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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Arts

Sebelas Maret University









Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners,

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


: The activity of Order Taker in the Housekeeping

Department at Agas International Hotel Solo


: Dita Ristiana Permatasari

Student Number

: C9306034


Dra. Susilorini, MA



Accepted and Approved by the Board Examiners.

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


: The activity of Order Taker in the Housekeeping

Department at Agas International Hotel Solo


: Dita Ristiana Permatasari

Student Number

: C9306034

Examination Date

: 21 July 2010

1. Dra. Rara Sugiyarti. M.Tourism


Chair Person

Nip. 196305301990032001

2. M Toufiq A M. S.S



Nip. 197806272005011003

3. Dra. Susilorini, M.A



Nip. 196506011992032002

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


Drs. Sudarno, MA



“ Where t here’s a will t here’s a way”

“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you





The writer would like to say thanks to ALLAH SWT and the Prophet

Muhammad SAW who have given blessing in finishing this final project report.

Thanks to all persons who have supported the writer in finishing this final project

entitled “The activity of Order Taker in the Housekeeping Department at Agas

International Hotel Solo”.

The writer is interested in discussing the works of Housekeeping Department

because it is a department which gives a big contribution to the hotel. Many duties

which have to be done make this department work hard.

Though this final project, the writer wants to describe how to Order Taker

Housekeeping works and what problems are faced. The writer also offers some

solutions to the problems. It needs some techniques to make the departments work

as effectively as possible. The right solutions will make the department be able to

maximize its work.

This report is relatively far from being perfect, the writer hopes it can e

beneficial for all of reader. Finally, the writer would like to thanks all sides that

have supported from the beginning until the completion of this final project.

Surakarta, June 2010



First of all the writer would like to thank to ALLAH SWT for the blessing and

guidance to accomplish this final project report entitled “The Activity of Order

Taker in the Housekeeping Department at Agas International Hotel Solo”.

This report is partial of the requirement in obtaining degree in the English

Diploma program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Art at Sebelas Maret University.

The writer would not be able to accomplish this work if the writer was not helped

and supported by others. Therefore, in this opportunity the writer would express

gratitude to:

1. Drs. Sudarno, MA as Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Art Sebelas

Maret University.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA as the Head of English Diploma Program

3. Dra. Susilorini, MA. My final project Supervisor, thank you very much for

your time, your input, guidance and your advice.

4. Drs. S Budi Waskito, M.Pd, my academic supervisor for the guidance and


5. All Lecturers of English Diploma Program

6. Housekeeping crews in Agas International Hotel Solo, the Room boys, the

Housman for guiding me when doing the job training .

7. My beloved Father and Mother, thank you very much for your love,

prayer, care, support, attention, bless, patient, and advice. I love you so


your bless to reach my dream in my live. I will make you proud of me.

Please apologize my mistakes.

8. My Sweetheart “ Lendy” thank your patience, support, and great love for

me. You’re my true prince that always illuminates my day. You’re my

inspiration and different with other. Love u so much



9. All of English Diploma Students 2006, class B, C, and especially class A:

Fitri (bejo), Fatma, Pu3, Robbiah, Ais, Eni, Tina, Galuh, Ra2, m.Dewi,

Asa, Ari, Elisa, Diaz, Anik, Devi, Erda, Chandra, Pak franz, Edy, A2n,

Deny, Fery, Daniel, Sombah, etc. Thanks for the greatest and craziest

moment spent with you guys. I’ll miss u all……don’t forget me…

10. Ms. Rita and Ms. Devi as SLC staff, for being nice and friendly.

Surakarta, June 2010



Dita Ristiana Permatasari, 2010, The Activity of Order Taker in the

Housekeeping Department at Agas International Hotel Solo, English Diploma

Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

One of the important elements for the Hotel’s operational activities, is

Housekeeping Department. Housekeeping Department in Agas International Hotel

Solo which has a vital function in providing service to the guests especially those

related to sophisticated service, attractiveness, completeness, cleaning service and

other public services in order to guarantee satisfaction and comfort for all guests

and employees.

This final project report was written based on the job training in Agas

International Hotel Solo. The objectives of this final reports is to describe the

activity of order taker in Housekeeping Department at Agas International Hotel

Solo. And the benefits of this final reports is the writer can get supporting point

in the hotel industry, add more experience and knowledge about the hotel field as

a skill to enter the field work.

