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Portrayal of The Woman Protagonist Through Feminism in Susan Sontag's 'In America'.


Academic year: 2017

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Statement of the Problem ………...… Purpose of the Study ……….. Organization of the Thesis ……….




In America adalah sebuah novel karangan Susan Sontag yang terinspirasi

oleh seorang artis terkenal Polandia; Helena Modrzejewska dan yang

mendapatkan National Book Award pada tahun 2000. Novel ini mengisahkan

tentang perempuan dengan karakter yang luar biasa bernama Maryna Zalezowska.

Maryna adalah seorang yang mandiri, kuat dan memiliki pendirian yang

teguh. Hal ini terlihat dari caranya memutuskan untuk pindah ke Amerika dengan

tujuan untuk dapat memperbarui hidupnya. Ia menjadi tulang punggung keluarga

dan tetap bekerja keras walaupun keadaan di Anaheim tidak sesuai dengan yang

diharapkannya. Ia tidak menyerah dan terus berjuang hingga akhirnya ia mencapai

kesuksesan bahkan suaminya justru bergantung pada Maryna.

Tujuan Susan Sontag adalah menentang pandangan masyarakat khususnya

masyarakat patrialkal yang melihat perempuan sebagai seorang yang harus mau

diatur dan bergantung pada laki-laki. Tentu saja karakter Maryna membuktikan

bahwa perempuan juga seorang manusia yang ingin memiliki kehendak bebas

untuk menentukan segala sesuatu untuk dirinya tanpa harus diatur oleh laki-laki.

Oleh karena itu saya menggunakan pendekatan feminisme dari Simone de

Beauvoir yang mengatakan bahwa perempuan harus melihat dirinya sebagai sosok

yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan menolak konstruksi masyarakat bahwa laki-laki




The novel was inspired by the emigration to America in 1876 of Helena

Modrzejewska, Poland's most celebrated actress. This novel begins in "Chapter

Zero" being the first person narrative who finds herself into a party in the private

dining room of a hotel.

The story is about Maryna Zalezowska, a much beloved Polish actress. While

at the peak of her career, together with her husband Bogdan, her son Piotr, and an

entourage of friends and followers, she emigrate to America in 1876 to find a

“utopian” commune. She is not sure if she can explain why she feels so strongly

about this, as an actress she just wants to renew her life in America.

Landing in New York, the group spends a brief period living in Hoboken,

visiting the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia and exploring New York City

before embarking on a voyage to the West. After a brief sojourn in San Francisco,

they move down the coast to Southern California, where they establish a small

settlement in Anaheim. Maryna, the leader of her group, build vineyard and farm in

Anaheim, a little Brook Farm of Polish emigrants in the Wild West.

Life is hard, however, and the utopian dream soon fails. Her friends, one by

one start to leave her and come back to Poland. Because of this, she is very sad and


no matter how big the problem that she will face. At one time in her life, she feels

that her hard work is useless because her vineyard does not give satisfying result.

Eventually, her friend, Ryszard advices her to return to the theatre again. In the

beginning, she refuses it; in America she wants to renew her life, and to forget her

past life as an actress. But the money condition forces her to do something else and

she knows that her great ability is in the theatre world. Thus, she goes to San

Francisco and begins prepare herself to join an audition in Booth’s Theatre by hiring

a tutor named Miss Collingridge to improve her English language. Her husband,

Bogdan, remains at the Anaheim settlement until it can be sold. Then, Maryna

succeeds in the first performance, and she tells her family to rejoin with her in San

Francisco, where she becomes an overnight theatrical sensation, her Polish stardom

now is burning brightly in America.

She changes her name to Marina Zalenska. Then, she travels to Virginia City,

eventually, New York City and attracts fans and admirers wherever she goes. Her

life becomes a super star, exhaustive tour around the world, performing with her own

repertory company and making stage appearances with the Edwin Booth, the most

renowned actor of that time.


Susan Sontag was a highly respected American essayist, novelist,

intellectual, and activist, known for her brilliant thinking in her analyses of

contemporary culture. Susan, originally named Susan Rosenblatt, was born in New

York City in January 16, 1933. Sontag’s father is Jack Rosenblatt. Her mother,

Mildred Jacobsen, married Nathan Sontag seven years later. Sontag grew up in


School at the age of 15. She began her undergraduate studies at University of

Chicago, where she graduated with a B.A. At 17, Sontag married Philip Rieff, they

divorced in 1958. The couple had a son, David Rieff. Then, Sontag moved to Boston

and continued her studies at Harvard, where she got a Ph.D. In 1957, Sontag studied

at the University of Paris. She worked as a lecturer in philosophy at the City College

of New York and Sarah Lawrence. In 1960 she was a writer-in-residence for one

year at Rutgers. In the 1960s Sontag’s connection with the Partisan Review brought

her in close contact with the ‘New York intellectuals’.

