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The influence of Sam`s characteristics towards Poppy`s personality development as seen in Sophie Kinsella`s I`ve Got Your Number - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 104214044









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214044





There comes a point in your life when you realize:

Who matters,

Who never did,

Who won't anymore,

And who always will …


I proudly dedicated this thesis to






I thank God for His endless grace, being with me all the way and never leaving me. I also thank all the lecturing staff of the Department of English Letters for guiding me in for about four years. Especially for Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum., I thank him for always being patient and gives lots of

valuable suggestions for the thesis so I can improve and finish this thesis.I would also like to thank my co-advisor Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S.,M. Hum for all the comments so I can improve my thesis well.

My infinite gratitude goes to my beloved family. Xie xie Papa, Marbangun Salim, for being my hero, my listener, and my life mentor. I thank

Mama, Andriana Jetty, I have been truly blessed. A very big hug and kisses to Mimi, Lita Christiana Salim, for loving and caring me. Always.

I would like to thank my loved one, Leslie Syahputra, who has supported me throughout the entire process and keeps me harmonious. I am very grateful forever because of his love.

I thank my sister, Winda Lestari who has been supporting me during the process of my thesis. Last but not least, I thank Cindy Cecilia who has always been my mate in fighting for this thesis, and all the stories behind. Million thanks to her.



TITLE PAGE………... ii





1. Theory of Character and Characteristics... 8

2. The Relation between Literature and Psychology ………. 11

3. Theory of Personality Development... 12

A. The Characteristics of Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton ... 19

1. The Characteristics of Poppy Wyatt ... 19

2. The Characteristics of Sam Roxton ... 28

B. Sam Roxton’s Influence toward Poppy’s Personality Development ... 32





MARSHA, ELISABETH. The Influence of Sam’s Characteristics towards Poppy’s Personality Development As Seen in Sophie Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your

Number.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

The main object of this study is a novel entitled I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella. The main character is Poppy Wyatt. Poppy is going to marry her fiancé, Magnus Tavish. One day, Poppy loses her precious engagement ring and her cell phone in the same day. She does not want her future in laws, the Tavish family to find out about it. Poppy then finds an abandoned cell phone in the trash bin and she takes the phone. That phone actually belongs to Sam Roxton, a businessman. Sam wants his phone back, but Poppy does not agree. Then they make a deal, Poppy can take the phone, but she needs to forward Sam’s text messages into his phone. Later, Poppy starts to converse with Sam and tells him all her problems. They are getting closer and also help each other. With Sam’s help, Poppy starts to realize several things about herself.

The writer aims to reveal how Sam Roxton’s character influences Poppy Wyatt’s personality development in the story. This thesis has two problem formulations. The first problem formulation is to find the characteristics of both Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton. Second is to discover Sam’s influence towards Poppy’s personality development.

The method of study of this thesis is a library research. The first step was to read I’ve Got Your Number and found an appropriate theory to be applied in the analysis. This analysis used psychological approach.The theory of character and characterization applied to find out Poppy and Sam’s characteristics. Then, theory of personality development by Elizabeth Hurlock used to discover the way Sam influences Poppy’s personality development.



MARSHA, ELISABETH. The Influence of Sam’s Characteristics towards Poppy’s Personality Development As Seen in Sophie Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your

Number.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2014.

Objek utama dari penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul I’ve Got Your Numberoleh Sophie Kinsella. Karakter utama novel ini adalah Poppy Wyatt. Poppy akan menikah dengan tunangannya, Magnus Tavish. Namun pada suatu hari, Poppy kehilangan cincin tunangannya dan juga ponselnya di hari yang sama. Dia tidak mau calon mertuanya, keluarga Tavish mengetahuinya. Lalu Poppy menemukan ponsel yang dibuang di tempat sampah dan mengambilnya. Ponsel itu ternyata milik seorang pengusaha bernama Sam Roxton. Sam ingin ponselnya kembali, namun Poppy tidak setuju. Merekapun membuat kesepakatan, Poppy dapat mengambil ponsel itu, akan tetapi dia harus mengirimkan kembali pesan yang dikirimkan pada Sam lewat ponsel itu. Kemudian Poppy mulai berkomunikasi dengan Sam dan menceritakan seluruh masalahnya. Mereka menjadi semakin dekat dan saling menolong satu sama lain. Dengan bantuan Sam, Poppy mulai menyadari beberapa hal mengenai dirinya sendiri.

Penulis bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana karakteristik Sam Roxton mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Poppy di dalam cerita. Tesis ini memiliki dua rumusan permasalahan. Rumusan permasalahan pertama adalah untuk menemukan karakteristik dari kedua karakter Poppy Wyatt dan Sam Roxton. Kedua adalah untuk menemukan pengaruh Sam terhadap perkembangan kepribadian Poppy.

Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka. Langkah pertama adalah membaca novel I’ve Got Your Number dan menemukan teori yang cocok diaplikasikan dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan psikologi. Teori tokoh dan penokohan digunakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik Poppy dan Sam. Kemudian, teori perkembangan kepribadian oleh Elizabeth Hurlock digunakan untuk menemukan cara Sam mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Poppy.




A.Background of the Study

It is such a common knowledge that literature is one of the reflection of human’s expressions that represent the reality. It is also very close with conditions of every day life. Basically, in real life, literature is the part of human aspects.It consists of the feelings, relationships, and problems which are also experienced by human being in the real life.One example of the literary works is a novel. Novel is a kind of fictional work which becomes a branch of literature. It becomes a media that is used for expressing any feeling related to human life. Reading a novel can bring people to an aesthetic experience. Besides, people also can get many useful things for life by reading a novel. People can understand the novel well and also get the point, value, and ideas revealed in the novelrelated to the plot of the story itself. On the other word, novel cannot be separated from our everyday life. In short, literature and society are strongly connected. In a novel, there are characters that have same problems as humans in everyday life. However, the study of its characteristic cannot stand alone. It has to be related with the story as a whole with a suitable theory.


As Madeline Wickham, she has written so many books titled The Wedding Girl,

Swimming Pool Sunday, Cocktails for Three and more. As Sophie Kinsella, she

has written so many best seller books. One of them is a very famous novel,

Shopaholic. Shopaholic has been written in many series and also has been made

into a film. While for stand - alone novels, Sophie Kinsella has written so many

famous novels, such as Wedding Night, The Undomestic Goddess, Remember Me?

