map that is describes, connects and expands ideas. The second strategy is framework that is building a paragraph that contains the main ideas, details, examples and conclusions.

c. Arrange. This step is done after the writer is able to apply the mind map strategy or framework. This step can be done by target strategy and draft strategy. Target strategy, many writers cannot finish his

writing. It happens because the writing is made without careful planning. So in writing it is very important to determine the time

target of writing can be resolved. Draft strategy, after focusing the writing with the target strategy, the next step is to write the draft. To write a draft can refer or look at the main map or framework

paragraphs that have been made.

2. The Purpose of Quantum Writing

The purposes of Quantum Writing to be achieved according to Hernowo (2004: 56) are:

a. A quick ways to bring out the unique side it has and then to recognize itself as a whole.

b. The passion to get out everything on the self while writing.



d. A quick ways to enrich mental of students.

Based on above description can be concluded that the purpose of learning process Quantum Writing is a quick ways to stimulate the

emergence of potential writing skills.

3. The Benefits of Quantum Writing

The benefits of Quantum Writing according DePorter (2003: 13) are:

a. Increase the student motivation. b. Increase the students' interest to learn.

c. Growing positive attitude of students to writing learning.

d. Improving students' writing skills. e. Growing confidence in the writing.

f. The process of writing learning to be practical and fun.

Based on the description above the benefits of Quantum Writing is to accelerate and increase the potential of students writing skill and

foster self-confidence so it will create a positive attitude of students in

writing learning.

4. Writing Techniques with Quantum Writing

Quantum writing technique recommended by Hernowo (2006:13) are:

a. The release of idea and use of writing benefit.

The mind-mapping is an excellent way to generate data and

organize ideas before starting writing. It will help to relase the idea.



Gabriele Lusser Rico lecturer of English Creative Arts at San Jose

State University developed this method called clustering. Through

clustering will emerge a number of alternatives from the part of our

mind that in the alternative life experiences melt into one. This

method is a writing tool that can receive curiosity, ignorance, and

something that looks chaotic, which gradually map the interior

landscape along with the emergence of ideas. The mind-mapping

makes the author relate to your subconscious mind before writing;

Writing will be more emotional, more colorful, and more rhythmic.

(Hernowo, 2006: 141)

b. Writing technique using music.

One of the benefits of music is that it can help bring up ideas in the

mind. Phenomenal music can help learning and to learn. Learning

using Super-learning techniques usually play music that is slow or

largo tempo is slow music with tempo can reduce brain waves and

heartbeats that trigger deeper relaxation. Music is able to drain the

creative energy that makes the listener surprised and happy. The type

of music that needs to be chosen to accompany the learning activities

when creating the essay depends on the impact you want. J.S Bach

music such as Harpsi Chord Concertos or Invention can help skill in

imagination. While Brandenbrurg Concerto No.5 (second



their inner condition, reviewing what thoughts and feelings are

hidden there.

Classical and romantic classical music will make the essay livelier

because the music can trigger the emergence of new ideas or creative

energy. It should be noted that when listening should be relaxed.

Some effective music for this purpose is Symphony No. 6 (second

movement) by Beethoven, Mozart's Eine Kleine Natchmusik, Piano

Concerto no. 5, Emperor by Bethoven and New World Symphony

(second movement) by Dvorak. To raise the spirit of the children as

they write essays we can play Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite or The

Moldau by Smetana (Hernowo ,2006:167).

c. Write confidently.

Encourage students' writing skills to reach students' mental abilities

by removing the myths about writing, such as: difficult in writing,

must be grammatical in writing, run out of ideas when writing or

others. To bring self-confidence students can by push the spirit like

slogan or wisdom words. Positive sentences that hang on the wall

can be a lasting reminder of the potential and advantages of students.

One of quote from Goethe says that "whatever you can do or want to

do, start. Courage has intelligence, strength, and magic in it.

(DePorter, 2003: 76)

d. Super writing skills. Meaning that between free writing and



the first must concentrate on "what" then "how". Content is more

important than style. The problem is that most people think that good

writing is to write creatively and edit what they write

simultaneously. The result writing becomes tense and stiff.

