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A Graduating Thesis

P erp u stakaan S T A IN S ala tig a


0 5 T D 3 0 0 6 4 9 8 .0 1

Submitted to the board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of The requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.l)

In the English and Education Department

113 01 026





Jl. Stadion No. 03 Telp. 323433, 323706 Kode Pos 50721 Salatiga



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab peneliti menyatakan bahwa

skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah

diterbitkan. Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang

lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan


Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran

orang lain diluar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup

mempertanggungjawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini dihadapan sidang

munaqosah skripsi.

Salatiga, 20 Agustus 2005


Uswatun Hasanah

NIM: 113 01 026



J l Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

Salatiga, August 11th, 2005


C a s e : U s w a t u n H a s a n a h ’s T h e s is


The Head o f State Islamic

Studies Institute o f Salatiga.

A ssa la m u ’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Uswatun hasanah’s thesis entitled


would like to propose that if it can be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it

will be examined as soon as possible.

W assalam u’alaikum Wr. Wb.

C ou nselor

A ssista n t C ou nselor

Dra. Woro R etn a n in g sih , M.Pd

H anung T riyoko, SS. M.Hum

NIP. 150 262 6 4 6

NIP. 150 2 9 5 146




Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721






Has been brought to the board of examiners in August 30th, 2005/

Rajab 25th, 1426 H, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the

requirement of Sarjana degree in the English Department of

Educational Faculty.

A u g u st 30 th, 2 0 0 5 M

S alatig a,

---R ajab 25 th, 1426 H

Board of examiners

Dra. Woro R etn a n in g sih , M.Pd

H anung T riyoko,SS.M .H um


(Person w h o respects the w a y (fo d c rea te d them w id g e t

honor fro m others.

P a tien t is the 6est w a y to emSody the success.

V se y o u r dim e before wiseCy or eCse yo u may regret it



My God Aimigthy.

My beloved father ( H. Sonwasi Ridwan, BA), my beloved mother

( Hj. Thohiroh), who always pray, support, motivate, give valuable

advice, give their love, their devotion, and their affection for me.

I always love you tor good.

My beloved old brother and sister ( Mas Mimi and Mbak Ul), and

my beloved young sister (Aini), who always support and give


My best Friends ( Mbak Amin, Aniez, Mardiyah, Oesna, Dewix,

Firoh, Ai' and Wahid), thank for your motivation, this thesis

cannot be completely finished without you ali.


The writer thanks to god, Allah SWT, the almighty and the mercy that gives

her a grace in finishing this thesis. So many wonderful people whom always help

and support her so much to compose this thesis possible. Words alone cannot

express her appreciation. She truly grateful for their encouragement and kindness.

She would like to thank them all:

1. Drs. Badwan, M.Ag. As a chairman o f State Islamic Studies Institute of

Salatiga (STAIN).

2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag. As a chief o f English Department who always guides

and encourages in my study.

3. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd. As my consultant, her advocacy makes me

enjoy in finishing this graduating thesis.

4. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, SS. M.Hum. As my assistance consultant, who spent

the time to correct my thesis patiently and gave me advice and guidance.

5. Mr. Hammam, S.Pd, Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd and All the lecturers o f the State

Islamic Studies Institute, especially of English Department For their

lecturing which are very useful for composing this thesis.

6. My beloved Father and mother, and my old brother and sister, and my

young sister, and all o f my family who gave her prayer, motivation,

devotion, love, and miss.

7. I would like to express a special thank to my best friends and Underground

group: Mbak Amin, Mar, Aniez, Oesna, Wahid, Dewix, and Yudhi, special


to Ai’ and Firoh, who always helped me as well as support to finish this

thesis, and God bless you.

8. All of friends at English Department TBI ’01, thank’s for happiness, joy,

laugh, and nice friendship experienced together.

9. Special thank also goes to Mr. Samsul and his family, who helped me in

checking grammar in this thesis.

10. Special thanks also goes to Mbak Uddah and her family, Mbak Asih, Mbak

Nur Hidayati and Wiwik who lent me some books o f literature as my thesis


11. Those who cannot be mentioned one by one toward their help and support to

the writer in analyzing this study.

1 love you all my friends, thank’s for staying and accompanying me for

four years in STAIN. I will never forget you all.

Finally, the writer is aware this thesis is so simple that there may be

mistakes on it. Therefore, she would like to ask for readers to critic or to give

suggestions to her in order that this thesis becomes improved.

God blessed them for all their kindness.


Salatiga, August 11th , 2005 Writer

Uswatun Hasanah *



TITLE... i




M OTTO... v

D ED IC A TIO N ... vi



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background o f the S tu d y ... 1

B. Statement o f the Problem ... 3

C. Purpose o f the Study... 3

D. Significance and Benefit o f the Study... 4

E. Scope o f the S tu d y ... 5

F. Literature R eview ... 5

G. Method o f Investigation... 6

H. Paper O rganization... 9


B. The Kind o f Literature... 12


C . T h e C o n trib u tio n o f L iterature 13

D. The N o v e l... 14

E. The Kind o f N o v e l... 15

F. The Elements o f N ovel... 17

1. P lo t... 17

2. Character and Characterization... 19

3. Setting... 20

4. Point o f V iew ... 21

5. Subject M atter... 21

CHAPTER III THE ANALYSIS OF “THE SUM M ONS" A. A Summary o f The Novel... 23

B. The Internal Analysis o f The N ovel... 32

1 . P lo t... 33

2. Character and Characterization... 25

a. Major Character... 35

b. Minor C haracter... 37

3. Setting... 43

4. Point o f V iew ... 45

5. Subject M atter... 45

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Prosedures o f Investigation in the Police Department... 46

B. Prosedures o f Investigation in The N ovel... 49


Investigation in Police Department and The

Procedures o f Investigation in the N ovel... 52

D. Moral Value o f the N ovel... 53

E. Criticism ... 54


A. Conclusion... 55

B. Suggestion... 57





Background of the Study

In life, people need an entertainment, since it is one way to omit their

depression. People can get entertainment from magazine, newspaper,

television, and literary work. Literary works are read by so many people

since they entertain and give information to the people, such as enriching

experience. By reading literary work, people can be more introspective and

know themselves. Literary works involve several genres like drama, short

story, poetry and novel. When reading literary work, people find enjoyment

and satisfaction, especially improving curiosity and enriching knowledge

in literature. The fun and enjoyment from studying literary works can be

gained through the students understand the literary works comprehensively.

