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A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in The English and Educational




NIM 113-12-154










A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English and Educational




NIM 113-12-154






Here by the writer fully declares that the graduating paper is written by

the writer herself, and it does not contain the materials written or has been

published by other people and other’s people ideas except the information from

the references.

The writer is capable to account for her graduating paper if it can be

proved or containing other’s idea or in fact, the writer imitates the other

graduating paper in the future.

Like wish, the declaration is written by the writer and she hopes that the

declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, March 11th, 2017 The Writer,

Zulia Permata Qurrota ‘Aini NIM. 113 – 12154


Salatiga, March 13th 2017

Setia Rini, M.Pd.

The lecturer of English Education Department

Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Zulia Permata Qurrota ‘Aini’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and

Educational Faculty

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Zulia Permata Qurrota ‘Aini’s graduating paper entitled “THE USE OF EGRA (EXPERIENCE, GENERALIZATION, REINFORCEMENT, APPLICATION) TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT FOR THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMPIT NURUL ISLAM TENGARAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017”. I have decided and would like to propose that is paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Educational Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamialaikum Wr. Wb


Setia Rini, M.Pd






Created by:


NIM: 113-12-154

Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, on 31th of March2017 and hereby considered to completely fulfill

of the requirement for the bachelor degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English and Education.

Boards of Examiners,

Head : Rr. Dewi Wahyu M, S.S., M.Pd.

Secretary : Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum.

1st Examiner : Mashlihatul Umami, M.A.

2nd Examiner : Ruwandi, M.A.



طق هعطقت لم نإ ،فيسلاك تقولا



“Waktu itu seperti pedang kalo kamu tidak memotongnya maka dia yang

akan memotongmu”



This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My beloved mother Siti Khoiriyah and my father Awaludin Isnaini.

Thanks for your love, affection, and always pray, and motivate me. I do

love you.

2. My beloved someone, who always support me and motivate me.

3. My beloved little sister Sania Habibatu S, my little brother Muhammad

Faqih B, who always take care of me and support me.

4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M. Pd who always guides and supports in arranging this




Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb

Alhamdulillahirabil’aalamiin, firstly the writer says as praise and thanks

To Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful. Because of Him, the writer could

finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree of

Educational Studies (S.Pd) at English Education Department of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without a support, guidance, advice,

help, and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Thus, the writer would

like to say thank to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D as the head of English Education


4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M. Pd as my counselor who has guided, directed,

motivated, and advised me patiently in the process of accomplishing


5. All of my lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me and given

a lot of their worth knowledge to me along of my study in this


6. All official staff of IAIN Salatiga.

7. My beloved mother (Siti Khoiriyah), and my father (Awaludin

Isnaini). Thank you very much for everything. May Allah keep you

and give you happiness. I do love you.

8. My beloved little sister (Tsania Habibatu S), my little brother

(Muhammad Faqih B). Thank you very much for your support.

9. My closest friends. Thank you for being my best friend.

10. The big family of “SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran”.

11. All of my friends TBI ’12 especially E class. Thank you for being my

friends in happiness and sadness.

12.All of my friends at IAIN Salatiga that I cannot mention one by one.

Salatiga, March 11th, 2017 The Writer,

Zulia Permata Qurrota ‘Aini NIM. 113 – 12154



‘Aini, Zulia, P.Q. 2017. The Use Of EGRA ( Experience, Generalization, Reinforcement, Application ) Technique To Improve The Students’ Writing Skill On Descriptive Text For The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran In The Academic Year 2016/2017.A Graduating Paper. English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: SetiaRini, M. Pd.

Keywords: writing, descriptive text, EGRA technique







MOTTO ……… v



ABSTRACT ………. ix


LIST OF TABLES ……….. xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ……… 1

B. Statement of the Problems ……… 4

C. Objectives of the Study ……….... 5

D. Significance of the Study ………... 5

E. Limitation of the Problem ………... 6

F. Definition of Key the Terms ……….. 6

G. The outline of the thesis Presentation ………. 8

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Review the Previous Research Finding……… 10


1. Definition of writing ……….. 13

4. Procedure of EGRA technique ……… 25

D. Descriptive Text ……… 28

1. Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text... 28

2. Generic Structure ………. 28

3. Language Features ………... 28

4. Example of Descriptive text ……… 29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Type of the Research ……… 31

I. Technique of Deciding a Minimum Passing Grade (KKM) ... 44

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYIS A. Research Finding ……… 46


2. Cycle II ………. 61

B. Discussion ……….. 74


A. Conclusion ……….. 76

B. Suggestion ……….. 77





Table 3.1 List of VIII E Class of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran ….. 33

Table 3.2 Rubric of Pre-test and Post-Test in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2... 39

Table 4.1 Observation sheet cycle I ………... 50

Table 4.2 Result of pre-test cycle I ………... 52

Table 4.3 Result of post-test cycle I ………..…… 54

Table 4.4 Result of the pre-test and post-test cycle I ………. 56

Table 4.5 Observation sheet cycle II ………. 63

Table 4.6 Result of pre-test cycle II ………... 65

Table 4.7 Result of post-test cycle II ……… 67

Table 4.8 Result of the pre-test and post-test cycle II ……….. 69

Table 4.9 Mean of the students’ score ……….. 74




This chapter contains of background of the study, statement of the problem,

the objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the problem,

definition of the key terms, hypothesis.