For that we can do the creative mapping first that is to let the mind

do free association on paper sheets such as drawing maps and then

grouping ideas that are related to be a theme that can be developed to

be paragraph. In writing do not worry about style, spelling, grammar

or punctuation first. Let the minds flashed on paper. Once the idea

has become written then we will enter the post editing stage. At the

next stage then we pay attention to spelling, grammar and

punctuation (Hernowo, 2006: 191).

5. The Principle of Quantum Writing

According DePorter (2006:24) before you do almost everything in your life. You will ask yourself this important question. "What's in it for me?” or AMBak. It is a mental training to help the students to

motivated. a. Creat Interest

Creating a interest with what is being learned by connecting with the

real world. Ask students,” How I can use it in everyday life”.

Creating this kind of interest is an excellent way to motivate students

to achieve their goals. If we are responsible for our live, we will


17 b. Celebrate Success

When the students achieve their success then it does not seem like a

big thing anymore. It will be something they have missed and they

will forget that they have done a great job well. When students have

completed a job then it is important to celebrate this achievement.

Those will give a feeling of success, completion and convidence for

the students. This will build motivation for students for the next

purpose (DePorter 2003:56).

6. The Steps of Quantum Writing Techniques

The stages of writing proposed by DePorter and Hermacki

(2003:195) quoted from California Writing Project are as follows: a. Preparation

Clustering and fast writing are the two techniques used in this writing process. At this stage the author builds only a foundation for topics based on students' knowledge, ideas, and experiences.

b. Draft-Coarse

Here start tracing and developing ideas. Focus on content rather than punctuation, grammar, or spelling. In this case to show instead of notify when writing.

c. Editing

At this stage correct all spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Make sure all transitions run well, the use of verbs, and complete


18 d. Share

Part of this process is very important. As a writer or author feel very close to their writing. So it difficult for writers to assess

objectively. To take a distance yourself from writing, you need to ask

someone else to read it and provide feedback. Ask a friend, patner, colleague, classmate, to read it and correct which parts are really not quite right.

e. Repair (Revised)

At this stage after getting correction and suggestion from other people so repeat and improve their writing.

f. Rewrites

At this stage, enter new content and edit changes.

g. Evaluation

At this stage, to ensure that the author has completed the planned to be conveyed. This stage marks the end of the process to make a good


According above explanation in using the quantum writing strategy the teacher must create a conducive, cohesive, dynamic, participatory and mutual respect in the class. The principle of quantum is all


19 C.General Concept of Witing Skill

1. Definition of Writing

According to Gelb (1962: 12) writing is a written language.

Writing is as a system of human intercommunication by means of

conventional visible marks but it is evident from what has been said that what the primitives understood as writing is not the same thing as what we do.

Writing is used either as evidence of succesful learning or as a means of learning. Writing is process of thinking; it means that writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, feeling or thinking to the

others through written form. Yet good writing skill are essential to academic success and a requirement for many occupation and

prefession (Richard, 1997:100)

Other oppinion according to Harmer (1998: 79) Writing as a skill: by far the most important reason for teaching writing, of course, is

that is a basic Language skill, just as important as speaking, listening

and reading. Students need to know how to write letters, how to write reports together, how to reply to advertisements-and increasingly;how to write useing electronic media. They need to know some of writing’s

special conventions (punctuation, paragraph construction etc.) Just as they need to know how to pronounce English appropriately. Writing is the most efficiently acquired when practice in writing parallels practice



Writing is also useful for setting homework exercise and for some class text (Patel and Praveen, 2008: 125). Based on some opinions of experts can be concluded that writing is meant ability to express the ideas,

feelings, opinions, message and others through writing.

2. The Purpose of Writing

According Reinking (1921) the purpose of writing are: a. To inform.

Presenting information is one of the most common writing purposes. The boating enthusiast who tells landlubber classmates how to handle a skiff plays the role of teacher, as does the researcher who

summarizes the result of an investigation for co-wokers. These writers investigate timely topics become short term experts and pass

along their findings in an easily understood form. b. To persuade.

Although the terms argument and persuasion are often used

interchangeably, the terms do have slightly different meanings.

Argument is a specific type of persuasion that follows certain ground rules. Those rules are that opposing positions will be presented accurately and fairly, and that appeals to logic and reason will be the

primary means of persuasion. Persuasive writing may, if it wishes, ignore those rules and try any strategy that might work. Advertisements are a good example of persuasive writing. They



appeal to image, to emotion, to character, or to anything except logic and the facts—unless those facts are in the product's favor.

c. To Express Yourself

Creative writing includes personal essays, fiction, plays, and poetry,

as well as journals and diaries. But self-expression has a place in other kinds of writing too. Almost everything you write provides the opportunity to display your personality and mastery of words and to

enliven your prose with vivid images and fresh turns of phrase. d. To Entertain.