But some students regard that appreciating and comprehending

literature, especially novels are boring, uninteresting, difficult, it’s only

wastes their times and it is only the author’s imagination. This is happened

because when the students take literature class, they do not like the course

because it is difficult to understand, so they get bored and see literature

course as uninteresting and unpleasant subject. On the other thing is that it


By introducing some important short stories and novels with foreign

culture and background, the students can enrich their knowledge from

western culture, and they are able to study foreign culture with thei-

foreign language. The fun and enjoyment of courses can be gained if the

students understand the short stories o f the novel assigned.

Novel is any long work of prose fictions which claims to be

considered as a work o f art. The first conventions in novel is language.1 The

language o f the novel is clear, and to classify this, the author may use a

passage to describe a character, which is stated in his ideas, dialogues,

actions, thoughts and appearances as well. He may create powerful emotion

impact in the reader’s mind. Through the power o f the written word, it can

make the readers feel, hear and see like in reality. Sometimes it can bring

the readers’ into tightly stretched conditions, sadness, loneliness, happiness,

disappointed, and angry. It means that emotion o f the readers arouse, so the

author’s expressions had been succeed in representing the story. So it

becomes a complete material which is interested to study.

The writer is interested in the novel as her literary work because she

wants to make the readers realize that there are many problems in life and

there are always good ways to overcome it. The writer in this thesis

emphasizes on how the main character follows certain procedures of

investigation to solve his problem as seen in this novel. She beliefs that the

readers will not get difficulties to comprehend this novel because everyone



ever has experience in their life as seen in this novel, so experience gotten

from it is not difficult for the readers. The readers only need to know how

to understand the story and how the story will be useful for them by

reading it.

In this thesis, the writer wants to study a novel entitled The Summons

by John Grisham. She chooses it because John Grisham is a famous author

who has produced some novels and the content o f the story The Summons,

mostly tell about the main character’s procedures of investigation. Based on

the reason above, the writer tries to analyze the main character’s procedures

of investigation in disclosing mystery of the mysterious money as seen in

John Grisham’s novel The Summons.

B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above the writer formulates the problem as


1. What is the plot of the story?

2. What are the procedures o f investigation as seen in John Grisham’s

novel The Summons'?


C. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is directly related to the problem o f the

study, that are as follows:

1. To find the plot of the story as it is applied by John Grisham in his

novel The Summons.

2. To find the procedures o f investigation as seen in John Grisham’s

novel The Summons.

3. To find how the procedures o f investigation influence the plot o f the


D. Significance and Benefit of the Study

The study has significance especially to the students of English

department, that are as follows:

1. This study is hoped to the students at least they will think the existence

o f this novel, so that they will be interested to read novels and it will add

the student’s initiative in understanding the conflict in novel.

2. It can be used as media to increase their activities and as a description in

knowing the activity and problem o f human’s life in facing the odd

which are found in this novel.

3. This study is expected as reference o f the students in developing their art

of appreciating literary works which as certainly through an education


The benefit expected from this study are as follows :

1. Theoretical Benefit

Hopefully, the result o f this research will give some benefits to the

readers to understand how the procedures of investigation is applied by

policeman and private investigators to find clues to solve mysteries of

certain crimes.

2. Practical Benefit

The writer would give some contributions to the development of

literary study, particularly to help another researchers who want to

examine John Grisham’s work.

E. Scope of the Study

There are many topics that can be discussed in this novel, for example

criminal and mysteries, but in this study the scope o f the study is focussed

only on the main character’s procedures of investigation in disclosing the

mystery of mysterious money as seen in John Grisham’s novel The


F. Literature Review

Because it is library research, the writer concerns to analyze the

procedures o f investigation in John Grisham’s novel The Summons, through

descriptive analysis. That involves John Grisham’s whole career in the

world o f literature, his predecessors, his character and all o f his novel plots.

Some popular books which are written by John Grisham are: A Time to

Kill, The Firm, The Pelican Brief, The Client, The Chamber, The

Rainmaker, A Painted House, The Gingerbread Man, The Brethren, and


Another study that dealing with John Grisham’s novel is done by

Anita Novianti (2004) in the tittles o f her thesis; “Curiosity About Adult Life House In John Grisham’s A Painted House : A Developmental Psychological Perspective”.2 She analyzes the desire o f adult people in their life seen from psychological perspective.

In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze the procedures of

investigation in John Grisham’s novel The Summons. The writer

investigates the procedures of investigation on John Grisham by comparing

it with the police department’s procedure o f investigation in overcoming

the crimes.

G. Method of Investigation

a. Type of Research

This type of research is qualitative research based on the library

research that relates to literature. Here, the writer reads articles or

references relating to the subjects discussed in this thesis. The articles

include articles of the law and crime, the articles o f the police

procedure of investigation. Particularly the books of the literature that

support research or analysis of novel.

b. Data sources

The writer takes data resources from :

1. John Grisham’s novel The Summons.



2. The library o f STAIN Salatiga about a book o f the theory of

literature, the acknowledge o f the literary work appreciation,

written by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren.

3. The writer reads the books o f linguistics to increase and add to

the theory o f literature used to analyze o f novel by using books

that written by William Kenney.