, including I’ve Got Your Number.

Kinsella came with very brilliant idea and made all readers feeling

addicted by reading this novel. In I’ve Got Your Number, Kinsella describes the

character of Poppy Wyatt, the main female character with all her lies, cheats,

steals, kindness, cheerfulness, and innocence at once which is told throughout the

entire book. Poppy is described as an honest woman with integrity and good heart.

In this story, she kept putting herself in situations where she was in over her head,

but she just lied in order to join her famous fiancée’s family and she keeps doing

that. Another side, she is also described as a rude woman. She breaks the law, she

is scatterbrained and unorganized, and she is a bit slutty. Poppy’s characteristic is

influenced by one of other characters, named Sam Roxton.

The writer wants to reveal how Sam’s characteristics have changed Poppy’s personality for doing anything and seeing her life better. The writer sure

that Poppy’s point of view has been developed through Sam’s ideas, advises, and

opinion toward her. And here, strongly the writer wants to discuss about Sam’s


After reading the novel, the writer wants to know deeper about what kind of person Poppy is. In the novel, Sophie Kinsella created Poppy as a nice and cheerful woman who is always trying to make people like her. The story starts with Poppy Wyatt who has been engaged with Magnus Tavish. One day Poppy has to go to Tavish family’s house and meets the big family of Tavish. Tavish

family are very genius, smart, and famous in the academic life, and because of that case, Poppy feels inferior and unworthy for joining Tavish family. However, she is still trying many ways to be accepted by Tavish family.

Later in the story, Poppy meets Sam Roxton indirectly. At first they were not close and always debating because of their different opinion about life. But then, day by day, they become closer and be friends. They begin to be close as friends until theyunconsciously exchanged stories. Sam begins to give his advice to Poppy and so does Poppy. Although their friendship is actually more than a difference of opinion. Indirectly, they feel the difference with each other’s presence which brings another atmosphere.


Furthermore, this thesis can be done by having strong relation with the theory of personality development by Elizabeth Hurlock. According to Hurlock, personality development caused by the patterning of person’s self-concept, habit,

attitude, emotional state, sentiment, and motive. Also, Hurlock states that personality development is a stage in growth constantly changing and evoking process within an individual (Hurlock, 1974: 7).

B.Problem Formulation

Dealing with the explanation in the background of the study, the writer formulates two problems formulated as follows:

1. What are the characteristics of the main female character, Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton?

2. How do the characteristics of Sam Roxton influence Poppy’s personality development in Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your Number?

C.Objectives of the Study

Besides answering the problems formulated above, the aims of this study is to identify the characterization of the two characters. The description about Poppy’s and Sam’s characteristics is the main important things and plays an

important role in analyzing this thesis.

Firstly, the writer wants to find out about Poppy’s characteristic before and


the answers in problem formulation. The writer also finds out Sam Roxton’s characteristics and then relates it to the second problem formulation.

Second, after knowing the characteristics of Poppy before and after she meets Sam, this thesis tries to analyze on how Sam’s character influences Poppy’s

personality development. Here also, the writer shows pointy how Poppy’s personality develops because of the existence of Sam Roxton and her courage to take a decision in the end.

D.Definition of Terms

To have a clear definition about what the writer going to discuss in this study, and avoid the misunderstanding during reading this paper, this is the definition of terms which can guide and become the keyword in this study. Those words are character, influence and personality development.

The first keyword is character. Character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive way of saying it. (Abrams, 2009 : 42).

The second term is influence. Merriam Webster defines the term “influence” as “the power to change or affect someone or something: the power to




A. Review of Related Research

Sophie Kinsella has written many interesting chick-lit novels which arebecome best sellers. I’ve Got Your Number is her standalone novel which attracts the reader with interesting romantic story. Anwesha Mittra writes a review about this book in a The Times of India and mentions this novel as

Sophie Kinsella’s best novel: I've Got Your Number is an interesting take on

modern day relationships and its dependence on technology. That you do not need a heroic tale of love and loss to bring about mush is quite evident here. And like this one, some love stories are only meant to perk you up (timesofindia.indiatimes.com.,2014).

Another review comes from Jayne. She writes her review in Dearauthor.com: It’s obviously taken me far too long to read one of your

books but it’s something I’ve finally corrected. And you can bet that in the

future I’ll be queuing up as soon as the new one is available. B+



Besides those reviews, there are also two theses which also use personality development theory in their analysis. The first related study is an undergraduate thesis from Sanata Dharma University which also analyzes about the influence of a character into another character personality development. The title of the thesis is “The Influence of Jamie Sullivan on Landon Carter’s

Personality Development Seen in Nicholas Spark’s a Walk to Remember”by

Puput Trisanti Arini. In her analysis, Arinipoints Landon’s characteristics before he meets Jamie. He is described as mischievous, disobedient, impious and pessimistic. However, his personality starts to change after he meets Jamie Sullivan; he becomes polite, mature, religious and optimistic. Puput also points

out Jamie Sullivan’s characteristics. Jamie is simple, religious, helpful, kind,

obedient and optimistic. The analysis shows that Landon’s relationship with Jamie influences him to be a better person. Landon Carter’s personality becomes better and undergoes qualitative and slow development (Arini, 2011:xi).

Another related study also shows a character influence toward another character personality. The study uses Twilight by Stephenie Meyer as the object of study. This analysis is conducted by Sanata Dharma University student, Ayu Astryani. The title of her thesis is “The Influence of Edward’s Character towards

Bella’s Personality Development as Seen in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight”. Her


In her study, Astryani finds out that Bella used to be gloomy, pathetic and flat before she meets Edward. After she and Edward become lovers she becomes more cheerful. Edward’s existence has a big influence toward Bella’s personality development (Astryani, 2012:xii).