Entertain as a purpose or goal of writing, entertaining is often used

with some other purpose--to explain, argue, or inform in a humorous way. Sometimes, however, entertaining others with humor is our

main goal. Entertaining may take the form of a brief joke, a newspaper column, a television script or an Internet home page tidbit, but its goal is to relax our audience and share some story of

human foibles or surprising actions.

3. Benefit of Writing

According Pennebaker in Quantum Writing (2006: 54) benefit of writing are:

a. Writing clears the mind.

b. Writing can overcome the trauma that inhibits the completion of tasks.



d. Writing can help solve the problem.

e. Free writing helps us when we are forced to write.

4. Process of Writing

Quoted from Utami in her thesis Ghaith (2002) states that

writing is most likely to encourage thinking and learning when students view writing as a process. Teachers need to understand that writing is a recursive process, and that every writer uses the process

in a different way, so that students experience less pressure and more willing to experiment, explore, revise, and edit. Another opinion according to Rumisek and Zemach (2005: 3), writing process goes

through several steps to produce a good written product. There are some sub-activities to be taken in producing the text. It is more than

just putting words together to make sentences. The writer should undergo several steps to make sure that what has been written follows the right development of writing process. There is a similar

view from Nation (2009:114) which states that one way of focusing

on different aspects of writing is to look at writing as a process. It means that writing process contains several sub-processes which are imperatively united as an outline for students to begin and finish their writing. Steps in writing process:



you determine what you will write about. Many things qualify as prewriting activities. Some of the most common are:

1) Making lists

2) Brainstorming

3) Making webs, charts, clustering, or using graphic organizers 4) Outlining

5) Drawing

6) Discussing the subject 7) Free writing, journal writing 8) Note taking

9) Researching 10) Interviewing

The purpose of the prewriting stage is to allow you to explore the topic thoroughly in an informal, relaxed, unstructured way before starting a formal composition. Prewriting is a prerequisite for good writing. Don’t skip this step or cut it short.

b. Draft—put it down on paper. (Write) Drafting is where formal writing begins. Using your prewriting materials as your guide, you start to write. At this point, you don’t worry too much about



notes, outlines, lists or ideas have been turned into sentences and paragraphs:

1) There is a recognizable beginning, middle, and end.

2) You have gone as far as you can go without some feedback.

3) Your draft does not have to be complete from beginning to end. Like prewriting, the drafting stage is important. It gives you as a writer the opportunity to engage in risk-free exploration of your subject. It’s a good time for trying

things out.

c. Revise—take a look at what you’ve written; get some advice. (Make it better) Revising means seeing again, and it also includes getting some reader response. Response can come from

many sources: Teacher conference: 1) Peer conference (show it to a friend)

2) Small group or class share (read it aloud and get some


3) Discussion with parent, family members, other adults

At this point, you are looking for reactions and suggestions.

Everything is fair game, but comments regarding conventions should be kept to a minimum. You’ll deal with conventions during editing. Right now you’re most concerned with your



d. Edit—make corrections. (Make it correct) At this point, the writer will focus formally on mechanical correctness. This is the point in the process when copy editing occurs. Grammar, usage,

punctuation, spelling, and minor changes in wording are the only

work the paper should need at this point. Editing can come from different sources:

1) Your enother source or another teacher

2) A friend 3) Parents

4) Spell-checking and grammar-checking features on your

computer (these are not fool proof; you still must pay close attention)

e. PUBLISH—polish your work for presentation, and reflect on it. (SHARE THE FINISHED PRODUCT) Publication can take many forms:

1) Posting at school, publishing in the voice or on the website.

2) Submitting for formal publication in a newspaper or magazine, or on a website.

3) Reading aloud to an audience.

4) Collecting in a writing portfolio.


26 5. Teaching Writing

The reason for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language development, language style,

and most importantly writing as a skill in its own right (Harmer, 1998).