4. www.Google.com.” City of Sacramento Police Department

(Citizen Complaint Procedure)

c. Research Paradigm

Discovery is available to the defense despite its potential for

perjury and the intimidation or elimination of witnesses. According to

Paul B. Weston the standards for police department in procedures of

investigation as follows:3


In this research paradigm explains that the police investigators

must expect discovery and learn to cope with its problems. It should be

expected that the defendant’s statements and any police reports,

photographs, or sketches that record the criminal act the defendant is

charged with will subject to discovery. This is also true o f physic

evidence, reports of identification and o f laboratory technicians, lists of

witnesses, and witnesses’s statements.

And the standard o f the novel in procedures o f investigation are

based on the standards o f police department in procedure of

investigation are:

This paradigm based on the police department in the procedures of

investigation, but it is also related with the novel. The writer wants to

compare between the standards o f procedures of investigation in the

police department and the procedures o f investigation in the novel have



d. Data Analysis

The writer uses dynamic structuralism method to analyze the data.

It means the writer o f this thesis pays attention to three things as


1. The writer has to explain the literary work as a structure based on

some principle in comparing between the procedures o f investigation

in the police department and the procedures o f investigation in the


2. The writer has to explain the relationship between the author, reality

of literary work and the reader.

3. Data analysis is expected to answer the problems in this research.

H. Paper Organization

The writer will organize this paper in order to make easier to

understand. This research paper is divided into five chapter.

Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter deals with the background o f the

study, statement of the study, purpose o f the study, significance and benefit

of the study, scope of the study, literature review, method o f investigation

and paper organization.

Chapter II is review of related literature deals with the literature, the kind of

literature, the contributions o f literature, the novel, the kind o f the novel,


Chapter III is the analysis o f The Summons contains the novel in a brief

and it is element explored o f the novel.

Chapter IV is finding and discussion contains the police department

procedures of investigation, the procedures o f investigation in John

Grisham’s novel The Summons, comparing both o f them, moral values of

the novel and criticism of moral value.

Chapter V is closure. It deals with conclusion and suggestion.




The discussion o f this chapter chiefly concern with the literature, the

novel, and the elements of the novel.

A. Literature ,

Literature is a kind o f extension and application o f certain properties

of language. Teeuw says that literary work is “the word o f the world”.1 It

means that there is a relationship between literature and language o f the

basic o f the fact that the literary work is a work art. Good work o f

literature is able to give a feeling o f satisfaction and happiness to the

readers. The beautiful imaginary expression o f literary work makes the

work more vividly and more alive than real life, then unconsciously one is

immersed in it because of pleasure and delight.

Good work o f literature constitutes the interpretation o f life. A good

work o f literature is appreciated because of its succession leading the

readers to know the new aspect o f everyday life. In this respect, literature

has a close integrated relation the nature. The author tries to give values on

everyday life with new perspective and attitude forward one’s daily life.

1 Teeuw in Staf Pengajar UGM, IKIP Negeri, IKIP Muhammadiyah, Staf Peneliti Balai Penelitian Bahasa Yogyakarta. 1994. Teori Penelitian Sastra. Masyarakat Poetika Indonesia. IKIP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta: Unpublished. P.73


Literature is that part o f preserved writings that is distinguished for

beauty o f form and expression.2 On the other hand, literature is one o f the

great creative and universal means o f communicating the emotional,

spiritual, or intellectual concerns o f mankind.3

B. The Kind o f Literature

Literature is simply a way that can give experience the world around

the readers through the writer’s imagination. It includes writer materials.

Literature can be divided into two different groups. In one group we can

place those writing that mainly present information. In other, we can place

those that entertain.4

Informative literature deals with fact explanation, real people lives,

history, the main purpose o f this literature is to offer knowledge to the

readers. The imaginative literature aims to arouse thought and feeling.

The informative literature such as science and history consist o f fact.

It means that all the author’s writing is actually happen, it can be happened a

long time ago or in the present time. It is exact and can be changed if there

is the new and reasonable one. But the imaginative literature, the author

gives a truth, some people agrees on as being so, in his literary work. It is no

exact, it means that not all o f the people agree with the author’s opinion.

2 The Americana People Enyclopedia. 1963. New York: Grolier Incorporated.



C. The Contribution of Literature

According to Zumrotun Mahmudah in her thesis, Literature has some

contributions to the reader’s life, they are as follows:5

1. The great work literature gives the readers o f the truth o f life. From

literature the reader can obtain the deep knowledge and understanding

about human being, the world on the life.

2. Literary work gives the readers the feeling o f amusement and satisfaction.

3. The great o f literary work is immortal. It is different from other kinds of

writing, newspaper and magazines that will be out dated when they are

read a week after, because they just give a daily happening. A great work

o f literature that was written in long time ago, such as Mahabarata, is still

worth reading today because it contains messages that are o f real truth.

4. The literary work is not restricted in certain nationally even though a

work literature is written on the basis of certain situation end o f certain

period o f time, it still shows the general truth so that the people from

different nationally can appreciate it. It shows that the literature helps the

readers in understanding people of another culture.

5. Literature constitutes a work of art. Art in general and literature in

specific constitutes a masterpiece o f culture created and needed by human

being. The physical needs can be completed through science, technology,

and economic while spiritual needs are fulfilled through religion and art.


6. Reading a literary work can also help the readers be cultured being who

and novel. In this study, the writer wants to make and analysis a novel that

is The Summons which is written by John Grisham.

The novel is written, not oral fictional prose narratives of substantial

length and complexity.6 Novel is a picture of real life and manners, and of

the time in which it is written.7

A short novel called is novella or novellet.8 It does no matter if one

discussed the novellete and the novel under the some heading, because the

principles applied to the novel will work also for the novella.