A. Background of the Study

English is very important to be learnt, because it is an internasional

language. In Indonesia, most students have gotten English lesson from

junior high school until university level. Based on the English curriculum,

English teaching is focuse on the language skills: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. All these four language skills are taught in an

integrated way but the emphasis of teaching that the researcher wants is

restricted to writing only. Richard in Setiasih (2015: 6) said that writing

should be taught and the teaching materials and the method must be

adjusted to the students’ objectives and needs.

In writing students need to know the way of how to write well, so

that they can produce a good composition. Lado (1964: 146) stated to

write a communication he must have something to say on some topic, have

a point of view and focus, follow accepted conventions of format and be

effective. Writing is one activity that the students do in almost of their

assignment. They can express their ideas, tell stories and give information.


complicated for students to master because it needs long process. It is

started from pre writing up to editing and it involves some kinds of writing

skills or abilities. Harmer (2004: 12) said that process writing is a way of

looking at what people do when they compose written text.

In this research the researcher tries to discuss about writing skill

that focuse on some texts that English has. We can see there are kinds of

texts that should be taught to students of the second year of Junior High

School. They are recount text, descriptive text, narrative text,

announcement, invitation. From all of the texts the researcher will focuse

on descriptive text to be discussed. Descriptive text is a text which says

what a person or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a

particular person, place or thing. Kane (2000: 352) stated that description

is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly

it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of

perception. Description aims is to stimulate the imagination to form the

picture, even the simplest kind of description.

The researcher has observed about the eighth years students of

SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran in their teaching and learning of English as

a foreign language. The researcher got the information from the English

teacher, that the eighth grade students of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran

still do not understand clearly about what the descriptive text is, how to

write it, what is the generic structure of it. Their teacher said they can


arrange the texts to become good texts as descriptive text is and still face

some grammatical error. From the data the students got the score (57)

which the minimal passing grade is (74). The students score in writing

ability still low, and it make the researcher wants to increase the score

higher than the minimal passing grade.

In Indonesia many students who do not understand and interest in

develop their skill in communicating English especially writing, like the

students of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran. From this, the researcher tries

to conduct research by using method or technique to increase the students’

ability in writing. Teachers have to prepare some technique of teaching to

help the students study and acquire writing. According to Hamzah, Nina,

Satria (2010: 32) that the function of technique is as the giver or the best

possible way for the operational executor of education. To create the

comfortable atmosphere in the class, the teachers need some technique in

order that students enjoy learning English especially writing. Teachers also

have to give students motivation in order to make the students interest in

study English writing. Now, there are some techniques used in teaching

writing, one of them is EGRA (Experience, Generalization,

Reinforcement, and Application). Applebee and Langer in Nunan (1992:

117) suggest that teachers need to scaffold for the learner.

By using an EGRA technique, the student are given opportunity to

find out the form and function of the sentence by themselves. Every stage


unconsciously learners to expose a particular structure item in use, the

objective of generalization is that learners better remember conclusion

about form and function, they make by themselves, the objective of the

reinforcement helps the learners to check or revise their generalization,

and the objective of the application uses or applies structure items learned

in the previous stage to communicate information or massages, Adrian

(1998) in Syahara (2013: 5). In this case the researcher conducted a







B. Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study the problem statements are

formulated as follow:

a. How is the implementation of EGRA technique in improving

students’ writing skill on descriptive text for the eighth grade

students of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year


b. How far is the use of EGRA technique can improve the students’

writing skill on descriptive text for the eighth grade students of


C. Objectives of the Study

In order to specify the topic, the researcher has some objectives to describe

as follow:

a. To find out that implementation of EGRA technique can improve

the students’ writing skill on descriptive text for the eighth grade

students of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year


b. To measure how far is the use of EGRA technique can improve

the students’ writing skill on descriptive text for the eighth grade

students of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year


D. Significance of the Study

The significance of the research of EGRA technique will expect to be use

as a feedback for increasing students’ ability in learning English especially

in writing of descriptive text, it will also expect to be useful for:

1. The teacher, the result of the research can be useful as an

information for English lecture to increase in teaching and

guide students on writing lesson of descriptive text in the class.

2. The students, the result of the research can use to motivate the

students in improving and increase their interest in writing

subject on descriptive text especially.

3. The result of this research can use as a feedback for knowledge


for the result of this research can bridge for the people in

learning English as the second language.

E. Limitation of the Problem

This paper will focuse on the students’ ability in make a

descriptive text of the eighth grade students of SMPIT Nurul Islam

Tengaran in academic year of 2016/2017. The researcher also will focuse

on the use of EGRA ( Experience, Generalization, Reinforcement,

Application ) technique for eighth grade student of SMPIT Nurul Islam

Tengaran in teaching writing of descriptive text.

F. Definition of Key the terms 1. Writing

Writing as a device for recording speech by means of visible

marks, and take the written language to be a point by point equivalent

of its spoken counterpart (Gelb 1969:11). Writing is a graphic

representation of a language. Picture or graphic symbol do not

constitute writing unless they form a system representing the unit of a

language so that its patterns can be grasped by the reader (Lado

1964:222). Writing is the activity or occupation of writing English

books, stories or article. (Oxford 1995:1383)

2. Description

Description is saying in word what somebody or something like


something, which the reader is like can see, hear, or feel the incident

by himself (Solahudin 2009:172).

