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Academic year: 2017



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This research was conducted based on the consideration that students still got low scores in

reading comprehension test. There were many factors that influenced students’ problems in

comprehending the reading text, e.g. the use of teaching technique in learning process. One

of the techniques which was considered applicable and useful to increase students’ reading

comprehension ability was questioning technique. Therefore, this research was intended to

find out whether there was any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension

ability before and after being taught by using questioning technique.

The researcher carried out this research at SMPN 2 Natar, South Lampung. The population

and sample of the research included one class at the second year. A pre test – post test design

was applied in this quantitative research. The data collected were analyzed using Repeated Measure t-test with Statistically Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0.

Based on the calculation of t-test, the result showed that the students’ mean score of post test

in experimental class (65.00) was higher than pre test (54.52) with the gained score of 10.48. in which significance was determined by p<0.05. The t-test revealed that the result was significant (p=000). It showed that hypothesis was accepted, since t value > t table. Beside

that, questioning technique became more effective in increasing students’ reading

comprehension ability because it could increase students activity in teaching learning process. Based on the result of analysis, the researcher concludes that the implementation of

questioning technique can be used to increase the students’ reading comprehension and

teaching learning process. Therefore, questioning technique is recommended to be used by English teachers to increase their students especially in reading comprehension ability.




1.1. Background of the Problems... 1

1.2. Identification of the Problems... 2

1.3. Limitation of the Problems... 3

1.4. Formulation of the Research Question... 3

1.5. Objective of the Research... .. 3

1.6. Uses of the Research... 4

1.7. Scope of the Research... 4

1.8. Definition of Key Term... 5

II. FRAME OF THEORIES 2.1. Review of the Previous Research... 6

2.2. Review of Related Literature... 9

2.2.1. Concept of Reading Comprehension... 9

2.2.2. Concept of Reading Aspect... 11

2.3. The Nature of Short Functional Text... 13

2.3.1. Definition of Short Functional Text... 13

2.3.2. Function of Short Functional Text... 14

2.4. Concept of Question………... 14

2.5. Concept of Questioning Technique in Reading... 16

2.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Questioning Technique... 17

2.6.1. Advantages of Questioning Technique... 17

2.6.2. Disadvantages of Questioning Technique... 18

(7) Construct Validity... 28

3.6.2. Reliability ... 30

3.6.3. Level of Dificulty... 31

3.6.4. Discrimination Power... 32

3.7. Data Analysis... 33

3.8. Hypothesis Test... 33

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result of the Research... 36

4.1.1. Result of PreTest... 37

4.1.2. Result of Post Test... 38

4.1.3. The Increasing of Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability... 40

4.1.4. Normality Test... 42

4.1.5. Hypothesis Testing... 43

4.2. Discussion... 45

4.2.1. Discussion of Process... 45

4.2.2. Discussion of Product... 52


5.2. Suggestions... 56 Bibliography




This chapter concerns background of the problems, identification of the problems,

limitation of the problems, formulation of the research questions, objectives of the

research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

Based on the syllabus of KTSP/ curriculum 2006, there are four kinds of language

skills to be mastered in learning English, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. On the other hand, based on the latest curriculum that was applied in junior

high school in Indonesia that was KTSP the students was expected to learn English

from several of text. Reading extremely dominates the teaching learning in the

classroom, especially comprehension. But in fact, the students difficult to expressed

their opinions about the topics of the reading or discussed it further. However this

condition rarely happens in reading class. On the contrary the students tend to be

quiet without giving the answers or their opinions. The students are also hard to

address their questions to the teacher in reading classes. Sometimes, they do not show

the critical responses and tend to keep silent in interpreting and evaluating text given


reading. When they had read English text or worksheet, they could not transfer

information. They read slowly, and even word by word. As a result, they felt

frustrated in getting information from the text.

Facing the problems above, the teacher has the responsibility to find alternative ways

to solved the problems. Concerning with the background above, the researcher tried

to analyze these problems, that is, the students do not show critical responses, tend to

keep silent in interpreting and evaluating. The researcher decides to investigate the

students’ problems in responding the questions in reading sections by using

questioning technique.

1.2 Identification of the Problems

In line with the background of the problems above the following problems could be

identified in teaching learning process: the teacher usually only gave a text and asks

the learners to read the text and the teacher see only feeding up the learners with

sentences in a text by translating a whole of the text, teachers never let the learners to

work by themselves. In teaching reading activities, the teachers did not stimulate the

learners to give a positive response and apply specific teaching reading technique

based on the learners’ needs, interests, habits, and also the teacher did not used

questioning techniques in teaching learning process. Besides that, the students may

lack of motivation in learning and that condition makes them not serious in learning.

However, teachers have bad technique to teach their in reading comprehension

ability. They only focused on giving many tasks to the learners without guiding the



it or not. As a consequence, this condition affects the learners’ ability in reading


1.3Limitation of the Problems

Given the identification of the problems the researcher focused on reading problems

experienced by students at the second grade of junior high school by applying

questioning technique. The researcher chosen one effective technique in order to

achieve the goal stated in English Curriculum. As one of the techniques in teaching

reading, questioning technique could be used to increase learners’ reading

comprehension ability. The used of the question may be very useful in teaching

reading and may help the learners to comprehend the passage.

1.4 Formulation of the Research Questions

Based on the research limitation above, the researcher formulates the problem as


1. Is there any significant difference of students’reading comprehension ability

before and after being taught by using questioning technique?