This analysis also based on how another character influences the main

character’s personality development. In this case, the novel is different than

those two novels mentioned above. This analysis uses Sophie Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your Number as the object of study. The writer finds it interesting to find

out how Poppy Wyatt’s personality develops after she starts to communicate

with Sam Roxton and accidentally become friends with him.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

It is obvious that character is the most important element in a story. There will be no story without characters. That is why every story needs character in order to make the story more interesting. According to Abrams, characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive way of saying it (Abrams, 2009:42).


flat character and round character. Flat character is built around "a single idea or quality" and is presented without much individualizing detail, and therefore can be described adequately in a single phrase or sentence. The round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularly. In other words, flat character does not develop throughout the story while round characters progressively develop as the plot continues.

There are several ways the author presents a character. MJ Murphy in Understanding Unseens (1972) classifies nine ways to reveal a character’s personality as follows:

a. Personal description

Sometimes the author mentions the characteristic of a character through a personal description in a novel. The author can describe a person appearance and clothes (1972:161).

b. Character as seen by another

Instead of describing a character directly, the author can describe him/her through the eyes and opinions of another. The reader gets, as it were, a reflected image (1972:162).

c. Speech


something or speaks with another character, it gives the reader a clue about the characteristic of this character (1972:164).

d. Past life

The past life of the person mentioned by the author can give the reader

a clue about the past events happened in the person’s life which help to shape a

person’s character. It can be seen through the author’s direct comment,

thoughts of the person, another person or conversations (1972: 166).

e. Conversation of others

The author can also give clues to a person character through the conversations of other people and the things they say about him (1972:167).

f. Reactions

A person’s character can also be figured by his/her reaction to various

situations and events in the story (1972:168).

g. Direct comment

Sometimes the author just point out the person’s characteristics by comment on


h. Thoughts

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. The author can tell the reader what different people are thinking (1972:171).

i. Mannerism

The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies which

may also tell us something about his character (1972:173).

2. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

Literature and psychology are different in many ways. Literature is a part of art which is in the form of any written work. However, psychology is a scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. In other words, psychology studies how humans mind works. Despite the difference between those two, psychological approach also can be used to analyze a literary work.


human psyche, therefore it is necessary to use psychological approach to analyze this literary work. Specifically, this thesis uses the theory of personality development by Elizabeth Hurlock which is explained in the next part.

3. Theory of Personality Development

Personality is the most important element in a person which determines the way a person behaves, feels and thinks. It is clear that every person has different personality. Hurlock mentions that every person has different personality patterns. Personality pattern is composed of traits, or specific

qualifies of behavior, which characterize the individual’s unique adjustment to

life as shown in his behavior and thoughts (Hurlock, 1974:19).

A person’s personality pattern is not inherited since birth. It is formed

as a person experiences many things in his/her life throughout the learning during the course of prolonged social relationship with other people. Hurlock points out three major factors which determine the development of someone personality pattern:

Three major factors are at work in determining the development of the

personality pattern: first, the individual’s hereditary endowment;

second, early experiences within the family; and third, important events in later life outside the home environment (Hurlock, 1974:19)

Hereditary is the first factor which influences someone’s personality patterns.


determining someone’s personality. Family is the persons we are getting to

know at the first time. A little child usually learns lot of things from their parents before they are ready to live in the society. Then, a person should get to know people besides his/her family. It makes the experiences of the life in the

society as the last major factors in determining someone’s personality pattern


A person usually is not satisfied with his/her personality. They usually have a desire to change or improve it. The dissatisfaction often occurs when other people does not like their personality. In order to be accepted by others, they try to become a person everyone desired them to be. People also feel the urge to change when they feel that their personality has brought disadvantage into their live. There are three characteristics of change in personality. The first is some changes are better, some are worst. Second, some are quantitative and some are qualitative and third, some occur slowly and some rapidly (Hurlock, 1974: 120).

Personality changes require efforts from the person itself. Usually they are the result of multiple revisions in the thoughts and feelings related to the

person’s concept of self (Hurlock,1974:124). There are certain conditions


1974: 124). It means that every person has different causes of personality changes. In other words, some conditions are not related to a person’s personality change. For example, not every person needs psychotherapy in order to change his/her personality. Some people can do it their selves without a professional help. There are some conditions which are related to this thesis:

a. Significant people

For some people, personality changes are influenced by the change of significant people in their life. That person could be a part of family, friends, lover or spouse. It depends on how much the significant person’s attitude, values, etc differs from the individual.

b. Strong Motivation

When the motivation to improve the personality pattern is strong enough, changes can be effected. Most people are motivated to change their traits which they believe will improve their social relationship and social acceptance.

c. Changes in self concept


C. Theoretical Framework

Firstly, the writer needs to find out Poppy Wyatt’s characteristics before and after she meets Sam Roxton and also Sam Roxton’s characteristics, which is presented in the novel by using the theory of character and characterization.

The writer also uses Murphy’s method to identify a character. In this novel,

Poppy and Sam’s characteristic can be seen through her thoughts, speech and

character as seen by another. After that, the writer uses Elizabeth Hurlock’s theory of personality development. Then, the writer relates her personality development to significant people in her life which is Sam Roxton. The writer

wants to show how Poppy’s personality development influenced by Sam




A. Object of Study

The object of this study is one of Sophie Kinsella’s best seller novels,I’ve Got Your Number. It was published on 14th February 2012 and consists of 433 pages. The genre of this novel is Chick – lit which mostly enjoyable by young female readers. This novel begins when Poppy Wyatt, a young woman loses her precious engagement ring. It has been in her fiancé, Magnus Tavish’s family for three generations. Magnus parents will come to

see her and she is dying to find her lost ring.

The story starts to get interesting when she loses her phone which number she has given to many people in case they find her ring. Luckily, she finds an abandoned phone in the trash. She plans to use that phone until she finds her ring. This turns into a twist of fate when the phone owner, businessman Sam Roxton wants his phone back. Poppy does not agree because she wants to borrow the phone until she gets the ring. This triggers Poppy and Sam’s interesting relationship.

B. Approach of the Study


by another character. Literature and psychology are two different things. However, psychological approach can be used to analyze a literary work:

Psychological relates to a discussion of a state of mind out of which literary creation crises. It comes onto a criticism in two ways, in the investigation of the act of creation and in psychological study of the authors to show that the relation between their attitudes and states of mind and the special quality of work. Psychological approach can be used to interpret a work of literature such as behavior of the characters in a novel or play by applying psychological theories (Daiches, 1981: 329-344).

