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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg. No. 2103220011






First of all, the writer would like to express her best gratitude to GOD, for

giving the writer blessing, endless love and mercy, especially in the process of

accomplishing this thesis. In accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by

so many beloved people and the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English and Literature


Dra. Meisuri, M.A. as the Head of Applied Linguistics Program.

Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum.,as her Thesis Adviser, for his help, time,

comment and appreciation in completing this thesis.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd, as her Academic Adviser and Reviewer,

and also for Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed, and Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd, as

her Reviewers.

Mam Euis, for her kind help in providing academic administrations to the


Her beloved family, her father, Mr. Mujo, her mother, Mrs. Suwarni, her

dearest sisters, Lina Astria Ning Tyas, Ayu Resti Budiono, Fitria Budiarti,



the big support in prayer, endless love, motivation and financial while

accomplished this thesis.

Her best friends, Monica Ghea Luwiq, Nangin Sarinta Bangun, and Dany

Pranata, thanks for your love, happiness, and friendship that we have been

through together. And to all her friends in Applied Linguistics A and B 2010

many others that she cannot be mentioned one by one.

 All others whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and

support. Thanks for everything. May God bless us. Amiin.

Finally, the writer admits that this thesis still far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer would like to invite the readers to give suggestion for the

improvement of this thesis later on.

Medan, September 2014

The writer,




Rini S, Detya. 2014. Conflict of the Main Characters in Mary Higgins Clark’s Novels. A Thesis.Faculty of Languages and Arts.State University of Medan.

The study deals with the kinds of conflict which are experienced by the main characters in the novels and the problem solving which are taken by them. The objectives of the study are to find the kinds of conflicts and the most dominant conflict which is experienced by the main characters and to find out how they solve their problems. The research conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data was collecting by reading and analyzing all the novels and finding out the conflicts which are experienced by the main characters. The results showed that all kinds of conflicts are appeared in the novels. There are 122 conflicts found which is consisted of 64 internal conflicts (52.46%) and 58 external conflicts (47.54%). The dominant conflict found in the novels was internal conflict, with number of 64 conflicts (52.46%) from 122 conflicts found. The problem solving which is taken by the main characters in the novel is mostly moving against the problems. The characters tried to figure out the cause of the conflicts they are experienced and solve them by moving against the conflicts.



E. The Significance of the Study ...5


A. Theoretical Framework ...6

B.Literature ...6

C. Preview of Related Studies ...7

D. Fiction ...8

1. The Elements of Fiction ...9



C. Technique for Collecting Data ...28

D. Technique for Analyzing Data ...28


A. The Data ...29

B. The Data Analysis ...29

1. The Cradle will Fall ...29

2. I’ll Be Seeing You ...36

3. A Cry in the Night ...42

C. Research Findings ...49


A. Conclusion ...58

B. Suggestion ...59





A. The Background of the Study

Literature, as defined by Hudson (2006:10) is a vital record of what men

have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and

felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest

for all of us, it is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of


Literature in a broad classification can be expressed in three kinds of form;

Drama, Poetry, and Prose.Furthermore, Hudson defines these three forms of

literature in a brief definition. According to him, Drama is the recreating of

written work into a stage play which requires theatrical aspects. Poetry is a

particular kind of art; that it arises only when the poetic qualities of imagination

and feeling are embodied in certain form of expression. That form is, of course,

regularly rhythmical language, or metre. Then he defines Prose as the writing of

expression of our common interest in human life, which established the principal

form of our complex and many-sided modern world.

Prose, in its classification, can be parted into two kinds, Fiction, and

Non-fiction. Prose fiction, as defined by Nurgiyantoro (2007:2) is a writing about

something unreal, which cannot be found in the real world. While Non-fiction

prose is a writing which has basic of truth, either historical, biographical, or



nothing difference with short story in its contents, but it has difference in length.

Novel is much longer than short story.

In a novel, there are elements that cannot be omitted, which then we know

as the elements of fiction. Two of those elements are Character and Plot, which in

here will be discussed intensely. Character and plot become two things that cannot

be separated. Practically, they are always united. In every novel, plot and

characters must be combined well. Events that are experienced by the character

move the plot to be interesting.

The character is always in a constant state of flux. From beginning to end,

there is a constant cycle of conflict, decision making, actions, consequences, and

development. Conflict adds an incredible amount of depth to characters. Without

conflict, a character falls flat.

Conflict, which drives the story to be interesting, can be happen on or

beneath the surface of the story. Conflicts that come on the surface, which are

usually happened between the character and something out of him (another

person, society, environment, nature, the universe, God), called as External

conflict. There has to be something beneath the surface, something that compels a

character to do what he does, something to give the reader a reason to care, which

is Internal conflict. This internal conflict drives the character to be involved in a

conflict, consciously or unconsciously. Here, we will then find the true

relationship between the conflict and the role of the characters in a novel.