3. Text

Text is the main written or printed part of book or page, contrasted

with notes, illustration. Text is any form of written material or written

form of a speech, a play, an article (Oxford 1995:1234).

4. Technique

Technique in addition to general preparation of a teacher, one

needs special preparation to teach a language (Lado 1969:10).


E (Experience)

Experience is the procces of gaining knowlegde or skill over a

period of time through seeing and doing things rather than through

studying (Oxford 1995:404).


Rivers (1968:77) says that generalization become more

comprehensive as the students advance in knowlegde of language and

it is able to recognize characteristics feature of the language structure.

R( Reinforcement )

According to Oxford (1995:984) is to make a structure or a


A( Application )

Application is the action or instance of putting or spreading

something onto something else.(Oxford 1995:48)

G. The outline of the thesis presentation The thesis consist of five chapters as follow:

1. Chapter I

Introduction that containts of background of the study,

statement of the problems, the objectives of the study,

significance of the study, limitation of the problem, definition of

the keyterms, hypothesis.

2. Chapter II

This chapter contains of literature review. In this chapter,

the researcher divides into: Some pertinent ideas: A. Review

previous research findings, B. Writing (definition of writing,

purpose of writing, writing process, format writing, assesing

writing) C. EGRA technique ( Experience, Generalization,

Reinforcement, Application), D. Descriptive text ( definition of

descriptive text, purpose of descriptive text, generic stucture)


3. Chapter III

This chapter contains of research methodology. This


research subject, research procedure, technique of collecting data,

research instruments, evaluation criteria, technique of analyzing


4. Chapter IV

In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of the

research, namely findings and discussion.

5. Chapter V

This chapter contains of conclusion. It is the last chapter of

ends the study and the researcher states the conclusion of the study




(This chapter contains of literature reviews. In this chapter, the researcher

divides into some pertinent ideas: A. Review the previous research finding, B.

Writing (definition of writing, purpose of writing, writing process, format writing)

C. EGRA technique (experience, generalization, reinforcement, application),

resume.) D. Descriptive text definition of descriptive text and purpose of

descriptive text, generic structure, language feature, example)

H. Review the previous research findings

Actually, this research is not the first research by using EGRA

technique and on the writing skill. Several research that have observed

about EGRA and students’ writing skill. The research that will support this

research were written by Heri (2010), Ratna, Rita, Hasyim (2016), Ikhsan

Susilo (2015) and Hapsari (2015). This research and their research have

similar technique and object research, their research also focuse in

improving students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

Heri ( 2010 ) conducted the research on Teaching Recount Text to

Improve the Writing Ability of the Second Year Students of MTs Ma’had

Ponpes DDI Pangkajene through EGRA Technique. In his research, most of students’ achievement at writing recount text was categorized very

poor. Andthis figures out that students had better ability at writing recount


technique had a significant difference from their achievement before the

application of EGRAtechnique.

Ratna, Rita, Hasyim (2016) conducted the research on” Teaching

Passive Voice to The Grade X through EGRA Technique”. The objective

of this research was to prove that the use EGRA technique was effective in

teaching passive voice to Grade X of SMA Negeri 5 Palu. The researcher

used quasi experimental research. The research samples were XMIPA1

which consisted of 27 students and XMIPA3 which consisted of 28

students. XMIPA1 was the experimental group and XMIPA3 was the

control one. The experimental group was given treatment, while the

control group was not. Based on the result, the researcher concludes that

EGRA gives significant difference in teaching passive voice. In other

words, the use of EGRA techniqueis effective in teaching passive voice to

Grade X of SMA Negeri 5 Palu


Ikhsan Susilo (2015) conducted the research on The effectiveness

of using realia to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text

(an experimental study of SMA Saraswati Salatiga in twelfth grade in the

academic year of 2014/2015). Because his research was an experimental

study, he used two classes to did a research. The XII MMA class was

became an experimental group and XII MMB class was became a control

group. In his research, the experimental group who were taught by using

realia media had a high score, and the score is 8.74, for control group who


4.27. The researcher concludes that realia media could improve the

students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

The next research that will support this research was written by

Siska Hapsari (2015). Her research has similar object research, that was

improving writing skill on descriptive text. Siska Hapsari (2015)

conducted the research on The use of fortune cookies game to improve

students’ writing skill on descriptive text ( A classroom action research of

the tenth year students of man salatiga in the academic year of

2014/2015). In her research, the implementation of Fortune Cookies

gamein writing skill of the tenth year students of MAN Salatiga runs well.

The students could receive and applied Fortune Cookies game in their

writing process. Although in the first meeting they still confused, in the

next meeting they can enjoy the writing lesson with this game. In addition,

the student not only succesfully improving their writing skill but also they

are succesfully build their self confidence.

Based on the explanation above the differences of this research and

the previews research finding was on object research, technique, procedure

and population of the research. Heri (2010) used EGRA technique to

improve a writing skill on recount text and Ratna, Rita, Hasyim (2016)

used EGRA to teach passive voice. This research and the research of Heri,

Ratna, Rita, Hasyim used a similar technique but different focus of the


with this research on the focus of research which is writing skill on

descriptive text.