2. Which technique is better in reading comprehension ability before or after being

taught by using questioning technique?

1.5 Objectives of the Research


1. To find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ reading

comprehension ability before and after being taught by using questioning


2. To find out, which technique is better in reading comprehension ability, before or

after being taught by using questioning technique.

1.6 Uses of the Research

1. Theoretically, the uses of this research is to see whether the result of this research

is relevant or not to the previous theories.

2. Practically, the use of this research is to give information for English teacher that

this technique can be applied in teaching reading.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This quantitative research was conducted at the second grade of junior high school.

This research focused on the implementation of questioning technique in teaching

reading. The population of the research was the second grade students consisted of

six classes. One class was chosen randomly by lottery as a subject or sample. and as

try out class. The researcher applied questioning technique in six times and compared

the result of the pretest and the posttest to find out whether there is any significant

increase of students’ reading comprehension ability before and after being taught by

questioning technique. The researcher conducted the try out test before giving the



posttest was taken from the try out test. Reading comprehension here was limited to

short functional text.

1.8 Definition of Key Term

Readingis a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or

derive meaning.

Reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

Short Functional Textis a short text that has particular meaning and purpose, and can be used in our daily life.




This chapter concerns review of the previous research and review of related


2.1Review of the Previous Research

When reading the text in our own language, it may frequently have a good idea of the

content before the people actually read. Book’s cover gives us a clue what in the

books, photographs, headlines and articles are about. However, there are some

problems in reading comprehension. There are some studies which have been

conducted as follow:

First, Dewi, R.A.(2013) has investigated the effect of using pre questioning on

students’ reading comprehension achievement at second grade of SMPN 1 Seputih

Banyak. She got the idea from students’ perspective. She found crucial difficulties in

their reading comprehension such as comprehending the text with unfamiliar words,

determining inferences and finding main idea of the text. This fact was reflected in

their minimum completeness criteria results, i.e., below 60, whereas the minimum


In line with the explanation above, the study was aimedat finding out the effects of

pre-questioning on students’ reading comprehension achievement under certain

assumption that the pre-questioning consists of some questions provided before the

students read the whole text. This strategy would lead the students’ interest and

motivation to read the text and develop their prior knowledge to comprehend the text.

Furthermore, students might improve their reading comprehension if they known

about pre-questioning and it was very important to understand about pre-questioning

in order to get good comprehension in reading. That was why this research would

investigate the effect of pre questioning on students’reading comprehension.

Second, Marsiyah (2009) has investigated the reading comprehension of narrative

text through SQ3R technique at the first year of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi.

According to her research, there are many factors that might influence the students

problems in reading. The students may have difficulties to comprehend a passage

because of some problems like unfamiliar code in which text is expressed, the amount

of previous knowledge that the reader brings to the text, the complexity of the

concept express, and vocabulary knowledge (Nuttal, 1985:5-6).

The researcher assumes that one of the important factors is reading media or

materials. As the way out of this problem, it is necessary for the teacher to make

reading materials more interesting and motivating the students, so that they can make

progress in reading. From the problem above, the researcher focused on the activities

of reading comprehension of narrative text taught by SQ3R technique in order to the



vocabulary, specific information, reference and inference. From the analysis, the

researcher draws a major conclusion as follows: applying SQ3R technique can

increase students reading comprehension achievement of narrative text significantly.

This can be identified from the gained score of students reading comprehension

achievement of narrative text within experimental class after being taught using

SQ3R technique.

The result of hypothesis testing also proved the increase of students reading

comprehension achievement of narrative text. There was a significant increase of

students reading comprehension achievement of narrative text after being taught

using SQ3R technique. it also refers that SQ3R technique can be used as an

alternative tool for the teacher in teaching reading comprehension.

Third, Reti, S. (2012) has investigated reading comprehension achievement through

reciprocal teaching technique at the second year of SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung. She

studies this from students’ perspective. Based on the researcher’s pre observation at

grade eight of SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung, not all the junior high school are good at

reading. In general, students have difficulty in comprehending main ideas of the

passage with long sentences, main topics, and explicit and implicit specific

information in the reading text. This condition shows that reading is not a simple task

to do for some people.

It can be seen from their average score of the final result of the reading test which is


KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) of the class of that school is 65. Obviously it

proves that the reading score of the students is very low. In other words, that most of

the students faced the difficulties to comprehend or to understand reading material.

Concern with the problem above, the researcher applied reciprocal teaching technique

in reading as a technique for the Junior High School students. Reciprocal Teaching

was a technique used to develop comprehension of recount text in which teacher and

students took turns leading a dialogue concerning sections of a text. The purpose of

Reciprocal Technique was to help students to improve their comprehension in

understanding the text and their activities in reading class. In line with the result of

learning process and learning product in the research, conclusions drawn like the

followings: Reciprocal teaching technique can improve students reading

comprehension achievement. However, there was not had research related to

implementation of reading comprehension ability using questioning technique,

therefore the researcher is interested in conducting the research it.

2.2 Review of Related Literature

In review of related literature, there are talk about concept of reading comprehension and concept of reading aspect.

2.2.1 Concept of Reading Comprehension

Before going to the concept of reading comprehension, it is better to know what

reading is. (Rayner2001:18) Reading comprehension is defined as the level of


10 10

between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the


According to (Adams, 1994:12), Proficient reading depends on the ability to

recognize words quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use

too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with

their ability to comprehend what is reading.