The novel is a work o f literature than consist o f 80.000 to 150.000

words. As the novel is longer than is short story, it can accommodate further

development of character and can have more incidents, scene, or episodes,

more setting and can take place in longer span or time. There are the

characteristic which distinguish novel from short story, not merely their


0 Encyclopedia Americana. International Edition. 1972. New York: Grolier Incorporated. 7 Rene Wellek and Austin Warren. \956.Theory of Literature. 3rd Edition. New York: A Harvest Book. Harcourt, Brace & World. Inc. P. 216



In some respect a novel is like short story, expect that is longer, both

are prose fiction, both deals with truth, both deal with problem and conflict.

Both aims are to entertain and inform them. Plot, character, setting, theme,

and situation are elements o f both the novel and short story. The basic

different between a novel and short story is length and complexity. A novel

is a long story written in prose, but because it is long, it differs from short

story in other ways too.

E. The Kind of Novel

Mochtar Lubis says that there are six kinds o f novels.9 They are:

1. Adventure Novel

Adventure novel tells about an existing or dangerous journey and talks

about experience and full with many events. The most dominant role is a

man, because the content o f this story involves man’s problem. If the

woman is mentioned in this novel, may be just a little o f it.

2. Detective Novel

Detective novel is story full o f mysteries and secrets. This novel tells

about the crime and the criminals that relevant with people. The Author

always t-ies to create the good technique by reading suspense, questions

to hinder the follow up o f the story, in order that the readers are more

interested in the story o f the novel.


3. Sociological Novel

Sociological novel emphasizes the influence o f social and economic

condition on characters and events.


4. Political Novel

The problems are not reflecting from people’s point o f view in the

society, the reaction of each group to the problem that arise and the

characters just used as proponent o f the plot.

5. Psychological Novel

This novel emphasizes the description of the psychological

development of characters. In psychological novel which becomes

author’s attention are the psychological changes o f characters.

6. Collective Novel

It is collection several o f novel, here, collective novel focused on the

anthropology and sociology. It is emphasizes on society as totality.

Since the writer analyzes about detective novel, she will more

emphasize about it. Detective novel is complicated novel, because the

author must explain more detail the content of the novel, like in this novel,

the author writes the procedures of investigation like in procedures of

investigation in the police department, and uses various images to reveal his


Usually character in detective novel is fla t character, which the

character is not charged and tend to static. The author uses omniscient point

o f view, because he as a narrator who knows everything and the plot in

detective novel is usually linear plot, which the author tends to think

progressive to reveal the mystery.

F. The Elements of Novel

As a structure of its own, novel also consists of so many elements..

The Elements supporting the novel are in the following :

1. Plot

Plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic elements of a

text which lead to a change o f the original situation as presented at the

outset of the narrative.10 According to James L Potter plot is organized

sequence o f events and actions that will tell what is happening in the

story. It means that what happen in narrative, but more complete. It’s

function is more or less like a map used in journey.11

The organization of the plot usually begins with the moving o f the

story from beginning through a series o f events to a climax or turning

point and then a logical end. The inciting force will lead the readers up

to a climax and then falls off to reveal what happens in the end. In a

closed plot the author resolves or concludes the story for the readers but

10 Mario Klarer. 1999. An Introduction to Literary Studies. London and New York: Routledgc. P.12

" James L. Potter. 1967. Elements of Literature. United State: The Odysses Press, Inc. P.25


in poem s plot, the story frequently ends at the climax and the readers

must think the resolution or outcome o f the story by themselves. The

plot o f a good story must have beginning, middle, and ending. It

usually showed by the pattern below according to Loban in



4. Climax

In the exposition, the author introduces the story’s characters,

setting and situation to the readers. The narrative hook is the point at

which the author catches our attention. It is the beginning o f the rising

action o f plot. The readers become aware o f the character’s problems.

The rising action adds complications to the problems and increase our

interest in the story.

The rising action leads up to the climax. The climax is the point o f

our highest interest and greatest emotional involvement in the story. It

is the point in the story when the readers know for the certain how the

problems are going to be resolved. The fa llin g action reveals the

outcome o f the climax, and resolution brings the story to satisfying and

logical conclusion. 12 13

12 William Kenney, op. cit. 11



2. Character and Characterization

Characters are the person presented in the dramatic or narrative

work, and the process by which an author creates a character is called

Characterization.'4 Character in fiction can be distinguished into

“round character” and “ flat character”. Round character is character

which is complex in temperament and motivation and it is represented

with subtle particularity and capable of surprising the reader. Flat

character usually a minor one in a novel is constricted around a single

idea or quality. His personality can often be expressed in a single


Different from round character, the flat character is seldom

represented by the author and the characteristic o f this character is

stated in one sentence.

Characters are people in narratives and characterization is the

author’s presentation of character. Klarer states that, character must be

appear to be acting in their action must result from special reason

which must be revealed or, at least implied in the story.14 15 Thus, the

feature o f the characters are dearly stated and the readers immediately

can estimate the character’s characterization about they do and say

from their environment and from what comments upon the characters

explaining their motives, appearance and thought.

14 Mary Rohrburger, Samuel H Woods, and Bernard Dukare. 1968. An Introduction To Literature. N ew York: Random House. P.23


3. Setting

Setting is used to enrich the meaning o f the story. It also refers to

the time and place, where and when the action occurs, it also refers to

the condition or environment.'6 The setting often creates an atmosphere

or mood that colors the entire story, an atmosphere may be exotic or

honey, colorful or black, forbidding or comforting, intimate or grand

placid or exciting and so on.

In many stories the setting simply provides a background for the

plot and characters. However, in some stories the choice o f setting can

actually influence the plot and characters. For instance, a story takes

place in New York is likely to be about event and people quite different

from those we meet in story set an ancient battle field. In other hand

many story include more than one setting. A change o f setting usually

signals an important development in the story, and often helps to bring

about other changes. Such as the action and characters.

A character perception o f the setting can also change as the

characters acquire more information about it. A place that seems

friendly, for instance, can turn out to be dangerous or place that had

seemed alien can turn out to be or to be familiar. 16



4. Point of View

Point o f view is the relationship between the narrator, or storyteller,

and the story or angle o f narration who is supposed to be telling the

story.17 James divides into three parts:

1. The first person, the narrator uses “I” and the other first person

pronoun. The important thing about first person narrator is that he

or she cannot directly know what is going on in anyone.