The data for this report were taken from the interview with Housekeeping

crews at Agas International Hotel Solo and from the observation of the activities

of the Order Taker at Agas International Hotel Solo.






















A. Background ...


B. The objectives... 2

C. Benefits ... 3


A. Hotel ...


1. Definition of hotel ...


2. Classification of hotel...


B. Housekeeping Department ...


1. Definition of Housekeeping...


2. Definition of Order Taker...



A. Agas International Hotel Solo...


1. Short history of Agas International Hotel Solo ...


2. The facilities in Agas International Hotel Solo ...


3. The organization chart of Housekeeping Department in

Agas International Hotel ...


B. Job description and activities of Order Taker in

Housekeeping Department ...


1. The Job Description of Order Taker in Housekeeping

department in Agas International Hotel Solo ...


2. The activities of Order Taker in the Housekeeping

department ...


Discussion of the problems ...



A. Conclusions ...


B. Suggestion ...







Dita Ristiana Permatasari


Dra. Susilorini, MA



2010, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret


One of the important elements for the Hotel’s operational activities, is Housekeeping

Department. Housekeeping Department in Agas International Hotel Solo which has a

vital function in providing service to the guests especially those related to sophisticated

service, attractiveness, completeness, cleaning service and other public services in order

to guarantee satisfaction and comfort for all guests and employees.

This final project report was written based on the job training in Agas International Hotel

Solo. The objectives of this final reports is to describe the activity of order taker in

Housekeeping Department at Agas International Hotel Solo. And the benefits of this

final reports is the writer can get supporting point in the hotel industry, add more

experience and knowledge about the hotel field as a skill to enter the field work.

The data for this report were taken from the interview with Housekeeping crews at Agas

International Hotel Solo and from the observation of the activities of the Order Taker at

Agas International Hotel Solo.

The duties of Order Taker is reporting the most actual condition of room status to Front

Office department, making the “housekeeping report” then reporting them to related

section, informing to room attendant if there is any room check in or check out, and

handling the housekeeping administration. This final project report also has purpose to

describe the problems and the solution for problems that are faced by Housekeeping

Department in Agas International Hotel Solo.


Mahasiswa Jurusan D III Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C 9306034





A. Background

Now adays, Indonesia is one of t he developing count ries t hat relies on

t ourism sect ors as source of foreign currency. Hot el is one of t he t ourism sect ors

t hat can increase count ry income, because every t our ism indust ry has many kinds

of w ork act ivit ies, w hich have relat ion t o t ourism, and hot el belongs t o one of

t hem. As one of t ourism sect ors hot el must be able t o give t he best service t o t he

t ourist .

Hot el is one of t he t ourism indust ries t hat can increase count ry income.

The development of t ourism indust ry it self is parallel w it h t he development of t he

hot el indust ry. It means t hat hot el indust ry develops is Surakart a w here t ourism

exist s. Therefore, Solo is one of t he t ow n in Cent ral Java, w here t ourism exist s and

develops. Generally t he development of t he hot el indust ry in Solo is show n w it h t he

number of hot els w hich are built and part icularly good service w hich are given t o

t he cust omers or guest .

There are a lot of hot el division branches. The st aff runs t he hot el based

on t heir capabilit y and posit ion or w here t he division t hey are involved. Teamw ork


Hot el management has a lot of divisions based n t he t eam w orks, such as

Execut ive Officer, w here General M anager (GM ), Execut ive Assist ant of M anager

(EAM ), and ot her st aff. Every division support s one and ot her.

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el is one of t he t hree st ar hotels in Solo w hich is

able t o give good service and professional service. This hot el gives priorit y for

cust omer sat isfact ion. Therefore, t his hot el pays at t ent ion for service syst em for

t he guest because hot el reput at ion depends on guest sat isfact ion.

Based on t he explanat ion above, t he w rit er discovers some import ant

t hings t hat fulfilled in t ourism indust ry and each of t hem plays import ant role in

support ing t ourism indust ry. The w rit er has done job t raining at t he Housekeeping

depart ment from M arch – M ay 2009 in Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo. This Job

Training is done t o fulfill t he requirement for t he English Depart ment Diploma


The w rit er has chosen Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo for t he Job Training

because it is a hot el w it h a good brand and reput at ion. Agas Int ernat ional Hot el

Solo is one of t he t hree-st ars. This hotel keeps grow ing w ell unt il now in Solo.