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. While the

definition can be simply stated the act is not simple to teach, learn or practice.

Reading comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs

before, during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.

Reading comprehension is one of the pillars of the act of reading. When a person

reads a text he engages in a complex array of cognitive process. He is simultaneously

using his awareness and understanding of phonemes (individual sound “pieces” in

language), phonics (connection between letters and sounds and the relationship

between sounds, letters and words) and ability to comprehend or construct meaning

from the text. This last component of the act of reading is reading comprehension. It

cannot occur independent of the other two elements of the process.

The goal of all reading comprehension is to help the students become expert readers

so that they can achieve independence and use literacy for lifelong learning and

enjoyment. Learning to use strategies effectively is an essential to constructing


(Paris, Wasik, at all, 1991:25). These early difficulties in reading may influence the

way readers learn throughout the rest of their lives (Anderson, Hiebert, at all,


The important of reading helps in mental development and known to stimulate the

muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of

concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an indulgence

that enhances the knowledge acquired consistently. The habit of reading also help

readers to decipher new words and phrases that they use in daily conversations. The

habit can become a healthy addiction and adds to the information available on various

topics. It helps us to stay in-touch with contemporary writers as well as those from

the days and makes us sensitive to global issues.

Reading provides the detail information on Reading, Home Reading, Reading

Glasses, Reading Comprehension and more. Reading is affiliated with Educational


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Sofsian

2.2.2 Concept of Reading Aspect

Refering to the concept above, in order to know the students’ reading comprehension

ability, the teacher must involve some aspects that really essential in reading

comprehension ability. The reading aspects should not only understanding of the


12 12

1. Identifying a Main idea

Main idea is called the topic sentence. Topic sentence tells what the paragraph is

about. In some paragraphs, the main idea is not explicitly stated in any one sentence.

Instead, it is left to reader to infer or reason out. The main idea is the most important

idea that the author develops throughout the paragraph (Mc. Whother, 1986:36)

The first thing you must be able to do to get at the main idea of a paragraph is to

identify the topic - the subject of the paragraph. Think of the paragraph as a wheel

with the topic being the hub - the central core around which the whole wheel (or

paragraph) spins. Your strategy for topic identification is simply to ask yourself the

question, "What is this about?" Keep asking yourself that question as you read per

paragraph, until the answer to your question becomes clear. Sometimes you can spot

the topic by looking for a word or two that repeat. Usually you can state the topic in a

few words.

2. Categorizing Information

Supporting sentence or categorizing information develops the topic sentence by

giving definition, examples, facts, an incidents, comparison, analogy, cause and effect

statistics and quotation (Mc. Whother, 1986:36).

3. Making InferenceVisual Clues

Reading comprehension by using visual strategies understands the text through the

use of pictures, imagery, and graphic organizers. This means the reader connects their


strategies help? ‚There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.

When it comes to comprehension, this saying might be paraphrased, a visual display

helps readers understand, organize, and remember some of those thousand words.

4. Making InferenceWord Clues

Inference is an educational guess or prediction about something unknown based on

available facts and information. It is the logical connection that the reader draws

between they observe or know and what they do not know.

5. Identify Reading Purpose

Every texts have the purpose when the author write it. The purpose setting can be

greatly enhanced by activating prior knowledge, previewing and utilizing text

structure. Although purpose setting is sometimes set by the teacher or assignment,

skilled readers incorporate and internalize external purposes. Purposes can be for

entertainment, to get information, to persuade the readers, giving information, or to

learn how to perform a task.

2.3 The Nature of Short Functional text

In the nature of short functional text, there are talk about definition of short functional text and function of short functional text.

2.3.1 Definition of Short Functional Text

Short functional text is a text to give information or warning to the listener or reader


14 14

Short functional text is a short text containing the command, direction, something to

be done which may be prohibition, announcement, invitations, greeting cards,

messaging, shopping list, warning (notice) and others that contain the meaning that

are used in daily communication.

2.3.2 Function of Short Functional Text

The function of short functional text is to provide complete and clear information

about certain events or occasion.

Some characteristics of short functional texts are straightforward and ease the readers

to get information quickly, keep it short, inviting, and to the point, clear and

complete, make a direct and no nonsense statement.

2.4 Concept of Question

Question is a part of study process, intended to make the reader think about his

purpose in reading and what he wants to get out of the text.It means that the question

will help the readers understand the content of material easily (Nuttal, 1985: 5).

Questions are the evaluate which means the students are learning to think more

critically and not just repeating literal information. Routman, (2003: 128) say that

questions assist students to develop thinking skill and increase their comprehension.

It is important to model for students the kinds of question it want them to ask


A question may be either a linguistic experience use to make a request for

information, or else the request itself made by such an experience. Mckanzie, (2007:

27) states questions use from the most elementary style of learning to original

research. Students of all argues use question in their learning of topic, and the skills

of reading. From the questions students respond may be used by a teacher to lead the

students towards the truth without direct instruction, and also help the students to

form logical conclusion.

The questions have three levels, they are:

1. The literal level (“right there on the page”) is the type of question most often use

in the classroom. Literal question are those in which the words use for the answer

are usually located in the same sentences.

