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Bahasa inggris01


Academic year: 2017

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Paket Soal Bahasa Inggris

. I ha e the ho e ork… a. doing

b. done c. does d. did e. do

Pembahasan: b. done

I ha e the ho e ork….

Kalimat di atas menggunakan causative verb, yaitu sebuah kalimat yang menyebabkan orang lain melakukan suatu hal.

Pola causative verb: Subject + have/get/make + object + Verb III Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas adalah Done.

2. Ali : Who is Ismail Marzuki?

Tea her : He is the o poser … people o sider o e of the greatest i I do esia. a. with whom

b. tof whom c. to whom d. who e. whom

Pembahasan: e. whom

Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik di atas adalah Whom. Whom digunakan untuk orang sebagai obyek.

Frasa the o poser erupaka frasa ora g, da jika dilihat keduduka a pada klausa people co sider hi o e of the greatest i I do esia adalah se agai o jek. Oleh kare a itu, relati e pro ou

ho digu aka dala kali at He is the o poser … people o sider o e of the greatest i I do esia .

3. Anto likes watermelons and potatos, but he likes watermelons more. Change the sentence above using preferences!

a. Anto likes watermelons better than potatos b. Anto likes watermelon and potato

c. Anto likes potatos better than watermelons d. Anto prefer potatos to watermelons

e. Anto would rather like potatos than watermelons


a. Anto likes watermelons better than potatos

Preference adalah bentuk ungkapan kalimat yang menyatakan suatu hal yang lebih disukai daripada hal lain. Ada tiga bentuk preference, yaitu:

- Like … etter tha … - Prefer … to …











- Would rather … tha …

Kare a A to le ih e ukai ater elo se a gka aka kali at a g tepat adalah A to likes ater elo s etter tha potatos .

4. Barrack Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illionis Senate.

Find the synonym of the underlined word! a. advisor

b. teacher c. advocate d. senator e. consultant

Pembahasan: c. advocate

Attorney ialah ahli hukum/pengacara. Kata yang tepat sebagai sinonim dari Attorney adalah advocate (pengacara).

. Di as : … did the pla e arri e?

Rama : The plane arrived about fifteen minutes ago. a. where

b. why c. what d. when e. how

Pembahasan: d. when

Ja a a Fiftee i utes ago e u jukka ketera ga aktu. Jadi, kata a g tepat u tuk e a aka ketera ga aktu dala ahasa I ggris adalah Whe .

6. Customer: Is my car ready?

Me ha i : I sorr , … e ause e did t get the spareparts u til toda . a. It is still being fixed

b. we still fixed it c. we have fixed it d. it is still fixing e. still being fixed


a. It is still being fixed

I sorr , … e ause e did t get the spareparts u til toda .

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat penyesalan dikarenakan hingga saat ini mekanik tersebut belum juga mendapatkan suku cadang a g di utuhka e ause e did t get the spareparts u til toda . Hal i i menunjukkan bahwa proses perbaikan mobil masih dalam proses atau belum selesai (it is still being fixed.

Untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang masih berlangsung pada saat bicara menggunakan Present Continuous Tense, dengan pola sebagai berikut;











Untuk pola aktif : Subject + am/is/are + V-ing Untuk pola pasif : Subject + am/is/are + not + V-ing

7. Jaka : Television says that most of the streets in Jakarta are flooded at the moment. Ari : I ot surprised, e … so u h rai for a eek o .

a. are having b. have c. had d. had had e. have had

Pembahasan; e. have had

Di dala per akapa terse ut terdapat ketera ga aktu for a eek o a g arti a adalah sela a seminggu ini. Hal itu menunjukkan suatu peristiwa yang telah berlangsung sejak minggu lalu hingga saat ini. Kalimat seperti ini menggunakan present perfect (Subject + have/has + V3).

Jadi, kalimat yang tepat adalah:

I ot surprised, e have had so much rain for a week now. Have + V3

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 and 9! Text 1

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He studied law in London, and then lived with his family in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he practiced law. He became famous for nonviolence and civil disobedience when trying to improve the situations of Indians living in South Africa. He was both political and religious leader. He led the Nationalist movement against British rule in India. Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. He will always be remembered for his spirituality and concern for peace.