2. The third persons, the narrator focuses on a particular character and

tells about events as they relate this character. The narrator will

report the actions and word o f all character but will reveal the

thought and feeling o f only the focal character.

3. In the omniscient, the narrator knows about everything that is

happening and knows what all character’s think and feel.

5. Subject Matter

Subject matter o f the novel is the novel that over all impact to the

reader. We know a novel not only understanding its idea, but also

becoming acquainted with its speaker, hearing its sound, responding to

this images sensing its emotion, and appreciating this. Understanding

how the various part o f the novel work does not reduce the novel, to a

group o f ideas, and our images. Subject matter in a novel can form as

phrase. It is the conclusion o f the reader. * 18

" James L. Potter. Op.CiS.


In conclusion, subject matter is general topic deals with story.

Subject matter is stated only few words, for example: suffering, love,

war, adventure, and sacrifying. But in this novel The Summons which is

written by John Grisham, the subject matters are mysteries and




In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the summary o f the novel

and the internal analysis o f the novel.

A. A Summary of the Novel

The story tells about the main character’s procedures o f investigation

to disclose the mystery o f mysterious money which was found by Ray

Atlee. By finding it, Ray must travel from town to town and meet much

foreign people.

Ray Atlee was lav/ professor in University o f Virginia. Fourth-three

years old, newly single, and still enduring the aftershock o f a surprise

divorce. His father, Reuben V. Atlee, old man, a sick, and lonely in Maple

Run, his house in Clanton Mississippi. He was called as Judge Atlee.

Forrest, Ray’s young brother, who redefined the notion o f a family’s black


The Summons arrived four days before. A summons for Ray and his

young brother, Forrest. It contained that Ray and Forrest were expected to

attend in Judge Atlee’s office, on Sunday, May 7, at 05.00 A.M. to discuss

the administration o f Judge Atlee’s estate. Ray read once more the summons

and decided to attend the meeting. Ray left Charlottesville on Saturday after

finished his business.


It was twenty minutes before five, Sunday, May 7, 2000. Time for

the family meeting. Ray came to his father’s office and saw The Judge was

sleeping on the chair. He waited for the moment, after so long, he back to

The Judge’s office. But his father did not wake, Ray got close, found the

morphine pack and checked the Judge. Obviously, Judge Atlee was dead,

Ray was shocked and confused, what he was doing. But Ray would wait his

young brother to take care The Judge. Then, Ray checked the round of

office and found The Last Will o f his father. When he opened the cupboard,

Ray saw very much Blake and Son boxes. It contained with cash-one-

hundred-dollar bills. Twenty-seven boxes in total, it was about three billion

dollars cash money. Ray was surprised with it.

Ray moved the money to the broom closet, after it, he moved the

money to his car. It was almost 6 P.M. The shock o f a dead father was

enough for one day. The shock o f the money had left him shaking. Suddenly

Forrest arrived, Ray told to his young brother that his father was dead when

he came. Forrest was surprised. Ray told that he found the last will of The

Judge, stated Ray as his ecsecutor for his asset. The funeral of The Judge

was regulated by Harry Rex, began from the last respectation until

graveyard. This funeral was the great funeral in Clanton. After it, Ray said

to Harry Rex, the last will o f The Judge was Ray as his ecsecutor, Harry

Rex as his lawyer.

Forrest wanted to leave Clanton as soon as possible, and back to



two weeks later to discuss the last will o f The Judge. On the middle of his

trip, Ray accounted the money, and moved it in to rubbish plastic pocket.

Ray asked to himself, where The Judge got the money, because he was only

a judge. To prove whether the money was real or not, marked or not. Ray

used the money in a club in Clanton, Santa Fe Club. The dealer stated the

money was real, and he visited to Tunica Casino, and it also was stated the

money was real. But if the money was marked, Ray was left the trace. Now

Ray was sured that the money was real. Ray promised to reveal the mystery

of the money.

After arrived in Charlottesville, Ray carried the money to his

apartment and hidden it in a Chaney’s S e lf Storage bay. Ray rented 14B,

37F, and 18R, Ray would not check it everyday. After a week from his

travel, Ray went back to university and began his daily activities, teaching,

jogging, running, and flying if the weather was bright.

The threat arrived with the other letters. The threat stated that Ray

had to transfer the money to IRS (International Revenue Service). Ray was

shocked and surprised. To forget the threat, Ray died with little Cessna. He

wanted to rent or buy the Bonanza. Ray thought where’s the money come

from, Ray called up Harry Rex to ask the other activity o f The judge

excepted to be a judge. Judge Atlee sometimes gambled twice a week.

Eventually Ray got one trace. To prove the truth, he went to Atlantic City

which had very much casinos. After from Santa Fe and Tunica Club, Ray


what the money was assigned for. In every casino Ray would be left the

trace. His only goal that day was to drop the money in the casino along the

boardwalk and make certain it was not counterfeit, not marked, not traceable

in any way. The first casino was Rio. After Rio he went to Princces, and the

other goal was Forum. From Forum Ray went to Canyon Casino the newest

casino in boardwalk. In the casinos the money was stated real.

A week passed, a week without FBI or Treasury agents looked for

him. He sured that the money was for real and no marked. Ray traveled to

Washington. His goal was The Treasury D epartm ent on Pennsylvania

Avenue, to know whether the money was marked. Ray was welcomed by

Mr. Oliver Talbert, In his office BEP, Bereau o f Engraving and Printing.

After apprehending the explanation, Ray continued to Atlantic City.