2. The inferential level (“think and search”) it is a type of question in which the

answer requires reading between the line. The words use in the questions and the

words use for the answer are not in the same sentence. The students must find

information in different part of the text.

3. The applied level (“on your own”) it is the type of question in which the answer

relies mainly on the readers’ background knowledge and experience. The reader to

perform such tasks and analyze, synthesis, and evaluate.

It means that the question helps the reader to understand the content of material


16 16

2.5 Concept of Questioning Technique in Reading

Nuttal, (1987: 124) says that developing types of question and technique for using

them are essential to teach reading. In this case, question technique is a way to

manage the questions by a teacher or a bookmaker for the students. In general, the

writer will divide the questions into two ways of questioning as below:

1. The questions are mostly who, what, where, when, and how questions, which do

not require the students to give their interpretations or evaluation, or if there any

“why” questions at all, these “why” questions can be answered easily since the

answers are already give in the text. In short, the questions are in the literal

comprehension level.

2. The questions are used to ask to elicit their own opinions. Even the who, what,

when, where, and how questions can be used to ask for their interpretations and

evaluations. Thus, it is no wonder that the students certainly become very critical

in reading any text given to them. It means that the students are free to express

their answers by considering the text in practice the questions refer to inferential:

comprehension level and critical comprehension level.

The researcher used this questioning technique hopefully for giving the questions

format in reading that the students have opportunity to express more their own

opinions and interpretations about the topic discuss.

Here, usually student’s interpretation about the content of text may be different from


questions. In addition, they have a big opportunity to be active or critical since they

have much time to think and answer reasonably or description through the formatted


In this research, questioning technique refers to question management for students

that invites them to express their feeling. In the practice, questioning technique

requires informative questions as a warming up for the students before answering the

questions using questioning technique.

2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Questioning Technique

In this technique the teacher controls the situation. Generally informal lesson is

developed by means of questioning technique.

2.6.1 Advantages of Questioning Technique

There are several advantages of questioning technique :

1. It can be used in all teaching situations.

2. It helps in developing the power of expression of the students.

3. It is helpful to ascertain the personal difficulties of the students.

4. It provides a check on preparation of assignments.

5. It can be used to reflect student's background and attitude.

6. It is quite handy to the teacher when no other suitable teaching technique is


18 18

2.6.2 Disadvantages of Questioning Technique

There are disadvantages of questioning technique:

1. It requires a lot of skill on the part of teacher to make a proper use of this


2. This method generally is quite embracing for timid students.

2.7 Procedure of Teaching Reading Comprehension through Questioning


The researcher proposes procedure of teaching reading through questioning technique

by adapting Harman, (2002: 17) as follows:

Pre Activity

1. The procedure began with motivating the students by asking them about short

functional text in form announcement e.g. Do you know about announcement

text?, What do you know about announcement text?, Have you ever read

announcement text?, it functions to active their background of announcement


2. Before the teacher asks students to apply questioning technique to a passage, the

teacher explains to the students the purpose of learning this technique. It is intend

to introduce the students to questioning technique applied in the treatment.

3. The teacher describes the technique and makes a list of steps on the board, the


the students saw and sometimes participate in following the steps. The steps can

be described as follows:

1) The students must understand questionwhat do you study this passage for?

With self reminder that she/he reads the passage in order to answer

questions about its content.

2) The students located all main idea in the passage underlines or highlight

them and the students read through the passage again to answer each

questions by questioning technique Who, What, Where, When, Why, and

How.For example,what is the announcement text about?

3) The students underline the information and events they found in the

announcement text. This helps them to make questions about specific

information stated in the text.

4) The students review the main idea, the questions and the answer.

While Activity

1. The teacher distributed the short functional text in form announcement text to all

students and instructs them to write 6 questions based on the text.

2. The students underlined the main idea they find in the text and make questions

i.e. What is the announcement text about?, How to get for further information

about the English speech Contest?

3. The students wrote the answers on a piece of paper.

4. Next, students circled the pronouns they found in the text. The student’s make



English speech contest..(in line 3). The possible question is who is the underline

word refer to?

5. The students underlined the time and the place that they found and make

questions about it. The possible questions are When the contest will carry out?,

Where the contest will carry out?

6. The students wrote the answers on a piece of paper.

7. The students made an inference or prediction about the purpose of the

announcement text.

Post Activity

1. The students wrote down the questions they have made on a piece of paper. They

exchange their questions with their partner and answer each other.

2. The students discussed their answers with their partner.

3. After the students discussed their answers to their own questions, the teacher

administers questions and let the students answer.

4. The students submit their work to the teacher.

5. The teacher made reinforcement by discussing the answer with the students.

2.8 Theoretical Assumption

Based on the frame of theories, it is assumed that questioning technique is an

effective strategy to be used in teaching reading in order to increase the students’

ability in reading comprehension of short functional text in form an announcement


technique was very effective for metacognitive because in order to formulate the

appropriate questions for the planning, monitoring, and evaluating of a task, one must

be very conscious and aware of the task at hand.

Because questioning technique requires students’ to make up their own questions

regarding the materials they are using. This strategy forces students’ to pay closer

attention to what they are doing. And incorporate existing knowledge with newly

acquire information. A students’ ability to combine new information is also essential

to their ability to transfer knowledge from one context to another.

The researcher assumed that questioning technique is an effective technique that

make activate students’ prior knowledge during reading, developed metacognition

and, consequently, leads to better comprehension.