Reinforcement is some students acquire languages in a purely oral way, but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. Language development, it seems that the actual process of writing

(rather like the process of speaking) helps us to learn as we go along. Learning style is some students are fantastically quick at picking up language just by looking and listening. The last is writing as a skill, by

far the most important reason for teaching writing is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening, and reading. Students

need to know how to write letters, how to put written reports together, how to reply to advertisements and increasingly, how to write using electronic media.


1. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information the context of this kind of text is the description of

particular thing ,animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or a person we know well. It reffers from report which describes things, animals, persons, or others in general. The social function of descriptive



(Depdiknas, 2004:4). According Finoza (2008:233-247) in Dalman (2014:93) statement said that description is a form of writing that aims to expand the knowledge and experience of reading by painting the true

nature of the object.

Descriptive paragraph is a set of a sentences related to each other in which the writers draw their ideas and thoughts clearly based on their sense on the object they see (Susilo, 2015: 28)

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of descriptive text consists of:

a. Identification is the part of paragraph that introduces the character.

b. Description is the part of paragraph that describes the character. (Susilo, 2015: 28)

3. Language Features

a. Using adjective and compound adjectives b. Using linking verb/relating verb

c. Using simple present tense

E. The Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM)

One of the principles of assessment on a competency-based

curriculum is to use the criterion reference, which uses certain criteria in

determining the graduation of learners. The lowest criterion to declare the

learner reaches completeness is called Minimum Passing Criteria

(KKM). The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is a set of



before a school is started. To determine the students’ achievement,

teacher has to find any criteria by itself.


Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is done based on national

Educational department (Depdiknas) criteria. There are material complexity, Capacities, and intake or students comprehension. According to Asmani (2010:197), states that Minimum Completeness Criteria

(KKM) every subject based on following criteria, There are explained as follow:

1. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) should be set in the first academic years.

2. A Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is determined by MGMP

(Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) depend on school institution.

3. It showed in scoring number form about 0-100.

4. School institution determine a Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) under completeness study maximum.

F. Evaluation Rubric

Rubric is an assessment guide that describes the criteria the teacher wants to assess or assigns to the student's work result. The rubric should



student's work along with a guide to evaluate each of these characteristics.

The rubric according to some of the views of experts are,

According to Bernie Dodge and Nancy Pickett: "The rubric is a scoring tool for subjective assessment, in which there is a set of criteria and

standards relating to the learning objectives to be assessed to students." Other statement of Nitko said that Rubric is a tool that contains a set of rules used to assess the quality of the performance / performance of

students / learners. (http://ndah-smile.blogspot.co.id/2012/03/penilaian-rubrik.html)

The researcher uses 1-5 point scale to measure the students’ writing

ability rubic. In giving score, the writer looked at the aspects of writing refers to the English language book of the ministry of education and culture of the republic of Indonesia curriculum 2017.

Table 2.1 Rubric for Assessing Students Writing Descriptive

No Aspect Criteria Score

1. Authenticity of writing Very original


2. Conformity of content by


The content matches the title

Fill in accordance with the title




The content is quite appropriate to the title

The content does not match the title

The content does not match the title




3. Text sequences Textual sequences are very


Text sequence right

Textual sequences are quite appropriate

Textual sequences are less precise

Text sequences are not exact






4. Vocabulary choice The choice of vocabulary is

very precise

The choice of vocabulary is correct

The choice of vocabulary is quite appropriate The vocabulary plot is not

quite right

5. Grammar Options The choice of grammar is very


The choice of grammar is just right

The choice of grammar is quite appropriate

The choice of grammar is less precise

The grammatical choice is not








6. Writing of vocabulary Vocabulary writing is very


Vocabulary writing is correct Vocabulary writing is quite appropriate

Vocabulary writing is not quite right

Vocabulary writing is incorrect






7. Neatness of writing The writing is very neat and

easy to read

The writing is neat and easy to read

The writing is quite neat and easy to read

Less neat but easy to read The writing is neat and









In this chapter, the researcher will present about the setting of the research, method of the research, subject of the research, instrument of the research, method of the data collection, and technique of data anlysis.