During this time, Ray felt that he was followed by someone, Ray

rented private investigator, Correy Crowford to save him self and the money,

because Ray would go to Atlantic City. His goal was Canyon Casino. In

Canyon Casino Ray was greeted by Mr. Picolo and Mr. Barker to trace the

money. There, Ray got the information which he needed. Ray’s goal was to

look for the truth o f where the money came from.

After going home from Washington, Ray went to Memphis City to

visit Forrest, in Elbe’s house. But he was not there. From Memphis Ray

moved to Clanton to attend the case o f The Judge’s asset. When arrived in

Clanton, Forrest had in Maple Run, in clean, bath, and health. He sought



Alcorn Village, they were welcomed by Oscar Meave. He said to Ray in

order to be calm, he would take care him.

Ray went back to Clanton and met Harry Rex. Ray told that he found

the money in The Judge’s office, but Ray did not tell the whole sum o f the

money. Harry Rex did not say anything. Ray asked to Harry Rex what The

Judge ever had the great case, or he ever accepted overhead from the

lawyers. Harry Rex said The Judge never did it. So Ray was certained that

the money did not come from the overhead or gambling, and the money

collected since 1991, when he lost in elective. But Ray was not sured if the

money was from his salary when he was a specific chancellor in the last

nine years, and Ray guessed that the money came from other source.

Ray’s phone rang, it was from Charlottesville alarm firm gave

information that his apartment was entered by stranger. Ray called up

Correy Crowford to check the Chaney’s Self Storage. Ray thought, the

people began to move. Ray was worried about the money and decided to go

to Charlottesville. In the middle o f his trip, he checked the case files from

The Judge’s office since The Judge was appointed as a specific chancellor.

The note from year to year was so clear, but there was something odd, why

The Judge on January, ’99 often went to coast o f Mississippi, but Ray

didn’t find one file o f case in the coast o f Mississippi. There was file o f the

case on January, ’99 lost.

Ray arrived in Charlottesville, checked his apartment and nothing lost.


from his father’s asset, duty for Ray to report the whole o f asset to account

the tax, and if to hide the asset was considered as violation o f the laws and

possible federal laws as well, Martin Gage, Criminal Investigator. Ray

thought how could IRS know about the money, whereas limitation o f asset

case was one-year. There was something odd. He called up Martin Gage,

obvious the letter was not from him. Ray sured the people more moved Fast.

Ray called up Forrest in Alcorn Village, he looked like clean and

enjoyful with his rehab. Ray called up Harry Rex to know the case o f Judge

Atlee when in coast o f Mississippi, Harry Rex said The Judge hate with the

coast, according him they were all a bunch o f redneck mafia types. Ray

guessed there was anything odd.

Ray tried to be normal, but the threat damaged it, inside was a color

digital photo o f the front o f 14B at Chaney’s, no words, no warning, and no

threat, but it made Ray couldn’t think, breath, feel, and hear. He immediate

went to Chaney’s, moved the money to his car and carried it to Clanton.

Two days later, Ray arrived on the G ulf Coast Mississippi to look for

the trace o f the money and The Judge’s case file when in coast o f

Mississippi. There were counties in long o f coast, one o f them was Hancock

County. In Hancock County, Ray went to Chancery Clerk, to see The

Judge’s case file on January, ’99. Ray found listed simply case as Gibson v.

M iyer-Brack. Clete Gibson died in ’97 at the age o f sixty-one. Caused o f

death, kidney failure. The kidney failure was caused by a drug was called



When Gibson’s kidneys completely stopped, he somehow came to

know Mr. Patton French, from the law firm French and French. For some

reason, French decided to file a wrongful death suit in Chancery Court. The

opinion was a scathing indictment o f corporate recklessness and greed, and

it was quite obvious that Judge Atlee had become deeply troubled by the

practice of Miyer-Brack. French demanded punitive damages, but

according to The Judge it was bad. In Chancery, the fees were within the

sole discretion o f The Judge. From the document, Ray admired his father.

From Chancery Clerk, Ray moved to Biloxi Public Library on

Lameuse Street. There, Ray looked for news file on January, ’99 about Ryax

and Patton French. Ray knew the people who suitable to answer about

Ryax, namely Patton French. Ray called up French’s office to meet him.

Both met in French’s Yacth, Lady o f Justice, when dinner. French recounted

along story about his case with The judge. Eventually French admitted that

the cash money was from him as gift to The Judge. Finally, Ray got the

truth that the money from Patton French. Ray stated that he was followed by

someone, and French guessed that it was Gordie priest group, French’s

server. Ray wanted to give back the money, in order not to be followed or

treated anymore, and French promised he would help him.

In the morning, Ray moved back to Clanton, in the middle of his trip,

his phone rang, it was from Fog Newton, he said the Ray’s Bonanza was

burned up and severe damage though. Ray looked a paper o f the photo of


fast. Ray was shocked and stopped his car in a caf6. He called up Alcorn

Village, Forrest in his room, health and clean.

Ray arrived in Maple Run, Ray accepted letter, on the inside, another

of the now familiar color photos o f Chaney’s Self Storage, this time the

front of unit 18R, and there was message:” You don ’t need an airplane, stop

spending the money". Ray thought these guys were very, very good. After a

prolonged moment o f shock, he realized something that should had been

immediately obvious. They would be known that the money wasn’t in

Chaney’s or his apartment. So they would hunt him harder. Suddenly Harry

Rex came and drank.

The attack began shortly after 2. A. M. at the darkest hour at the night.

It began with a brick through the window, the second brick there was a

threat, it read simply “ put the money back where you found it, then leave

the house immeaialely". Ray was shocked and his hand bleeding, a small

nick from a piece a glass. Suddenly his phone rang, the caller asked Ray to

put the money back and leave the house now, before he got hurt. He picked

up the pistol, and run to his car. He rode to North o f Clanton, was called The

Bottoms, he pressed the accelerator of his TT and let it unwind. It was two-

thirty in the morning.