8. Fro the te t a o e, e k o that Ga dhi as or o …. a. 140 years ago

b. October 3, 1869 c. October 3, 1868 d. October 2, 1869 e. 13 years ago

Pembahasan: d. October 2, 1869

9. Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. The u derli ed ord ea s… a. Killed

b. Died c. Elected d. Isolated e. Studied











Pembahasan: a. Killed

Kata assassinated berasal dari kata dasar assassinate yang berarti dibunuh. Kata lain yang memiliki arti dibunuh adalah killed.

Killed = Dibunuh Died = Meninggal Elected = Dipilih Isolated = Diasingkan Studied = Belajar

Read the following text to answer the questions number 10-12! Text 2

Last Sunday two cars were going along Blue Street. A teacher was driving a Honda and a young man was dri i g a La er. The tea her as dri i g slo l a d arefull . The ou g a as t dri i g arefull – he was looking at a girl walking along the street. He was still looking at the girl when suddenly a boy

a e out of a side road. He ould t stop his ar a d so he hit the o .

The boy was seriously injured and the teacher went out of his car and helped the boy. The teacher was a dagi g the o s head he the police arrived. The teacher called an ambulance and take the boy to the hospital.

. Te t a o e tells us a out… a. An accident

b. A boy sudden came out of a side road c. A young man was looking at a girl d. A teacher and a young man e. A young man couldnt stop his ar

Pembahasan: a. An accident

Teks tersebut menceritakan mengenai sebuah kecelakaan, yang dalam bahasa Inggris berarti an accident.

11. When did the accident happen? a. last night

b. yesterday c. last Sunday d. two days ago e. last Monday

Pembahasan: c. last Sunday

Kalimat yang menjelaskan waktu kecelakaan tersebut adalah pada alinea pertama, kalimat pertama.

12. What sort of car did hit the boy? a. Honda

b. VW c. A teacher d. young man











e. Lancer

Pembahasan: e. Lancer

What sort of car was hit the boy?

Apa merek mobil yang telah menabrak anak laki-laki?

Pengemudi yang menabrak anak laki-laki tersebut mengendarai mobil Lancer (a young man was driving a Lancer), yang terdapat pada paragraph pertama kalimat kedua.

13. Mr. Barry is a successful and well-paid a ager. His fa il is full of… a. Sorrow

b. Painful c. Fear d. Confuse e. Joy

Pembahasan: e. Joy

Mr. Barry is a successful and well-paid a ager. His fa il is full of…

Tuan Barry adalah seorang manager yang sukses dan berpenghasilan aik. Keluargan a penuh dengan…

Sorrow = penderitaan Painful = sakit

Fear = takut Confuse = bingung Joy = kegembiraan

Kata a g tepat u tuk ele gkapi kali at di atas adalah Jo a g e gga arka kese a ga kare a Mr. Barry berpenghasilan bagus dengan jabatan yang baik pula.

. I ha e … pets i house. a. so

b. much c. many d. a e. an

Pembahasan: c. many

I have many pets in my house.

Saya mempunyai banyak hewan peliharaan di rumah.

Ma e iliki arti a ak da diikuti oleh countable noun (benda yang dapat dihitung). Sedangkan u h juga e iliki arti a ak da diikuti oleh accountable noun (benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), seperti water (air), milk (susu), money (uang), dan sebagainya.

15. Rearrange the following cues in proper word order to make a complete sentence. Bill entrepreneurs is one of the personal best-known computer revolution of the Gates. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a. 1 – 13 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 11 – 12 – 7 – 9 – 10











b. 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 13 – 7 – 8 – 11 – 12 – 9 – 10 c. 1 – 13 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 11 – 12 – 9 – 10 d. 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 13 – 11 – 12 – 10 e. 1 – 13 – 11 – 12 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 10


a. 1 – 13 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 11 – 12 – 7 – 9 – 10 Kalimat yang tepat adalah:

Bill Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution. Bill Gates adalah salah seorang pengusaha terkenal dari revolusi computer.

. No e of frie ds … ugl . a. was

b. they are c. are d. is e. were

Pembahasan: d. is

No e of frie ds … ugl .

Tidak seorangpun teman saya yang jelek

None lebih sering digunakan dengan kata kerja tunggal sehingga kalimat diatas e jadi none of my friends is (bukan are) ugly.