Based on the findings above, the researcher concluded that the

students need many exercises to improve their English skill especially

writing. In this case the teachers are expected to give some tasks about

writing lesson. Concerning with that, this research tried the use EGRA

technique to teach descriptive text to improve writing ability. In this

research, the researcher only used one class: experimental class. So, the

difference between their research and this research was on the subject of

research. They use two classes as their subject. Which, one class becomes

an experimental class and the other class becomes a control class. And this

research only use one class as an experimental class.

A. Writing

1. Definition of writing

According to Gelb (1969: 11) writing is expressing meanings and

notions loosely connected with speech. Long and Richard in Setiasih

(2015: 4) stated that writing is a process through which meaning is

created. The act of writing generates ideas and is a way to explore

one’s feelings and thoughts. Hammer (2004: 3) said that writing has

been seen as a desirable skill for whole population.

Phillips (2008: 57) stated that writing is much more then the


creative, spelling, grammar, punctuation, choice of appropriate words,

sentence lingking, and text construction. Like Hammer (2004: 44) said

that writing, like any other skill, has its ‘mechanical’ components.

Pincas (1987: IV) expressed that writing enables the human being to

communicate and express their feeling and opinions, writing is a

means of both communication and self expression.

2. Purpose of writing

Effective writers usually have a purpose in mind and construct

their writing with a view to achieving that purpose. Hammer (2004:

39) stated that the most effective learning of writing skills is likely to

take place when students are writing real messages for real audiences,

or at least when they are performing tasks which they are likely to have

to do in their out- of- class life. Meyer (1992) in Hapsari (2015: )

categorizes the purpose of writing into three categories, to persuade, to

inform, and to entertain.

a. To inform

The writer generally explains or describes an idea, a process, an

even, a belief, a person, a place or thing to give information.

The writer also gives the facts and explains its causes.

b. To Persuade

A writer tries to change the audience or behave differently. In


c. To Entertain

The writer gives some efforts to make the reader laughed,

smiled, fascinated, surprised or even angry.

Based on the purposes that stated by Meyer above, the

researcher concluded if the writing that we make should inform

something to its readers. In addition, the writing is hoped that it can

influence the reader’s mind. In this case, it can inform them about


3. Writing process

Setiasih (2015: 46) said that wrote an essay is a process. It means

that in making a good writing there are stages that must be passed a

writer. Harmer (2004: 4) stated that there are 4 elements in writing

process: planning, drafting, editing, and final version.

a. Planning

According to Harmer (2004: 4), before starting to write or

type, try and decide something that going to say. When planning,

writers have to think about three main issues that consist of the

purpose of the writing, the audience they are writing for, the

content structure of the writing.

b. Drafting

Harmer (2004: 5) said that the first version of a piece of


assumption that it will be amended later. According to Setiasih

(2015: ), strategies that can be used to draft the writing, such as

mapping thoughts, conferencing, writing off lead, free writing,

self-reflecting and self-questioning. One dimension of good writing

is the writer’s ability to visualize an audience. Although writing in

the classroom is most always for the teacher, the students may also

be encouraged to write for different audiences, among whom are

peers, other classmates, friend and family members.

c. Editing ( Reflecting and Revising)

Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers

(or editor) who comment and make suggestion. Another readers’

reaction to a piece of writing will help the author to make

appropriate revision (Harmer, 2004: 5). Editing could refer to

ideas, organizational writing, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and

manner of writing in English. Editors can give any comments or

suggestions for repair.

At this stage, students are engaged in tidying up their texts

as they prepare the final draft for evaluation by the teacher. They

edit their own or their peer’s work for grammar, spelling,

punctuation, diction, sentence structure and accuracy of supportive

textual material such as quotations, examples and the like. When

students revise, they review their texts on the basis of the feedback


the students working in pairs to read aloud each other’s draft before

they revise. As students listen intently to their own writing, they

are brought to a more conscious level of rethinking and resending

what they have written. Meanings which are vague become more

apparent when the writers actually hear their own text read out to


d. Final version

Writers have edited their draft, making the changes they

consider to be necessary, they produce their final version. This may

look considerably different from both the original plan and the first

draft, because things have change in the editing process (Harmer,

2004: 5). Brown (1994: 335) states that several strategies and

skills applied to the drafting or revising process in writing, they

include the following activities:

1) Getting started (adapting the free writing technique).

2) Optional monitoring of one’s writing (without

premature editing and diverted attention to wording,

grammar, etc).

3) Peer editing (accepting/ using classmate comments).

4) Using the instructor’s feedback.

5) Reading aloud technique in small groups or pair.


Based on the explanation, the researcher concludes that we need

all elements of writing process to make a good writing form. The

students do planning, drafting, editing, final version when they

compose some text.

4. Format writing

Gower, Philips, and Walters (1995) in Hapsari (2015: 15) state that

writing involves many different aspects. It is useful to look at them

under these headings:

a. Handwriting

This maybe is a problem for students who are not familiar with

Roman script.

b. Spelling

Speakers of languages are consistent where the spelling and


c. Punctuation

The conventions of English capital letters and punctuation are not

universal and might have to be taught.

d. Sentence Construction

The construction of sentences that is grammatically correct, using


e. Organizing A Text and Paragraphing

Divide the information into paragraph. Knowing when start a new

paragraph. Ordering the paragraph to present a logical argument,

tell a story, etc.

f. Style

Using language that appropriate the formality and style of the text.