During t he Job Training, t he w rit er w as int erest ed in observing t he facilit ies t o serve

t he guest at t he Housekeeping Depart ment , because it plays import ant role in Agas

Int ernat ional Hot el Solo. Observing t he facilit ies t o serve t he guest considered

import ant because it can increase t he income of t he hot el.

B. Objectives

The object ives of t his final report s is t o describe t he act ivit y of order t aker in


C. Benefits

1. To t he w rit er

The w rit er can get support ing point in t he hot el indust ry, add more experience

and know ledge about t he hot el field as a skill t o ent er t he field w ork.

2. To t he readers

The final project is expect ed t hat t his report can be a reference needed by ot her

w rit ers in w rit ing final project report .

3. To t he hot el

The report can give some benefit s t o t he hot el by giving informat ion and give

some input for a bet t er development and support t hem t o improve t heir qualit y and

services at Housekeeping Depart ment .



A. Hotel

1. Definition of Hotel

Hot el is a place t o st ay and people have t o pay t he charge per night . As


t he ot her services, like rest aurant , bar, pool, meet ing room, et c. Hot el as a

support ing facilit ies operat ing for 24 hours, is a commercial service w hich keeps

improving it s service qualit y t o t he guest .

There are some definit ions about Hot el. According t o Charles E.

St eadman and M ichael L. Kasanava : “ a hot el may be defined as an

est ablishment w hose primary business is providing lodging facilit ies for t he

public and w hich furnishes one or more at t he follow ing service; food and

service, room service, uniformed service, laundering of linens, and use of

furnit ure and fixt ures” (2003:8). From definit ion above, it can be concluded t hat

Charles E. St eadman and M ichael L. Kasanava defines t hat hot el is an

est ablishment of w hich primary business is providing lodging facilit ies. While

according t o Government Decree of Tourism and Telecommunicat ion M inist er,

Number KM / HK 103/ M PPT – 87 a hot el is: “ suat u jenis akomodasi yang

mmpergunakan sebagian at au seluruh bagian bangunan unt uk menyediakan

jasa pelayanan, penginapan, makan dan minum sert a jasa lainnya yang dikelola

secara komersial sert a memenuhi ket ent uan persyarat an yn dit et apkan didalam

keput usan pemerint ah” .(Hot el is an accommodat ion t hat uses a part or ent ire

building t o provide in service for public t hat organized commercially and

requirement s det ermined in t he government s decree). Based on t he definit ion

above, it can be concluded t hat Government Decree of Tourism and

Telecommunicat ion M inist er defines t hat hot el is an accommodat ion t hat uses a

part or ent ire building t o provide in service for public, w hich fulfill t he


2. Classification of Hotel

Hot el are classified int o different t ypes , based on several fact ors t hat

are relat ed t o one anot her.

a. Classificat ion of hot el based on t he st andard syst em.

According t o st andard syst em of hot el, hot el is divided int o four t ypes:

1) Int ernat ional St andard Hot el,

2) Semi Int ernat ional St andard Hot el,

3) Nat ional St andard Hot el,

4) Non-Nat ional St andard.

The decision of t he st andard of a hot el depend on t he following st andard

syst em.

1) Syst em of M anagement ,

2) Syst em of Room Capacit y,

3) Syst em of Facilit ies,

4) Syst em of Employment ,

5) Syst em of Administ rat ion.

b. Classificat ion of hot el based on t he locat ion:

1) Cit y Hot el

A cit y hot el is a hot el w hich is locat ed in t he dow nt ow n, most of it s


2) Resort hot el

Resort hot el t hat is locat ed in t ourism area. Usually t he guest s do not

have business act ivit ies, but t hey just w ont t o have leisure t ime. Resort

hot el can be divided int o five kinds. They are: M ount ain Hot el, hot el

t hat is locat ed in mount ain area. Lake Hot el, hot el t hat is locat ed in lake

side. Beach Hot el ,hot el t hat is locat ed in shore. Hill Hot el, hot el t hat is

locat ed in range of hill area. Forest Hot el, hot el t hat is locat ed in

prot ect ed forest .

3) Suburb Hot el

A suburb hot el is locat ed in t he out skirt s of cit y. Usually it used as a

t ransit hot el.

4) Urban Hot el

An urban hot el is locat ed in a big cit y or in t ow n. It usually used for a

meet ing or conference, or enjoying some leisure t ime

5) Airport Hot el

Airport and hot el are locat ed in one complex of building. The guest s are

usually t he airplane passengers.