2.9 Hypothesis

According to the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulates the

hypothesis as follows: there is any significant difference of students’ reading



This chapter discusses the methods of research used in this study, that is research

design, population and sample, data collecting technique, research procedures, criteria

of good test, scoring system, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This research is quantitative carried out by using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design.

The research investigates whether there is any significant increase after students’

reading comprehension ability of short functional text or not.

The design can be presented as follows:

T1 X T2

T1 : Pretest

T2 : Posttest

X : Treatment by using questioning technique



3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research at the second grade students of junior high school

(SMPN 2 NATAR). There are six classes of the second grade and all classes consist

of 167 students. Among those classes, the researcher took one class as the sample of

research. The class is chosen randomly by using lottery.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

To collect the data the researcher used the following techniques:

Try out

The try out test was administered to determine the quality of the data collecting

instrument of the research, there are reliability, validity, level of difficulty, and

discrimination power. Students were given 50 items of multiple choices test in 90


Statistical formula namely Spearmen Brown’s Prophecy Formula was used to find

out the reliability of the test. If the reliability test reaches 0.50 the researcher

considered that it has been reliable. The result of the reliability found through this

research was 0.98 . According to the criteria of the reliability proposed by Hatch and

Farhady (1982: 268), the test has high reliability in the range 0.90-1.00. It indicated


The data was analyzed by computing the level of difficulty and discrimination power

of the score. From the computation of level difficulty, it was found out that the items

were 5 items which were less than 0.30; it means that the items were difficult. There

were 14 items which were higher than 0.70, it means that the items were easy and 31

items were satisfactory (0.30-0.70). From the computation of discrimination power

the researcher got that there were 4 bad items (has negative value in discrimination),

13 items were poor (has less than 2.00 index), 2 item had no discrimination (the value

is zero) and 30 items were satisfactory (has higher than 2.00 index). After analyzing

the data, the researcher got 24 items were good, 11 items should be revised, and 10

items were bad and should be dropped.

Based on the result of the try out test, the researcher took 40 items were administered

in pre test and post test. The numbers of items and arrangement of the text in pre test

were changed randomly in order to use the items in post test.


Pretest is used to find out how far the competence of the students’ basic ability in

reading comprehension. In pretest, the students were instructed to answer multiple

choice questions about short functional text. Their scores in the pretest were used to




The Posttest was administered after conducting six treatments to the students. It was

used to find out whether there is any significant increase in students’ reading

comprehension ability after six time treatments or not. The students’ average score in

the posttest was compared with the average score in pretest. By doing so, the

researcher measures students’ increase of comprehension ability of short functional


3.4 Research Procedure

The procedures of this research are:

1. Determining the population and sample

The population of this research was the second year students of SMPN 2 Natar and

the researcher took one class VIIIC as the subject of this research.

2. Administering tryout test

Try out was administered in order to determine the quality of the test as instrument

of the research.

3. Analyzing the test

The result of the tryout test was analyzed in order to determine the items which


4. Administrating the pretest

Pretest was given in order to find out the students’ability in reading comprehension

of short functional text.

5. Conducting treatment

In this research, the treatment conducted in six times. In the treatment, the

researcher explains about questioning technique to help the students to comprehend

of short functional text. After giving the explanation of questioning technique, the

researcher gave them accession training in questions formulation. During this

session the experimental class taught to recognize and express the purpose of short

functional text and ask questions based on the topics.

6.Administering posttest

The posttest was administered in order to know students’ increasing in reading

comprehension ability after they were treated by using short functional text. 40 item

numbers of multiple choices were applied in this test.

7. Analyzing the test result

After conducting the pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzed the data by using

Repeated Measure T-test. It was used to know whether questioning technique

suitable to increase the students’ reading comprehension ability of short functional



8. Reporting the result

In reporting the data, the data arranged systematically based on the pretest and

posttest to see whether there is any significant increase of students’ reading

comprehension ability in short functional text or not.

3.5 Scoring System

In scoring students’result of the test, the researcher uses Percentage Score. The ideal

highest score is 100. The score of pretest and posttest were calculated by using

formula as follow:

= 100



PS : Percentage Score

R : the total of right answer

N : total item (Henning, 1987)

3.6 Try Out of Research Instrument

Whenever a test or other measuring device is used as part of the data collecting

process. There are four criteria of a good test, namely, validity, reliability, level of


3.6.1 Validity

A test can be said to be valid if it measures the object to be measure and suitable with

the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 251). According to Hatch and Farhady

(1982: 251), there are four types of validity: face validity, content validity, construct

validity and empirical or criterion-related validity. To measure whether the test has

good validity, the researcher used content and construct validity. Validity

Content validity is the extent to which a test measure a representative sample of the

subject matter content, the focus of content validity is adequacy of the sample and not

simply on the appearance of the test (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 251). To know

whether the test is good reflection of what should he tested and of the knowledge

which the teacher wants the students to know, the researcher compared this test with

the table of specification. If the table represents the material that the researcher wants

to test, then it is valid from the point of view. A table of specification is an instrument

that helps the test constructor plans the test. Jansen (2002: 107) explain that

questioning technique slows down the reading process, focuses students attention on

detail in the text, and make them aware gaps in the text and/or breaches with their

own expectation. Construct Validity

Construct validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with the



know whether the test is true reflection of the theory in reading comprehension, the

researcher examines whether the test questions actually reflect the means of reading

comprehension or not. The researcher formulates table of specification, so every test

items can be matched with the goal and the materials have been taught. The table of

specification is an instrument that helps the test constructor plans of the test. The test

is based on 2006 English curriculum, and the syllabus of first years SMA students

and represent of the materials that taught by the teacher. The content of the test is


3.6.2 Reliability

Reliability is a measure meant of accuracy, consistency, dependability or fairness of

scores resulting from administration of particular examination.