Literary criticism can be used in two ways. First is to analyze the relation between the literary work and the author’s state of mind. Another way is to analyze the literary work itself without including the author’s psychological

element. It also can be used to analyze the character in the literary work and the psychological conflicts of the character.

In this study, the writer uses psychological approach to analyze the main character, Poppy Wyattpersonality development in the novel. The personality development theory applies to find out Sam Roxton’s influence in Poppy’s personality development.

C. Method of the Study


are Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H Abrams, Understanding Unseens by M.J Murphy and Elizabeth Hurlock’s Personality Development.

The first step was to read I’ve Got Your Number and found an appropriate theory to be applied in the analysis. Then the writer also found books which can be used as references. Then, the writer applied the theory of character and characterization to find out Poppy Wyatt’s characteristics

before and after she meets Sam Roxton and also Sam Roxton’s characteristics. After that, the writer applied the theory of personality development to analyze Poppy Wyatt’s personality development after she





A. The Characteristics of Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton

Every novel has interesting character which gives contribution to the storyline. Of course the character has to fit the theme and genre of the novel.In this chapter, the writer analyzes the characteristics of two important characters

in I’ve Your Numberby Sophie Kinsella which is Poppy Wyatt and Sam

Roxton. Poppy Wyatt is the main protagonist in I’ve Your Number. The reader can see that the novel is based on Poppy‟s point of view. Poppy is an ordinary woman which does silly things to save herself in certain situation. Later, she accidentally meets Sam Roxton, a serious businessman who has different personality with her. Sam Roxton‟s presence in Poppy‟s life brings lots of changes in her life and also develops her personality. In this analysis, the writer divides two parts of Poppy and Sam‟s characteristics. There are Poppy‟s characteristics before and after she meets Sam and second is Sam Roxton‟s characteristics. The purpose is to show readers that Sam‟s influence

helps Poppy to make a decision and be a better person.

1. The Characteristics of Poppy Wyatt


Tavish‟s family. Furthermore, her personality starts to develop under Sam Roxton‟s influence. Therefore, this part divides the analysis of Poppy‟s

personality into two parts. The first part is Poppy‟s characteristics before she

meets Sam and the second is her characteristics after she meets Sam.

a. Poppy’s Characteristics before She Meets Sam

This novel starts when Poppy loses her engagement ring. The ring was given to her by Magnus Tavish her fiancé. The ring is inherited for three generations of Tavish family. They are academicians. Magnus‟ parents, Anthony and Wanda are professors. Magnus is also well educated. Poppy feels inferior because she thinks that she is not as smart and educated as the Tavish family.

Anthony write books, Wanda writes books, Magnus writes books and his elder brother Conrad writes books. Even Conrad‟s wife Margot writes everything. But these aren‟t normal people; they‟re in a different league. They have super-brains. They‟re academic versions of The Incredibles (Kinsella, 2012: 35-36).


in physiotherapy. For Poppy, the degree is not good enough to impress her future in-laws.

Anthony looked up over his half-moon glasses, with those bright, cold eyes of his and said, „A degree in physiotherapy. How amusing.‟ I felt instantly crushed. I didn‟t know what to say. In fact, I was so flustered I left the room to go to the loo.

After that, of course, I froze. Those three days were sheer misery. The more intellectual the conversation became, the more tongue tied-tied and awkward I was. My second-worst moment: pronouncing „Proust‟ wrong and everyone exchanging looks.

Then at the end, he looked over at me and enquired, „Do they not teach anatomy at physiotherapy school, Poppy?‟ and I was just mortified (Kinsella, 2012: 36-37)

Anthony Tavish refers to Poppy‟s degree as “amusing” which makes Poppy

feels more insecure and inferior. In Poppy‟s perspective, Anthony Tavish makes fun of her because she is only a physiotherapist. She never writes any books like the Tavish family does. The Tavish family always talks about academics stuff and Poppy does not really understand what they are talking about. Magnus says that Anthony was joking about the “amusing” degree, but Poppy thinks that it was not a joke. She feels like the Tavish family isunderestimating her because she is not smart enough.


In fact I don‟t know why I bothered to have a wedding planner. But I only ever think that thought to myself very quietly, because Lucinda is an old family friend of the Tavishes and every time I mention her Magnus says, „Are you two getting along?‟ in raised, hopeful tones, like we‟re two endangered pandas who have to make a baby.

It‟s not that I don‟t like Lucinda. It‟s just that she stresses me out. She sends me all these bulletins by text the whole time, of what she‟s doing and where, and keeps telling me what an effort she‟s making on my behalf, like the sourcing of the napkins, which was the hugest saga and took her for ever and three trips to a fabric warehouse in Walthamstow (Kinsella,2012: 72).

When it comes to the Tavish family, Poppy always feels inferior. Lucinda is the old friend of the Tavish family and Poppy just cannot refuse her as the wedding planner even though she does not like it. As a wedding planner, Lucinda is pretty bossy and she makes Poppy do most her works but Poppy keeps doing it anyway.

When Poppy loses the engagement ring, she is afraid that Magnus‟s

parents will underestimate her more. She does not want them to know her as a girl who loses the family heirloom ring. Poppy does not have any solution than lying to them. She pretends that she burned her hand, so they will not ask why she does not wear that ring.

My legs are shaking as I ring the bell. Actually shaking. I feel like the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. Any minute I‟ll collapse on the path and Wanda will torch me for losing the ring. Stop, Poppy. It‟s fine. No one will suspect anything. My story is, I burned my hand. That‟s my story (Kinsella, 2012:37-38).


Poppy pretends she is disappointed about that. Poppy says to Magnus that she is looking forward to see his parents. That means Poppy does not even tell her fiancé about her inferiority feeling.

The truth is that Magnus‟ parents do not know that Magnus is going to marry Poppy. Magnus also lies to Poppy. Previously Magnus said that his parents were excited to have Poppy as their daughter in law. This makes Poppy more anxious and insecure about herself. She starts to make a speculation on why Magnus have not told his parents about the wedding. Poppy always thinks that Anthony and Wanda hate her.

I knew it. The professors don‟t think I‟m good enough. I‟m like that girl in the opera who relinquishes her lover because she‟s too unsuitable and then gets TB and dies and good thing too, since she was so inferior and stupid. She probably couldn‟t pronounce „Proust‟ either (Kinsella, 2012:43-44).