Based on the explanations, the researcher concludes that writing is a

process of making good sentences in paragraph. Writing has 4 elements

in it process such as, planning, drafting, editing, final version. To write

some paragraph the writer must has its mechanical involve, being

creative, spelling, grammar, punctuation, choice of appropriate words,

sentence linking, and text construction.

5. Scoring method of writing

According to Hapsari (2015: 21) that there are three major

approaches to scoring writing performance that commonly used by test

designer: holistic, primary trait, and analytical. Holistic method is a

single score to assign an essay, which represents a reader’s general

overall assessment. Primary trait scoring is a variation of the holistic

method in that the achievement of the primary purpose or trait of an

essay is only factor rated. The last in analytical scoring, breaks a test

taker’s written text down into a number of subcategories (organization,

grammar, content, idea, vocabulary, etc) Brown (2004: 243). The


Analytic scoring may be more appropriately called analytic

assessment in order to capture its closer with classroom language

instruction than with formal testing. Brown and bailey (1984) in

Brown (2004: 243) designed an analytic scoring scale that specified in

five major categories and a description of five different levels

category, ranging from ‘unacceptable’ to ‘excellent’.

B. EGRA technique

1. Definition of Technique

In oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English

states that technique is method of doing something expertly. Richards

(1968:15) states that technique is implementation that which actually

take place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or

contrivance used to accomplishing an immediate objective. Further,

Brown (1994: 51) says that technique is any of a wide variety of

exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for

realizing lesson objectives.

Based on the explanation, the researcher conducted the EGRA as

the technique to teach English writing. The researcher wants that the

students become more active in the class when they learned by using


2. Definition of EGRA Technique

According to Marpudin (2008) EGRA stands for E, which is

experience; G is generalization; R is reinforcement, and A is

application. The following is the brief explanation each stage of EGRA


a. Experience

Experience is a learning stage where students are

subconsciously expose to the meaningful use of particular

structure item by using picture, game, or video. This learning

experience makes the students more active from the beginning of

the teaching process where they will come into a great discovery.

According to Harmer (1991: 114) such experiences give us points

of common reference to talk about and can be used as reason to

bond with each other. It is an ideal way of showing the material in

picture, audio or video.

b. Generalization

In this stage the students are led through tasks in a group to

discover form, meaning and function of a structure they have been

exposed to. The rational for the generalization is the learner better

remember conclusion about the form and function(s) they make

for themselves. Krashen (1982: 66) said good teacher also take

advantage of the students’ knowledge of the world in helping


Harmer (1991: 124) said where they have been discussing an issue

or predicting the content of a writing text, we will encourage them

to talk the conclusion with us. By comparing different solutions,

ideas, and problems, everyone gets a greater understanding of the

topic. The generalization is the central of EGRA technique where

students are expected to make a discovery of language structure.

c. Reinforcement

Reinforcement is a learning stage where students are

provided with correct and conscious knowledge of the form, and

functions of the structure item that they have been exposed to. The

objective of this stage is to help learners to check or revise their

generalization that students should have corrected and

consciousness of the form and function of a certain structure item.

Harmer (1991: 109) stated when students do workbook based on

controlled testing activities, we will mark their efforts right or

wrong, possibly penciling in the correct answer for them to study.

However, when we give a feedback on more creative writing we

will approach the task.

d. Application

Application is learning stage where students individually

are given opportunities to use or apply the structure item that they

have learned in communication either receptively or productively.


(students) to complete worksheet or writing task by themselves


According to Helena (2004) in Afriani (2014: 2) that EGRA

technique is an effective way to create lively interaction among the

students, EGRA technique will make students active. EGRA has a

particular objective. Adrian (1998) in Syahara (2013: 5) said that the

objective of the experience unconsciously learners to expose a

particular structure item in use, the objective of generalization is that

learners better remember conclusion about form and function, they

make by themselves, the objective of the reinforcement helps the

learners to check or revise their generalization, and the objective of the

application uses or applies structure items learned in the previous stage

to communicate information or massages.

Based on the explanation of EGRA above, the researcher thinks

that every step of EGRA which stands for Experience, Generalization,

Reinforcement, and Application will lead the students to be better at

writing skill.

3. Concept of EGRA technique According to Afriani (2014: 6)

a. Experience: The teacher tries to stimulate the student’s interest in


such us pictures, living object of things which are related to the


b. Generalization: The teacher expects the students to have a special interest in the lesson and then gives a short explanation. The

teacher expects his/her students to master the materials by giving

some drill or task.

c. Reinforcement: The teacher intends to check the students

understanding. The students are expected to master the pattern. The

drill and the task given must reinforce the material.

d. Application: The students must to apply the pattern of the

material in real situations. By doing this activity the students will

feel free to do what they want.

4. Procedure of EGRA technique

According to Marpudin (2008)

a. Experience phase

The teacher gives the students leading question of the

material that will be taught, include: picture show, brain storming,

give key word.

In this section, the teacher should try to lead the students

unconsciously about the material that will be taught by the teacher.