This internal conflict is something that is driven by desire; an internal



include psychological survival needs, needs for a safe and stable environment,

needs for love and belonging, needs for esteem, and the need for a calling or

vocation in which we can use our native capacities in an intrinsically satisfying


When all those needs are not fulfilled, we (human) usually try to find a

way to fulfill. According to Horney (1945:202), we try to overcome feelings of

being unsafe, unloved, and unvalued in a potentially hostile world by moving

toward, against, or away from other people. Each solution involves its own

constellation of behavior patterns and personality traits, its own conception of

justice, and its own set of beliefs about human nature, human values, and human

condition. All these internal motivations can be expressed to be the external

conflict which is then build the whole plot in a story.

Mary Theresa Eleanor Higgins, or mostly known as Mary Higgins Clark

(1927- present) is American author who is ableto take those kinds of internal

conflict successfully in her novels. She specialized herself in writing suspenseful

mystery and psychological thriller. Although she had ever experienced a tough

life while she was a child, but she did not suffered by psychological trouble as she

always shows in her novel. Some of the masterpieces of her are The Cradle will

Fall, I’ll be Seeing You, and A Cry in the Night which become International

bestseller, at the year it was released. She is a feminist, which always put her main

characters, who is usually tough women into a horrible situation.

The writer chooses those three novels above to be analyzed is not only



have a good plot and the conflicts are built coherently each other. Those novels do

not let us to be out of the main conflict, because we find it from the beginning up

to the end of the novel. Besides, Mary Higgins Clark is also a feminist as Horney,

which makes these issues to be more related each other. The writer is interested in

how the conflict in this novel be built, and what the roles of the main characters in

building the conflicts (problems).

B. The Problem of the Study

This research aimed to answer some questions which are related to the

topic, they are:

1. What kinds of conflict is experienced main characters in Mary Higgins

Clark’s novels (The Cradle will Fall, I’ll be Seeing You, and A Cry in

the Night)?

2. What is the dominant conflict appears in the novels?

3. How do the main characters solve their conflicts?

C. The Scope of the Study

The analysis of this research only focused on the main characters that have

important roles in moving the plot. The writer only focused on the motivation

which drives the characters to do their action which then build the conflict in

Mary Higgins Clark’s novel (The Cradle will Fall, I’ll be Seeing You, A Cry in the


D. The Objectives of the Study



1. To find out the kinds of conflict which is experienced by the main

characters in Mary Higgins Clark’s novels (The Cradle will Fall, I’ll

be Seeing You, A Cry in the Night);

2. Find out the dominant conflict appears in the novels;

3. Reveal how the main characters solve their conflicts.

E. The Significances of the Study

This research is expected to give contribution to:

1. The students of English Department who are interested in finding out

the conflict in a novel;

2. The readers who want to study Psychoanalysis;

3. Researchers who are interested in analyzing the conflict of a novel.

Practically, it can help the reader for further understanding about how

someone’s motivation can eagerly drive them to do something, even a crime.

Theoretically, this studyhopefully, can be a reference for readers who want to





A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the conflicts of the main characters in Mary

Higgins Clark’s novels, it can be concluded that:

1. All of the kinds of conflict were found in the novels. In novel The

Cradle will Fall was found 33 conflicts which consisted of 19 internal

conflicts (57.57%) and 14 external conflicts (42.43%). In novel I’ll Be

Seeing You was found 33 conflicts which consisted of 19 internal

conflicts (57.57%) and 14 external conflicts (42.43%) whichcategorized

into 10 man conflicts (30.30%), and 4

man-against-environment conflicts (12.13%). In novel A Cry in the Night was found

56 conflicts which consisted of 26 internal conflicts (46.43%) and 30

external conflicts (53.57%) which categorized into 21 man-against-man

conflicts (37.50%), 2 against-nature conflicts (3.57%), and 7

man-against-environment conflicts (12.5%).

2. The dominant types of conflict which was experienced by the main

characters in the novels was Internal conflict which consisted of 64

conflicts (52.46%). In the first novel The Cradle will Fall, the dominant

conflict was internal conflict with 19 (57.57%) of 33 conflicts appeared.

In the second novel I’ll Be Seeing You, the dominant conflict was



novel A Cry in the night, the dominant conflict was external conflict

with 30 (43.57%) of 56 conflicts appeared.

3. The most dominant problem solving taken by the main characters in the

novels was moving against the problem they had experienced. It

showed that the characters in the novel were designed to solve their

problems to get a satisfactory ending.

B. Suggestion

By considering the conclusion, there are some suggestions which are

presented as follows:

1. Theoretically, the research can be a reference for the students of English

Department, especially who are interested in literature, in finding out

the conflict in a novel, and for readers who also want to study about


2. Practically, it can help the readers who want to gain further

understanding about conflict in novels and how they solve their




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