Poppy uses the word unsuitable, inferior and stupid to describe herself which show her self-concept. Poppy cannot see her own worth and always underestimate herself. Poppy keeps on trying impress Tavish family even though it means that she should lie and cheat all the time.

In the moment Magnus‟ parents arrive, Poppy just keeps lying about the

ring. In that moment, Poppy has not meet Sam directly, so she asks Sam from the phone to help her play scrabble which is a word forming game. Poppy tries harder and harder to impress the Tavish family.

I lower my voice, glancing at the door. „We‟re playing scrabble. It‟s a nightmare.‟

„Scrabble?‟ He sounds surprised. „Scrabble‟s great.‟

„Not when you‟re playing with a family of geniuses, it‟s not. They all put words like “iridiums”. And I put “pig”.


„Glad it‟s so funny,‟ I say morosely.

„OK, come on.‟ He stops laughing.‟ I owe you one. Tell me your letters. I‟ll give you a good word.‟ (Kinsella, 2012: 107).

Poppy cannot play scrabble good enough and she is afraid the Tavish family will underestimate her again. Sam‟s help is really useful for her. It makes Poppy wins the scrabble and she is happy because she can beat the Tavish family‟s score. It gains her confidence, but also makes her feels bad because she is actually cheating.

Actually Poppy is a nice, cheerful and caring person, but she always tries to please other people. She wants people to like her even though it means that she is not being herself anymore. Her inferiority can be seen throughout the story. Her thoughts show she is always insecure when she is around the Tavish family.She feels uncomfortable when she hangs out with the Tavish family and she does not think that she needs Lucinda as her wedding planner. Another side, she always hides her true feelings with her lies and pretends that she is comfortable in order to please others and join them.

b. Poppy’s Characteristics after She Meets Sam


Poppy starts to change after she meets Sam face to face in the restaurant. There, Sam gives Poppy lots of advices and makes her realize what she had been missing. At first, Poppy does not want to admit that she feels inferior and always tries to please people. Actually, Poppy embarrassed because everything Sam said is actually true.

„I know this is none of my business. I haven‟t been married. I haven‟t met your fiancé. I don‟t know the situation.‟

As he speaks, blood creeps into my face. I don‟t know why. „No‟, I say. „You don‟t. So-„

„OK, listen,‟ I manage at last. My throat is tight, but I‟m trying to sound poised. „First of all, you don’t know me, like you said. Second of all, I don’t feel inferior –„(Kinsella, 2012:233)

Even though she does not want to admit it, Sam knows how Poppy feels about herself. Sam points out Poppy‟s value and she does not need to feel inferior to anyone else. Sam says to Poppy that she is also great because she helps lots of people as a physiotherapist and she does need to be genius like the Tavish family. Poppy is successful, kind, helpful and also an attractive woman for Sam. Poppy just needs to be herself and starts to help herself instead of helping others. Finally,Poppy realizes that Sam was right about her.

After that, Poppy becomes more expressive and dares to express her feelings to others. Poppy can show how angry she is when she finds out that Lucinda is the one who steals her engagement ring. Lucinda also cheats with Magnus. Poppy comes to Lucinda‟s flat and directly accuses her for stealing


„You took my ring!‟ As the words burst out, I can feel my cheeks turning pink, to add to the effect. Maybe I should stamp my foot, too. „Oh, for God‟s sake.‟ Lucinda wrinkles her nose disparagingly, as though to accuse one‟s wedding planner of theft is a total etiquette no-no. „You got it back, didn‟t you?‟

„But you took it!‟ I step inside her flat, even though she hasn‟t invited me in, and can‟t help glancing around (Kinsella, 2012: 379-380).

Previously, Poppy feels inferior to Lucinda because she is the old friend of the Tavish family. Now Poppy finally has courage to face people who are mean to her. Poppy becomes stronger and bolder. Lucinda did lots of mistakes to her, so she has a right to be angry at her and Lucinda owes her an explanation about everything.

Sam also suggests that Poppy talk to Wanda and Anthony so she can make everything clear.Sam‟s advices and suggestions encourage Poppy to make important decision in her life. Finally, Poppy can tell Wanda how she really feels about them and also asks Wanda‟s opinion about her.

I have to say something. I have to. It‟s now or never. Go, Poppy.

„Wanda, you‟re making me feel inferior.‟ The words rush out. „Do you really think I‟m inferior or is this just in my mind?‟

Argh. I did it. I can‟t believe I said that out loud

„What?‟ Wanda‟s eyes widen so far, I notice for the first time what a stunning periwinkle blue they are. I‟m taken aback by how shocked she seems, but I can‟t back down now.

„I feel inferior when I‟m here.‟ I paused „Always. And I just wondered if you really thought I was, or…‟ (Kinsella, 2012: 390)


hate Poppy after all. She likes Poppy and she wants Poppy to be her daughter in law. Anthony‟s joke is just a joke; there is nothing personal about that. The fight in the church is only a misunderstanding. Wanda explains everything Poppy needs to know.

„You‟re a lovely girl, Poppy. Great fun. I was looking forward to having you as a daughter-in-law.‟

I wait for my hackles to rise at the phrases ‟great fun‟; for my internal prickliness to put in an appearance… but somehow it doesn‟t. For the first time since I‟ve met Wanda. I‟m able to take her words at face value. By „great fun‟ she does not mean „low IQ and inferior degree‟. She means ‟great fun‟ (Kinsella, 2012:394)

Wanda‟s explanations make Poppy realizes that she does not have to be

inferior to anyone else, especially the Tavish family. She does not misinterpret their words anymore.Poppy pays the price for her bravery. She glad to know the truth that Anthony and Wanda never think that she is inferior.

Poppy‟s personality influence also reflects through her text messages

which is a main theme of I’ve Got Your Number. Poppy used to text with lots of smiley, hugs and kisses symbols and Sam uses straightforward style without any symbols. Sam points out Poppy‟s messaging style are related to her

personality which always wants everyone else to like her. Poppy starts to use Sam‟s texting style, just straightforward without any smiley, hugs and kisses.

He sent another smiley face! I don‟t believe it!

What‟s happened to the man formerly known as Sam Roxton? He‟s broadening his horizons. Which reminds me, where have all your kisses gone?