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo is classified int o cit y hot el because t he

hot el is locat ed in downt ow n. It concluded as a cit y hot el. The guest s are

usually t ourist s w ho comes from ot her cit y t o have a vacat ion in Solo.

c. Classificat ion of hot el based on t he number of room.


It is a hot el, t hat provides at least 15 rooms, uses inner bat h room, and

t he size of t he room is about 20 M2

2) Tw o – st ar hot el.

It is a hot el t hat provides at least 15 rooms, uses inner bat hroom, and

have 1 suit e room. The size of t he room is about 22 m2, and t he size of

suit e room is about 44m2.

3) Three st ar – hot el

It is a hot el t hat provides at least 20 rooms, uses inner bat hroom, and

have 2 suit e rooms. The size of t he room is about 24 m2, and t he size of

suit e room is about 48 m2

4) Four – st ar hot el

It is a hot el t hat provides at least 50 rooms, uses inner bat hroom, and

have 3 suit e rooms. The size of t he room is about 24 m2, and t he size of

suit e room is about 48 m2.

5) Five – st ar hot el

It is a hot el t hat provides at least 100 rooms, uses inner bat hroom, and

have 4 suit e rooms. The size of t he room is about 26 m2, and t he size of

suit e room is 52 m2.

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo is classified as a t hree st ar hot el

because it has 45 rooms.


1) European Plan

In t he European Plan hot el, t he hot el rat e includes accommodat ion only,

w it hout meals.

2) American Plan

A hot el includes accommodat ion and meals American Plan is st ill divided

int o t w o t ypes, t here are:

a) Full American Plan (FAP).

Hot el rat e t hat includes accommodat ion and meals ( breakfast ,

lunch and dinner).

b) M odified American Plan (M AP)

Hot el rat e t hat includes accommodat ion and meals ( breakfast and

lunch or breakfast and dinner).

3) Cont inent al Plan

Cont inent al Plan is a hot el rat e t hat includes accommodat ion and

cont inent al breakfast .

4) Bermuda Plan

Bermuda Plan is a hot el rat e t hat includes accommodat ion and American

breakfast .

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo is classified as a modified cont inent al

plan hot el, because t he hot el rat e includes accommodat ion and meals (


e. Classificat ion of hot el based on t he Lengt h of St ay

1) Transient Hot el

The lengt hs of guest st ay in a hot el just for one or t w o night .

2) Semi- Resident Hot el

The lengt hs of guest st ay in a hot el bet w een t w o unt il one w eek.

3) Resident Hot el

The lengt hs of guest st ay in a hot el more t han one w eek or for long t ime.

4) Housekeeping Department

1. Definition of Housekeeping

Housekeeping depart ment is one of t he depart ment s t hat has a role and

vit al funct ion in providing maint enances and services t o t he guest especially t he

primary services. Housekeeping is responsible for keeping t he at t ract iveness,

complet eness, cleaning service, gorgeous view and ot her public services t he

hot el in order t o guarant ee sat isfact ion and comfort of all guest s and


The t erm Housekeeping is coined from t he w ord “ house” “ keeping” , t he

w ord “ house” means a building made for people t o live in: a building made or

used for special purpose. (A.S Hornby, 1995:577) and t he w ord “ keeping” means

t o cont inue t o be in specific condit ion or posit ion: t o remain or st ay t o cont inue

doing somet hing; t o do somet hing repeat edly or frequent ly” (A.S Hornby, 1995:


cont inue or making t he condit ion or posit ion of a building t o remain t he same,

according t o us purpose.

Rumekso in his book “ Housekeeping Hot el” defines t hat : “ Housekeeping

is part of t he hot el having dut y and responsibilit y t o keep cleanness, t idiness,

neat ness and freshness in all of hot el area, bot h out side and inside hot el area

also included room and rest aurant , office, and t oilet r ent by t he guest ” (2003:1).

It means t hat housekeeping is a part of hot el w hich is responsible for t he hot el

building condit ions. While, in his book “ Room Division Know ledge “ , Djumino

explained t hat “ Housekeeping is a part of Hot el w hich has responsibilit y about

cleanness, and t idiness of hot el area, including handling t he rot at ion of linen and

uniform for t he employees” (2003:16). It means t hat housekeeping has

responsibilit y for t he cleanness of hot el.