On Photography, she received the National Book Critic’s Award for

Criticism in 1977. She has also won the George Polk Memorial Award, National

Institutes and America Academy Award for Literature and the Brandeis Creative

Arts Award. Sontag’s In America received the National Book Award in 2000. Sontag

died in New York City on December 28, 2004, aged 71, from complication of

myelodysplastic syndrome evolving into acute myelogenous leukemia. She is buried

in Montparnasse cemetery, France.

Source: “Susan Sontag”. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 26 March 2007.







In patriarchal society, the position of men is superior to women, it is because

culture plays a dominant part in creating inequality between men and women. “The

superior position is reserved for men and thus it is in favor of the interests of men”

(Guerin 182). Such culture is sexist because it places women in an inferior level in

all aspects of life.

I have chosen a novel dealing with the issue mentioned above, In America by

Susan Sontag. The novel, which was written in 20th Century, is a bold and brilliant

novel because through it, Susan Sontag achieves the National Book Award in 2000.

Moreover, Library Journal claims that “Sontag uses dense, elegant language,

inventive dialogue, impassioned monologue, and diary entries to lure the reader more

deeply into the fascinating historical journey of a powerful actress…Sontag triumphs

once again with her gift for turning history into riveting fiction” (qtd. in Sontag).

Even though Susan Sontag has written many books, I choose this particular one

because as a woman I want to know more about feminism value, which is an attempt


when I read this novel I find out that the novel is really contradictory and it opposes

women stereotypes, which are weak, submissive and dominated by men.

As a fiction writer, Susan Sontag achieves many awards for her novels and as

an activist, she gives some contributions to the world of literature. “A human rights

activist for more than two decades, Ms. Sontag served from 1987 to 1989 as

president of the American Center of PEN, the international writers' organization

dedicated to freedom of expression and the advancement of literature, from which

platform she led a number of campaigns on behalf of persecuted and imprisoned

writers” (Susan Sontag).

In this thesis, I would like to analyze the character, specifically the

protagonist. I am personally interested in analyzing the protagonist because as a

central character, she has the true potential as a woman in her society. Definitely, the

author has a particular motivation in creating the protagonist. In In America the

protagonist of the story is Maryna Zalezowska. She is portrayed as an independent

wife who becomes the breadwinner and determines almost everything in her family;

many people around her adore her, still she only counts on herself. Furthermore, In

America is about “Maryna’s decision to exchange the rustic simplicities of her failed

utopia to return to the luxurious life of an actress -- with as few regrets as she

expended in her decision to leave Poland for the United States with her family…”


Since this novel tells about woman’s life and struggle within her society, I

think it is suitable to use feminism approach. According to Sharon Spencer in

Feminist Criticism and Literature, the concept of feminism is “the attempt to

eliminate marginalization of women in all places; the subordination of women; the


defames the image of women” (qtd. in Bressler). This can be seen through the

struggle and independency of the protagonist as an individual. The protagonist in this

novel deals a lot with making choice as a woman. Thus, in analyzing this novel, I

think it is suitable to use feminism theory, specifically, the existentialist feminism by

Simone de Beauvoir. Simone said that “female is not male, she becomes ‘the Other’,

an object whose existence is defined by the male, who is dominant in society…

Women should see themselves as autonomous beings and must reject the societal

construct that men are the subject or absolute and that women are the Other”

(Bressler 182). Accordingly, women should stand by themselves and do not depend

on men. They must make their own decision by or for themselves.


The problems are stated as follow:

1. How does the author portray the woman protagonist?

2. How is the portrayal of the protagonist related to feminism?

3. What is the purpose of the author in creating such character?


Based on the statement of the problems above, this study is done:

1. to show how the author portrays the woman protagonist in In America.

2. to show how the portrayal of the protagonist related to feminism.



For this thesis I use library research, by first reading In America as the

primary text. I also read and collect some data that are taken from books and the

Internet. After that, I analyze the female protagonist in the book using feminism

approach and finally I draw a conclusion.


This thesis contains three chapters. The first chapter is the Introduction,

which consists of the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of

the Study, Method of Research, and the Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two is

the discussion of the protagonist in In America. The last chapter is the Conclusion.

The thesis ends with the Bibliography and the Appendices, which contain the




After analyzing Susan Sontag’s In America, I would like to draw some

conclusions. The protagonist of the novel, Maryna Zalezowska, is an independent

woman who decides everything herself, she bravely takes actions without depending

on others. She establishes it by leaving Poland while she is at the peak of her career

because she wants to renew her life and find utopian commune. Her husband,

Bogdan, comes with her and she becomes the leader of her group when they are in

America. She decides everything for the group and they obey her. As a woman, she

shows her capability in becoming a leader that mostly intended for men.