I look at my phone, suprised at myself.


The quotation above is when Sam and Poppy texting each other. From the quotation above the writer can see that Poppy changes her messaging style under Sam‟s influence. Sam also slightly changes his messaging style.She changes it

after Sam points out her messaging style.

In the end of the story, Poppy finally knows what she wants. At first she was hesitate, but later she realizes that she loves Sam. Sam is a man who knows her worth, unlike Magnus who wants to marry her only to show his parents that he can be committed. Magnus is also not a good man for Poppy because he lies and cheats to her.

After Poppy meets Sam, she becomes more confident and does not feel inferior anymore. At first, she felt inferior to the Tavish family, but because of Sam. She overcame her inferiority and becomes more confident. Poppy finally realizes her own values. Poppy also becomes more honest. It is shown when Poppy encourages herself to ask Wanda Tavish about her. She confesses her true feelings to Wanda that she feels inferior to the Tavish family. Poppy also becomes brave, she can accuse Lucinda for stealing her engagement ring. Poppy finally knows what she wants and she does not try hard to please others anymore. Sam‟s

influence makes Poppy a better person.

2. The Characteristics of Sam Roxton

Besides Poppy, Sam Roxton is also an important character. He plays a big role in Poppy‟s life and influences her decision and personality. Sam is a serious


Poppy does not really understand Sam because his characteristic is very different to her.Later, Poppy starts to understand Sam and falls in love with him.

In the beginning of the story, the writer can see that Sam is a straightforward person. It can be seen from Sam‟s messaging style. Everything is always so short and to the point. Poppy always adds symbols and friendly words in a text message and she cannot understand why Sam‟s text messages are so


God, his replies are abrupt! It's driving me nuts! Does everything have to be so short? Does he have to be so curt and unfriendly? As I clock yet another brief email I can't help exclaiming out loud. 'Are you allergic to typing, or something?'

It's ridiculous. It's like he's determined to use the fewest possible words: Yes, fine. Sam

Done. Sam OK. Sam

Would it kill him to add 'Best wishes'? Or a smiley face? Or say thank you? (Kinsella, 2012: 54).

Poppy likes to write long messages with smiley face, hug and kiss symbols and also friendly signature like “Thank you” and “Best Wishes”, so when she sees Sam‟s texting style she cannot understand him at all. Poppy thinks that short and

straightforward messages reflect that he is so curt and unfriendly. According to Poppy, people should send friendly text because it gives good and friendly impression.

'OK', says Sam at last. 'Let's just get things straight. In the first place, borrowing this phone does not give you a licence to read and critique my emails.' He hesitates. 'In the second place, short is good.'

I'm already regretting having spoken. But I can't back down now.

'Not that short,' I retort. 'And you ignore most people completely! It's rude!'

There. Said it.


Sam is always straightforward because he does not want to say unnecessary things and get to the point. As a businessman, Sam prioritizes which message is important to be replied. He likes short messages, shorter is better for him. Sam always be straightforward to everyone he knows. He thinks that say friendly words and insert symbols is not necessary, unlike Poppy who always use those things to text anyone she knows.

Sam got lots of emails from his co-workers and old friends. However, Sam rarely replies those messages. He only replies the important business messages and ignores others messages. Sam‟s ignorance bothers Poppy a lot.

All those unanswered emails that have been nagging away at me. All those poor ignored people, trying to get in touch with Sam. Why shouldn't I answer them? I'm doing him such a service! I feel like I'm repaying him for his favour with the ring. At least when I hand this phone back, his in-box will have been dealt with (Kinsella, 2012: 151).

Sam is not only a straightforward person, but she also does not really care about what others think about him. It is different from Poppy who always cares about others opinion about her. The example is when Sam and Poppy meets directly in a jewelry store. Sam helps Poppy make a fake ring so Wanda and Anthony will not find out about the missing ring. The shopkeepers think they are engaged couple looking for a ring. It is obvious that Sam buys a cheap fake emerald ring.


Sam looks baffled. 'What does that matter? I don't care what they think of me.'

'You must care a bit.' 'Not one bit.'

I peer at him closely. His face is calm. I think he means it. He doesn't care. How can you not care? (Kinsella, 2012:143)

Poppy is aware that people will think Sam is a cheapskate who buys cheap and fake jewelry for his fiancée. Poppy feels guilty because Sam helps her about the ring. Surprisingly, Sam says he does not even care about what the shopkeepers think about him. He really does not care and it makes Poppy surprised. Poppy always care about her image in front of other people, so she cannot understand why Sam does not care at all. Other people‟s opinion does not bother Sam; he

does not get the reason why he should care about others opinion.

Sam is also very different with Magnus, Poppy‟s fiancé. Magnus is perfect

for Poppy. He is the man of her dreams while Sam is a serious and straight businessman. Despite their different personality, Poppy starts to admire Sam. Sam is very kind to her and she starts to see another side of Sam‟s personality which is kind, strong and also generous:

Magnus and Sam are so very different. It's like they're made out of different stuff. Magnus is so shiny, so mercurial, so impressive, so sexy. But just a teeny weeny but self-obsessed. Whereas Sam is so... Straight and strong. And generous. And kind. You just know he'd always be there for you, whatever (Kinsella, 2012: 281).

This analysis shows Sam is straightforward and indifferent, he does not care about other‟s opinion. He seems cold at first but later Poppy finds out that


draws Poppy closer to him. Sam is also able to help Poppy gets trough all of her problems.

B. Sam Roxton’s Influence towards Poppy’s Personality Development

It is shown from the previous analysis that one of the characters in this novel, Sam Roxton, influences Poppy‟s personality development. Here, the writer wants to show how Sam influences Poppy‟s personality change.Poppy knows Sam by chance; Poppy loses her engagement ring and her phone in the same day. Then, she finds a phone in a trashcan. Poppy takes the phone because she needs it to find her ring. Incidentally, that phone belongs to a businessman, Sam Roxton‟s

PA (Personal Assistant), Violet. Sam always asks his PA to forward and reply his messages. Sam wants his phone back, but Poppy insists on keeping the phone until she finds the ring. Since then, Poppy and Sam starts to get closer and closer. Later, Sam becomes the most important person to Poppy and she changes because of him.


motivated to effect greater changes if there is a great disparity.According to the story, Poppy and Sam have different personality; Poppy is insecure, feisty, dishonest and obsequious. Sam on the other hand is very straightforward, indifferent, and honest.