2. Definition of Order Taker

Order Taker is a part of housekeeping. It connect s t he housekeeping

depart ment w it h all ot her depart ment s in t he hot el. The funct ion of order t aker

is ensuring t hat t he guest s w ho need t he housekeeping services in t erm of t he

room condit ion are giving t he best service. A housekeeping order t aker should

be follow ed up by housekeeping st aff effect ively.


In order t aker must have a good at t it ude, must be professional, and must be

proper w it h t o his or her role as an order t aker. Therefore, an order t ake

must meet t he follow ing requirement s:

1) Having know ledge about all Public Areas in t he hot el

2) Having know ledge about all rooms in t he hot el (floor sect ion).

3) Having know ledge about all in ot her out let s in t he hot el.

4) Having know ledge about product s professional (in / out hot el).

5) Having good skill in communicat ion and in speaking English and ot her


6) Having abilit y t o operat e comput er.

7) Having administ rat ion skills.

8) Having professional at t it udes and appearance, meaning t hat an official

order t aker should have an at t it ude t hat may represent t hemselves

personally or represent a company or hot el in serving visit ors such as an

t rough need and at t ract ive appearance and w earing t he clean and t idy

uniform in accordance w it h t he requirement .

9) Having manners (court esy), meaning t hat an order t aker is act ually

paying at t ent ion t o w hat t he guest want s.

10) Having empat hy meaning t hat order t aker must underst and t he feelings

of t he guest under any circumst ances, but st ill go int o t his sit uat ion in a

manner t hat does not hesit at e w it hout show ing t oo much at t it ude.

11) Having responsibilit y meaning t hat as order t aker should be able t o t ake

t he appropriat e act ion and t o find a w ay out of t he right t o guest


12) Having flexibilit y meaning t hat order t aker w ill t reat guest s as w hole

persons and t o cont ribut e t o providing advice and solut ions t hat can be

accept ed by t he guest s

b. How t o provide qualit y services t o guest s:

1) Reading t he guest w ant s t o give full at t ent ion t o w hat w ill be delivered

and how t o deliver it .

2) Sort ing or separat ing t he visit or’s desire wit h appropriat e.

3) Solving t he problems t oget her t o find a good solut ion

4) Provide t he best service t o t he guest s in accordance w it h t he expect ed

5) Follow ing up on all t he issues t hat arise and making sure again t hat t he

guest w ill be sat isfied w it h t he service.

6) Dealing w it h t he guest complaint s by keeping t he friendly and helpful

at t it ude

7) Improving t he qualit y of services in accordance w it h t he guest desires

w it hout reducing st andards.

c. Procedure and responsibilit y of Order Taker:

1) Housekeeping Office / Order Taker


Informing t o supervisors about t he room t hat w ill check out


Taking a copy of proof of payment at t he checkout mini bar


M aking a list of sold mini bar


Saving a list of sold mini bar


Creat ing a proof of loss t hat is approved by t he housekeeper


M aking a list of missing mini bar


Saving a list of t he missing mini bar

2) Floor Supervisor

a) Communicat ing t o t he room at t endant

b) Conduct ing t he audit of t he room

3) Room at t endant

a) Request ing permission for guest s t o check t he mini bar

b) Checking t he mini bar in t he room

c) Regist ering t he cashier about t he mini bar t hat is consumed by t he

guest s



A. Agas International Hotel Solo

1. Short history of Agas International Hotel Solo

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo is a “ t hree-st ar” hot el t hat is locat ed at

Jl.M uw ardi 49, Solo. It is a st rat egic locat ion, because it is near t o t he cit y cent er,

shopping areas, M anahan st adium, and Balapan railw ay st at ion.

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo is a company under holding of PT.Art ha


one of t hem is Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo. The name of t he “ AGAS” is a short

form of (Art ha Griya Awal Sejaht era).

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo w as built in t he beginning of 1995 unt il t he

end of 1996, and it is operat ed since February 2nd 1996.

In t he building of t he hot el, 8 invest ors from Solo support ed Agas

Int ernat ional Hot el Solo, all of t hem part icipat ed in t his business.

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo consist s of 5 floors. The 1st floor is used

for t he Front Office, Rest aurant , Room service, kit chen, M eet ing Room, Bar, and

Lobby. The 2nd , 3rd, 4t h are used for guest rooms, and t his is t he main income

for t he hot el. The 5thfloor is used for meet ing room, t hat is Turisari room.