Reliability of the test was determined by using the odd and event in order to estimate

the reliability of the test. To measure coefficient of the reliability the first and second

half group, the researcher used the following formula:


² ²


r¹ : The coefficient of reliability between first half and second half group X : The total numbers of second half group

Y : Total numbers of second half group X² : The square of X

Y² : The square of Y

To find out the reliability of the test, the writer employed “Spearment Brown’s

Prophecy Formula(Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 286)

The formula is as follows:


rk : The reliability of the test



The criteria of reliability are:

0.90-1.01.1 : High

0.50-0.89 : Moderate

0.00-0.49 : Low

3.6.3 Level of Difficulty

To see the level of difficulty, the researcher used the following formula:


Where :

LD : Level of difficulty

U : The proportion of upper group students who answer correctly

L : The proportion of lower group students who answer correctly

N : Total number of students

The criteria are :

<0.30 : Difficult

0.30–0.70 : Average

.0.70 : Easy


3.6.4 Discrimination Power

This index refers to the extent to which the item able to differentiate between high

and low levels students on the test. A good item according to this criterion is one that

good students get good score and get bad score. To see the discrimination index, the

researcher uses the following formula:


(Shohamy, 1985: 81)


DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students who answer correctly

L : the proportion of lower group students who answer correctly

N : total number of students

The criteria are:

1. If the value is positive, it has discrimination because a large number of more

knowledgeable students than poor students get the item correct if the value is zero.

It means no discrimination.

2. If the value is negative, it has negative discrimination because more low-level

students than high level students get the item correct.

3. In general, the higher discrimination index, the better, in the classroom situation



3.7 Data Analysis

The researcher computed the students score in order to find out the students

increasing in reading comprehension ability of short functional text through

questioning technique by using the following steps:

1. Scoring the pre-test and post-test

2. Tabulating the results of the test and calculating the score of the pre-test and


3. Drawing conclusion from the tabulation result of the pre-test and post-test by

using statistical computerization, Repeated Measure T-Test of Statistical Package

for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0 to test whether the increase of students

gain is significant or not, in which the significance determined by p<0.05, it used

as the data come from the one sample (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 117).

3.8 Hypothesis Testing

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed them in order to find out whether

there is any significant difference in students’ reading comprehension ability of short

functional text or not after the treatment. The researcher used Repeated Measure

T-Test to know the level of significance of the treatment effect.

By seeing the probability level (p) which is shown by two tail significance as the


( ) ( )

H1 is approved if p < α. The research uses level of significance i.e. 0.05, and the probability of error in the hypothesis is 5%.

Therefore, the hypothesis which would be cited is as follows:

H1 : There is any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension

ability before and after being taught by using questioning technique.

H0 : There is no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability

before and after being taught by using questioning technique.

Besides that, to investigated the students’ activities in teaching learning process using

questioning technique, the researcher analyzed the observation data and concluded

the result after the observation sheets completed by the observer.

The data were analyzed by using statistical computerization Repeated Measures t-test

of SPSS 17 for Windows i.e. t = to test whether the difference between

pretest and post test is significant or not, in which the significance is determined by

p<0.05 (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 114). Whereas:

. t =

SD =




SD = standard deviation n = number of students

= mean score pre test = mean score post tes t = test



This chapter describes two major points, conclusion and suggestion.

5.1 Conclusions

In relating to the result of data analysis and discussion the following conclusions are

drawn as follows:

1. There is any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability

before and after being taught by using questioning technique. This could be

seen from the pretest and post test scores which showed that the students’

mean score of post test in experimental class (65.00) was higher than pre test

(52.54) with the gained score of 10.48. In which significance value was

determined by p<0.05. The t-test revealed that the result was significant

(p=000). Thus, the hypothesis was accepted. It means that questioning

technique can be used to increase students’reading comprehension ability.

2. According to the result of the research, the students’ reading comprehension

ability is better after being taught using questioning technique. This technique

is better because can increase the students’ critical responses and active in



5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, some recommendation can be made:

1. An English teacher should apply questioning technique as one of alternative ways

to help the students do their classroom activities.

2. An English teacher is suggested to use questioning technique, especially in reading

skill to make students more comfortable in learning process and automatically can

increase their reading comprehension ability. The teacher should be able to give

some rules and control during the teaching learning process well since the biggest

problem for the teacher when using questioning technique maybe the noisy

classroom and time consuming.

3. The students should be more active in practicing reading. They should use

questioning technique to learn effectively and enjoy reading. So they can increase

their reading comprehension ability.

4. The future researcher, who will conduct the similar research, should conduct it by

considering the time allocation for the treatments. Because of the limitation of

time, the target material may not be explained fully when the class is not in a good


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Understand and respond to the meaning of the text that uses variety of written language accurately, and fluently in short functional text.