Sam‟s influence to Poppy‟s personality development is shown when Sam

and Poppy have a chat in a restaurant. There, Sam meets Poppy who accidentally causes a chaos in Sam‟s company because of her text messages. Actually Poppy

has a good intention because she only tries to help Samby sending friendly messages to his co-workers. She also tries to know Sam‟s personal problem with Willow and a man who can possibly be Sam‟s dad. Sam knows that Poppy is just

trying to help, even though it does not end well. Now is Sam‟s turn to see Poppy‟s message and getting into her personal problem. In that restaurant, Sam tells Poppy straight the fact about herself and gives her good advices. Gradually, Sam changes Poppy into a better person than before.

First, Sam‟s influence turns Poppy into a more confident person. Sam

changes Poppy only by talking to her, heart to heart. Sam senses that Poppy feels inferior to the Tavish family. She always talks highly of them and insecure about her own status. However, Poppy is a cheerful and active person outside. Sam knows how Poppy feels about herself. When he tells her about that, she denies it again. Sam makes Poppy realizes that she is actually so insecure and she secretly hides her true feelings to others. She always acts tough, strong and happy in front of everyone.



'You're pretty insecure, for someone who's so feisty on the outside.' 'I'm not!' I retort, rattled.

'Not insecure? Or not feisty?'

'I... 'I'm too confused to answer. 'I dunno. Stop it. Leave me alone." 'You talk about the Tavishes as if they're gods-' (Kinsella, 2012:227) 'You do. It's obvious from everything you say. And it's baffling to me. professional and successful physiotherapy. Poppy is also physically attractive, so she does not need to feel inferior to the Tavish family. Sam words give a big impact to Poppy, she starts to think about her inferiority feeling which actually is unnecessary.

In another conversation, Sam asks Poppy a specific reason about why she feels inferior to the Tavish family. Poppy tells him that it is because they are smart and she is not as smart as them. So, Sam tells Poppy that she should not feel inferior in every way. As academicians, the Tavish family helps to educate people and give valuable information. Poppy feels inferior about it because she thinks she is not as great as them.


Sam convinces Poppy that she had done a great job too. As a physiotherapist, Poppy helps lots of people and makes them happy by reduce their pain. Anthony Tavish does not make everyone happier like Poppy does. In other words, Sam tells Poppy that she does not need to feel inferior about her job. Her job helps lot of people and it is better than bunch of academicians who show up on the television.

Sam tries his best to help Poppy. He gives her useful suggestions. As her friend, Sam cares about her and he wants her to be more confident. Poppy can sense that Sam‟s criticism to her are getting into her personal life. Furthermore, Poppy secretly admits those things are true. Sam‟s straight words slowly changes

Poppy‟s point of view about herself.

„I know this is none of my business. I haven‟t been married. I haven‟t met your fiancé. I don‟t know the situation.‟

As he speaks, blood creeps into my face. I don‟t know why. „No‟, I say. „You don‟t. So-„

„OK, listen,‟ I manage at last. My throat is tight, but I‟m trying to sound poised. „First of all, you don’t know me, like you said. Second of all, I don’t feel inferior –„(Kinsella, 2012:233)

Sam straightly suggests Poppy to not get married before she can get rid of her inferiority feeling. Sam knows that it is none of his business, but he cannot help to say those truths in front of her face. As an honest and straightforward person, Sam dares to say those things in front of Poppy‟s face even though Poppy feels a


Second, Sam also influences Poppy to be braver and dares to do things she always hesitates to do. Sam convinces Poppy to be more strict to Lucinda an also be honest to her future in laws. Sam sees everything through the text messages Poppy receives. Then, Sam sees there is something wrong about Lucinda‟s messages to Poppy. As Poppy‟s wedding planner, Lucinda is supposed to work

for Poppy, but she treats Poppy badly. She makes Poppy to do all the work that actually is hers. Without hesitating, Sam tells Poppy that Lucinda treats her badly and she should be clear to her.

'Who's Lucinda?'

'My wedding planner,' I answer reluctantly.

'That's what I thought. Isn't she supposed to be working for you? What is all this shit she's laying on you?' (Kinsella, 2012: 225-226)

'And her tone's pretty bossy, if you ask me.'

'It's only her manner. I don't mind . . .'I'm trying to throw him off this path, but he's relentless.

'Why don't you just tell her straight, "You're working for me, cut out the attitude"?'

'It's not as simple as that, OK?' I feel on the back foot (Kinsella, 2012: 226)


Sam also gives Poppy an advice to get rid of her inferiority feeling to the Tavish family. Poppy thinks his advice does not makes sense at all, but Sam convinces her to believe she can do it. He believes the only way to solve her problem is to ask them directly about how they really think about her. Sam gives Poppy a lesson that being honest is the only way to know the truth.

Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute.

'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is this just in my mind?"'

'What planet do you live on?' I stare at him. „I can't say that! People don't say things like that!'

Sam laughs. 'Do you know what I'm about to do this afternoon? I'm about to tell an industry CEO that he doesn't work hard enough, that he's alienating his fellow board members and that his personal hygiene is becoming a management issue.' (Kinsella, 2012: 238)

Later in the story, Poppy follows Sam‟s lead and finally she solves her problem.

She asks Wanda her opinion about her and she also admits her inferiority. Wanda claims that she does not consider Poppy as inferior. Actually, Wanda likes Poppy and she wants Poppy to be her daughter in law. Poppy glad she asks Wanda about it. Thanks to Sam, Poppy does not need to feel inferior anymore.

. When Poppy wants to take an important decision in her life, she remembers Sam. Poppy hears Sam‟s voice in her ear and it encourages her to be a

better person than before. Sam gives Poppy a power to get through all her problems. Even though Sam only gives her advices and tells her the truth, but it makes a great impact to Poppy‟s personality development.


The quotation above shows how big Sam influences Poppy. Sam‟s words and advice makes her believes she can solve all her problems. Later, Poppy can talk straight to Lucinda and she also confesses to Wanda about her inferiority. Even though there is still bit insecurity inside Poppy, but at least she starts to realize her worth and speak up her mind.