17. Andi : I heard that the thieves managed to take your electronics Hadi : Well, ot o l the ele tro i s ….

a. but they took my precious jewelry too b. but also my precious jewelry

c. and also my precious jewelry d. as well as my precious jewelry too e. And they took my precious jewelry


b. but also my precious jewelry Well, ot o l the ele tro i s ….

Kali at diatas e ggu aka pola ot o l … ut also … uka ha a … tetapijuga … . Dari pola ini didapatlah jawaban yang paling tepat adalah b, yaitu but also my precious jewelry.

18. Hetty: At what time will you leave Jakarta? ‘o i : At eight o lo k.

Hetty: Do you want me to phone a taxi? ‘o i : … M friend will pick me up. a. That s good idea

b. No, thank you . You re right d. Yes, thank you e. Yes, please











Pembahasan: b. No, thank you

Berdasarkan dialog di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa Roni menolak tawaran Hetty. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari kata-kata ‘o i, aitu My Friend will pick me up te a sa a aka e je put sa a . Dari kata-kata tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata-kata a g tepat u tuk e olak ta ara adalah No, thank you tidak, teri a kasih .

19. Rewrite the words in bracket into adjectives and adverb correctly!

It was very ... (quiet) last night. I guessed you could hear the sound ... (clear). a. Quiet, clear

b. Quietly, clear c. Quietly, clearly d. Quiet, clearly e. Quietly, so clear

Pembahasan: d. quiet, clearly

It was very ... (quiet) last night. I guessed you could hear the sound ... (clear). Tadi malam sangat ... (sunyi). Saya pikir kamu dapat mendengar suara ... (jelas).

Kata yang tepat untuk merubah kata sifat dan kata keterangan di dalam kurung ialah quiet (sunyi) dan clearly (dengan jelas).

20. Joni : What are you going to do this evening, Sarah? Sarah : I ... to the laundry. Can you take me there? Joni : Of course, I can.

Sarah : Thanks a lot. a. Will

b. Go

c. Have gone d. Went e. Am going

Pembahasan: e. Am going

Dalam dialog di atas, kalimat yang digunakan adalah kata kerja simple future tense dengan adanya penunjuk waktu this evening (nanti malam). Pola simple future tense ialah:

S + shall/will + verb 1, atau S + am/is/are + going to + verb 1

21. Your name is Harry, ...? a. do t ou

. is t it c. it is d. are t ou e. do you

Pembahasan: . is t it











Your name is Harry, ...? Nama kamu Harry, kan?

Kalimat di atas menggunakan question tag, yaitu sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang mendapat tambahan pada akhir sebuah pernyataan positif atau negatif untuk meminta penegasan.

Kalimat di atas berbentuk positif dengan kata kerja to be (is). Kata ganti name adalah it sehingga tag-nya adalah isn’t it.

22. Tono : How many students will join the trip to Borobudur? Rina : ... students. No one wants to miss the trip.

a. All b. Most c. Many d. Both e. Each

Pembahasan: a. All

Tono : How many students will join the trip to Borobudur?

Tono : Berapa banyak siswa yang ikut dalam perjalanan ke Borobudur? Rina : ... students. No one wants to miss the trip.

Rina : ... murid. Tak seorangpun melewatkannya.

Di dalam kalimat tersebut tidak ada siswa yang mau melewatkan perjalanan wisata ke Borobudur. Hal ini berarti semua siswa akan turut serta sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah All.

23. In summer you can escape from the crowds and relax at Taman Safari. The underlined phrase means...

a. Avoid b. Find c. Loose d. Release e. Keep

Pembahasan: a. avoid

Kata es ape fro e iliki arti eloloska diri dari/ e ghi dar. Avoid berarti menghindar

Find berarti menemukan Loose berarti melonggarkan

Release berarti membebaskan/melepaskan Keep berarti menjaga

Dari kelima arti kata yang menjadi pilihan atau jawaban pali g tepat u tuk si o i dari escape from adalah avoid.

Text 3

Alfred Bernhard Nobel











Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 21, 1833. He was a chemist, engineer, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite.

The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding a hi e e ts. Origi all , there as si lassifi atio s for outsta di g o tri utio s desig ated i No el s will including chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace. The prizes are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm

Alfred was died in San Remo, Italy on December 10, 1896. In 1901, the first Nobel in physics, chemistry, literature, physiology, and medicine prese ted i “to khol a d No el s I ter atio al Pea e i Kristia a (now Oslo, Norwegia).