2. The Facilities in Agas International Hotel Solo

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo provides several facilit ies for t he guest ,

t hey are:

a. Guest Rooms

Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo has 63 rooms w it h different t ypes and prices.

The differences of each room are in t he space and t he bat hroom facilit ies.

The first class is “ suit e room” . It has a dining room and a guest room. The

second class is “ deluxe room. The room is simpler and smaller t han suit e

room. The t hird class is “ superior room” . The room is smaller t han suit e and

deluxe room. All t he rooms are equipped w it h air condit ion, t elephone line,


b. M eet ing room

The meet ing rooms are classified int o t hree rooms, t hey are:

1) Turisari meet ing room (for large / big capacit y)

2) M ayangsari meet ing room (for small – medium capacit y)

3) Arumdalu meet ing room (for small capacit y / 5-10 person)

c. Sekar Arum Rest aurant

The locat ion of t his rest aurant is in t he 1stfloor,it in t he hot el’s lobby. There

are mini garden and t elevision t hat gives t he fresh and relaxing at mosphere.

It opens daily for 24 hours for breakfast , lunch, and dinner. Sekar Arum

rest aurant has t w o w ays in serving t he menu, t hese are: A La Cart e menu and

Buffet menu.

d. M elat i Bar

M elat i bar is locat ed beside t he Sekar Arum rest aurant . It opens daily for 24

hours. It provides many kinds of drink.

e. Langen Harjo Sw imming Pool w it h poolside bar.

f. Laundry service (for out side and in-house service).

g. Drugst ore and souvenir shop.

h. Beaut y parlor.

i. 24-hour room service

j. Daily new spaper (local and nat ional).

k. Business Cent er.

l. Taxi and airline service.


3. The Organization Chart of Housekeeping Department in Agas International

Hotel Solo

From t he organizat ion chart above t he w rit er w ould like t o describe t he

job of each sect ion in Housekeeping Depart ment . They are:

1. Execut ive Housekeeper

The dut ies of t his sect ion is coordinat ing t he employee’s job in

Housekeeping Depart ment , request ing t he necessit ies of Housekeeping

Depart ment , evaluat ing t he employee’s job, inspect ing all of t he hot el

areas, and handling t he guest ’s complains.

2. Assist ant Execut ive Housekeeper

The dut ies of t his sect ion is receiving report s from Front Office Depart ment

about t he room st at us, handling t he cleaning and guest supplies, receiving

















and checking supervisor’s report , arranging w ork t ime schedule for

Housekeeping Depart ment ’s employee.

3. Floor Supervisor

The dut ies of t his sect ion is dist ribut ing t he room keys and w ork equipment

for each room at t endant in morning briefing, checking t he reparat ion done

by t he engineering in rooms, checking and deciding w het her t he rooms are

ready for sale or not , checking t he complet eness of t he rooms, checking

room at t endant ’s daily w ork, receiving keys from room at t endant , and

checking room at t endant w ork sheet .

4. Public Area Supervisor

The dut ies of t his sect ion is leading and cont rolling housemen’s job,

checking areas w hich are belong t o his responsibilit ies, planning t he general

cleaning, checking t he cleaning and chemical supplies usage, and report ing

t he Assist ant Execut ive Housekeeper if t here is any damage.

5. Linen and Uniform Supervisor

The dut ies of t his sect ion is t aking responsibilit y in dist ribut ing linen for

each room, t aking responsibilit y in dist ribut ing employee’s uniform, making

daily administ rat ion of linen and t ow el, and proposing for addit ional linen

and uniform if it is necessary.


The dut ies of t his sect ion is coordinat ing t he job of gardeners, arranging all

plant s in hot el, asking for gardener’s necessit ies and arranging gardener

w ork t ime schedule.

7. Room At t endant

The dut ies of t his sect ion is t aking r esponsibilit y in cleaning t he guest room,

keeping t he hot el propert ies, Serving anot her guest request , and report ing

t he damage in room t o floor supervisor.

8. Houseman

The dut ies of t his sect ion is t aking responsibilit ies in cleaning all of public

area in hot el, doing general cleaning inst ruct ed by public area supervisor,

report ing t o Public Area Supervisor if t here is any damage, and helping

Banquet sect ion t o keep t he cleanliness of t oilet if t here is any event held in

hot el.