Third, Sam‟s influences also helps Poppy to care more about herself than

she cares about others. Poppy starts to care less about what everyone else think of her. Sam discovers it when he reads Poppy‟s text messages. When Sam views those messages, He criticizes many things, including Poppy messaging style.

'Are you so scared that people will hate you?' 'What?' I stare at him, not knowing how to react. 'What are you talking about?'

He gestures at the phone. 'Your emails like one big cry. "Kiss, kiss, hug, hug, please like me, please like me!"'

'What?' I feel like he's slapped me round the face. "That's absolute . . . Crap'. (Kinsella, 2012: 225)

Sam cannot understand why Poppy needs to put lots of emoticons in her text message. From Poppy‟s message Sam can see what kind of person Poppy is. Her

messages reflects Poppy is afraid that people will hate her and she tries to be as friendly as possible so people will like her. Sam says it straightforwardly and his statement slaps Poppy right into her face. Poppy hates to admit it, but everything he says is the truth.

Poppy saw lots of Sam‟s received and sent messages before and she also


personal problem throughout the messages in her phone. Sam sees Poppy always tries to impress everyone and forget about herself.

'I saw a girl who races to help others but doesn't help herself. And right now, you need to help yourself. No one should walk up the aisle feeling inferior, or in a different league, or trying to be something they're not. I don't know exactly who your issues are with, but . . ."

He picks up the phone, clicks a button and turns the screen to face me (Kinsella, 2012: 237).

In that conversation, Sam encourages Poppy to help herself. Poppy races to help others, she is too kind to others and never be too kind to herself. Later Sam looks over to Poppy‟s to do list in her phone and everything she writes is about how to

impress her future in-laws. It makes everything clearer to Sam and he needs to know Poppy‟s whole story. Sam makes Poppy realizes that she does not need to impress everyone around her. She starts to adopt Sam‟s messaging style and think

more about herself, what she really wants and needs.



This part consists of the conclusions of the discussion of the problem formulation in chapter four. This thesis has two problem formulations. The first is the characteristics of Poppy Wyatt and Sam Roxton in I’ve Got Your Numberand the second is the way Sam’s Roxton’s character influences Poppy Wyatt’s

personality development.


After Poppy meets Sam, she becomes more brave and also honest. She finally can speak her own mind and be honest to everyone, especially Wanda Tavish. By being honest, Poppy gains her own benefits. She finally knows that Anthony and Wanda do not hate her at all and everything she thinks about them is just misunderstandings. She accuses Lucinda bravely for stealing her engagement ring. She also changes her way of thinking and she now has a better view about herself. She changes her texting style similar to Sam’s because she realizes that she does not need to use lots of emoticons to make people like her more.

The second part of first problem formulation is about Sam Roxton’s

characteristics. As a person who is responsible for Poppy’s personality change, Sam’s characteristic is very different to Poppy. Sam is straightforward, honest and

also indifferent. Sam’s straightforwardness is reflected through his text messages. He never uses emoticons and only points out necessary things. Sam is indifferent. He does not reply to a message if it is not his priority, in other words he ignores lots of messages which have nothing to do with his business. Sam does not care if people hate him or have a wrong opinion about him. He is very honest to Poppy and tells her directly about her problems. Despite of that, Sam is also kind, generous and caring to Poppy. He helps Poppy several times and also cares about her problems.


Firstly, Poppy’s personality development is related to significant person who is Sam Roxton, He indirectly motivates Poppy to change and and he also makes her changes her own perception about herself. Sam Roxton changes Poppy by telling her straightforward about her insecurity and inferiority. Sam’s honesty hits Poppy



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Mittra,Anwesha. I’ve Got Your Number: Sophie Kinsella’s best. The Times of India. n.p. April 26 2014. (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-

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Summary of I’ve Got Your Number

Poppy Wyatt is going to marry the man in her dreams, Magnus Tavish. She thinks everything will be absolutely perfect. The story starts when Poppy Wyatt loses her precious engagement ring from her fiancé. The ring is not just an ordinary ring, but it has been in the Tavish family for three generations. Actually Poppy feels inferior to the Tavish family because they are genius and famous while she is just a physiotherapist. Poppy does not want her future in-laws to find out, so she tries the best to find the ring; she gives her number to the hotel staffs in case they find the ring. Suddenly someone robs her cell phone, but luckily she finds a cell phone inside the trash bin. Without hesitating she takes the cell phone and shares the number to the hotel staffs and her friends. Later she finds out that the phone belongs to a businessman, Sam Roxton. Sam wants his phone back, but Poppy disagrees. She needs the phone to find the ring. Then, they make a deal,

Poppy can keep the phone until she finds the ring but she has to forward Sam’s



Later Sam also helps Poppy plays scrabble and also offers her fake engagement ring, so Poppy does not need to find the real engagement ring anymore. Then, Poppy meets Sam directly for the first time. Sam gives Poppy the fake engagement ring and Poppy uses the ring when she goes to see her future

in-laws. Unfortunately, Lucinda, Poppy’s wedding planner admits she finds the ring

and shows it in front of Poppy and Magnus’ parents. That makes Poppy feels

embarrassed. Poppy also hears Magnus and his parents argue about marriage. Poppy sure Magnus’ parents do not like her at all. Meanwhile, Poppy also helps Sam; she sends friendly messages to Sam’s co-workers secretly. Poppy’s good

intention turns out to be a big disaster in Sam’s company. Poppy feels sorry about

it; she apologizes to Sam in the restaurant. There, Sam also looks into Poppy’s text messages and gives her advice and suggestions. Poppy starts to admire Sam and feels something for him.

Suddenly Poppy gets a text message which mentions Magnus is cheating with someone else. Poppy suspects her friend Annalise, but the real suspect is Lucinda. Lucinda cheats with Magnus and steals the engagement ring in the first place. Sam’s words encourage Poppy to do something about it. Poppy bravely accuses Lucinda, and then she learns something about Magnus’ past. Poppy’s courage also makes her confess her true feelings to Wanda Tavish. Poppy is relieved because she does not hate her at all. Poppy is confused about her feelings

for Sam. She hesitates that she loves him and she also questions Sam’s feelings



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