A. Research Setting

1. General Situation SMP Ar-Rahmah Suruh

The research was carried out in SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh at Jl. Wetanjaro, RT.02 RW.05, Dsn. Krajan, Suruh Village, Suruh Sub district, Semarang Residence, Central Java province. Email:

smpislamarrahmah@gmail.com. The width is about 1700 m2. The location of

this school is in the village and strategic, it makes the students feel comfortable

with the atmosphere during learning process. SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh was built in 2016. The school has 17 staffs, consist of 11 teachers and 5 chefs

and a school cleaner. The school has 13 buildings consisting of 2 classrooms, a teacher room, a director room, a library, UKS room, 2 toilets, a dining room, a kitchen, a logistics warehouse, a warehouse aquipment and a hall.

2. The Vision of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh

Creating a superior, intelligent, creative, and independent generation, that



3. The Mission of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh

a. To improve the quality of learning in reading, memorizing, understanding,

practicing, and preserving the Holy Quran.

b. To conduct intensive personal Quran coaching.

c. To develop interest in agribusiness.

d. To foster entrepreneurial spirit.

e. To develop the ability to adapt to the development of science and


4. Structure Organization of School

Figure 3.1 Structure organization of school


34 5. Schedule of the Research

The researcher planned the time schedule in order to easier the research process. This research was done on middle of August 2017 until middle of

September 2017. Here the writer as an observer and the colabolator Mr. Wahyu

Fajar as teacher in teaching learning process. The table is written below: Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research

No Activities Time

1. Research permission August, 1 2017

2. Interview to the teacher (Mr. Wahyu Fajar) and observation in the class.

August, 11 2017

3. Meet the English teacher to do consult the lesson plan

August, 14 2017

4. Permit Validator Application August, 25 2017

5. Pre Test (cycle 1) August, 26 2017

6. Cycle 1 implementation August, 28 2017

7. Pre Test (cycle 2) Septembert, 4 2017


35 6. Procedure of Research

The researcher followed Kemmis and Taggart (1988) CAR design. The design consists of several cycles. Each cycle includes planning, action, observing and

reflection of the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan that has

been prepared for some meetings. The figure of CAR by Kemmis and Taggart (1988), quoted by Burns (2010: 33).

Figure 3.2

Procedure of Classroom Action Research

The researcher and the English teacher made a collaboration work since

preparation phase, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher planned the steps as below:



In this stage, the researcher planned what action would be done in using and applying Quantum Writing technique to imrpove students writing ability in writing descriptive text. The activities in the planning were presented as below:

1) Selecting the materials with the teacher’s annual program based on syllabus.

2) Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.

3) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring. 4) Preparing teaching aids.

5) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching-learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied).

6) Preparing a test (to know how far students understand about writing).

The preparation was designed in order to gain the purpose of teaching learning process. Students are supposed to improve their writing ability by the technique given.

b. Action

After the preparation finished, the researcher did teaching learning process. In action stage as the stage of implementation the preparation, the researcher presented as below:



2) The teaching the material. Explaining the materials and application of Quantum Writing in writing descriptive text.

3) The teacher gives short explanation and guides the students to learn,

practice, and does the exercises.

4) The teacher gives opportunities to the students to ask any difficulties or problems.

5) The teacher asks the students orally to check the students’ understanding. 6) The teacher reviews materials and gives the students some evaluations. 7) The teacher gives the students some evaluations including materials that are not used in the research; it is used to know students’ understanding.

8) The teacher gives posttest in the last meeting in each cycle.

In this step the teacher, researcher and the students were working

together. Students gained the materials deeply. Meanwhile the teacher helped, guided, and monitored the students, he also identified in the issue being researched. In this action the observer using descriptive text from the learning process that can be criticism in chapter IV.

c. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments which are used in collecting data. As a scientific method, observation can be systematically used to observe and note

all of the phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling, thinking and something they do in the process of teaching learning writing. The researcher observes all activities in the teaching and learning process. The teacher also



efforts to explore teaching possibilities. It is proposed to create the students’

motivation in learning. For example by giving advises to the students and having humorous thing in spare time in the class.

d. Reflection

Reflection is an activity in expressing of experience that had by teacher as the

self-evaluation. The teacher makes an evaluation based on the observation to find the weaknesses of the activities that have been carried out in using

quantum writing in writing descriptive text. The weaknesses can be refined in the next cycle. So that finally it can be determined how the improvement of quantum writing for students writing ability in writing descriptive text. The

writer analyzes the result of the observation. The writer evaluates the teaching learning process during implementation of the action by identifying the field

notes which are made during the action. In conducting the evaluation, the researcher also gives pre test before the teacher starts to teach using quantum writing technique. It is given in the beginning of cycle I and cycle II. The post

test is given at the end of action in cycle I and cycle II. Based on the data evaluation, the researcher can make a self reflection in doing the action. The data from the test will also show whether the students’ descriptive writing ability improve or not.