9. Fit ness and Sw imming pool at t endant .

The dut ies of t his sect ion is t aking r esponsibilit y in cleaning sw imming pool

and fit ness area, report ing t o Food & Beverage Depart ment if t he guest in

t he sw imming pool or fit ness orders some food, doing general cleaning

inst ruct ed by Public Area Supervisor, handling and serving t he guest in

sw imming pool and fit ness cent er.


The dut ies of t his sect ion is dist ribut ing linen f or guest room, picking up and

count ing dirt y linen from t he guest room, sending dirt y linen t o laundry,

arranging clean linen and uniform in linen room.

11. Gardener

The dut ies of t his sect ion is t aking responsibilit y in keeping t he

at t ract iveness of plant s bot h inside and out side t he hot el, arranging flow er

for banquet ’s necessit ies, changing old plant w it h t he new one, and

report ing t he damage t o t he Gardening Supervisor.

12. Order Taker

The dut ies of t his sect ion is report ing t he most act ual condit ion of room

st at us t o Front Office depart ment , making t he “ housekeeping report ” t hen

report ing t hem t o relat ed sect ion, informing t o room at t endant if t here is

any room check in or check out , and handling t he housekeeping

administ rat ion.

B. Job Description and Activities of Order Taker in Housekeeping Department

1. The Job Description of Order Taker in Housekeeping department in Agas

International Hotel Solo

a. Reading t he log book, t he expect ed arrival and expect ed depart ure list s.


c. Follow ing up t he informat ion received from t he guest s as w ell as from

ot her depart ment s such as: guest check-out , expect ed depart ure,

expect ed arrival et c.

d. Recording all informat ion received in t he log book.

e. Providing informat ion on t he st at us of room t o room boy.

f. Being responsible for t he ext ra expendit ure it ems for guest s.

g. Creat ing a w ork order t o be forw arded t o t he engineering depart ment in

accordance w it h t he condit ions of t he damage report ed by room boy.

h. Cont rolling t he use of guest supplies and acquisit ion int o t he w arehouse.

i. Ordering guest supplies and ot her it ems based on t he operat ional needs.

j. Ordering flow ers for t he front office and on-demand.

k. Receiving and st oring t he mast er key assigned by t he room boy at t he end

of t he shift .

l. Delivering import ant informat ion t hrough t he log book t o t he next shift .

m. Giving special at t ent ion t o VIP guest s, long st aying guest , and house use.

n. Fost ering good relat ions w it h ot her depart ment s.

Relat ed t o all of t he responsibilit ies of an Order Taker ment ioned

above, an Order Taker must have a good relat ionship, eit her direct ly or

indirect ly w it h ot her depart ment s in t he hot el. This is because t he job of an

Order Taker w ill involve ot her depart ment s and need support ing elements

from ot her depart ment s.

Addit ional t ask of Order Taker is fost ering harmonious labor solidarit y

and est ablishing good cooperat ion w it h ot her depart ment , creat ing and


funct ioning of Order Taker is having a high sense of beaut y, having know ledge

of hygiene and sanit at ion, being indust rious, creat ive and having high init iat ive

of neat ness and cleanliness of beaut y. Order Taker must have collaborat ion

w it h superiors and peers bot h inside it ’s ow n t he depart ment or anot her

depart ment s and t hey must be able t o keep a secret .

M easures of Success of t he Order Taker job service is t he guest

sat isfact ion (zero complaint ), deliverance of all report s on t ime. In addit ion t he

measure of success is t hat t here are no errors in bot h of t he operat ional and

implement at ion of t asks and w orks, Order Taker must be diligent and never

absent from w ork and never change shift .

2. The Activities of Order Taker in the Housekeeping Department.

The act ivit ies of Order Taker in Housekeeping Depart ment are:

a. Reading t he log book, sheet funct ions, expect ed arrival and expect ed

depart ure. Sharing t he keys t o t he room boy in accordance w it h t he sect ion.

b. Follow ing up t he informat ion w hich are received from t he guest s from

ot her depart ments such as: guest check-out , expect ed depart ure, expect ed

arrival, et c.

c. Recording all t he informat ion w hich are received in t he log book.

d. Providing informat ion on t he st at us of room t o room boy.

e. Creat ing a w ork order t o be forw arded t o t he engineering in accordance


f. Carrying out administ rat ive and account ing of expendit ure it ems and guest

supplies in det ail.

g. Cont rolling t he use of guest supplies and acquisit ion int o t he w arehouse.

h. Ordering t he guest supplies and ot her it ems base operat ional needs.

i. Delivering import ant informat ion t hrough t he log book t o t he next shift .

j. Ordering flow ers for t he front office and on-demand.

k. Giving special at t ent ion t o VIP guest s, long st aying guest , house use.

l. Fost ering good relat ions w it h ot her depart ment s.