III. Indicators

a) Identifying a main idea of the text. b) Categorizing information of the text. c) Making inference—visual clues of the text. d) Making inference—words clues.

e) Identifying reading purpose of the text. IV. Learning Objectives

1. Process

a) Students try to find out the main idea from the text.

b) Students converse the categorizing information of the text. c) Students try to attain the inference—visual clues of the text. d) Students try to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e) Students try to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform,



a) Students are able to find out the main idea from the text.

b) Students are capable to converse the categorizing information of the text.

c) Students are able to attain the inference—visual clues f the text. d) Students are able to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e) Students are able to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform,

persuade, summarize, or entertain) of the text.

V. Learning Material

Answer the following questions based on announcement above!

VI. Time Allocation

2 x 45 minutes



VII. Teaching Procedures


Pre – activity (±10 minutes)

1. Students get brainstorming from the teacher to construct their background knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

T: “Do you know about short functional text?”

“Have you ever read announcement text?”

It is used to build the students’ thought before they learn further about announcement text.

2. Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about material they are going to learn – that is about ―Pizza Party‖, the goals of learning are to achieve, and reading strategies the students use.

While activity (± 65 minutes)

I. The teacher distributes the announcement text to all students and instructs them to write 6 questions based on the text.

II. The students underline the main idea they find in the text and make questions i.e. What is the announcement text about?, How to get further

informationabout the Pizza party?

III. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.

IV. Next, students circle the pronouns they find in the text. The students make questions about reference by using what or who. For example, join us for

a pizza party! (in line 2). The possible question is Who is the underlined

word refer to?

V. The students underline the time and the place that they find and make questions about it. The possible questions are When the party will be

carried out?,,Where theparty will be carried out?

VI. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.


Post activity(± 10 minutes)

1. Students ask the teacher about the difficulties in understanding the lesson.

2. Students infer what they have just already learned and get the conclusion from the teacher.

VIII. Evaluation

Reading comprehension by answering questions are given by the teacher that should do in a individual.

Written Assessment

Form : Multiple choice

Answer the following questions based on announcement above! 1. What is the announcement about?

a. Cookies party c. Juice party

b. Pizza party d. Pizza contest

2. Where the party will be held?

a. Wilson home c. Class

b. Office d. Hall

3. When the party will be held?

a. Saturday, 22 Feb 2012 c. Saturday, 21 Feb 2000 b. Saturday, 22 March 2013 d. Saturday, 25 Feb 2012 4. Join us for a pizza party. The underlined word has same meaning with?

a. Sign up c. Visit



X. Table of Specification

No Indicators Item



1. Identifying a main idea of the text 1 1

2. Categorizing information of the text 2 & 3 2

3. Making inference ─ visual clues 5 1

4. Making inference ─ words clues 4 1


Appendix 2 announcement accurately, smoothly, and acceptable in the context of everyday life and access to science.

II. Basic Competence

Understand and respond to the meaning of the text monologue / essay that uses variety of written language accurately, fluently in announcement text.

III. Indicators

a) Identifying a main idea of the text. b) Categorizing information of the text. c) Making inference—visual clues of the text. d) Making inference—words clues.

e) Identifying reading purpose of the text.

IV. Learning Objectives

1. Process

a. Students try to find out the main idea from the text.

b. Students converse the categorizing information of the text. c. Students try to attain the inference—visual clues of the text. d. Students try to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e. Students try to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform,




a) Students are able to find out the main idea from the text.

b) Students are capable to converse the categorizing information of the text.

c) Students are able to attain the inference—visual clues f the text. d) Students are able to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e) Students are able to find out the purpose(describe, instruct, inform,

persuade, summarize, or entertain) of the text.

V. Learning Material

Answer the following questions based on announcement above!

VI. Time Allocation

2 x 45 minutes


VII. Teaching Procedures


Pre – activity (±10 minutes)

1. Students get brainstorming from the teacher to construct their

background knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

T: ―Do you know what an announcement is?‖ ―What announcement have you ever read?‖

It is used to build the students’ thought before they learn further about announcement text.

2. Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about material they are going to learn – that is about ―Library‖, the goals of learning to achieve, and reading strategies the students use.

While Activity (± 65 minutes)

VI. The teacher distributes the announcement text to all students and instructs them to write 6 questions based on the text.

II. The students underline the main idea they find in the text and make questions i.e. What is the announcement text about?, How to get further

informationabout the condition of library? Who is the librarian?

III. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.

IX. The students underline the time and the place that they find and make questions about it. The possible questions are how long the library will be closed?

X. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.



Post Activity (± 10 minutes)

7. Students ask the teacher about the difficulties in understanding the lesson.

8. Students infer what they have just already learned and get the conclusion from the teacher.


Reading comprehension by answering questions are given by the teacher that should do in an individual.

Written Assessment

Form : Multiple choice

Answer the following questions based on the announcement above! 1. What is the announcement about?

a. Library c. Office

b. Class d. Librarian

2. How long the library will be closed?

a. 1 days c. 4days

b. 2 days d. 3days

3. Librarian. (In line 6) has same meaning with ?

a. students c. Staff in library b. teachers d. Student and teacher 4. how to get further information about the library?

a. contact Ratih c. Contact Reno


X.Table of Specification

No Indicators Item



1. Identifying a main idea of the text 1 1

2. Categorizing information of the text 4 1

3. Making inference ─ visual clues 2 1

4. Making inference ─ words clues 3 1



a) Identifying a main idea of the text. b) Categorizing information of the text. c) Making inference—visual clues of the text. d) Making inference—words clues.

e) Identifying reading purpose of the text. IV. Learning Objectives


a) Students try to find out the main idea from the text.


e) Students try to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform, persuade, summarize, or entertain) of announcement text. 2.Products

a) Students are able to find out the main idea from the text.

b)Students are capable to converse the categorizing information of the text. c)Students are able to attain the inference—visual clues f the text.

d)Students are able to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e) Students are able to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform, persuade, summarize, or entertain) of the text.