B. Research Method

In this research the writer used classroom action research (CAR). There are some definitions of classroom action research. The definition of classroom action



undertaken by participants in social situation in order to improve the rationality and justices, their understanding of these practices and the situations in which the practices are carried out (Hopkins, 1993:44).

According to Kemmis and Taggart (1991) in Suwandi (2009:9) action

research is study which is used in self-improvement, work experience, but it is done by systematic and it is planned. Kate and Field (2008:3) state that classroom action research is an essential guide for any teacher or students-teacher interested

in doing research in the classroom and it helped teachers improve on their profession practice and evaluate the needs of their pupils and school for themselves.

According to Arikunto (2007:58) classroom action research comes from three words, they are:

1. Class: a group of student in same time, have same lesson from teacher.

2. Action: some activities deliberately done by having several aims, in the

research in form activities cycles.

3. Research: an activity to find out accuracy some object using methodology to get data or information which benefit to improve something which interest

and important for researcher.

Arikunto (2006:16) said that there are four steps to do classroom action

research. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research chooses CAR because the researcher finds the problem in learning process that low focus and attention to the learning process. The researcher spent two cycles in


40 C. Research Subjects

The subject of this research is the students of the eighth grade of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh. There are 22 students consisting of 13 girls and 9 boys.

The researcher chooses the eighth grade students because the age level of these

students supposed to be able to write out the English language as a means of communication.

Table 3.2

The list of VIII Class of SMP Islam Ar-Rahmah Suruh

No. Name of Student Sex

1. AHW Male

2. AR Female

3. AZI Female

4. AA Female

5. ALA Female

6. ANM Female

7. DWSA Female

8. DDA Female

9. DWSI Female

10. EAO Male

11. EAI Female

12. EIW Male

13. GRPN Male

14. NZA Male

15. PHR Female



17. RRS Male

18. RRA Male

19. SGA Female

20. STA Female

21. SM Male

22. VFAL Female

D. Research Instrument

There are two kinds of test they are test (written test) and non test. In this research, the researcher used both as an instrument to collect the data. There were

four written test conducted. The first was pre-test in cycle 1 and cycle 2 of writing that was conducted to know the preliminary data about students’ writing skills. The second was written post-test in cycle 1 and cycle 2 that was administered in order to know the improvement of the students in writing descriptive text.

1. Test

According to Arikunto (1998:139) Test is a series of the questions or exercises and other tools used to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence,

ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups. From the target or object to evacuated. Test divided on several kinds and other measuring instrument; such as personality test, aptitude test, intelligent test, attitude test, and

achievement test. In this research the test consists of some question for the

student to be answered. To know more the details of the test accomplished, the researcher use pre-test and post-test in this collecting data.



This test can be called as the pre-test before the treatment of this research. The pre-test is aimed is to know the students mastery in writing materials before the treatments carried out. In the testing process, the students have

to write a recount text themselves. This result of the test became the

evaluation before the use of authentic materials in teaching recount text is applied in the class.

b. Post-Test

Post-test is done after the students get treatments. From the score of this test, the writer is intended to find out the use of quantum writing to improve writing descriptive text. The result of the scoring then is

compared with pre-test. In this case, the researcher knows how far the improvement after using quantum writing to writing descriptive text.

2. Non test

The instruments used in this research study were in the forms of interview guidelines, observation sheets and cheklists, and writing rubrics. The

researcher also used a photo-video camera to document the teaching and

learning process. E. Evaluation Criteria

The way of scoring the students’ writing skill is based on the scoring rubric adapted from O’Malley (1995) which could be described in the following



43 Score Domain Content

15-20 Focuses on central ideas with an organized and elaborated text.

10-15 Central idea, but not as evenly elaborated and some deviations.

5-10 Not a focused idea or more than one idea, unclear elaboration and many deviations.

1-5 Not clear idea, little or no elaboration, and many deviations. Score Domain Vocabulary

15-20 Purposefully chosen vocabulary, sentence variety, information and voice to affect reader.