24. In which categories are the Nobel prizes awarded?

a. Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace b. Physics, Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry, Peace, and Literature c. Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace d. Peace, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Chemistry e. Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Armament


a. Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace Jawaban tersebut ada di dalam paragraf kedua aline ketiga.

Originall , there was si lassifi ations for outstanding ontri utions designated in No el’s will in luding chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace.

25. Where did Alfred Nobel die? a. Swedia

b. San Remo, Swedia c. San Remo, Italy d. Oslo, Norwegia e. In Stockholm

Pembahasan: c. San Remo, Italy

Penjelasan mengenai kematian serta tempat dimana Alfred Nobel meninggal terdapat pada alinea ketiga kalimat pertama, yang berbunyi:

Alfred was died in San Remo, Italy on December 10, 1896.

26. What is the main idea of the text?

a. Alfred Bernhard Nobel is an inventor of dynamite b. Nobel prizes

c. The first Nobel

d. Nobel Foundation in Stockholm e. Alfred was died in San Remo, Italy

Pembahasan: b. Nobel prizes

Teks di atas e iliki pokok uta a e ge ai No el Prizes pe ghargaa No el .











27. Hana : Have you read a letter from Harry? Wati : Yes, I read it last night.

Hana : What did he say?

Wati : He ... that he was travelled all over Bangka Island. Choose the correct answer to fill the blank!

a. Has to say b. Says c. Will say d. Is saying e. Said

Pembahasan: e. said

Kalimat percakapan di atas menggunakan pola simple past tense (kata kerja lampau). Pola ini dapat dikenali dengan adanya penunjuk waktu last night (tadi malam) serta penggunaan kata-kata, seperti did dan was yang menunjukkan bahwa peristiwa tersebut terjadi pada masa lampau.

Simple past tense menggunakan pola sebagai berikut.

Subject + Verb 2 + Adverb

Jadi, pilihan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan di atas adalah said, yaitu Verb 2 untuk say.

28. Jo o : If the dri er i fro t had t stopped so suddenly, I would have been able to avoid the accident. Kari a : Well, it s o er. Let e take ou to the hospital. You are seriousl hurt.

From the underlined expresses we know that Jono ... a. Could push his brake pedal on time

b. Could not avoid the accident c. Was hit by the car in front of him d. Was able to stop his car on time e. Did not hit the car in front of him


b. could not avoid the accident

If the dri er i fro t had t stopped so sudde l , I ould ha e ee a le to a oid the a ide t. Jika pengemudi di depan tidak berhenti tiba-tiba, saya akan dapat menghindari kecelakaan itu. Kalimat tersebut di atas menggunakan pola Future Past Tense, dimana pola ini sering digunakan dalam conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian).

Secara lebih rinci, kalimat di atas dapat diuraikan menjadi:

Jika pengemudi di depan tidak berhenti tiba-tiba, maka Jono dapat menghindari kecelakaan. Sehingga dari kalimat pengandaian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Jono tidak dapat menghindari kecelakaan (could not avoid the accident).

Pola Future Past Tense adalah sebagai berikut. Subject + should/would + have + verb 3












Sarah Ali Rina

From the picture above we know that ... a. Rina is shorter than Sarah and Ali b. Ali is more taller than Sarah and Rina c. Ali is tall as Sarah

d. Ali is tallest than Sarah and Rina e. Sarah is short than Ali and Rina


d. Ali is tallest than Sarah and Rina

Sesuai gambar yang diberikan, dapat kita lihat bahwa Ali adalah yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan Sarah dan Rina. Pada perbandingan kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan imbuhan –est untuk kata

paling, sehingga pada pertanyaan diatas, jawaban yang paling benar adalah kalimat yang menggunakan tallest (paling tinggi).

30. The sun rises in the east. The sun ... in the west. a. shows

b. left c. arises d. drowns e. sets

Pembahasan: e. Sets

The sun rises in the east. The sun ... in the west.

Matahari terbit di sebelah timur. Matahari ... di sebelah barat.

Kalimat tersebut di atas menggunakan pola simple present tense, yaitu sebuah pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan. Sedangkan matahari merupakan sebuah kata benda tunggal. Pola simple present tense untuk kata benda tunggal adalah sebagai berikut.

S + V1 + s/es

Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk menunjukkan terbenamnya matahari adalah sets.











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