3. Problems of Order Taker in Agas International Hotel Solo :

Houseman is oft en t oo lat e in giving informat ion on t he vacant of room st at us, so

t he order t aker's is lat e in changing t he room st at us and in report ing it t o front

office. Guest s oft en complain t o t he order t aker about t he condit ion of t he room,

but Houseman did not immediat ely make a follow up. Equipment used in t he hot el is

a t ool t hat is old and not modern, so t o do t he job requires a long t ime. The crew at

t his hot el is limit ed so t hat t he hot els oft en rely on t rainee t o finish t he job.

4. Solutions the problem of Order Taker in Agas International Hotel Solo:

To solve t he problem, t he order t aker has t o communicat ion via t elephone

frequent ly w it h Houseman on rooms condit ion. It w ill launch t he running of

informat ion of room st at us and t he guest complain. Alt hough t he equipment is not

modern it st ill can be used successfully even require a long t ime. Hot el has t o


on t rainee, as t hey are st ill learning how t o w orks properly. There must be a

supervisor who w ill t rain t hem t he right job, not only giving command.




This is t he last chapt er of t he final project report . The object ive of t his

report is t o describe t he job descript ion of Order Taker Housekeeping at Agas

Int ernat ional Hot el Solo. In t he final chapt er, t he w rit er w ill conclude t he discussion

regarding t he object ive of t he final project report .

Order Taker is a part of Housekeeping. It connect s t he housekeeping

depart ment w it h all ot her depart ment s in t he hot el. The funct ion of order t aker is

ensuring t hat t he guest s w ho need t he housekeeping services in t erm of t he room

condit ion are give t he best service. A housekeeping order t aker should be followed

up by housekeeping st aff effect ively.

The dut ies of Order Taker is a report ing t he most actual condit ion of room

st at us t o Front Office depart ment , making t he “ housekeeping report ” t hen

report ing t hem t o relat ed sect ion, informing t o room at t endant if t here is any room


Addit ional t ask of Order Taker is fost ering harmonious labor solidarit y and

est ablishing good cooperat ion w it h ot her depart ment , creat ing and nurt uring a

healt hy w orking at mosphere. Some import ant aspect s in t he funct ioning of Order

Taker is having a high sense of beaut y, having know ledge of hygiene and sanit at ion,

being indust rious, creat ive and having high init iat ive of neat ness and cleanliness of

beaut y. Order Taker must have collaborat ion w it h superiors and peers bot h inside

it s ow n depart ment or anot her depart ment s and t hey must be able t o keep a

secret .

M easures of Success of t he Order Taker job service is t he guest sat isfact ion

(zero complaint ), deliverance of all report s on t ime. In addit ion t he measure of

success is t hat t here are no er rors in bot h of t he operat ional and implement at ion of

t asks and w orks, Order Taker must be diligent and never absent from w ork and

never change shift .


Aft er doing job t raining for t he t hree mont h in Agas Int ernat ional Hot el

Solo, t he w rit er w ould like t o give some suggest ions t o t he Hot el, especially t o t he

Housekeeping Depart ment and t o t he Universit y.

1. To the English Diploma Program Students in Letter and Fine Arts Faculty UNS

Before doing job t raining in hot el, t he st udent should add know ledge


hot elier lect ures should give more pract ice t han t heory, because t he t heory is

not enough if w e have t o pract ice in t he w ork w orld.

2. To the Hotel

a. The Hot el M anagement should be aware of t he employee’s w elfare.

b. The Housekeeping Depart ment should hold and maint ain a good

relat ionship w it h ot her depart ment .

c. The Hot el M anagement should give t he employees English course t o

improve t heir English.

d. As a t radit ional and business hot el, most of t he guest s are foreigners

visit ing Agas Int ernat ional Hot el Solo, so t he employees must have enough

English skill. Pract icing English in daily act ivit y is good solut ion t o refresh

t heir mind in English fluent ly.


Djumino, A. (2003). Room Division Knowledge. Surakarta: IGIE Hotel School

Hornby. A.S. (1995). Housekeeping .California: Educational Institude

Rumekso, SE. (2003). Housekeeping Hotel. Yogyakarta: Andi


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