But in the Bottom, a Deputy Elmer Conway stopped him and brought

him to sherif s office, because he rode fast. Ray called up Harry Rex but

wasn’t at home, his wife said that he was in Judge Atlee’s house since the


suspect, because he rode at 2.A.M. without bringing something. But Harry

Rex promised to help him.

Ray recounted the chronologist. He was attacked, treated, followed

and bricked because he found the cash money about three-billions dollar,

but he secreted it from someone else. Ray afraid if they were in danger.

Ray went to Alcorn village, but Forrest was not there, he escaped

yesterday evening. Ray back to Virginia and underwent his life normally.

He got the letter from Patton French, stated that Gordie Priest had been

“located” along with both o f his brother after lunch o f Friday, it was time

when Ray left Patton’s place.

On a cloudy June morning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rex Vonner left

Clanton to go to Distric o f Columbia. In the middle of his trip, Harry Rex

visited Ray in his apartment. He delivered message from Meave that Forrest

now in Montana, jn Morning Ranch Detox. Harry Rex also recounted that a

week before The Judge death , Forrest drove The Judge to Taft Clinic. Ray

unbelieved it. Ray thought, it meant that Forrest lied to him. He tried to

remember the happening, there was something odd. He decided to meet


Ray left Charlottesville with little Cessna. After one day round, he

found Morning Ranch. The procedure to visit them were left the name and

the phone number and there was a slight chance someone from within

would contact him. The next day, his phone rang, from Ranch, they said

Forrest wanted to meet him.


Alisson led him to a windowless room, finally Forrest entered. He

looked clean, health, and bright. Ray opened the conversation. Ray said to

Forrest that a week before The Judge death, he drove The Judge to Taft

C linic, he also helped The Judge when using the morphine, he was the first

people who found the money and made the Last Will o f The Judge Ray as

Ecsecutor. The whole happening was planned by Forrest. Something made

Ray unbelieved was Forrest and Gordie’s group conspirated to follow, to

threat, and to attack him. Forrest also got the money so he could be here

now. Forrest didn’t deny about it. The guard came and told the time was up.

The truth was openned and the people who knew this happening was


B. The Internal Analysis of The Novel

The process o f analyzing the elements o f a novel is carried out by

examining them one by one. It is only a way o f understanding and enjoying

literature more easily. There is no intention o f attempting to investigate it

merely on the basis o f its elements separately. That is why there is an

interdependence o f each element so that the novel can only be understood

and enjoyed in its entire aspects.

Based on the previous discussion, the writer would like to

analyze the novel by investigating the following aspects found in the novel,

namely plot, characters, setting, point o f view, and subject matter.

1 John Grisham. 2002. The Summons. N ew York: A D evision o f Random House, Inc. P.



1. Plot

The plot structure o f The Summons (TS) can be described as


a. Exposition

The story o f TS was started in May, 7 ‘00. when Ray got the

summons from his father, Judge Atlee, In order to come to his

work office in Maple Run, Clanton, Mississippi. When Ray came

his father was dead with morphine pack beside him. Ray was

surprised and shocked. He guessed that his father was over doses.

In his father’s office Ray found The Last Will and Testament

of his father, Reuben V. Atlee, dated May, 6 2000. He also found

Blake and Son boxes in a cupboard contained the cash money

about three-billion dollar. He thought about the source where his

father got the money, because he was just a specific chancellor

during last year. But when he started to investigate and to look for

the trace o f the money, came new conflict. Ray promised to

disclose the mystery o f the money.

b. Complication

The new conflict appeared when Ray found The Last Will of

The Judge, stated that Ray as his ecsecutor of his asset, Ray afraid

it would make Forrest envious. The other conflict was that Ray


the money and transfer it to IRS. The other conflict happened when

Ray’s Bonanza was burned up and he got the threat once more.

The biggest conflict was faced by Ray when he was in Maple

Run, he was attacked, threatened, and bricked in order to leave the

money or else, he would be killed. The problem was when the

Maple Run was burned up by unknown man.

c. Climax

The story’s climax was when Ray Atlee knew that Forrest

was put together this fraud. He knew the cash money was hidden of

his father’s office, a week before his father death, he drove him to

the Taft Clinic but never said anything about it. He also helped The

Judge when using the morphine and the first man who knew The

Judge’s death before Ray. He also conspirated with gordie ‘s group

to threat Ray. Forrest was the key person of all o f happening.

d. Resolution

The story’s resolution was when the background o f the

money was known, it from Patton French as a gift to The Judge.

Eventually, the money was used by Forrest to cost his detox and

gordie’s group was killed by Patton French.

e. Causality

The plot o f TS showed that there was causality between the

events that happened in the story. It meant that the appearing o f one



when Ray Atlee found the mysterious money in his father’s office,

he must be investigated and traveled from town to town to find the

background of the money and introduced with so many foreign


2. Character and Characterization

Characters can be classified into major and minor character.

Major characters are the most important characters in the story. While

minor characters are those less important than the main are. These are

the descriptions o f the major and the minor characters,

a. Major Characters

1) Ray Atlee

Ray Atlee was law professor in University o f Virginia. He

was Forty-three years old. Newly single and still enduring the

aftershocks o f a surprised divorce. He always enjoyed his life,

everyday jogging and flying. His dream was to buy a Beech

Bonanza, a single-engine, two-hundreds-horse power, beauty

that Ray could handle in a month with a little training.

“ Let’s take it for a spin,” Ray said. “ The Bonanza?”

“ Sure. What’s the rent?”

“ It’s negotiable. I know the guy pretty well.”

“ Let’s get it for a day, fly up to Atlantic City, Then back” ° 2


As a free man, he also desired toward his girl student,

named Kaley, which two week after would not to be his student

and he would have chance to date with her.

He could see Kaley in a slinky black dress with no back at all, slits up past her thighs, very low v-neck,

drop-was a living, walking disaster, whose mind hard been deadened

by every legal and illegal substance known to America culture.