All activities undertaken by the teacher in experience phase (oral


Experience: The structure is presented to the students before they

learn the form of its rules. Example: the students read a dialogue a

text that inside it, there are some examples of its structure.

b. Generalization phase

1) The teacher asks students to make groups consists of 4/5


2) The teacher gives the task like discourses, questions, quiz

which in essence that lead the students to find the functions and

forms of sentence structure that will be taught.

3) The teacher asks the students to discuss the answers in groups.

4) The students discuss the answers in class guided by the teacher.

5) The teacher writes the answers of the students on the


6) The teacher gave praise to the students for their hard work in

answering questions.

7) The teacher gives examples of the correct pronunciation of the

students' answers on the whiteboard.

Generalization: The students cooperate to find its rules or the

usage of its rule, teacher must help and guide them in this step.

Example: the students are asked to make generalization about the

form of text or must fill the table with the relevant structure or


Note: in this section the teacher does not need correcting students'

answers, let their creativity freely to express their ideas.

c. Reinforcement phase

1) The teacher discusses again the students’ answers on the


2) The teacher provides an explanation as strengthening of the

function and form of language structure is being taught


3) The teacher gives some examples of sentences as a model.

4) The teacher does repetition over and over again about the

pronunciation of sentences correctly.

5) The teacher provides reinforcement in the form of tasks or

questions for the students do.

6) The teacher asks the students work in pairs.

7) The teacher asks the students to discuss the answers with their


8) The students discuss their answers classically led by the


Reinforcement: The students do the controlled exercise that must

them use the structure. Example: the students are asked to

describe a picture and arrange the irregular sentences.

d. Application phase


2) The teacher gives the students the task card that contains the

Situation / Case.

3) The students are required to make their own answers to respond

the situations / cases provided.

4) The teacher gives the students homework to discuss in the

future learning.

Application: The students must use structure itself, at least or not is

helped by teacher. Example: write a story by having a

conversation, giving a demonstration on the map or describe a


Based on the explanation of the procedure of EGRA, the

researcher concluded that every step of EGRA was gave a detail

activity for what the teacher and the students had do from the

beginning of the learning process until the end. So the learning

process could run as well as we want.

C. Descriptive text

6. Definition and purpose of descriptive text

According to Hartmann and Blass (1999: 63), descriptive text says

what a person, animal or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and

reveal a particular person, place or thing. Setiasih (2015: 25) said

descriptive gives the information to the other person what an object is


7. Generic structures

According to Setiasih (2015: 25), the generic structures of descriptive

text are:

a. Identification

Identifies phenomenon to be described

b. Description

Describe part, qualities, characteristics.

8. Language feature

The language feature of descriptive text:

a. Using simple present tense (S + V1 + O)

b. Using have, has, had to give detail description of the objects


c. Using adjectives that describe, numbering, and classifying the

topic. Example: sharp nose, long hair, two beautiful eyes.

d. Using relating verb to give the information about the subject.

Example: my mom is really cool, it has very thick fur.

e. Using thinking verb like believe, think, and feeling verb like feel,

to reveal the writer perspective about the subject. Example: I think

he is a diligent boy.

f. Using adverb to added more information about the characteristic


9. Example of descriptive text

Borobudur Temple


Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.





(This chapter contains of research methodology. This chapter deals with

the types of research, place and time of research, research subject, research

procedure, technique of collecting data, research instruments, evaluation criteria,

technique of analyzing data.)

A. Type of research

This research is using CAR (Classroom Action Research). CAR is

described as an informal research, qualitative, formative, subjective,

interpretive, reflective, and a model of research experience, where all

individuals involved in the study as participants who know and support

(Hopkin in Emzir, 2010: 233). CAR is a form of self-reflective inquiry

undertaken by participant in a social (including educational) situation in

order to improve the rationality and justice of: (1) their own social or

educational practice, (2) their understanding of these practices, and (3)

the situation in which practices are carried out (Hopkin in Basrowi,

2008: 27).

According to Arikunto (2008: 2), classroom action research was

formed from three words, they are:

a. Research: an action to get details from an object using certain


increasing the quality of something that attract the researcher

interest and improtant for him/her.

b. Action: an activity that intentionally done in certain aim, that

has a form of cycle sequence activity to students.

c. Class: a group of students in the same time and have the same

lesson from their teacher.

By those definitions, it can be concluded that classroom action

research is a series of group activity that carry out by the teacher in

the classroom to improve the teaching learning process.

B. Setting of the Research

This research was held in SMPIT Nurul islam Tengaran which is

located in Jl. Raya Salatiga – Solo Km08, Kaligandu, RT 11/03,

Tengaran a month which the researcher entered the class eight times.

The research began from January 9th 2017 up to February 6th 2017.

Before doing the research, the researcher prepares the instrument that

used to measure the students improvement when using EGRA

technique in writing process.

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research consist of the students and the teacher.

The researcher take VIII E class that consist of 30 students where all of

students is females. Actually, they have a good understanding about


Table 3.1

List of VIII E class of SMPIT Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2016/2017
































D. Procedure of the Research

This research used a classroom action research that consist of two

cycles because the researcher wants to know the students improvement


According to Arikunto (2010: 138), each cycle consist of:

1. Planning

In this stage the researcher made a plan. Firts, observing the


facilities, the method of learning that use in the class of SMPIT

Nurul Islam Tengaran. Then, make a purpose of learning based on

theobservation and prepare the lesson plan.