10-15 Less precise vocabulary and less purposeful information 5-10 Basic vocabulary and not purposeful selected; flat and

inconsistent tone.

1-5 Not controlled vocabulary, flat tone, halted or choppy sentence

Score Domain Syntax (Word Order)

15-20 Standard word order, no enjambment (run on sentence), completeness (no sentence fragments), standard modifiers and coordinators and effective transitions.

10-15 Mostly standard word order, some enjambment (run-on line) or sentence fragment.

5-10 Some non-standard word order, enjambment, (run-on line), and word omissions (e.g. verbs)

1-5 Frequent non-standard word order, enjambment (run-on line) and word omissions.

Score Domain Grammar

15-20 Standard inflection (e.g. plurals, possessives, -ed, -ing, with verbs, and –ly with adverb), subject-verb agreement, and standard word meaning.

10-15 Mostly standard inflection, agreement and word meaning 5-10 Some error with inflection, agreement and word meaning

1-5 Shift from one tense to another, error in conventions (them/those, good/well, double negative, etc). Score Domain Mechanic

15-20 Effective use of capitalization, punctuation, spelling and formatting (paragraph noted by indenting)

10-15 Mostly effective use of mechanic; error do not detract from meaning

5-10 Some error with spelling and punctuation that detract from meaning



The next step of analyzing was classifying the students’ score into the

categories. The measurement of the students’ achievement which was stated by Haris (1969:134) was interpreted as follows:

Table 3.4 The Criteria of the Students’ Achievement

Criteria of Mastery (Total Score) Grade

91 – 100 Excellent

81 – 90 Very Good

71 – 80 Good

61 – 70 Fair

51 – 60 Poor

41 – 50 Very Poor

The performance indicators of the improvement of the students’ writing

skills in writing descriptive text are:

1. The students can achieve the passing grade (KKM) of the writing test of 75.

2. At least 75% of students in the class have passed the minimum mastery criteria of writing skill.

3. The students’ participation during teaching and learning process at least 75% of

students in the class active in doing the class.

Test item which is used here is students are asked to make descriptive text based on the students’ imagination and idea.

F. Method of Collecting Data

Data Collection is done by observing a situation, setting or interaction using


45 1. Test

According to Arikunto (1998:139) Test is a series of the questions or exercises and other tools used to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence,

ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups. From the target or object

to evacuated. Test divided on several kinds and other measuring instrument; such as personality test, aptitude test, intelligent test, attitude test, and achievement test. In this research the test consists of some question for the

student to be answered. To know more the details of the test accomplished, the researcher use pre test and post test in this collecting data.

a. Pre-Test

This test can be called as the pre-test before the treatment of this research. The pre test is aimed is to know the students mastery in writing materials

before the treatments carried out. In the testing process, the students have to write a recount text themselves. This result of the test became the evaluation before the use of authentic materials in teaching recount text is

applied in the class. b. Post-Test

Post test is done after the students get treatments. From the score of this test, the writer is intended to find out the use of quantum writing to improve writing descriptive text. The result of the scoring then is

compared with pre-test. In this case, the researcher knows how far the



There are two kinds of observation, namely: participant observation, and nonparticipant observation. In the participant observation the researcher is involved in the object of research action. While non- participant observation,

the researcher is only as an observer, the researcher not involve in the

activity. In this study the researcher uses non- participant observation. Therefore, the researcher observes the activity during the teaching and learning process in detail. The researcher observes the activity directly to

describe the real situation during English class and note all the phenomena. The researcher does observation to look for information about teaching and learning writing English in the class. The researcher just do observation

without interacting and participating in the process of teaching and learning, researcher present and observe all activities happend in it concerning how the

teacher deliver quantum writing technique in teaching writing descriptive text. All the teaching process is done by the English teacher. To lead the researcher in doing the observation, the researcher make observation

checklist. The researcher will observe all the phonomena that happen in

teaching and learning process such as; the topic, the technique, and the teaching learning process.

3. Interview and Questionnaire

Interview is one of the methods to collect data by using conversation between instructor and respondent. Interview is used to gather data on subject opinion, believe, and feeling about the situation in their own word. The


Table 2.1 Rubric for Assessing Students Writing Descriptive
Figure 3.1 Structure organization of school
Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research
Figure 3.2 Procedure of Classroom Action Research


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