Forrest was a free man, he has former wives and the number of

girl friends, but he now settled with El lie. He always came

in-out detox center and reminded if his rehab was successful.

“ Fifty-two days, bro,” he’d whispered proudly to Ray as they huddled in the ICU corridor.4

Forrest was not interested with honest employment. Two

felonies, drug related, both before he turned twenty but

permanent blotchier none the less.

He’d been a bail bondsman process server, collection agent, security guard, investigator, and at one time or another had tried virtually every job at the lesser levels of the legal profession.5

3 Ibid 180



3) Harry Rex

Harry Rex was a lawyer in Clanton, Mississippi. Ray

father’s friend, fifty years old. He was tall with a large chest and

stomach, had a loud voice, but he had appreciated friendship guarantee payment. I also asked them not to give him painkillers and drugs. They have no idea who they’ve got there.”

“ I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this, Harry Rex.” 7


o f the Virginia bar, as was Ray. Carl was one who knew

“ Then I’ll ask you to dinner in fifteen days.”

“ No, let’s break the rule now, while I’m still a student. Let’s have dinner before I graduated.” 9

3) Ellie Crum

Ellie was a woman who had weight three-hundred-pound,

8 Ibid 152 9 Ibid 155

painter and potter. She was one o f Forrest’s girl friend and

Forrest settled in her house. Her age was twelve oldest than



“ Forrest is my friend, Ray.” I supposed I love him, at some level but he’s also an addict who seem determined to always be an addict after point, you get frustrated.10 “Hello, Ellie, this is Ray Atlee,” he said pleasantly.11

4) Claudia Gates

the great man. She always smoked, seventy-year old woman, but

still straight and slim. She was an aging tart, but still an active

volcano. Claudia was Judge Atlee’s close friend accepted Harry



And the woman loved money, clothes, perfume, always a late-model car, and all these things from a poorly paid court reporter. If she was drawing a state pension, it couldn’t be m uch.13

5) Reverend Palmer

His complete name was Silas Palmer. He was reverend of

the first Presbyterian Church in Clanton Mississippi. An ageless

little Scot who’d baptized both Atlee Sons. He adored The Judge

and claimed him as a close friend. Reverend Palmer was

respected by people o f Clanton.

The reverend read some scripture and delivered words of comfort for the loss of a loved one, even an old one who had lived a full life.14 15

6) Fog Newton

Fog Newton was retired marine pilot who owned the

place had trained most of the private aviators in the area. He was

Ray’s teacher also his friend. Although he had load of verbal

buses but he was a good man. He always paid attention to his

students, he frightened when his student up in heavy weather.

He liked gambling aside from flying and poker.



7) Correy Crowford

Correy Crowford was the best private investigator in town,

Charlottesville. A black ex-cop who’d pulled time for a beating.

He was in his late thirties with a shaved head and handsome “ Thank you. Anybody else watching my lights.” “ Not Yet.”

an Armani model. He was a patient and familiar man.


Oscar Meave was one o f Forrest’s

;elor, administration, a psychologist cou

d Alcorn Village. Ex-addict who’d < nan

a go and received two Ph.D.’.S. yea

shirt, sneakers, a goatee, and two ea sw<

les and chipped tooth o f a rough prior wri

Ind friendly. He exuded the taught L.of

p been where Forrest was now. He wa wh

nsibility toward his client and job. res

Ray pulled out a sheet of paper and from Oscar Meave at Alcorn Villi Dear Mr. Vonner:I have been uns Atlee. I know the whereabouts of Fo the family does not call if you w Everything is confidential. Best wish

Patton French was a lawyer, a man in

pd face and waves of graying hair. He a r

h and French in Gulfport, Biloxi, and Fr<

now fourteen lawyers in the firm with wt

xpanding by the hour. He assumed th an

It. He was an arrogant man, a shameles bo

loney slaver. an

10 French Pa;



namely the setting of place or geographical location, this is where the

story in the novel occurs. The second is setting of time, it gives the

description about when the stories in the novel happen,

a. Setting of Time

The story o f TS was started in Sunday, May 7, 2000. at 5


Please make arrangements to appear in my study on Sunday, May 7, at 5 P. M. to discuss the administration of my estate. Sincerely, Rueben V. Atlee.20

Next to the Underwood was one of The Judge’s official envelopes, and a cross the front he had typed, ’’Last Will and Testament of Rueben V. Atlee.” Under it was yesterday’s date, May 6, 2000. Ray took it and left the room.21

b. Setting o f Place

John Grisham in TS took place in some places in the story,

and this time, the writer introduced them a long with some


number o f page. These were the places in which most o f the

a. Treasury Department o f Pennsylvania Avenue, especially in BEP, Bureau o f Engraving and Printing. ( P; 181 )

5. Memphis Town

a. Elli’s House. ( P; 201 )

6. Gulf Coast Mississippi

a. Chanchery Clerk’s office in Hancock County. ( P; 263 ) b. Biloxi Public Library. (P; 271 )

c. French’s Personal Office. ( P; 281 )

d. French’s Yacht, named Lady o f Justice. ( P; 285 )

7. Montana



4. Point of View

Each author has different point o f view presenting his or her

work. Point o f view deals with how the author tells the story o f the

literary work. There are three kinds o f point o f view; The narrator as

the first persons, uses’T” in presenting the story. The author places

him or herself as the character in the story. The second, the third

persons, in here the author does not introduce or involve him or

herself as a character in the story. The last, the narrator is the

omniscient, the narrator knows about everything in the story.

In The Summons, John Grisham as the author presents the story

uses the omniscient’s point o f view. He just introduces the characters

in the novel.

5. Subject Matter

The subject matter o f TS is about mystery, criminal, and secret.

When people find something, he or she tends to close it from anyone

else, it shows that for everything, people will do anything such as to

kill, to threat, and to do criminal. But in this novel John Grisham says

that in life, people have secret and mysterious thing. So everything

must be talked and openned. Therefore, it will not make


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