V. Learning Material

Answer the following questions based on announcement above!

VI. Time Allocation

2 x 45 minutes

Pre activity : +10 minutes Whilst activity : +70 minutes Closure activity : + 10 minutes




Pre – activity (±10 minutes)

3. Students get brainstorming from the teacher to construct their background knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

T: “Do you know about announcement text?”

“Have you ever read announcement text?”

It is used to build the students’ thought before they learn further about announcement text.

2. Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about material they are going to learn –that is about ―Beach Party‖, the goals of learning to achieve, and

reading strategies the students use.

While activity (± 65 minutes)

II. The teacher distributes the announcement text to all students and instructs them to write 6 questions based on the text.

III. The students underline the main idea they find in the text and make questions i.e. What is the announcement text about?

IV. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.

XV. The students underline the time and the place that they find and make questions about it. The possible questions are When the programme will

be carried out?,,Where is the party will be carried out?

XVI. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.

II. The students make an inference or prediction about the purpose of the announcement text.

Post activity (± 10 minutes)

9. Students ask the teacher about the difficulties in understanding the lesson.

10. Students infer what they have just already learned and get the conclusion from the teacher.


Reading comprehension by answering questions are given by the teacher that should do in an individual.

Written Assessment

Form : Multiple choice

Answer the following questions based on the announcement above! 1. What is the announcement about?

a. Saturday party c. Beach party

4. Exclusive at ararat. (in first line) the underlined word has same meaning with? Except….

a. There are indonesian food c. There are traditional food b. There are seafood d. There are not food IX. Source



X. Table of Specification

No Indicators Item



1. Identifying a main idea of the text 1 1

2. Categorizing information of the text 2 & 3 2

3. Making inference ─ visual clues 6 1

4. Making inference ─ words clues 4 1


Appendix 4

Understand and respond to the meaning of the text that uses variety of written language accurately, and fluently in short functional text.

III. Indicators

a) Identifying a main idea of the text. b) Categorizing information of the text. c) Making inference—visual clues of the text. d) Making inference—words clues.

e) Identifying reading purpose of the text.

IV. Learning Objectives

1. Process

a) Students try to find out the main idea from the text.

b) Students converse the categorizing information of the text. c) Students try to attain the inference—visual clues of the text. d) Students try to attain the inference—words clues of the text.




a) Students are able to find out the main idea from the text.

b) Students are capable to converse the categorizing information of the text.

c) Students are able to attain the inference—visual clues f the text. d) Students are able to attain the inference—words clues of the text. e) Students are able to find out the purpose (describe, instruct, inform,

persuade, summarize, or entertain) of the text.

V. Learning Material

Answer the following questions based on announcement above!

VI. Time Allocation

2 x 45 minutes


VII. Teaching Procedures


Pre – activity (±10 minutes)

1. Students get brainstorming from the teacher to construct their background knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

T: “Do you know about short fucntional text?”

“Have you ever read announcement text?”

It is used to build the students’ thought before they learn further about short functional text.

2. Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about material they are going to learn –that is about ―Prisaa national games 2011‖, the goals of learning

to achieve, and reading strategies the students use.

While activity (± 65 minutes)

III. The teacher distributes the announcement text to all students and instructs them to write 6 questions based on the text.

IX. The students underline the main idea they find in the text and make questions i.e. What is the announcement text about?, How to get further

informationabout the Prisaa national games 2011?

X. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.

XI. Next, students circle the pronouns they find in the text. The students make questions about reference by using what or who. For example, please pay

your 2nd semester contributions on or before March 31, 2011 (in line 5).

The possible question is Who is theunderlined word refer to?

II. The students underline the time and the place that they find and make questions about it. The possible questions are When the games will be

carried out?,,Where thegames will be carried out?

III. The other students write the answers on a piece of paper.



Post activity(± 10 minutes)

11. Students ask the teacher about the difficulties in understanding the lesson.

12. Students infer what they have just already learned and get the conclusion from the teacher.

VIII. Evaluation

Reading comprehension by answering questions are given by the teacher that should do in a individual.

Written Assessment

Form : Multiple choice

Answer the following questions based on announcement above! 1. What is the announcement about?

c. Prisaa National Games 2011 c. Prisaa 2011

d. Prisaa games 2011 d. Prisaa 2011 Games

2.Where the Prisaa National Games will be held?

c. Zimbabwe city c. Zamboanga city

d. Africa d. Boanga city

13. When the Prisaa National Games will be held?

c. April 11-15, 2011 c. April 1-10 , 2011 15. How long the party will be held?

c. 8 days c. 9 hours

d. 8 hours d. 9 days

16. What is the purpose of the text?

c. To describe c. To inform

d. To entertain d. To persuade

IX. Source


Table1. The specification of Data Collecting Instrument
Table of Specification
Table of Specification
Table of Specification


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