2. Acting

Action is the implementation of the planning in the class. In

this stage the researcher must follow the program in the planning (

Arikunto, 2010: 139). In this section, the researcher held several

activities that had planned. The researcher did a pre-test and the

result compared with the post-test.

The researcher presents the action in the following:

a. Giving a pre-test.

1) The question of pre-test related with the material that is

about descriptive text.

2) Doing pre-test in cycle 1 and cycle 2.

b. Teaching writing descriptive text by using EGRA technique.

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


d. Giving post-test.

1) The question of post-test are about the material that had

taught to the students.


3. Observing

Arikunto (2010: 139) says when the researchers take the

class, she/he will need colleague to observe and analyze the

condition of the class and the student. The tool that used by

researcher here is the test. While, to get the data about students’

responses during learning process.

4. Reflecting

Arikunto (2010: 140) states that researcher and observer

discuss the result of learning process. It consists of analyzing the

action and doing intervention, clarification how the researcher

doing the research as the teacher, also the condition of the class and

the students. It is to find the weakness and the advantages of the

teachnique, then find out the appropriate solution.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher presented the technique of collecting data as follow:


According to Arikunto (2010: 226), to measure and analyze

the subject use a test. It is used to measure the basic competence

and achievement. The type of achievement test that use in school

is test make by the teacher.


Observe is look at an occurrence, movement and process.


interests and tendencies they have. In observation, the most

effective way complete the observation format or form as the

instrument. The arranged form consists of items about occurrences

or behaviors that drawn happened (Arikunto, 2010: 272).


Arinkunto (2010: 274) states that documentation methods is

an activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspapers, magazines, etc. This method is not difficult since if

there is an error the source data will still not change. With this

researcher took the documentation during the research to get a

valid data.

F. Instrument of the Research

Instruments of research that have to prepare by the researcher are:

1. Test

In this research, researcher uses a test to collecting data.

The test made by the teacher itself. In this case, the researcher

used a pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is a test given before some

treatment begin. Post-test is a test given at the end of some

treatment period.

2. Observation

In this stage, researcher used field note and transcribing


3. Documentation

In this research, the researcher used media to record and

take some photo of the students’ activities in the class in order

to get a valid data. The media that used by the researcher is


G. Evaluation Criteria

The researcher conducted the action research of teaching writing

using EGRA technique at eighth grade students of SMPIT Nurul islam

Tengaran in the Academic Year 2016/2017. In analyzing the data, the

researcher used quantitative approach. While quantitative approaches

summarize data using numbers.

In this study, the researcher used rubric as the tool grading. According to

Brown (2004: 243) the aspect of scoring are organization, grammar,

content, vocabulary, mechanic.

To find the students’ score, the researcher used the rubric as follow:

Rubric of pre-test and post-test (cycle 1& cycle 2)

Point Description



5 The descriptive text gives paragraph unity (topic, state good topic sentence,

supporting sentence, concluding sentence) and coherence (relationship among


4 The descriptive text give paragraph unity (topic, state good topic sentence) but

one of the criteria is weak.

3 The descriptive text give paragraph unity (topic, state topic sentence,

conclusion of topic sentence) but some criteria above are weak

2 The descriptive text give paragraph unity (topic, state topic sentence) but most

criteria above are weak

1 The descriptive text still give topic but all criteria are weak



5 The descriptive text is coherence and the coherences are correct. The text is

using chronological order. The descriptive text repeat key words.

4 The descriptive text is coherence and the coherences are correct. The text using

chronological order

3 The descriptive text is coherence and some criteria are appropriate enough

2 The descriptive text is coherence but the coherences among sentences are weak

1 The descriptive text is not coherence


5 Use present tense correctly, use relational verb and adjective words correctly

4 Use present tense, use relational verb but do not use adjective words correctly

3 Make errors of tenses, use relational words and use adjective words

2 Make errors of tenses, do not use relational verbs correctly, and use adjective


1 Make errors of tenses, relational verbs and adjective words


5 All or almost all of the descriptive text words are use effectively

4 Use many descriptive words effectively

3 Use some descriptive words

2 There are some mistakes in using descriptive words

1 Do not use the descriptive words correctly


5 The descriptive text uses correct punctuation, spelling and capitalization. It

fulfill all criteria

4 The descriptive text uses correct punctuation, spelling but fairly capitalization

but one of the criteria is weak

3 The descriptive text punctuation uses fairly punctuation but loosely correct

spelling and capitalization. Some criteria are weak

2 The descriptive text uses fairly punctuation but inadequate correct spelling and

capitalization. Most criteria are weak

1 The descriptive texts do not use correct punctuation, spelling and


For the correct answer

NAME Developing




Grammar vocabulary Mechanic

Student A 5 5 5 5 5

H. Technique of Analyzing Data

This technique is used to know the students’ score of writing in

each cycle. The formula according to Hadi (1981: 246)

1. Mean

Mean is sum of all students score and divide it with total of

individual. The function of the formula is to find the average from raw




M : Mean of students’ score

X : The sum of students’ score

N : The total number of students

2. SD (Standard Deviation)

The function of the formula is to solve standard deviation

calculation from the data that arranged into distribution table

𝑆𝐷 = √∑ 𝐷


𝑁 − ( ∑ 𝐷

𝑁 )



SD : Deviation standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

3. T-test

To know whether there is a significant improvement or not

between pre-test and post-test, researcher using t-test after

calculate the SD. Because the total of the students is 30, the

researcher using t-table = 2,04 as the result of the significant 5%

with the df = 29.