Unfortunately, the condition in America is not like what they have

expected, life is hard, one by one her friends, leave her and return to Poland, but

Maryna as a tough woman does not give up. She works hard to earn some money and

can accept all the consequences of her decision in order to sustain her life in

America. With her determination, she knows what to do during the hard time. As she

realizes that her great ability is in theatre, she prepares herself to join Booth’s theatre

and determines to become a great actress. It is hard to become a great actress because

the society underestimates her but she still struggles to get her dream. Without giving

up, she thinks about her roles in the drama that she is preparing and hires a tutor to


becomes popular until the end of the story. From her achievement, she can send

money for her helpless husband at Anaheim and this makes her husband’s life

depend on her.

Through the characteristics of Maryna, Susan Sontag as a feminist wants

to prove that woman is an incredible being. The protagonist becomes independent in

deciding everything by herself, she is tough in facing all the problems and learning to

solve it, she also insists on keeping her will. What makes her survives is her vision; a

dream that she wants to get a better future and a new life in America. Despite the

unpleasant condition and the society in San Francisco, she still keeps her

commitment to stay. Until the end of the story, her characteristics do not change;

moreover, she gains success, which she never gets in Poland. Her characteristics are

related to Beauvoir’s theory that women must see themselves as a subject, thus they

must stand by themselves and do not depend on men in making a decision.

Through the analysis of In America, I learn that there is no permanent

subject and that the position of men and women is socially constructed. In patriarchal

society, which is in favour of men, men are seen as the subject. Accordingly, women

are considered the object to make the binary opposition. Women are put in such

position that they cannot become a free being, that their lives are dependent on and

controlled by men. Moreover, women are often considered the weaker sex and the

less brave. However, the characteristics of Sontag’s protagonist, Maryna, oppose the

social construction. Susan Sontag is capable in creating a woman that show us, the

readers, that women are not weak beings who are incapable of making any decisions

and are dependent on men. Maryna can handle all the problems that come into her


to see women as object and men as subject. Women and men are human beings that

have equal freedom.

I find that this novel is fascinating because it tells about the struggle and

independence of a woman in life. Accordingly, it is certain that Susan Sontag wants

to reveal her thoughts about feminism by creating this character.

In creating the protagonist in her novel, Susan Sontag is inspired by

Helena Modrzejewska, a Poland great actress who immigrated to California to find

utopian commune. When the utopian experiment failed, she returned to the stage.

During her career, she had a reputation as the leading female interpreter, she was

often invited to speak in a women’s conference and gave support for charity

activities. No wonder, Sontag can succeed in portraying the protagonist of Maryna,

who represents woman that has great characteristics in patriarchal society. I conclude

that Susan Sontag has succeeded in delivering her points of view about feminism and



Primary Texts:

Sontag, Susan. In America. New York: Picador, 2000.


Bressler, Charles. Literary Criticism: An Introduction to theory and Practice.

Second Edition. New Jersey, 1999.

Charvet, John. Modern Ideologies: Feminism. London: J.M Dent & Sons Ltd,


de Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex. Pustaka Promethea, 2003.

Guerin, Wilfred. (ed). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Third

Edition. New York, 1992.

Tong, Rosemarie Putnam. Feminist Thought. Bandung: Jalasutra, 2004.

Internet Sources:

Bebel, August. The Legal Status of Women. “Women and Socialism”. Trans.

Stern, Meta L. Socialist Literature Co., 15 Spruce Street, New York. 9

October 2008. <http://www.marxists.org/archive/bebel/1879/woman


Blunden, Andy. “The second sex 25 years later”. Marxistts.org. 11 November



Cathcart, Michael. “Interview with Susan Sontag”. Art today.com. 11 March

2008. <http://www.abc.net.au/m/arts/atoday/stories/s133826.htm>

“Feminism in Literature”. Scribd.com. 23 January 2009.


“In America”. Mostly Fiction.com. 19 February 2008.


Kakutani, Michiko. “ In America’ by Susan Sontag”. Post-gazette.com. 22

February 2008.


Musset, Shannon. “Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)”. Iep.utm.edu. 5 April

2008. <http://www.iep.utm.edu/b/beauvoir.htm>

“Simone de Beauvoir”. Tameri.com. 27 March 2008.


“Simone de Beauvoir”. Wikimedia.com. 26 February 2008.


“Simone de Beauvoir biography”. Thecry.com. 1 April 2008.


Simons, Margaret A. “Is The Second Sex Beauvoir’s Application of Sartrean

Existentialism?”. bu.edu. 15 November 2008.


“Susan Sontag”. Susan Sontag.com. Susan Sontag Official. 11 March 2008.


“Susan Sontag Wins National Book Award for ‘In America’ ”. CNN.com. 22

February 2008.



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