𝑡𝑜 =

(∑𝐷𝑁 )

( 𝑆𝐷

√𝑁 − 1)


to : T-test for the differences of pre-test and pos-test

SD : Deviation standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

I. Technique of Deciding a Minimum Passing Grade (KKM)

Mastery learning is an achievement level of minimum mastery that

specified by teachers in the learning objectives of each unit of lessons.

The size of the achievement of a minimum value known as the KKM

(Minimum Passing Grade).

1. Factors in calculation of KKM

According to Dina Revina (2015) she established three criteria in

determining KKM components, namely:

a. Degree of complexity

The difficulty of each indicator, basic competencies and

competency standards to be achieved by the learners.

b. Carrying capacity

The ability of supporting resources in organizing learning of each


c. The level of average ability (intake) of the respective school


The average skill level of students in the school.

2. Interpretation steps of the criteria in KKM to a number value:

a. Calculation based on points of values

b. Calculation based on ranges of values

Based on the explanation, the researcher decided the calculation of

KKM (minimum passing grade) based on ranges of values. The

explanation as follow:

The students’ complexity are medium (65), the students’ carrying

capacity are medium (70), the students’ intake are medium (73) also,

then the calculation is:

- 65+70+73x100= 7.435

- 7.435:100= 74,35

- 74




In this chapter, the writer discussed about data analysis that had been

collected. The researcher gave the details of findings, it shows the finding of the

data since the beginning until the end of the research. This research is applied on

two cycles.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher acted as the teacher while the learning process

was observed by her partner, Lutfi Alawiyah. The researcher held the research

on two cycles, because when the first cycle was failed the researcher tried in

the second cycle. Each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing and

reflecting. The whole steps of this research were explained in the description


1. Cycle 1

a. The implementation of EGRA Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

1) Planning

In this stage, the researcher prepared the research instrument, there


a) Lesson plan: this instrument helps the researcher to guide and


b) Lesson Material: the researcher used the formal text book and

the text from internet.

c) Teaching method: the researcher used EGRA technique as a

method of teaching.

d) Test: the test was includes pre-test and pot-test. Pre-test was a

test given to the students before some treatment begin.

Pos-test was a Pos-test given to the students after some treatment by

using the researcher technique.

2) Acting

The learning process of cycle 1 was done on Thursday, January

19th 2017. The researcher who became a teacher entered the class

with her partner who observed the learning process. The class was

started by greeting from the teacher to the students, praying

together and introducing the researcher herself. Then, the teacher

told to the student about the activities to be implemented.

First meeting, the teacher says greeting to the students and ask

about their condition. So, she introduce herself in front of students

to make a good connection between teacher and students

The first pre-test given by the teacher was making descriptive

paragraph about the beach. Teacher shared the worksheet to the

students and let them begun to create some paragraph. The teacher

went around the class to check the students’ work and help the


vocabularies. After finished the time, the teacher told the students

to collect their worksheet.

The next activity was giving some treatment with explanation

about the material by the teacher. When the teacher explained the

material, there were students who listened and paid attention, but

still there were some students who didn’t paid attention and

listened well. The students still field confuse because of the

technique of teaching was new for them. But, after the times they

can followed it well and enthusiastically.

The technique that implemented by teacher on teaching was

EGRA technique. There were four steps on EGRA Technique that

the teacher had to do. First step, the teacher gave some picture to

the students and told them to gave one word for the picture. There

were some students who up their hands to gave one word for the

picture. In first step, the teacher tried to guide the students to the

main topic by using picture.

Second step, the teacher ordered the students to make groups

between them, each group consist of 5-6 persons. Then, the student

did what the teacher ordered and they exactly gather with their

group. The teacher gave each group some descriptive texts, and the

students had to identify the identification, description and the

function of the text. After finished, every one student of group


praise for their answer. In second steps, the teacher allowed the

students to do their jobs as creative as possible, and they can

poured what in their main.

Third step, the teacher gave some explanation about what

descriptive text is? She explained about the definition, generic

structures, language features and the function of descriptive text.

The students listened and paid attention to the teacher explanation,

and allowed to ask if they did not understand with the explanation.

Then, the teacher gave some drill to the students to know their

understanding, and corrected it together with the students.

Four steps, the students write some descriptive text based on

the topic that given by the teacher, they did individually. The

teacher around between students to check their works and helped

their difficulties. Then, they collected their worksheet to the

teacher. The teacher gave the feedback to the students.

After the activity ended, the students back to their own seat.

This activity was expected would be able to increase the students’

skill in writing. They could understand well about descriptive text.

After some treatments, teacher gave post-test to the students. The

teacher shared the worksheet of post-test and student did their

works. The teacher checked the students’ work and helped for


Table 3.1
Table 4.1
Table 4.2 Result of pre test cycle 1
Table 4.3


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